maandag 31 december 2007

December 31, 2007

My, my, children, just think, another ‘Bin Laden tape’ has surfaced! Isn’t that astounding?

It would seem that the Bush people, who have these made up, must have a new policy of repression aimed at the American public. Isn’t it astounding? Every time the proto-fascistic Republicans want something, they try to terrorize the pubic with threats of World War III, a possibility of a nuclear attack from some fictive terrorist group but of all of these, the cherry on the sundae is the famous (and convenient) ‘Bin Laden Tape.’

I hate to jerk the covers off this charming game but Osama Bin Laden has been dead and buried since 2003. He died of kidney failure in a Pakistani hospital, with the full knowledge of General Musharraf and for certain, our government. A dead Bin Laden is of no use to us but a live one is a wonderful threat so the “tapes” just keep coming and always at just the right moment.

And as to who killed Benazir Bhutto, the PDB (President’s Daily Briefing) makes it very, very clear that Musharraf was the motivator. His army might not have supplied the bomb or the gun but he was the prime benefactor of her convenient death. Que bono always.

The General doesn’t give a royal fuck what Bush wants and under the guise of fighting the Taliban, he and his cronies have ripped off the American public for billions of dollars in cash and military aid. Some of the money goes into their Swiss bank accounts and a good deal of it is used to prepare for an attack on India , already long past the planning stage.

I recently read a CIA analysis of the activities of the Pakistani military in the imminent attack on India but no one else in the public gets to see these things. This report, unlike the fake ones Bush needs to back up some disastrous policy, is genuine which means Bush will never see it.

If it doesn’t support his weird and useless concepts of world politics, then it will not be shown to him. He would refuse to read it and immediately sack the writer.

Bush is incapable of having a rational and intelligent conversation with anyone and never has been able to do more than giggle, snicker, crack barbershop jokes and act like the retarded frat rat that he really is.

vrijdag 28 december 2007

December 28, 2007

Yesterday, I was looking through a stack of reports dealing with various subjects, wondering what I needed to deal with. One of the reports was so fascinating in its implications that I have become extremely interested in it.

The facts and the statistics we very clearly know but the causes we do not. Using accurate FBI records, we learn that over 800,000 Americans are reported as missing each year. From this number about 75% are resolved within 24 hours. These solutions consist of children running away or the object of parental kidnapping in custody cases make u the bulk of this enormous figure.

Considering all factors, such as adults opting out of a marriage, men leaving the prospect of a financially crushing divorce and child support payments, people with crushing mortgage or credit card payments, criminals vanishing under other names and so on. 650,000 are accounted for leaving a balance of 150,000 per annum unaccounted for. By its own public records, easily accessed on the Internet, the FBI has over 800,000 cases on its books, past and present. As of December, 2007, the FBI is currently working on 12, 657 active cases of vanished 18 to 20 year olds who completely disappeared in 2006.

None of this information is secret or suppressed but the person, such as myself, who digs into public records is left with the feeling of having discovered a great mystery that has no easy or comfortable answer. Every year, large numbers of Americans go missing. Over half of these can be accountetd for but that leaves a balance of between 200,000 and 150,000 completely unaccounted for, and that’s on a yearly basis! And those who cannot be accounted for never show up again, either under other names or as skeletal remains in some farmer’s distant pastures.

As these numbers of what can only be called the vanished increase year by year, the obvious question is what happened to these people? I have heard perfectly valid stories of people going to the mailbox in broad daylight and vanishing from the driveway without a trace.

Discounting the lunatic fringe and their wild theories, we are left with nothing. What has happened to this huge mass of people whose disappearances are well documented? Did they all flee to some convenient desert island? By now, that island would have the population of Los Angeles and New York City combined.

They must have gone somewhere and didn’t just lie down and die.

Now there I find an interesting concept. We know they left, (or were perhaps taken off,) but that is absolutely all. I have a friend in the FBI and we talked about this. He told me that he had personally investigated about 200 cases and many of the vanished had no reason to run away and their disappearance was very suspicious. Visions of vans full of predators snatching children from the sidewalks and parks is dramatic silliness but the children are still disappearing. My FBI friend told me that most of the unsolved cases were mysterious in the extreme but as he had no facts to work with, he was completely at a loss to explain these mass disappearances in a logical and, more important, believable, manner.

Unlike other subjects of public curiosity such as the collapse of the 9/11 buildings, this matter is very well, and openly, documented. We know the beginnings but never the end. Eventually, one begins to wonder if any of these vanished were deliberately siezed by persons, or most especially entities, unknown.

But that way can lie madness. I personaly feel that this is a subject that is very serious and should be throughly investigaged and the results of such an investaigation made public. There are those who will say that alien abduction is the most probable answer and they may well be correct but again, this does need to be throughly and publically examined.

And unlike other ’ through’ government investigations, we are getting tired of stonewalling and the usual faked reports like the grotesque Warren Report Anyone who thinks this subject is untrue need only check out the facts on the many internet sites. It’s all there, children, believe me..

zondag 23 december 2007

December 23, 2007

Christmas is upon us and a greatly reduced orgy of spending reigns. The bills come in January and since our houses have fallen in value this year, thanks to the criminal mortgage brokers, we can’t get a little loan to take care of the bills. In fact, we borrowed so much over the years on our home’s increasing value, on a deliberately inflated market, that there are now serious problems with high mortgage bills that are getting harder and harder to pay….in addition to the credit card rate increases (to cover the hundreds of thousands who are defaulting…the poor companies have to make a profit after all) What are we to do? The government won’t do anything but jabber so we muddle on and finally, after many discussions around the dinner table, we ditch the place, and the bills, and move somewhere else.

That actually isn’t me. I inherited my house and never borrowed a penny on it, in spite of floods of ads on the internet and reams of mail from crooked mortgage brokers (all of whom have fled to Aruba where they have been stashing their money for years now) so I have no mortgage and my only bills are the usual utility ones coupled with a rising property tax and insurance. Well, the middle class is starting to break up now, which is not a good sign, but the thieves have finished with their looting, thanks to an sympathetic administration, and the public has been raped again.

And more delightful news just before the Sacred Dollar Day. I know all of this from the inside so read on. I know people love conspiracy stories so I have a really nice one to chew on. When the Republicans bought and conned their way into the White House in 2000, Karl Rove, who got his fat ass out of town when he saw what would surely come, and a few decent fascist types, got together with both Bush and Cheney and decided to keep themselves in power in this country forever.

They would remove the 22nd Amendment that says a president can only serve two terms and rig the voting system in this country, as they did so well in Florida , and thus guarantee permanent Republican dominance. And, of course, once in power and being good fascists, they would prevent any public objections or, worse, any public rebellions against their supreme and permanent dictatorship, by establishing a pure police state that Hitler and Stalin would have easily identified with. Surveillance of all Americans was their theme and to date, they managed to put in all manner of systems under the completely phony pretext of protection against non-existent terrorists.

And to chinch all this up, they deliberately set out to fix the voting processes so they always won. Teams of technicians spread out across the land like a plague of mangy rats to mess with the new electronic voting systems. Of course Ohio-based Diebold was already firmly inside the circle but other systems were altered to rig any outcome in any political race so that, mystery of mysteries, Republicans always won. In a district where there were 2,500 registered voters, two thirds of them Democrats, Republicans were set to get 3,000 votes. Machines could easily be broken into, computer programs altered at will and so on.

The problem with this is that a huge stink arose when they tried this last time so the various states began to investigate the growing accusations of blatant fraud and now that Rove has fled and Bush has a popularity rating of 17% (according to a private but very accurate White House poll last week) the states are no longer afraid of threatened Republican retaliation and have begun to throw out the obviously rigged machines and set up safeguards to stop tampering and to install new systems that cannot be raped.

Top GOP people know this but they cannot threaten to retaliate as they could have two years ago so perhaps faked Republican “landslides” will be reduced to a few pebbles falling off the cliff.

In the next election, the American people need to oust the Larry Craigs and send them back to public lavatories for more furtive sex and ignore the religious freakies who chant about Jesus and want the Ten Commandments set up in every classroom and all science classes disbanded.

The public stables are filled with impacted Republican horseshit and someone needs to clean them out. Has anyone seen Hercules recently?

And have a really Merry Christmas, George and Laura, and may the Infant Jesus piss on your carpet just like George used to do on the White House rugs!

dinsdag 18 december 2007

December 18, 2007

The official story now being put out, that the CIA torture tapes never were in the United States is pure bullshit. I have seen three of them personally and a friend at least a dozen more. No, these were not the official Langley copies (which still exist) but pirated ones made by one of many rogue CIA personnel who disapprove of codified, and Bush-ordered and approved torture.

“If we do it to them, they can do it to us” said one CIA official to me personally while he was discussing top secret CIA nonsense with me over lunch at the Hay-Adams last week. I have strongly urged that these tapes, uncensored , should be put up on the internet and/or sent out to the anti war groups. They, at least, will put them out to the public.

Now, on to more depressing news. I have said that the coming Republican strategy will be to use illegal immigrants as the next “Arab terrorists” to terrify the American voters into supporting their fascistic goals. It has been decided by top-level Republican strategists, (according to the memos I see daily) that a new enemy must be found to focus on and that enemy will be the illegals. They are preparing scare stories, sure to run in all of the Rupert Murdoch trashy rags, and be seen on his equally trashy Fox tv network, about “rising crime rates” in areas where illegals are known to be living and working. This would include the San Diego - Los Angeles area, most of Arizona , the Denver and Chicago areas and a good part of the eastern seaboard north of Virginia .

The hate campaign will stress the huge amounts of welfare money going to indigent and jobless immigrant families, depriving native-born Americans of said funds. They will talk about the huge increase in dangerous street drugs being controlled by the illegals and the bizarre idea, fostered by Lew Dobbs, that all kinds of terrible diseases such as leprosy are being brought into the United States by illegals. They hope to offset the disastrous effects of the crooked and widespread mortgage and housing scandals that could implicate prominent Republican lawmakers and, horrors, even the White House itself! Not only were legions of the poor stiffed by these should-be- felons but their actions have caused terrible and possibly fatal damage to the American economy, especially the banking sector. Billions is fake mortgages were “bundled” and sold to thousands of domestic and foreign investors who are now realizing they have been yenched, or fucked, by the banks and lending institutions.

We here at the Monkey Palace know for a certainty that this business has not, and will not, go away and savage attacks on the harmless Mexicans will divert public attention from greater domestic felonies and their economic disasters.

Bush and his people really do not care about the fraudulent mortgages and the ongoing mass evictions. Since most of those being thrown out of their homes are minorities, especially black ones, and since Bush and his Republican friends hate blacks and latinos, this element of the disaster is of no concern to them. After all, most of us remember the aftermath of Katrina and the very, very obvious contempt with which Bush and his crime partners viewed New Orleans blacks. Their crimes? They were black, they were poor and if they voted, it was Democratic so let them drink piss in the dome.

I can imagine what would happen in Bush official circles if the dispossessed were upper class whites. My God, a flood of relief helicopters would descend on the refugees within minutes and we could see the Chief Simian personally greeting the WASPs when they landed on terra firma. Aside from the cruelty shown, so great was the contempt the Administration had for poor blacks that they never bothered to hide it and thereby enraged the television commentators and, eventually, a good segment of the American people.

“Don’t get your balls into an uproar,” one top White House person said to me when I expressed shock at all of this, “they’re just poor niggers and they never vote for us.” I should have taped him but Bush won’t allow tape recorders anywhere inside the White House. For obvious reasons I can assure you! The sooner he and his gang of neo-nazis, professional Zionists and outright nut cases are cleaned out of here, the better off the rest of the country will be.

maandag 17 december 2007

December 17, 2007

Two topics of interest this week. When the press speaks of the destruction by the CIA of torture tapes, in spite of court orders, they were wrong. All of these Godawful tapes were copied and last weekend, I saw some of them. Disgusting and perverted but what can you expect from those bunch of losers down at Langley ? We see the faces of the torturers very clearly. I told the person who has a set to make copies and send them around. No point of sending them to the New York Times or the Washington Post because they will get shut down. Someone in both papers will get on the horn to Langley and try to save the wrapping paper to give them. I said to send them out to various anti-war and anti-Bush sites like Rense and then watch the fun! The second part of this is the firm decision of the Republicans to conduct a typical fear campaign against illegal immigrants, mostly Mexican. I told the Rove toady this was very stupid and would backfire but you can tell these pea-brained fanatics nothing. They want to stir everyone up, demand mass arrests and forced deportations at the very least. Detention centers (read ‘concentration camps’ here) are to be set up and filled with deportees. These brutes say that if they have children born in the U.S. , the children can stay here. I asked with whom they could say and my informant just shrugged. I will post some of their savage memos that sound as if they were written by Stalin or Hitler and hope the National Sheep Herd doesn’t fall for the usual lies and scare tactics.

vrijdag 14 december 2007

December 14, 2007

An interesting, if somewhat bizarre story. It seems that Tom Cruise and United Artists undertook to make a movie about one Claus von Stauffenberg, the leader of a failed plot against Hitler in 1944. Now, it is coming out that Stauffenberg was as gay as a goose and liked to dress up in women’s underwear. Most of this comes from official German files someone got their hands on. Since Stauffenberg is considered a saint by the liberal German government, they have warned that slandering him is a punishable offence in Germany . It doesn’t seem to matter that Stauffenberg has been dead for over 60 years. The choice of Cruise to play Stauffenberg is highly ironic, given the growing rumors that the actor is gay. TV newsman Keith Olberman has something to say about the Cruise orientation but it is doubtful that the actor will sue him. The problem is that people are sending out reams of emails to right wing Christian groups about all of this and in the end, United Artists may be left holding a very big bag at the box office. Cruise, who is a very strange person (who can forget his Croatian love dance on Oprah’s couch?) who is a fanatic supporter of the Scientology cult. There are some very strange people in Hollywood.

maandag 10 december 2007

December 10, 2007

The Pakis could nuke India but our media would be far more interested in babbling about the political candidates to report it. I have never in all my life seen such a slate of useless pieces of shit but the media loves to keep the public’s eye on what this one is doing or what that one just said. Keeps us from seeing what the criminally stupid White House is doing, or not doing.

There is one story that I know is true that the media would never dare touch, along with never, never saying anything bad about Sainted Israel or Jesus, and that concerns Hillary. Lots of juicy stories around about her but stories you will never see anywhere in print. Some time ago, Hillary Rodham graduated from Yale Law School and went to California to work for the far-left law firm of Robert Treuhaft. He was a very left wing labor lawyer who was married to Jessica Mitford. Jessica’s sister, Unity, was Hitler’s mistress until the war broke out, she tried to shoot herself and was shipped home to die.

Anyway, Hillary was assigned to the very radical Black Panther groups who were, at that time, centered in Oakland, California. At one point, they all drove in a caravan to the state capitol in Sacramento and terrified the legislators with a large number of firearms.

After strutting their stuff, the Panthers holed up in various local cheap motels where the State Police duly routed them out. Hillary was, according to a California State Police report, found naked in bed with a black woman! Wonderful but not a surprise to those who know her.

This was written up, and published, by San Francisco ‘Chronicle’ columnist, Herb Caen. When Bill became President, he sent the FBI to seize the report but copies had been made and circulated.

And among other issues, it seems that the family name of ‘Rodham’ was once “Rodomski” and her father’s family came from the Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland and settled in England before emigrating to the Chicago area.

This is a subject that the domestic media will never talk about, mainly out of protection for their co-religionist but we hear that this will all come out in the wash before the convention. I personally knew about this ten years ago so it isn’t news to me or most of the people I know but our press knows who signs the paychecks so we hear nothing.

And if she’s elected, the Pentagon phone intercepts show that she plans to continue the’ Everything for Greater Israel’ program now in place in the Bush White House. An executive from AIPAC told one of his backers that ‘Hillary says she’ll bomb Tehran back to the stone age…’

donderdag 6 december 2007

December 6, 2007

Some things of interest, perhaps. Is there blame to assess over the failed war in Iraq? Is this futile and destructive struggle the fault of a mentally defective President, egged on by a vicious and unbalance Vice President?

The recent revelation by the U.S. intelligence community that Iran, often put forward by Bush and Cheney as planning to attack everyone with atomic bombs, has been revealed to be utterly false. In spite of these revelations, Bush continues to mumble and rant about his determination to attack Iran. There is an interesting, and frightening, background to all of this non-stop lying and it is not the weak character of George Bush or the manic viciousness of Dick Cheney.

The Pentagon has long been outraged at the piecemeal destruction of both the U.S. Army and the Marine Corps in the meat grinder that Iraq has become. They know who the real culprits are because they have identified them and been reading their top secret messages for two years now.

Are they listening to the White House? No, they are watching Israel like a hawk, reading their top secret diplomatic and military traffic, getting reports almost daily from U.S. intelligence personnel stationed in Israel and they have long ago extended their surveillance to the Israeli diplomatic messaging.

From this, they have built up a massive dossier that shows very clearly that the driving force behind the Iraq invasion and now, the frenzy to attack Iran is purely Israeli.

That country has so subverted our official institutions with money as the carrot and attacks by their almost complete control of the American print and television media as the stick. Israel has used the neo-cons to put forward Israel’s needs to Bush…who listens raptly and obeys without question.

They hated Saddam Hussein because he dared to fire rockets into Israel during the Gulf War and they suggested that if American forces destroyed their enemy, we could all share in the revenues from Iraqi oil. That this plan collapsed is certain but most Americans do not know that the so-called “Yellowcake uranium” story upon which Bush based his war was a pure Israeli invention.

Now, with even the possibility that Iran might be working on an atomic bomb, a bomb which would certainly be used against Israel, that country has doubled and redoubled its clandestine efforts to push America into pulling their chestnuts out of the Mideast fire.

Israel, according to intercepted conversations by the Pentagon (and now circulating in Washington) is prepared to fight to the last American life. And those who mourn the young American dead and mangled soldiers in Iraq do not need to look at the manic and deluded White House but to Tel Aviv who killed and maimed their sons, brothers, fathers and husbands.

In a very true sense, the leaking of the report on the halt in the Iranian atomic development program was a form of very high level mutiny on the part of Bush’s military high command. This was not any kind of an error but a deliberate and hopefully successful, plan to force the United States away from blind obedience to Israel’s murderous wishes.

Bush made no objections when the Israeli government told him they were going to flatten Beirut and they quickly resupplied the IDF with more cluster bombs whose sole purpose was to kill civilians. When Hezbollah struck back, rocketing sacred Israel and doing terrible damage to the IDF, Israel demanded that Bush send American troops to help them kill more Arabs. Bush could not because, thanks to Israeli demands, our troops were pinned down in a vicious guerrilla war in Iraq. Now, we see that Israel is livid with rage because of the revelations of the American intelligence community and are bending every effort to get their co-religionists in America to continue to demand American military action against Iran.

In the long view, it would be better if we threw out the neocons, most of whom are Israeli citizens, stopped all military aid to that instigator of death and destruction, disbanded the AIPAC organization, and warned the American media that this is the United States, not Israel, and that there are times when silence is golden.

All of this manipulation is becoming very obvious, even to the chronically disinterested American public and if you stop up the spout of a boiling tea kettle, the lid always blows off.

maandag 3 december 2007

December 3, 2007

A delayed action bomb is in the process of going off. It seems that in the ‘40s, our wonderful CIA hired a number of ex-Nazis of some high rank and bad reputation to work for them, mostly in Europe. Now, it turns out that they also hired the head of the Gestapo and brought him to the United States! They have tried to sit on this one, and other such types, for some years now but the real story is coming out. They also sponsored a Walter Rauff (who invented the notorious gas vans) and the really awful Dr. Mengele. The latter, who used to experiment with Jewish twins at Auschwitz, was part of one of the CIA’s nutty programs to genetically create people. Also, there is a file floating around that the CIA is frantic to sit on, that discusses using microwaves to exert mind control. They did this down at Warrenton and used “volunteer’ black county jail inmates. Putting people in a room and turning on massive microwaves only cooked two of them, very well-done. They dumped the bodies on a neighbor’s farm. Aren’t the CIA wonderful people? Here is an accurate account taken from Wikipedia and written by a former CIA operative. Spastic colon, here we come!

Heinrich Müller, born April 28, 1900, was allegedly killed in the street fighting in Berlin in 1945 when the Soviet Army seized the German capital. In a Berlin cemetery there is a grave with a headstone, claiming that Heinrich Müller was buried underneath it. The memorial stone did not indicate that Müller had been an SS-Gruppenführer and a Lieutenant General in the German Police and that since 1935, was the head of the German Gestapo or the Secret State Police. On September 25, 1963, the body was exhumed for identification.

The exhumation had been requested by the West German Ludwigsburg Center that dealt with ex-Nazis sought for prosecution. This Center had information that Müller was not dead and was, in fact, gainfully employed by a foreign government. One of the first steps in proving this was to ascertain whether the corpse in the grave was that of Heinrich Müller who had been issued a death certificate from the Death Bureau of Berlin-Center numbered 11 706/45. A subsequent pathological examination proved that there were the remains of three different men in the grave, none of whom were Heinrich Müller

The man being sought was the son of a minor official, had completed a primary school education, had taken technical training in aircraft engines, worked for the BMW factory, building aircraft engines and in June of 1917 had joined the German Army. Because of his background, after his preliminary training, Müller was assigned to Flieger Ausbildung Abteilung 287 in April of 1918. In the seven months remaining before the war ended, Müller was promoted to NCO in August of 1918 and won the Iron Crosses First and Second Class. He was also awarded the Bavarian pilot’s badge and after injuring his leg in an aircraft accident, the retired Bavarian pilot’s badge.

Müller served on the Western Front throughout the war. When the war was over, Müller joined the Munich Police in 1919 as a junior assistant. He passed his entrance examination and became a police officer. He was promoted to Police Secretary in 1929 and was in Section VI of the Bavarian State Police, a unit that dealt with Communist activity. In 1934, Müller and a number of his associates were transferred to the Gestapo in Berlin and joined the SS as a Sturmführer on April 20, 1934. In 1935, Müller was head of Department II (Gestapo). In 1936, he was head of the Gestapo division of the headquarters of the Security Police (Sicherheitspolizei). In 1937, he was promoted to senior police official (Kriminalrat) and in 1939, to the rank of Reichskriminaldirektor or Director of Police.

In May of 1945, Heinrich Müller was last seen in Hitler’s Berlin bunker. Shortly after the city fell lto the Russians, the body of a senior SS officer, his wife and three children at the Air Ministry complex. The body was identified as SS General Heinrich Müller of the Main Security Office, the RSHA. This, however was not the head of the Gestapo. He was Dr. Heinrich Müller of the RSHA legal department. Gestapo- Müller was born April 28, 1900, and his SS number was 107 043 while the Müller found in Berlin was born June 7, 1896 and his SS number was 290 396 (Source: ‘Dienstalteresliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP, Berlin 1944, pps 11-12)

Immediately following the war, in May of 1945, Gestapo- Müller was put on the American Intelligence CROWCASS (Central Registary of War Crimes and Security Suspects) list of war criminals sought for arrest and prosecution. In 1946, U.S. CIC reported that Gestapo-Müller had escaped to Switzerland using the name Schwartzer. (Source: U.S. Army Intelligence file on Heinrich Müller XE 23 55 39 WJ p. 126)

In 1948, the CIA had taken over the intelligence organization being formed by the former Wehrmacht General, Reinhard Gehlen who worked prior to this for the U.S. Army. The organization was led by Lt. Colonel James Critchfield and was stationed at Pullach, south east of Munich. At this time, Colonel Critchfield’s top recruiter was one Willi Krichbaum, then resident at Bad Reichenhall. Although Critchfield denied it later, Krichbaum was a Senior Colonel (Oberführer) in the Gestapo and Müller’s former deputy. He was born May 7, 1896 and his SS number was 107 039. During the war, Krichbaum was commander of the Geheime Feld Polizei of the Wehrmacht. (Source: Dienstalteresliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP, Berlin 1944, p. 29)

Müller had been working for Swiss intelligence under Paul Masson as an expert on Communist infiltration, was put in contact with Colonel Critchfield by Krichbaum and in August of 1948, interviewed at his home in Geneva, Switzerland by James Speyer Kronthal, the CIA’s station chief in Bern, Switzerland As the result of inquiries into the postwar survival of Heinrich Müller and his employment, in the United States, by the CIA and the U.S. Army, the German government’s main legal center wrote, in a report dated January 31, 2000, that although Müller was reported to have died in Berlin in 1945, their report (110 AR 1619/97), stated that Müller had escaped to Switzerland and had gone to work for the American CIA and was settled, under a false name, in Washington, was a member of the U.S. Army and died in 1973. (Source: Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltugen Report no. 110 AR 346/.2000)

Because the hiring of Heinrich Müller was considered to be a potential serious public relations disaster, some effort has been made to strongly distance the CIA from this employment by claiming that Müller may have survived the war but never was employed by the United States government in any capacity. Photographs of Müller in the uniform of the U.S. Army’s General Staff, taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, show him at a White House conference with President Truman in 1949

In 1967, a series of articles on Heinrich Müller appeared in the German media, claiming he was living in Panama but it was subsequently proven that the man, who bore slight resemblance to Müller, was an expatriate American.