maandag 31 mei 2004

May 31, 2004

Bush has told the CIA chief to either resign or be forced to take the entire blame for the Iraq prison scandal. It is always pleasant to see how much trouble you can cause and still not get into trouble yourself. You have been posting my comments (but not all of them…why?) and one of the staff in the White House replied. You posted his objections, gave me the courtesy of rebutting him and it all went up. This fellow made the mistake of putting down his DoD address at the White House with disastrous results. His address was on the DISA system and after your posting, the system was immediately attacked from outside and there were serious problems. Their Niper and Sniper nets were put in danger and there is now hell to pay here. They still haven’t found me, not for want of trying, but they do hate your site. Someone here said you were a “Satanist Communist bastard” with “no respect for what our wonderful President is trying to do.” That’s a direct quote, by the way. I have it on my pocket recorder in case you are interested.

Bush had a Rose Garden Experience with the tame members of the press. Questions, known in advance, were asked of him and he responded with his coached answers. He didn’t look very good all in all. Someone asked him about rising gas prices and like some small child, he squalled “It’s all the fault of Congress! They wouldn’t pass my wonderful energy bill so blame them.” Pathetic. We have rising gas prices because the Bush people have invaded an Arab country, declared a religious Crusade against the evil Muslims and generally behaved like a bull in a china shop. Since Muslims control most of the world’s oil, we wonder why they took so long to retaliate. The poor Saudis are caught between the rock of Arab fundamentalism and the hard place of American business needs. When they announced that they were unilaterally going to increase production at Bush’s strong demand, the fundamentalists attacked foreign workers there, killing quite a few and scaring the shit out of the rest. The survivors are now fleeing in huge numbers, causing terrible damage to Saudi oil production. This was a shot across the Saud family bows and now we have to see which way they will jump. If they support Bush, they will also suffer more “incidents” and eventually be toppled. If they support the fundamentalists, the Bush people will threaten to invade them. Of course Bush can’t do this because he can’t even conquer Iraq so this is an idle threat and the Arabs know it. If gas prices continue to escalate, Bush is doomed in November.

In my opinion, he is doomed anyway. If this trend isn’t reversed, people here are afraid of criminal actions, impeachment proceedings (which are unlikely now) and other, less pleasant things. The Bush people hate anyone who does not agree with them and slavishly obey the President’s every wish, tolerate the British, love Israel and detest China (a growing business rival.) The security people are now having a full plate and people like me who leak have dropped a notch on the screen but we are still there. You will see a lot more very serious leaks before it is over and it won’t be over until November, we all hope. Nixon had the character (?) to resign when he saw he had lost the game but they will have to drag Bush screaming out of the Oval Office. The rest of them will all flee to Israel where they will be safe from prosecution. That’s Israel’s problem in the end. Arab suicide bombers on one side and the Neo Cons on the other.

donderdag 27 mei 2004

May 27, 2004

Even though they are still very much annoyed, and even frightened by leaks coming from inside the White House, they are now are even more frightened of leaks from the Pentagon. The Army doesn’t like being blamed for the Iraqi prison mess in light of the “tough” interrogations (resulting in nearly fifty dead prisoners) that were inaugurated by Rumsfeld personally. The question about Bush knowing about this is foolish. Of course Bush knew about it. Bush is a Crusader who wants the Holy Land for Christians and tame Jews and he absolutely loathes Muslims. “Idolaters” and “heathens” is what he calls them often and loudly around the plant. Over the past few weeks, poor Bush has been taking heavy body blows. It has him taking uppers now because he was generally pretty depressed and with the endless media feeding frenzies swirling around him, he is pretty much of a wreck.

Still, the President will never admit he is wrong. How could he be when God appointed him to be President? You think this is some kind of a Democratic joke? Think again. He has said, once in my presence, that God put him in the White House and most of the drooling staff here agrees with him. The more pressure put on him, the more withdrawn he is becoming. He will never fire Rice or Rumsfeld because he would be totally lost without them. Cheney has a really bad pump and he could peg out any day now so where would that leave the President? Believe me when I say that Bush is totally a creature of his aides. He won’t read and never watches TV. Maybe you noticed this but he did not go to the college graduation services for either of his beautiful daughters. Why? The Secret Service says that the schools received so many death threats that it was decided early on that he would not appear there. It got so bad that the daughters wouldn’t go either. Bush is scared to death he will be killed so he never goes anywhere without a massive guard. If he goes to a town in Iowa to talk, the guards go in first, secure the areas, put men in the hall for 48 hours. No one is allowed to protest either on camera or in the Imperial Presence. They map out his grand entrance with care, stuff the hall with loyal Republicans bussed in from as far away as Nebraska (!) and anyone with an anti-Bush or anti-war sign is moved, by force if necessary, to a area a mile away from where God’s Lieutenant is speaking. And God help you if you were standing in the “approved” crowd and suddenly whip out a negative sign or shout something bad at him. Off you go to be harassed by the Secret Service. They photograph you and warn you never, never to do that again or they will lock you up in the local slammer whenever Bush comes into the neighborhood.

Private polls here show that Bush is the most hated President since Lincoln but we, none of us, ever see these. Rove said that Gore was a “traitor” to the United States and should be locked up. Ditto for General Zinni who is really jabbing at his ex-Commander in Chief. They stopped trying to find me and are now frantically doing much-too-late damage control. With most of the media turning against Bush, his fanatic followers are scared that he will lose in November and even more important, that there is the possibility of some kind of punitive action being used against him. He lies constantly to the military (which is a no-no in the end) and Congress, started a war knowing full well that he was full of shit but Cheney told him, along with Rummy, that it would all be over in a week and the stupid rag heads would run off into the desert and we would have all that nice oil. God help anyone who dared to dispute this. Now we are stuck with a brain-damaged weirdo in the Oval Office, surrounded by a pack of vicious war criminals who sound like something from one of Hitler’s big party rallies in the ‘30s. Ashcroft is a lying KKK reject who keeps bleating about terrorist attacks. No one has any idea where he gets his input but that one is about as nutty as Frist and Ridge. The plan was to announce a major terrorist attack coming up really soon. When it doesn’t materialize (because it was never planned) then the Strange Ones can have a solemn press conference and announce that they were able to prevent something that they made up in the first place. They do this for religious and political reasons. You have no idea the great contempt these strange ducks have for the American voters. They look upon us as a pack of stupid sheep that they, the Divine Shepherds, have to lead to an Imperium that they neither need nor want. More later. I have some really lovely stories about Karl Rove that you can have the next time I write.

maandag 24 mei 2004

May 24, 2004

Since you have had the courtesy to post my comments, there has been quite an uproar around the White House. So far, they have checked lap tops, tapped all outgoing telephone calls, threatened lie detector tests of suspected staffers and issued all kinds of sinister threats. I think they are going to get Generals Karpinski or Miller to run this place. And on that subject, various things to relate.

First off, I want your readers to understand that Bush does not call me in for Afternoons. I have seen him a number of times while I am on the job and he only said “Hi!” to me once but it might have been a water cooler he was looking at.

Bush is a very petty, mean man. He is vengeful to a degree and he will go after anyone or any institution that had dared to cross him or question his God-sent motives. Persistent rumor here has it that back when Bush was sloshed to the gills every day, he was a very, very mean drunk. The favorite scuttlebutt here is that once he stepped in an organic mess made by a family pet and was trying to beat it to death with a ball bat when his wife finally stopped him. She told him that if he didn’t give up his serious daily boozing, she would leave him and take the children. He found religion instead of Jack Daniels and now we all have to put up with a miserable, vicious and probably brain-damaged dry drunk….

How does our President get his daily information? He either can’t or won’t read any newspaper or watch any television station. Every morning, the Likud Express people prepare position papers for him. These reflect their views because, aside from his religion, he doesn’t have any. Three of the secretaries around here who work on these have told me that Bush can only concentrate for about ten to fifteen minutes per item. Anything too complex or too prolix causes him to “wander” and he will change the subject and discuss sports with his aides. Fine.

What he gets is what I call the Likud Express people, otherwise known as the Neo Cons. I am Jewish but these freaks are so far right wing they view Adolf Hitler as a Communist. Bush thinks that the state of Israel is the Home of God and anything he can do for them is wonderful. Sharon is a swine who delights in slaughtering Arab children and old women but Bush won’t hear a word of criticism of him. What Sharon wants, Sharon gets, in spades. All this is doing to increasing anti-Semitism in American by leaps and bounds although most Reformed Jews hate the Likud nuts.

They play, we pay….

Although the New Republicans do not like blacks, and Ashcroft has a nice white sheet in his closet for the day when the Klan rules, Bush is careful on this subject. He is also very muted on the gay issue too. Rumor here has it that Bush is “very friendly” with an African-American drag queen he has known for years and had some strange friends at Yale. All of them gay or not too far back in the closet. And all this on top of a truly petty and mean disposition.

When his Dad ran for office, George was his hit man on the campaign staff. George delighted in sniffing out staffers who were not completely loyal and sacked them. I understand he loved to do this in as nasty a way as he could….

Bush also hates the French, all Muslims (he calls himself the New Crusader…Get the Arabs out of our Holy Land…in a box if necessary) anywhere and especially in the States. He, Ashcroft and Rumsfeld have concocted a set of horrible rules of engagement, the fruits of which we now see in Iraqi prisons. It was Bush who instigated the various violations of the Geneva Convention. Bush has no use for any law or convention that stands in his way. He and his crew hate the UN with a passion and I have heard him say that the euro is a trick of the one-world idiots and it ought to be replaced with the dollar.

Another source outside the White House says that the President and his people in the Pentagon want to nuke North Korea. Bush hates their leader and trashed him in public. Of course he hasn’t got the troops to do it and the fool is stripping South Korea of troops for Iraq. My friends in State are horrified by this but no one can tell Bush anything and most people are in awe of him (mostly the office) and won’t dare tell him anything contrary to his beliefs.

Yes, Bush has medical problems. He can’t answer questions; he has a very short-term memory; he is fixated on religious concepts to the complete detriment of our foreign policy. His vicious, short sighted and irrational hatreds are doing and will do terrible damage to America abroad. We have no friends now and every new desertion brings out screams of rage from the Oval Office with Bush ranting about “sanctions” and “economic punishment” against anyone who even dares to look cock-eyed at him.

I have been collecting all kinds of neat files on some of his aides and will send them off to you in a week or so. There are some real lovelies working inside the White House. Of course there were some double-ended freaks here during the Clinton years but they only fellated each other in closets and didn’t go around napalming mosques full of frightened women and kids.