maandag 27 februari 2006

February 27, 2006

The so-called ‘Lincoln Group’ has been exposed as having planted numerous official DoD fictions in the foreign press. It is also known that they, and others, have been busy planting the same lies in the domestic press.

One of these is the oft-“leaked” information that the U.S. is planning to bomb or invade Iraq because we are concerned that they are going to obtain an atomic weapon “in about ten years.”

First of all, we are not going to bomb nor invade Iran. Our current military situation is so precarious that we couldn’t invade Tijuana.

Israel, who wants us to fight their wars for them, is actually terrified that Iran might have such a bomb (and it is indeed known that they have the ability to deliver an atomic warhead to Tel Aviv or, even more interestingly, the Green Zone in Baghdad,) and wants nothing to do with further agitation against Tehran for fear that it could cause them to launch an preemptive attack.

The fictional “ten year” bomb is an attempt to placate the American people and nothing else. A number of American intelligence reports circulating around the Beltway indicate, with some unanimity, that the Iranians have at least one warhead, supplied either directly or indirectly by Russia or Pakistan.

Since the Iranian launching facilities are numerous and scattered, a preemptive American or Israeli bombing attack would be a pure crap shoot and like finding a needle in a haystack.

If we missed our target, and the presumption is that we would, the retaliation would be terrible to contemplate. As a result, the feeble-minded Bush people are now trying to get everyone else in the world to go after Iran while issuing faked stories about bombing raids and invasions.

There are always many who believe any propaganda issued by a government, no matter how fatuous it is on the surface but the Iranians, Russians and the rest of the Muslim world pay no attention to our clever attempts to brilliantly fool them, knowing how impossible it is in fact.

Faked “tapes” from top bin Laden people or even from the long-deceased bin Laden himself have as much credibility as one of Bush’s “trust me” babbles or even the notorious “Orange Alert” days they have put back into the closet as being too unbelievable for any one but the remaining Pentecostal and proto-fascist diehard supporters of the dying regime.

Putin, in his quiet way, has been methodically improving Russia’s world position while at the same time, waging a very successful economic warfare against Bush.

Because Putin has ousted the Jewish oligarchs from the control of vital Russian oil and gas reserves, naturally, the American media bleats about Putin’s lack of respect for the civil rights of others.

How this administration, with its official torture policies and illegal domestic spying can dare to criticize any country as being undemocratic or in gross violations of the civil rights of their people is an exercise in gross hypocrisy.

America is running out of suppliers of oil and gas at an astonishing rate as more and more oil producing countries are finding other markets. That Putin has a hand in this is without a doubt and certainly explains the loud bleating about his “bad civil rights record.”

That will not get us the oil we need and when the cost of a gallon of gas or heating oil soars upwards, Bush and his people can then look for the Eskimos or the Australian Aborigines to blame for their own appalling incompetence and pig headed stupidity.

donderdag 23 februari 2006

February 23, 2006

Napoleon’s Foreign Minister, Talleyrand, once said of an incident that it was worse than a crime; it was a mistake. This aptly sums up the decline and fall of militant Republicanism in the United States, as manifested by the corruption and utter incompetence of the Bush Administration.

This has been an administration whose course has been marked with blatant lies, vicious ad homonym attacks on any critic and policies dominated by a fatal mixture of hubris and utter stupidity. The WMD deliberate lies, the badly botched military actions in Iraq, the utter failure to anticipate both the savage and effective Iraqi resistance and the pending civil war, the bumbling and gross incompetence during the long-anticipated hurricane damage in New Orleans, the daily manifestations of cronyism, corruption and lies, the contemptuous arrogance of a Vice President who has done more damage to the Republican Party than any Democratic strategist could conjure, are a growing litany of moral bankruptcy.

The present uproar over the Bush people’s attempting to give vital U.S. port supervision to a dubious Arab country was highlighted by a petulant President who stated in public that as he had decided this was “good for America” he would veto any attempt on the part of an outraged Congress to demand further investigation. By antagonizing Congress and painting himself into a public relations corner, Bush has once more demonstrated his utter lack of fitness to run the United States and if Congress, as it has strongly indicated, passes a bill to nullify Bush’s latest folly, they can easily override any Bush veto. If that should happen, it would be the turning point in the Bush Follies and power to govern would finally pass to Congress.

We would then have three more years of open warfare between the fanatics in the Administration and Congress, which certainly would benefit no one. Bush has shown himself totally incapable of any kind of common sense or compromise and that which will not bend, will break.

If, on the other hand, the Republican leadership is able to penetrate the Stygian gloom that seems to be the permanent condition of Bush’s consciousness, and he backs off the deal, no matter how much his and his aides finesse it, Congress will have won.

maandag 20 februari 2006

February 20, 2006

I have been informed recently by three different Beltway people in positions of knowledge, that important Republican backers are afraid that the perceived gross incompetence of the Bush Administration cannot be reversed and will only increase.

Therefore, they have decided that Vice President Dick Cheney must be made the focus of growing public anger directed at the endless and senseless war in Iraq, the rising prices of gasoline, the slumping economy, the very valid perception of the Bush Administration as corrupt and inefficient and must go and that for the next three years, Bush needs to have a moderate and saleable Republican vice president that can effectively run in '08.

Also, with the Mid-Terms coming up in November, they feel that if Cheney isn't booted out, now, that the Republicans may well lose one, or both, houses as a result of these elections.

Fear and loss of power is a wonderful motivator.

Cheney is an arrogant shit who pushes the weaker Bush around, pays no attention whatsoever to his staff and does exactly what he pleases, when he pleases.

He was the man behind the disastrous Iraqi war, the torture of prisoners, the subversion of both Georgia and the Ukraine, a strong voice for the invasion and neutralizing of Venezuela, the destruction of Hamas in Palestine, total support for Israel, has pushed frantically for a universal draft and in general has done terrible damage to the image of not only the White House but the country.

He will never abandon his power position voluntarily and will only grow more truculent and domineering as challenges to his person increase so the question now going around the upper circles of Washington and the top Republican leadership in Congress is how to oust this dangerous boor without Cheney fighting back, using inside knowledge that would not only wreck Bush but his administration and the prospects of the Republican party as well.

The growing press attacks on Cheney are being orchestrated by Those On High and in actuality, no one cares if he had a few drinks and then shot his friend at point blank range during a quail hunt. His actions, and those of his staff, immediately after the incident, would lend credence to the strong rumors that Cheney has too much to drink and overreacted to someone running towards him with a weapon. His utter arrogance in not bothering to inform the President or even top White House staff after the incident and his obvious determination to ignore the unfortunate accident is typical of the man. His behavior has reflected negatively, not only on his own character but has made the White House look like it was run by liars, obfuscators and fools.

donderdag 16 februari 2006

February 16, 2006

About a month ago, I was contacted by an individual who told me that they had “hundreds of tapes” they had made of private, cell-phone conversations across the country, from 2002 until present.

Last weekend I listened to approximately 20 tapes out of close to 500, played to me over the telephone (I have never met the owners) . They had gathered their information from: New York City, Westchester County in New York, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, McLean, Vienna, Annadale, Tyson’s Corner and Arlington in Virginia, Potomac and Bathesda in Maryland, and, of course, the District of Columbia, Miami, Jacksonville and Naples in Florida, Dallas,, Austin, Houston and Ft. Worth in Texas, various areas in southern Arizona, San Francisco, Mountain View, Malibu, Hollywood, Playa del Ray, San Diego and Sacramento in California and Las Vegas, Nevada.

These conversations, which are unidentified as to speaker or telephone number, range from sexually idiotic dribblings through various possible (though unspecific) criminal activities to include conversations about murder, kidnappings and extortions, adultery, sexual depravity, (“I want you to beat me and put cigarettes out on my nipples!”) theft, embezzlement, and, of course, gross political corruption.

Since it is probable that such taping is probably illegal (or quickly would be made so by a terrified Congress,) I told them I regretted that I could not accept nor have anything to do with these, but suggested that they could edit them for interest and put them out on CDs for their own considerable enrichment and the edification of the public.

I, and a growing number of others, feel that unless the public (the ultimate victims) know what is really happening, the Bush fascists will have free reign to enforce their criminal rules to prevent public rebellion.

Making CDs is very easy and very cheap and if a national marketer would not be interested, it is obvious that they could also produce and distribute them from abroad.

Although the parties are not specifically identified, in a number of cases, positions and ranks are certainly mentioned, I am positive that the speakers will recognize their own voices as will others. I would imagine that if they follow through on their production and distribution plans, there will be wet seats all across corporate, political, military and high society America. I can just hear someone say, “Why Maudie, that sounds just like you and Dr. Carstairs! Has Ben heard these?,” or, “That must be Senator ***** but is that his niece? My God, she’s only eleven!.” Or even more interesting, “That certainly sounds like Dr. *** *********, doesn’t it? My wife and I listen to his inspirational religious program every Sunday. Why his secretary must be sixty if she’s a day! I can’t imagine him saying things like that, can you? And he’d probably have a stroke if he ever tried to do those disgusting things.”

It never ceases to amaze me how stupid people are and in this case, the assumption by “important” governmental or corporate entities that either their private cellphone system is “totally secure,” which it certainly isn’t, or that no one can hear them, is completely in error.

I did tell the tape people that if it were illegal and they were pulled in on it, to tell the Grand Inquisitor that they got the tapes from a good friend on the inside at NSA or personally from Judge Chertoff. Actually the NSA is the better choice since they have been doing this for years, long before Bush and Cheney arrived on the scene, and Chertoff is on the way out.

The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Manchester Guardian, the San Francisco Chronicle and many other news organs would doubtlessly like to lay their hands on these forthcoming CDs and a new parlor game in the newsrooms, and across America, would be “Guess the Name!.”

Swift was too kind in his appraisal of humanity, I have to say after listening to only a fraction of these.

Is there a lesson to be learned in all of this? Certainly, but it is too obvious to state: Shut your mouth, clean up your act and get on with your life.

maandag 13 februari 2006

February 13, 2006

Two subjects for the readership today. The first deals with the recent shooting accident of the Vice President and the second with a far more serious matter; the incapacitation of President during the opening days of the Katrina crisis.

The Cheney story is by now well covered in the American media.

‘The shooting was first reported by the Corpus Christi Caller-Times. The vice president's office did not disclose the accident until nearly 24 hours after it happened.

Armstrong said she was watching from a car while Cheney, Whittington and another hunter got out of the vehicle to shoot at a covey of quail.

Whittington shot a bird and went to look for it in the tall grass, while Cheney and the third hunter walked to another spot and discovered a second covey.

Whittington "came up from behind the vice president and the other hunter and didn't signal them or indicate to them or announce himself," Armstrong said.

"The vice president didn't see him," she continued. "The covey flushed and the vice president picked out a bird and was following it and shot. And by god, Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good." (My, my!)

This is a quote off the wire. Had an email from someone who saw the initial SS report to the White House and it runs almost the same except to put a slightly different spin on it. Cheney, heavily guarded and accompanied by a small army of security men and a few medical personnel, was hunting quail in thin brush. One of the party who was a little behind him shot a quail and had to hunt it up in the bush. He found the bird and then charged after the Cheney people. The VP, who is terrified that people are going to assassinate him, heard his friend calling and crashing towards him, saw a figure with a gun... and fired right at him.

Man was hit in the face with bird shot.

Cheney was stone sober at the time and I am surprised he was shooting at birds on the wing. Normally, he likes tethered or tame game so he won't have to overexert himself. A tame white duck, trussed up and hanging up, alive, in a tree (not too high) is a perfect point blank target for the sportsman Cheney.

The only sinister aspect to this is the hysterical behavior of the VP .

I have done a lot of hunting in my life: quail, pheasants, ducks, geese, a big rabbit hunt in Germany with beaters and all, German wild boar, deer, elk and the occasional beater.

I have gone after quail before and know the part of Texas they are talking about. I am positive it all happened as described but am equally positive that Cheney way overreacted and shot out of sheer terror.

Think about it. Our senior leadership is not only corrupt, they are nuttier than fruitcakes!

Now, on to much more serious matters:

There are growing questions in the media and also in Congress as to exactly why President Bush was “not available” during the vital first few days of the Katrina disaster. There are statements, made under oath before Congress, by former FEMA director Brown that he always bypassed DHS Secretary Chertoff on important matters because of the latter’s gross incompetence.

Brown testified that he personally notified Bush, who had gone to his Texas ranch at Crawford before the hurricane hit, on the Sunday that the approaching storm was obviously very serious, was headed directly for the very vulnerable New Orleans and that he, Brown, would keep the President personally informed. On Monday, when it appeared that the New Orleans levees had broken, Brown notified Crawford that this had happened but was not able to speak with the President personally.

As he testified, for the next few days, he was unable to speak with Bush but passed his vital messages to Andrew Card, his chief of staff, or other top Bush officials then at Crawford.

I have personally spoken with personnel at Crawford and also with one accredited newsperson with the Presidential party and have learned that for three days, George W. Bush was “totally unavailable” for any kind of report on the terrible damage caused by Katrina and the urgent need to help the suffering population. Bush did, and said, absolutely nothing.

Why is this?

Quite simply because the President was drunk.

Yes, Bush was, and is, a so-called “binge drinker.” This means that from time to time, often when under pressure, he goes to Crawford for privacy and during his visit, gets royally drunk. During this time, it has been proven impossible to communicate anything to Bush, and his aides and his wife not only shield him from hostile eyes but endeavor to fill in until he is back amongst the living again. In this case, the White House staff in Washington, horrified by the mounting news stories and well aware of the President’s chronic drinking problems, compiled a DVD containing urgent television programs on the progress of the disaster and sent it by courier to Crawford to play for the President.

Three days after the levee collapse and the mounting chaos in New Orleans, Bush apparently regained some degree of sobriety and then decided to leave Crawford…for a fund-raising dinner in Arizona and a photo opportunity in California!.

In spite of the frantic attempts on the part of his staff and senior advisors, he refused to either go to New Orleans or return to Washington. If nothing else, Bush will not be told what to do by anyone and this was the situation here. He duly flew over the flooded city, pointed at the mess for the press cameraman and then relaxed with a nice lunch with his staff.

Realizing that the President could be accused of dereliction of duty, Clever Karl, the Fat Viper, decided to blame the neglect on Brown, released enough material to make a fool out of him and then forced him to retire. Brown, however, had the foresight to keep his communications with the White House and presented them to a Congressional committee.

He certainly managed to overcome the image of a bumbling failure and although very careful about accusing the President, he nevertheless pointed directly to a complete failure on the part of the President and his staff as well as the Director of Homeland Security. He gave much better than he got and now the public, and Congress, has a nice bone to chew on.

To be blunt, Bush and his gang couldn’t run a mechanical whorehouse and the sooner we can rid ourselves of them, the better. If you come up behind Bush, he might like it but Cheney will shoot you. What a guilty conscience this bunker-living bombastic idiot must have.

Pop a paperbag near him and his pump would give out on the spot.

donderdag 9 februari 2006

February 9, 2006

Two matters of interest today are: The Revolt Against the Evangelicals and the Great Cartoon Game.

The first one is very serious and will never be covered in the national press for obvious reasons and the second is almost as favored as the Girl from Aruba.

It seems that in rural Alabama, a number of Right Wing Christian churches have been, and are being burnt to the ground. This is not a racial act because most of the churches (Baptist) have white congregations. Black people have more respect for churches than to burn them down so they can’t be stuck with this one.

The FBI has submitted a study for review here in the White House that states its growing belief that growing numbers of non-aligned Americans are becoming very angry with the rantings and attempts on the part of the Religious Right to enforce their own somewhat peculiar beliefs onto the rest of the country…probably by force or Presidential Order. Not only in Alabama but in six other states there have been burnings of Pentecostal and Evangelical churches.

The total to date is twenty seven, only a small portion of which have been given any publicity.

Further, some of the more strident ministers and pastors of these outspoken and demanding churches have received “very serious” death threats. In an atmosphere were an astounding number of equally serious death threats against the national leadership is reaching epic numbers, the orders to the media are to say nothing.

The rationale? That it would only stir up more and more such eruptions and the church people are howling for protection from the White House. “We support you and now you must support us!” reads one letter that has been making the rounds.

The Rove people now suggest that the evil gays be blamed for this by O’Reilley or the odious Ann Coulter. The Christian Right has been begging the leadership here to somehow ban homosexuality on the grounds of ‘Hate Crimes’ but considering the large number of very active gays in the upper levels of this Administration and the Republican Party, such an action would not go very far although the pathetic Gonzales is no doubt preparing a brief even as I write that would allow his beloved President to assassinate all the florists, hair stylists, professional athletes, Republican leaders, Congressmen, naval and airforce personnel in sight.

The White House is demanding immediate arrests of “anyone involved” even if it doesn’t consist of anyone involved.

The Christian Right is now distancing itself from Bush, rightly blaming him for rising hatred against them although in their hubris, they instigated it.

It seems that the Danish Cartoon scandal has grown out of all proportion to its creator’s intentions and is causing very serious problems for everyone throughout the world. We here know that this was a deliberate ploy on the part of right wing Jews here to mock and humiliate the Muslims but it would have been better left undone. Now, the Muslims are putting out, often hilarious, cartoons about Jews of the type not seen since the days of Julius Streicher. They are also rejecting Danish pastry and burning their embassies.

Of course Jewish groups are screeching for federal action (of course the Bush administration has utter control over all foreign publication, or would like to think it does) and abject apologies. Like the Christians, the Jews are Special People who are permitted to dish it out but cannot take it.

In this case, our Hebrew friends have opened a real Pandora’s Box and are now frantically trying to find some way to close it again. Apparently this is not to be for the Arab world is now attacking the Sacred Holocaust and from the privately-commissioned White House internal polls, these attacks are falling on very fertile ground.

He who plays with fire will most certainly be burnt, won’t they?

maandag 6 februari 2006

February 6, 2006

I am going to present here a study of the growing uproar over the “sacrilegious cartoons that has achieved real legs and seriously threatens to start a genuine jihad, or holy war, between Muslims and the rest of the world. I am sending on copies of the Danish cartoons in spite of the hypocritical warnings by our Department of State to the American media not to publish them because the President considers them to be offensive.”

This statement, like almost any other one coming from any government agency controlled by Bush, is a bald-faced lie. Bush, his Jewish advisers and his fanatic evangelical Christian core supporters have been loudly clamoring for a holy war against all Muslims for years now and Bush is in full agreement with their avowed aims.

However, the totally unexpected and very violent reaction who what are really not that offensive satires, has caused him to don the garments of a pious leader and protest out of one side of his lopsided mouth while out of the other, he is trying to find a way to obliterate the Iranians, the Syrians and even the non-Moslim Russians

The days of civilized behavior are long gone, regretfully.

In the 18th century, the generals waited until after the harvest was in to attack and they never attacked cities or made war on civilians as is now the filthy custom.

In earlier times, there were terrible religious wars, Catholics versus Protestants, but as civilization advanced, these were replaced with nationalism.

In my youth, I knew many of the old time aristocracy who, although poor and often dispossessed of their ancestral lands, nevertheless were highly civilized people and a pleasure to know.

What they have now are malicious, crooked Jewish politicians and businessmen, balanced by malicious, crooked Gentile politicians and businessmen, all run by rapacious, vicious and very ill-educated creatures who, in the old days, I personally would never have allowed in my house, and in the eighteenth century, would have had the servants chase off the grounds with sticks on their backs and dogs snapping at their legs.

Democracy, as a relative once said, is government of the mentally misfit by the mentally mediocre, tempered by the saving grace of snobbery. The latter is now a dead issue and we have creatures like George Bush and Tony Blair as beau ideals for the great mass of moral deadbeats that cover the surface of the earth like gnats.

I keep looking for decency and civility but it is sleeping somewhere and cannot be woken.

I told someone recently that the entire issue of anti-American terrorism on the part of the world Muslim community could be instantly ended. The sole cause of this is the blind subservience of all levels of the American government to Israeli interests.

We should follow George Washington's excellent advice when he adjured America to stay out of foreign quarrels, mind its own business and trade with everyone. Both my friends in the American government and the Muslim communities agree with this without reservation but although it is sensible, it will never happen.

The filthy Yahoos are drawing a huge bill on the rest of us and we will have to pay it, soon enough.

vrijdag 3 februari 2006

February 3, 2006

We have heard there has been much unhappiness over the article on the control of the Internet and, interestingly enough, what we had to say about the government using the television set on cable to snoop on you in your home. This is not a Bush invention but has been going for at least twenty years as has the following program, sent to us by a reader who worked at the Bell Labs at Holmdel, New Jersey in the 1980s. They stated that “… the standard telephone can be used as a listening device the same way. And you didn't need to be present. Any phone in the country could be called and the line 'engaged' without a ring tone, similar to what calling a BBS does, or dial-up. Then the microphone inside the phone was usable as a transmitter. The FBI didn't need wiretaps. Any schmoe sitting in an office could collect what you were saying in your bedroom. In 1985 we could use the duplex characteristic of the any landline phone. This is exactly the same technology that Sanyo used in their answering machines when it introduced room monitors back then.”

We also have a file on the use by the DHS and the FBI of the GPS system to keep track of your car. They either use the system built into the car (with the eager cooperation of the car companies who, like all the internet providers and SBC and AT&T to assist their government spy on their customers) or they attach, by means of a magnet, a GPS device underneath your car. That way, they can sit in their offices, not far from the donut boxes, and see exactly where you are going. One can always disconnect the factory position locator and it would take a mechanic about three minutes to find the magnetic kind by putting your car up on the rack and looking. A friend of mine found one of these after I had tipped him off, and asked me what to do with it. I told him he could smash it flat and dump it down a drain or, better still, stick it up under someone else’s car in a church parking lot on Sunday. This way, when the FBI clicks onto your frequency, they will be puzzled by your driving habits. This way, you confuse them even more than usual, plus you cost them money. On Monday, we will return to the political scene and a possible scenario of What George Bush Found Under his Dog’s Tail.