dinsdag 28 december 2004

December 28, 2004

Very occupied over the Holiday season but at least one comment for you: In view of the enormous, staggering and unreal casualty reports flooding in from the Indian Ocean, the enormous and very expensive showboating of our Bush’s Imperial Inauguration is in the worst possible taste. Of course the Bush people themselves are also in the worst possible taste so like cleaves unto like here…

Bush’s face is really starting to twitch thee days. We all know he has Medical Problems but I get more information about this from the Internet than I can inside the Monkey Palace… The latest is that the Administration wants to shut down the DoD casualty reports entirely. I doubt this will work but the pinheads will certainly try… Happy New Year to you and yours!

donderdag 23 december 2004

December 23, 2004

You all will be pleased to note, as was my wife, that I do not exist. I am merely another conspiracy lunatic badly disguised as a member of the White House staff. This is the official line now being taken because it is evident to the snoops around here that this part of your posting is getting so much attention. If you haven’t already gotten negative emails from “viewers” about this, you will.

We have a number of faked IPs that permit government stool pigeons to send out reams of pro-Bush and pro-government propaganda to sympathetic bloggers and right-wing websites. A false vox populi but sometimes effective. Also, the psychology boys are now busy inventing weird conspiracy theories to put out to the boobery to keep their minds off of the growing and deadly disasters now beginning to loom over the heads of the Administration such as the Iraq mess and the even more serious financial crisis about to ruin all of us. (Incidentally, I took all of our savings and put them equally into Canadian dollars and the euro. I am hedging my bets here.)

These bright boys, working with the Rove people, are starting stories about weather control, a new Ice Age, the spread of SARS, Mad Cow (but only in Canada as a way of punishing them for daring to harbor US deserters), weird plots to blow up US cities and so on.

These nut stories seem to have a life of their own on the net and are eagerly accepted while the real plottings can go on behind the scenes. There is no doubt that we are going to have a draft and after that, an invasion of Iran and Syria…if Bush , Rove and the neocons have their collective, evil, way.

Bush is going to privatize Social Security so his stock broker friends can reap rich rewards with the usual kickbacks for Bush and his closest aides. So to cover up these nasty doings, we can expect to see a flood of camouflaging radar chaff pouring out from down the hall from me.

I advise to you be careful of biting on any of this. People like you will be sent reams of what at first glance appears to be a red hot story. It will be completely fake and easily proven as such. Once you bite and publish, a paid pundit from the New York Times will publish a devastating refutation of it.

Let’s not limit paid pundits to the Times. The Baltimore Sun and the Chicago Tribune also have paid pundits on their staff as does the Los Angeles Times. They are all paid for this, except for the dim-bulb fanatics whom we find on most editorial pages, but never by the local privy purse. They get fat checks from “Institutes” and “Policy think tanks” that are entirely owned and operated by the current Establishment.

Of course the Democrats do the same thing but the Republicans have ever so much more money from big business interests that they can afford to hire the bigger names and set up the more distinguished-sounding “think tanks” and “Institutes.”

If you and your readers want to find out what is <>really<> happening in the world, I recommend the Asia Times, the Guardian and Reuters in England (keep away from the Times because it is owned by the Bush butt kisser Murdoch, ) Pravda has good articles but they are badly translated, Le Monde in Paris is good as are several of the Arab outlets. Also recommended is AFP.

If you read these daily news postings (and all are in English) you will very soon discover the degree and extent that the US media is completely controlled.

Your habit of mocking Pentecostals is not making you any friends in that bitter and unproductive area either. Another ploy is for bogus “Veteran’s groups” and people who sign themselves “Patriotic Ex-Marine” who will write hundreds of emails calling those who object to the mindless bloodletting in Iraq as “traitors” to the American people (for ‘American people’ read, ‘George W. Bush’)

Unfortunately for the activities of these proto-fascist creeps, the actual truth is so pervasive and so compelling that their effort only seem to influence the feeble-minded…Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and remember that God sent His only begotten Son down twice: once two thousand years ago and secondly, only recently. One Son of God was born in a stable and the other went to Yale…Walking around the offices in the White House and, occasionally, the RNC, I can only think of the Jukes and the Kallikaks…

woensdag 22 december 2004

December 22, 2004

Mounting rage in the White House over the mess tent bombing in Mosul. The public is infuriated that terrorists could penetrate into what is billed as a secure military base and blow up a mess hall full of troops having lunch. There is mounting pressure on Rummy to resign but Bush does not want to let him go. Talk about Rummy authorizing torture of Iraqi POWs but In fact, the orders for this came straight from the Oval Office. If Bush fires Rummy, Rummy might reveal this little piece of nastiness and Bush would look worse than he does now. This reminds me of Nixon’s second term in more ways than one. Bush was strutting around the Monkey Palace, boasting of his “stunning victory” over the evil Democrats and thinking he had four more years to further destroy this country when he started to discover that the next four years would not be a cakewalk. Eventually, he will go too far…I think he already has…and the citizens will yell to their Congressmen with the result that Congress will either rein Bush in and clip his wings or risk a public revolt that would result in their being pried away, kicking and screaming, from the lucrative public hog trough.

Also, Bush’s Rove has made many promises to the Jesus Freaks, promises that cannot be kept. They are now beginning to bitch and whine about his perceived inaction and eventually, they will turn. The economy is shot to hell but it will be Iraq that will get him. There is a lot of real nastiness out there and torture and murder is only part of it. Rampant corruption is something else. I thought members of Congress are bad…don’t drop a hundred dollar bill in the Capitol rotunda when Congress is in session or you will be trampled to death in the rush…but Bush himself has no problem stuffing money into his offshore bank accounts. I said it once and I will say it again: This is the most corrupt administration since the Grant one. Well, I am keeping this short and dare I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas?

zaterdag 18 december 2004

December 18, 2004

The axe is being sharpened for Rummy. Why? Arrogant at the wrong time and place. Bush’s hatchet man, your basic arrogant bully with power. Rummy is not stupid but like the others, wears blinders. Yes, he approved torture and other nasty business but he was acting on Bush’s orders. Bush keeps him in office because Bush can rely on him and if Rummy talked, Bush would be charged with war crimes. One hand washes the other. But, Rummy is antagonizing everyone and Congress is getting testy. Also, his cavalier attitude towards his troops is not doing anyone any good. Complaints to Congressmen, especially before the mid-terms, are always effective. Sooner or later, Congress, Republicans and Democrats (with the exception of fanatics like the weird Frist and DeLay) will find it more advantageous to take care of their own careers instead of building up black points being Bush’s Reichstag. If George keeps up his idiot games, look for a procedural revolt in Congress…just enough to let the Perez know that he does not own Congress. No, Rummy will go and some of us hope he will be so pissed off that he will leak out some very bad things about Bush. Rummy is a saint compared with the loonie Congoleesa Rice but she kisses the Bush ass often and passionately and, unless she tries to unilaterally invade Russia, her pet hate, she will have to get well into the term before she makes so many gaffes that she, too, has to be tossed out….

As far as Iraq is concerned, there is real trouble brewing insofar as morale is concerned. Desertions, faked mental problems, “accidental” gunshot wounds to feet, etc. are way up and rising. Falling, on the other hand, are recruitments. The peasants are screaming that very aggressive recruiters are doing everything but kidnapping their teenaged sons and we will hear more about this blatant business before much longer. The Likudists are panting for a draft but they are living in some dream world of the kind inhabited by people divorced from any kind of pragmatic reality. They want a draft to realize their dreams of an Imperial America (who will protect Mother Israel against all comers) who is intended to replace the now-defunct British and Roman Empires. These miserable creatures remind me of the dwarves in the Ring series of Wagner or the creatures in the Tolkien books. When you lift up the rock, they squirm in the light. No one elected them yet they are implementing a foreign policy that will cost many young Americans their lives and their health.

woensdag 15 december 2004

December 15, 2004

A number of interesting items here. We have a legion of so-called “intelligence agencies” reporting to White House staff on all subjects of interest to them and national security, in that order. Most of them go off all over the place like a Special Olympics track meet but recently, we have seen a certain amount of agreement on the issue of Muslim terrorism aimed at the US. All agree that really terrible acts are unquestionably being planned, ranging from the use of so-called “suitcase bombs” to bioterrorism.

And is there a solution, besides nuking all of the Arab states? Yes, our agencies all report that in their considered opinions, threatened terrorism could stop in one day…on one condition. The condition is that the United States step back from its unconditional, and often blind, support of the far right Likudists now in power in Israel, step back and become strictly neutral. By that, we do not sell, or in the case of Israel, give, weapons or support to either side.

Washington said this at the beginning of the Republic and the advice is as good today as it was then. I have read paper after paper stating that the sole reason we are now under attack is our unconditional support of Israel, a state that has no scruples about spying on us and when it suits them, attacking us militarily ( the USS Liberty is a prime example). They can do nothing for us but a great deal against us and we are now seen as hand puppets for the Likud. All of the top neocons are Likudists and many are actually Israeli citizens who always put that country’s interests ahead of anything else.

The result of this buckling under to political and economic pressure is that we will for a certainty be attacked domestically and probably with terrible results. The other caveat is that we get the Hell out of Iraq and leave the Middle East strictly alone.

Another suggestion from three agencies is that we stop needling Putin and trying to rip off Russian oil. We will not get away with it and we need Russia far more than it needs us. It is obvious that major US oil interests, with the eager help of the Bush people, are not going to grab control of the oil and gas of that country. Better, everyone says, to make peace than fight a permanent war against this country, a war that can only increase.

Of course Our Beloved Leader is so narrow minded and so much under the control of the weirdos from the neocon movement that such an idea would never reach his hairy ears and if it did, he would have trouble making any sense out of it. Still, there it is and if you think about it, remember the Bible verse about taking a dog by the ears.

donderdag 9 december 2004

December 9, 2004

Bush is doing himself no service with this Kerik business. This was Rudy Giuluani’s quid pro quo for helping Bush in his campaign. Bernie is a street thug and when you put creeps like him around money you have a formula for disaster. As head of Homeland Security, Bernie will be able to really feather his nest. Every one of his agents will have to have a Taser and he and Rudy are financially involved with that company…and others with whom DHS expects to do extensive business. Of course, Bush himself is far from honest (if he ever visited my house and I let him in, I would keep a close watch on the silver spoons).

Well, by now you have read over the smallpox material. Frightening, isn’t it? If you post it (you will have to cut it down somewhat) there will be those who scream that it is all lies. Most of the facts are up on Google except for the salient fact that our vaccine is worthless. When that comes out and when the public realizes that Bush has been having all of his staff, rich supporters and key people vaccinated and to hell with the rest of us, there will be real dung flying into the fan….The forthcoming Imperial Inaugural in January is a terrible, tasteless farce. The Bush people are extorting millions out of the rich boobery for “Special Moments” with God’s Anointed. A quarter of a million buys you the esteemed honor of having Bush himself and his Stepford wife actually stop by your table, shake your hand and hope he remembers your name. God, can’t you see the pictures in your local paper? Of course a White House photographer will snap the Imperial couple as it stops by your table and copies will go to the Bad Seepage Daily Movement so all your friends at the country club can eat their hearts out. This will be the most lavish ceremony in the history of the United States and at a time when Bush and his wife ought to be visiting hospitals and giving signed pictures and a piece of old candy to mangled young GIs.

This is exactly the sort of thing that went on in France just before the Revolution. Bush hasn’t a clue, believe me. Some of the professionals here in the White House are getting nervous and wondering about job changes. There are indeed a few political pros here, mixed in with the fascistic neocons and the Jesus Freaks but we are badly outnumbered.

woensdag 8 december 2004

December 8, 2004

Because a physical joint US/Israeli attack on Iran is not feasible at the present time due to military troop level problems and too much advanced publicity (the USS Kennedy force has been withdrawn from the Gulf. Both her skipper and executive officer were suddenly removed from command for “Special Reasons”) the White House is now turning up the press pressure cooker. The media is now to run a series of ongoing articles about Iran’s “human rights record” and the potential danger she poses to the “free world” (for this read Israel) We are going to get the recently-emasculated CIA to increase spending to the Iranian dissidents, many of whose leaders are now in safe houses in Washington.

The planned limited US/Israeli air strike on Iran's well-dispersed nuclear facilities would certainly cause international outrage (which Bush really doesn’t care about, having nothing but contempt for every other country but England) and the Pentagon studies conclude that such a strike could bring about retaliation against the massive concentrations of US troops now in Iran to “protect the election.”

We know here that Bush and his people are growing more and more eager to start withdrawing troops from Iraq by the middle of next year. The real reason for this is that Bush wants badly to invade Iran, and later Syria, and simply does not have the troops for it. GIs thinking they will be going home are in for a rude awakening as will be their families. Bush doesn’t give a damn about this because he got reelected and could care less what families think. A man who has never gone to any military funeral for the men his actions have killed would care less about what he terms “just limited and temporary” unhappiness domestically. The undertakers, at least, are making money.

The Administration’s main beefs with Iran are that they have a viable nuclear program that could (and probably has) produced atomic weapons. Also, Iran is trying to influence the Shiites in Iraq and are also giving cubic money to Hezbollah. This latter has infuriated the Sharon people who have put the destruction of what they see as their biggest treat on the front burner. There will also be the public BS that some of Osam bin Laden’s “top aides” are now hiding out in Tehran.

Condi Rice is the biggest pusher for increased PR pressure on Iran but her pet love is some kind of Biblical destruction visited upon her obsessively hated Russia. The CIA’s Voice of America and other propaganda outlets are gearing up for massive programs to undermine the Tehran régime and in short, use the same tricks they did in Georgia, Chechnya and now, the Ukraine. The CIA already operates a Persian-language radio service, Radio Farda, which broadcasts to Iran 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Last week, Condi and other rabid hawks held a private meeting in the Monkey Palace with the top leadership of American Jewish groups. The main purpose of the meeting was a consideration of the Palestine problem with Condi pushing for “bigger and longer” walls and perhaps the deportation of all of the Palestinians to the Gaza strip…by force of course…and the subsequent seizure of the now-abandoned Arab homes and businesses for new Jewish settlers. This would make for better containment and the harsh conditions in Gaza might hasten the disintegration of the Palestinians as a viable community. Sharon’s people are delighted with Condi’s plans and Bush is in full agreement with this but is only a silent partner at this point.

The Franklin matter came up and it was agreed that both the White House and the top media people would keep the lid on this. A major columnist, yet to be chosen and bribed, will do an op-ed piece on the fact (“leaked” to him by the usual fake “highly reliable inside sources” ) that the FBI could actually find nothing wrong with Franklin and that the material Franklin gave to the Jews, both in the US and Tel Aviv, were actually “unclassified policy studies” of no strategic value. Then the matter will be considered over and forgotten. Actually, Franklin worked with top neocons and gave the Jews crates of high-level White House and Pentagon situation papers with Cosmic-type security classifications. In short, Franklin, who was well-paid for his treachery and will get to keep his ill-gotten gains, gave away the farm insofar as alerting his friends in Israel to our very top policy secrets. And, it is felt, a great deal more. Still murky but there is something very big and nasty down there in the dark pond. But if the Bush/Israeli people have their way, it will be a very dead issue.

Also, I am forwarding to you tonight, a précis of a very high level report on bioterrorism ( an attack on the US using smallpox..) The original document, which has the highest classifications, would be a real bitch to scan and forward (it runs to six hundred pages) came from three reports: The CIA, the CDC (which is entirely in the Administration’s pocket) and a British intelligence source. (Also highly classified and designed for their leadership alone.)

It will scare the hell out of you and, hopefully, your readers. And the terrifying fact is that it is a certainty and that nothing can be done about it. There is a projected dieoff in this country alone of nearly 70,000,000 people when this gets going! There are absolutely no defenses against it, the government having deliberately destroyed huge stocks of effective vaccine. We know with absolute certainty that terrorists have the smallpox virus, obtained from crooked Russian officials., and although we do not know at present which group is planning to use it as a bioterrorist weapon, we do know for certain that it will be used against us and probably within the next six months. (The winter months are considered the peak months for a widespread dissemination of the virus.)

maandag 6 december 2004

December 6, 2004

If you want to do a book, that’s fine by me but don’t expect me to show up for a book-signing tour with Borders Books. Men in black suits with little crosses in their coat lapels would show up and shoot me dead while chanting verses from Psalms.

I will send you some really lovely documents you can put into the text but since you don’t know my name, put down anything you like. How about Russell Bush, the Cousin No One Talks About?

Now, down to more serious matters. First of all, I have written before about the incredible security precautions to be taken here for the Imperial Inauguration in January. I am sending you part of a DHS bulletin that will back this up. I can’t send you the Secret Service directives because to publish them would result in immediate and furious reactions and probably visits from the flat of feet and pointy of head.

There will be more security in and around DC than Hitler ever had at one of his rallies. Everything but the Nazi flags and goose-stepping SS men. There will be Coast Guard watches over all waterways around Washington, Air Force units on instant readiness (unlike the very odd and highly suspicious total lack of concern on September 11…in spite of many important warnings of an attack) with antiaircraft missile units in place all around the Beltway, on the ground and especially on the roofs of buildings around the Capitol and the White House.

On the ground, heavily armed Special Forces units everywhere, waiting inside Federal buildings to emerge and “deal severely” with any organized crowd activity directed against the Head Chimpanzee. And I mean the orders are, and I have seen them, to drag protesters outside the view of the public and especially the cameras and beat the shit out of them.

Bush and his Gestapo have not forgotten the last inauguration wherein people actually had the nerve to hoot and jeer at him and, far worse, to hurl vegetables and other objects at the Imperial limousine. My God, you should have seen our Beloved President’s face when blunt objects thundered down on his car!

He was as white as a KKK sheet and his mouth was hanging open in shock. Top speed to the White House and he had to have a soothing shot before he wet himself. ….

And this is really funny and entirely predictable. The Christian Right is somehow of the opinion that since they, and they alone (with the help of Jesus and Almighty God…the Virgin Mary is not in their pantheon) elected Caligula for another term, he owes them big and he is now expected to deliver on his vague promises, made to various Christian Right leaders, in private of course, before the election. This long list is howlingly funny, or would be if it weren’t serious. Here is a copy of at least some of the more obnoxious items on their wish list that I have culled from all the papers around here:

1. Abolish and criminalize abortion

2. Establish Creationism in all public schools

3. Declare Christmas a “True Christian Holiday”

4. Base American law on the Ten Commandments, not the Secular Constitution

5. Make any kind of homosexual activity a criminal offense

6. Censor any and all media material they deem to be pornographic or offensive
7. Send missionaries to Iraq and other occupied countries to Christianize them…by force

8. Declare a Christian Crusade as quickly as possible with the aim of converting the world.

9. Work with Israel to demolish the Arab mosques and rebuild the Temple of Solomon

10. Declare Sunday as Christ’s Day and shut all retail businesses down for that day

11. Institute the Tithe in the United States where 10% of the worker’s checks go to Jesus (them)

12. Ban forever any kind of Satanic Rock and Roll and make it punishable to air or play it

13. Set up a Cabinet post as Religious Coordinator

14. Stop the publication of any and all Harry Potter type Satanic books. Abolish Satanic board games

15. Immediately quarantine any and all AIDS victims as drug abusers and rampant queers

16. Abolish all secular media programs on Sunday and Christmas and replace with religious ones

17. Require heavy prison sentences for any and all drug abuse.

18. Reestablish old sedition laws to prevent displays of anti-Government sentiment anywhere

Now it should be obvious that Bush cannot even discuss any of this in public or he would be impeached or much worse. He knows it, Karl “Chubs” Rove knows it and so does every one else here in the Monkey Palace not on Prozac. The catch of this is that if Bush does not conform to the Celestial Party Line, these chinless geeks will turn on him with a vengeance. They are very good haters, (they hate everyone but themselves) and very soon George will have to either cater to them (which he cannot do and is absolutely impossible) or he will be Evangelical toast. Poor Curious George.

He will have the increasingly vicious war in Iraq (which is now descending into Nazi-like outright war crimes) on one side and the rabid, screeching Jesus Freaks on the other. I don’t think the next four years will be healing ones for anyone and George will be well-done on the rotisserie of the Fires of Hell.

Unfortunately, the rest of us will have to cook too because George is going to take us all down with him. If God were indeed All Seeing and All Merciful, He would take George to His bosom with diligence and dispatch.