woensdag 31 januari 2007

January 31, 2007

Once in awhile, I come across the odd report that is really far more important than it looks.

It is obvious that the government, all of its departments, abhor and fear the internet. They can control, easily, the print media and television but they cannot control the internet. True, there is much nuttiness on the internet but there is also something rarely found in either the print or television media: The truth.

I have an article I got which I am attaching to this for your information, that concerns this subject. Many do not know, but we do, that Internet II is a creature of government CI entirely and that many telecommunications companies cheerfully supply the government, voluntarily, information on their customers and that the so-called “information sites” immediately report, automatically, queries from the public that some government agency has determined might be of interest to them.

Now, according to a fairly brief, and very highly classified report, my lunch companion dug out for me, there is a sort of revenge in store for the snoopers….and many, many innocent people. A group of young (15-22) computer experts located in Philadelphia, Pa and Menlo Park, Ca, decided to see if they could devise a super deadly virus. They did but only after totally destroying one computer’s ability to function. They came up with a virus which can be planted, or passed, to any other computer or computer system (like the FBI or a bank). This virus, the report said, is disguised to look like something completely legitimate and harmless and is not detected by even the most sophisticated anti-virus program, even the super advanced ones used by the DoD, the NSA and the CIA (and some banks and financial records entities).

There it sits, waiting to be activated.

This is accomplished by what has been nicknamed the J-Feder 504 program. A pre-determined code that would be mathematically impossible to accidentally replicate, triggers this and after a specific period of time from activation, the virus ‘comes to life’ as it were and totally wipes out the infected computer, or computer system, hard drive. I mean totally obliterates it! Turn on the computer for a day’s work and it is exactly as if someone pulled out the hard drive and destroyed it. Further, once this virus has infected a system, if that system interfaces with any other computer or computer system, the virus is automatically passed on!

This report indicated that the mischief-makers launched this deadly bomb in 2001 and that to date, it has not been detected or activated. Our government technicians are well aware of this menace (at least those who prepared the report are) but cannot find the virus, the trigger system or the combination of letters/numbers/words that would activate it. If they tried too hard, they might have unexpected and disastrous results. How do the snoops know about this? Someone bragged and this got out into the rarefied world of computer code people and from there to the snoops.

The obvious question is whether the government investigators have identified the culprits and if so, what steps have they taken to punish them and, more important, to find and neutralize the virus. According to the report, one perp was specifically identified (due to gossip on the part of fellow hackers) but has, ‘since left the United States and has not been available for questioning…’ As to the second issue, nothing has been accomplished as of January 1, 2007.

Considering the length of time this virus has been circulating, the number of private, governmental and business systems it might have lodged in (and also contaminating backup files) its activation, in falling domino fashion, would wreak devastation on the world’s computer systems. Having read this Doomsday Report, I made notes and then asked a young relative who is a computer expert, about the technical aspects of this. Could this be only a government scam designed to frighten? To warn? Basically, the DoD is full of people who do both, plant propaganda all over the world, including the American press and so on. There are no checks or balances for this and it blossomed under Rumsfeld and Cambonne. The answer I got was that it was entirely possible and also, that if one did not have “proper coordinates” that such a concealed virus could not be identified. If the government could locate the concealment of the virus or somehow learn the trigger codes, they could prepare an antidote but they have not and the report was of January 1, 2007. What would happen? If someone with the code typed it into any computer, for example at a public library with free computers, and sent it, for example, to Chase Bank or the Social Security people or to a credit bureau, when the message was received, it would activate the trigger.

After a specific period of time (unknown at this writing) the virus would activate…and destroy the hard drive and all the functions of files and commands in the computer. If, during the period while the trigger was activated but before it functioned, any interfacing by the activated computer would immediately activate a trigger if it should be in the system contacted. Even the progenitors of this awful weapon could not say how widely their invention could have spread but in the past six years since its first introduction into cyberspace, it could have infected almost any system both in the United States and the rest of the world.

Considering the degree and extent of our present societies total reliance on the computer for business and information exchange, this so-called “domino collapse” could do really incredible and long-lasting damage to the economy, the social structure, to the military, the banking industry, travel systems, power grids, newspaper production, the entire credit information systems, flight control, defensive radar systems and even Aunt Sophie’s own little home computer. Backup files would probably be corrupted and my information is that to rebuild the system could take years, if not decades.

When I send out confidential material, I use a laptop that has and I send the discs out to someone who reads them on their laptop that could not be infected because, like mine, it has never interacted with someone else or the internet. These systems are safe but they are about all. Even the secret systems of the NSA and other spy agencies, to include transmission satellite systems, are not safe…in theory at least. Should someone with knowledge of the trigger ever decide to take out their anger against society and start this, we would quickly find out if the universality of the theory will actually become practice.

maandag 29 januari 2007

January 29, 2007

There are many stories on both the internet and hints in the mainline media about a possible invasion, or attack on, Iran. Believe me, Cheney wants such an attack and Bush is in favor of it but only if it boosts his image. From a diplomatic and military point of view, such an attack would be a disaster. Iran has a large, well-trained and very well armed military force. Iran supplies a good percentage of the world’s oil and it is obvious that sending ships to the Gulf and issuing baseless threats on an daily basis in no way inhibits Iran. On the other hand, Israel is frantic for the United States to pull their regional chestnuts out of the fire for them and their Ambassador, the very pro-Israeli NeoCons (most of whom are Israeli citizens) and especially Cheney want such an attack. The Jews are only being pragmatic and Cheney is a nut. If you want to point an accusing finger at someone over the growing losses in Iraq, point at Cheney. Poor Bush is a cipher, a nothing, who thinks he is a someone but Cheney has made a fortune out of this war. His Halliburton stock options have skyrocketed in value 200% since he insisted his old firm get sweetheart no bid government contracts. It doesn’t matter to either Bush or Cheney what the American public, or Congress, thinks. It was the plan to occupy Iraq, set up a permanent U.S. political and military base there for further military actions against the oil rich areas. That plan is dead but neither Bush nor Cheney seem to know it and the list of the dead and mangles grows every day. I don’t think we can stand two more years of the lies, plots and destruction the administration is practicing on a daily basis and showing utter contempt for the public and Congress at the same time.

zaterdag 27 januari 2007

January 27, 2007

The GRU and other Russian-based organs have completely penetrated the highest-level American codes (including satellite transmissions) and have been reading our military (DIA and Pentagon) and civilian (read CIA/USIA [and other]) messages being sent from Iraq, Israel, Turkey, Egypt and Italy.

From this, I was told, and shown copies of intercepts, that Bush and Israel are fomenting a new war in the Gulf area by either creating an "incident" (casus belli) or instigating one.

There are US intelligence units (small) now operating under cover in Iran and while the Iranians don't know the details, the Russians do. If, as reported, Bush is going to off Iranians in Iraq, the U.S. units in Iran will be offed as a quid pro quo. And videos of the executions made for U.S. domestic consumption!

Both Russia and China have supplied Iran (and from them the Iraqi Resistance people) with shaped charge small shoulder-held rockets that will blow up the biggest tank and, as happened several days ago, the biggest armored military helicopters?

The suggestion that Bush and Israel would attack Iran for his prestige and their safety might interdict the vital oil China must have and so the Chinese, too, have fully entered the game.

They don't keep the Russians courant.

The latter have also got agents planted with Israeli military and intelligence organs in Israel and these supply Moscow with a heavy stream of information concerning the Mideast political and military situation and most especially, projects that might be of interest to Russia and, through them, Iran. Any gen coming from the U.S. to Israel ends up in Moscow almost simultaneously! Do much for the delusion that secrets are secrets.

Anyway, the Mideast pot is coming to a boil and this parallels the situation in Washington where Bush is facing growing, and entirely predictable, rebellion from the newly-empowered Democrats.

Remember the proverb about the house built on sand? The winds came and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall thereof? Nice simile and so true!

zondag 21 januari 2007

January 21, 2007

There was quite a flap some months ago about the NSA snooping on Americans without legal warrant. The Bush people claim it was ‘ecessar’ because of their phoney ‘War on Terrorism.’ Interesting to note that this fascistic snooping started well before 9/11 and was part of the Bush/Rove program to intimidate voters as well as to destroy their perceived enemies. I will quote below from a lawsuit against various American telephone companies and will include the important part of the complaint that shows what we have been dealing with.

I should also observe that a number of popular search engines have agreements with the government whereby individuals wishing to look up information on subjects the government has arbitrarily decided are dangerous have their requests automatically forwarded to the competent agency by the cheerfully cooperative internet service. There exists a good deal of highly damaging information on this and in the future, I will dig out specific services and stick knives into them. I mean they could spy on me as well as you and I don’t like that at all. It is a good idea to understand that what with fake “credit agencies,” “search engines” and so on, we have no more privacy.

The DHS can, and does, go into banks, (in California they go to the Bank of America who is always cooperative) and open customer’s safe deposit boxes and poke around. Oddly enough, gold coins, cash and drugs have vanished from these boxes. Where ever does it go? To the Salvation Army? Would honorable, highly intelligent and very moral federal agents actually steal? Is there a cow in Texas? Is the Pope Catholic?

vrijdag 19 januari 2007

January 19, 2007

By now, it is fairly well-known that looting, colossal swindles of taxpayers and general gross corruption is the hallmark of the George W. Bush Iraqi Safari but about ten minutes ago, someone walked into my office with a wide grin and dropped the following intercepted message on my desk. I have redacted part of it but it was addressed to the White House fax address of a prominent Bush staffer (all of these email sites, excepting only Bush and Cheney, are tapped) and signed by a U.S. Army sergeant. It is fairly easy to understand and, I assure you, is completely typical of the gang of thieves, con men and moral lepers I have to deal with on a daily basis. What is going to be done about it? Nothing. If someone sent this to Alberto Gonzales, the AG, he would try to get his cut too!

‘Dear Mr. ………

I am currently a member of the U.S. military with the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment,, Tal Afar, stationed in Iraq.

I am presently in Kuwait..

We have in our possession, and under our custody and control, the sum of US $25,000,000 (Twenty Five Million US Dollars), which once belonged to the late Saddam Hussein. These cash funds have been moved out of Iraq by specific order of the Secretary of Defense, and are presently kept safe in a Security Company headquartered, for security reasons, in Kuwait. This company is wholly-owned by the relative of a United States cabinet member.

Please view this link for more details: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2988455.stm

Basically, since we are working for the American Government, we cannot keep these funds, but we want to transfer and move the funds to you, so that you can keep it for us in your safe account or an offshore account.

I have the authority from my partners involved to propose that in the event should you be willing to assist us in this transaction, your share of the sum will be 30% of the US$25 million, 60% for us and 10% will be kept aside for expenses. Rest assure that this business is 100% safe for your part provided you treat it with utmost secrecy and confidentiality.

Therefore, if you are interested, please reply immediately via my private email address,:

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details that will help you understand the transaction. Please observe utmost confidentiality, and rest assured that this business is risk free.

Respectfully submitted,

Sergeant …………..

3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment,, Kuwait City’

zondag 14 januari 2007

January 14, 2007

Here, for your amusement, is an exact copy of an in-house memo sent to me, and others of my opinions, by one of Bush’s senior, and soon-to-be employed elsewhere, advisors:

‘I pity the poor deluded Christians of America who think the Monkey Palace is a staunch bastion of morality and Christian Family Values. The only family values this White House knows are those of the Village People: "We are Family, all my Sisters and me...." There was much twittering and swishing of tutus around the coffee stations this last Friday, as White House aides, speechwriters, prayer leaders, and Secret Service guards discussed their anticipated exploits to be had this coming Saturday night at the Washington Plaza Hotel at M Street and 14th on Thomas Circle, where half the queens on the East Coast were to celebrate MAL, or the Mid-Atlantic Leather annual gay weekend get-together.

I understand Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman went shares on a 9th-floor suite with the aforesaid Secret Service "fraternity members" checking ID's at the door. (Only Republicans working in the White House or in Congress were to be allowed into that particular Harem Of Joy.) Sadly, missing this year would be Congressman Mark Foley and his witty post-orgasmic descriptions of the sweaty action, which everyone in that circle used to anticipate with great hilarity. (Indeed, all you sorry Christian worshippers of Saint George, not only were Foley's proclivities well known in the Party, but for many years he was one of the leading lights at these functions.)

Lest the Reform Jews, always so liberal in these matters, should feel a touch of sympathy for these happy souls, they should know that among the hairy studs dressed-up in chains, peaked caps and police uniforms, there are always at least two or three Heinrich Himmlers and half a dozen Martin Bormanns. Yes, children, when speaking of today's Republican Party, one should go lightly on the "Republican" bit, and emphasize the "Party".....at least here in the Nut House on 16th Street.

Meanwhile, nobody picked up on the fact that Bush was sedated to the eyeballs when he delivered his "Iraqi surge"speech from the White House library last Wednesday. Everyone must have noticed how careful and emotionless his elocution was, and perhaps a few also noticed his long pauses between each sentence. This was because the Teleprompter operator was warned not to run the script too quickly in case the high-flying King Kong might be unable to read that fast. Let us commend the Naked Emperor for the fact that that this time, for once, his drug of choice was Prozac, rather than Southern Comfort or Jim Beam.

The Iraq disaster continues to provoke anguish here among the "Party" faithful, whose numbers dwindle weekly. Everyone is dreading the inevitable day when the Iraqi insurgents shoot down a C-130 plane landing at Baghdad Airport and carrying a "surge" of 300 National Guard fathers, brothers, and sons. When that happens, and it will, the Blue Plains sewage facility in Anacostia will receive a large "surge" of ripe fecal material emanating from the Bush White House. Following this event, Bush himself will weigh only 15 lbs. and be only two feet high. You know what they say: If Bush dropped dead suddenly, they could give him an enema and bury him in a shoe box..

And it really is getting that bad here. I know of at least ten fairly senior staffers here who are totally convinced that Bush is a lunatic and that they would be better off working elsewhere.

I suppose you have all heard of the senior DoJ officials who have claimed (this was in the NYT) that any lawyer who dared to represent the Gitmo people should be fired from their law firms and disbarred!

Now, this is an actual, official view! Jesus H. Christ!

You really ought to work in this place, children. It’s like doing the night shift in a nut house when the moon is full.! George hasn’t been reported as urinating on the carpets in the Oval Office, yet, but I have a feeling that’s next on the Clown House agenda. (‘Call Household, Mavis, and tell them to bring the mops. The Prez is talking to himself again’).

vrijdag 12 januari 2007

January 12, 2007

It should be pretty evident by now that George W. Bush is as mad as a Hatter. He not only has no intention of withdrawing troops, in the face of strong public opinion, but is going to shove more men into the slaughter house so he can proclaim what he calls ‘victory’ and have a triumphant withdrawal.

What is behind this madness? Partially, the Israelis. They have a very strong lock on Bush, and Joe Lieberman and Israel wants the U.S. to attack both Syria and Iran. Is this ideology here? Partially but massive bribery is well-known to be involved.

The Army is tapping phones and there is enough evidence piling up to arrest both men for their actions but that will in no way stop Bush. Now, we learn, the Pentagon, on Bush’s specific orders, is planning to activate almost the entire National Guard and eventually, ship them off to Iraq.

Bush wants badly to attack both Iran and Syria but we do not have the ground troops to do this. We do, however, have an undamaged Air Force and the plans now being discussed consist of bombing the hell out of both Tehran and Damascus but with no follow-up on the ground.

Israel has been egging this on, supplying intelligence (suitably doctored…Bush can’t tell a real report from a fake one and Lieberman doesn’t care) and making vague promises of some kind of support.

What this is, in view of their recent thrashing by Hezbollah, no one knows at this point.

None of this is guaranteed to happen but believe me, it is being serious put forward by the White House.

There is stronger talk of having Bush removed from the White House before he does start a much bigger war. He is too far gone in his psychotic state to listen to anyone and like Stalin in his last years, is becoming totally paranoid, striking out at anyone anywhere who dares to contradict him.

His power is real but only in a narrow sense, and he has infuriated not only Democrats and Republicans in Congress but a rapidly growing number of the American public.

We are on a collision course, children, and don’t doubt it. Bush is a loony and Lieberman is standing right next to him, pushing him on. When Bush flees the country with an angry mob after him, he can take Joe with him. Please.

maandag 8 januari 2007

January 8, 2007

On this Wednesday, Bush is supposed to address the nation about the Iraq mess. I can tell you that he won’t budge an inch.

There is growing anger and frustration here inside the Beltway over this business. He has basically insulted Congress, daring it to deny him what he wants.

What does he want? He wants to prove to everyone that he, George W. Bush, is a man who is never wrong. He is firing any general that dares to contradict him, filled his list of advisors with wacko yes men like Kissinger and is absolutely determined never to retreat an inch, regardless of the wishes of most sane Americans.

All his life, as a child and as an adult, George W. Bush has been a self-perceived failure. His family and their friends have bailed him out of one mess after another and have certainly tried to do so again.

Once Bush saw himself as a great man but knows he is insignificant; wishes to be happy but knows he is miserable; wants to be perfect but knows he is filled with imperfections; wants to be the object of love and respect but sees that his faults merit only their aversion and contempt. This has forced him into a state of mind where he has conceived a terrible hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults.

Believe me, this pathetic creature who was placed in the White House, not by the people but by the Supreme Court after a thoroughly rigged and dishonest election, does not belong anywhere near the seat of power and if he does not resign his high office, he should either be impeached or removed from the levers of power before he wreaks terrible damage against all those whom he sees now as his enemies who would deprive him of his perceived manhood.

The sooner the better for all of us, believe me!

My next posting will deal with a massive investigation into gross fraud and criminal misappropriation of funds by the so-called hedge funds and their controllers. If you think that Halliburton swindled the American taxpayers out of many millions, wait until you see how many billions the hedge fund CEOs’ have ripped off from their investors. You will not believe this! Does the word ‘ Ponzi scheme’ mean anything? In spades!

vrijdag 5 januari 2007

January 5, 2007

Working in the White House is like working in the monkey house in a zoo when all the primates are loaded with uppers.

A number of lower staffers have abruptly quit, Harriet Myers has quit and others are going the same way. Now why is this? Because it is now very obvious that Bush has lost his marbles, if he ever had any, and we are headed into a major governmental crisis.

Bush has absolutely no intention of leaving Iraq. Any general officer who disagrees with his stupid “surge” is promptly fired and others warned that Bush will fire them if they open their mouths. The brass at the Pentagon and the troops in the field are approaching open mutiny.

There are very serious rumors that National Guard and reserve units will not show up for shipment to the slaughterhouse. Bush has told Congress that they will do what he tells them and if they do not, he will refuse to sign any of their bills he does not approve of and refuse to implement anything they try to pass over his head.

He has deliberately antagonized the new Congress and when he is told that the people want an end to the Iraq horrors, he claims the public still want him to “stay the course.”

Hate mail and death threats are pouring in here in unprecedented numbers and the Secret Service can’t begin to keep up with them. There is no question that very soon, there will be a major confrontation between Bush on one side and the military and Congress on the other. And be sure Bush will lose.

No one seems to know what to do about Bush. He will listen to no one and could care less what the American public wants. What he wants is to hang the remaining Saddam crew, launch a huge military attack in Baghdad, level parts of that city that he personally feels should be leveled, kill off anything that moves, replace the current Iraqi government with a pliable military dictator like Saddam and then come home in what he considers will be a great triumph.

A Republican Senator recently said that what Bush was doing was criminal. It is and now both Congress, the military and a growing segment of the American public are beginning to realize that Bush has to be removed, by force if necessary, from his high office.

I have talked with some of the staff members who are in his presence on a regular basis and all of them say, without reservation, that he has gone around the bend. The Pentagon brass have nicknamed him Caligula and there is a very strong possibility of open revolt from that sector. Troops in the field are seriously talking about mutiny but if Bush knows about this, he could care less.

The plain and simple truth, children, is that our President is a fanatic nut and has absolutely no business running a war. Whatever happens to him will be entirely his fault and I am looking for another job starting this afternoon.