vrijdag 30 november 2007

November 30, 2007

Two weeks ago, we got a long report on the fact that vital nuclear cores had been substituted in the Pakistani atomic arsenal. We left out names and official positions (of CIA personnel) for legal reasons but published the rest. We also sent copies to major Pakistani and Indian newspapers and to the press office of the Indian Embassy. We have had responses, in some cases from countries not directly involved and in many cases, have been able to have forwarded to the interested parties, information of a very specific nature we have been both unable and unwilling to make public on our site. Possession of the cores (which are not overly large or heavy) is the major step in constructing an atomic weapon.

Our sources stated that one bomb would be set off in Delhi in a densely populated (or occupied) area and/or the Indian government buildings area. We have had a considerable number of comments, not one of which said they disbelieved the information, and this particular one is being forwarded because it contains an article of additional interest.

It is interesting to note that our CIA and DoS put General Pervez Musharraf in power to replace the then Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif in a U.S. financed coup in 1999. We did this, according to three sources, because Sharif was promoting Pakistani nuclear programs and Musharraf promised to allow us to maintain at least nominal control over the weapons. Now, with the situation in Pakistan entirely out of the U.S. sphere in direct influence, it seems certain that our fears of nuclear weapons misuse in this theater are well on the way to realization.

What is truly interesting is that the American media has put a block on any reportage of even possible misuse of Pakistan atomic weapons and, in specific, has blocked any mention of the disappearance of these cores. A contact on a major Indian newspaper said that his government "entirely believed" these accusation, and ‘was deeply concerned to prevent any attack or attacks’ on their country. Of course Bush is concerned about this because so many American companies have moved their operations to India but in the end, there is not a thing he can do about it if a bomb goes off in a packed Indian city, killing far more than died at Hiroshima.

Given that the Taliban has been chasing the demoralized Pakistani army out of the Northwest Provinces, the political situation in our very dubious ally is reaching the critical point very quickly. Our State Department, led by the totally worthless Congoleeze Rice and the even more useless CIA are frantically trying to line up a new Paki general to take the country over to prevent a disaster.

Also note that the failure of Australian Prime Minister Howard to stay in office is putting a serious crimp in U.S. relations with India. In spite of contrary U.S. press reports, Howard was thrown out by the Australian electorate solely because of his butt-sucking attachment to George Bush. First Tony Blair, then the Polack and now the Aussie have gone. Bush is losing his international allies faster than his personal staff.

When the ship is filling with water, the rats swim away.

The new Prime Minister is cutting off the sale of Australian uranium to India. Now, they are selling it to China. Bush and Cheney are livid with rage, believe me. Bush pushed the sycophantic Howard into this but now, like all the rest of Bush’s shallow-minded plans, this too has crumbled like a soda cracker bridge in a strong rain.

He who sups with the Devil needs a long spoon.

maandag 26 november 2007

November 26, 2007

Cheney has developed serious heart problems today. The general feeling is that either he is planning a strategic retreat, is genuinely suffering from pump difficuilties or someone hereabout is trying to snuff him as a Albatross around the neck of the administration and the GOP. Since he has a long history of serious heart problems, it is probably for real. But the interesting thing is that the people I know, both inside and outside of the Monkey Palace, Curious George in the Oval Office with his bananas, is that aside from a few proto-Fascists on the staff (fewer and fewer now) most of us would like nothing better for Dirty Dick to peg out right now and leave his office in rubber bag. Bush would be without a daddy figure and perhaps, probably, the war would be over. Then, Bush would have lost everybody he trusted. The dog has run off and everyone else has scattered for the hills. George only has the useless Condi Rice to bleat to and she is useless, both as a person and as a Secretary of State. Oh, and more on Pakistan from my CIA friend. The General is on his way out and we are kissing ass with possible successors. There are serious stories about missing atomic cores and since no one can do anything about it, our Independent Press is avoiding the subject like the plague.

vrijdag 23 november 2007

November 23, 2007

Now we learn, from clandestine filchings from the PDB, that some evil person in Pakistan, probably some of their generals, have made off with cores for atomic weapons from their repositories. What does this mean? The probability of some kind of nuclear accident based on the militancy in the Muslim world. No one, not the useless CIA, the Pentagon or any other U.S. intelligence agency has the slightest idea what happened to the deadly nuclear cores. We know they were stolen and very recently and an attempt made to conceal this. We know that it would be impossible to steal these from the custody of the Pakistani military without top level assistance. What are we going abut it? Nothing but pray a lot. The political situation in Pakistan is at the critical mass point and our response is to pretend everything is wonderful, just like we’re pretending everything is just peachy in Baghdad and that no more bombs are going off in crowded mosques or markets. If you put your head in the sand once too often, you can get a vicious kick in the ass.

maandag 19 november 2007

November 19, 2007

What we have in Pakistan is a Keystone Cop drama being played out by the grossly incompetent CIA agents there (Hello Mr. Mason!) that would have you rolling around on the floor screaming with laughter if it weren’t so pathetic and, eventually, very dangerous. The Bush people are scared shitless that the Taliban will take over the government in Pakistan, after blowing the other side to bits, and then get their hands on Pakistan’s formidable nuclear arsenal. Bush knows he can’t do anything with the Pakis so the next step under discussion is to locate all the weapons caches, bring in U.S. troops (as new Embassy employees and aid groups), make lightening raids on the depositories and whisk them off to several targeted airfields where U.S. aircraft will be ready and waiting to fly up and away from the evil ragheads. Given the gross incompetence of the CIA, whose people have been blabbing to all and sundry about this, the bombs will no doubt be misdelivered to the Tamal Tigers or perhaps the Zapatistas in Mexico. Not only are our Blessed Leaders now making pant loads, the Israelis are also screeching with terror lest the Taliban drop something nasty on them (which it is now believed they are planning to do) Will Dudley Doright succeed? Will Justice be done? Bush picked the wrong horse over there like he always does but this time, if the steely-jawed Saviors of Democracy can take time out from waterboarding old men and cripples but are not successful in even one raid, there will be fallout all over the Gulf. Or the San Fernando valley. Of course the Taliban could nuke India as a second choice which would shut down the very many American businesses who have all moved there. That will teach them to throw Americans out of work, won’t it?

woensdag 14 november 2007

November 14, 2007

It has been a long-established custom for the President of the United States to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans’ Day.

This year, however, Bush did not lay the wreath but went to Texas on a vacation instead, leaving the ceremony to Vice President Cheney. Was this simple arrogance? Or stupidity? Neither. It is the story inside the White House that the Secret Service White House Detail kept him attending the ceremony because of what they called a “very credible plot to assassinate him.”

It seems, upon poking around, that George W. Bush has received more very serious death threats than any other sitting president. Last year, it was discovered that an unknown sniper had fired at the windows of the Oval Office. The rifle bullet did not penetrate the bullet-proof glass but a small crater in one of the window panes gave this away. No one on the White House roof (where there is permanent party stationed to thwart any aerial attacks on the building) heard a thing so it was suspected that a silenced weapon was used. An intense investigation failed to disclose the location of the shooter and they were not even certain when the sniping took place.

The Secret Service had learned that when Bush was visiting Mainz in Germany, that there was an equally credible report, this time from German counter intelligence, that there was a plan to blow up the President’s car while it was traveling through the German city. All of the manholes were promptly welded shut, sewer entrances heavily guarded, homes and businesses along the route evacuated and German security personnel put in all the windows.

This is a very sensitive subject here and strictly forbidden to even hint at but several workers here have refused their assignments to the White House mail room because it is strongly feared that some Chemical Warfare device or an explosive device could somehow get past the very strict security.

Please note that not one word of this ongoing problem has ever been in the American media and, by orders, never will. Arlington is large, relatively unguarded and filled with visitors, relatives of the dead, ongoing funerals and so on. Also, the area is heavily wooded and it was believed that a sniper concealed in a tree could easily escape detection. We live in such interesting times.

zondag 11 november 2007

November 11, 2007

The firm policy of the morally bankrupt Bush administration is to do their best to terrify everyone, including Congress, into believing that enormous armies of evil Arabs are poised to attack the United States, invade Topeka, Kanass, blowing up public toilets and day care centers.

Only if the people give Bush continued support will these dread events be halted. Red warning days, duct tape tender moments and a constant reminder that George Bush, all by himself, dressed up in mesh stockings, a leather bra and wearing a winged helmet stands between all of us and rape and pillage.

Bush mumbles about the huge number of aborted plots, aimed at our Heartland, that he and his fighters for liberty have thwarted. Bush lies like a cheap motel rug and is just as filthy. What plots? A bunch of ignorant teen-aged black boys in Florida whom the FBI tricked into mouthing vague threats against Chicago’s Sears Tower? Two cousins with Muslim last names telling a paid informer that Americans are killers of their relatives and should be killed? A few planted ideas and they are taped into making damaging threats, threats they are completely incapable of executing.

Give us the chronicle of the thwarted plots, George, if you can. Let us see how useful the DHS has been, for example, Katrina excepted.

And now Bush wants the Congress to hold SBC, AT&T, AOL and others blameless for volunteering to tap the phones and the computers of millions of Americans, without warrants of any kind and in direct violation of the law.

These scumbags weren’t threatened by anyone into this; they eagerly rushed forward to voluntarily spy on all of us. Now, they demand that Bush keep them from being sued. And Bush, as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, takes bags full of money and tells Congress his Imperial demands.

There are plenty of trees in Washington and a few officials dangling from the upper branches might annoy the squirrels but others would be in transports of delight. The rest of the living ones should be on transports to Tel Aviv where they can act as walking mine detectors for the IDF.

vrijdag 9 november 2007

November 9, 2007

Now that Congress has overridden a Bush veto for the first time, the dam is seriously leaking. Bush is a bitter, shallow person who believes that he is an important person who should be obeyed. The Republicans in Congress have not obeyed him by daring to join with the Democrats in overriding an Imperial veto. Next, Congress might pass a bill that restricts Bush’s unrestricted and deadly war in Iraq. He, of course, will veto it and if Congress dares to override this, they will pull out all the plugs to try to scare the rest of us to death with invented stories and threats of invasion by armies of armed Muslims. None of this idiotic garbage has been true and none of it will be. If you yell ‘Wolf!’ too many times, no one will come and finally, the Fenris wolf will eat Bush alive and the rest of us can open a can of lager or a bottle of champagne and celebrate. Mark my words that the dire warnings will start up again but this time I don’t think even Bush or Chertoff will drag out duct tape or other scare material. Remember, the louder they yell , the more they are hurting.

zondag 4 november 2007

November 4, 2007

Some helpful soul has dug up the financial holdings of the Bush family, to include stock and real estate assets, overseas and domestic accounts and other such information. Why, one wonders, does this patriotic American family have so many assets outside the United States?

And we have a new, very funny, story concerning the latest clown act concocted by the Bush people. A story, now being polished, will soon be released to the effect that the United States now has developed a New and Deadly Defense Weapon that will radically alter the balance of power in its favor! Yes, a real revelation! This will consist of a powerful laser weapon that can bring down enemy bombers or incoming missiles at any altitude.

This new and deadly weapon is to be mounted on the foredeck of a U.S. Naval vessel which will have as honored guests, a number of American media members from, say, the New York Times, the Washington Post and, naturally, the Bush-worshipping but otherwise useless Fox people. And of course a compliment of top military brass.

Off they will go from a Seattle navy base, up into the northern Pacific to observe a test of the New and Deadly Defense Weapon. Comfortable quarters and all the amenities of a first class hotel will be provide for the guests, as well as state-of-the-art communications for the media people to send accounts back to their outlets. They will heave to at a point south of the Aleutians and wait for the exercise to begin. Three, count them children, three aircraft, loaded with high explosives and radio controlled will take off from an Alaskan military airfield, headed south east.

On the ship, tensions will run high as the officers and their guests await the Great Moment. Suddenly, radar reports the approach of the radio-controlled flight; a large and impressive device is uncovered, screens are flashing the paths of the oncoming planes when a senior officer gives the signal to fire. A burst of red light shoots up from the New and Deadly Defense Weapon, high into the sky. A moment later, someone in a secluded part of the ship, off limits to the press, pushes a button and one of the planes, high up in the sky, suddenly erupts into a ball of fire with bits and pieces falling down towards the ocean below in a very dramatic and photogenic manner.

An admiral gives the order to fire again and again, the red light shoots upwards, another button is pressed and a second plane explodes. After the third explosion, champagne is passed out while jubilant senior officers are seen by the media expressing their joy at the success of the New and Deadly Defense Weapon. Members of the media are then escorted to the communications center where their TV footage and copy are sent back to their papers and television stations.

In Washington, our Beloved President steps up to the rostrum in the White House to reveal to the world that America has just successfully tested a New and Deadly Defense Weapon. There will be film clips shown on all the major television stations to accompany the President’s awe-inspiring speech.

One assumes that this dog and pony show will not be for the benefit of either North Korea or Iran who do not have long-range bombers, but to humble and awe none other than the dread Vladimir Putin. Will it work? As Putin is no fool, it won’t, but the reporters can savor their champagne and the networks have Pleased the President once again!

vrijdag 2 november 2007

November 2, 2007

Bush was put into office by a cabal who was tired of the Clinton-style liberalism. The 2000 election was clearly rigged as was the Supreme Court's actions following the voting trickery in Florida. Bush, it was felt, was a perfect figurehead. He was a chronic drunk with a limited intellect who relied heavily on father figures and demanded constant adulation from others. Cheney, who has become the new father, is a bitter fanatic, a relic from the Cold War. Cheney is greedy and thoroughly corrupt. He has been connected with the American oil industry for years and is reaping huge profits from Halliburton stock increases, increased solely due to his obtaining enormously lucrative no-bid government contracts.

He does indeed control Bush and behind him are the so-called pro-Israeli Neocons. Cheney has two main goals now. The first is to secure a strong American military presence in Iraq to get American hands on a secure source of oil and the second is to give powerful military support to Israel by acting as a deterrent against any perceived Arab aggression towards that state.

The second part of his goals is to somehow get rid of Russia's Putin and break Russian state hold on their immense (and growing) oil and gas industry.

The United States basically owned the drunken Yeltsin and convinced him to liquidate all state-owned resources, turning them over to the private sector. With the help of the CIA and the World Bank, the private sector consisted of what in essence were a mob of interconnected Russian Jewish street thugs, drug dealers, swindlers and thieves.

The drill was for this group of crooks to get their hands on all the major Russian resources and sell off controlling interests to American oil people. This was well underway and the oil people had poured billions of dollars into new equipment for the ageing oil and gas fields. Then Putin slowly but surely got back the resources, persecuted the oligarchs, broke their hold on Russian economy and drove out of the country the ones he could not put in jail and strip of their assets.

This situation has been driving Cheney wild with rage and it is his firm resolve, and through him, the resolve of Bush, to somehow physically remove Putin and, as they did in the Ukraine, replace him with a government like that of post-war Germany, totally subservient to American wishes.

For a time, everything went the way Cheney and Bush wanted but they suffered from too much hubris and made the terrible error of believing their own lies and their plans slowly crumbled into rubble. It simply boils down to the fact that Putin has beaten them and in their death throes, they are lashing out in all directions in a frantic, and in the end, futile, attempt to resurrect the dead.

All Bush and Cheney can do now is to attempt to frighten the bored American public with more tales of terror and certain destruction unless the Administration is given back the power it once thought it had. Their latest bit of nonsense consists of telling CIA and NSA personnel that they are planning to evacuate them to “secret locations” because of “serious pending problems.” Because the CIA has become as useless as tits on a boar pig, and is well-known all over Washington to be filled with petulant leakers, these people have been told, quietly, that they will soon receive a ten hour notice and to get their affairs in order!

Naturally, this childishness is deliberately intended to be leaked. This is supposed to terrify Iran and Putin and further, to terrify the American public into blind obedience. Of course moving all 36,821 CIA employees to a “secret site” does not even bear consideration by a sane person but then at this point in time, the Bush people are hardly sane.