donderdag 30 september 2004

September 30, 2004

Like most of the people connected with the White House, I watched the first debate. I know from the inside that Bush was heavily prepared by his staff but they cannot overcome his chronic inability to react to any hostile questions. Kerry is a polished speaker and Bush is not. He may come across in Iowa as a forceful and brave leader but to me, and I do not like him at all, he came across as a very petulant man who had become used to having his way and goes into a snit when he is crossed. Also, it’s known around the Monkey Palace that Bush carries a small prompter, cunningly disguised as a hearing aid, so at press conferences his handlers, comfortably behind the scenes, can whisper answers to him.

Sometime, for technical reasons, their answers are garbled and that is one of the reasons he says so many unintelligible things…he didn’t understand his handler’s instructions. However, considering how much gets leaked from around here, one source told me that the Kerry people were aware of this secret prompter and electronically blocked it, causing Bush to shake his head because all he was getting was static as his frantic aides tried to slip answers to him. If this is true, Bush and Rove are being paid back in their own coin! (Redacted) told me and (redacted) that when the debate was over, Bush had to be medicated, he was so angry. He was shaking so badly he spilled the contents of a cup of coffee. It’s a given that I don’t like Bush. He is not all there most of the time and simply cannot think quickly or effectively and, in truth, I can feel sorry for him. He knows what to say but it is impossible for him to say it! He struggles to find what he knows is a good answer but the words will not come out. I understand that when he was drinking, he could be entertaining and quick but now that he is off the sauce (and rumors that Bush is boozing it up again are false. He is medicated but I am positive he does not drink) he has a real problem with responses. Anyone who saw Fahrenheit 911 and watched his reaction to the news of the WTC attack will recognize this.

On a personal level, I certainly have the capacity to sympathize with Bush but his stubbornness, inability to admit error coupled with his piss-poor reaction times do not make him an effective leader, especially in such dangerous times. He is incapable of cutting our losses and getting out of a totally unproductive Iranian venture. His gross hubris and inability to admit error precludes this. The draft issue is continuing to boil up but no one here wants to get within ten feet of it. Will there be a draft? everyone asks. All of the machinery is right in place but Bush can’t have this unless there is a serious national emergency. It would be the kiss of death for Congress to push this through, especially in an election year. One of Bush’s top aide’s secretaries said that Bush is praying “real heard” for another Pearl Harbor so he “can take real control over the destiny of America” and achieve Manifest Destiny, something that McKinley tried over a hundred years ago and failed to accomplish. In an age of global cooperation, Bush is dragging us back into the McGuffy Reader Era of Isolationism and Jingoism. And we will all pay for it. Through a front, Bush bought a tica or coffee plantation in Costa Rica where he can retire and not worry about being shot at. Around here, everyone is really scared that the Arabs will blow up the White House with them in it. If they tried, there would be damned little to stop them. Our intelligence agencies and law enforcement groups are as useless as tits on a boar pig and spend most of their time grabbing for more power and dissing their rivals to worry about the rest of us. And we will pay for that, too…

maandag 27 september 2004

September 27, 2004

One of the real hot spots of this campaign is the draft issue. People are walking on eggs here in the Monkey Palace. On the one hand, the President has set up all the machinery for a draft and plans to push it through when and if he gets a second term. Rove and his boys would like to put a spin on this and have their toadies in the press deny it but too many people are in the know so their best bet is to hunker down, invent something of superficial interest they can flog in the press until November and hope to God the draft issues doesn’t spill over its banks before then. Someone suggested, only partially in jest, that terrorists should kidnap one or both of the nasty Bush brats and threaten to cut off their heads! This is a standard joke around here but look for the truth in the jest, kids. They are frantic here to refocus public attention on unimportant issues like the Scott Peterson trial or the Florida Hurricanes. One of the more entertaining letters than came in here was from some religious nut (Bush loves them and sucks up to their leaders on a daily basis) that said that God was punishing Florida for stealing the last election!~ Someone made a copy of this and posted it in the mess. It was ripped down by furious Secret Service agents who are even now dusting it for fingerprints but a number of people saw it and I suspect the same mischief-maker will put up another copy soon…

maandag 20 september 2004

September 20, 2004

This afternoon, while schmoozing a minor aide, I saw a copy of a Pentagon memo concerning the forthcoming draft. I could not copy this and it took me about twenty minutes, in brief segments, to read it through. The White House and the Pentagon have worked out a plan to call up all reservists and National Guard units if and when Bush is reelected. The moment that the election results are poured in concrete, orders, now drawn up and waiting, will be issued throughout the United States. I am not speaking of a few units but all US Guard and Reserve units. On the same subject, the pending Universal Draft is also a done deal. Everything is place awaiting the President’s signature. This is planned for June of 2005 and contains some real shockers.

Women will be called up as well as men. There will be absolutely no deferments of any kind permitted. Persons with medical problems such as diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, chronic asthma, physical deformities such as a club foot or hunch back, vision problems, etc. will be called up!

If a draftee has a medical problem but can move around, they are subject to the draft but will be assigned to non-military positions such as clerk-typists, maintenance positions and so on. There will be absolutely no deferments for someone with a family to support or who is enrolled in any kind of a school. Students may be permitted to complete their semester and will then be compelled to report at once to their nearest enlistment center.

For example, as I read it, an 18 year old girl with two children and no husband to support her will be subject to the draft. There was a discussion about what to do with the children and if the family cannot raise them during the draftee’s tour of duty, then some kind of Federal Child Care center will have to suffice. The nominal ages covered are from 18 through 26 but a special exception is now in the orders for anyone with what the Army calls “technical skills” such as proficiency in computers, foreign language skills and so on. These poor jerks are subject to the draft until they are 35! Again, no deferments will be allowed unless the subject is already working for a government agency and is certified by his superiors as “vital” to whatever “war effort” the Army deems important.

These orders, note, came from the desk of George W. Bush to Rumsfeld but Bush will cite a vague“national crisis” to cover his useless ass. The top brass at the Pentagon are having fits about this. Why? Because for decades they have been downsizing, closing bases and so on. I have been told by Pentagon people that they would have no place to put the anticipated great flood of draftees if and when the draft is activated. One said to me, “Where the fuck do these dimbulbs expect us to house them? In local hotels?”

zondag 5 september 2004

September 5, 2004

More grist for your mill. Great concern here about the terrible incident in Russia and the dead children. The people here are afraid that Putin will overreact and launch a punitive attack on the people who siezed the school. Putin is very tough and Bush and his people do not really like him. In the first place, Putin sabotaged US government and business attempts to get their hands on the Russian oil industry. The Oligarchy, mostly crooks like our very own Richard Perle, had their crooked hands on everything until Putin began to elbow them out of the picture. He wants Russian oil to remain in Russian hands and we do not. The CIA got through a regime change in Georgia that would make their territory available for oil pipelines controlled by US firms and then decided to grab up the Ukraine as well. Putin knows all about this and is not happy. The Bush people see Russia as a weak Third World country whose natural resources are rightfully theirs by right of being stronger. Bush does not like to be crossed so an aroused Putin throwing his military might around, so close to Iraq, causes them spastic colon. Bush said that he understood Putin’s soul and Putin thinks Bush is a madman….

There is an article a friend of mine was paid by the Administration to write to the effect that George Bush is really a brilliant man who carefully hides his great intellect behind the façade of a stupid, vicious person who is inarticulate and stupid. His Malapropisms are infamous but, this fellow is writing, this is only a front to let the American pubic realize that old George is as dumb as they are. The fact is, there is something physical wrong with Bush. Probably he fried his brains, what few he had, with coke and booze and is stumbling around like old Uncle Tim who is developing Alzheimer’s Disease. I have seen our Prez close up and believe me, there is something very weird about him. He can’t listen to anyone for more than ten minutes before his eyes get glassy and he starts to tell baseball stories. Rove is a fat, vicious asshole who would kick a pregnant woman in the belly if he thought it would get old Georgie reelected. Bush is a nut but Rove is a royal s.o.b.. Look what he tried to do to Kerry.