maandag 26 februari 2007

February 26, 2007

All his life, our President, George W. Bush, has been a failure.
He is a weak man who has only survived because his family have poured money into his business ventures, all of which failed.

He was, and still is, a binge drinker (he was blotto during Katrina) who never outgrew the culture of the fraternity house, a very poor student, dismissed from the National Guard for repeated truancies and his excessive use of drugs and alcohol, a physically abusive husband.

Because he was the scion of a prominent and wealthy Republican family whose father had been head of the CIA, Vice President and then a one-term President, George was jobbed into office by a cabal that was determined to inflict their political and economic views on what they viewed as an excessively liberal American public.

Like all weak men with severe image problems, Bush has proven to be duplicitous to a degree, vicious, vindictive and pathologically rigid in his actions.
But behind him stands the Vice President. Cheney is far more intelligent that Bush and is a capable and very industrious person but he is, to be blunt, a nut.

Dick Cheney is totally crazy, obsessed with power and his warped image of a world-dominating United States , is a concept that has been dead for years. Cheney, a man of great drive and possesses neither scruples nor common sense, and is a man who loathes anything connected with Russia because he believes, in error as usual, that Russia is still run by Communists!

In his fantasy world, Cheney seeks out the support of any person or group that he can use in his drive for American domination. AIPAC, the Likudist neocons, the far religious right and the upper levels of the American corporate world are all on his Rolodex.

Cheney appointed himself Vice President after a cabal had installed Bush in the White House by a secret coup and at once began to fill vital posts with his trusted allies such as Stephen Cambonne and Donald Rumsfeld.

Cheney himself was responsible for instructions to torture and maltreat any entity or person he personally deemed to be anti-American and stopped just short of ordering such treatment for Americans who opposed him. He has spawned enormous and divisive hatred for Americans throughout the world and personally is responsible for the increasing destruction of the American military as a deterrent force.

His savage, unreasoning and vindictive nature has alienated most top Republicans and now, it is increasingly obvious, the top levels of American military leadership.

Now, the supposedly gullible American public is being treated to the biggest lot of childish propaganda imaginable. Bush and the Israelis are trying frantically to promote public support for an attack on Iran. They have trotted out all kinds of silly faked stories; “Iran-made bombs,” “We are going to attack Iran next week,” “Israel is going to bomb Tehran,” and on and on. I have something that Bush does not: friends in the Pentagon and they have all told me that, yes, there are plans to invade Iran on the books. There are also plans to invade North Korea and other countries. However, we are not going to do this because we can’t. Bush and his gang have been shriekinig ‘wolf! wolf” about North Korea for several years now, issuing dire threats of military action if they don’t dare to settle with us on our terms. Once they, and the rest of the world, saw this was just bluff, Bush lost a great deal of face,\. In desperation, the propaganda machine came up with a whopper last week: North Korea agreed to our terms! Of course they did not and this one fell as flat as the rest of the bovine fecal matter gushing out of the White House.

None of this is of the slightest interest to Cheney who is in constant daily contact with his weak president, issuing orders to him, and everyone else in the White House. Cheney wants a war and insists on getting it. Even if everyone else sees the Emperor has no clothes, Cheney is oblivious.

Cheney is a purely evil man in the eyes of everyone but himself and, even more than the weak and petulant President, must be removed at once from the levers of power before he surely starts a major war that will have appalling consequences.

vrijdag 23 februari 2007

February 23, 2007

In 2002, a special high level telephone and computer tapping sub-agency was set up by order of Rumsfeld at the suggestion of Cheney. Their job? To spy on important people; diplomats, Democratic senators and congressmen, potential enemies of the administration and people neither Cheney nor Bush personally liked.

Like Topsy, this growed to the point where the group was spying on people the senior military at the Pentagon didn’t like or trust. One of their top targets has been Israeli diplomats, their intelligence agents operating here, quite openly, and at the CIA especially and so-called Israeli action groups like AIPAC.

When Cheney got wind of that, he screamed like a scalded cat and the group was ordered to immediately cease and desist spying…but only on the Israelis. Much of this material, reams and reams of it, have been Xeroxed and have been circulating around Washington for about two years. Although much of this material relates directly to the American political and diplomatic endeavors, the American media will never touch any of it. Bush himself is fanatically pro-Isreal as was John Ashcroft and woe to anyone who issued one word of criticism of that problematical state.

We know, for a dead certainty, that Mossad agents had penetrated the Arab groups in Florida who were planning the 9/11 outrage and here we have a funny story. Funny is really not the word, actually. They helped the Arabs with their plans but eventually, it was decided in Tel Aviv that if the U.S. was not notified and somehow it leaked out about their knowledge of a huge and devastating attack, there could be a huge uproar in America and the blind support of Israel could be interdicted by public opinion. The rub it this:

Their Ambassador warned (and this is on tape and has been transcribed) George Bush, Dick Cheney and John Ashcroft personally about the pending attacks in DC and Manhattan. Cheney saw this as a perfect opportunity to advance both his and Israel’s policies in the MidEast.

Nothing was done and we know what happened. Now, according to some of the intercepts, the Israelis are laughing out loud because if the Bush people ever dare to attack them or refuse them their slightest wish, it will come out that they indeed knew of this plot, to the last detail but naturally they informed the top leadership of America in plenty of time to take action. After all, they knew the targets, the probably dates and, even more important, the then whereabouts of the terrorists.

It would have been child’s play to grab them before they did their deeds. Israel knows that even if Bush loves them, not only he but many others would be destroyed if it came out that they all knew in advance and did nothing because it suited them to have a lovely target and an enraged public to grant them all the war powers they needed.

We have seen where this led and the question now is whether or not some fearless reporter/editor/publisher will dare to make these public. It will come out but they all pray daily, “not on my watch, God, please!

maandag 19 februari 2007

February 19, 2007

One of the aides in Cheney’s office ate lunch in the White House cafeteria two days ago and is now in the hospital with ecoli. They found samples of this in some of the lettuce! There is a report floating around that a very militant Mexican group has been “very strongly suspected” in a number of recent ecoli outbreaks on the east coast and elsewhere. We had a number of cases of ecoli at Taco Bells in the New York area and one at an Olive Garden in the mid west and now this. CDC tests cannot find the source of this. After the Taco Bell and Olive Garden outbreaks (hundreds sick) they descended on the restaurants and tested everything edible in all the places. There was absolutely nothing found that was contaminated. It is now felt that these attacks were only “dry runs” and were being done because of the perceptions in the Mexican community that the far right Republicans are demanding the physical expulsion of any and all illegals, regardless of employment or family situations. Short of firing all Mexicans employed as restaurant personnel (and they represent a huge percentage) there is no way to stop this. The Republicans won’t change their tunes. At least they are consistent, unlike McCain who waves back and forth like a sunflower in the wind, turning this way and that. In the future, a number of us will be bagging it.

vrijdag 16 februari 2007

February 16, 2007

There may be a concept of freedom of the press but the American media is certainly a controlled entity. As much of the print and television media is controlled by Jewish interests we never see criticism of Israel but we do see attacks on their enemies, such as Iraq and Iran. If a Palestinian sets off a bomb in Israel, the press is filled with it but if the IDF is thrashed in battles with the Hezbollah or sets fire to an Arab day care center, it never sees the light of day on this side of the Atlantic.

Members of AIPAC stealing secrets? Back page if at all. But “evil Iran” (who might bomb Israel with an atomic weapon) is constantly on the front page.

There was an AIPAC, ADL plan to get Congress to establish a national U.S. holiday dedicated to “Holocaust Remembrance” but it has been decided to put that one on ice for awhile.

Israel is pestering the White House and its co-religionists in Congress to support an attack on Iran but the public, the final arbiter after all, won’t buy the rationale invented by the Neocons, championed by the lunatic Cheney and mouthpieced by an increasingly hysterical and nasty president.

Our first president, George Washington, suggested that America maintain strict neutrality, keep out of foreign quarrels and sell to everyone. That never went anywhere, did it?

If you want to know what is really going on in the world, read the foreign press internet sites: British, French, Canadian and even Russian (and Arabic as well) give you a truly balanced and well-informed view that you never get from the domestic media.

This toeing the official line is not an accident but it is obvious why subscriptions to the once-mighty newspapers have tanked. Trailer park people love to watch the repulsive and shrill Nancy Grace shrieking for hours or Bill O’Reilly acting as a poster boy for euthanasia but for news, go elsewhere. And besides, it’s entirely free!

zaterdag 10 februari 2007

February 10, 2007

Today, the entire staff here is being fascinated by the comic drama being played out over at the DoD concerning the so-called “Iranian Roadside Bombs.” U.S. Defense chief Robert Gates would like the sheepies to believe that ‘some serial numbers’ and ‘markings’ on ‘projectile fragments’ they found in Iraq, implicate Iran. Their invented serial numbers and markings on explosives used in Iraq provide ‘pretty good’ evidence that ‘Iran is providing either weapons or technology for militants there’. That, children, is the party line. I have a feeling that this will not fly but reality is totally absent from official thinking these days.

In addition, the Bush administration plans to argue that Iran is violating U.N. Security Council Resolutions 1267 and 1373, which state that harboring al-Qaeda members constitutes a threat to international peace and security, and are enforcable by military means. The resolutions state that nations should share information on al-Qaeda suspects and gives the UN authority to freeze their assets. The official story is that since June, 2004, 170 American soldiers have been killed by Iranian explosives, according to the usual “ US security source”. That, like all such “sources,” refused to be identified. Are they afraid of possible future legal actions against them?

There is, and I have seen it, fairly firm evidence that the roadside bombs are being manufactured in Belgium at FN for the Saudi government, shipped to them via an American military transport and then trans-shipped by the Saudis to Sunni resistance fighters in Baghdad.

This is certainly not part of the propaganda circus that is playing out, complete with pictures of pieces of metal, ‘complete with serial numbers and the proof that these deadly weapons are being supplied by Iran to terrorists in Iraq solely to kill and maim’ American soldiers! Everyone here knows this is a Cheney ploy to excite what he calls, ‘the gullible public” into giving the administration a badly-need boost for a planned aerial attack on Tehran. Not only Cheney, but most especially the Israelis are demanding this attack and Bush does what Tel Aviv and his non-elected vice president badly want.

Copies of the orders of battle and the combat operational orders are floating around, but this could well be to encourage leaks that will terrify the Iranians into kissing Bush’s hairy feet and destroying all their atomic energy equipment so as not to be a possible threat to Blessed Israel.

Bush is a weak man, desperately clinging to the fiction that he is a powerful and just man when in fact he is a weak creature who has been a consistent failure for all of his life, a drunk and a bankrupt.. He sees a glorious military victory in Iran as being the keystone to what he calls his Legacy. (He saw the same thing happening in Iraq but that was not to be, so George is looking for greener pastures….and laurels. Never mind that the Texas university he has blessed with his Presidential Library want no part of it or him)

His legacy has been one of escalating deceit, death and terrible mindless destruction.

Cheney, who hates all Russians with a burning passion, said to his staff yesterday upon hearing that Russian president Putin and his staff were in Saudi Arabia: ‘Let’s hope someone shoots the shithead down in flames….we can blame it on the ragheads…’ One of his secretaries, who thinks Cheney is a powerhouse but as ’ nutty as a fruitcake,’ told two of us this example of Cheney’s psychotic rantings at lunch.

The plan?

After the chronic liars at the DoD finish their dog and pony show for the very complaisant press, they will watch the polls to see if they put one over like Ridge and Ashcroft did with their pink and green alerts. If Bush feels they have bitten on the bait, then they will go to the next step.

The U.S. military now in the Gulf reason is totally incapable of sustaining a land attack on Iran so the plan is to use Naval air units to plaster the missile positions in the mountains bordering on the Gulf and then hit Tehran, flattening any and all mosques, government buildings and suspected atomic research and development areas. The gleeful Israelis have supplied them reams of pictures and diagrams of “possible areas of interest” which are to be turned into smoking rubble.

There will be no invasion and Israel has said that they will not supply any ground troops.

The following U.S.Naval units are to be involved:

Carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN 69, USS Boxer LHD 4, USS Dubuque LPO 8, USS Cornstock LSD 45, USS Bataan LHD 6, USS Shreveport LPD 12, USS Oak Hill LSD 51, USS Ashland LSD 48

There are two other large naval units being brought up in support.

The British are assisting us in offloading missiles intended to level Tehran at Basra.

Certain identified Special Forces units will be slated to land on the Iranian shores of the Gulf and move up into the mountainous area with the goal of locating and destroying any Iranian missile sites known to be a threat to U.S. military units. Specific orders are that in the event that any Russian ‘advisors’ be captured, they are to be shot at once without trial and disposed of by burning the bodies.

The US military also reported that the order to send bombs to Iraq came from ‘officials in the Iranian government.’

And it is now known here that more fakery has been in progress. This deals with the highest quality counterfeit U.S. $100 and $50 bills. The official American report on this is that the North Korean government is responsible for this but it is now known that the CIA is responsible for manufacturing the almost perfect Initially conceived as a means to pay foreign informers, this project has nothing to do with North Korea which cannot even print up their own bills but has them done outside the country. This project, now being controlled by a Mr. Sherwood, located in Washington, has been functioning for almost twenty years and the bills are printed in Taiwan, not Korea.

Since this is considered to be a secret clandestine intelligence matter, it is not subject to Congressional oversight. Also, because it is being operated out of a D.C. command center, it is possible for the forgers to obtain the necessary 17 lb bond paper from Crane paper company, that also makes paper for the legitimate bills. Inks are also no problem but it has always been demanded that these forgeries be made and distributed only outside the United States and that the forgers had to include at least one hidden identification point to prevent them from being accepted by American banks and the Federal Reserve System.

Now, a dissatisfied employee of the CIA is sending information on this around Washington, mostly to Democratic lawmakers. It is amusing to note that two cargo containers of fake bills were sent to Iraq to ‘help with reconstruction’ but actually to serve as bribe money for bought-and-paid-for Iraqi politicians and military. The amusing part is that the legion of crooked contractors and a number of high-level military personnel bagged enormous amounts of this money under the mistaken impression that they were genuine! Imagine the fun when their new-found wealth turns out to be stolen and counterfeit!

An irreverent person asked me if Bush would have to give his share back?

Yes, I said, but they will have to go to Paraguay to find him first and they will have to stand in line.

vrijdag 9 februari 2007

February 9, 2007

The Bush gang is now going into a bunker mode. They have a very irate public and Congress against them, threats of Congressional retaliation against all Republicans, very real threats of investigations into massive thefts of money (unbelievable what they have stolen!), gross stupidity, vicious attacks on anyone who disagrees with them, and a determination to proceed with their MidEast conquest policy come what may.

One of the worst offenders in all of this is the American media. They have known from the beginning about various nasty matters and have coyly kept it all quiet. It was known that the gay prostitute;,Gannon/Guckert was roaming loose in the White House all night for fourteen different nights but no comment from the press. Rumors floating around D.C. was that Bush was having an affair with Gannon but it never, ever, got into the press.

There were a dozen pictures of Abramoff with Bush in the White House but not one paper or television station ever printed them (although they were readily available,) refusal to even hint at faked casualty figures, muted silence about the gross activities of the sluttish Bush daughters and many, many more subjects.

The media has been pandering to Bush and his corporate supporters until just recently and no doubt we will now see a reversal and Bush will be savagely attacked.

And why?

Because, in part, Israel wants Bush to fight their wars for them in the MidEast; to attack Iraq (which happened) and then to flatten Iran which they view as a major threat to them (not to us).

Israeli diplomatic agencies and domestic Jewish support groups are daily importuning Bush and Cheney to attack Iran and prevent Iran from possibly attacking them.

Israel doesn’t care if 10,000 GIs get iced as long as we do the bombing for them. Personally, I think we ought to cut them loose, get out of Iraq, forget about Bush’s nut plans and let Israel take care of itself.

They and they alone have dragged, tricked and pushed us into the war and a moronic pro-Israel Bush has gone right along with them.

And for starters we can round up the neocons like Feith, Wolfowitz, Perle and Kristol and ship them to Israel in a crate. If you have a rotten tooth that is infecting your whole body, you don’t trim your toenails, do you?

maandag 5 februari 2007

February 5, 2007

All one hears inside the Beltway these days is the debate about whether or not Bush will invade Iran. What would be the royal reasons for this?

1. Iran, a Shiite country that hates the U.S., is supplying all kinds of very destructive weaponry to their co-religionists in occupied Iraq.

2. Iran has dared to defy Bush by refusing to stop working on what Bush claims are atomic weapons. They say they aren’t and he says they are.

Both lie.

Bush realizes he has lost the battle in Iraq but is too weak and too stubborn to admit it. He wants to have one last push to be able to declare a propaganda victory and he can’t have it as long as Iran supports the criminal elements (or Freedom Fighters, take your pick) so he has threatened Iran with war. Iran, knowing they have the support of Russia, China and most of Europe, has, in essence, given Bush the Persian Finger.

On the other hand, beloved Israel is terrified that Iran might attack them and has been pushing and shoving Bush into killing off the Iranians (and, not to mention of course, many more American soldiers) Congress is not happy but Bush does not care what Congress or the American voting public thinks.

Bush honestly believes he has a mandate from God to do what he wants and by God, he will do it!

We don’t have the ground troops and Israel would never send a single soldier so the plan has been to use the Navy to launch carrier air strikes against possible targets in Tehran.

The only problem with this is that the carrier task force, confined in the Persian Gulf, is terribly vulnerable to rocket attack from the very deadly Russian missiles that country has given Iran.

Bush is damned if he does and certainly damned if he doesn’t. If he were an intelligent or sane man, which he certainly is not, he would fold up and leave the table but this will never happen.

That plans to attack Iran have been drawn up is a 100% certainty but whether Bush will implement them no one knows. Bush will not listen to professional political or military advice. Maybe the final argument will come from the Israeli Ambassador’s office.