zondag 29 mei 2005

May 29, 2005

And a happy Memorial Day for all. And we should give thanks to our Beloved Christian President for giving so much gainful work to military cemetery employees and gravediggers.

I thought, while in a holiday mood, that I would make some comment about my critics. I am now hearing, and seeing on Google and elsewhere, commentary from both the interested and outraged concerning what I post…”…terrible ranting….,” ….vicious homophobia….,” “…don’t believe a word of it….,” “…right on!…,” …great material…” and so on. Many enemies, much honor.

At the end of this posting I am including a criticism that was forwarded to me for comment, along with my remarks. Since some of these twits claim that I have nothing concrete to say, other than making up terrible lies about our favorite fudgepacking religious icon, I am going to give you a nice, factual insight straight from a friend.

And I am putting in all the names for your readers to understand and appreciate. I personally think I did a good job reporting Grandma Bulldog’s background and a brilliant one (I took it from an official report…sorry) compared with the stupid shit now being advertised by pro-government bloggers (“Gannon is really Johnny Gosch, Kidnapped Paperboy) but there is no disputing taste as the Senator said when he chased the goat into the barn.

Perhaps in the future, I ought to be very specific about matters. Which prominent Republican gives his six-year old niece body rubs or which Pentecostal preacher has been stealing how much money from his besotted congregation and stashing it in a Danish bank.

This is an example of my being specific. I hope you like it but I am positive that certain others will not. Happy Memorial Day to them, too! Next posting, I will get specific about Tom DeLay who has so much in common with the White House!

The NSA has the capacity to listen in on all transatlantic, and transasian, telephone calls and many domestic ones, that are placed over the satellite systems. This used to be called the HARVEST system but is has been upgraded. Of especial interest to the Puzzle Palace people are diplomatic communications. Breaking the diplomatic codes of foreign countries is done by NSA on a regular basis. It is from this source that we learn the following:

The British Tories hate Tony Blair, feeling, with some truth, that he has dragged Great Britain into a useless war that is damaging their image and economy. Blair is seen by the Tories as a hand puppet for George Bush and they, and many, others, including the Queen, want Blair out of office. One of the methods these people are using is to thoroughly discredit the Bush administration throughout the world, not only as militaristic and unhinged but as secret supporters of anti-Semitism. As a Jew, and an American, I find this outrageous.

What was done was to set up, in the United States, a small organization of professional, foreign anti-Semites to make propaganda that could later be “exposed” by certain British officials and cause terrible damage in this country and around the world.

To accomplish this, the services of a well-known Swiss anti-Semite were secured. His name is <>Jurgen Graf<>. Graf is a Swiss citizen who fled his home country just ahead of the authorities and went to Tehran where, because he loathes Jews and is a very accomplished linguist, he was hired by the equivalent of the Iranian Ministry of Propaganda to write and translate anti-Semitic literature. Graf later went to Lebanon where he set up an Iranian-funded organization to promulgate pro-Arab and anti-Semitic writings throughout the world. He set up bank accounts used to pay willing journalists in the United States and Great Britain with Iranian money. Graf later moved to Moscow where he continued his activities with the approval of anti-Semitic members of Putin’s government. He married a Russian citizen whose father had been a prominent member of the Soviet Politburo.

Graf then began to work for a German citizen who, like himself, had fled Germany ahead of criminal proceedings for the same offenses and relocated, under false names, in the United States. This man, who owns a publishing company that specializes in anti-Semitic literature, has used the names of: Manfred Köhler, Dr. Werner Kretschmer, Dr. Christian Konrad, Dr. Dr. Rainer Scholz, Jakob Sprenger, Wilhelm Schlesinger, Tuisco, Dr. Manfred Gerner,

This person lives in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, area and works out of Chicago, Illinois. Graf and his wife have traveled to the United States, without any trouble with US INS authorities in spite of his background (which is well known to the authorities here) and spent some time, with his wife, in Alabama near the Redstone military base that specializes in highly classified military weaponry research.

The kicker in this story is that this group ingratiated itself with a certain American intelligence agency and offered to work for them, supplying information on Arabs in general and Iranians in specific. Not only are they still spewing out vicious anti-Semitic literature, they are also “cooperating” with certain elements of American officialdom in return for obtaining US citizenship!

There are many Americans, some in high positions in the official bureaucracy, who loathe Jews and blame Israel for our involvement in the Middle Eastern mess. From intercepted communications, it appears that not only the British conservatives but the Russians <>and<> the Iranians are funding these people, probably unknowingly.

If this is ever uncovered, and I do my best, I wonder what his American paymasters will do? Or the British? Or the Russians? Or our friends in Tehran?

To those who claim I am too vague in my accusations, I offer this information for your edification and the assurance that this is only the tiny tip of a huge iceberg of the kind that ripped the bottom out of the mighty Titanic.

And here is a sampling of the yapping of small dogs in the night….This is my response to a critique sent to the editor of TBR News….

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;

Subject: your latest "voice of the whitehouse".

This poster appears to have problems with the article. Then, again, he could be a US or UK government employee.

Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 01:35:16 -0400
Stretching credulity
by CreosoteChris on 28.05.2005 [18:02 ]

“Every point raised in this article takes some familiar grain of truth, and builds it into a sensationalised fantasy”

- “Bush has some enemies in high places....- so there's a coup d'etat in the offing" Comment: "Some enemies?" You are obviously not in touch with reality. Bush did not have, and does not have, a mandate. He barely got elected and from many diverse sources, it is becoming evident that his support base is rapidly eroding. There once was a coup d'etat in the advanced planning stage against FDR, too but that is history and your communicant has probably never heard of it.

- “Cheney has heavyweight security all around him (obviously)... so he's cowering in a reinforced bunker” Comment:I did not say that Cheney had "heavyweight security" around him and it has been repeatedly reported that the Vice President spends most of his time in a bunker. The exact location and internal pictures of his Fuehrerbunker are available.

- “Banking networks are vulnerable to security breaches.... so "Billions of dollars in bank transfers would vanish instantly and replicating the data, if the attackers know what they are doing, would take eons to try to replace". Bollocks. The writer clearly knows nothing about electronic banking (or even what a backup tape is).” Comment: The writer is obviously a dimbulb who gets his financial news from USA Today or Yahoo. My family were bankers and I have good friends at Chase, NASDAQ and elsewhere in the real financial world, all of whom are entirely in agreement with the accuracy of this concept and whose opinions I sought prior to writing the article.

“The list goes on. Everything is exaggerated, everything extrapolated beyond the limits of creduilty. The writer of this piece is, I'm afraid, a fantasist.” Comment: And our communicant is probably a 40-year old GS2 in government employ, a British supporter of the sycophantic Blair or simply one of those jealous types I have been encountering who are shrilly outraged that someone has published something of substance that is not discussed at their local barbershop or that they have not personally thought of unassisted and unmedicated. These are the same identical types who believe that 9/11 was caused by Chinese dwarves using trained pigeons or that God Himself (and not the Bulldog) shoved something long and hard up Bush's calloused anus and turned him into His Second Son. Most of the writers of this type are women, by the way, or are dribbling bloggers who use such stunning pseudonyms as "StarStrider" or "LibertyKid" and have a huge following of about the same number of people you can cram into an SUV. It is true that the poor we always have with us but we also have the dim of wit.

Cheers Chris."

vrijdag 27 mei 2005

May 27, 2005

This is going to be a heavy-duty series of articles this week. In the first place, I have been told that Fat Karl the Eunuch is trying to spread rumors that I am actually someone else; that I do not exist and that everything I write about is all fiction and left-wing garbage. Fat Karl is losing his grip and if he is not careful, he might soon lose his head.

From two sources, neither of whom know each other and both of whom are well-placed in the system, I have been receiving information that indicates that a coup d'etat against the Bush administration is apparently being seriously contemplated in certain circles.

The first of these is the higher commands of the U.S. military which is disgusted with Bush and his ruination, as they see it, of the discipline and legitimate tasks of the military and the other is a loose confederation of very high level American businessmen who see Bush as a complete and fatal disaster to American business, most especially in the areas of foreign trade.

Bush has harassed the high military command for not being sufficiently servile to him and for not going along with his outrageous and weird ideas. He has insulted, in public, a number of their top officers and now has decided to supply commercial mini-vans to transport the troops in Iraq. A mini-van is about as safe to ride around in as a go-cart but Bush’s friends in the collapsing auto industry have bribed him to demand this change. All that will happen is that more soldiers will die quicker. It is not possible to adequately armor plate a mini van and there is no intention of armor plating them. Bush has also enraged veteran members of the CIA , not because they did not give him adequate intelligence concerning Iraq but because they did. Bush does not want facts. He demands obedience to his whims and because the CIA reports did not favor his propaganda, he hated them and trashed their abilities in public. They retaliated by releasing material that made Bush look like the vicious fool that he is and he cracked down on them, appointing the awful Porter Goss to control them. Goss, acting like a drunk bull in a china shop, has fired very competent personnel and replaced them with obedient, and worse, Republican faggots who will do the Head Queen’s biddings.

The CIA has joined the ranks of the military in hoping for an end to the Bush Adiministration.

The United States is not run by the President or Congress. It has always been run by a power elite composed of major business interests, the military and a few other, often changing, groups. The present elite members are almost totally unknown to the public but they set up the scenarios and call the turns.

Bush was elected by a coup, not by the American people. He was seen to be crooked, rather stupid, vicious and frantic for some kind of recognition. He is grossly incompetent as a manager so this new American oligarchy jobbed him into the White House with the open connivance of his brother, Jeb, in Florida and the reluctant aid of the Supreme Court. Bush is totally under the influence, and control, of a group of fascistic Republicans, a gang of twittering gays and a coven of Likudists. They have made common cause to run the United States for Bush but the fascist movement is running into serious problems with more powerful elite groups. I am quoting here from a document with an interesting analysis of the modern fascist, not the old Mussolini-Hitler and Franco fascist.

"A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends. The supreme god of a fascist, to which his ends are directed, may be money or power; may be a race or a class; may be a military, clique or an economic group; or may be a culture, religion, or a political party."

As a result of the economic and military disasters the narrow-minded and ignorant President is creating, there is now a very powerful internal movement to get him out of the White House, either by turning Congress and the people against him (with the willing assistance of the media barons) or by more forceful means…a coup d’Etat.

I do not have any concrete knowledge of the specifics of this alleged putsch but my sources are certain that it is being very seriously pursued with at least one study group working on control of internal communications (my sources' specialty) and a banker friend of mine, another source, has said almost the identical thing to me. They do not know each other and, to the best of my knowledge, have no points of contact.

One of them said that Bush is afraid of such possible actions and has gathered a huge number of security people around his person to prevent his being siezed or assassinated. Cheney is also terrified of this and spends most of his time in a very heavily guarded underground bunker. A source has supplied me with the location of this but I am leaving that bit of information strictly private.

An unsuccessful grenade attack on Bush in Georgia was deliberately underreported and there was a plot uncovered by the German security people to blow Bush up when he came to Mainz, Germany, earlier this year.

The first incident was reported because the foreign media got their hands on it but the second has never surfaced. The putative assassins were not German, nor Arabs, but instead were reported to me by one source to be "most probably under American hire."

I have also learned from a source in the Chase Manhattan bank that his people are scared literally shitless over the news, gleaned from a very competent German intelligence service, that a group, totally off the screen, not Muslim and probably American-based, have managed to crack the entrance information into the electronic, international banking wire and transfer system. These are:

· SWIFT (Bruxelles)

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions

· CHAPS (London)

Clearing House Automated Payments System

· CHIPS (New York) - Private Sector

Clearing House Interbank Payments System

· FEDWIRE (New York) - US Government

Fedwire Funds Service

If, as the German reports have rumored, someone or some group successfully sabotages these systems, the world of international banking and the entire country would suffer a terrible blow that would take months, if not years, to recover from. Billions of dollars in bank transfers would vanish instantly and replicating the data, if the attackers know what they are doing, would take eons to try to replace. For instance, the BofA transfers $200.000,000 to a bank in Germany and in a nano second, the transfer vanishes. No money is sent and none received. I do not know if this operation is connected with other very disruptive activities that our Brave Defenders of Liberty are trying to track but the Germans seem to feel that the elements involved are not Arabs or Russians but Americans because of the idiomatic English in the messages they have decoded.

So much for the fun and games of the growing legion of Bush haters.

My secretary has taken the Secret Service “Gannon” logs and transcribed them for me. I am including a précis of this and suggest that the curious look at Bush’s official activities which can be found on www.Whitehouse.gov unless they have been discreetly removed because of the obvious conclusions curious people will immediately arrive at…every time Gannon was loose in the Monkey Palace, the President was there. Many times, Karl Rove was not, giving the lie to the rumors that Fat Karl was having his ditch ploughed by the mighty Bulldog.

Mother Bulldog’s Amazing Adventures in the Monkey Palace:
2/25/03 11:46 - 1:25 (briefing 12:26-1:03)
2/26/03 9:56 - 2:17 (briefing 1:25-1:53)
2/27/03 11:49 - 1:34 (no briefing)
2/28/03 11:20 - 1:26 (briefing 12:35-1:10)
3/3/03 9:51 - 1:32 (briefing from 12:21-1:00)
3/4/03 11:48 - 1:45 (briefing 12:46-1:20)
3/5/03 11:56 - 1:57 (briefing 12:21-1:00)
3/6/03 11:58 - 12:42 (no briefing)
3/6/03 9:11 pm exit - no entry (Bush press conference, 8 pm)
3/7/03 3:22 pm exit -- no entry (briefing from 2:20-3:00)
3/10/03 12:47 - 3:11 (briefing 1:23-2:10)
3/11/03 12:25 - 1:47 (briefing at 12:38 - no end time given)
3/12/03 12:55 - 2:40 (briefing 1:20-1:59)
3/13/03 12:12 - 1:55 (briefing 12:40-1:19)
3/14/03 12:02 - 1:49 (briefing 12:35-1:06)
3/17/03 12:01 - 1:30 (no briefing)
3/18/03 12:09 - 1:31 (briefing 12:21-1:05)
3/19/03 9:38 - 3:27 (12:15-12:59) (Bush speech, 10 pm)
3/20/03 12:19 - 1:38 (briefing 12:32-1:15)
3/21/03 10:52 - 12:31 (briefing from 2:31-3:12)
3/24/03 1:02 - 2:43 (briefing from 1:00-1:44)
3/25/03 1:45 - 3:30 (briefing from 2:30-3:15)
3/28/03 12:34 - 3:51 (briefing from 12:35-1:15)
4/4/03 12:18 - 1:31 (briefing 12:20-12:59)
4/9/03 1:48 - 3:48 (briefing 2:32-3:20)
4/10/03 12:14 - 2:00 (briefing 12:20-1:03)
4/11/03 12:24 - 1:52 (briefing 12:15-12:45)
4/14/03 12:34 - 1:46 (briefing 12:30-1:15)
4/21/03 3:33 - 4:19 (no briefing)
4/22/03 11:36 - 1:37 (briefing 12:30-1:14)
4/23/03 12:16 - 2:26 (briefing 1:17-1:55)
4/25/03 11:21 - 1:25 (briefing 12:19-1:00)
4/28/03 3:01 - 4:40 (briefing from 11:08-11:23)
4/29/03 11:25 - 1:10 (briefing 12:23-12:58)
4/30/03 11:37 - 3:14 (briefing 12:32-1:19)
5/6/03 11:27 - 12:56 (briefing 11:50-12:30)
5/7/03 11:53 - 1:29 (briefing 12:30-1:10)
5/8/03 1:09 - 7:10 (briefing from 1:45-2:26)
5/9/03 9:49 - 11:38 (no briefing)
5/14/03 12:02 - 1:47 (briefing 12:35-1:15)
<>5/14/03 5:15 pm - 6:56 pm (second evening visit) (No briefing)<>
5/15/03 12:27 - 2:25 (briefing from1:08-1:47)
5/16/03 12:05 - 1:40 (briefing from12:35-1:19)
5/20/03 12:27 - 2:04 (briefing from12:55-1:34)
5/27/03 11:56 - 1:31 (briefing from 12:23-1:05)
5/28/03 11:50 - 12:53 (briefing from 12:05-12:44)
5/28/03 3:26 - 4:53 (second visit)
5/29/03 11:42 - 1:43 (briefing 12:20-1:00)
6/10/03 12:13 - 1:19 (briefing 12:33-1:12)
6/17/03 12:29 - 1:41 (briefing 12:32-1:11)
6/18/03 12:16 - 1:42 (briefing 12:50-1:34)
6/22/03 3:32 - 4:49 (no briefing)
6/23/03 1:41 - 2:21 (no briefing)
6/25/03 12:16 - 1:01 (briefing 12:30-12:55)
6/26/03 11:32 - 12:35 (briefing 11:45-12:24)
7/1/03 11:25 - 1:42 (briefing from 12:50-1:26)
7/2/03 11:50 - 1:20 (briefing from 12:35-1:12)
7/3/03 3:04 - 4:16 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 3:40-4:10)
7/14/03 11:33 - 1:32 (Ari Fleischer’s farewell party) (12:03-12:56)
7/15/03 12:15 (no exit) (briefing 12:38-1:23)
7/16/03 12:26 - 2:05 (briefing from 12:50-1:20)
7/17/03 4:43 - 6:13 ( briefing 12:36-1:17)
7/22/03 12:23 - 1:53 (briefing 12:58-1:35)
7/23/03 12:21 - 2:23 (briefing 1:17-2:07)
7/25/03 2:08 - 3:30 (briefing 2:39-3:15)
7/27/03 3:08 - 5:24 (no briefing)
7/28/03 12:53 - 2:04 (briefing 10:12-10:23 )
7/30/03 12:13 - 12:45 (no briefing)
8/1/03 12:18 (no exit) (briefing 12:24-12:54)
8/1/03 12:39 - 1:20
9/2/03 12:37 (A4 HC Entry Lane, no exit) (12:42-1:23)
9/3/03 12:10 - 1:18 (briefing 12:30-1:10)
9/10/03 12:17 - 1:32 (briefing 12:49-1:23)
9/16/03 12:23 - 1:59 (briefing 1:00-1:39)
9/17/03 12:12 - 1:55 (briefing 1:00-1:41)
9/22/03 1:54 - 3:06 (no briefing)
9/25/03 12:49 - 1:53 (briefing 12:48-1:35)
9/26/03 12:09 - 2:24 (briefing 12:36-1:15)
9/29/03 12:09 - 1:10 (briefing 12:18-1:03)
10/1/03 11:51 - 1:37 (briefing 12:44-1:30)
10/2/03 11:52 (no exit) (briefing 12:47-1:26)
10/6/03 12:58, 6:10 (no exit)
10/7/03 12:46 - 2:03 (briefing 12:58-1:46)
10/8/03 12:10 - 1:27 (briefing 12:16-12:42)
<>10/14/03 12:22 (no exit) (briefing 12:40-1:14)<>
10/27/03 12:32 - 1:33 (briefing 12:39-1:15)
10/28/03 10:54 - 12:22 (Bush press conference 11:15-12:03)
10/29/03 12:20 - 1:08 (12:20-12:57)
11/6/03 12:09 - 1:09 (briefing 12:35-1:04)
11/12/03 12:09 - 1:58 (briefing 1:10-1:47)
11/14/03 12:54 - 2:07 (briefing 1:36-2:00)
11/21/03 5:25 - 6:49 (no briefing)
11/24/03 8:49 - 9:43 (no briefing)
12/2/03 2:08 - 3:29 (no briefing)
12/3/03 12:03 - 1:11 (briefing 12:32-1:06)
<>12/7/03 3:25 (no exit - entry via A4 HC Entry Lane) (no briefing)<>
12/9/03 12:33 - 1:45 (briefing 12:55-1:21)
12/10/03 12:05 - 1:23 (briefing 12:35-1:15)
12/12/03 11:51 - 1:35 (briefing 12:15-12:52)
12/15/03 10:45 - 12:42 (Bush press conference 11:15-12:03)
12/18/03 12:44 - 2:28 (briefing 2:05-2:43)
12/19/03 12:21 - 12:56 (B4 Entry Lane 2) (12:30-12:50)
12/19/03 1:36 - 2:13 (second visit)
12/22/03 12:15 - 1:23 (briefing 12:28-1:01)
1/14/04 12:30 - 1:33 (briefing 12:41-1:15)
1/16/04 12:08 - 12:48 (briefing 12:11-12:44)
1/23/04 11:52 - 1:12 (briefing 12:33-1:06)
1/28/04 11:53 - 1:26 (briefing 12:50-1:20)
1/30/04 12:30 - 1:23 (briefing 12:37-1:09)
2/2/04 12:32 - 1:35 (briefing 12:48-1:28)
2/3/04 12:44 - 1:55 (briefing 12:54-1:20)
2/4/04 11:50 - 1:38 (12:56-1:36)
2/6/04 11:58 - 1:44 (Bush announcement 1:32-37)
2/10/04 11:50 - 1:55 (briefing 12:53-1:38)
2/11/04 11:57 - 1:09 (briefing 12:30-1:02)
2/13/04 12:07 - 1:08 (briefing 12:30-1:02)
2/18/04 12:04 - 1:29 (briefing 12:36-1:08)
2/19/04 12:05 - 1:30 (briefing 12:37-1:14)
2/20/04 12:32 - 1:29 (briefing 12:33-1:03)
2/23/04 12:55 - 1:17 (briefing 12:43-1:10)
2/24/04 12:06 - 1:52 (briefing 1:00-1:36)
2/27/04 1:55 - 3:39 (briefing 2:18-2:48)
3/1/04 12:50 - 2:04 (briefing 1:20-2:00)
3/2/04 12:29 - 1:23 (briefing 12:46-1:14)
3/9/04 12:40 - 1:49 (briefing 1:03-1:37)
3/12/04 12:54 - 1:00 (no briefing)
3/16/04 12:43 - 1:52 (briefing 1:10-1:46)
3/17/04 12:18 - 1:56 (briefing 1:26-1:50)
3/22/04 12:03 - 2:10 (briefing 1:24-2:04)
3/23/04 12:03 - 1:34 (briefing 12:47-1:10)
3/24/04 12:17 - 2:03 (briefing 1:10-2:02)
3/30/04 exit only, 12:04 (no briefing)
3/30/04 4:22 - 4:55 (no briefing)
4/1/04 12:42 - 1:57 (briefing 1:25-1:53)
4/13/04 9:42 - 10:29 (no briefing) (Bush speaks to reporters on the WH lawn)
4/13/04 6:59 pm - 9:49 pm (Bush press conference)
4/16/04 10:51 - 3:08 (briefing 2:41-3:09) (Bush/Blair press conference)
4/21/04 12:14 - 1:00 (briefing 12:31-1:00)
4/27/04 12:10 (no exit, entry via A4 HC Entry Lane instead of Entry Lane 2) (briefing 12:27- 12:59)
4/28/04 12:26 - 1:47 (briefing 1:20-1:47)
4/29/04 11:10 no exit
4/29/04 2:15 - 2:57 (briefing 2:23-2:56)
4/30/04 1:24 - 2:47 (briefing 2:22-2:45)
5/5/04 12:02 - 2:25 (briefing 1:38-2:16)
5/6/04 12:01 - 3:35 (briefing 12:20-12:54)
5/10/04 1:22 - 2:50 (briefing 2:02-2:33)
5/12/04 11:56 - 1:03 (briefing 12:34-12:55)
5/24/04 no entry, exit logged twice, 2:04:43 and 2:04:51 (briefing 1:14-1:46)
5/26/04 12:09 - 1:51 (briefing 1:15-1:51)
5/28/04 2:17 - no exit (briefing 3:02-3:34)
6/1/04 9:20 - 12:03 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 9:45)
6/3/04 9:02 - 10:32 (no briefing)
6/14/04 10:02 - 11:45 (no briefing)
6/15/04 11:03 - no exit (briefing 2:25-2:52)
6/15/04 5:19 - 6:38 (B4 Exit Lane instead of usual A4 Exit Reader) (after briefing)
(Bush and Karzai in Press Availability)
6/16/04 2:50 - 4:34 (no briefing)
6/17/04 11:57 - 1:25 (briefing 12:47-1:20)
6/21/04 9:27 - 10:03 (no briefing)
6/22/04 12:13 - 5:04 (Al Gonzales briefing, 3:12-4:55)
6/24/04 1:27 - 2:13 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 1:51-2:03)
6/30/04 12:21 - 1:55 (briefing 1:15-1:55)
7/1/04 12:22 - 1:36 (briefing 1:01-1:37)
7/2/04 9:43 - 11:53 (no briefing)
7/6/04 12:15 - 12:58 (briefing 12:33-12:48)
7/8/04 1:07 - 2:21 (briefing 1:53-2:22)
7/15/04 12:48 - 1:48 (briefing 12:54-1:23)
7/19/04 1:04 - 2:24 (briefing 1:52-2:22)
7/21/04 12:22 - 2:02 (briefing 1:10-1:40)
7/22/04 10:11 - 10:47 (no briefing)
7/29/04 6:03 - 6:21 (no briefing)
8/2/04 10:59 - 1:47 (briefing 1:02-1:39)
8/9/04 12:07 - 1:03 (briefing 12:31-12:59)
8/17/04 11:06 - 12:31 (no briefing)
8/27/04 9:10 - 9:37 (no briefing)
9/10/04 11:19 - 12:55 (no briefing)
9/15/04 12:17 - 1:56 (briefing 1:11-1:45)
9/22/04 11:57 - 12:34 (no briefing)
9/23/04 11:19 - 1:14 (Bush press conference with Allawi)
11/2/04 1:31 - 2:20 (no briefing) (Election Day)
11/4/04 9:16 - 12:11 (Bush press conference 11:17-11:57)
11/8/04 11:50 - 1:08 (briefing 12:20-12:52)
11/10/04 12:35 - 12:58 (briefing 12:26-12:45)
11/12/04 10:57 -- no exit (Bush press conference with Blair)
11/16/04 12:26 - 1:51 (briefing 12:20-1:32)
11/17/04 12:07 - 2:14 (briefing 12:38-1:10)
11/29/04 12:23 - 1:49 (briefing 12:56-1:32)
12/6/04 12:37 - 1:59 (briefing 1:03-1:36)
12/8/04 12:07 - 1:41 (briefing 1:05-1:39)
12/10/04 12:32 - 1:51 (briefing 1:06-1:32)
12/13/04 12:18 - 1:36 (briefing 12:50-1:18)
12/14/04 12:46 - 1:53 (briefing 12:48-1:23)
12/17/04 12:16 - 1:48 (briefing 12:47-1:14)
12/20/04 10:05 - 11:49 (Bush press conference, 10:32-11:25)
12/21/04 12:00 - 2:04 (briefing 12:35-1:10)
12/22/04 12:04 - 1:08 (no briefing)
12/23/04 12:31 - 1:26 (no briefing)
1/18/05 12:05 - 1:36 (briefing 12:28-12:57)
1/19/05 12:26 - 1:38 (briefing 12:48-1:19)
1/25/05 12:19 - 1:04 (briefing 12:23-12:53)
1/26/05 9:54 - 10:56 (Bush press conference, 10:00-10:47)
1/31/05 12:27 - 1:24 (briefing 12:45-1:16)
2/1/05 12:11 no exit (briefing12:18-12:47)
2/7/05 12:10 - 3:00 (briefing 12:45-1:06)
2/25/03 11:46 - 1:25 (briefing 12:26-1:03)
2/26/03 9:56 - 2:17 (briefing 1:25-1:53)
2/27/03 11:49 - 1:34 (no briefing)
2/28/03 11:20 - 1:26 (briefing 12:35-1:10)
3/3/03 9:51 - 1:32 <>(briefing from 12:21-1:00)<>
3/4/03 11:48 - 1:45 (briefing 12:46-1:20)
3/5/03 11:56 - 1:57 (briefing 12:21-1:00)
3/6/03 11:58 - 12:42 (no briefing)
3/6/03 9:11 pm exit - no entry (Bush press conference, 8 pm)
3/7/03 3:22 pm exit -- no entry (briefing from 2:20-3:00)
3/10/03 12:47 - 3:11 (briefing 1:23-2:10)
3/11/03 12:25 - 1:47 (briefing at 12:38 - no end time given)
3/12/03 12:55 - 2:40 (briefing 1:20-1:59)
3/13/03 12:12 - 1:55 (briefing 12:40-1:19)
3/14/03 12:02 - 1:49 (briefing 12:35-1:06)
3/17/03 12:01 - 1:30 (no briefing)
3/18/03 12:09 - 1:31 (briefing 12:21-1:05)
3/19/03 9:38 - 3:27 (12:15-12:59) (Bush speech, 10 pm)
3/20/03 12:19 - 1:38 (briefing 12:32-1:15)
3/21/03 10:52 - 12:31 (briefing from 2:31-3:12)
3/24/03 1:02 - 2:43 (briefing from 1:00-1:44)
3/25/03 1:45 - 3:30 (briefing from 2:30-3:15)
3/28/03 12:34 - 3:51 (briefing from 12:35-1:15)
4/4/03 12:18 - 1:31 (briefing 12:20-12:59)
4/9/03 1:48 - 3:48 (briefing 2:32-3:20)
4/10/03 12:14 - 2:00 (briefing 12:20-1:03)
4/11/03 12:24 - 1:52 (briefing 12:15-12:45)
4/14/03 12:34 - 1:46 (briefing 12:30-1:15)
4/21/03 3:33 - 4:19 (no briefing)
4/22/03 11:36 - 1:37 (briefing 12:30-1:14)
4/23/03 12:16 - 2:26 (briefing 1:17-1:55)
4/25/03 11:21 - 1:25 (briefing 12:19-1:00)
4/28/03 3:01 - 4:40<> (briefing from 11:08-11:23)<>
4/29/03 11:25 - 1:10 (briefing 12:23-12:58)
4/30/03 11:37 - 3:14 (briefing 12:32-1:19)
5/6/03 11:27 - 12:56 (briefing 11:50-12:30)
5/7/03 11:53 - 1:29 (briefing 12:30-1:10)
5/8/03 1:09 - 7:10 <>(briefing from 1:45-2:26)
5/9/03 9:49 - 11:38 (no briefing)<>
5/14/03 12:02 - 1:47 (briefing 12:35-1:15)
5/14/03 5:15 pm - 6:56 pm (second evening visit) (No briefing)
5/15/03 12:27 - 2:25 (briefing from1:08-1:47)
5/16/03 12:05 - 1:40 (briefing from12:35-1:19)
5/20/03 12:27 - 2:04 (briefing from12:55-1:34)
5/27/03 11:56 - 1:31 (briefing from 12:23-1:05)
5/28/03 11:50 - 12:53 (briefing from 12:05-12:44)
5/28/03 3:26 - 4:53 (second visit)
5/29/03 11:42 - 1:43 (briefing 12:20-1:00)
6/10/03 12:13 - 1:19 (briefing 12:33-1:12)
6/17/03 12:29 - 1:41 (briefing 12:32-1:11)
6/18/03 12:16 - 1:42 (briefing 12:50-1:34)
<>6/22/03 3:32 - 4:49 (no briefing)
6/23/03 1:41 - 2:21 (no briefing)<>
6/25/03 12:16 - 1:01 (briefing 12:30-12:55)
6/26/03 11:32 - 12:35 (briefing 11:45-12:24)
7/1/03 11:25 - 1:42 (briefing from 12:50-1:26)
7/2/03 11:50 - 1:20 (briefing from 12:35-1:12)
7/3/03 3:04 - 4:16 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 3:40-4:10)
7/14/03 11:33 - 1:32 (Ari Fleischer’s farewell party) (12:03-12:56)
7/15/03 12:15 (no exit) (briefing 12:38-1:23)
7/16/03 12:26 - 2:05 (briefing from 12:50-1:20)
7/17/03 4:43 - 6:13 ( briefing 12:36-1:17)
7/22/03 12:23 - 1:53 (briefing 12:58-1:35)
7/23/03 12:21 - 2:23 (briefing 1:17-2:07)
7/25/03 2:08 - 3:30 (briefing 2:39-3:15)
7/27/03 3:08 - 5:24 (no briefing)
7/28/03 12:53 - 2:04 (briefing 10:12-10:23 )
7/30/03 12:13 - 12:45 (no briefing)
8/1/03 12:18 (no exit) (briefing 12:24-12:54)
8/1/03 12:39 - 1:20
9/2/03 12:37 (A4 HC Entry Lane, no exit) (briefing 12:42-1:23)
9/3/03 12:10 - 1:18 (briefing 12:30-1:10)
9/10/03 12:17 - 1:32 (briefing 12:49-1:23)
9/16/03 12:23 - 1:59 (briefing 1:00-1:39)
9/17/03 12:12 - 1:55 (briefing 1:00-1:41)
9/22/03 1:54 - 3:06 (no briefing)
9/25/03 12:49 - 1:53 (briefing 12:48-1:35)
9/26/03 12:09 - 2:24 (briefing 12:36-1:15)
9/29/03 12:09 - 1:10 (briefing 12:18-1:03)
10/1/03 11:51 - 1:37 (briefing 12:44-1:30)
10/2/03 11:52 (no exit) (briefing 12:47-1:26)
10/6/03 12:58, 6:10 (no exit)
10/7/03 12:46 - 2:03 (briefing 12:58-1:46)
10/8/03 12:10 - 1:27 (briefing 12:16-12:42)
10/14/03 12:22 (no exit) (briefing 12:40-1:14)
10/27/03 12:32 - 1:33 (briefing 12:39-1:15)
10/28/03 10:54 - 12:22 (Bush press conference 11:15-12:03)
10/29/03 12:20 - 1:08 (12:20-12:57)
11/6/03 12:09 - 1:09 (briefing 12:35-1:04)
11/12/03 12:09 - 1:58 (briefing 1:10-1:47)
11/14/03 12:54 - 2:07 (briefing 1:36-2:00)
11/21/03 5:25 - 6:49 (no briefing)
11/24/03 8:49 - 9:43 (no briefing)
12/2/03 2:08 - 3:29 (no briefing)
12/3/03 12:03 - 1:11 (briefing 12:32-1:06)
12/7/03 3:25 (no exit - entry via A4 HC Entry Lane) (no briefing)
12/9/03 12:33 - 1:45 (briefing 12:55-1:21)
12/10/03 12:05 - 1:23 (briefing 12:35-1:15)
12/12/03 11:51 - 1:35 (briefing 12:15-12:52)
12/15/03 10:45 - 12:42 (Bush press conference 11:15-12:03)
12/18/03 12:44 - 2:28 (briefing 2:05-2:43)
12/19/03 12:21 - 12:56 (B4 Entry Lane 2) (12:30-12:50)
12/19/03 1:36 - 2:13 (second visit)
12/22/03 12:15 - 1:23 (briefing 12:28-1:01)
1/14/04 12:30 - 1:33 (briefing 12:41-1:15)
1/16/04 12:08 - 12:48 (briefing 12:11-12:44)
1/23/04 11:52 - 1:12 (briefing 12:33-1:06)
1/28/04 11:53 - 1:26 (briefing 12:50-1:20)
1/30/04 12:30 - 1:23 (briefing 12:37-1:09)
2/2/04 12:32 - 1:35 (briefing 12:48-1:28)
2/3/04 12:44 - 1:55 (briefing 12:54-1:20)
2/4/04 11:50 - 1:38 (12:56-1:36)
2/6/04 11:58 - 1:44 (Bush announcement 1:32-37)
2/10/04 11:50 - 1:55 (briefing 12:53-1:38)
2/11/04 11:57 - 1:09 (briefing 12:30-1:02)
2/13/04 12:07 - 1:08 (briefing 12:30-1:02)
2/18/04 12:04 - 1:29 (briefing 12:36-1:08)
2/19/04 12:05 - 1:30 (briefing 12:37-1:14)
2/20/04 12:32 - 1:29 (briefing 12:33-1:03)
2/23/04 12:55 - 1:17 (briefing 12:43-1:10)
2/24/04 12:06 - 1:52 (briefing 1:00-1:36)
2/27/04 1:55 - 3:39 (briefing 2:18-2:48)
3/1/04 12:50 - 2:04 (briefing 1:20-2:00)
3/2/04 12:29 - 1:23 (briefing 12:46-1:14)
3/9/04 12:40 - 1:49 (briefing 1:03-1:37)
3/12/04 12:54 - 1:00 (no briefing)
3/16/04 12:43 - 1:52 (briefing 1:10-1:46)
3/17/04 12:18 - 1:56 (briefing 1:26-1:50)
3/22/04 12:03 - 2:10 (briefing 1:24-2:04)
3/23/04 12:03 - 1:34 (briefing 12:47-1:10)
3/24/04 12:17 - 2:03 (briefing 1:10-2:02)
3/30/04 exit only, 12:04 (no briefing)
3/30/04 4:22 - 4:55 (no briefing)
4/1/04 12:42 - 1:57 (briefing 1:25-1:53)
4/13/04 9:42 - 10:29 (no briefing)(Bush speaks to reporters on the WH lawn)
4/13/04 6:59 pm - 9:49 pm (Bush press conference)
4/16/04 10:51 - 3:08 (briefing 2:41-3:09) (Bush/Blair press conference)
4/21/04 12:14 - 1:00 (briefing 12:31-1:00)
4/27/04 12:10 (no exit, entry via A4 HC Entry Lane instead of Entry Lane 2) (briefing 12:27- 12:59)
4/28/04 12:26 - 1:47 (briefing 1:20-1:47)
4/29/04 11:10 no exit
4/29/04 2:15 - 2:57 (briefing 2:23-2:56)
4/30/04 1:24 - 2:47 (briefing 2:22-2:45)
5/5/04 12:02 - 2:25 (briefing 1:38-2:16)
5/6/04 12:01 - 3:35 (briefing 12:20-12:54)
5/10/04 1:22 - 2:50 (briefing 2:02-2:33)
5/12/04 11:56 - 1:03 (briefing 12:34-12:55)
5/24/04 no entry, exit logged twice, 2:04:43 and 2:04:51 (briefing 1:14-1:46)
5/26/04 12:09 - 1:51 (briefing 1:15-1:51)
5/28/04 2:17 - no exit (briefing 3:02-3:34)
6/1/04 9:20 - 12:03 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 9:45)
6/3/04 9:02 - 10:32 (no briefing)
6/14/04 10:02 - 11:45 (no briefing)
6/15/04 11:03 - no exit (briefing 2:25-2:52)
6/15/04 5:19 - 6:38 (B4 Exit Lane instead of usual A4 Exit Reader) (after briefing)
(Bush and Karzai in Press Availability)
6/16/04 2:50 - 4:34 (no briefing)
6/17/04 11:57 - 1:25 (briefing 12:47-1:20)
6/21/04 9:27 - 10:03 (no briefing)
6/22/04 12:13 - 5:04 (Al Gonzales briefing, 3:12-4:55)
6/24/04 1:27 - 2:13 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 1:51-2:03)
6/30/04 12:21 - 1:55 (briefing 1:15-1:55)
7/1/04 12:22 - 1:36 (briefing 1:01-1:37)
7/2/04 9:43 - 11:53 (no briefing)
7/6/04 12:15 - 12:58 (briefing 12:33-12:48)
7/8/04 1:07 - 2:21 (briefing 1:53-2:22)
7/15/04 12:48 - 1:48 (briefing 12:54-1:23)
7/19/04 1:04 - 2:24 (briefing 1:52-2:22)
7/21/04 12:22 - 2:02 (briefing 1:10-1:40)
7/22/04 10:11 - 10:47 (no briefing)
7/29/04 6:03 - 6:21 (no briefing)
8/2/04 10:59 - 1:47 (briefing 1:02-1:39)
8/9/04 12:07 - 1:03 (briefing 12:31-12:59)
8/17/04 11:06 - 12:31 (no briefing)
8/27/04 9:10 - 9:37 (no briefing)
9/10/04 11:19 - 12:55 (no briefing)
9/15/04 12:17 - 1:56 (briefing 1:11-1:45)
9/22/04 11:57 - 12:34 (no briefing)
9/23/04 11:19 - 1:14 (Bush press conference with Allawi)
11/2/04 1:31 - 2:20 (no briefing) (Election Day)
11/4/04 9:16 - 12:11 (Bush press conference 11:17-11:57)
11/8/04 11:50 - 1:08 (briefing 12:20-12:52)
11/10/04 12:35 - 12:58 (briefing 12:26-12:45)
11/12/04 10:57 -- no exit (Bush press conference with Blair)
11/16/04 12:26 - 1:51 (briefing 12:20-1:32)
11/17/04 12:07 - 2:14 (briefing 12:38-1:10)
11/29/04 12:23 - 1:49 (briefing 12:56-1:32)
12/6/04 12:37 - 1:59 (briefing 1:03-1:36)
12/8/04 12:07 - 1:41 (briefing 1:05-1:39)
12/10/04 12:32 - 1:51 (briefing 1:06-1:32)
12/13/04 12:18 - 1:36 (briefing 12:50-1:18)
12/14/04 12:46 - 1:53 (briefing 12:48-1:23)
12/17/04 12:16 - 1:48 (briefing 12:47-1:14)
12/20/04 10:05 - 11:49 (Bush press conference, 10:32-11:25)
12/21/04 12:00 - 2:04 (briefing 12:35-1:10)
12/22/04 12:04 - 1:08 (no briefing)
12/23/04 12:31 - 1:26 (no briefing)
1/18/05 12:05 - 1:36 (briefing 12:28-12:57)
1/19/05 12:26 - 1:38 (briefing 12:48-1:19)
1/25/05 12:19 - 1:04 (briefing 12:23-12:53)
1/26/05 9:54 - 10:56 (Bush press conference, 10:00-10:47)
1/31/05 12:27 - 1:24 (briefing 12:45-1:16)
2/1/05 12:11 no exit (briefing12:18-12:47)
2/7/05 12:10 - 3:00 (briefing 12:45-1:06)

zaterdag 21 mei 2005

May 21, 2005

I am having a good deal of fun reading some of the blogs concerning myself. About half accept what I have to say and the other half believes I do not exist, mostly because they want someone to pay attention to them. I have had a number of security people here in the Fag Palace mention me to myself because they are tasked with finding me. There are two such seekers who are genuinely furious with the leaks at top levels but the others secretly enjoy my activities.

There have always been gays in the White House, especially during the Reagan years. The Blodgett case is one I recall. He was a little, hyper blonde with serious emotional problems who got so randy he was booted out and sent over to the RNC. He proved to be so active there that they got rid of him and he promptly opened a male whorehouse over at the Kenendy-Warren. Eventually, he got so bad they threw him out of his club and town. He and von Kloberg were both devoted Republicans and both gay as hell.

There is something about the arch conservative agenda that draws certain types of gays like moths to a flame. There were a number in the Clinton White House but they were just in it for the sex. The Republican gays love the thought of Imperial Power, men in tight-fitting uniforms strutting about and the secret thoughts of being raped by the Bulldog and getting to spank people.

Amazingly, many fanatic Christians are stone perverts and anything goes with them. Whipping your ten year old daughter’s ass with a belt, dressing up in women’s clothes and cruising Lafayette Park looking for randy sailors and so on. The Democrats are intellectually fuzzy but the Republicans are much more prone to savagery and perverse behavior. I saw an article on the web that said the White House was run by a gang of perverts. It certainly is.

The straight staffers are well aware of the Bulldog wandering around here all night and you must understand that there is so much security in this place that unless he was in a secure place, like the Oval Office bedroom or some other off-limits place, he would be noticed, interrogated and made to leave. There are so many security cameras, alarmed doors and guards that if Gannon were here overnight, he would be seen and asked to get out. He had no legitimate business in here after normal hours and everyone on the staff is well aware of it. No one wants to talk about it except for some of the earthier Marine guards and they are very careful to whom they speak. Bush is a nasty, vindictive man and if one of their ranks was caught talking out of school, Bush would want him publicly whipped and drummed out of the Marine Corps. Also, I am positive that Bush knows nothing of these discussions of his relationship with Gannon.

His staff is terrified of his screaming temper tantrums so they try to keep him pacified with plenty of sycophantic babblings. Bush does not want to see or hear anything negative towards him and his ego is so weak that if he does, he has tiny little breaksdowns and shrieks at his staff and the security people. No one is allowed to hold up a sign anti-Bush anywhere the Fag Palace under threat of instant arrest and removal. His visits to places outside the White House are rigidly supervised and sanitized so that Bush sees only paid professionals cheering him and waving signs painted up on the taxpayers time, proclaiming how wonderful he is. Bush actually believes this shit and no one dares to enlighten him. In any case, he doesn’t want to be enlightened.

Mail here is beginning to run strongly against him and I am told that serious threats against his life have multiplied tremendously. Naturally, none of this wicked negativity every gets into the papers and none of it ever will. Let’s see, we have mentioned Fat Karl the Eunuch, the head of the GOP, the President and the Bulldog. I sent you a file of nude and provocative pictures of a once-powerful Senator and next time we can discuss another powerful White House insider. They know the tapes are out there and being listened to. Conversations between Gannon and the beloved President whilst engaged in hiding the salami are priceless what with all the gruntings, shrill cries of pain and the sound of ripping cloth mixed with the famous Bush mumbled malapropisms and Gannon roaring, "Shut up, bitch, and don't bite me!

donderdag 19 mei 2005

May 19, 2005

I don’t know if the sudden release of outrageous stories of torture, rape and murder by US soldiers practiced against Muslims is an item unto itself or a frantic attempt to deflect public interest in the rampant homosexuality in top Republican circles. I personally do not know what is more repulsive, terrible stories about officially sanctioned murder and torture of prisoners or powerful White House staffers swishing around the People’s House, kissing each other in dark corners or plotting to have a rendezvous with a muscled Marine in a downtown hotel. They are both symptomatic of the moral cesspool that Bush’s handlers have dragged the rest of us into.

Remember that I told you that the grenade thrown in Georgia at our Beloved Leader was not a dud and only fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your point of view, was defective. Although, as usual, Bush was hiding behind a bullet-proof screen, if it had exploded, and Bush had survived, he would have had to stand on a box like Bob Reich when he wanted to deliver a speech. My God, these people lie about everything and anything. If they ever told the truth and stopped trying to corrupt (read “spin “ here) any kind of negative news, God would blow the Fag Palace up with a bolt of lightening and we would all be toast. The Bush people were trying to instigate the Columbian government into launching destructive commando raids into Venezuela and attack the oil platforms there but it fizzled. Too little and too late as usual. Bush wants to overthrow Chavez and having had successes in Georgia and the Ukraine, his dim brain felt he could get away with it in Venezuela as well. They are badly off about the growing instability in Mexico and someone told me that the mayor Mexico City, chief rival and probable successor to the US’s paid man, Fox, is on the snuff list. As Joe Stalin said, and Karl Rove a week ago, “No man…no problem.

zondag 15 mei 2005

May 15, 2005

We take for granted what we see every day. We see the Washington monument every day on the way to work but what happens if suddenly it is gone? What I have been sending you about the sexual misdemeanors in the White House, I had no idea the fury it would unleash. This story, which you reported, virtually untouched, has spread all over the world.

The Fag Palace people keep an eye on foreign websites and news areas and believe me, this story has real legs. Interestingly enough, one of his closest aides told me that Bush has no knowledge of this! Not of his business with Gannon but knowing about how is has spread around. I have had accredited reporters corner me, at least three yesterday, and ask me in strict confidence if the stories were true. It would be worth my life, quite literally I am afraid, to confirm anything.

I get the distinct impression that the mainline media is working on this issue but keeping it under wraps until someone else makes a move to out it, and others as well. I have met and spoken with the President a number of times. I am only a middle-level cog in a huge machine but I have my observations and they are that Bush is a very petty, vindictive and vicious man. He suffers from gross and widespread inadequacies, both sexual and personal. He was badly treated as a child, rejected at home and mocked by many of his peers. Over the years, George Bush has developed into a spiteful, vengeful and mean-spirited man of limited intellect with an intense desire to humiliate others and force people to recognize him as an important person. He was jobbed into the White House by a clique of wealthy right wingers with the aid of his equally disastrous brother Jeb and compliant members of the Supreme Court.

This desire on his part to have the thoroughly obnoxious and dangerous Bolton put in as Ambassador to the UN is typical Bush revenge. The UN rejected his frantic desire to display his balls to the world as a great wartime leader (which he certainly is not) and now he is forcing a vulgar, crude and useless person off on them to teach them a lesson.

The poor CIA has been accused, by Bush and his cronies and friends in the media, of not supplying senior officials with proper warning about the pending attacks on 9/11. I know for a fact that this is complete bullshit. The CIA is not perfect but they sent up enough valid information to more than vindicate themselves but since it did not fit with Bush’s plans for an immediate war, it was not only ignored but those who dared to forward it were either humiliated or fired.

More than one of my associates firmly believe that George and friends knew to the day when the attack would happen and made it a point to get the hell out of town or into a deep Cheney-bunker and let it go ahead. This was clearly the case at Pearl Harbor when Roosevelt let the attack go ahead because it suited his plans and it happened again on 9/11. In the first instance, the death toll was around three thousand and in the second, nearly an identical number died for Higher Policy in New York.

I, and many, many others, firmly believe that not only is George W. Bush directly responsible for all the 9/11 deaths but the huge casualty lists of military and civilians in Iraq as well. Take this and couple it with the Gannon affair (and Gannon was not the first one either) and we have someone who is completely unfit to be President of the United States and ought, by all rights, to be charged with high crimes and misdemeanors., and removed from high office as soon as possible.

woensdag 11 mei 2005

May 11, 2005

I can imagine the fun you must be having from various readers of the articles on elevated Fudgepacking in elevated governmental circles. These days, when the staff prays, it is not for Bush to waltz on the water of the Potomac but for the Gannon business to vanish like the Chessy Cat’s Smile. I told you I was working up a comparative listing of the nights Gannon the Hung spent the nights at the White House and who else was here to comfort and cozen him. My problem is that I cannot print the names of security people or staffers. They are protected by law. Others are not and their schedules are a matter of public record. I can state categorically that I cannot find any one staffer who was on duty every time Gannon overnited. I have found someone else who certainly was and this can be proven to the hilt. This has not gone away as far as I am concerned and the government is still rooting around, checking phone logs and tapes to find out which person, or persons, has been doing these dastardly deeds aimed at the Second Son of God.

Another funny story deals with the famous hand grenade incident in Georgia. Believe it, a live grenade was thrown at Bush but bounced off someone else and fell back to the ground. Since this would indicate a laxity on the part of his guards, the story soon changed to the live grenade being a “dud” and then “just a hoax.” I am waiting for the spin freaks to come out with the story that the grenade was actually one of those fancy Ukrainian Easter eggs with a little note from some Georgian woman thanking God for sending Bush to earth to bless the people of Georgia. Stories about attacks, or even hinted at attacks on our Beloved Leader on the Internet drive the people here crazy.

The government, itself, is not above its own manipulations with the detested Internet. A computer expert, working for a government contract firm in California, has sent us a long paper on the “Internet II” program which in essence is an FBI operation. This will set up “a new Internet system” that is very “user-friendly” and “regionally located” to permit users “quicker and more efficient” Internet access. Whey they do not tell you is that the FBI itself will run this system which will give them complete internal control over any and all subscribers. In essence, our informant advised us, it would be the same as using the FBI’s own internet system right out of their regional offices for your personal email. Be advised.

maandag 9 mei 2005

May 9, 2005

Your articles about Gannon are creating a terrible stir, both here in Washington and all over the world. One Russian website has been publishing the entire series and some of the comments are attached for your information. No one quite knows what to do about all of this. It was hoped that it would vanish because the slavish and sycophantic media was guaranteed not to touch it. First of all, I note that I am actually gay and really Jim Gannon. I notice in looking through Google that both the Voice of the White House and tbrnews are actually Nazis! Don’t worry, next week some other slopehead will come out with the rumor that both of us have sex with the mothers of our own children! The accusations of homosexuality aimed at the President have Rove in a snit. Strong rumors here in the Fag Palace are that some old tart will be dug up who will claim that our virile and hemannish Prez actually had a steamy straight affair with her some years ago. This was before Gorgeous George got married and now that he has Jesus as a Friend, he is ashamed of being such a virile stud but Jesus, and his wife, have both forgiven him. As I understand it, the brood mare hasn’t been settled on but when she has, and money has been paid, we can expect an obedient White House-hired blogger to breathlessly reveal the Hidden Truth to the entire panting world. God, this is more fun than dropping live and thrashing frogs in boiling water!! Here are some of the fun results from the Russian website…

woensdag 4 mei 2005

May 4, 2005

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maandag 2 mei 2005

May 2, 2005

Please notice that I was not the first to identify the White House occupant who was present every time Gannon made a mysterious daytime and even more mysterious all night appearance. Now, the Democratic Underground site (see attached) has made the leap and more power to them. Although jealous Republican bloggers keep insisting that I do not exist or do not work in the White House, I hate to question the nut fringe but I am here and unless I get caught, here I shall remain. If they ever catch me, they will do to me what they are certainly going to do to Gannon: get rid of me.

Gannon is an arrogant, stupid and egocentric idiot who somehow thinks he is very important in the scheme of things. Anyone who looks at his website will be struck with his outspoken determination to return to the White House as a right wing power. He was let go on “vacation,” as he calls it, because he was ‘too brilliant and devastating for the evil liberals’.

He was hired for two reasons; to act as a front for the rightwing Texas fascist nut fringe and to practice his homosexual skills inside the White House. If you expect me to believe that either his eager and well-connected sponsors or the vigilant Secret Service were totally unaware of Gannon’s ragingly gay websites, you ought to take a long walk on a very short pier.

He writes like a fifteen year old with hormone problems, looks like a chubby Mussolini and spends his time, and yours, informing what is left of his shattered world that he is still a force to reckon with and will soon make a triumphant return. This man is on opium. If he ever showed up at the door here, he would be arrested at best and shot dead at worst. No one even distantly connected with the Bush administration would dare have any public connection with him and if Gannon ever releases his red-hot self-proclaimed “inside journals,” he would be dead within the day.

I can see the ‘Post’ headlines now: “Controversial former White House Reporter Kills Self in Hotel Bathroom.” Or, (more to the CIA’s style): “Freak Boating Accident Claims the life of Ex-White House Press Aide.” You think I am being dramatic? Overreacting? If Gannon began to squeal on his former friends, they would be swept out of a very lucrative and powerful office in a wave of feminine frenzy from the Christian Right. If these pestilential nuisances ever got it into their tiny brains that Bush and his top people were gay, there would be such an uproar, the business over Clinton and the cigars would pale into insignificance. Mail to the Fag Palace from these nuts is beginning to sound ugly. Forlorn but desperate-to-believe writers are saying, “Oh, say it isn’t so!” while more pragmatic staffers are getting their pictures in the blatts hugging their wives and kids.

I want all of my readers to note that this subject, rampant and aggressive faggotry in the White House, will never see the light of day in any portion of the American media, print or television, unless, and until, Gannon or someone intimately involved, rats everyone else out.

The bosses pray to their little tin God that it will all go away, and it might, but if it doesn’t and gets legs, I will join Bill Frist in setting up a steam-operated Cat Torture Palace and become a Democrat.

You ask: Is this true? Yes, Virginia, it is true. Do you want dripping evidence pictured on the web? Hidden spy cam digital pictures mailed out to everyone on the Hill? Or the foreign media? This all reminds me of the time that Jimmy Carter’s son, Chip, was photographed and filmed wearing a dress at the annual Castro District Gay Pride Parade and the ensuing rush to hide it.”

Lest your readers think I am homophobic, I am not. I know and am friendly with many gays and have no problem with any of them. As a Republican, however, I do have a serious problem with the homosexual activity inside the White House and the very serious security breaches it represents.

And, do not forget, that the Bush White House might turn tricks with a flabby Captain Bulldog but when the sun comes up, they rush around to suck the butts of the Christian Right by loudly condemning what they were pantingly practicing only a few hours before. This sort of hypocrisy will do terrible damage to the reputation of the Republican party and a large segment of the American population.

Unfortunately, the mainline American media is totally under control and would only print a brief article about any of this if Gannon “committed suicide” by shooting himself ten times in the head like the CIA-offed Salvadore Allende of Chile.