donderdag 30 augustus 2007

August 30, 2007

There have been many deliberately leaked rumors about a projected attack on Iran. Believe that Israel desperately wants this and Cheney is firmly, and deeply, in their pocket over the issue of our attacking their enemies. Bush wants to go along, believing a great surge of patriotic support would be forthcoming from the adoring public and that he could end his tenure in the White House in a blaze of public adulation and military glory.

He does actually believe this stupidity and is entirely capable of ordering at attack. At this writing, the talk is that he is setting up plans for the Air Force to bomb Tehran back into the stone age. This way, Bush reasons (a word hardly fitting his ineptness) he doesn’t have to use ground troops (which he no longer has), Israel will leap with joy and Cheney and his Likudist friends will fawn over Bush.

Bush has no friends left anymore, other than his wife and his dog, so as a man who likes to be flattered and worshipped for his totally non-existent abilities, he would purr like a stroked cat.

Even if he announced this attack to a joint session of Congress, they could do nothing to stop him because he has the legal right to launch such an attack. Of course the Navy can’t take part because it would be attacked by the Iranian missiles and obliterated but a fleet of bombers could easily make it to Tehran. While it is known that Iran has a ring of anti-aircraft missiles around their capital, in Bush’s squinty eyes, what are a few dozen bombers blasted out of the air if he can do more damage and then give a fatuous speech about how he saved his precious country from a savage attack by the evil al Quaeda? Yes, children, Bad Seepage, Ohio is safe at last!

I notice that when Bush went to New Orleans, he was brought into that shattered city like a thief in the night with no fanfare, no parades and massive, really massive, security. He was rushed around for very well-guarded photo ops and at one school, the children were sternly ordered by the principal not to ask any questions of the President but only to applaud him and smile.

The small handful of New Orleans’ black citizens who still liked Bush (about seven or eight by count) were dragged out for more photo ops and then, surrounded by a phalanx of armed and vigilant guards, he was whisked out, rushed to the airfield in armored cars with sirens hooting and into the safety of AF1 and back to the White House bunker.

There is a rumor, probably more wishful thinking, among the staff here that Bush has bought a white horse for his victory parade up Pennsylvania Avenue after nuking Tehran but I wouldn’t believe it. I highly doubt if Bush would dare appear in such a public forum and there aren’t enough secret service men to line the streets, waving paper flags and cheering the New Caesar.

An old saying: ‘Whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad,’ certainly fits these present circumstances.

zondag 26 augustus 2007

August 26, 2007

White House staff members are informed that they are not to use any AT&T, SBC or AOL system to send any messages dealing with official issues. Why is this? Because these entities report directly to government agencies, giving them, on a strictly voluntary basis, reams of information on their subscribers to include taped conversations, records of incoming and outgoing calls and, most especially any incoming or outgoing calls from outside the United States. These firms volunteered to supply governmental agencies with all of this information and, in some cases, have permitted government agents to operate freely inside their facilities.

Also, it is well known here that the search engine, Google, regularly and again, voluntarily, supplies the government identifying material on persons seeking information on subjects the government has decreed are ‘of interest.’ This includes the obvious subjects such as al-Quaeda, smart bombs, or nerve gasses but also includes any subject that might be considered anti-administration in general and anti-Bush and Cheney in specific.

Although there has been some public discussion of this volunteer spying, it is continuing even as we speak and it is known in the trade that no federal prosecutions will ensue as a result of their illegal actions. Many American businesses, such as the huge California-based Bank of America, regularly cooperate with the DHS in conducting illegal searches of their depositor’s accounts and, especially, their safe deposit boxes.

It is a common joke inside the Beltway that many DHS> employees are sporting very nice gold watches as a result of these clandestine operations.

donderdag 23 augustus 2007

August 23, 2007

By now, most Americans have learned of the very serious economic problems caused by the utter collapse of the sub-prime home mortgage business. What is not discussed are certain underlying causes which I will rectify for you. The so-called ‘dotcom’ stock collapse was a rigged venture that almost wiped out an entire legitimate industry some years back. How it worked was this way” A number of crooked stock brokers promoted certain high tech stock. They knew there was really nothing behind their choices. Once the stock was set up and destined for the board, they called a number of their wealthy friends and said, in essence, ‘I want you to buy 30,000 shares of such-and-such stock at ten and I will sell you out at twenty.’ The client, who had been this before, agreed. The result was a surge in sales and we had a ‘rocket stock.’ Eventually, when the worthless stock shot up to $80.00 a share, gravity took over and down it went, overnight. So did other deals like and, unfortunately, a lot of legitimate stock. Now, we have the same game but with different players. This time, a group of thoroughly crooked small mortgage dealers conspired with each other to rip off the major banks. They gave no-deposit mortgages to home buyers whom they knew had no credit at all. They sold them flexible rate mortgages and forgot to tell the new home owners that in a few months, their $300 a month payments would suddenly soar to $3,000. Then they sold these deliberately faked mortgages to banks and lending institutions. These, in turn, believing that when they put the rates up within the stated limits, their incomes would soar. These mortages were then put into packages by the unsuspecting banks and sold to investors. Naturally, when the banks raised the rates (as they had an absolutely legal right to do,) the poor homeowner could not make the payments, defaulted and the bank had to take over the homes that had been abandoned. People high up in Washington became aware of this (but the press was asked initially to lay off the subject) Cheney suggested to the shocked banks that they quickly sell of the “bad” mortgages to the Chinese. For some reason, Cneney hates them and is doing his very best to ruin their economy. He was the moving force behind the plan to sell Blackstone stock to the Chinese just before Blackstone went public. Naturally, when the news of the huge Chinese purchase hit the cooperative press, the stock prices went up just long enough for Cheney and his friends to make a short-term killing before Blackstone tanked. The Chinese are, deliberately, stuck with billions of dollars of stock in a fly-by-night company who is in the process of total collapse. Also, there have been runs on a bank, Nationwide, which is allied with the mortgage people who are in the process of total burn out. The public should note that the FDIC program protects all investors in any bank up to $100,000 and bank runs are not necessary or helpful. Now, you have some background on this. Don’t blame the banks, kids. They were conned and we will all pay for the game. And by now, the sleazy mortgage brokers are sunning on the beach at Tel Aviv while thinking of all their money stashed in Israeli banks.

zondag 19 augustus 2007

August 19, 2007

Most of the White House staff who has any contact with the President knows that he claims that he is a very religious man. He believes that he has a compact with God Almighty who talks to him on a regular basis and tells him what to do. No, this is not blog nonsense because he has modestly informed a number of the press assigned to the White House press corps that this is the real skinny. He said that when he was at the late Pope’s funeral, he saw the pages of the Bible fluttering in the wind and in that moment, he knew God was talking to him. This is one of the reasons Bush is fanatically pro-Israel because Bush firmly believes that Jesus is coming back and he will be the celestial instrument in the totally fictional “Battle of Armageddon.’ Bush firmly believes that the Holy Land must all belong to Israel even if they have to kill off all the Muslims living there. Bush has had several of his portraits doctored digitally to show him with a halo over his head and he has an old Bible in his office that he drags out from time to time to “thoughtfully and prayerfully” read whenever he wants to impress a visitor. At first, I thought this was just another Bush con job to impress the Christian Right nit wits that used to visit here but little by little, I came to the inescapable conclusion that Bush actually believed this nonsense and is determined to pursue his lunatic and disruptive Mid East policy in the face of logic and disaster. Those who think he will “abandon Israel” and pull out are dead wrong. He will hint at possible future withdrawals but in truth, will stay in that country until the day he leaves office. Why? Because he says God had promised him all kinds of nice things if he just waits a little longer so Armageddon can take place. No one dares to tell Bush that the ‘Battle of Armageddon’ is not anywhere in the Bible. The only reference to this geographical location can be found in Revelations 16:16 and nowhere else. In fact, no one dares to tell Bush anything he does not want to hear or there is instant reprisal. As the result of his increasing eccentricities, many staffers have quietly left and now, with the departure of Rove, Bush has no one he can confide in. Cheney merely orders him around, Gonzales is a pathetic, creepy little butt kisser and there is no point on dwelling on the shallow and useless Rice. Well, I suppose we get what we pay for and we paid for a wacko who has the power to kill a great number of people. That is if God tells him to.

vrijdag 17 augustus 2007

August 17, 2007

There has been a sudden increase in stories about contaminated Chinese toys and constant mention of contaminated food for pets and humans being imported into the United States. Is this an example of brilliant reporting or is there more to the story?

Initially, a faked story was put out officially that the death of 25,000-30,000 cats and dogs was due to ‘contaminated Chinese products’. I said ‘faked’ because the alleged poisoned additive was harmless. This was designed to shift blame from furious Latinos putting Ecoli (easy to obtain) into fast foods. Even if your poodle ate ten pounds of the alleged “fatal” Chinese additives , they wouldn’t miss a step.

Then we had the poisoned tooth paste, contaminated seafood, poisoned toys and so on.

The implication here is that either our safety inspectors are stupider than Bush at his worst or that the Chinese suddenly loosed a reign of terror on the west.

From what we hear around here, the answer is not hard to find.

The crazy Cheney views China as a nest of ‘evil Communist vipers’ and has been pushing to wreck their economy. The Chinese were swindled by Blackstone out of hundreds of millions of dollars but when they began to hint that they would dump their dollar holdings and create economic havoc against the dollar, Cheney ordered an all-out media attack on Chinese imports.

He now wants us, and many of our toady allies in Europe (England, Germany, and now France), to declare a total import ban on all Chinese food products on the grounds that most of them are ‘contaminated with poisonous chemicals’. Is this true?

Careless to some degree but certainly not deliberate.

I have said it before and I will repeat myself: Dick Cheney is a very sick, evil man who should be elsewhere as soon as possible.

maandag 13 augustus 2007

August 13, 2007

On of the real problems the American public has with George W. Bush and the presidency is the fact that those who lead it are living in some kind of a strange surreal world of their own creation. Karl Rove’s grab for permanent Republican Imperial rule has died. While Congress still shows little sign of actual leadership, it is evident that Bush and his people can no longer shove their strange, Fascistic agendas down the public’s throat, even by unleashing a torrent of purely ficticous “terrorist” threats that would be comic if they weren’t so deadly. Rove is going and believe me, no one with as much actual power as Karl Rove willingly leaves that power. Cheney and Rove ran the White House and now Bush’s inner circle is getting smaller and smaller. He has lost power but fights to the end. Balked of his triumph when the immigration bill was shattered, he has taken his revenge by ordering savage and petty crackdowns on Mexican workers and their employers. This is typical George Bush. If he can’t have his way, he lusts to punish anyone he can. When he was a raging drunk, he used to beat his wife and this speaks volumes of the man’s vicious nature. Now, Cheney has been touting instituting a universal draft! This would never, never pass muster with the American public and if they were to launch some kind of a fake “terrorist attack,” I seriously doubt if many would believe it. Any person in power in America today who actually thinks a draft would be accepted is as crazy and insulated as they come. Still, even a broke backed rattler has a fatal bite.

vrijdag 10 augustus 2007

August 10, 2007

How do they watch you? Let me count the ways. With the new surveillance law being voted in by a weak-kneed Congress, the useless AG, Gonzales can now listen to any conversation or read any email without a court order. I have several additional comments to be made on this subject. Let’ s consider a means by which you can be spied on without a warrant. The first is by using your very own television set to listen to you. Sounds fantastic? Another nutty blog idea? Think again. Here I am quoting from an in-house memorandum: ‘The methodology of using a commercial television set connected to a cable network system being used as a transmitter as well as a receive, allowing other parties to hear conversations conducted in the vicinity of the set utilizes the medium of a digital oscillator installed in television sets. This use is only for a set itself connected to a cable system. The additional use of a cable box connected to the television set is the only means by which the set can be used to listen to nearby conversations because these boxes are designed to feed back information through the cable system. This feedback makes it possible for a subscriber to cable to use his telephone to call the cable company for the inclusion of a special program to the subscriber’s system. The cable company is automatically able to ascertain the telephone number from the call and using that information, send the desired program to the television set via their network and the box. The subscriber code of the subscriber matches the data on the subscriber’s box. This makes the use of the box as an instrument of clandestine surveillance possible.. It is then possible for such information to be fed into other channels, including investigative ones. The use by private parties of the cable system to obtain clandestine information in this manner would be difficult if not impossible but the NSA and FBI techniques in other electronic surveillance matters are more than sufficient to ensure electronic eavesdropping. The solution to this problem? Simply unplug your set from the cable system before saying anything in the vicinity of your television set. Another helpful suggestion to concerned readers is to have absolutely nothing to do with the Internet II system. It is thoroughly, and officially, compromised. If you know anyone communicating with you using this system, put them on the block. Also, if you read a story in a large paper such as the New York Times, about a “scientist” who has “invented an absolutely secure telephone scrambling” system that has the government spy agencies “very concerned” because it is completely unbreakable, don’t even think about using it. Stories like this are deliberate plants, done with the eager cooperation of the paper, and designed to sucker people into thinking that the “wonderful new system” is secure. In actuality, it has a trapdoor big enough to permit a Mac truck to drive through it and the seller always notifies competent authority who his privacy-seeking customers are. In my next posting, I will discuss a completely fool proof method for conducting conversations on the telephone that doesn’t require any equipment and is completely safe and simple.

zondag 5 augustus 2007

August 5, 2007

It is dawning on a befuddled Bush that he is in danger of losing everything. His own Republicans, once so obedient, are leaving him in significant numbers and while the Democrats are not yet able to trounce him on legislative matters, it is only a matter of time before they will get enough Republican votes to freeze Bush in his tracks and end the filthy war in Iraq.

Bush has stated hereabouts that he will never, never pull out of Iraq, no matter what anyone else says or does. And he means it. This is not stubbornness or strong character but insanity.

The talk here in some areas is that Bush is frantically trying to find someone to stage a “terrorist attack” somewhere on American soil so he can regain his lost popularity that he got after the 9/11 attack. Those who claim the Bush people and the CIA or Mossad caused this are partially wrong.

What everyone but the public knows is that Bush, the CIA, Cheney, the DCI, Ashcroft and Rumsfeld all knew almost to the day that Muslim extremists were going to hijack commercial aircraft and use them against “icons of American wealth and power” in both Washington and New York.

Their crime isn’t planning the attacks but in deliberately doing nothing to prevent them. Every one of the dead in the attacks can have their deaths laid squarely on the shoulders of the characters listed above.

And after this, Bush had unqualified support of the public and managed to put through rules and regulations that vastly increased his powers as President and greatly diminished the powers of Congress.

Now, it appears that he is losing an Imperial Presidency so he, a man of limited intelligence but with great powers of concentration, has decided to relive the glory days following 9/11.

The only problem is that if someone involved in the plot ever talked, the public, now outraged with Bush, would flare up in civil disobedience. This is the reason why his pet toadies are warning against “imminent al Quaeda attacks inside the United States.” Could Bush find people to help him out? Of course he could.

Hoover certainly found people to get rid of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King but since those days, the public has become far better educated on matters of crude manipulations and if, as they have mentioned, someone set off a shaped charge bomb on San Francisco’s landmark Golden Gate Bridge and destroyed it, very few sane people would believe it.

Bush would demand an immediate universal draft, troops would be flown back to the States from Iraq, detention camps would be reopened, the internet would be shut down immediately and such wonderful ideas as National ID Cards would be dusted off and implemented.

Nixon, cornered, knew when to quit but Bush never will and a crisis of monumental proportions is quickly building.

Is there an antidote to this madness? It is generally felt that if the public made its views very strongly known to their legislators with the warning that if this is not stopped at once, they will all be driven away from the public hog trough next year. This worked recently on the flawed Bush immigration bill and, please note, his toadies are trying to sneak parts of through Congress even as I speak.

If nothing else, common sense will tell you that Bush’s plans are not the ravings of a crazy blogger but there is a large gap between wanting something to happen and making it happen. There are specific plans to invade Iran but they are still only papers in a Pentagon safe. Cheney may be demanding a fake “terrorist attack” and the obedient Bush may well agree with him but they do not have the power to simply do this and turn this country into a nazi-like state with themselves as perpetual rulers. We have lost the oil and gas war to Vladimir Putin (who is twice or three time the leader than Bush ever could be), the Army is effectively ruined as a rapid response force, the dollar is slumping overseas, the stock market is slowly collapsing because of the mortgage, hedge funds and private equity swindles and Bush will do nothing. He has said, in public, that it is the states, not the Federal government, who must be responsible for the infrastructure, in effect blaming the state of Minnesota for the recent bridge collapse.

The immediate impeachment of both Bush and the rabid Cheney is the only effective solution to growing and dangerous problems that threaten all of us. It’s up to Congress to do this but they have let down the American voters again and again.

The only reason why most Congressmen can stand up without a spine is because their skin is so thick.

woensdag 1 augustus 2007

August 1, 2007

On Monday, July 30, I posted a story dealing with Bush’s new plan to reequip U.S. Counterinsurgency forces, now in Iraq, for specific use in the United States and to conceal these actions by claiming, falsely, that the troops were going to be used to ‘assist the Turkish forces’ in controlling cross-border incursions by Kurdish militants into Turkey. We said, specifically, that these troops were not designed to cooperate with Turkey but to be armed and equipped to deal with anticipated ‘civil disobedience’ in the United States under the guise of protecting the country against “al Quaeda terrorist attacks” which Bush knows all about, being privy to them. We said, specifically, that the public should watch for propaganda press releases concerning this. The very next day, the following story appeared on Reuters:”

Pentagon says working with Turkey to solve PKK Problem
Reuters – July 31, 2007

Washington…The Pentagon said on Monday it is working with Turkey to resolve a serious problem posed by the separatist Kurdistan Workers Party, but declined comment on a media report of secret plans to stop terrorist violence.

The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which the US State Department lists as a terrorist organization, has escalated attacks on soldiers and civilians in Turkey in recent months, prompting Turkish calls for a cross-border operation against terrorists based in northern Iraq.

“We recognize that the PKK is a serious problem and we're working closely with both the government of Iraq and the government of Turkey to resolve this,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told reporters.

But he declined to comment on a US report on Monday that said the Pentagon briefed Congress last week on secret plans for a joint US-Turkish military operation to suppress the terrorist movement and capture its leaders.

The PKK, which consists mainly of Turkish Kurds, launched a separatist campaign in 1984. The Turkish government blames PKK violence for more than 30,000 deaths.

Syndicated columnist Robert D. Novak said on Monday that US officials plan a US-Turkish operation that if successful would avert a Turkish invasion of Iraq.

Up to now, the Bush administration has focused on diplomacy to ease tensions along the border between Turkey and Iraq's semiautonomous Kurdistan region. The US Treasury Department has also targeted PKK funds flowing through Europe.

But US efforts to stop Kurdish militants in Iraq from attacking Turkey have been meager and unsuccessful, increasing the chances of a retaliatory strike by Ankara, US officials and analysts have warned.

“And further, we see here a well-known presenter of official views holding forth on the identical subject.

Now we can fully expect to watch long pseudo-news concoctions on Murdoch’s discredited FOX News on the same subject, replete with camouflage-uniform general officers mixed in with grave Republican legislators and even Bush himself adding his feather-weight mumblings to the swelling propaganda chorus.