zaterdag 31 juli 2004

July 31, 2004

More info about Ashcroft’s desire to put us all in camps for “reeducation as loyal Americans and true Christians.” I mentioned Ashcroft’s “ideas” about “neutralizing” evil influences in the United States. Here is more. Special U.S. Army units are trained for putting down any kind of civil insurrection. These units are small, very well-equipped and are considered to be the most elite units the Army now possesses. They have not seen any foreign combat duty: They are designed solely as domestic control units. I can give you some interesting specifics and there is a lot more where this comes from.

There are centers around the United States where these units are based. For instance, Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois is one such base. These units have an interesting form of rapid deployment command centers. These consist of what appear to be commercial tractor trailers with such things as the names of well-known moving van companies, or other major corporations such as Wal-Mart or Radio Shack on the sides. These units are not for transporting goods but are prefab command centers. The special units can move these via the highways in perfect safety from a base of operations to a “hot” area where “domestic terrorists” might be operating. These “domestic terrorists” might be peace groups, irate farmers, angry union workers and so on. The mobile command centers move into an area disguised, as I have said, like standard commercial vehicles. Then, when a defense perimeter has been established, the units are put together in squares, four to a side, and these are, in turn, linked together, forming a large, fully-equipped Army center, complete with all electronic gear needed to supervise the command of troops that will be airlifted into the secured area by helicopters. Targets in the “main areas of resistance” will have been identified previously and the incoming troops will be directed to these areas, preferably at night. I want to point out that there are sixteen such bases throughout the United States to include Hawaii but not Alaska. There are standing orders on file, and some have been leaked, as to how to deal with “civil disobedience” in general. Specific orders about individual targets are prepared on an as-needed basis.

Also, “Regional Detention Centers” have been designated and prepared for use if and when they are needed. These lie in remote areas such as northern Maine, west Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Montana and eastern Washington state. There are eleven such Regional Detention Centers now prepared for immediate use with prefab barracks, wire perimeters and military positions constructed on any approaches to these very easily supervised camps. Urban areas have been excluded from this program because civilians are under no circumstances to be aware of their existence nor will access from the civilian sector be easy or permitted. (Here, I am quoting from an official overview but minus the weird military terminology) I may move to Israel if this keeps up! Now in all objectivity, merely setting these things up does not mean they will be used…but they can if the circumstances warrant it and Ashcroft and other are bending the President’s ear about this. Not everyone is happy about this sort of thing and probably the strongest detractors are, oddly enough, the professional military. That is why Bush is having so much friction with the Pentagon people and others. I am sure Powell doesn’t know about this or he would resign. There are many decent men among the military and a very significant number of the senior ones do not like Bush. For one thing, having a Commander in Chief who was a chronic drunk and druggie does not go over very well and Bush has not been making things easier by hectoring and harassing his senior military people. Right now they are complaining but that may change. So might the presidency if it keeps up.

donderdag 29 juli 2004

July 29, 2004

First there was your posting of my notes on our sick President and then Capitol Hill Blue just did another number on the same theme. You can imagine the mess around the Monkey Palace today! Now, it appears that there are at least three stool pigeons loose here and they have brought in the FBI and the Secret Service to do damage control. Bush is almost literally foaming, Karl Rove and other great lights are threatening the Patriot Act against anyone who is caught! “This is a wartime Presidency and anyone passing out secrets will be charged!” is the word. All phones are tapped now and all laptops are rudely grabbed and checked for notes, harmless secretaries are bullied and threatened with lie detector tests. In fact, the Head Monkey now want all White House personnel given lie detector tests every week! You can imagine how good this is for morale! Iraq is a mess; Powell says we are in it to stay and that is not a good omen for the November elections. Brother Jeb is setting up another fraud in Florida even though the major media is being very informative. They do not care around here. Legal or illegal, if it will get Bush elected again and guarantee all of them their power-trip jobs, everything and anything goes. Believe me, I know many of the lesser ones around here and the Capitol Hill reportage is accurate and devastating to the entire staff. I understand they are really going in for the lie detector scam and have set up a room in the basement just for this. I am told they are warning the staff that they either take tests or get fired with vague but sinister warnings about violations of national security and long stretches in cells at Atlanta for those who won’t make things easy and confess. I and others are not employees and my editor says if they even try that with us, the media will rise up in a body and hang Bush on a White House tree!”

July 30, 2004 “A junior staffer told me this one. It seems her daughter had been injured in a car accident. It was nothing serious and she told no one here about it. One of the senior staff came into her office and asked how her daughter was doing. The woman had only once mentioned this and that on her office telephone to her sister. She compared notes with others and discovered that all incoming and outgoing routine calls are taped and monitored. Ashcroft has been suggesting to the President that somehow the dissident voices in this country need to be silenced. Ashcroft in conjunction with Army Military Police units have prepared a scenario about how to clamp down iron controls here. I have seen a copy of this, which has not been adopted but it does show a mind-set. Certain internet sites should be closed down. These are sites that actively promote : anti-Bush remarks or support abortion, “globalism,” “secular humanism,” “Satanism,” homosexuality, anti-Semitism, or that are anti-Christian, or pro-Muslim and who are critical of such Republican luminary nuts as Tom DeLay and Ashcroft himself. The arrest and expulsion of all Muslim residents of the United States including Americans who may have converted is a strong Ashcroft suggestion. Ashcroft views the Muslim faith as “Satanic” and “evil” and claims that the expulsion of these people will “start the healing processes in America.” Ashcroft strongly dislikes African-Americans as well but there is nothing about putting them back in the cotton fields or deporting them. As a Jew, I was delighted to see that Jews would be tolerated and encouraged but with the understanding that they would all convert to Christianity within a given period of time.

Maybe Bush and Ashcroft will take a page from Hitler and make all Muslims wear a yellow crescent on their coats! This has very serious implications for me especially as a Jew whose grandparents were harassed and chased out of Germany in 1936, Do you realize that these people are stone nuts? That the President is a nasty, pill-popping sick man who hates everyone and especially anyone who dares to criticize him or any of his policies? At one time, and I have been a witness to this, Bush could be very outgoing and pleasant with staff but not now. Mean looking and snappish with everyone, he uses really filthy language to express his anger. He makes obscene gestures, curses in a loud voice, slams doors, throws books and, once, a paperweight from his desk at a clerk. (He missed) He gobbles pills like Rush Limbaugh and I suspect he is numb most of the time now. The slippery staff’s well-oiled machine is starting to make weird noises and Bush cannot tolerate this. "You told me this would work! Goddam it, you fucked up, you asshole! Get with it or get out!” This nice bit I have on tape.

Old Georgie was never too well-wrapped but it was kept quiet. Now that the pressure is really on him and he is beginning to realize that large numbers of Americans actually distrust and dislike him, he was first shocked and later enraged. This man does not belong with the nuclear football anywhere near him. He is basically unbalanced and under so much pressure that God knows what he might do. A young secretary told me that one minute she has seen Bush very smooth, very friendly and very much collected and then, for absolutely no reason she could see, turn instantly into a nasty, shouting man who got very threatening and abusive to a military officer whom, she said, was very correct and polite. This frightened her, the suddenness of it, and what was worse, he suddenly switched back to being a friendly man again. This is not normal behavior. I asked her if the Army colonel had been abusive in any way and she said that he certainly had not and she was ten feet away when Bush suddenly started yelling curses. She said there was nothing to explain this and that she never saw a person explode in that way and then go right back to regular conversation just as if he had not called a professional military officer an “asshole” and a “motherfucker” in front of others. The Colonel got very red in the face but said nothing. No one is allowed to ever talk about these eruptions which senior staff put down, in public at least, to the “President’s extreme concerns for the safety of the American people.

woensdag 21 juli 2004

July 21, 2004

I have several interesting bits for you and your readers. Never mind the Democratic Convention or the 9-11 Report. The military adventures of King George are really a lot more important. There is no question that Bush wants to attack (read ’neutralize’) both North Korea and Iran. The press has been publishing stories about how Iran supported bin Laden and how North Korea has rejected the attempts of the peace-loving Bush to mediate the problems existing between the two countries. Nothing could be further from the truth, believe me. The spin people are now passing out press releases about this, trying to damp it down and prevent pre-emptive strikes by our new victims. A very secret report is floating around about the serious problems with our commercial shipping ports. According to this, over nine million cargo containers arrive in the States every year and the much-vaunted but entirely useless Homeland Security geeks can only examine about 2% of these. Much propaganda and bs about how our ever vigilant boys are searching everything to protect us. This report says that a freighter full of dirty bombs could sail into Baltimore, Norfolk, New York, San Diego, San Francisco or Seattle and explode on cue and there is not a damned thing our security people could do about it. In fact, the first thing these guys would know was when the walls of their offices blew in and they were deposited twenty miles away, well-done. The 9-11 report is fine, as far as it goes but no one here expects anything to be done. None of the alphabet agencies will give up any power and Bush is not the man to force a reorganization through. Oh yes, he will bleat about it for a while but in the end, they will all go back to their turf wars and someday, Boston will glow green, what’s left of it.

And another thing. The Bush brothers are bold as brass. The talk here is that Florida will be the leader in vote stealing again but I think that this time, the public is well aware of their tricks last time and Bush and company had better be very careful to walk right down the middle of the road or some large and angry mob will shove him into the ditch in bits and pieces. The Fahrenheit movie has taken in over a hundred millions bucks but the Bush toadies in the media claim that it won’t influence the elections at all. These thick heads need a wake up call with a sledge hammer.

The real polls, and most of them are faked just for the folks at home, show Bush about to take a Carter-like bath but the bully boys with the crosses on their coats stick their fingers in their hairy ears and whistle ‘Rock of Ages’ while trotting by the cemetery. And here is a lovely bit of news you will not hear on FOX, or CNN either. It seems the Iranians, determined to put a stop to American imperialism, have determined to grab off all the area’s oil. They are behind the attacks in Iraq and are now holding very private talks with the Wahhabists of Saudi Arabia. Purpose? To encourage and finance the overthrow of the Saud dynasty in that country and to replace it with a fundamentalists government, so hostile to the US that it will cut off all oil. This is known to a number of people. My sources are: A friend of my cousin who was Special Forces once and is now a Blue Dragon man and head of personal security for several Saudi rebels. Also, a Russian colleague with connections completely confirmed this and neither know each other. They could hold a public meeting with big signs and a hired band, in the lobby of the Hay-Adams for all the notice the CIA would take of it. This is true economic warfare and all of us will really suffer if they are successful.

vrijdag 16 juli 2004

July 16, 2004

The brass here is delighted that they were able to arm-twist a compliant Congress into postponing the release of a Congressional report on who knew what and when until after the election. Their aim is to throw just enough doubt into the very valid belief that George W. Bush was given false information about WMD to influence the undecided voter [both of them]. This is pure crap and everyone around here knows it. Bush demanded “any information” that would bolster his drive to war and refused to accept anything less. George W., by the way, is the source for the miserable tortures in Iraqi jails. It went from Bush, who wanted wholesale shootings of prisoners, through Rumsfeld, who toned it down, to the troops. Both of these jokers are guilty as hell of fostering a deliberate U.S. policy of violations of the Geneva Convention. Their rationale? We are all-powerful and no one will dare to contradict us.

Also, they believe, the American people are divided into two distinct groups: the Good People who are all ultra right wingers, the Jesus freaks who are insane and the business world that expects complete support from Bush. [In exchange for huge bribes] And then there is the other side, the Bad People, composed, as they see it, of Muslims, queers, left wing idiots, niggers (oh yes, that word is occasionally heard in the Monkey Palace), sociopaths, secular humanists, Catholics, feminists and anyone and any group that does not realize that George W. Bush was called to the Monkey Palace by God Almighty and who serves at God’s personal command. Anyone, they reason (!) that questions Bush, Cheney, Rove and a legion of the damned, questions God and for that reason, must be put into camps, reeducated and disenfranchised.

If you think this is some kind of rant, believe me, I hear it almost every day. And anyone who does not believe me, ought to see our beloved Prez shuffling around here, eyes glaring and mouth turned down to realize that his not-so-secret plans for the rest of us would make Hitler look like Mother Teresa. One of the outraged staffers said this morning that ‘Bush is a man against whom God has witnessed.’ One of Bush’s less appealing traits is his refusal to admit that he was wrong. Bush is a chronic and dismal failure, even now. He was a failure in school, in business, in the military [where he was 86’ed from flying because of his public use of drugs and alcohol, and in his personal life. Now that he claims to have found God, he cannot be wrong on anything. If he actually came to grips with the very obvious fact that his entire life was a study in failure and rejection, he would probably slip his rail and be found talking to himself in his Fuhrerbunker.

donderdag 15 juli 2004

July 15, 2004

“The Monkey Palace” is taking on the aspects of a gay bar at frantic hour. The inclusion of Edwards on the Kerry ticket, the plummeting Bush poll numbers, the imminence of a raging civil war in Iraq, the growing defections of “Willing Coalition” members and on and on are turning this place into a muted mad house. Bush is, according to [redacted], gobbling tranquilizers and screaming at anything that moves. The latest bit of lunacy is this business about cancelling the election in November because of trumped up “terrorist” charges. They dragged out the dimbulb, Ridge, to propose that, because he “knew” there would be “terrorist” disruptions of the election, that it ought to be postponed for a “safer time.” If that ever happened, the mobs would be carrying Bush’s head on a pike up and down Pennsylvania Avenue to the cheers of thousands and finally, someone with some sense realized that this just would not work like the last Florida rip-off so they quickly pretended that it was all “a misunderstanding” and want the rest of us to forget about it.

This place is guarded like Fort Knox. There are more anti-antiaircraft rockets, machine guns, snipers and electronic snooping gear on the White House roof than at Aberdeen Proving Ground. In contrast to the Administration’s strange lethargy prior to 9/11, the standing orders are that the President must be notified immediately of any “potentially hostile” aircraft entering into Washington Defense Zone airspace at which time, Bush will rush frantically down to the air raid bunker and close the bank vault- thick steel door behind him. Cheney will probably have a fatal heart attack down in his own bunker [a farting mouse could also cause this, so bad off is our de facto President’s disintegrating pump these days] and the government will be run [into the ground] by the Likud boys. The RNC has teams out trying to find out if Edwards ever had sex with the mother of his own children or has overdue library books and Bush is looking at maps of North Korea in his Map Room! The general public would not believe how scary things are here, no matter how hard you try to alert them. I am planning to write a book about all of this, providing

I don’t get caught talking out of school and it will be very successful, believe me. Some of the help here are most cooperative because not all of them are rabid Jesus freaks and view the White House as a very weird and dangerous place to work. And oddly enough, a number are grossly offended [as am I] about enforced staff prayer meetings and the omnipresent pictures of Jesus, the Destroyer of all Muslims and Democrats, glaring at you from every office wall.

zaterdag 10 juli 2004

July 10, 2004

Several bits of info your readers might find interesting. Firstly, I saw a purloined briefing in which it states that US Special Forces and other groups are not, repeat not, to nail Osama bin Laden!

The Bush people want him alive and threatening us so they can use these threats to clamp down on this country! Because of faked threats of terrorist “actions”, elections will be cancelled until further notice, the military will go to a National Internal Crisis mode and we will, for certain, have martial law.

Also, a number of lower level staffers are quitting the Monkey Palace because they are getting afraid of what our Prez and his bully boys are up to. Also some comments here about the CIA faking material. The CIA did not fake material. The Bush people, Rice and others, ordered them to produce certain supportive reports for Bush to use as an excuse for attacking Iraq. Bush was not mislead by a boneheaded CIA as he and his allies in Congress want you to believe.

Cheney is dying of heart trouble and his dope popping doctor is off the case. I would bet five to ten that Dick gets off the ticket and they put Frist on. That one is a nasty piece of work (See note below). He once got nailed for torturing and killing stray cats and is a real dyed-in-the-wool sadistic Jesus freak. (Is there any other kind?)

We are heading into big trouble, kids, believe me. Some people think Ashcroft is a nut but he does just what Bush wants him to. The Moore movie is keeping the rest rooms full here, believe me. This movie has the capability of destroying Bush come November, that is if the Fuhrer doesn’t declare a national emergency and have himself appointed Dictator for Life. He won’t get the black vote because he does not like them and Ashcroft positively hates the “Sons of Ham” as he calls them. The Mexicans don’t vote and we hear daily that Bush is not vicious enough for the Christian right and they might decide to support an Ashcroft presidency. Ashcroft is a man who thinks calico cats are Satan himself and a friend at Justice says they view him there as a first class wacko who would be better for everyone if he were out in St. Elisabeth’s nut house in a rubber room.