donderdag 28 februari 2008

February 28, 2008

The New York Times is now full of all kinds of idiot stories about the fictional Holocaust. This must be in advance of the new legislation being proposed to have Bush declare a National Day of Atonement wherein all Americans will have the chance to reflect on the Great Sufferings of the Jewish People. We now see references to Anne Frank Diaries which is pathetic since the German government proclaimed these famous tear jerkers as stone fakes some years ago and of course the new German comic book designed to “sensitize” German school children to the evil ways of their fathers. I wonder why no one ever talks about the Great Armenian Holocaust of 1916? Many, many more Christian Armenians were butchered by the Muslim Turks than Jews died during WW II but we never see any mention of this well-proven slaughter. Why? Because Israel is friendly with the Turks who do not want anyone daring to mention their nastiness and since the Jews own all the media in America today, we see nothing. Of course the newspapers are a dying institution; everyone gets their news from the internet and no one can control the internet, not even the evil CIA or the AIPAC, so the National Day of Atonement, coming up soon, may help fill the coffers of Our Best Ally.

If you study the psychology of mass actions, you will note that the public always seems to back the winner. Obama has a very good political action team, a good deal more money than anyone else and has established a very powerful forward momentum. The public does not like a loser and note that Hillary has been losing ground, and important delegates at an increasing rate.. If you are perceived as successful, you will be successful. They way the candidates for the Democratic nomination are being civilized with each other indicates that a ticket with both of them is not an impossibility. Obama's best asset, outside of himself, is his wife. Hillary's worst asset, outside of herself, is her husband. Neither one of the Clintons likes to lose and they show it. No grace under pressure.

Frantic right-wing commentators, used to eight years of Karl Rove-type malice, lies and innuendo, are getting very close to calling Obama a nigger and if and when they do, they will discover that the black community has not forgotten the ugliness of Katrina or many years of social repression. I have known many very many far right, rich Republicans and the words "kike" and "nigger" are often used in what we would like to think would be the best company.

When one of my rich east coast establishment friends said, "My God, you can't vote for that uppity coon!" my response was that I would vote for the white half. He was not amused, but I was.

There will be major elections in Russia coming up. It doesn’t take a Harvard graduate to detect great official anger in the United States , directred against Vladimir Putin. Is predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, was a drunk and in the pay of the U.S. Putin, a former colonel in the KGB, took over from Boris and began methodically to either stop the sale of Russia ’s immense oil and gas fields or, if contracts had been let to eager western oil companies, cancel them. The so-called ‘Oligarchs’ were a group of exclusively Jewish Russian gangsters who were conniving with the aforesaid oil companies. Putin not only stopped this looting of Russia but he persecuted the Oligarchs, driving most of them to safety in Israel (who never extradites any Jew, regardless of the alleged crime involved) Not only were the oil companies livid at their huge losses (they had shipped hundreds of millions of dollars worth of new equipment to the Russian fields, equipment which Putin simply took over and put to good use…for Russia, not western oil interests.) and the Jewish business community took a decidedly negative view of Putin and his actions. This led directly to official anger in the White House and the media. In fact, Vladimir Putin has done an excellent job in bringing order to a chaotic Russia and, on a more direct note, brought huge sums of money into his country, raising the standard of living to a high level. Now, Russia has staked out drilling areas in the Arctic, areas American oil interests are frantic to obtain. If the oil companies are frantic, Bush obediently upbraids Putin and tries to find some way to annoy him, such as missile sites being located in Poland . (Two are already in place as I write) The world in general, and the United States in particular, would be far better off if God in His wisdom called George W. Bush to His bosom.

zondag 24 februari 2008

February 24, 2008

Politics is now all the vogue in the American press. It doesn’t matter if the economy is going to hell in a hand basket, we all get to hear the latest thrilling news about the Oscars, JayLo’s babies, the latest Spears craziness, and, of course, Hillary and Obama dukeing it out in Texas. The money here is on Obama. He has outfought, out organized and out talked Hillary. I have met her and while she is very smart, she is a mean, conniving and establishment-bought and paid for witch. She hates men, is very sharp and totally a sell-out. But the thing that shocks me is the elevation of John McCain to the Republican presidential nominee. Inside the Beltway, McCain is known to be going over the edge mentally (see the Green Zone Follies below, ed.) and just another sleazy politician on the take. John is coasting on his “war record” which really has been overblown but mentally, he is losing it. Everybody on the Hill also knew about Mark Foley and his frantic lustings after underage Congressional male pages but no one ever opened their mouths until after he was outed. Look, Mommy, at what the Republicans have wrought! Fruits and nuts!

woensdag 20 februari 2008

February 20, 2008

Another of Bush’s plans gone smash to hell recently. He thought he had Pakistan in the bag. He bought their president Musharraf with huge amounts of money so he would “make war on the terrorists there” who were using Pakistani territory to train fighters for use in Afghanistan . It never was more that a silly farce because the Paki army was terrified of the Taliban and Musharraf and his fascist chums, stole billions and did nothing while the loony Bush and the nuts in the Pentagon PR department bleated about how successful they were. They weren’t and we know it. Now, the people of Pakistan rose up and threw all of them out. The leader won’t go so why doesn’t Bush get the CIA to stop flying people around to be tortured to death and use one of their bloody cargo planes to fly Musharraf and his gold bars to Switzerland as they have done before. Pinochet in Chile and now this joker in Pakistan . Our murderers by proxy. Eventually, the people of Pakistan will drag this sack of dung out of his office and set him on fire in the street. If they do, Bush might take a lesson from it. Cheney is trying to get Bush to send massive troop numbers into Pakistan to, according to the staff memo I read yesterday, “stiffen resistance and aid in attacking” the evil Taliban. This is funny as hell because the U.S. doesn’t have any combat ready troops. They are either dead, terribly injured in rotting vet’s hospitals or hiding in Ireland (7,000 deserters are in Ireland but we don’t talk about that in the controlled press, do we?) We could be invaded by Eskimos and they would take Nashville before the local Boy Scouts drove them off. Way to go, pinhead!

maandag 18 februari 2008

February 18, 2008

Because of the public perception that many American Jews in government employ or in influential far right think tanks are primarily loyal to Israel first and, possibly, America second, anti-Semitism is sharply rising today. This is, for obvious reasons, not discussed in the media but it is very real. People who don’t know that Bush neither knows about nor cares about public opinion, bombard the White House daily with furious letters about what can best be called undue Jewish influence in America ’s foreign policy. It hasn’t gotten as ugly as it is now in France where Sarkozy, the Jewish French president is demanding French total acceptance of Israel and the teaching of “holocaust sins’ in all French schools. There has been a very strong movement, now on hold, for the U.S. to declare a ‘Day of Remembrance’ so that all Americans will have to observe a national day of mourning for the sufferings of the Jewish people. Why not one for the Armenians? Or Pol Pot’s victims? Or King Leopold’s slaughters in the Congo ? No, only Jews have suffered and Americans should seriously reflect on this. This sort of crap has the bad habit of blowing back on the perps and with violence unimagined. Only 17% of most Americans believe there was a Holocaust just as 25% of most modern Britons believe Winston Churchill was a fictional character. If the rabid Likudists and the vicious Neocons don’t like it here and view themselves as Israelis first and Americans second, why not encourage them to emigrate? The means of encouragement are varied but some would certainly be effective.

donderdag 14 februari 2008

February 14, 2008

I have just been reading a fascinating collection of transcribed telephone conversations held in 1996-1997 between a very senior retired CIA official and an reporter. The official, one Robert T. Crowley, was deputy head of the CIA’s clandestine operations and the reporter is unidentified except by his initials. These conversations are some of the most fascinating, and readable, things to come along in years. Neither one of the participants were particularly elevating or moral in their conversations, which ranged from extensive CIA drug dealings, assassinations of such personages as a Pope and JFK, media control, the killing of talkative CIA top people and so on. No one knows just where these came from but they are circulating all over the Beltway in Xerox form. I’ve been in the game for years and I can attest that many of the very secret businesses I have personal knowledge of are laid right out in front of the world. Fakes? No, not fakes. There is muted frenzy down at Langley because of all the really filthy linen being exposed. Far too much material to send to you people because you can’t possibly get it all up. Many of us are laughing in private and we all hope it makes it to the marketplace.

maandag 11 februari 2008

February 11, 2008

Just a brief note today to discuss a major problem. A friend returned to DC two weeks ago after a tour in China. He brought various local Chinese food snacks with him and just because he could, he had them tested. My, what a surprise! All of the food was contaminated with chemicals and various toxins. Some of them were very dangerous if eaten. He said that the Olympic committee discovered fresh food in China was so loaded with drugs and growth steroids as to be very dangerous. Bottled water contains human waste sediment and on and on. One piece of candy had a number of small aluminum shaving in it and a “beef” snack turned out to be rat meat. His advise, and mine? When you go to your local supermarket, look at the items you buy. If it says “China” on it anywhere, don’t buy it. The lab told him that most food and drink in China was full of all kinds of very harmful and noxious material and one chemist said, as joke, that the crap was good enough to feed to his mother-in-law but not otherwise fit for human consumption. But both Chinese companies and their American importers make money with this and the Bush people have deliberately cut back the food inspectors so as not to interfere with priofits.

zaterdag 2 februari 2008

February 2, 2008

For some time, the Israeli government and Jewish activist groups in America have been strongly pressuring the Bush administration to attack Iran because they fear thet Iran is building, or may already have acquired, atomic weapons which they would use against Israel . Israel also insists on a long term presence of powerful American strike units stationed in Iraq to be able to respond at once in the event of any kind of a military attack on Israel .

The Bush people are absolutely in agreement with these requests but now that it is obvious Bush has lost most of his power and his chronic threats against Iran have proven to be hollow, Israel has become increasingly frantic. It is obvious just by watching television that candidates for President are all determined to withdraw troops from Iraq so the idea of a permanent U.S. deterrent in the Middle East is a failed one.

The Pentagon has been intercepting Israeli diplomatic and military traffic for the past two years and it is more than obvious that while Bush has fully agreed not to act against any Israeli aggression, he is no longer able to offer the full military response Israel feels it must have.

Recent intercepted diplomatic communications indicate that Israel is frantic enough to “go it alone” in the matter of Iran and is planning to attack that country with atomic weaponry (they do not have the manpower for military ground actions and the United States cannot assist them) in the very near future.

Their recent attempts to starve out Hamas in Palestine by shutting off electricity and food shipments were foiled when furious and desperate Palestinians broke through Egyptian barriers and flooded into that country for food and the necessities of life. The United States government immediately demanded that Egypt reseal their borders at once but as this would have meant taking drastic military action against masses of fellow Muslim civilians, Egypt demurred.

When it was obvious that Murabek would not obey Washington , (no one obeys Washington anymore) Israel felt that the time had come for it to act unilaterally. One “dragged anchor” severing an underwater cables is entirely possible but the degree and extent of the damage is not any kind of an accident.

The answer to the question as to who was responsible is: Que bono? (‘Who benefits/’) Only Israel benefits and no one else.