maandag 29 september 2008

September 29, 2008

My God! If it weren’t for the obnoxious bloggers, the American people would never know one end from the other. The Internet is a wonderful source of information but it is also the playground for an enormous army of the loud of mouth and the tiny of brain.
What seems to be causing a feeding frenzy now is the appalling Sarah Palin and most especially her idiotic and devastating Couric interview. There is genuine panic in the upper ranks of Republicans over the choice of Sarah as McCain’s vice president.
I have never met her, nor would I want to, but I have been speaking with people who do know her and believe me, they are shocked and frightened lest the voters learn more of her distasteful persona and activities. In the first place, she may be clever but she is stupid beyond belief in areas in which a vice president must be knowledgeable. She knows absolutely nothing about economics, foreign policy, domestic and foreign diplomacy and her idiotic chatterings are beyond belief.
Sarah is being kept away, often by force, from any correspondent or television interviewer lest she utterly destroy McCain’s chances at the Oval Office. Sarah virtually pushed McCain away from the podium once and announced the ‘Palin/McCain ticket’ in her cheerleader squall. As more and more about Sarah Palin’s background comes out, the GOP leadership is now seriously considering the ways to boot her off the ticket and replace her with someone else that won’t do to McCain’s campaign what the iceberg did to the Titanic.
My annoyance with the bloggers is that they have wild methane moments over Sarah but the truth is even more devastating that their windbreaking.
Sarah is a fanatic evangelical Christian. Sarah believes in, and practices, ‘talking in tongues’. Sarah’s pastor believes in witches and screams about them from the stage of his church on a regular basis. Sarah is vindictive to a degree and certainly far from honest. Her children are so gross that, like their mother, they are shoved into figurative closets and locked in, lest the media discover them.
The thought that when, not if, an increasingly disordered McCain had to step down from the Presidency (on the somewhat remote chance he was elected to it in the first place) and turned Sarah loose on the United States and the world is enough to terrify anyone, Republican or Democrat, into wetting themselves.
And as if that isn’t bad enough, now we are beginning to learn that the Georgian attack on the Russians was known well in advance by Washington and quietly approved, (and in the case of Bush, instigated) by both the President and the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State and a busload of top general officers, both in the Pentagon and in EUCOM.
Far from Bush’s sandbox dream of one-upping Putin, it was Putin who one-upped Bush, humiliated him, ruined America’s reputation world wide and showed up the once feared NATO as a very fragile paper tige,r standing forlorn and sagging in a monsoon.
In the midst of life, children, we are crotch-deep in peanut butter. At least it looks like peanut butter but it doesn’t really smell like peanut butter.

vrijdag 26 september 2008

September 26, 2008

After 9/11, George Bush decided to put some hair on his sunken chest and fight a nice big war. The oil people and the Neocons whispered into his hairy ears that he could invade Iraq, save Precious Israel from an enemy and get all kinds of oil for the both of them. George is a nasty piece of work and as crooked as they come so he jammed an Imperial War Decree through a terrified Congress with ease. Now, with other friends of his, the crooked slimeball bankers, in danger of imminent meltdown due to their thievery, George has tried to jam another Imperial Decree through Congress. This one would give him huge amounts of money, unsupervised as to use, and make the docile American people eat the bill. This time a thoroughly discredited Bush has failed in his efforts on behalf of his friends and the American public has become aroused and infuriated to the point where another terrified Congress is refusing to heed the thoroughly discredited Bush. What will eventually happen, no one knows, but we now see that the Bush/Rove Might Republican Machine has run out of gas by the side of the highway and its crew of rodents are fleeing into the nearby woods for protection.

And may I give you several pieces of what I consider sound advice? First, if you have any extra money in one of the bigger banks, take it out and put it in a shoe box in your closet. If these banks start to collapse suddenly, which they are very likely to do, even the Government can’t supply them and their branches with enough paper to cover deposits. The second thought is to take some extra money, assuming you have any, and buy gold with it. Get this from a reputable coin dealer and buy older European gold coins like British Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns, French or Swiss francs. Keep away from weird gold from small countries…very hard to sell if you need to….and never, never buy gold and let some big company help you out by insisting they will store it in their “safe vaults.” Hah! And off to Aruba with them for sun and fun and their loot into Lichtenstein banks. Keep the money where you can get at it. Banks can no longer be trusted as we have found out the hard way.

zaterdag 20 september 2008

September 20, 2008

Putin’s total humiliation of his enemy, Georgian President Saakashvili, George Bush and the Israel government and military, .in the brief but deadly war in Georgia that was instigated by Saakashvili ,has caused a wave of fear in Kiev. The Ukraine, an American satellite, knows that Putin has his eye on their country and has proven that he can seize it at any time, un-hindered by a useless NATO. Their diplomatic representatives have been engaging in frantic and panic-stricken phone calls, emails and personal visits to key Americans such as Bush, Cheney, McCain (whose chief foreign affairs specialist is a neo-con and a paid agent for Georgia) and members of the U.S. military. The Ukraine is terrified that if Putin institutes some kind of an Anschluss , NATO can, and will, do nothing to counter it , and that Washington will quickly abandon them as they did Georgia last month and today, there was news that the Crimean parliament has asked Kiev to recognize Georgia’s breakaway provinces . The Crimea, which is peopled with ethnic Russians, is home to the Sebastopol naval base, used by Russia. Our people view this area as the most likely flash point for future problems.

The United States has very clearly abandoned one ally, Georgia, and is now attacking a second, Pakistan. Georgia was intended to serve as an American showcase for its brand of democracy, a democracy mirroring the wishes of Washington, as well as acting for a probable base to attack Iran, and Pakistan was to assist our military in attacking the Afgahnistani Taliban. Now that our man, General Musharrif, has fallen from power to be replaced with a weak and vacillating government that is terrified of the Taliban and also strongly anti-American, the Bush people, goaded by a frightened India, are considering immediate military strikes, with U.S. Special Forces, deep into the territory of their former ally in order to secure Pakistan’s nuclear weaponry.

And a comment about the “rescue of the collapsing credit market” by the Bush people: In essence, Secretary Paulson wants to set up a Federal agency which will scoop up billions of dollars of bad debt the greedy banks ‘suddenly’ found themselves stuck with. This financial fraud will be dumped onto the American taxpayer and is privately estimated to exceed 6 trillion dollars. The banks involved, who were criminally responsible for this situation, get off with a Pass Free card and can get their golden parachutes, or the golden shower if they want it.And when the banking community realized that this payoff might actually happen, they lined up in groups of fifty with outstretched hands for their friends to press money into. Also, Paulson and McCain are going to insure all investors in U.S. money-market funds which will cost our taxpayers many more hundreds of millions. And as to the ‘fiscal fix,’ recall the words of Patrick Henry. ‘Trust it not sir, it shall prove a snare and a delusion.’

Smile, children, and swallow.

woensdag 17 september 2008

September 17, 2008

The terrible pending financial collapse is being frantically addressed by terrified members of Congress and the President, mainly because most of them are deeply in the pockets of the Wall Street types and also because a serious recession at this time is unthinkable because of the pending presidential elections.

Their solemn statements at ad hoc press conferences ( seen on all the major networks) will certainly be reflected in the media with cries of joy and exaltation “Joy! The Crisis is over! Stocks soar on News Of Assistance!” will echo throughout the land.

This will result in a brief flurry of upwards activity on the market but in the end, the damage is so severe that the collapse will continue its inexorable slide downwards to mass destruction (The American media is not independent. For example, the once-respectable Chicago Tribune is now owned by a big real estate tycoon who is highly unlikely to publish devastating comments about the collapsing real estate market.)

The Dow rose more than 400 points. Gold was up $46 at the close of the day. The dollar is falling...oil is holding steady. Our Congressmen now are going to ban short selling of financial stocks. The SEC issued an emergency edict prohibiting “abusive” short selling.

The pre-election saviors have solemnly announced a program of coordinated intervention...with $250 billion to be made immediately available to the financial industry to cover its bad debts, and with a future direct cost to American taxpayers of half a trillion dollars!

Bush and his right wing Republicans are directly and personally responsible for the deliberate removal of stock market and financial institution safeguards, put in place decades ago by Congress specifically to prevent what is now happening.

None of this activity was by accident but it was, has been and is now in progress because it is the stated Republican policy to stop any government control over American capitalism. Capitalism, if left uncontrolled, has a distinct propensity to large surges and even large collapses as any student of American business can attest.

Finally, after the terrible 1929-1938 disaster, Congress installed regulations to prevent these surges and collapses but Wall Street, which connived at Bush’s fake election in 2000, wanted to benefit from the surges and so this corrupt administration has eagerly rushed to comply.

Now, we see the fruits of their labors.

The American housing market has collapsed and the collapse is still in progress.

We see that many Americans, who have good credit and pay their mortgage bills on time, are in a terrible situation. As long as they keep their homes, all is well and good but if and when they want to sell them, then there is trouble.

The collapse of the American housing market means that while a homeowner may have a mortgage on a house once worth $200,000, this house now only can be sold for $125,000.That means that if the house is sold, the bank, holder of the mortgage, is now owed $75,000.

The banks are not going to walk away from so much money, so either the homeowner stands pat and continues to pay his mortgage, he signs an interest-bearing note for the $75,000 for the bank or he walks away from the house, has his credit ruined and leaves the mortgage holder to eat the house and the mortgage.

I ought to advise those of you being forced into foreclosure of an interesting situation.

The person who owns the house can be forced into foreclosure but in court, they have the right to confront the mortgage holder.

Let me tell you all something: Given all the slicing and dicing and resales the criminally greedy banks and lending agencies indulged in, at this point, no one in any lending institution knows who holds the actual mortgage and, believe this, they can never find them.

Just a little gift from me to you.

Tell your lawyer this and watch the other side twist and squirm! And not bring the holder into court as they must.

Be sure to remember who is to blame for your hiked up credit card payments and other delightful things come November next.

zondag 14 september 2008

September 14, 2008

While the American media is having a shit fit over the crazy Palin woman, serious trouble is slowly building down in Georgia. The Bush people are horrified at the way the Georgia invasion worked out finally. The incursion was surely known to senior U.S. military commanders, both in the field and at EUCOM command. There is no question about this. The generals knew that Bush detested Putin and was determined, at any cost, to “do something” to Tehran before he left office. The Israelis, who are yapping at him as often as they can, convinced Curious George that they could attack from Georgian airfields and the U.S. would be “off the hook” as it were. Bush loved the idea but the entire matter got completely out of hand. The nutty Georgian president launched an attack that brought down swift and terrible Russian response. That response totally wrecked the Bush Russia- encirclement plan, showed the U.S. up as an unreliable ally and more, it showed that both the U.S. and NATO were completely powerless against Putin. The once-terrifying lions are now old and toothless.On top of this, careless Americans and frightened Israelis decamped from Georgia as fast as they could, leaving everything behind, including trucks full of top secret documents for the Russians to enjoy at their leisure. No one wants to talk about this complete disaster, so the press has been ordered to spend its time directing the electorate towards the crazy Palin woman and now, the Gulf hurricane. We get to see clips of Sarah babbling whatever her handlers have her read and that intermixed with fat woman and poodles being airlifted off their Galveston rooftops.

As an aside, those stupid fucks were told, repeatedly, to get out, long before’ Ike’ hit. They stuck out their tongues and stayed. Now, they are up on the roofs, wailing and waving dirty underwear begging the Coast Guard to rescue them. The stupid assholes should be fined for wasting the Coast Guard’s valuable time. I recall during Katrina that the Coast Guard did wonderful and often under-reported work rescuing people while the corrupt and stupid FEMA clods held press conferences and ate very well.

So much for that aside.

The Georgia president has said, often and very loudly, that he wants to invade his former territory and is prepared to fight to the death. He will certainly get his wish but he also expects that Bush will resupply him with more weapons as well as sending in large numbers of U.S. troops. This will never happen but Saakashvili will do his best to start a major war. To be pragmatic, we should have the CIA kill him as it has killed so many inconvenient allies in the past. And if we read of the “tragic sudden death” of the Georgian leader, there is still the very real danger of a Russian move against the Ukraine to contemplate, at least for those not involved with the football season and the remnants of ‘Ike.’ Given Putin’s succeses in challenging both the U.S. and NATO over the Georgia issue, there is great concern here over what could be another Russian move, this time against the Ukraine. In point of fact, Russia has a much bigger and more legitimate beef over the Ukraine than Georgia. The Ukraine has a very large and well-developed industrial area in the Donets Basin, is a very rich agricultural country and has control over the Crimea and its large Russian naval base. The U.S. helped bribe Georgia out of the Russian sphere and into the NATO one but now that NATO is seen by everyone as a joke, one would think that the Ukraine would be very nervous. If they are, they are not showing it. An argument now being made in Kiev is that Russia would not dare to meddle with the Ukraine because that country has a huge network of oil and gas pipelines that take Russian products to the European market. This is a double-edged sword because Russia has a strong presence in the Ukraine and if that country has the pipelines in place, which it does, this is even more reason to gather the errant province back into the fold.

donderdag 11 september 2008

September 11, 2008

As a Republican, I find myself repelled by the shrill and very vicious campaign ads prepared by the staffs of Senator McCain and Governor Palin. I have never heard such desperate, hysterical lies in my entire political life. Both of them have been mindlessly attacking Senator Obama because they represent a political party that is disgrace with the American public.. Bush is loathed, the economy has tanked and will tank worse, the wars go on without end, the corruption in the present government is out of control and reminds me of some third world country. Both McCain and Palin are part and parcel of the mindsets of the Bush people. They have done everything but call Obama a nigger but if they did, it would not surprise me. Losers always play dirty.

The inclusion of Sarah Palin on the McCain ticket was a terrible mistake. McCain was bound and determined that Joe Lieberman be his vice president but the leadership of the GOP told him repeatedly and heatedly that if he did that, he automatically would lose the election. Lieberman is viewed as a turncoat and a loud supporter of Israel and in our current political climate, no one cares about a turncoat but they do not like Israel or her loud, demanding and backstabbing supporters. Then he chose Governor Palin, about whom little is known to the electorate.

Put forward as a maverick, she is in truth a catastrophe. She was not vetted by anyone because someone quickly had to be found to satisfy the enraged McCain. Sarah is indeed a walking political disaster.

If the GOP was afraid of Joe Lieberman, they will be terrified of the damage the Devine Sarah can cause. There is much in her background that will most certainly emerge, most especially since she has savagely attacked the American media. Yammering negativity to the media is like punching a state trooper in the nose when he stops you from driving at 90 on the median strip. Problemw will certainly follow.

All of the following material is taken from a confidential DoJ report sitting on my desk as I write.
The Republican’s unvetted choice was born Sarah Louise Heath on February 11, 1964 at Sandpoint, Idaho. Her father, Charles Heath was a science teacher and her mother, Sally Sheeran Heath was listed as a housewife. Sarah attended a number of schools and finally received a BA in journalism from the University of Idaho. Her current husband, Todd, is a Native American Yup'ik Eskimo and works for BP at one of their Alaskan oil fields and does part-time work as a fisherman.

They have five children. Their eldest son, Track, 19, is in the U.S. army and their three daughters, Bristol, 18, Willow, 14 and Piper, 7. In 2008 (April 18, 2008), a son, Trig was born. This child suffers from Mongoloidism. Their second unmarried daughter Willow, is now pregnant.

The Palin family lives in Wasilla, about 40 miles north of Anchorage.

Aside from a number of thoroughly unpleasant episodes concerning family members, overcharging the state, heavy involvement with corrupt local politicians, attempts to foster her personal religious beliefs (Palin is a very active and aggressive Evangelical) there is the question of family matters she has attempted to conceal to advance her political career. Governor Palin “proudly displays” an Israeli flag in her gubernatorial office and for a very good reason.

Her maternal grandfather, Schmuel Sheigam, was a Lithuanian Jew, born in 1912 in Vilkaviskis, Lithuania, 91.2 miles west of Vilnius. The Sheigam family immigrated to America, via Hamburg, Germany in 1915 because of WWI.

At Ellis Island Immigration Centre, the name was entered as Sheeran, a standard practice of the time when immigration officers were unable to understand the pronunciation of non-English speaking immigrants. Sheeran is a common Irish name but members of the Sheigam family are buried in the Jewish cemetery at Budezeriai near Vilkaviskis in Lithuania.

Further information on Governor Palin’s ancestors can easily be found in the vital records in the Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilnius. The Archives holds birth, marriage, divorce, and death records for the Lithuanian Jewish community from 1851 until 1915 when the Jews were required to leave the country because of World War I. They are in 18th Century Cyrillic script and Yiddish Many of these records include the mother's maiden name and town of registration.

vrijdag 5 september 2008

September 5, 2008

While the American media is entertaining the American public with the on-going political three ringer, very serious storms are building, and have been building, in the Middle East. Putin, three times more a national leader than George Bush, has bided his time and patiently awaited his enemy, the United States to attack Russia. Both Washington and Moscow were fully aware of the pending Georgian attack on South Ossetia and both did nothing but wait. Bush saw it as another nail in Putin’s political coffin and Putin saw it for an excellent opportunity of destroying America’s credibility as an ally. The terrified flight of the much-vaunted American equipped and trained Georgian army and the ease with which the Russians were able to occupy any part of Georgia they wanted did not go unnoticed in the NATO countries and aside from the erratic Poles, what we saw in Brussels was embarrassed silence when Bush screamed for action. Our lunatic VP, Cheney, is determined to force NATO to take in Georgia but it is known inside the Beltway that this will never happen. And while Americans listen to badly written speeches and platitudes booming out over the tube, the spectre of possible war goes completely ignored. And around the White House, growingly alarmed Republican and Neocons are wondering if they can pull off another Florida vote stealing gambit again. That’s the trouble with Republicans; they live in the past. Their motto is ‘Look Backward,’ and their watchword is: ‘That which has never been, cannot be.