zaterdag 28 juli 2007

July 28, 2007

Recently, I wrote about plans to set up so-called counter-insurgency military units inside the United States “in the event of renewed terrorist attacks.”

There is now more to entertain you with.

I have it on very good authority that Bush is moving certain U.S. military units that have a terrible record in fighting with Iraqi civilians, to include rape, arson, murder, looting, torture and other wonderful expressions of True Liberty, up to northern Iraq. The reasons given? To “Assist Turkish authorities in their attempts to prevent Kurdish incursions into Turkey”.

This is pure crap, kids. These units will be away from Baghdad and the snooping foreign press and trained and reequipped for their new intended role as Bush’s SS in America. Of course we will see in the cooperative press occasional articles about “brave Americans helping their Turkish allies in bringing order to northern Iran.”

And I have seen the press releases prepared for this treachery. And then as soon as a “new terrorist incident” happens, as is now being planned, back our rearmed SS will come to “save America (and Bush) from the al Quaeda attacks.” They have all kinds of press released now in the works and my good friend has access to them. I am trying to find out what kind of “new terrorist attacks” Bush and his poison dwarves are planning and if and when I find our, you all can thrill to the prospect of steel-shod boots crashing on your very own streets.

One thing I did hear was a projected idea, and I stress that is only a project…at this point in time, that a commercial truck with a large shaped charge inside would drive from Marin County in California over the Golden Gate Bridge late at night, stop in the center of the bridge and the drivers get into a following car, leaving the ticking truck with emergency lights flashing, parked on the roadway. When the bomb went off, it would do terrible damage to the bridge, probably causing a partial or complete collapse.

Of course the poison dwarves would have their press releases all ready and America would be told by a serious President (who hopes to recoup his lost glory he gained just after 9/11) that he himself would go to California and “work with loyal Americans” to save the rest of the country from many more such attacks that our brilliant intelligence have just uncovered.

I suppose a newly-created CIA “Osama bin Laden tape” will miraculously appear and be aired to all and sundry with especially long coverage from Bush-allied Fox News.

If you think I am making this up, children, watch the news for U.S. troops moving to northern Iraq in the very near future. That will be the first sign, believe me.

vrijdag 27 juli 2007

July 27, 2007

There is a veritable flood of silly stories about the ‘Real Reasons’ for the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001. Many of these are invented by people looking for attention but there are also a number that are deliberately created, and publicized, by the government itself. The reasons for this fictionalizing of a national tragedy? Because if the actual truth ever became public, there would be such an enormous, and unstoppable, outcry that the result could well be the destruction of the Bush administration with very probable criminal charges being brought against some its most important members.

In American and British intelligence agencies, at the higher levels, it is well-known that the Russians have long ago penetrated Israeli intelligence with many pseudo-“Jewish immigrant” plants. Since Israel and the United States have a very close working arrangement (Mossad agents are assigned to a physical presence in the CIA headquarters in Langley and regularly report back to Tel Aviv what goes on there at the very highest level) it is no surprise to those of us with long service in Washington, that what goes to Tel Aviv (like the vast outpouring of the most secret documents stolen by Pollard and sold by him to the Israeli intelligence organs) goes immediately to Moscow. Thanks to Pollard, whom Bush is “thinking about” pardoning, the Russians got the keys to all of the highest level American intelligence codes to include the Army, the Air Force, the NSA, the CIA and other agencies.

Given this background, let me progress to the crux of this report.

Vice President Dick Cheney runs the White House in some areas and he runs Bush with an iron hand. Cheney is interested in stopping, dead, the EPA’s attempt to control American industry and its production methods. Cheney is the instigator of the attack on Iraq. He wanted this attack so that the United States could have control over all Iraqi oil and serve as a US command center in the Middle East so as to be able to move militarily against any oil-producing Arab state that dared to contradict energy policies that he, Cheney approved of. A very staunch ally of Israel, Cheney also wanted a significant long-term American military presence in the Middle East to support and protect Israel from possible military actions from her neighbors.

To invade Iraq with public support, Cheney connived with the Israelis to foment an incident of significance aimed at the United States and executed on American territory. When the Israeli Mossad infiltrated Arab terrorist groups functioning inside the United States, they reported both to their own officials and, through them, to the CIA.

The Mossad knew in detail about the projected attacks on New York and Washington, passed this information to their people and, via the CIA, directly to Cheney. None of this was given to Bush, whom Cheney considers to be a ‘weak sister.”

When it became evident that the attack was to be forthcoming, Cheney quietly warned Attorney General Ashcroft, key members of his personal staff and key staffers at the Pentagon not to fly by commercial American aircraft between the end of August and the middle of September, 2001.

This inside information was certainly known to ‘Scooter’ Libby and was the primary reason Bush quickly commuted his sentence of imprisonment and, as we all know here, plans to give him a full pardon just as he is leaving office.

Bush, who knew nothing of all of this, went to his Texas ranch at Crawford for the month of August. Bush likes to go to go to Crawford so he can drink himself into a stupor without the danger of unwelcome observation. Without informing Bush of his specific knowledge, Cheney saw to it that Bush and his staff went to Florida for the main event, where they would be out of the way, and safe, while he hid in his famous bunker and planned to emerge as the Edward Stanton of his day, directing the government until Bush returned. Cheney planned to use his inside information to permit the attack to proceed and, if it was successful, use it as a tool to increase the Presidential power (and his own) and launch a military attack on oil-rich Iraq.

Cheney was completely successful in his goals .Over 3,000 people died directly as a result of deliberate silence, and in the intervening years, the death tolls have become immense. What has also become immense is the sum of money Cheney has made by forcing no-bid contracts for Halliburton on the government. Cheney has many stock options in this company, options he got when the stock was far lower in value than it is today after he deliberately inflated its value.

Now, let’s look at certain very important, and sourced, incidents leading up to the attack to see just what Cheney and his claque knew and when they knew it.

March 7, 2001 The Russian Permanent Mission at the United Nations secretly submits “an unprecedented detailed report” to the UN Security Council about bin Laden, his whereabouts, details of his al-Qaeda network, Afghan drug running, and Taliban connections in Pakistan. The report provides “a listing of all bin Laden's bases, his government contacts and foreign advisors,” and enough information to potentially kill him. The US fails to act. Alex Standish, the editor of the highly respected Jane's Intelligence Review, concludes that the attacks of 9/11 were less of an American intelligence failure and more the result of “a political decision not to act against bin Laden.” [Jane's Intelligence Review 10/5/01]

On June 26, 2001, the CIA informed the White House that they had intercepted foreign intelligence traffic concerning possible al-Qaeda strikes in America on July 4.

June 2001 -- German intelligence, the BND, warned the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists were "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." [Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 14, 2001.]

July 5, 2001, the CIA informed the President, through the office of the Vice President, that al-Qaeda attacks against American targets “were entirely possible” during the summer of that year.

June 2001: German intelligence warned the CIA, Britain's MI6, and Israel's Mossad that Middle Eastern terrorists were training for hijackings and targeting US and Israeli symbols. [Source: Fox News, 5/17/02]

June 28, 2001- National security advisor Condoleeza Rice said: "It is highly likely that a significant al-Qaeda, attack is in the near future, within several weeks."

Late June 2001 White House National Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Richard Clarke, gave a direct warning to the FAA to increase security measures in light of an impending terrorist attack. The FAA refuses to take such measures. [New Yorker 1/14/02]

July 26, 2001: Attorney General Ashcroft stopped flying commercial airlines due to a threat assessment. [Source: CBS, 7/26/01] He later walked out of his office rather than answer questions about this. [Source: Associated Press, 5/16/02]

August 2001 -- Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian intelligence to again warn the U.S. government "in the strongest possible terms" of imminent attacks by suicide pilots on airports and government buildings. [Source: MS-NBC interview with Putin, September 15., 2001, Fox, September 17, 2001]

August 2001 At least six 9/11 hijackers, including all of those that boarded Flight 77, lived in Laurel, Maryland from about this time. They reportedly include Hani Hanjour, Majed Moqed, Khalid Almihdhar, Nawaf Alhazmi and Salem Alhazmi Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid Almihdhar, Marwan Alshehhi, and Mohamed Atta

August 4-30, 2001 President Bush spent most of August 2001 at his Crawford, Texas, ranch, nearly setting a record for the longest presidential vacation. While it was billed a “working vacation,” ABC reported Bush was doing “nothing much” aside from his regular daily intelligence briefings. [ABC 8/3/01;

August 8-23, 2001: Two high ranking Israeli Mossad agents came to Washington to warn the FBI and CIA that up to 200 terrorists had slipped into the US and were planning an imminent major assault in the US. Indications pointed to a highly visible target. [Sources: Telegraph, 9/16/01, Los Angeles Times, 9/16/01, Fox News, 5/17/02] The Mossad gave the CIA a list of terrorists. A major Israeli spy ring was hard on the heels of at least four members of the 9/11 hijackers, including lead hijacker Mohammed Atta. [Source: BBC, 10/2/01]

August 24, 2001, the head of the Israeli Mossad reported the imminence of an Arab attack against American targets and a similar report was made by the same agency on September 7, 2001.

August 28, 2001 Hijacker Atta was able to buy his flight ticket, despite being wanted by police for driving without a license and violating visa regulations. He should have been wanted for sabotaging a stalled aircraft as well "Four of the five members of the group that diverted American Airlines flight number 11 Mohammed Atta, Abdulaziz Al-Omari, Walid and Wahd Al-Shehri, as well as one of the five terrorists of United flight 175, Marwan Al-Shehhi , resided all at various times in Hollywood, Florida. Arab terrorists and suspected terror cells lived in Phoenix, Arizona, as well as in Miami and Hollywood, Florida from December 2000 to April 2001 in direct proximity to the Israeli spy cells.'

According to the report, the Mossad agents were interested in the leader of the terrorists, Mohammed Atta and his key accomplice, Marwan al-Shehi. Both lived in Hamburg before they settled in Hollywood, Florida in order to plan the attacks. A Mossad team was also operating in the same town. The leader, Hanan Serfati, had rented several dwellings. Everything indicates that the terrorists were constantly observed by the Israelis. The chief Israeli agent was staying right near the post office where the terrorists had a mailbox. The Mossad also had its sights on Atta's accomplice Khalid al-Midhar, with whom the CIA was also familiar, but allowed to run free.

September 10, 2001: A particularly urgent warning was received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to suddenly cancel travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of “sudden security concerns ‘ . [Source: Newsweek September 12, 2001] “Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill." [Source: Newsweek, 9/13/01]

September 11, 2001, President George Bush flew with a significant number of his senior staff to Sarasota, Florida where he visited the Emma E. Booker Elementary School. In a well-covered media event, Bush attended a meeting of school children and read portions of a child’s book to them. When Airforce One took off with the President and his entourage safely on board, it headed west to carry the President away from the apparent target areas. While the President and his staff, like Vice President Cheney were safely ensconced in concrete bunkers

And from a personal perspective, my wife’s best friend in Washington knows Cheney’s wife, Lynn very well. She told my wife several times that in August of 2001, the Vice President told his wife, who was planning to take a trip later that month, that she had best not fly by commercial airlines “because we believe there will be a serious terrorist attack sometime between the end of August and the middle of September…” I heard this just after the attack and again about three weeks ago.

donderdag 19 juli 2007

July 19, 2007

This is such a lovely place to work. Packs of sweating and desperate Republican Congressmen coming in and out, trying to talk to Bush and get him to at least make some kind of promise (of course never to be kept) about withdrawing or at least to stop snarling at people. Pointless. Bush is constantly in a rage here and yesterday, I had to deliver something to the West Wing. After I had dropped of my files and was heading back to my office, someone opened a door and I could hear, very clearly, Our Beloved President screaming with rage. He said, and I quote: “Goddamit! I said to quit bugging me about Iraq! I will never withdraw a single man from there and when I leave here for good, my successor can handle it.”

My associates say he has been shouting at everyone here about this and it is interesting to watch him. His eyes squinch shut, his mouth turns down and he shakes all over. And his face gets white as flour and all kinds of blotches can be seen on it. Not a nice sight and rather frightening considering who he is (and who he thinks he is) and what he can do, even with his nuts chopped off. The Democrats are pussy-futting around, enraging the electorate who elected them to stop the crazy Bush from further manic bloodshed. Recruitment has tanked, the Surge is a total flop, Republicans are hysterical with fear and about 30% of the staff has quit the Monkey Palace with more desertions planned. I still think the only thing to do is to impeach both Bush and Cheney but the Democrats are too frightened and too busy looking for more lobbyist money to be worth more than a pinch of sour owl shit.

maandag 16 juli 2007

July 16, 2007

My God, the CIA is at it again! It is very well-known here, but not elsewhere, that bin Ladin died in a Pakistani hospital in 2003 of renal failure but whenever the idiots who run this country want to scare the shit out of the public (this time to prevent Congress from daring to carry out the people’s mandate and end the mess in Iraq) they drag out a faked CIA “Osama Tape” that is made at a language center in Texas. “Oh, lookie!” says the head chimpanzee into the mike, “al Quaeda is all over the place and is going to attack New Jersey next! But if we keep our troops right in Iraq, they can protect America! I’m trying so hard to save you all…don’t lose faith in me. God loves me, kids, and don’t forget it.” The propaganda generated here is so infantile that no one believes it except, maybe, the handful of mindless twits that still love Bush. Well, enjoy the war kids because the peace will be awful!

donderdag 12 juli 2007

July 12, 2007

This report concerns domestic and international spying. Believe me when I say no one in the United States, to include Bush, is safe from electronic snoopers. There is no system, any system, of communication there has not been broken. Everyone here is spying on everyone else. For example, the Mossad has penetrated the CIA at the highest level (many of their people work there) while the boys at the DoD have penetrated all the CIA communications, Some of the Mossad people are actually Russian agents and anything we send to Tel Aviv is read in Moscow simultaneously. If we come up with a code using algorithmic, systems, all the Russians have to do is to compare it with the same message from another source to read it. OTPs work fine but there is a way around these, too. Communications satellites have all been penetrated and even the Harvest program is very outdated. The DoD reads all the top level Israeli diplomatic and intelligence traffic because the Pentagon hates Israel and blames it for the mess in Iraq. DoS cables are read by almost everyone, including the Chinese and the Russians and even Bush’s top secret telephone lines have been breached. Washington is full of transcripts of this or that secret conversation, the private bank accounts of this or that Congressman or department head, who is screwing what whore or ordering up kiddie porn to look at while the wife is screwing the gardener, how much money the odious Rupert Murdoch is paying out to what politician (God help us if he ever gets his hands on the WSJ. Like all his acquisitions, he will turn it into a tabloid rag within weeks. Rupert sits on his taste.) In short, nothing is secure and when civil libertarians howl about the raping of private telephone calls and bank accounts, they are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. And it was an iceberg that sank the Titanic. When a Turkish diplomat has lunch with me and cheerfully tells me what I said to my wife two days before, it is frightening. I am not important and neither is he but if they have penetrated to our levels, think of what else is being read or listened to. Bush is coming apart, running around bleating like a sick sheep and falling into incoherence and frenzy on television every day. I will give him another month before a growingly infuriated Congress, goaded daily by an even more outraged electorate, finally turns on him and chases him down Pennsylvania in his shorts. Who knows? Michael Moore might be our next president what with his splendid attack on the medical con men and thieves.

maandag 9 juli 2007

July 9, 2007

If Bush were not such a vicious and vindictive man, I would feel sorry for him. He has been soundly thrashed in the court of public opinion, his actual (as opposed to faked polls by the friendly media) poll numbers have dropped to 19% and are sharply and quickly falling, his top Republicans in Congress have run away from him in panic lest too close an association with him and his failed policies besmirch their reelection to the Great Hog Trough.

And how does Bush react? He gets shit-faced drunk in the private quarters and the Secret Service people have to pry him up off the rug and put him to bed. They refuse, however to clean up the puke and piss he had left all over the floors and leave that to the White House maintenance staff. Nancy Reagan had George 86ed out of the White House during her husband’s occupancy because he once pissed all over the carpets in the hall during a dinner.

Let’s face it, George is a binge drinker and always has been. He was passed out cold the second day of Katrina down at the Old Ranch in Crawford and none of his frantic staff in the White House could get through to him. Can you imagine the major panic if, say, Mexico attacked us while Bush was out cold? Or North Korea launched a missile aimed at Alaska?

On the other hand, his second-in--command, Dirty Dick Cheney (whose real poll numbers are at 6%!) is not a drunk but he is a flaming fascist nut and a genuine basket case. I have never met such a cold, really evil man in my entire life. Cheney was behind the war in Iraq and Cheney wants desperately to bomb Iran. It was because Cheney has done so many criminal acts that Libby got off. Now we hear here that Bush will give Libby a full and complete pardon later on so he can continue to practice law and make more millions.

But on the Libby matter, Bush was in the perfect corner. If he did not pardon or commute Libby’s justified jail sentence, Libby would go to jail and talk and talk. He had no choice at all and the only question was how to tart the inevitable decision up to at least pass muster with the press.

My advice? Impeach both of them before, in their frantic desperation, they try to start another war somewhere.

And don’t think Cheney isn’t capable of pushing the button. He hates Putin, who is running rings around him and his crew, and wants to have our useless CIA assassinate him or at least encourage others to do this.

Cheney is especially pissed off because he is deeply involved in the oil industry and Putin is taking it over. Because Saudi Arabian oil fields are running out very quickly, the US and the oil people are really frantic to lay their hands on oil. Not from Chavez either. They have pissed in the bathtub and now they have to lie in it.

When the American public learns that light sweet crude has gone to $100 a barrel, they will drown all of these sleazy crooks in the bathwater and set the White House on fire.

Impeach Now!”

Addition on July 8.: George and Laura just returned from a weekend visit to Camp David. It was his 61st birthday the other day and when they left the White House for the helicopter, the staff had put together a crowd of staffers and their families that Bush wouldn’t recognize, lined them up behind a yellow tape and had them wave and shout nice things as the Royal Couple walked by. Bush was waving gleefully with both hands like a small child before opening his Christmas presents. One of my friends heard him say to the wife as they neared the helicopter, “I told you they all still love me!” And his wife nodded and said, ”Yes, they surely do, George.” She lied. After she complained to Barbara about Karen Hughes and George, and Karen was shipped back to Texas, she has been much happier. Now she has him all to herself, poor woman. And after the Departure and the chance for George to get plastered again, the Secret Service passed out little bags of nuts with official emblems on them to some of the children. These came off of Air Force One and were not very fresh. I personally think they dated back to Reagan and I know because I picked up two packets for my wife’s parakeet who likes to nibble on nuts (no nasty comments here, please) but the bird sniffed at the soggy relics and flew back up to her perch and took a dump on the Imperial nuts. I checked the other packet out and the nuts were very soft and basically rotten.. Typical of what goes on around here. And pathetic. Bush had no idea this was a planted crowd and was very happy. Recently, he has been so depressed that everyone is afraid he will get shitfaced in public and fall down at a press conference.”

Addendum on Monday, July 9, 2007 at 8:25 EST. “There is absolute panic here in the White House over the swelling defections of major Republican lawmakers over the Iraq war. Everyone but Karl Rove and Cheney insist that Bush make public some serious withdrawal plan before September next. Most of the White House staffers have always supported Bush but now that it is evident that his ship is about to sink, everyone is rushing around here trying desperately to get him to save something, anything, by actually withdrawing troops before September. Only Rove and Cheney, being nuts, demand he ’hold the line’ and not yield any of his invented power to the evil and treacherous Congress. This is like doing ward duty over at St. Elisabeth’s local loonie bin, believe me. You can smell the fear all over this place and frankly, it’s fun to observe the rats looking for a way to the deck to jump off the ship.

woensdag 4 juli 2007

July 4, 2007

‘It is worse than a crime, Sire, it is a mistake.’ So said Talleyrand, Napoleon’s Foreign Minister, when the Emperor had the Duc d’Enghein kidnapped and shot.

These words can equally be applied to Bush’s arrogant, self-serving and politically annihilating commutation of the convicted felon, Libby.

It should be obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than their neck size that Bush did this to keep Libby from telling what he knew about the viciousness and complete corruption of the rĂ©gime that he served so loyally and so well. Shrill cries for mercy from the far, far right and, more important, from Libby’s co-religious Jewish groups in the United States coupled with fears that Libby would bring down the administration with his revelations about things most have only guessed at kept Libby from a well-earned prison cell.

Bush, who has personally enormously enriched himself and his family during his reign, is leaving politics, could care less what happens to anyone else, but in fact, he has done terrible and possibly fatal damage, not only to the far right of both American political institutions but religious ones as well.

He is now fighting subpoenas requesting many White House documents.

Among those frantically supporting Bush’s refusals are many major American telecommunication firms such as SBC, AT&T, AOL and Google. These firms have eagerly and voluntarily supplied confidential information on their subscribers to any government law enforcement or intelligence agency that might find them interesting. Bush and Cheney are well aware of this permissiveness and, in fact, have completely encouraged it.

If just this aspect of the secret White House papers ever became public, these giants would lose most if not all of their outraged victims so this easily explains the fear and frenzy over defending Bush’s flat refusal to turn any of his papers over to Congress.

This is mandated by Federal law but we can see very clearly that supporting Federal law is not something Bush practices. As Keith Olbermann says, both Bush and Cheney should have the decency to resign but it is obvious that decency is a word that is foreign to both of them.

Impeach both of them…now!

maandag 2 juli 2007

July 2, 2007

The media is jabbering away about the Libby pardon, criticizing the Head Chimpanzee for flouting the law.

Let’s study why he did such a politically stupid thing. At one time, Libby was Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. He was the chief pro-Israel Jewish advisor to Cheney, which helps explains why Cheney was so determined to invade Iraq. Libby has been a longtime associate of Wolfowitz and was also a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy Mark Rich, whom Clinton pardoned in his last days as president.

Why did Bush pardon Libby? Simply because Libby was a man who knew too much.

He was designated to take the fall for Cheney on the Plame business but drew the line at jail time. Libby saw to it that the brass in the White House knew that if he had to go to prison, he would sing like an opera star at La Scala and like a good singer, he would certainly bring down the house.

What would Libby talk about? Well, the plans to institute official torture cooked up by Cheney and eagerly approved by Bush. Cheney’s obscene rake-offs from the Halliburton scams, serious scandals about Gannon’s nocturnal visits to the White House and who he was fudge-packing, Karl Rove’s chronic blackmail of anyone who got in Bush’s way, Bush and Cheney’s outspoken contempt for blacks and their obedience to Israeli demands, Cheney’s determination to establish Iraq as a permanent forward military base to secure Iraqi oil for the US and his friends and serve as a launching pad for attacks on Israeli’s enemies, plans to oust Putin and regain control over Russian oil and gas fields, deliberately falsified “terror alerts” and, worse of all, knowingly launching an attack on Iraq using officially falsified CIA reports.

How many have died because of these two evil men? Libby knows and that’s why dear old Scooter, convicted of several serious felonies, goes free. It sure ain’t compassion because George has a heart the size of a mustard seed and has strong sadistic tendencies. Maybe Libby would tell them about the movies George and his evil friends used to watch upstairs in the private quarters showing terrible tortures at Gitmo and in Iraq.

Believe me, these are very sick people who should be in a nice jail of their own and not dictating to the American people and killing their sons.