donderdag 27 januari 2005

January 27, 2005

I have never in all my years in politics, most of which were spent in and around Washington, seen so much stunning stupidity and rank arrogance as I now see in the White House. Bush, who has insulated himself from the public with high walls and iron discipline and listens only to sycophants and toadies, honestly believes that he has a mandate…not from the American people which he does not, but from Almighty God himself! I have actually heard him say this and in my professional opinion, he is becoming very, very dangerous. Bush believes that whatever he does, he does in the name of and with the permission of God and that to question, thwart or criticize him is blasphemy. I realize this sounds like some kind of a rant but if you worked here on a daily basis and saw for yourself the sorry state that American leadership has fallen into, you would feel like outraged rants as well. Bush wants to invade Iran and Syria. Bush wants to have the Iraqi elections over on Sunday and has ordered that whatever the sorry and predictable outcome there, it be declared a “great victory for American-style liberty.” That bloody civil war is actually now raging there is of no interest to him. Once he personally declares victory, which is coming, then the troops are to be pulled out in spite of strong warnings from senior military officers in the field that utter and bloody chaos will reign. These troops will be “refreshed” and prepared for future wars.

Mark my words, George and the Likudists are iron bound to attack Israel’s enemies in that area with dreadful consequences, both short and long term. No one dares to voice any objections and as I have said before, the hothouse atmosphere around the Monkey Palace is sickening in its sycophancy combined with fanaticism. Rove wants to obliterate the Democrats, down to the last one, and replace them with a weird fascistic one party system and the others are sniffing about like curious and hungry weasels trying to find a way to build up their pathetic little empires in the shadow of the Second Son of God (as the saner, and more concerned, of us here call him.) with no regards for the obvious day of wrath that is clearly coming. We have become the Nazis of the Twenty First century but our repulsive, weak and suckass press is terrified to comment on it. In Germany, for example, irate and anti-Bush citizens (which, according to my figures here are about 75% of the population there) are going around their parks, sticking small American flags in piles of dog shit! And I could cite more disgusting examples of rampant anti-American feelings all over the world but children might read some of this and so I will refrain. As I have said before, it is not God Bless America now but God Save America.

zondag 23 januari 2005

January 23, 2005

One of the most cruder flim-flams of recent times is the Bush plan to “reorganize” Social Security. Our Beloved President has no interest in helping anybody but himself with this outrageous scam. The money he wants to have put into “savings accounts’ will be funneled through ‘official agents’ selected by himself on the sole basis of how much money they will put into his privy purse. If Congress is moronic enough to pass this, they will all be put up into the Japanese Cherry trees come spring by an outraged public. It is clearly obvious from watching him at work, talking with his top aides and reading confidential memos that Bush is a bigger crook than his friend, Ken Lay. And, by the way, Kenny Boy will never go to trial during the final years of the Bush administration because he paid Bush off personally when the latter was Governor of Texas and no one in the Baboon Palace wants him to develop a loose tongue.

I read a wonderful, very confidential, memo from the Secret Service recently which I will share with you. It seems that when the Bush family was in England, they behaved like Texas trailerpark trash. The funniest episode was when one of the slutty Bush children went to a pub to get sloshed, did so and during the course of her descent into alcoholic stupor, urinated on the pub floor and started screaming how much she wanted to perform oral sex on Prince William. The pub owner called the police and it took all of her Secret Service guards to get her up and into an armored limousine (the Bush family always travel in bulletproof cars these days) This report, from a British official source, stated that a very apologetic Secret Service guard indicated that they could not make any effort to stop the Imperial Daughter’s antics because they would be subject to instant dismissal by the doting and oblivious Emperor. According to this, one of the guards referred to the Daughter as a “f-----g slut” but then this is only a value judgment, not a fact. At least Prince William was spared the attentions of a charming and cultured young maiden commonly called The Python inside the Beltway.

vrijdag 21 januari 2005

January 21, 2005

This month in the Monkey Palace there has been much discussion of the article in the New York Times by Paul Krugman: in which he says: "There are only two things that could endanger Social Security's ability to pay benefits before the trust fund runs out. One would be a fiscal crisis that led the U.S. to default on all its debts. The other would be legislation specifically repudiating the general fund's debts to retirees."

The second statement seems to have put a bright idea in Our Dear Leader's small brain. He is apparently drooling at the mouth, at the prospect of how many kickbacks (board postions, speaking fees, advisory retainers, hot IPO tips) he can expect from Wall Street firms after he retires in 2008, if he "privatizes" Social Security. There is one small problem to overcome: Social Security is not bankrupt.

The Trust Funds, (four of them), fully invested in obligations of the U.S. Treasury, as of December 2004 stand at $1,686,985,126,000: Krugman is referring to Article 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which begins as follows:

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

The buzz down the hall is that if confirmed as Attorney General, Judge Alberto R. Gonzales intends to write an opinion for George Bush, which would let his boss propose legislation to allow the Treasury to default on its obligations to retirees, and also let his boss off the hook, if, as a result, the central banks of the world dump their dollars.

The rumor is that Gonzales intends to focus on the phrase "authorized by law," and to argue that the Constitution does not bar the President from sending legislation to Congress, proposing a default on the $1,686,954,876 of the Trust Fund which is invested in "Special Issue" T-Bills, IOU's written by the Treasury specifically for the Trust Funds. These Special Issue IOU's were issued by the Treasury over the years, to cover the use of working Americans' FICA paycheck deductions to give tax breaks to plutocrat friends of the President.

Not only that, but the Treasury might even be able to recognize this repudiation of its liabilities as income, thereby wiping out all Bush's deficits, and allowing him to claim record budget surpluses in his second term, trumping Clinton's record. (Who gives a damn that the cost is the retirement funds of a hundred million Americans?)

The danger is that if the Central Banks of Russia, China, Japan, and other nations, should see the U.S. Government repudiate their obligations to their own old folks, in order to manufacture a Social Security "crisis" merely in order that George Bush can have a sweet retirement, they might ask themselves, what is to prevent the U.S. Treasury doing the same to them? If they believe their T-bills are worthless pieces of paper, the stampede out of dollars and into other currencies will cause a Richter 10.0 earthquake in the financial markets. If that happens, Alberto R. Gonzales takes the fall, (with suitable compensation, no doubt,) and Bush continues to smell sweet like a rose.

You have to give Team Bush credit. The hallmarks of great criminal minds are that there is no trace of morality or conscience, that they think in terms of sums that stagger the imagination, and that the getaway plan is as important as the crime itself. Up to now, the shenanigans have been in the billions or hundreds of billions. Now they're thinking in terms of trillions.

vrijdag 14 januari 2005

January 14, 2005

I see the story about the censoring of the death toll in Iraq is having an effect on the Internet. I will dig up more facts for you but for the love of God, do not put down anything that would connect this ugly business with me.

Bush wants the elections to go forward so he can claim a spurious victory (in spite of a certain bloody civil war between the Shiites and the Sunnis with the guaranteed involvement of Iran) and then withdraw all of our troops in Iraq. They will be brought back stateside and given R&R time and then prepared for the new war on Iran.

This is lunacy but so is the basic thesis of the Bush government. The Iranians will fight, will probably nuke Israel at the first overt sign of an invasion, are in connection with the Russians and have millions more of citizens than Iraq.

Bush and his people, including Congoleeza Rice, have no standing in the world and are viewed everywhere as thugs, assassins and bullies. Any “adventure” into Iran to please our Israeli friends, would put the cherry on the sundae as it were. There would also be plenty of nuts on this sundae but then this entire administration is chock full of nuts, believe me.

And the ones that aren’t loonies are on the take and make Bernie Kerick look like Mother Theresa. Cheney is stuffing his pockets, Bush is stuffing his pockets and so are others at elevation in the White House.

The Imperial Inauguration is coming up and rumors that thousands will moon the Imperial cavalcade have everyone here on edge. People trying that will be arrested and probably, privately, beaten soft. More later…

woensdag 12 januari 2005

January 12, 2005

Several interesting items, one only amusing and the other serious. The Bush people have received so many very serious death threats aimed at Our Beloved Leader that they might as well put a dummy in the Presidential limo on inauguration day. No one will talk about the volume and apparent seriousness of these ongoing threats and neither will they talk about the ACTUAL DEATH TOLLS IN IRAQ! You have been posting only the official figures which are not accurate. These OFFICIAL figures indicate about 1,400 are dead and perhaps 4,000 wounded. Actually, and I have seen the figures from the Pentagon, over 8,000 are dead and over 15,000 are wounded, some maimed for life…blind, missing legs and arms or with the prospect of spending the rest of their young lives confined to a wheelchair in a Vets hospital with a permanent piss bag tied to a leg.

This is the greatest secret and holds the greatest fear for the Bush people. If the public ever finds out the truth, they will lynch him and his fascist co-workers in about ten minutes. Already, parents are wondering why their son’s name is not on official lists and this number is growing every day. This is the real reason why Bush forbade any pictures being taken of arriving caskets at Dover. All even an idiot would have to do would be to count the daily supermarket checkout and the rat would be out of the bag. This nasty business has real legs and even the dullard Bush is terrified.

Rigid censorship has been clamped down by the Pentagon on any information and especially the following truly horrible news: The Arabs have captured a number of GIs and have tortured them terribly before chopping of their heads which they defile by dumping into a well-used latrine. Their statements are that since the US under Bush has ignored the Geneva Treaty and tortured prisoners of war and executed a number of them plus God knows how many unarmed civilians, they will kill every GI they capture. Beheaded and terribly mutilated bodies are quickly grabbed by special teams of GI undertakers, hidden away and sent home in sealed caskets or cremated in a large oven in downtown Baghdad. (Shade of Auschwitz!)

This is one of the reasons why there are so many suicides and so many desertions among the terrified troops. This really awful business is a top priority secret but I will make the shits happy by letting it out and if I can get the actual figures, I will give them to you, names and all, to post alongside the official lies. Why don’t you ask survivors to send you the names of their lost sons and husbands and then check them against the Pentagon Lie List? Better, publish the entire roster of Official Dead and ask anyone whose relatives, sons or husbands are not on it to contact you. You are in the position of doing all of us a great favor if you do.

zondag 9 januari 2005

January 9, 2005

Like the seabed off of Indonesia, we are having some subterranean movements here. There is a growing desire on the part of many Congressmen, Republicans and Democrats, as well as top level military personnel to put an end to the bottomless pit that Iraq has become. We cannot win there because we do not have enough troops and we cannot justify a universal draft. That is the basic idea. Congress is getting an increasing number of very negative remarks from their supporters about the continuing slaughter in Iraq, a possible draft, the Bush tinkering with and attempted destruction of Social Security and, among other matters, their disgust at the pending appointment of Gonzales the Torture Memo King as AG. Congress is up for mid terms soon and the public, aside from your trailer park and Jesus Freak trash, are becoming increasingly unhappy.

Strong rumors circulating on the web that the actual death toll in Iraq is almost 4,000 is not making Bush’s position any more secure. It’s funny but when he won (by a slim margin) I have never before seen such an arrogant, gleeful person. Bush does not understand politics and thinks that all America, except for queers, niggers and left wing crazies, (as certain high level White House personnel say in private) loves him. Nixon had the same position at the beginning of his second term and he really got up on his high horse and blew it. I can foresee Bush trying to sack the Pentagon brass because they are getting pissed off with his lunatic plans but the Generals are not cabinet members that do not please Imperial Majesty. The next few months will be very interesting. Bush will not allow the Iraqi elections to be called off and everyone here with the exception of Rove and Rice, can see that terrible chaos will result because of the internecine religious squabblings in Iraq. Bush thinks if you close your eyes and tap your shoes together, all will be correct. I have never seen someone as out of touch with reality as this man and it frankly is beginning to scare the hell out of many of us professionals…

woensdag 5 januari 2005

January 5, 2005

Gonzales is a butt-kissing idiot but who knows what Congress will do about him. No one wants to be seen voting against the first Beaner AG although his activities leave a great deal to desire. Bush wants him in because Alberto will do exactly what Bush wants. Bush wanted to torture Arabs and Al broke his neck trying to find justification. He is typical of the toadies that Bush loves to have around, sucking up to him and licking him behind the ears. We would do just as well with Charles Manson in the job. People here say that anything is better than nutty John Ashcroft but Gonzales comes very close….the death tolls in Iraq are very certainly downplayed. I read an estimate that there are about 25% more deaths than are reported but since the DoD is responsible for the information, no one can really check on the accuracy. Everyone I have talked to put the real toll at over 4,000 dead and about 17,000 wounded and of these, about 8,000 are crippled for life.

zondag 2 januari 2005

January 2, 2005

Two items are causing problems inside the Baboon Sanctuary. The first one is Bush’s obvious lack of interest in the terrible death toll in the Indian Ocean and the other is the growing stink about the lavish Coronation Ceremonies to be held later this month. Our Sainted President doesn’t care if the entire country of Indonesia is now under water. They are, after all, curses Muslims and his Christian God is just ridding himself of heathen pests. There was so much global criticism of his obvious lack of concern or interest that his staff has been running around trying to make him look good. They have made many promises of huge sums of money for relief but bet on it, only a few dollars will actually be spent. The second issue is actually a riot. Bush thinks he has been mandated by God and since he cannot match a British Coronation, he can do the next best thing and strut his stuff like a ghetto coke dealer with a new Rolex.

That all of this ostentatious nonsense is in bad taste, especially with our economy about to abort and the suffering everywhere else in the world is obvious to many, many people, it is not obvious to Bush who rubs his hairy hands together and cackles with glee thinking of how much money will go into his own pocket. Oh yes, Bush is on the take. Has been for years. Kerik is his type of guy, being a liar, thief and influence peddler. I am afraid our Sainted President has a heart the size of a mustard seed. He has never gone to a military funeral for the young Americans his policy has killed and he could give a good rip for hundreds of thousands of dead and rotting Muslims. The fact that Europeans are among the dead does not impress him at all. There are media horror stories about surviving young girls being gang raped repeatedly but again, that is nothing that bothers us here. They are not Americans, not Christians and, especially, not voters.