maandag 31 oktober 2005

October 31, 2005

It is not business as usual in the Monkey Palace. After a series of devastating blows to the body politic, the well-oiled Bush/Cheney Miracle Machine, Karl Rove, Prop. is grinding to a halt.

It was the Imperia; Republican Plan to take complete control of the Congress, restructure the judiciary so that its members “more accurately reflect ultra Right Wing/Christian thought (‘No filthy gay marriages, no more welfare for the stupid blacks and most of all, a halting of any abortions whatsoever’’)” and in general turn America into the military, religious and international dominating force that would guarantee a strong Republican control for the foreseeable future.

They lied with glee, tried to cut off the rights of common citizens to right the New Right, exalt the Jesus Freakos and in general make 2005 America look like a 1933 Hitlerfied Germany. Suddenly, all is becoming a collapsing empire for them. Bush lost the Blessed Harriet, Beloved Friend, as a Supreme Court nominee, and promptly went out and got a well-known anti-abortion judge to replace her, and the filthy animals are now planning a military excursion against Syria. (Set for January after much gabbling and propaganda build up in the press)

This for two reasons: Bush wants more glory, as if he hasn’t had enough lately, as a Military President and Israel, who has iron control over America’s middle east foreign policy, wants Syria out of the way…at American hands, not theirs.

Bush is so blind and so stupid that the invisible, but deadly, Neocons are able to force him and Cheney to their will. Cheney, who is not going to live a great deal longer (terrible heart condition) is obsessed at making the United States the New Roman Empire and Bush only wants to cling to the phantom of power he thinks is his birthright and will never, under any circumstances, willingly give up.

There is one word, a Greek one, that covers all of this Decline and Fall.

Hubris. Blind pride.

Nixon developed it too in his own second term and the Bush people have it with a vengeance now. Instead of regrouping, turning the Huge Lie Machine loose on compliant media and dimbulb members of the public, they will squinch their tiny eyes, stamp their feet and go right on doing their escalating damage until an outraged Congress and, public, will rise up and squash them like nocturnal cockroaches scrabbling around your kitchen floor.

As the old insurance company ad said: ‘Eventually. Why not Now?’

woensdag 26 oktober 2005

October 26, 2005

We are all back with you again after a brief pause over the intense scrutiny over the Libby/Rove matter. Here is some information, reasonably detailed, that should be of interest. If you will remember, on Monday, February 14, 2005, “Rafiq Hariri, five times Lebanese prime minister, multibillionaire, builder of a country devastated by 15 years of civil war, was assassinated by a huge car bomb that ravaged the Lebanese capital’s seafront. Two ministers in his party and 6 of his bodyguards, including its chief Yahya Al Arb, were among the dead. Efforts to save his life at the American Hospital to which he was carried in critical condition were unavailing. The attack is described as the most brutal since the civil conflict ended in 1991.

Last year, Hariri stepped down in protest against the extension of pro-Syrian president Emile Lahoud’s presidency and was about to take the lead of the opposition. A towering figure in Lebanese politics, Hariri was expected to fight the election due to take place in April or May….” (From an Israeli report) The flap over the Plame business pales into insignificance alongside this assassination. Syria was quickly blamed by both the U.S. and Israel and now let us consider what this was. IN certain exalted circles in the Bush Administration, it is known who did this. The assassination of a very popular Lebanese leader was carried out so as to find a pretext to blame Syria, which has been, and is being done, so as to enable military action against that country. Also, we see in the American press, ongoing horror stories about huge guerrilla raids resulting in the deaths of sensitive young GIs being launched from Syria and so on. The propaganda orchestra is wearing a bit thin in light of continuing leaks. Hariri was assassinated by a small group of professional assassins, headed by a man who calls himself either Robert H. Lewis, Robert Alan Lewis or Robert Hall Lewis. In actuality, his real name is Robert Lipschitz, born on June 23, 1935. He has two American social security numbers: 451-76-4488 and 114-07-8811. Lipschitz/Lewis, who holds Israeli citizenship although born in the Untied States, has very strong, albeit secret, connections with the U.S. Pentagon, in specific, a secret Pentagon committee, set up by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in October 2001

The secret committee, which prepares false or misleading information for Rumsfeld to use in his reports encouraging military actions in places other than Iraq, is called the Office of Special Plans, and initially was headed by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith and other Pentagon hawks. Both this committee and its many and close friends in the Israeli Mossad determined that Syria should be the next target of Bush’s Imperial Expansionism in the Middle East and the removal of a very close and hostile neighbor, Syria, would be of great value to Israel.

Similarly, the 911 attacks also were of great political and strategic value to Israel, bringing as it did, the U.S. into active aggression against Israel’s enemies. Please do not forget that during the Gulf War, Hussein actually rocketed Israel and the overblown Patriot missiles did not intercept the incoming rocketry. Look for heightened public outrage expressed via Pentagon handouts, against Syria and then look for a long-suffering but truly democratic Bush to rubberstamp the decision to invade yet another country with the attendant escalated death tolls that are doing his reputation little good.

maandag 3 oktober 2005

October 3, 2005

This part of our weekly website originated from an article sent to us by an outraged low-level staffer inside the White House concerning the President’s seizures and other problems. It was met with great interest and loud denunciation. One White House employee wrote that while some of the reportage was true, the rest was not but others with an intimate knowledge of what we called the ‘Monkey Palace’ wrote to basically confirm the truth of various issues.

The original writer eventually decided that discretion was the better part of valor and retreated into silence but by the time he did, a number of other sources had come forward, all of them on a regular basis. One was with the Department of State, another with the CIA, a third with the Department of Justice, yet another with the Department of Homeland Security and the last two were a Washington-based newsman and a Beltway attorney. Their material would be put together on a regular basis and rewritten for publication.

This column has caused spastic colon amongst both the self-important bloggers and government officials combined but is has a large number of readers.

Now, it has been decided to change the title of the article and let one person, with access to the same sources, actually write the entire column. The name will be changed from ‘The Voice of the White House’ to the ‘Iconoclast.’

An iconoclast is a person who, according to the dictionary, is one “who attacks cherished beliefs , traditional institutions, etc. as being based on error or superstition.”

In 1895, a newspaper appeared in Waco, Texas, published by a certain William Cowper Brann. It was called the Iconoclast or breaker of idols. Brann took on just about everybody, including Pentecostals, Baptists (whom he said weren’t held under water long enough) the British royal family, assorted bigots, crooked politicians and other fools. It was Brann’s attacks on corruption at Baylor University that was his undoing. He was shot in the back by a director of that institution. Although returning the fire and killing his attacker, Brann died and the Iconoclast died with him. Herewith a quote from Brann that is as apt today as it was the United States of the 1890s.:

“Falsehood is an amorphous monster, conceived in the brain of knaves and brought forth by the breath of fools. It's a mortal pestilence, a miasmic vapor that passes, like a blast from hell, over the face of the world and is gone forever. It may leave death in its wake and disaster dire; it may place on the brow of purity the brand of the courtesan and cover the hero with the stigma of the coward; it may wreck hopes and ruin homes, cause blood to flow and hearts to break; it may pollute the altar and disgrace the throne, corrupt the courts and curse the land, but the lie cannot live forever, and when it's dead and damned there's none so poor as to do it reverence.” William Cowper Brann