maandag 28 november 2005

November 28, 2005

Amidst all the gloom, terror and depression in the souls of the White House staffers, there is one ray of light shining down.

It has been spoken of here very heatedly, and for some time, that Bush, in a state of growing depression over his loss of face and falling poll numbers, has lashed out at Dick Cheney, his mentor and control.

This is a typical action of a weak man who relies entirely on other, much stronger, personalities, for advise and direction.

Bush cannot make up his own mind on anything, never reads and entertains no original ideas whatsoever.

He does what he is told by others, with their own agenda. Bush has allowed Cheney to institute completely illegal torture, instigate a useless, deadly war, encourage terrible corruption inside the highest level of government and run him like a radio-controlled racing car.

As long as the poll numbers were up and Bush could attend meetings that were rigged to show adoration and approval, he was pleased.

Now that the clouds have gathered overhead and his tinsel parade is being rained upon, like the moral piece of spaghetti he is, Bush is blaming everyone but himself.

Two weeks ago, three different people told me in confidence, there was a monumental screaming match in the White House, in private as Bush mistakenly believed, in which our Beloved Leader, the Annointed of God, tore into Cheney for “misleading” him and “ruining his presidency.” How funny!

Cheney, by their accounts, called him a useless little wino and threatened to punch him in the face! Given their personalities, (or, in Bush’s case, a lack thereof) this is not as far fetched nor improbable as it sounds.

Now, they ignore each other and Congoleeza has moved up as the disgustingly sycophantic and brittle Friend and Supporter of Our Beloved Leader. Harriet still applies suction to the raddled fundament but Rice is so outrageous that one co-worker said she is giving butt-sucking a really bad name!

Well, when thieves fall out, honest men prosper.

woensdag 23 november 2005

November 23, 2005

With a well-bribed Congress having passed a “revision” of the Federal Bankruptcy Act preventing debtors from going bankrupt from credit card debts, the grateful credit card agencies have now jacked up their minimum percentage rates and we can now expect to see them go much higher. Like the greedy gas industry, they won’t up the rates from 5% to 25% all at once. Like heating oil, gasoline and other controlled and vital substances, the interest rates will creep slowly but surely upwards. Naturally, with the diminution of driving due to the advent of winter and the lower use of gas, the prices of gasoline will quickly stabilize and even drop a few cents. Not so heating oil which will begin the planned creep-up, accompanied by screams of Congressmen who will be flooded with anguished complaints just before the mid-terms and an similar chorus of whining woe from the oil barons who will assure us that it’s all the fault of the evil Muslims but they just have to keep up with prices.

The oil industry, like other gougers, should be subject to a strict, governmental control agency, which will never happen with the greedy thieves now running Congress. Although many in ghettos will freeze to death this winter or die of pneumonia, the current administration is not overly concerned with the fate of poor blacks.

Note, while we are on economic stories, that all the loud bombast from the incompetent Brown of FEMA and the equally incompetent President, about “rebuilding” the Gulf Coast has quietly vanished into the night, just like the billions of taxpayers dollars stuffed into the pockets of Bush friends.

To those sorry creatures who voted for Bush, hoping for a New Christian Nation, much pity should be extended. The rest of us can stop paying bribe money to the government in the form of taxes.

maandag 21 november 2005

November 21, 2005

Murtha’s challenge to the Bush Administration to cut our extensive losses in the non-winnable Iraqi war has set fire to a huge pile of deadwood that represents growing hostility to, and utter disbelief in, the current Administration.

From a totally pragmatic point of view, the U.S. has lost the war in Iraq, just like we lost the war in Somalia and Vietnam. Politicians, and some generals, are reluctant to admit their errors, however, so we will see a circling of the wagons, led by the odious and obviously sadistic Vice President, to fight to the end the concept of giving up our senseless imperial dreams.

Bush and his crime partners have ruined the U.S. foreign trade balance, loaded up the American people and their children with an enormous debt, tried, thankfully in vain, to establish a theocracy in the United States, displayed a terrible contempt to the poor and most especially the black poor, gleefully stolen billions of taxpayer’s dollars and given it to their friends, fouled the atmosphere, ruined for decades the reputation of this country as the fountainhead of freedoms and personal liberty, slaughtered God alone knows how many perfectly innocent Arabs in Iraq and ruined many thousands of American military personnel and wounded, many crippled for life, totaling tens of thousands more.

Bush and Cheney and the entire Republican party are nothing but moral bankrupts whose collective masks have slipped to reveal the rapacious, immoral and vicious toads hiding behind them. Think now that we have three more years of meltdown in Washington and think, too, that the Bush people are liable to try to start a new war to stir up patriotism and raise their ruined reputations.

Syria is the logical choice and many here say that the thoroughly evil Mossad is more than likely to set off a bomb somewhere to kill Americans, (as insiders in the intelligence community claim they just did in Amman), blame it on the Muslims and rub their hands with glee while more American lives and money are spent in shoring up their own amoral state.

vrijdag 18 november 2005

November 18, 2005

There seems to be reasonable rumor that the wholesale and barefaced corruption now rampant inside the upper levels of the Republican Party is about to come to an end. Frightened by growing public anger at the huge FEMA ripoffs, bridges to nowhere, insane pork barrel games in Congress, obvious thievery by Bush-friendly contractors in Iraq, certain Congressional leaders, of both sides of the aisle, are holding private meetings concerning taking back the governance of the United States. Recently, several Bush measures were trashed by a new coalition of both parties and this appears to be the wave of the future. Bush and Cheney have so pissed off the legislative branch that they have decided that if they don’t act soon, they will all be in danger of being thrown out next year so watch for Bush to lose on that front too. He has lost in Iraq and there is a strong movement in Congress to cut out losses and run. Let’s hope so.

maandag 7 november 2005

November 7, 2005

The media has reported a week ago that 2,000 U.S. military personnel had been killed since 2003 in Iraq and Afghanistan. Actually, the persistent rumors are that the actual toll is much higher. Around the Monkey Palace, no one gives a flying f--- about this matter. They are too intent on saving their jobs or protecting Bush and Cheney for the same reason.

The dead and mangled are only a footnote to history and one the White House staff doesn’t give a damn about. The Iraqi resistance is well aware of the impact that the growing death tolls can and do have on the American public and like the Viet Cong, they are killing more and more men in more and more sophisticated ways (aided and abetted by outside sources) so as to pressure Bush to withdraw.

Bush, like Johnson, can never admit he was wrong so the deaths tolls will grow and grow, and be fudged, until finally the dam breaks and the resulting flood does terrible damage.

The entire claque that runs things here is ideologically and morally corrupt and this corruption is manifest in the wholesale thievery of FEMA (Brown the Wonderful is still on the FEMA payroll and there is as much chance of his being axed as there is of Ken Lay of Enron being tried…at least as long as George Bush is President.) They both know too much to pushed into a corner and the great fear here is that Libby will open up and tell what he knows about Cheney and, to a lesser degree, Bush himself.

Believe me, this is the most morally and fiscally corrupt American Presidency since U.S. Grant’s time. And in that case, the corruption did not touch the President but in this case, he is part and parcel of the lying and money-grubbing.

vrijdag 4 november 2005

November 4, 2005

The upper echelons of the Bush Administration are now in a state of numb terror over the arrest of I. Lewis Libby. This is not because he might implicate Karl Rove, the President’s indispensable political advisor but because of something much more dangerous to the entire Administration. Last weekend, I went sailing on the Chesapeake Bay with an old friend of mine, now a senior U.S. military officer who serves in Washington in an elevated position. Out on the water, away from possible snoopers, he told me something that is more incredible, yet believable, than anything the nutty bloggers can come up with.

It seems that the Bush Administration, at its highest levels, to include the following people in specific but not in general (aides, assistants, family members and so on):

Richard Cheney, U.S. VP
Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
John Ashcroft, U.S. AG
Lt.Gen Michael V. Hayden, USAF, Director of NSA
George Tenet, DCI

The fact is that since early 2001, U.S. Intelligence organs, and through them, the White House, were specifically put on notice that Arab/Muslim militants planned a reprise of the earlier attack on the WTC in New York. Some of this information was vague but some, most especially the Israeli Mossad material, was very specific. Attacks would be launched by hijacked aircraft, not only against the symbolic WTC but on specific Washington targets.

The Mossad’s information, based on their infiltration of the Arab groups involved, was most specific and, as the date for the attack firmed up, very, very specific. Also, similar information,, of lesser importance and specificity, came from the German BND, the French, Russian and even the Moroccan governments.

The National Security Agency in Maryland was reading the cell phone and other message forms of the perpetrators up until the last minute. It is a matter of fact that in spite of this flood of reliable input, the Bush Administration did absolutely nothing at all in the way of warning the FAA or the military units designated to protect certain important American targets. Ashcroft refused to fly on any commercial aircraft after April, 2001 and the Pentagon would not permit its senior officers and bureaucrats to do likewise.

On the day of the attack, Bush and his top staff flew to Florida to establish an alibi. The President and his party went to a black grammar school in Sarasota, Florida, accompanied by a number of television cameramen, to establish an airtight alibi and waited out the attack.

Far too many too officials, considered to be loyal to Bush, were, and are, aware of this ploy and the deadly fear is that Libby, who was in the know, or others, might blab to special prosecutor, Fitzgerald. Whoever appointed this man to investigate the leaks in the Plame case will no doubt be severely punished, if the others survive.

What Fitzgerald knows, is speculation. He has a tight control over his office and no information is ever leaked. This is why Bush is disintegrating daily and Cheney is now a prime candidate for what might well prove to be the last of a string of serious heart attacks.

These people believed their own lies and their arrogant hubris has kept them from realizing that the best way to keep a secret is to tell no one else and the second best way is to tell only a very few and very trusted people. Trusted people who tell aides, wives, lovers or others so weaken the line of control that exposure is inevitable.

Look at it this way: The Bush Administration has on its account, all the dead of 9/11, the thousands of dead military personnel, the tens of thousands of badly wounded Americans now recovering from their wounds plus the very large number of slaughtered Iraqi and Afghanistani civilians.

On a sarcastic note, the main diet of these people now is Valium and Capacitate.