donderdag 31 mei 2007

May 31, 2007

The White House personnel have two private polling companies working for them. The purpose is to get very accurate analysis of public opinion. The usual method is to poll to an idea. That is, if the RNC or the DNC wants a certain impression created, they inform their pollsters that they want to show public approval of something, the pollsters dig out a list of rabid Republicans and poll them with entirely predictable results. As a case in point, about five years ago, a poll showed that only 25% of the American public believed there had been a Holocaust. These results so enraged the Jewish community, who depends on public sympathy for control purposes, that a new poll was immediately taken that showed 95% of the American public believed in the Holocaust. How could this happen? Simple. It was known later that the polling firm only asked Jewish individuals whereas the first poll was general. That’s how it works, children. Anyway, the polls that they use here are totally unbiased because accuracy of the results are vital in many cases. You might be interested to know that a special poll taken on May 30 last, showed Bush’s approval rating at 18%! Another poll, taken by a news agency showed a 25% approval rating two days later. Ours is much more accurate. Cheney’s overall rating is 9% and dropping. The Republican Congresspeople are well aware of this plunge and are as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockingchairs. They see their fortunes heading into the deep cellar and because Bush is obstructionistic and stubborn as hell, they know he cannot be budged from his manic aim to achieve a victory in Iraq. It is evident to almost everyone that if Bush keep us, there will be some kind of a terrible reaction in the United States and the results will be an enormous upheaval at the 2008 Congressional elections. What can happen? Mass revolts in the military, acts of sabotage, domestic violence but most probably, the strong probability of biparty impeachment. Very few actually want this, remembering the sound and fury of Watergate but Bush is leaving them no choice. They will move back and forth and finally, some utterly stupid act on Bush’s part will start the log rolling down the hill, a course that cannot be halted.

zaterdag 26 mei 2007

May 26, 2007

Neither Bush nor Cheney would make good poker players; their bluffs are chronically moronic, illogical and transparent. And they fold easily.

Since 2001, the American public has been victimized by various officially invented (and very badly constructed) “security alerts’, especially before the last election, that were solely designed to terrify the ignorant American public into voting for the wonderful Republicans who would protect them. (Opf course, this begs the question of who will protect the American public from the thieving Bush people who have stolen enough money to buy Guatemala.

And there were the CIA-faked ‘Osama bin Laden” tapes, (he’s been dead for four years now) made in Texas, again designed to frighten voters. And we had the farcical ‘Blow -Up –The- Sears -Tower” plot, more “bin Laden “ tapes, the truly entertaining ‘liquid bombs’ made by purported (but never identified) terrorists who, we were breathlessly told, were planning to use them on aircraft, the equally farcical ‘bombs-in-the-shoes’ scam about blowing up aircraft cockpit doors, the ‘Fort Dix Destruction Derby’, and the constantly leaked ‘Iranian invasion plans’ that we have been deluged with over the last year and a half.

Bush tried to bluff North Korea and was laughed at, not only by the North Koreans but by everyone else. He kept threatening boycotts, invasion and bombings unless they dismantled their atomic programs but the North Koreans quickly saw that he was merely making noise to impress his gullible public again, and ignored him as, rightly assessed, an empty drum, as Shakespeare said, ’Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.’ That was North Korea and was an indication of Bush’s methods of attack: Bluff, posture for the cameras and then fold. In the same vein, both he and Cheney have been shrilly threatening Iran for over a year and a half.

With a terrified Israel pushing them to attack their enemy, (‘Better 10,000 dead Americans than one Israeli’) the Bush claque has been telling Tehran that Bush just won’t put up with them anymore and next week, he will get really angry. That’s when the ‘secret Pentagon plans’ for a pending invasion of Iran are repeatedly leaked to an eager and unquestioning American print and video media. And if Bush gets really mad, he’ll hit them with his purse.

Since Tehran only laughs at his ineffectual noise, Bush, in the growing perception that he is an ineffectual twit, has now committed a very serious error by sending a large naval task force, including carriers, to the Persian Gulf. Instead of terrifying Tehran into submission, he has put the bulk of America’s naval strike forces in very serious harms way.

The Iranians, it is very well known (except by the American press who only prints what the Pentagon and the White House tells them to ) have a significant number of the newest Russian missiles emplaced in the mountains bordering the Gulf. They, and the Russians, have constructed fake positions to fool the overhead satellites, whose paths and schedules have been known for some time to just about everyone except the Pentagon, but they also have real positions filled with missiles.

If an American or an American/Israeli attack were to be launched on Iran, they would retaliate, not with atomic weapons but with Russian-supplied missiles. Anyone taking the trouble to look on the Internet about these new weapons, will know that they cannot be deflected by our electronic missile defenses and all it would take would be for one missile to plow into an aircraft carrier, well within range, and blow a hole in it big enough to run a train through.

The Persian Gulf is not that deep but if a carrier sinks to the bottom of it, the loss of life would be very high, there being ca 6,000 men on board. And we are speaking here of just one enormous ship and not the dozens of other large naval units now on station and also easy targets. A big fleet, confined in the relatively narrow Persian Gulf and easily within the range of Iranian/Russian missiles, could, in theory, be virtually obliterated with terrible consequences.

Once, someone asked Otto von Bismarck, the German chancellor and an expert on foreign affairs, where he felt a major war would break out. Bismarck replied, ‘Some damned foolishness in the Balkans.’ In these times, with the same kind of weak leadership in the United States that Bismarck had to put up with, the answer would be, ‘Some damned foolishness in the Gulf.’

Bush may not be able to launch another real war but his idiotic posing and constant stream of meaningless threats could well trigger a major disaster that would finish the mindless bluffing he has already engendered. By his empty-minded desire to be a great military leader (which he is not now and never could be) and because Israel has pushed him into interfering, ineptly, in mid-East politics, (solely to their benefit) Bush has unleashed a highly effective Muslim anti-American/Israeli movement that, as it spreads across the globe, will have a terrible effect over the next few years.

If it weren’t for our foolish and stubborn support of Israel, the Muslims would never have launched attacks on the United States and our crude, brutal and very public vicious behavior towards them, both in Iraq and the United States has only fanned the flames of a fire Bush deliberately started.

To date, Bush and Cheney’s idiotic games have virtually destroyed our Army and Marines as an effective ground fighting force. Now Bush is looking at the unscathed Navy as another piece on his manic chessboard. Given all this militant flummery, is it any wonder that Russia’s Putin is becoming increasingly hostile? Cheney desperately wants to return to a Cold War with the evil Russians as our primary enemy when in fact, at the present time, the world’s primary enemies sit in the White House in Washington.

donderdag 24 mei 2007

May 24, 2007

The people here have leaked a story that Bush is going to get the grossly incompetent CIA to launch ‘covert actions” against Iran! This is known here to be pure crap, just like the duct tape crap they tried to peddle a few years back. Or the ‘liquid –explosive- on –aircraft’ hoax or the ‘terrorist attacks on 1. the Sears Tower in Chicago and, 2.Ft. Dix The demoralized, gay-infested CIA would be hard put to launch a covert attack against a Brooklyn hotdog stand and outside the United States with its obedient media, no one believes this silly crap. When Blair goes as PM, the British media will be far less accommodating in publishing the latest American scare fiction.

The CIA oafs are responsible for the periodic ‘bin Laden’ tapes that the eager press loves to publish. The problem is, the man has been dead and buried for four years and they know it. Bin Laden died in a Pakistani military hospital in 2003 as the result of kidney failure. This has not prevented the ham-handed CIA from producing grotesque “bin Ladin” tapes for the edification of the obedient press and the concern of the American public, usually to either hide one of their usual disasters or to prepare for a new one. And while on the subject of Pakistan, the nitwits in the Bush administration have written off Musharraf and are now courting several venal Pakistani military leaders to bribe when the current leader steps on a landmine in his bathtub.

Although it is strictly forbidden for anyone in the Pentagon or the U.S. military to express views that contradict the weird fantasies of our mad President, nevertheless, they do prepare in-house memoranda on the catastrophic situation in Iraq and at least one of these has leaked out.

One very unhealthy indicator of the coming disaster is the ratio of combat troops to support troops. In 2003, at the onset of the Iraq catastrophe, the ratio was 1 to 3 and now it is at 1 to 2. Historically, the ratio during the Second World War was 1 to 5 and the last major conflict, the Vietnam war, the ratio was 1 to 7. This ratio has been achieved by pouring every available person into active combat, stripping cadres from military bases worldwide and replacing them with civilians and drastically lowering the entrance requirements for enlistment. When you add these to the longer and longer tours of duty you have a large force available, no matter how weak, under-equipped or useless and Bush, in his madness, thinks that the numbers will force a military defeat on the insurgents.

The Pentagon experts now feel that Bush has personally ruined the military and exposed us to very critical security problems. None of these realities are recognized by the Triumvirate of Evil, Bush-Cheney-Rove.

These vicious and completely destructive creatures will end up causing huge death tolls among our young soldiers which, like the battered French army in 1918, will cause mutinies, refusals to fight and the killing of officers that are too gung-ho. This, according to the military analysis, is guaranteed to happen if the present policies are not radically altered, but no one has the balls to do anything about it.

Eventually, the public will take control and then there will be a guillotine set up in Lafayette Park and set to use around the clock.

maandag 21 mei 2007

May 21, 2007

On May 4 last, I sent you a story on the interdiction, torture and killing of foreign nationals by elements of the U.S. military based at Ft. Huachuca in southern Arizona. This, apparently, is not a surprise to others living in that area as witness the attached story from an Arizona paper.

In point of fact, torture of civilians, killing unarmed prisoners of war and civilians and other well-defined war crimes is more the rule in our modern army in the field rather than the exception. When the Iraqi war began, the United States possessed a well-trained and beautifully equipped rapid response force, designed to act as an international fire brigade.

Now, thanks to the criminal stupidity of George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, the ground forces, viz the Army and the Marines, are ruined. The casualty rates are terrible, and unreported, and equipment such as trucks, soft-skinned vehicles, tanks and other support vehicles, to include military helicopters, are mostly inoperative and under repair because o the known damage done to internal combustion engines by desert sand.

The heavy death tolls, basically minimized by the DoD, and the really appalling injuries suffered by troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan has removed tens of thousands of soldiers from the field. Now, the unscrupulous recruiters are filling the gaps in the troops caused by death, injury, desertion, suicide and mental collapse by enlisting mental defectives, drug addicts, gang members and persons with a criminal record. Anything that is warm is now acceptable. The higher standards of six years ago have been thrown over the side. As it stands now, the Mexican cabdrivers union could invade El Paso and the military can do nothing. In short, our defenses have been destroyed and it will take years to replace the missing soldiers and, as important, the destroyed and badly damaged equipment. The allegations of torture and worse being practiced inside the United States are only the tip of a very ugly iceberg lying in the path of the approaching Titanic. Bush has single-handedly ruined America’s world reputation, destroyed her ground forces, ruined their equipment and brought future decades of shame and disgrace upon us all. Former president Carter was dead-on when he said George W. Bush was the worse president in our entire history.

donderdag 17 mei 2007

May 17, 2007

Bush, shaking with rage, is determined to keep the thoroughly discredited Wolfowitz and the obviously grossly incompetent Gonzales as members of his control circle. That Wolfowitz is a foul-mouthed asshole and Gonzales a brainless Bush hand puppet, they will stay where they are if Bush has his way…and he probably won’t. George is in the corner now and fighting like a sick cat to defend his rapidly shrinking territory and almost non-existent authority. While Israeli leaders are quivering with joy over the election of Sarkozy, they are furious about the coming AIPAC trials and over the probable departure of Wolfowitz, the prime architect of the Iraqi war they so earnestly desired.

The hoped-for invasion, or at least attack, on Iran is not going to happen. It’s not that there is not a will but there is not a way. We are so tied down in Iraq and an attack on Iran could have serious military consequences if they resisted and, worse, counterattacked, that the joint U.S./Israeli plan has been shelved. However, that having been said, I have heard pretty strong rumors that while conventional bombing and ground battles are out, there is a possibility that BW/CW might not be. The Israelis are so furious that we will not do their dirty work for them, that they are threatening some kind of clandestine blackmail against us by threatening to loose anthrax on Iran and blame it on someone else. Who could that be? Why us, of course. They would know nothing. This has the Pentagon, and others, very rattled because Israel is entirely capable of doing this. I suppose they have heard the rumors that the Arabs are going to let smallpoz loose in their country so perhaps they are using this as a preemptive strike. In any case, we would be much better off with either no allies at all or much more rational ones.

maandag 14 mei 2007

May 14, 2007

The top man at Justice is quitting, Gonzales won’t because his daddy wants to keep him, Blair has left and Brown, according to my information, wants nothing to do with Iraq and thinks Bush is a nut case. We just had another fake “terrorist warning” which is considered a joke around here, the death tolls in Iraq are climbing and Bush’s approval ratings are reaching the 0 level. I have spoken with a number of Republican Congressmen and they all feel that the President is a candidate for the funny farm and soon enough, they will all desert him in a panic. The Democrats are afraid to go too far with Bush because the evil Karl Rove has the dirt on many of them and threatens to expose them. Shades of Colonel Hoover! Growing rumors inside the Beltway that some time ago, a very senior CIA official gave away thousands of pages of documents to a writer, mainly because he was getting soft in the head. Now, they might surface. What’s in them? God knows. Murders, embezzlements, drug sales, whatever. It gives the increasingly useless CIA something else to worry about. The military brass at the Pentagon are muttering about removing Bush who, they believe, has ruined their military beyond repair. ‘Christ,’ one General said to a few of us on Sunday, “the beaners could invade Texas and we couldn’t do a fucking thing about it…!’ The Hebrews are yelling that we aren’t doing enough for Mother Israel and Russia just aced Cheney’s oil plans by grabbing up the oil for themselves. He is not happy and a few more slaps in his face and Dick the Prick will have a fatal pump attack. Not too soon, I say. I feel sorry for the maintenance staff that has to clean up his carpet after they wheel him out in a zipped-up rubber bag...

vrijdag 11 mei 2007

May 11, 2007

A number of subjects that ought to be of interest to the public, aside of the fatal crushing to death of our President by the anaconda of public opinion.

The first subject deals with the new French President, Nicolas Sarkozy. Yesterday, there was a top level phone call between the Israeli Embassy and Vice President Cheney’s office. One of his top staff is a friend. The call dealt with the election of Sarkozy and an actual quote was…’Our man is in and we can now talk!’

It is no secret here that the U.S. contributed heavily to Sarkozy’s political war chest in the recent election. There are a number of reasons why we, and Israel, supported him so fiercely. The Cheney people hate France because they have dared to oppose us and Israel

As a Hungarian Jew (his mother was Jewish, ergo he is considered a Jew) and a fierce, militant right winger, Sarkozy is in good odor here and in Tel Aviv There are several major issues here. The first one is the idea that Sarkozy will no longer support the Lebanese, will be to Bush what the retiring Blair in England was…a devoted ally. Another factor is the problems France has been having with its huge Muslim population.

The younger ones are rebellious and recently engaged in violent rioting. Sarokzy’s election was a partial public reaction to this carnage. He and his people assure both us and the Isrelis that he will, as soon as he can, foment these malcontents to the point where they will riot again and then will order the forced deportation of all Muslim youth from France between the ages of 18 through 25 and crack down on those remaining.

Also, he has pledged to “utterly crush” the student union UNEF that is the focus of so much domestic violence

.France has always detested Jews and Sarkozy has agreed to reverse this to the best of his ability. Cheney suggested shipping the Muslims to “some Goddam desert somewhere” but no one knows where they will be sent but they will be sent.

Once he has reestablished cordial relations with the French Jewish community, he has promised to let France play a bigger role in NATO operations in Afghanistan. There are now a little over a thousand French troops in that country and he has agreed to move them from relatively static activities to active anti-Taliban combat in southern Afghanistan.

The British, now leading the war there, will be pulled out when Blair leaves and the Brits have warned us about that.

Sarkozy was picked by us as a straw dog because of his Jewish connections, his ferocity in attacking perceived American enemies (anything Muslim) and much, much closer cooperation with the United States, especially in providing troops for Iraq. Many of these will be removed, at the demand of Israel, from Lebanon and Sarkozy will not support the Muslim peoples of that country.

This new dictator of France, so pro-Israel, has a skeleton in his closet: A top level CIA evaluation I read on Saturday says the new President’s father was a member of the Hungarian Arrow Cross party and took a prominent part in deporting the Jews of Budapest between May and October of 1944!

The next interesting piece of information is that Bush is going to activate the entire, note the word, entire, U.S. National Guard and ship it off, in increments, to Iraq. He is delusional and in the face of repeated warnings that his idiot “surge” will never work, he is going right ahead as if he heard nothing.

In the FDAs frenzy to put the blame for pet food poisoning, they blamed China and, not content with dissing them for putting a totally harmless chemical in food supplements, started the rumor that the Chinese had been selling the very poisonous dietyhylene glycol as pure glycerine. This, we are told (NYT May 6, 2007 p 1) was shipped to Panama where the local government used it in cough medicine, killing thousands.

What no one here wants to talk about (and are using the Chinese as a blind) is that a very large amount of popular American prescription drugs have been entering the United States that are even more deadly than the Panamanian cough syrup. These counterfeit medications are purported to be made by: Merck, Smith-Klein Glaxo, Pfizer, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb,, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, Warner-Lambert, Monsanto, Amgen, BioPort, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries. They are not made by these companies but come from several areas outside the United States, to include Lybia, Italy and Israel. Contamininates include, but are not limited to: Acetonitrile, Ethylene glycol, Methyl ethyl ketone, N,N-dimethylformamide, N-butyl alcohol, Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Toluene, Dichloromethane, Methanol, Methyl isobutyl ketone, Naphthalene, N-Hexane, Pyridine

Many of these adulterated and counterfeit drugs come into the United States from Tijuana, Mexico, and Canadian “cheap medicine” fronts. They are deadly and no one ought to even think about buying them, mostly via Internet ads. Is the FDA aware of this? Of course and they have been trying frantically to stop it but in private. It would not do to let the public know this or another pet food panic would ensue. It is better to pay more money and buy from American pharmacies.

Another huge joke is the breathless story about ‘Muslim terrorists’ who are going to attack a U.S. Army base with weapons they do not have. This is the latest bovine fecal matter, the 'Terrorist Attack on Fort Dix'.

The Bush administration has been steadily trumpeting this Fright Night crap about once a year and have cried 'wolf' so many times that the public no longer listens to their fictions.

What next? Duct tape redux?

Can we anticipate a planned devilish attack by pre-teen troops of the very dead bin Laden against a Colorado day care center for autistic children? A plan by dimwitted "Muslim terrorist" 15-year-olds on Steinhart Aquarium and the dynamiting of fish tanks?

I firmly believe the terrorists could buy a 16-wheeler, load it with explosives or tins of anthrax, paint bin Ladin's picture on the sides along with multi-lingual death threats against America and drive it, unmolested, through an entry port like Blaine, Washington or Windsor, Ontario, waved on by smiling DHS people who were happily busy beating and strip searching an 86-year old Alzheimer's victim in a frenzied search for Comp-4!

And the final piece of news you will not see on CNN nor read in the New York Times concerns the frantic anger of the Israelis and other Zionist entitles here concerning the coming trial of the AIPAC spies. Jews are howling about this AIPAC trial and demanding the pardoning of Larry Franklin. To them, it is not only permitted but a necessity for Jews to spy for Israel who, in their eyes, transcends loyalty to America. The Pentagon brass wants these people shot as spies but this will never, never happen. Bush is being pressured to send them all, including Pollard, to Israel for “punishment,” which will consist of not being allowed to go to the beach during the weekend.

Bush is nuttier than a fruitcake and if he doesn’t show some flexibility and at least appear to be listening to something other than the weird voice in his head, that head will surely end up on a pike, being paraded up and down Pennsylvania Avenue in front of cheering crowds.

donderdag 3 mei 2007

May 3, 2007

It has been brought to my attention, by a participant, that certain highly illegal practices are being committed at the U.S. Army base at Ft. Huachuca in Arizona.

It seems that a large number of illegals use routes through the rough countryside ,south and west of the base, to illegally enter the United States. Among these groups, it is alleged, a number of non-Latinos can be found and many of them, but not all certainly, are persons hostile to American interests.

What happens is this: The Border Patrol interdicts groups en route to Highway 10. If they can identify any foreigners, i.e., not Central or South Americans, they notify the Army people at Huachuca. These non-Latinos are then separated by the Army and removed to a "secure location" on the base where they are "severely interrogated" by contract workers. There is always a member of the U.S. Army CIC present at these sessions.

When the interrogators have finished their work, the tortured individuals are taken out into the desert, stripped of their shoes and socks and dumped out. These dumping places are selected because of their remoteness and the impossibility for the victim to find any kind of civilization, food or water.

Obviously, they die of exposure. Neither a quick nor a pleasant death but a sure one. And no bullet holes or broken bones to accuse.

This method of removal was chosen over the standard shot in the neck because if the dessicated bodies are ever found, it is immediately assumed that they were illegals who had gone astray.

I am sure you realize that such conduct, even if Bush personally ordered it, (which, given his vicious nature would not be surprising) is completely illegal and severely punished under American law.

There will be further information on this subject in the future.

From August, 2003 to date, the following breakdown of those terminated with extreme prejudice (actually a CIA term for offing one of their own agents) reads as follows:

Australian/New Zealand 6
Yemini 8
Chinese 15
Philippinos 3
Venezuelans 11
Turkmenstani 4
Pakistani 32

As a further item of historical interest, Wikileaks is now in the process of publishing the entire military order of battle of the PRC to include support troops, intelligence units, aircraft bases, naval units and their bases and, as if that were not enough, have put together a list of call signs for intelligence diplomatic communications. Much of this information comes from the Chinese dissidents who are highly prominent in this project and their efforts are also supplemented with “unofficial” leaks from U.S. government sources. Causing maximum intelligence damage to the PRC seems to be Wikileaks’ main purpose. Whether or not it will succeed is to be seen. The Cheney people have also been trying the same game on the Putin administration but with very little in the way of positive (and a great deal of negative,) results. The Wiki people (and other very prominent internet “informational” sites) have strong, but very private, links to various American governmental agencies and are an excellent indicator of current administration thought and areas of desired influence.