woensdag 27 april 2005

April 27, 2005

Much terror here in the Fag Palace. It seems that Democratic Reps. Louise Slaughter of New York and John Conyers of Michigan filed a freedom of information request and were given Secret Service records of Gannon/ Guckert’s visits to the White House. We now know that the dangerously indiscreet and very unhappy Gannon kept what has been called a “very frank and revealing” personal journal. Conyers and Slaughter have previously indicated that Guckert's journal might contain information of value to the Valerie Plame investigation if, in fact, Guckert had been given some sort of access to documents related to the Plame leaks.

"A person in the White House briefing room who had access to a memo revealing the operative’s name also kept a journal of his days covering the White House," the letter to investigator Fitzgerald stated. "We bring this to your attention because we believe your office may need to subpoena the journal to further the work of the grand jury."

"It now appears that Mr. Guckert memorialized his experiences at the White House," the letter added, noting Guckert's comments that he might turn the journal into a book. From a very recent Russian press release, it seems that Guckert is making plans with a Russian firm based in South East Asia to reprint all of his journals. "It would be unfortunate if Mr. Guckert published information that would be useful to your investigation, such as the identity of the person who gave him the memo, without your office having the benefit of its contents," the letter continued.

My God, such fun! Seems that our professional male prostitute, phony “news” reporter and keeper of a Forbidden Journal, using a Secret Service day pass, visited the White House 196 times in two years, and spent the night 12 times! That’s right, spent the night 12 times.

Who did he spend the night with?

The usual mindless gossip ‘bloggers’ are accusing Fat Karl the Eunuch of hosting him but we here know this is not true. Not that Fat Karl doesn’t like a bit of tying up and manly spanking on his immense flabby bottom from time to time but Karl does not live in the White House and is hardly going to sneak back in and turn tricks with “Captain Bulldog” in a White House broom closet. Sweet Ken M., Bush’s fond choice for the head of the GOP is another cinch choice for some high level fudge packing but he is out too. Sweet Ken is Otherwise Occupied.

The Secret Service has people working in it who do not like Bush or his nocturnal activities and they released the logs although they refused to do so during the investigations into Clinton’s activities in the White House. I have seen copies of these and have been checking them, (actually my computer-savvy secretary has been doing this) against what was going on inside the White House when Gannon appeared and, especially, when he was overnighting. Guess what? There were many times when he visited here when there were no press conferences or news briefings. These were for the daytime visits. For the nighttime visits, I checked his dates against rosters of staff who are assigned here for night duty such as Secret Service, White House police, computer operators and switchboard people types. The question arises, children, as to whether Gannon would spend the night here with some flunky. This is not a hotel. There is a very good chance that someone getting a head job in a closet or other vacant area would be nailed by the security staff. Did he sleep in the head? On the floor? On the piano? No? Not believable? The President has a small, private bedroom for resting that is directly connected to the Oval office. Perhaps Gannon was allowed to bunk in there, safe from bothersome Secret Service or security people.

Here is the question for your readers: Whom did Gannon service on his sleepovers? Since 9/11, the White House security checks are meticulous - it is almost impossible for the average Joe Public to get into the White House even once during the day, much less 196 times, and even more so OVERNIGHT! And Guckert was no Joe Public - he was a person of bad character - a known male hooker, fraudulently claiming to be a reporter, and using a false name. Only direct orders from the absolute highest levels of the Fag Palace would have given such a person this kind of access. Need I say more? And please note that Captain Bulldog was one of the very few members of the press to be allowed inside the White House to cover the January 26, 2005 special Presidential press conference. If there were no events for a newsman, no matter how phony, to cover, why did he come here?

A check of the staff rosters indicate that <>only one person<> was in the White House on all the dates that Gannon slept over. The same person was always here when Gannon visited on days when there was no press action to cover. My, my, who could that be? Do you believe in coincidences? Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy? If Gannon had something going with a staffer, they would go to a motel or someone’s apartment in the area…unless the other person could not leave the White House without drawing attention to their absence.

Consider this, too, children. Gannon is a well-known, heavily advertised (on the gay internet) male prostitute operating in Washington, D.C. Gannon is not now and never was from Texas. It is interesting to contemplate a small, fanatical very right wing Texas-based website whose owner, Robert “Bobby” Eberle* (See below for Eberle CV. Ed ), is a close personal friend of the President, hiring a Washington, D.C. male whore with no journalistic experience at all to go to the White House as their “representative.” This is the “TalonNews Service” run by Eberle who is listed as their “Editor in Chief.” Actually, “TalonNews” was set up as a conduit for official White House news releases and nothing else. When the Gannon scandal erupted, “TalonNews” faded quickly into the fetid Texas political swamps from whence it had come and even more quickly.

Eberle is also listed as President and CEO of GOPUSA, a "conservative news, information, and design company dedicated to promoting conservative ideals." In the wake of the Gannon scandal, Eberle has tried to claim that GOPUSA and TalonNews are not connected but I know that both of these entities are registered to the same Texas address, which is Eberle’s personal residence.

The TalonNews.com domain name registration lists Eberle's email address as bobby.eberle@gopusa.com Articles on TalonNews.com consist of brief introductory paragraphs, followed by a link to "Read more"; clicking on that link takes you to a page that announces, "This story can be found on our #1 client -- GOPUSA!" Readers are then redirected to the GOPUSA.com site. GOPUSA, which claims, in error, to have “millions of daily viewers” is a typical proto-fascist weird Texas product designed to delight and entertain the denizens of trailer parks and other Bush supporters. It is interesting to note that Eberle’s propaganda machine is strongly pro-family and anti-gay. Why, one wonders, did the pure and noble Eberle hit upon the well-known male Internet whore to act as his representative to the White House? It certainly wasn’t Gannon’s known lack of experience in journalism. Perhaps it was his self-avowed eight inch penis that gained him unlimited entrĂ©e. To many things.

After Gannon abruptly resigned his position at GOPUSA/TalonNews, he claimed he was not paid very much but only got “a kind of stipend” from Eberle. He said he earned that stringer arrangement with GOPUSA, with no journalism experience, after “a breakfast meeting” in Washington with owner Bobby Eberle.

Although Eberle was not a member of Washington’s powerful inner circle, a member of his Board of Directors, Peter Hannaford* (See below for Hannaford CV. Ed) certainly is. A longtime San Franciscan, Republic publicist and an active member of Ronald Reagan’s administration as Governor of California, Hannaford is certainly well-connected in various Washington circles and insiders have indicated that Hannaford might well have introduced Gannon to Eberle at the so-called “breakfast meeting”

It appears very clearly to all of us here in the Fag Palace and inside the Beltway cocktail circuits that some high level pimping was in motion, nothing else. No wonder the Rove propaganda machine has been cranking out reams of irrelevant, silly nonsense about Gannon (“Is he really Johnny Gosch, Abducted Paper Boy?”) to keep the jabbering blogging idiots and the stupid public thrilled with useless and inaccurate stories. The real story is much more important and entertaining. By the way, it has gotten all over the Beltway that Gannon is HIV+ and has been for some time. That bit of news ought to keep certain very highly placed people unhappy as hell! Another State Funeral a la Reagan in the offing? Facial lesions finally clarified?

Also, in the same area, there is growing panic over the information, strictly embargoed and classified, that a surveillance tape from the in-house security system has gone Dixie! No one knows what might be on it but it has really disappeared from a very, very secure area. Many of us suspect what is on it and if we are right and it gets onto the Internet (the tame media would never, never dare to even hint at it) then the fecal matter will strike the fan with force.

Of course I could be very, very specific about who, what, why, where, when and how (as my old journalism 212 teacher would have insisted) but anyone who has to take more then twenty seconds to figure this one out is brain dead.

I see lots of fun coming, children.

There are those of us here who do not worship at the shrine of God’s drooling Second Son and we are all exchanging knowing winks and nods.

I was conversing with a Marine Corps guard last week and he referred, with a wide smirk, to ‘ol’ Bush, "broke open like my Granddaddy’s 12 gauge shotgun…..” And when one of the Ice Virgins, as I call some of the very religious, and crazy, old aunties in the typing pools, says that the President was on his knees in the Oval office, it very well might not have been to pray to his Real Father.

Yes, this is going to be fun because our gutless, hand-puppet press is so busy looking the other way.

I suppose Certain People ought to be tested for HIV+ but that is just an idle thought.

Yes, we are all waiting for the second shoe to drop, especially if, as is strongly rumored, Gannon publishes his sizzling journals. If this ever happened, and Gannon would have a terrible traffic accident (a bus would fall off of a tall building when Gannon was underneath it) long before anything saw print, there would be a mass exodus from Washington. The Beltway’s loss would certainly be San Francisco’s Castro District’s gain in that case. Why not join us in waiting?

maandag 25 april 2005

April 25, 2005

Right now, there is joy in the White House over the apparent success of a faked letter that stirred up a riot and some killing in Iran recently. The CIA has been busy, not detecting incoming attacks, but in destabilizing foreign governments like Venezuela, the Ukraine, Russia and Iran. The trick seems to be to find their local opponents, pour huge amounts of the taxpayer’s money into supporting them, start rebellions inside the country and then, when the governments fall, move in with Standard Oil to grab up everything in sight. Chavez fought back and so has Putin but the Iranians are not as hip to US treachery and have a lot to learn. The CIA tried to destabilized Canada a few years back but now everyone is really terrified that someone else is destabilizing Mexico, right on our borders! There is trouble in Mexico City and a very well-funded anti-Fox (and anti-US) movement in the rest of the country.

We suspect that the Russians and Chavez might have a hand in all of this by playing back on this country what we have done to them. I was planning to send my sister’s kids to Cancun for a holiday but I think I will stick to Florida now. Bush and his idiots started all of this out of fascist joy but now are seeing the pinch and are getting scared. The worm is turning, especially in Congress, where the Administration’s bullying is having an adverse reaction. Watch the crooked DeLay closely because his fate will be a bellweather for the rest of them.

dinsdag 19 april 2005

April 19, 2005

Much to tell you about. Fat Karl Rove has gained new admiration this week among all the practical jokers in the Monkey Palace for his sense of humor. Last week in a speech at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, way out in the boonies east of DC, he called Chimpanzee Bush an “intellectual.” My Secret Service source later told me that this generated huge amusement among all the staff present. In support of this outlandish claim, Fat Karl also said to his audience at the college that Bush “keeps a book always on his night stand.” It seems he was futilely trying to impress the crowd of B-level students and local chicken farmers, and to defend his adored idol from persistent reports that Bush has less than the IQ of a Maryland Eastern Shore Leghorn, and that he reads absolutely nothing any more.

Apart from everyone asking each other, to the accompaniment of knowing smiles and giggles, just how Fat Karl the Eunuch got to be so familiar with the Chimpanzee’s bedroom fixtures, those who have seen it say that the very same book has been sitting there on the nightstand for almost six months now – a hardcover copy of Danielle Steel’s trashy novel “Lone Eagle.” The staff believe Bush has never actually read it – his reading skills were always known to be pretty bad, and are rumored to have actually declined recently due to all the psychotropic drugs he is taking, (his handlers won’t allow him into any unscripted situations any more,) but the staff think he just keeps the book there next to his bed because he identifies in some pathetically grandiose way with the title.

Rumors have been circulating recently, accompanied by photos of the lesion on his left cheek, that Bush has skin cancer. I have not been able to confirm whether this is a fact or just rumor, but I know that Bush, who struggles constantly with his undeveloped childish “miraculous” mindset, is obsessed by the coincidence that every American president starting with Lincoln in 1860, who has been elected every 20 years, has died or been assassinated while in office. The only one to escape this “curse” was Reagan who was elected in 1980, but he was shot and almost died as a result. Bush has an extreme fear of pain and blind terror of death, which partly accounts for the extraordinary level of security surrounding him. Bush never looks at any of the photos coming out of Iraq and never attends any funerals if he can avoid them. The report I heard is that Rove’s words of comfort to the quivering coward were that Bush was never really elected in 2000 anyway, so if anyone is going to die soon, it will surely be Al Gore.

I suspect, after reading the book “Bush On The Couch,” by DC psychiatrist Justin Franks, that the reasons for this terror have to do with his childhood. When G. W. Bush was six years old in Texas, his 3-year-old baby sister died of leukemia in hospital in New York. Papa George H. W. Bush and Barbara went golfing the next day, then flew back to Texas, and only then told young George that his sister had been sick for many months and was now stone cold dead and would not be coming home. The baby girl was later interred in a family plot in Connecticut with nobody in attendance. This is how our young President first learned to deal with bereavement, tragedy and death. As a result, his mind and soul seem to be a cold, dark and twisted shadow world of irrational fear and suppression of human feelings. Fat Karl and his minions try their best to insulate Bush from the fact that he is the most hated man in the world today, but his recent jeering and booing by the masses in Rome, then seeing the Pope’s dead body laying there (those Vatican embalmers did a crappy job – the Pope looked terrible) and realizing that even the mighty will die some day, have left him gibbering with terror and scared shitless.

By the way, the rest of his family does not really like George W. Bush. His father was deeply disappointed for years in his drinking and drug use, which he saw as a lack of backbone, (remember how HE dealt with the death of his own child,) and really had his hopes pinned on Brother Jeb. Long-time staff around here have told me they remember how during his father’s presidency W. got drunk during a state dinner and went out into the hall of the White House and urinated against the wall. How could they ever forget? They had to sponge it off. Papa Bush was stunned when the Republican machine selected W. as the one they could control, and nominated him for the Presidency. His motormouth crack after the Iraq invasion (his mouth works much faster than his brain – you must have noticed) about “guidance from a higher Father” did not help endear him to Bush 41, either.

Do any of your readers pay tax? I am waiting with keen delight to see what gossip will emerge from Ariel Sharon’s coming visit with the Nutcase-In-Chief at his ranch in Texas. This week, Ha’aretz reported that Dov Weissglass, (Sharon’s equivalent of Karl Rove,) sent up a trial balloon saying that Sharon intends to ask Bush for an extra $10 billion in American aid above what we ALREADY give them. I can’t wait to see how Bush, Rove, Card, and McClellan will spin that particular outrage for the American taxpayer. Maybe that’s Sharon’s price for NOT attacking Iran and sending us all up shit creek in a leaky canoe. Will Sharon show Jellyfish Bush a couple of gory photos of Jerusalem bus bombings and get him to agree to everything the Israeli Butcher wants? Stay tuned - you may be certain that next month my ears will be flapping like Old Glory in a hurricane.

Meanwhile, the White House Press Corps is delighted that their colleagues at TIME magazine, remembering Ann Coulter’s gratuitous “that old Arab” insult against the dear lady Helen Thomas, finally conned the transsexual drag queen, (a.k.a. Arthur Coltrane of Pickens County, Georgia, former scion, before his sex-change operation, of an old Southern hog-farming family – everyone will notice how, since I revealed this fact to your readers, Coulter has suddenly begun going extra easy on homosexuals, even defending the sleazy male hooker Gannon/Guckert, late of the White House Press Corps, the Marine Corps, the Hard Corps, and practically every other member of the “body politic,”) as I was saying, they conned her into doing an interview, and plastered a joke photo of “her” all over the front cover of TIME for all the world to see. After seeing the picture, Bush, who is well known for his brilliantly cruel nicknames for those he wants to psychologically intimidate, has taken to referring to Ann Coulter as “Grasshopper” among members of his Cabinet.

This name-calling particularly amused Secretary Congoleeza Rice, who has a special dislike of Ann/Arthur Coulter, due to the fact that Coulter tries to “pass” not only as a normal heterosexual, and also as a woman, but also as white, while in fact Coulter’s great-great-great-grandmother was a house negro for the Coltrane family. She was freed from slavery in Pickens County in 1845 with two good-bye presents, a dozen hogs and a half-white boy baby, which is how this branch of the Coltrane family acquired their name and their business. This makes Ann/Arthur’s mother Darlene Coltrane an octoroon, and Ann/Arthur herself what Condoleeza would refer to as a “high yellow” African-American. If all this history is too complicated for your readers to follow, just calling Ann Coulter “Grasshopper” from now on will suffice admirably.

vrijdag 15 april 2005

April 15, 2005

An entertaining story for your readers. Not profound but then what is these days? There is a classic jerk working here in the White House. Very self-important and filled with a heightened sense of his own importance and yesterday’s dinner. One of my friends has access to his office and has been “borrowing” and making copies of various reports and analysis in his files. I get these and send them off to various people. Recently, it seems the Authorities, outraged at the implications that someone inside the White House has been leaking documents, planted certain provocative but faked documents with various potentially suspect staffers to see what emerged. One potential suspect got this faked document while another got a second, but different, faked document. The idea is simple: When and if these appeared in the press or on the internet, the Gestapo would know just where they came from. I do not get such documents but can certainly see many of them. Yesterday, they swooped down on the jerk and took him away for interrogation because not only one but eight of his planted papers appeared outside the Monkey Palace. Of course Chester the Molester knew nothing about this but the enforcement people here are equally self-important and not too bright. They did not believe him and now they are squeezing his staff…all of whom are terrified. Just to be nasty, my contact hid a terrible kiddie porn magazine (I think Ralph Reed passed it to him at a White House Prayer Session last month) behind the obligatory picture of Jesus hanging on the wall behind his desk. I don’t know how he is going to explain that one to the Gestapo! Or his wife, either. They will see this, if you publish it, but they won’t let go of him. Once these knuckle-draggers get their hands on something, they are too stupid and too stubborn to let go. He will be taken into the Rose Garden and shot while the President gets a hardon watching from the window.

dinsdag 12 april 2005

April 12, 2005

Your readers might be interested in some background information on all the conspiratorial websites one can fine on the Internet these days. A number of these are legitimate griping but others are the product of people working in our very own Monkey Palace. The Karl Rove plan is to so clutter up the dreaded Internet with false alarms and nonsense that real issues are masked and sidetracked. This works wonderfully when all is said and done. Among the distracting fictions we can find the Real Truth behind the 911 attacks, the Real Truth about the Indonesian tsunami, the Real Truth about vote fraud in Ohio, the Real Truth about WMD, the Real Truth about Depleted Uranium Death Shells and other wonderful stories that keep a large portion of the American public pacified. It keeps them from reading foreign new sources about the increase of attacks in Iraq, the disappearing dollar, the collapse of major American businesses such as TW/AOL and General Motors, the wholesale thievery and rank bribe-taking inside the Beltway that reaches right into the top ranks of Congress and the White House, the army of perverts that run the Republican party and many other boring and distracting stories. Well, one can say with some relish that those who voted for George W. Bush are getting just what they paid for…

zaterdag 9 april 2005

April 9, 2005

Poor George. His dear friend, DeLay, is going to be dragged down for even more bold thievery than one usually finds in Congress. DeLay is an arrogant, religious idiot who does not realize the damage he has done to himself and the Republicans by his basre-faced thefts and bribe-taking. George does the same thing but his aides keep it under the counter but DeLay is right out in the open. George wears a ski mask when robbing the bank but DeLay passes out business cards to the tellers. Also, I hope your readers note that when Our Sainted Leader went to Rome to cultivate Catholic votes (which is rank hypocrisy because the Protestant Bush family loath Catholics and George is no exception) he was loudly and universally booed when his simian face appeared on the large television screens at St. Peter’s square. Our precious, controlled media covered it up but everyone else in the world saw it. Bush looked shocked because his staff insulates him against the fact that George is hated by very many people. I was told by a SS man that security forces in Rome went to extraordinary lengths to protect him.

I have something of interest on that subject. Some of his security men found an old manual in the National Archives that was prepared by the Nazi Gestapo and setting down all the methods that the RSD used to protect Adolf Hitler. Seems our Guardians of the Second Son of God loved it and copied the entire book , chapter and verse and then tried to suppress the public viewing of the original. I have a copy, in German, and will translate it for the edification of your readers. After all, it is a historical document, not a new one, and I can do this. The German security people commented on all of this and one member of the German protective forces was “admonished” because he gave the Hitler salute when Bush roared past at top speed in his armored car with hundreds of guards surrounding him. That would have been something to see! I wonder, did Bush return the salute? He would look so chic with a little moustache, wouldn’t he? And Karl could dress up like fat Hermann Goering and wear plenty of medals.

donderdag 7 april 2005

April 7, 2005

The Bush family is off to Rome to see the Pope become an instant saint.. It is not commonly known that as a Pentecostal supporter, Bush does not like Catholics. The Pentecostals are trying to take over South America, with Bush’s blessing, but the Catholics are well entrenched there and are fighting back. Also, the late Pope disliked Bush, spoke harshly to him in private about his personal and vicious wars and Bush does not like to be criticized. The Pope was three times the man that Bush was and more of a genuine conservative.

From one of my elevated, Jewish friends, I have heard interesting stories about the origins of the nasty campaigns here in American directed against Catholic priests. It seems that Edgar Bronfman, the Booze Baron, and the Rabbi Singer, his pet hit man, having bullied the Swiss into paying them lots of money, then turned their attentions to the Vatican. The Jews hate the Catholics, because the Pope during the war didn’t do what they considered enough to save them from the Germans and so, flush with victory, they told the Vatican they wanted the Papal archives opened to see if any German money had somehow gotten into the Vatican bank. After a long investigation, the Pope ruled that the Bronfman WJC claims were baseless and refused entry. The WJC at once informed the Holy See that they would “punish them” with the public in the United States and a week later, the papers started a campaign directed at “pedophile priests” that has cost the Catholic Church dearly.

Edgar never got a dime but his people continue to attack the Catholics and are trying to get Bush to join in. Rove, realizing that the Catholics are a well-organized and generally conservative Christian church, wants badly to lure them into the corrupt and fascistic Bush fold so will not cooperate with Edgar’s wishes. I personally have never had an issue with Catholics in America. As a major Christian body, they at least are sane as compared with the Pentecostal lunatics and do not attempt to force their own views on anyone like the Falwell and Dobson wackos do. The public seems to have greatly revered the late Pope and I notice when there was a great media to do about his death and transfiguration, the US media frantically began running all kinds of shabby Holocaust programs in an attempt to cash in on the publicity.

zaterdag 2 april 2005

April 2, 2005

Today, I would like to discuss how the news is both censored and controlled by Karl Rove. It has now become very apparent that the American mass media is under a tight rein and publishes nothing but canned material. Economic disasters throughout the world, threatening political and economic attacks on the United States, domestic failures and much more are deliberately concealed by two means: They are not ever discussed in the mainline media and the public, which is too stupid and too lazy to read many informative foreign news sites, are deliberately distracted with pap and nonsense. If it wasn’t the Lacy Peterson Story, it was the Michael Jackson mess or the Tsunami in Indonesian waters , the tasteless Terri the Turnip matter and now we have the Dead Pope story to keep the trailer-park boobies entertained. The dollar is tanking with disastrous results, oil is drying up solely because of Bush’s crude and militant actions and various countries I shall not name, but certainly know about, have banded together to economically shaft Bush. Of course he cannot respond by bombing Venezuela and inviting his proto-fascist friends in Columbia to march in and run their oil fields for Mobil simply because he has run out of expendable young men to lead to the international slaughter.

Others are taking note that the United States has become a toothless tiger and are acting accordingly.

That Bush and his Evil Dwarf, Fat Karl the Eunuch are solely responsible for all of this never manages to get through the glittering media circus and the American people will wake up some day to $5.00 a gallon gas and guess how much heating oil will cost this winter? The airlines are collapsing along with General Motors, the idiot new housing bubble will burst just like the idiot dot com boom and all the newly-rich real estate agents, banks and others with a vested interest will join the stockbrokers with Swiss bank accounts who swindled all of the public with their dot com rigged stocks. Eventually, Bush will have to leave the White House and he, Fat Karl, Laura and others who have been steadily looting the rest of us will move to mansions in Costa Rica and laugh themselves to sleep. The rest of us will be eating toe jam sandwiches, without the bread, and coping with the remnants of hysterical religious freaks who will be in a state of denial because their Blessed Jesus hasn’t airlifted them to heaven. You get what you pay for and for me, the moaning from the trailer parks and Pentecostal warehouses and Ascension Parlors will be music to my ears.