dinsdag 28 december 2004

December 28, 2004

Very occupied over the Holiday season but at least one comment for you: In view of the enormous, staggering and unreal casualty reports flooding in from the Indian Ocean, the enormous and very expensive showboating of our Bush’s Imperial Inauguration is in the worst possible taste. Of course the Bush people themselves are also in the worst possible taste so like cleaves unto like here…

Bush’s face is really starting to twitch thee days. We all know he has Medical Problems but I get more information about this from the Internet than I can inside the Monkey Palace… The latest is that the Administration wants to shut down the DoD casualty reports entirely. I doubt this will work but the pinheads will certainly try… Happy New Year to you and yours!

donderdag 23 december 2004

December 23, 2004

You all will be pleased to note, as was my wife, that I do not exist. I am merely another conspiracy lunatic badly disguised as a member of the White House staff. This is the official line now being taken because it is evident to the snoops around here that this part of your posting is getting so much attention. If you haven’t already gotten negative emails from “viewers” about this, you will.

We have a number of faked IPs that permit government stool pigeons to send out reams of pro-Bush and pro-government propaganda to sympathetic bloggers and right-wing websites. A false vox populi but sometimes effective. Also, the psychology boys are now busy inventing weird conspiracy theories to put out to the boobery to keep their minds off of the growing and deadly disasters now beginning to loom over the heads of the Administration such as the Iraq mess and the even more serious financial crisis about to ruin all of us. (Incidentally, I took all of our savings and put them equally into Canadian dollars and the euro. I am hedging my bets here.)

These bright boys, working with the Rove people, are starting stories about weather control, a new Ice Age, the spread of SARS, Mad Cow (but only in Canada as a way of punishing them for daring to harbor US deserters), weird plots to blow up US cities and so on.

These nut stories seem to have a life of their own on the net and are eagerly accepted while the real plottings can go on behind the scenes. There is no doubt that we are going to have a draft and after that, an invasion of Iran and Syria…if Bush , Rove and the neocons have their collective, evil, way.

Bush is going to privatize Social Security so his stock broker friends can reap rich rewards with the usual kickbacks for Bush and his closest aides. So to cover up these nasty doings, we can expect to see a flood of camouflaging radar chaff pouring out from down the hall from me.

I advise to you be careful of biting on any of this. People like you will be sent reams of what at first glance appears to be a red hot story. It will be completely fake and easily proven as such. Once you bite and publish, a paid pundit from the New York Times will publish a devastating refutation of it.

Let’s not limit paid pundits to the Times. The Baltimore Sun and the Chicago Tribune also have paid pundits on their staff as does the Los Angeles Times. They are all paid for this, except for the dim-bulb fanatics whom we find on most editorial pages, but never by the local privy purse. They get fat checks from “Institutes” and “Policy think tanks” that are entirely owned and operated by the current Establishment.

Of course the Democrats do the same thing but the Republicans have ever so much more money from big business interests that they can afford to hire the bigger names and set up the more distinguished-sounding “think tanks” and “Institutes.”

If you and your readers want to find out what is <>really<> happening in the world, I recommend the Asia Times, the Guardian and Reuters in England (keep away from the Times because it is owned by the Bush butt kisser Murdoch, ) Pravda has good articles but they are badly translated, Le Monde in Paris is good as are several of the Arab outlets. Also recommended is AFP.

If you read these daily news postings (and all are in English) you will very soon discover the degree and extent that the US media is completely controlled.

Your habit of mocking Pentecostals is not making you any friends in that bitter and unproductive area either. Another ploy is for bogus “Veteran’s groups” and people who sign themselves “Patriotic Ex-Marine” who will write hundreds of emails calling those who object to the mindless bloodletting in Iraq as “traitors” to the American people (for ‘American people’ read, ‘George W. Bush’)

Unfortunately for the activities of these proto-fascist creeps, the actual truth is so pervasive and so compelling that their effort only seem to influence the feeble-minded…Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and remember that God sent His only begotten Son down twice: once two thousand years ago and secondly, only recently. One Son of God was born in a stable and the other went to Yale…Walking around the offices in the White House and, occasionally, the RNC, I can only think of the Jukes and the Kallikaks…

woensdag 22 december 2004

December 22, 2004

Mounting rage in the White House over the mess tent bombing in Mosul. The public is infuriated that terrorists could penetrate into what is billed as a secure military base and blow up a mess hall full of troops having lunch. There is mounting pressure on Rummy to resign but Bush does not want to let him go. Talk about Rummy authorizing torture of Iraqi POWs but In fact, the orders for this came straight from the Oval Office. If Bush fires Rummy, Rummy might reveal this little piece of nastiness and Bush would look worse than he does now. This reminds me of Nixon’s second term in more ways than one. Bush was strutting around the Monkey Palace, boasting of his “stunning victory” over the evil Democrats and thinking he had four more years to further destroy this country when he started to discover that the next four years would not be a cakewalk. Eventually, he will go too far…I think he already has…and the citizens will yell to their Congressmen with the result that Congress will either rein Bush in and clip his wings or risk a public revolt that would result in their being pried away, kicking and screaming, from the lucrative public hog trough.

Also, Bush’s Rove has made many promises to the Jesus Freaks, promises that cannot be kept. They are now beginning to bitch and whine about his perceived inaction and eventually, they will turn. The economy is shot to hell but it will be Iraq that will get him. There is a lot of real nastiness out there and torture and murder is only part of it. Rampant corruption is something else. I thought members of Congress are bad…don’t drop a hundred dollar bill in the Capitol rotunda when Congress is in session or you will be trampled to death in the rush…but Bush himself has no problem stuffing money into his offshore bank accounts. I said it once and I will say it again: This is the most corrupt administration since the Grant one. Well, I am keeping this short and dare I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas?

zaterdag 18 december 2004

December 18, 2004

The axe is being sharpened for Rummy. Why? Arrogant at the wrong time and place. Bush’s hatchet man, your basic arrogant bully with power. Rummy is not stupid but like the others, wears blinders. Yes, he approved torture and other nasty business but he was acting on Bush’s orders. Bush keeps him in office because Bush can rely on him and if Rummy talked, Bush would be charged with war crimes. One hand washes the other. But, Rummy is antagonizing everyone and Congress is getting testy. Also, his cavalier attitude towards his troops is not doing anyone any good. Complaints to Congressmen, especially before the mid-terms, are always effective. Sooner or later, Congress, Republicans and Democrats (with the exception of fanatics like the weird Frist and DeLay) will find it more advantageous to take care of their own careers instead of building up black points being Bush’s Reichstag. If George keeps up his idiot games, look for a procedural revolt in Congress…just enough to let the Perez know that he does not own Congress. No, Rummy will go and some of us hope he will be so pissed off that he will leak out some very bad things about Bush. Rummy is a saint compared with the loonie Congoleesa Rice but she kisses the Bush ass often and passionately and, unless she tries to unilaterally invade Russia, her pet hate, she will have to get well into the term before she makes so many gaffes that she, too, has to be tossed out….

As far as Iraq is concerned, there is real trouble brewing insofar as morale is concerned. Desertions, faked mental problems, “accidental” gunshot wounds to feet, etc. are way up and rising. Falling, on the other hand, are recruitments. The peasants are screaming that very aggressive recruiters are doing everything but kidnapping their teenaged sons and we will hear more about this blatant business before much longer. The Likudists are panting for a draft but they are living in some dream world of the kind inhabited by people divorced from any kind of pragmatic reality. They want a draft to realize their dreams of an Imperial America (who will protect Mother Israel against all comers) who is intended to replace the now-defunct British and Roman Empires. These miserable creatures remind me of the dwarves in the Ring series of Wagner or the creatures in the Tolkien books. When you lift up the rock, they squirm in the light. No one elected them yet they are implementing a foreign policy that will cost many young Americans their lives and their health.

woensdag 15 december 2004

December 15, 2004

A number of interesting items here. We have a legion of so-called “intelligence agencies” reporting to White House staff on all subjects of interest to them and national security, in that order. Most of them go off all over the place like a Special Olympics track meet but recently, we have seen a certain amount of agreement on the issue of Muslim terrorism aimed at the US. All agree that really terrible acts are unquestionably being planned, ranging from the use of so-called “suitcase bombs” to bioterrorism.

And is there a solution, besides nuking all of the Arab states? Yes, our agencies all report that in their considered opinions, threatened terrorism could stop in one day…on one condition. The condition is that the United States step back from its unconditional, and often blind, support of the far right Likudists now in power in Israel, step back and become strictly neutral. By that, we do not sell, or in the case of Israel, give, weapons or support to either side.

Washington said this at the beginning of the Republic and the advice is as good today as it was then. I have read paper after paper stating that the sole reason we are now under attack is our unconditional support of Israel, a state that has no scruples about spying on us and when it suits them, attacking us militarily ( the USS Liberty is a prime example). They can do nothing for us but a great deal against us and we are now seen as hand puppets for the Likud. All of the top neocons are Likudists and many are actually Israeli citizens who always put that country’s interests ahead of anything else.

The result of this buckling under to political and economic pressure is that we will for a certainty be attacked domestically and probably with terrible results. The other caveat is that we get the Hell out of Iraq and leave the Middle East strictly alone.

Another suggestion from three agencies is that we stop needling Putin and trying to rip off Russian oil. We will not get away with it and we need Russia far more than it needs us. It is obvious that major US oil interests, with the eager help of the Bush people, are not going to grab control of the oil and gas of that country. Better, everyone says, to make peace than fight a permanent war against this country, a war that can only increase.

Of course Our Beloved Leader is so narrow minded and so much under the control of the weirdos from the neocon movement that such an idea would never reach his hairy ears and if it did, he would have trouble making any sense out of it. Still, there it is and if you think about it, remember the Bible verse about taking a dog by the ears.

donderdag 9 december 2004

December 9, 2004

Bush is doing himself no service with this Kerik business. This was Rudy Giuluani’s quid pro quo for helping Bush in his campaign. Bernie is a street thug and when you put creeps like him around money you have a formula for disaster. As head of Homeland Security, Bernie will be able to really feather his nest. Every one of his agents will have to have a Taser and he and Rudy are financially involved with that company…and others with whom DHS expects to do extensive business. Of course, Bush himself is far from honest (if he ever visited my house and I let him in, I would keep a close watch on the silver spoons).

Well, by now you have read over the smallpox material. Frightening, isn’t it? If you post it (you will have to cut it down somewhat) there will be those who scream that it is all lies. Most of the facts are up on Google except for the salient fact that our vaccine is worthless. When that comes out and when the public realizes that Bush has been having all of his staff, rich supporters and key people vaccinated and to hell with the rest of us, there will be real dung flying into the fan….The forthcoming Imperial Inaugural in January is a terrible, tasteless farce. The Bush people are extorting millions out of the rich boobery for “Special Moments” with God’s Anointed. A quarter of a million buys you the esteemed honor of having Bush himself and his Stepford wife actually stop by your table, shake your hand and hope he remembers your name. God, can’t you see the pictures in your local paper? Of course a White House photographer will snap the Imperial couple as it stops by your table and copies will go to the Bad Seepage Daily Movement so all your friends at the country club can eat their hearts out. This will be the most lavish ceremony in the history of the United States and at a time when Bush and his wife ought to be visiting hospitals and giving signed pictures and a piece of old candy to mangled young GIs.

This is exactly the sort of thing that went on in France just before the Revolution. Bush hasn’t a clue, believe me. Some of the professionals here in the White House are getting nervous and wondering about job changes. There are indeed a few political pros here, mixed in with the fascistic neocons and the Jesus Freaks but we are badly outnumbered.

woensdag 8 december 2004

December 8, 2004

Because a physical joint US/Israeli attack on Iran is not feasible at the present time due to military troop level problems and too much advanced publicity (the USS Kennedy force has been withdrawn from the Gulf. Both her skipper and executive officer were suddenly removed from command for “Special Reasons”) the White House is now turning up the press pressure cooker. The media is now to run a series of ongoing articles about Iran’s “human rights record” and the potential danger she poses to the “free world” (for this read Israel) We are going to get the recently-emasculated CIA to increase spending to the Iranian dissidents, many of whose leaders are now in safe houses in Washington.

The planned limited US/Israeli air strike on Iran's well-dispersed nuclear facilities would certainly cause international outrage (which Bush really doesn’t care about, having nothing but contempt for every other country but England) and the Pentagon studies conclude that such a strike could bring about retaliation against the massive concentrations of US troops now in Iran to “protect the election.”

We know here that Bush and his people are growing more and more eager to start withdrawing troops from Iraq by the middle of next year. The real reason for this is that Bush wants badly to invade Iran, and later Syria, and simply does not have the troops for it. GIs thinking they will be going home are in for a rude awakening as will be their families. Bush doesn’t give a damn about this because he got reelected and could care less what families think. A man who has never gone to any military funeral for the men his actions have killed would care less about what he terms “just limited and temporary” unhappiness domestically. The undertakers, at least, are making money.

The Administration’s main beefs with Iran are that they have a viable nuclear program that could (and probably has) produced atomic weapons. Also, Iran is trying to influence the Shiites in Iraq and are also giving cubic money to Hezbollah. This latter has infuriated the Sharon people who have put the destruction of what they see as their biggest treat on the front burner. There will also be the public BS that some of Osam bin Laden’s “top aides” are now hiding out in Tehran.

Condi Rice is the biggest pusher for increased PR pressure on Iran but her pet love is some kind of Biblical destruction visited upon her obsessively hated Russia. The CIA’s Voice of America and other propaganda outlets are gearing up for massive programs to undermine the Tehran régime and in short, use the same tricks they did in Georgia, Chechnya and now, the Ukraine. The CIA already operates a Persian-language radio service, Radio Farda, which broadcasts to Iran 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Last week, Condi and other rabid hawks held a private meeting in the Monkey Palace with the top leadership of American Jewish groups. The main purpose of the meeting was a consideration of the Palestine problem with Condi pushing for “bigger and longer” walls and perhaps the deportation of all of the Palestinians to the Gaza strip…by force of course…and the subsequent seizure of the now-abandoned Arab homes and businesses for new Jewish settlers. This would make for better containment and the harsh conditions in Gaza might hasten the disintegration of the Palestinians as a viable community. Sharon’s people are delighted with Condi’s plans and Bush is in full agreement with this but is only a silent partner at this point.

The Franklin matter came up and it was agreed that both the White House and the top media people would keep the lid on this. A major columnist, yet to be chosen and bribed, will do an op-ed piece on the fact (“leaked” to him by the usual fake “highly reliable inside sources” ) that the FBI could actually find nothing wrong with Franklin and that the material Franklin gave to the Jews, both in the US and Tel Aviv, were actually “unclassified policy studies” of no strategic value. Then the matter will be considered over and forgotten. Actually, Franklin worked with top neocons and gave the Jews crates of high-level White House and Pentagon situation papers with Cosmic-type security classifications. In short, Franklin, who was well-paid for his treachery and will get to keep his ill-gotten gains, gave away the farm insofar as alerting his friends in Israel to our very top policy secrets. And, it is felt, a great deal more. Still murky but there is something very big and nasty down there in the dark pond. But if the Bush/Israeli people have their way, it will be a very dead issue.

Also, I am forwarding to you tonight, a précis of a very high level report on bioterrorism ( an attack on the US using smallpox..) The original document, which has the highest classifications, would be a real bitch to scan and forward (it runs to six hundred pages) came from three reports: The CIA, the CDC (which is entirely in the Administration’s pocket) and a British intelligence source. (Also highly classified and designed for their leadership alone.)

It will scare the hell out of you and, hopefully, your readers. And the terrifying fact is that it is a certainty and that nothing can be done about it. There is a projected dieoff in this country alone of nearly 70,000,000 people when this gets going! There are absolutely no defenses against it, the government having deliberately destroyed huge stocks of effective vaccine. We know with absolute certainty that terrorists have the smallpox virus, obtained from crooked Russian officials., and although we do not know at present which group is planning to use it as a bioterrorist weapon, we do know for certain that it will be used against us and probably within the next six months. (The winter months are considered the peak months for a widespread dissemination of the virus.)

maandag 6 december 2004

December 6, 2004

If you want to do a book, that’s fine by me but don’t expect me to show up for a book-signing tour with Borders Books. Men in black suits with little crosses in their coat lapels would show up and shoot me dead while chanting verses from Psalms.

I will send you some really lovely documents you can put into the text but since you don’t know my name, put down anything you like. How about Russell Bush, the Cousin No One Talks About?

Now, down to more serious matters. First of all, I have written before about the incredible security precautions to be taken here for the Imperial Inauguration in January. I am sending you part of a DHS bulletin that will back this up. I can’t send you the Secret Service directives because to publish them would result in immediate and furious reactions and probably visits from the flat of feet and pointy of head.

There will be more security in and around DC than Hitler ever had at one of his rallies. Everything but the Nazi flags and goose-stepping SS men. There will be Coast Guard watches over all waterways around Washington, Air Force units on instant readiness (unlike the very odd and highly suspicious total lack of concern on September 11…in spite of many important warnings of an attack) with antiaircraft missile units in place all around the Beltway, on the ground and especially on the roofs of buildings around the Capitol and the White House.

On the ground, heavily armed Special Forces units everywhere, waiting inside Federal buildings to emerge and “deal severely” with any organized crowd activity directed against the Head Chimpanzee. And I mean the orders are, and I have seen them, to drag protesters outside the view of the public and especially the cameras and beat the shit out of them.

Bush and his Gestapo have not forgotten the last inauguration wherein people actually had the nerve to hoot and jeer at him and, far worse, to hurl vegetables and other objects at the Imperial limousine. My God, you should have seen our Beloved President’s face when blunt objects thundered down on his car!

He was as white as a KKK sheet and his mouth was hanging open in shock. Top speed to the White House and he had to have a soothing shot before he wet himself. ….

And this is really funny and entirely predictable. The Christian Right is somehow of the opinion that since they, and they alone (with the help of Jesus and Almighty God…the Virgin Mary is not in their pantheon) elected Caligula for another term, he owes them big and he is now expected to deliver on his vague promises, made to various Christian Right leaders, in private of course, before the election. This long list is howlingly funny, or would be if it weren’t serious. Here is a copy of at least some of the more obnoxious items on their wish list that I have culled from all the papers around here:

1. Abolish and criminalize abortion

2. Establish Creationism in all public schools

3. Declare Christmas a “True Christian Holiday”

4. Base American law on the Ten Commandments, not the Secular Constitution

5. Make any kind of homosexual activity a criminal offense

6. Censor any and all media material they deem to be pornographic or offensive
7. Send missionaries to Iraq and other occupied countries to Christianize them…by force

8. Declare a Christian Crusade as quickly as possible with the aim of converting the world.

9. Work with Israel to demolish the Arab mosques and rebuild the Temple of Solomon

10. Declare Sunday as Christ’s Day and shut all retail businesses down for that day

11. Institute the Tithe in the United States where 10% of the worker’s checks go to Jesus (them)

12. Ban forever any kind of Satanic Rock and Roll and make it punishable to air or play it

13. Set up a Cabinet post as Religious Coordinator

14. Stop the publication of any and all Harry Potter type Satanic books. Abolish Satanic board games

15. Immediately quarantine any and all AIDS victims as drug abusers and rampant queers

16. Abolish all secular media programs on Sunday and Christmas and replace with religious ones

17. Require heavy prison sentences for any and all drug abuse.

18. Reestablish old sedition laws to prevent displays of anti-Government sentiment anywhere

Now it should be obvious that Bush cannot even discuss any of this in public or he would be impeached or much worse. He knows it, Karl “Chubs” Rove knows it and so does every one else here in the Monkey Palace not on Prozac. The catch of this is that if Bush does not conform to the Celestial Party Line, these chinless geeks will turn on him with a vengeance. They are very good haters, (they hate everyone but themselves) and very soon George will have to either cater to them (which he cannot do and is absolutely impossible) or he will be Evangelical toast. Poor Curious George.

He will have the increasingly vicious war in Iraq (which is now descending into Nazi-like outright war crimes) on one side and the rabid, screeching Jesus Freaks on the other. I don’t think the next four years will be healing ones for anyone and George will be well-done on the rotisserie of the Fires of Hell.

Unfortunately, the rest of us will have to cook too because George is going to take us all down with him. If God were indeed All Seeing and All Merciful, He would take George to His bosom with diligence and dispatch.

dinsdag 30 november 2004

November 30, 2004

It is very funny to hear the bleats of outrage here about the alleged vote stealing in the Ukrainian elections. This, coming from an Administration that has wallowed in major vote stealing in 2000 and 2004 would make great cocktail circuit gossip if it weren’t so potentially dangerous. We know the CIA has been trying to get their man into office in the Ukraine for some time now and it is all coming to a head. If the eastern, industrialized part breaks off, the rest is in deep kimchi and we will be stuck with more farmland than we can use while Russia gets the industrial section. Bush is stupid enough to threaten war over this (by sending in US troops to enforce things) but even the more lunatic of his handlers realizes that this could lead to a war with Russia.

In point of fact, George can do nothing and if this division happens, we will have poured many millions of dollars into the happy hands of the pro-US people. This worked in Georgia recently but failed in Venezuela.

The big pipe dream of the neocons and Condi Rice is to topple Putin and let the US get its hands on Russian oil industry. Both the old timers at Langley and the professionals at both the Pentagon and State are horrified by such noises but both Condi and the neocons are fanatics and you cannot reason with such types. Since we have no troops available and as much as they want it, a universal draft is political suicide, they run around here with their endless position papers, trying to get Bush to listen to them.

It is pretty evident that various outsiders, obviously envious of the Bastion of Liberty, are messing with our dollar image. If they are successful, we are headed into terrible trouble but these dimbulbs haven’t a clue about the damage they are doing. What they want is a new Roman Empire centered in Washington and run by themselves with domestic opposition either silenced or so reduced in power as to be mere figureheads.

Rove and the others are so determined to establish a permanent Republican Rule that they cannot see where these moves will lead.

Actually, catering to the Jesus Freaks is only a ploy. Neither Bush nor Rove are really religious but they wear the cloak and walk the walk to keep these weird people happy. After all, the Freaks are well organized and vote en bloc, just like the old Communist labor groups during the Roosevelt era. FDR was not a communist just as George is not a Christian but they both use well-organized groups for their own end.

Some people think Bush is a moron but he is not. He is no intellectual but is very clever in handling certain kinds of people. He uses a fake down-home-Country-Boy charm coupled with the mystique of his office to con people.

George is clever but petty and very vindictive. You do not cross George or he will retaliate and he is as mean and nasty as Bobby Kennedy was, if any of you can remember him. Reagan was genuinely good natured, Clinton worked at it fairly well but George is the spiteful second-class and mostly ignored relative that just got all of Uncle Myron’s money is now is going to make everyone kiss his feet so he can kick them in the face. Old Tom Ridge has been pushed out. We will miss his terror alerts and so will the manufacturers of duct tape. He isn’t “dedicated” enough for George. Tom actually argued with him and that is not a good idea. Besides, Ridge could not compete for turf around here and was always being one-upped by everyone else. Of course his department couldn’t protect us from harm even if they tried and neither will his successor. If a bomb goes off or smallpox starts somewhere, the Bush people will not have a clue who did it so will no doubt launch an attack against the loathed French or now, the resurrected Communists in Moscow. Of course if the bomb went off in January during the Inaugural Parade, things would slowly return to normal.

Bush is royally pissed off now because he was told that Canadians might have the nerve to boo the Leader of the Free World. George does not forgive things like that and the timber situation vis a vis Canada will now only get worse…

.As I have said before, the Bush people, backed by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA and many other security agencies are going to clamp down, if they can, on the internet. Companies can use it if they have certain controls placed on their machines but unless a civilian can prove he or she is “reliable” they might as well throw their computers away because there will be no more internet.

There are fully-prepared orders on this, just waiting for the Imperial signature and the media blitz is gearing up. The media will leap with joy over this because the internet is ruining their business so you will see all kinds of the Asccroft-Ridge type of bleatings about Saving Our People from the Evil Ones (for this read the Bush Administration)

This is tentatively called “Operation Clarity” but the only clear thing is that the Fuehrer has been reading Mein Kampf again. This will probably never happen but it will if they have their way, believe me.

zondag 28 november 2004

November 28, 2004

Congratulations to you people on the net! Your comments and articles have had an impact on the powers that be whether you know it or not. Your existence didn’t stop vote fraud on a big scale but it did: postpone an attack on Iran, a pushing in public for a universal draft, a wholesale trashing of the Social Security system (in essence, Grandma’s check cut in half and no medical benefits under SSI), and other items. They hate all of you around here but can’t find a way to shut the cursed internet off. Too many businesses (all contributors to the Jesus-based Republicans) use it and they can’t send the FBI around to put mandated filters on every computer in the United States (which they would love to do. There have been discussions with computer builders about this but they never went anywhere.

Bush’s arrogance is something wonderful to behold. He was always a mean, vicious man before the election but now he is a triumphant mean and vicious man. This is a man who will not face any kind of reality. He works and lives inside this protective bubble and, amazingly enough, does not seem to realize how much he is feared and hated around the world. His staff protects him from everything and George is very happy with this.

It gives him the security to plan his vengeful attacks on anyone or everyone he hates and George hates anyone who criticizes him. He would like to “make an example of the French” whom he hates with a passion. His latest gambit vis a vis the French is to find ways to ban their products from coming into the United States and get US banks to deny them loans. Bush will be scheming against the French when he is in dignity pants in the nursing home, believe me.

He was not told that if he went to Canada and showed his sour mug in public, he was subject, at the very least, to being booed. You would be amazed what George is not told. He does know his life is constantly, and very seriously, under threat and is genuinely terrified of going out in public without the entire 101st Airborne to protect him. The roof of the Monkey Palace here has more AA guns and rockets emplaced than a battleship and as I have said before, Bush inhabits the bomb shelter as much as he does the personal quarters.

Crawford is similar. No one can get within standard rifle shot of the ranch (which is a pretty pathetic collection of shabby middle class buildings and is designed to impress the redneck/trailer park crowd with George’s country-boy image) and it is funny to watch Secret Service men lurking in the underbrush dressed in what someone thinks looks like country dress.

The staff here is breathing more comfortably now that the Mighty Mandate has been achieved. It means they don’t have to worry about Bush’s being told about the 9/11 attack in specific detail, for his arrest record for drugs and “strange” public conduct, his very sticky fingers as far as money is concerned (George will steal the pennies of dead people’s eyes if he can) and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Now we have talk about Bill Frist running for Bush’s job in ’09. A really wonderful man. Actually a weird creep who is much nastier than Bush and had some illustrative incidents in his medical past, one of which is his being charged with torturing cats to death in his basement. By all means, folks, a wonderful choice because unlike Bush, Frist has indeed Seen the Face of God! This place, the Beltway, reminds me of St. Elisabeth’s nut house at feeding time.

All of this flap about the Republicans dissing the intelligence bill is just a lot of nonsense. Runssfeld wants to keep, maintain and build his very own CIA inside the Pentagon and Bush is going along with it. In typical Bush style, he mouths off about being shocked at the death of the very important bill in pubic but in private, lets it be known that the bill had better stay dead.

Inside gen has it that the odious Tom Delay is headed for the last roundup. He will be indicted for money laundering just like Chicago Dan and eventually they will have to dump him.

If you want anything around here, you have to butter up that fat eunuch, Rove otherwise some aide with an axe to grind will beat you to it and get lots of taxpayer’s money for some JesusFreak project. Rove is n ot religious, despite his posing, but he is power-mad and very dangerous. Bush asks Karl when to use the toilet and if anything every happened to Rove, Bush would be like a fishing boat without a rudder in a major storm.

vrijdag 26 november 2004

November 26, 2004

Some general comments here about security at the White House:

Serious threats to the safety of President Bush are reaching monumental proportions, both in the US and abroad.

A projected trip to Canada with a Bush speech to the Canadian Parliament had to be scrapped when the Canadian authorities learned that members of that body fully intended to not only boo the President’s speech but to stand in a body with their back to him as a mark of repudiation for his comments.

His last speech to the UN was not greeted with boos but the media had to put in taped applause on their film of the speech because no one applauded Bush as a token of their dislike of him and his policies.

Motor trips were also scrapped when Canadian officials decided that they were unable to protect Bush from expressions of public anger and that US counterproposals to supply large numbers of heavily armed US security forces was “totally unacceptable” to the Canadian government.

Bush’s recent jeering by mobs in South America resulted in official state functions being cancelled and replaced with “personal meetings” with Columbian leaders in “a secure location.”

As one whose job is to review foreign news sites on the internet, I must say that there are a burgeoning number of violently anti-Bush groups advocating physical violence towards the person of the President.

The DoS people are having these inflammatory and dangerous sites removed by the governments of the countries involved but they keep cropping up again and again.

The resurrection by the Iranians of the Assassin cult is causing spastic colon not only here inside the Beltway but also in various major US business circles who have learned of it. The concept of training and sending forth professional assassins is not a reassuring one, believe me…..

Security, as I have said before, at the Inaugural functions will be tighter than anything Hitler ever had. This is not a good sign, folks, but make of it what you will.

If Bush used the next four years to mend fences, he would be doing the best thing for all of us, including himself, but he will not do this. He is on a tear now, fully assured by his sycophantic staff that all American loves him and that God Himself looks down with great approval on the President.

Reality is not one of the traits often expressed or considered inside the White House these days. It is more like a good old revival Holy Roller session. I keep my door shut as much as possible to prevent God-intoxicated staff members from rushing in, waving their hands in ecstasy and screeching about the Lord’s Anointed now in the Oval Office…(or hiding in the White House bunker)


Bits of news for you…Arafat was indeed poisoned. The doer was one of his aides (now in a safe place and soon to be very dead) and he was supplied with money and a special drug.by one of Sharon’s hatchet men. This is known as Thanatox, developed by a Swiss subsidiary of Merck specially for the CIA. This causes a fatal blood problem resembling leukemia. The drug is administered orally and is not detectable in a post mortem. A quantity (20 doses) was given to the Israeli Mossad on June 10th, 2003. This product is colorless and odorless but must be administered over a period of time, not to exceed thirty days. The first symptoms will appear in about five days after the final dosage and this is always fatal. The progress is slow and can mimic a number of blood disorders.

Another drug, developed by the Nazis and produced after the war, causes heart attacks. Like Thanatox, it is not detectable in post mortems. This is also a staple in the CIA medicine cabinet. (More on this later, including the names of victims…some very surprising) The problem with the use of this drug is that while it kills the target by means of a massive heart attack, an autopsy will reveal that the deceased had no trace of cardiac problems and this can raise suspicions.

The joke in some cynical circles at the Monkey Palace is that Bush will have it given to Cheney to kill him off (C. has a very bad heart and no one would suspect a thing) so he can appoint Frist as the new Vice President and give him a leg up for 2008. Frist is a chilly, nasty bugger with a record of sadistic behavior but the redeeming grace of being One of the Lord’s Blessed nutties.

zondag 21 november 2004

November 21, 2004

There is a great misconception in America these days, deliberately fostered and heavily publicized, that the only reason the United States is really in Iraq is to secure the huge Iraqi oilfield for their own use.

Yes, there is some pragmatic truth to this but the underlying force behind our totally disastrous new Vietnam in Iraq is not the desperate American need for oil.

We get more than enough oil from Mexico, Venezuela, Canada and Nigeria with Saudi oil down the list. We also get oil from Indonesia as well so stories about Saudi Arabia being threatened by Iran and Iraq are pure nonsense and the Bush people well know it.

The sole reason why American troops are now being killed in Iran is not the need for oil but only because of the Administration’s blind and total subservience to the State of Israel and its ultra militaristic and fascistic Likud government, personified by the savage Sharon..

Iraq had attacked Israel during the Gulf War and Tel Aviv never forgot that. They wanted Hussein out and this is how they got it without losing a single Israeli soldier.

The so-called neocons are almost entirely Jewish in composition (many are Israeli citizens and have worked for Israeli intelligence in the past…and certainly now) and very, very pro Israel. In fact, they openly put Israel’s needs before those of the United States. In effect, the neocons totally control US foreign policy, at least insofar as the Middle East is concerned.

It was they who formed an unholy alliance with Karl Rove and persuaded Bush to attack Iraq. Many other reasons are given for this attack but the basic fact remains that the only really strong motivation for Bush to attack Saddam, to our great, and continuing, loss, was because Israel wanted it.

Like the news media, many Israeli Mossad agents were openly “embedded” with CIA and MI units and wreaked havoc on captured Iraqi prisoners. Much of the deliberate torture and murder of unarmed civilians was directly caused by these agents. And naturally, the US gets all the blame while the Mossad people have all the fun.

The CIA and the Pentagon are clearly aware of this but are afraid to say anything about it. Why? Because the so-called Israeli Lobby is immensely powerful in Washington. They have huge sums of money with which to bribe politicians and coupled with this is the threat of having their newspapers and television networks (which represent most of the American media today) attack any legislator who dares to question the primacy of Israeli needs.

The State Department’s main goal in the Middle East is to force the Arab countries to not only accept the presence of Israel but to cease and desist attacking her. No one here bothers to study history because they are too busy building their power bases and too frightened of the Israeli Lobby to dare to stray from the official party line. That’s the Likud Party, not the Republican. The Arabs are at war with Israel solely because Israel stole their land and slaughtered as many of the Arab inhabitants of Jerusalem that they could not drive into the wilderness of refugee camps. We in America have no business being involved in sacrificing American troops and spending huge sums of American taxpayer’s funds in support of a country that is not our friend.

They spy on us regularly, steal our military and business secrets, attack our ships, infiltrate our law enforcement agencies so as to direct them against any person or group that dares to speak as I am speaking and now very clearly dictate our foreign policy.

The Jews detest Christians whom they feel, with some justice, have persecuted them over the last 2,000 years but they have gleefully formed an unholy alliance with the dimwitted American Pentecostals.

The latter somehow see Israel as the Great Promised Land, the father of all the Christian religions and who must be protected by all means. A grotesque combination of rabid Pentecostals, moronic trailer park residents and imperialistic ultra right wing Republicans have gotten together to support a George Bush-type because they have complete control over his actions and through his utter dependence on them, to basically rule the United States for their own religious and political benefit.

That this support of Israel is leading the people of the United States into a complete political, military and economic disaster is of no concern to them. What is of concern to them is that Jewish money and media support continue to keep them in office on one level and on another, that the union of the moronic, the religious fanatics, the Lukudists and the Imperial America supporters maintain and continue this control into the foreseeable future.

Our Presidential and foreign policies should, by all rights, be dictated by the needs of the American people, not a handful of religious nuts and rabid Lukudists.

These self-centered and vicious creatures do not like anyone to hear the advice of our first President, George Washington. He warned repeatedly that America should take no sides in any foreign quarrel and should sell equally to both sides. No entangling alliances was the theme of this but three times in the 20th century and once in the 21st. our ruling politicians have embroiled American in someone else’s wars.

The First and Second world wars were fought to help an England that had a strong social and economic hold on American financial institutions, Vietnam was fought by the Eisenhower administration to assist the French hold on to the natural resources of their former colony and now, in the 21st century, we are once more engaged in a protracted and endless guerrilla war that has already put intolerable strains on our economics and the very social fabric of the American people as well.

The Israeli/Republican juggernaut has totally alienated the United States from the rest of the world and has caused many otherwise friendly countries to, in fact, abandon us. The dollar is collapsing worldwide, we did not get any Iraqi oil to at least justify our eternal warfare, our young men are dying every day and considering the terrible wounds many of the others have suffered by exploding booby traps, they are the lucky ones.

We desperately need to revert to the ideals of George Washington, maintain a strict neutrality everywhere, and especially in the powder magazine of the Middle East and remove the vicious and manipulative clique that is now running the United States…straight into the swamps.

zaterdag 20 november 2004

November 20, 2004

It is pretty evident from where I sit that war against Iran is a dead certainty but no one here knows the mechanics of the attack. The actual military planning I know has been completed with several scenarios in place to choose from. I do know about the press agitation for this war. It is now working full blast.

Very cooperative networks, coordinating with the White House staff, are even now giving fake news stories about the danger Iran poses to America. They are so blind that they are using the same identical methods that were used to sandbag us into the Iraqi war.

Rove knows everything about manipulating public opinion but nothing at all about the deadly consequences of launching a new war in the Middle East.

There are some drawbacks to the planning, that much I do know. We do not know exactly where the Iranian atomic production plants are located. CIA informants inside Iran have supplied us with some information but considering how much they are paid (plenty) and how untrustworthy these informers have been in the past, it would not surprise many of us if they were feeding us bovine fecal matter by the shovel full.

However, it is this kind of useless crap that the President wants to hear and so it will be accepted. All of this is why Powell is quitting and Rice has been chosen to replace him. Why? She is an outrageous suck-ass for sure but consider this: Condi’s special field was Soviet Russia. She hates the Russians with a passion and is lusting for an opportunity to go after Putin and his people.

This is complete suicide because Russia has many deadly missiles and plenty of atomic weaponry. Will they use it if attacked? Of course they will but Bush is told that the Russian army is a shambles, their Navy rusting in the harbors and their aircraft grounded for lack of spare parts. There is some truth concerning the naval units but not the rest of it. Yes, the Russian army is much smaller than it was but if Fat Karl and his nutty friends bothered to read history, they would learn that when attacked, the Russians will fight to the death defending their soil.

If we think we are having “little problems” now dealing with an increasingly enraged 25,000,000 Iraqis wait until we discover, too late, that there are 70,000,000 Iranians and many more millions of Russians.

Bush is as crazy as a loon. I have heard him say, very coldly, that God got him reelected and that both God and the entire nation are now behind him. He believes he has a devastating mandate to rule but he does not. No one here would dare to even hint at this to him or they would get a dose of really foul language and a pink slip on the moment. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Prez.

Bush probably got enough votes, but barely, and he certainly does not have any kind of a mandate. Nixon was an intelligent man (I worked for him) but during his second term, he let the power go to his head and this is exactly what Bush has fallen into.

Never believe your own lies.

Bush and Wolfowitz plus Rove and Rice see a powerful American empire that will rule the world through <>force<>, not diplomacy. Bush devoutly believes this crap and so do his people but the military and senior DoS people are not quite as confident. In fact, there is a very growing concern both in the Pentagon and Foggy Bottom that the fanatical and dim-witted Bush will take the lid off of hell and we will all be incinerated.

I have said it before and I will say it now:

There will be a universal draft.

There will be another major war in Iran with serious military threats directed towards both Russia and North Korea.

Bush and his people will clamp down completely on any form of dissent inside the United States to include shutting off any American access to the Internet that they all view with loathing and fear.

Bush has closed off any escape, either by potential draftees, deserters (whose numbers are now growing out of all proportions, or potential anti-Bush people whom they feel might set up resistance movements elsewhere) to Canada and will make it impossible for anyone of draft age (18-35), or dissenters, to even leave the country in the future. Very soon now, anyone subject to the draft may not leave the country on the grounds that they might not come back. I am telling you, my friends, there is very stormy weather ahead for all of us. Next? Nuremberg-style Bush rallies held throughout the country and lost of pretty pictures of our new ‘God-mandated’-Fuehrer for church, school and public office walls. (Probably mass-produced in China!)

woensdag 17 november 2004

November 17, 2004

The domestic situation is more or less quiet, aside from continuing noise about stolen votes. This will go nowhere because while there was indeed fraud on the part of the Rove people, it is difficult and very expensive to prove and believe me, even if it is proven, Bush will stay in the White House.

More interesting, and important, is the foreign situation.

Bush and his friends are completely determined to attack Iran as soon as possible.

What these fanatical dimbulbs do not seem to realize, although there is plenty of evidence available, is that the Iranians are expecting such attacks and are now putting the final touches on their own program to neutralize US/Israeli aggressive intentions.

Both US intelligence (via side-angle and overhead satellites) and foreign intelligence reports indicate that the Iranians have received at least several Russian-made long distance rockets with nuclear warheads included and these rockets have the ability to easily reach domestic US targets, at least on the East Coast.

A number of ex-Russian Israeli citizens are in the Israeli defense program and have been leaking information back to Russia with the results that this new defense/offense program has been rapidly accelerated.

No one but Tony Blair and the neocon nuts want to see an escalation of war in the Middle East.

There are several reasons why the Bush people want to take out Iran.

Iran has the nerve to sell oil to the now-feared Chinese;

Iran supplies money and weapons to the insurgents in Iraq and are arming and training anti-Saud Saudi- Arabians thus threatening the US oil connection there,

Iran dares to sell oil to the Asians, thus depriving the US of said oil;

Iran has been and is counterfeiting American money and if and when this ever gets public, there is a serious chance the dollar will collapse as international currency.; and most important,

Iran has <>dared<> to defy the wishes of our new Emperor.

As an aside, the Chinese, clever as always, have been heavily supporting the US economy by buying up Treasury Bills. Why? Because the US has become heavily dependant on this financial support and when the Chinese decide to cut off this aid, (which there is every indication that they will do) there will be a very quick economic collapse here. This is a very clever ploy and it is a bargaining chip for Beijing to play if and when it gets a good offer from other enemies of the US.

Our people are putting stories out about a fictional “super missile” that is speed-of-light fast and cannot be interdicted. This is pure PR bullshit. The concept has been studied but is <>not<> feasible and almost everyone else knows it. The newly-sycophantic press is eagerly putting this one out all over the place but outside the US, it is considered almost as big a joke as the fictional “Star Wars” program was.

Bush no longer wants, nor will have, any independent thought around the Monkey Palace. He replaced the very reluctant and, from his point of view, obstructionist, Powell with the ferociously butt-kissing Condi Rice. She has spent the first imperial term running all over the Beltway doing everything she can to support Bush, even though she lies through her teeth and is well aware of it. Also, it is repulsive to hear her suck up to Bush. She lavishly praises him in front of others, claiming that he is a brilliant man, which he <>certainly is not<>, and a fount of wisdom. Her favorite phrase is “Oh, you are right as usual, Mr. President!” and her conduct is very dangerous. Bush sucks up flattery and loves flatterers with an abiding passion. No one who wants to keep his or her job dares to give him information that is contrary to his beliefs or who dares to cross Fat Karl Rove in any way. One of Rove’s super-gay, joy-boy loving friends has now been elevated by Bush to a very important position but there is trouble brewing in that quarter and look for leaks to cause more rage in the Oval Office.

Queers, Likudists, Jesus Freaks and neo-fascists are all we see around here these days and the suction around the Imperial fundament sounds like a vacuum convention in full swing.

zaterdag 13 november 2004

November 13, 2004

True to form, Bush let the hog into the kitchen garden again. He put Porter Goss, a nasty, arrogant man, in as DCI with orders to “weed out” any and all CIA agents who have been leaking negative information about him. Goss, who has the intelligence and sensitivity of a pit bull, is doing what the Master told him to but with utterly disastrous results. The CIA has very few really competent agents these days and most of them are going to resign, either singly or en masse. What is really worse is that many of them have made off with the most secret of reports proving that the CIA warned the Bush ninnies in plenty of time about the Iraq situation but Bush/Rove chose to ignore them.

I have seen some of these papers and if the disaffected agents make good on their intentions of sending them off to the media, both domestic and foreign, Bush will be lynched by an enraged public and they will find some kind of a hoist to haul the bloated and thrashing body of Karl Rove up right beside him. Speaking of lynching, the Bush people here are absolutely terrified that someone will do something bad to George at his Imperial Inauguration. He is without a doubt, according to the Secret Service people I know, the most hated President in history and threats have come in at a rate that no one believes. They will be moving heavy military units into DC for the January elevation to the Throne of Jesus and there will be no public walking. When Bush appears, it will be well away from a sniper’s line of fire and no one will be allowed to approach the area where the Master is speaking without a special pass and without having a body search! What a wonderful comment on the State of the Union! Also, bomb-sniffing dogs, helicopter patrols, electronic surveillance, massive plain clothes infiltration of crowds, welded-shut street manhole covers, snipers on all roof tops along the parade route, and a bulletproof limo for the Fuehrer that would protect against grenades, bullets or other marks of public displeasure. Now that Bush has been reelected, there will few, if any, public appearances outside of the Rose Garden or inside well-guarded public buildings. No Dallas for George!

The Secret Service is now under orders to investigate anyone foolish enough to make physical threats on the Internet and to arrest them and confiscate their computers if they are caught. Apparently, the Internet is becoming a hotbed of intrigue against the President and to the point where the authorities are becoming very frightened. As a part of my job assignment, I review many websites on a daily basis and I can assure you all that there is now much up there that is truly alarming. Also frightened, besides George, who would probably fill up his pants if someone let off a firecracker near him, are the Jesus Freaks who have convinced themselves that they alone put him back in office and tremble with fear lest he be sent to Jesus without dissing Roe v. Wade, establishing creationism in all public schools, imprisoning all gays, removing all gun control laws, shutting down the Democratic Party as a hotbed of homosexual, Satanistic secular humanism and other Nazi-like insanities. I have to put up with these odious loonies on a daily basis and it’s getting rather thin, let me tell you. The White House is crowded with the drooling and twitching Jesus Freaks now, all of them panting to touch the hem of His garment. They are given nice color pictures of the Messiah to take home and burn candles in front of…..Bush and his friends want to change the governments of Syria, Iran, Russia, North Korea, China and, hopefully, France. I am not being funny. We have no troops left to frighten people with and the rest of the sane world is starting to unify against us, both politically and economically. Bush himself is not aware of this because his handlers won’t tell him but many of them are worried. We do know that there is a “plot” concocted by evil anti-American Satanists and secular humanists to replace the dollar with the euro and this is causing what amounts to terminal spastic colon in the more enlightened areas of the Beltway.

vrijdag 12 november 2004

November 12, 2004

The aftermath of the Bush win is that it has been mutually decided between the White House, its corporate allies and the media that there will be absolutely no substantive talk about any stolen votes. Were votes stolen? Believe it. Rove and his boys bought votes and defective machines by the container ship full but since Kerry folded early, the issue is, as far as Rove is concerned, a dead one. Like 2000, Bush made it inside the White House and there is no lawful way to get him out. If the media or mainline press harps on this, it will only increase the widening gulf between the loonie Christians and the rest of America and since the nuts are now in power, this will result in what can approach a civil war. Hence the silence.

Now, much has been said about what was behind the senseless attack on Iraq. It was partially the neocons but mostly the work of Karl Rove. He is ruthless, clever and highly motivated but only in a very narrow focus. He wants absolute power, through his puppet Bush, and whatever it takes to get it matters not to him. He initially began to seduce a very susceptible and thoroughly dependant Bush into the Iraq adventure by pointing out that unlike his father, who pulled up short of Baghdad, the prodigal son could one up Daddy. That was appealing but even more appealing was the theory, often expressed by Rove here that a wartime president was guaranteed reelection. Rove didn’t care what war was being fought as long as it was in progress at election time. Since the neocons and Israel wanted war against Muslims and since the powerful oil industry, family friends and supporters of Bush, wanted access to the oil, Iraq was a logical choice. These factors supported Rove and now poor rabbity Bush was getting it from all sides. Rove persuaded some dimwitted Christian leaders into telling Bush that a Moral Christian Crusade against the heathen Moslems would please God so he covered that possible exit and Bush, now energized and prodded from different sides, agreed to go after Iraq. The neocons were delighted that Israel was rid of the dangerous Saddam (who had launched SCUDs at Israel the last time), the oil people saw the huge oil riches of Iraq already in their very own pockets and the weird Christ freaks saw the New Jerusalem and the Return of the Master next Monday. There really wasn’t much to this strategic pot of ale and when the froth vanished, all that was left were bitter dregs and Bush will have to drain the pot to the very bottom. That we will all suffer because of this madness is of no concern to anyone else in the White House. Four more years and pictures of Bush standing next to Jesus and Rove will be going up any moment in all the offices. If you think I am being sarcastic, think again.

donderdag 11 november 2004

November 11, 2004

Aside from the rapidly fading allegations of voter fraud (some truth in Ohio and Florida where the Rove people were very busy with technicians and lots of money) we have two topics of some interest this week. The first is a real horror story out of Iraq that is being immediately and very severely suppressed by order of the White House via the Pentagon. It seems that US troops entering Fallujah uncovered several so-called ‘slaughter houses’ where the Iraqi Resistance people had been killing various people. Most of this killing was done when American troops began their attack on the city. Most of the rebel leaders had long ago departed, leaving a small but fanatic rear guard in place to do as much damage to the attacking troops as they could. The real shocker is that the Iraqi resistance people are killing captured GIs! And badly mutilating them, hopefully after they are dead. Why are they doing this? Fanaticism? No, their rationale is that since the US has unilaterally withdrawn from the Geneva Convention (by Bush courtesy of the new AG designate Alberto Gonzales) and since US forces are well-known to have tortured and murdered legitimate Iraqi prisoners of war, they are apparently killing any and all US soldiers that fall into their hands. Pictures of the bodies came over today but no one wants to look at them, so terrible are the mutilations. We cannot hide the existence of these bunkers but the word is to be that only Arabs were killed there. Of course Bush does not care because, according to the now-subservient press, he has a “great mandate” from the American people. More likely a heavy vote by fanatical Jesus Freaks coupled with some Diebold diddlings. We all knew these atrocities would happen except for Bush and of course Gonzales is Bush’s stalking horse. Bush wants Alberto on the Supreme Court and a docile Congress will no doubt oblige the Fuehrer.

The next interesting, and potentially very, very serious, story, concerns the development of the so-called “Eurobloc.” This is an economic and military (!) alliance between the French, the Germans and the Russians. Wonderful! Old enemies now unified against the Son of God in the Monkey Palace. The purpose of the Eurobloc is first to coordinate economies with especial reference to the production, sales and shipping of oil. This oil comes from Russia, Norway and Iran. Buyers are to be: Europe and Asia, bzw China and Japan with some going to South Korea. What does the US get? Zip. The view in most of the European chancelleries is that Bush can dig up Alaska if he wants but they will now start to take care of themselves. The dollar is very weak and the drive, still in utero, is to replace it with a once-weak but now much stronger euro. Oil payments will be made in euros, by general agreement, not dollars. There is a movement for European and Russian (Russia now wants to be seen as a European country, not an Asian one,) divestiture of dollars, many of which are clever Iranian counterfeits anyway.

The more ominous part of the program is the coordination of Russian/German/French military forces to replace both the outdated NATO and the defunct Warsaw Pact. Europe, in other words, will no longer look to Washington for either financial support or military assistance. The Russian military ain’t what it used to be but it is still formidable and coupled with the traditional German military leadership would be a very formidable enemy if Bush chose to threaten it. They have many nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them and Bush, frantically trying to oust Putin, knows this. Given his pigheadedness, it will no doubt ignore the gathering storm until it overwhelms all of us here.

The UN is viewed in all of Europe (except for Poland and the mighty Bulgaria) as a useless talking shop that Bush has gleefully and deliberately destroyed so these three will go it alone and let the Tower of Babel in New York simply die on the vine. I am sorry to say that most of us more enlightened ones clearly saw this coming but no one would dare to discuss this with the Fuehrer because this would conflict with his opium dreams of Imperial Splendor, the nutty Christers vision of Heaven-as-Disneyland and the Likudists vision of more and more eager US support for Israel. People usually get what they have coming but in this case, in the long run, we are all going to pay through the fundament for the manic activities of the Head Chimpanzee and his squealing pack of religious fanatics. We have some really lovely ones coming up now. Bill Frist, who is as weird as they come and has been involved with the law for torturing cats to death and old Alberto who would bring back his very own Spanish (or Latino-Surnamed-Hispanic if you will) Inquisition but only on the guarantee that he could watch the tortures and probably play with himself as he does. I very often pray for an asteroid to land on Washington while Congress is in session and Bush is outside of his deep concrete bunker. Of course this should happen while my family and I are in Orlando watching Brother Jeb’s private Gestapo beating up blacks whom Real Republicans hate. Bush and his creeps want to turn the calendar back to the McGuffy reader days, abolish the Emancipation Proclamation, the Bill of Rights and replace the Constitution with the Ten Commandments. It is reassuring to see our fearless media returning once again to a prone position with their noses right where they used to be. The public can get much more accurate news from the Daily Show. The only reason the members of our media can stand up without a spine is because their skin is so thick. The entire upper levels of the White House, myself excluded, could be replaced with Komodo Dragons and the country would be much better off.

zondag 7 november 2004

November 7, 2004

As you can well imagine, the White House is euphoric. God has spoken, they say, and Our President has been validated! God had nothing to do with it. Position papers I have read make this very clear. Most talking head think that terrorism was the major issue in the election but it was not. Men kissing was. And abortion was. And future teachings of Creationism in public schools was. What Rove did, and I must give the scumbag credit for it, was to get the redneck Mafia going. And there are other factors as well. Of course there was wholesale cheating at the polls. Faked returns, Democrats, mostly blacks, kicked off the rolls (the Bush people, especially Ashcroft who had been told to keep quiet during the last weeks of the election, detest blacks whom they call “dopers and welfare queens.”) Note this: Bush will overturn Roe vs Wade and do everything he can to trash the gay community, at least in the eyes of the Jesus freaks. But there has been plotting at much higher levels. The White House did not want Dean as the Demo candidate because he was not part of the machinery and was too popular so they set out to dump him. The press was all to eager to help out with this.

I hope you notice that, unlike the Demos in 2000, the Kerry people very suddenly packed it all in and walked away. Although there were numerous examples of vote fraud, perhaps not enough to influence the outcome but who knows? Challenges were threatened, and the Republicans were all ready with armies of lawyers, nothing materialized. By conceding as fast as he did, Kerry made it impossible to challenge.

We know here that deals were cut with his people just like Roosevelt made a similar deal with his Republican opponent, Wendell Willkie in the 40s. Was the fix in? Oh yes, the fix was in. The agreement was that if it looked like Bush had the vote, Kerry would not challenge. The rewards? Kerry’s father was a senior CIA man and Kerry is a player in the game. But the problem here as I see it (but not Rove and his gang of poison dwarves) is that Bush will go the way of Nixon in his second term. Bush now honestly believes, and I have heard not only Bush but his top people echoing, that God put him back in the White House to do God’s will. Of course this is delusional crap but these wierdos believe it. Mark my words, kids, Bush will take this as an ironclad mandate to Rule the World and he will embark on all kinds of really vicious programs. The real problem here is that Bush is so delusional that he believes his own bullshit while Rove is only interested in the results and to preen like a bloated chicken over his exceptional cleverness. By the way, Fat Karl is not happy with my attacks on him and threatened to “ruin forever” the perp. The Trained Hunchbacks are turning over rocks and putting bugs on phones even as I speak.

Now, to other matters. There will be an “expansion” of the military, believe it. Congress will be loathe to pass a universal draft but the machinery is now in place for a “specialized, emergency draft” that will go after: Medical people like young doctors and nurses and MTAs and most especially anyone between 18 to 34 who is a computer engineer. And you can put money on that one, believe me. Bush will expand into Syria because they do not have the Bomb but Iran is still at the top of the list of “Evil People” to remove from the earth. The plans to hit that country are still very much alive and they are waiting for the inevitable terrorist attack here in the US to blame Iran and attack it. Just like Iraq, it doesn’t matter whether Iran was behind this certain attack, or attacks, Bush will get Goss to submit the usual faked CIA papers and then they and Israel will smash Iran flat. As a lesson, to help Sharon and to get at the oil. And speaking of oil, the stories that Iraqi oil is flowing into American gas tanks is pure crap. The Iraqi resistance fighters have so trashed the oil industry there that the Bush people, who so innocently thought they and their oil company friends would be rolling in easily-concealed wealth from the stealing and selling of captured Iraqi oil, are really SOL. I don’t like to sound like a classical Marxist but it isn’t love but it is money that makes the world go around. China and Japan need oil badly. They are buying it from Russia and Iran. They are buying more and more of it. The Russians and Iranians would much rather sell their oil to the Chinese and the Japanese than to the Americans whom they fear and loathe. Chavez does not like us and oil is not flowing from Venezuela.

Look at the situation this way: the Jesus Freaks elected Bush because they trusted he would deliver on his “Moral Issues.” What will they do when gas gets to $3-4 per gallon and their beloved son, husband or father comes back to the local funeral home in bits and pieces? They will view themselves as betrayed and like women, hell hath no fury like a voter scorned. And here is some news for everyone. There will be major Congressional elections in two years! No Congressman wants to get away from the easy money pubic hog trough and if the redneck Mafia starts screeching about their marriage with the Fuehrer going sour, guess who will make a show, and probably an effective show, of supporting their very own voters against some of the certain- to- come Bush fascistic nonsense. Again, kids, remember Nixon. And the Bible was right: Pride does go before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction. More next week. And I think you are right to double your output.

zaterdag 30 oktober 2004

October 30, 2004

In view of your interest in Rove, I have dug into my files and put together a piece on Fat Karl that might give you and your readers an insight into the Gods and Monsters that now effectively run the United States. Karl has always gotten a legion of toadies to do his dirty work but he has left enough of a trail behind him to eventually destroy his career for good…but not before he trashes anyone and anything that annoys him or interferes with his precious boyfriend, Georgie the Weasel.

Karl Rove: The éminence grise of the White House

Rove, Karl C. b. December 25, 1950, in Denver Colorado, manages the Office of Political Affairs, the Office of Public Liaison, and the Office of Strategic Initiatives at the White House. Rove attended the University of Utah, the University of Texas at Austin and George Mason University. No academic degree. He has taught at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and in the Journalism Department at the University of Texas at Austin. In 1980 he married Valerie Wainright, a wealthy Houston woman from the Bush social circle. Was divorced and married his second wife, Darby, in 1986. They have a son, 16. He resides at 4925 Weaver Terrace, NW, Washington, DC 20016. White House email address: karlrove@.disa.mil

From his official biography

Born on Christmas Day 1950 in Denver, Colorado, as one of five siblings, Karl C. Rove grew up in both Colorado and Utah, where his father was employed as a geologist. On his 19th birthday, his father abandoned the family and soon afterwards, Rove found out that this man was not his biological father. He was informed of this by his family. His mother committed suicide in Reno, Nevada in 1980.

While in a Utah high school, Rove was seen as an intelligent but loud-mouthed, highly opinionated eccentric and was not popular with his peers. School records indicate that Rove was highly argumentative with both his teachers and his peers and was known to use “vulgar and suggestive” language to female students. He had no girlfriends but spent all of his time in obsessive pursuit of various political offices in the school . It was remarked by students and faculty sponsors alike that Rove was intensely fixated on political activities “to the point of obsession” and that his methods of seeking school offices were highlighted by “unprincipled campaigns, noteworthy by their viciousness” towards any rival. Rove always wore jackets and ties in school and displayed an attitude of pompous self-importance that made him even more unpopular with staff and students alike. He had no interest in women, student social or sporting events but dedicated all of his school time in political activity. It was noted that when he obtained a position, he apparently lost all interest in it and merely applied himself to gaining the next higher position.

Rove had very little pocket money and was accused several times of stealing money from student’s personal lockers. His family had no strong political affiliations but Karl became fixated on Richard Nixon before he was ten and was a very loud and persistent supporter of him.

Like George W. Bush Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, Rove managed to avoid the Vietnam draft with a college deferment, but dropped out of the University of Utah in 1971, never obtaining a degree. While at the University of Utah, Rove began his real-life political career as the executive director of the College Republican National Committee. He held this position until 1972 when he became the National Chairman of the College Republicans (1973-1974). As chairman, Rove had access to many powerful politicians and government officials during the Watergate scandal, including then CIA director George H. W. Bush. For the next few years, he worked in various Republican circles and assisted George H. W. Bush's 1980 presidential campaign. Rove's greatest claim to fame at the time was that he had introduced Bush to Lee Atwater. A signature tactic of Rove was to attack an opponent on the opponent's strongest issue. Another tactic used since high school, was to launch smear campaigns against any political rival no matter how insignificant. Rove early on was a master at slander, usually imputing sexual deviations to his opponents but always being careful to divorce himself from the resulting reactions. Reports in his school files indicate that he was repeatedly warned by school authorities about these allegations of sexual deviancy but Rove always very smugly denied being their author. A school district psychiatrist wrote that Rove was sexually inadequate and had developed an “almost pathological hatred” of so-called “normal” students. The general consensus of Karl Rove in high school is that he was very bright but obsessive about gaining some kind of control over his fellow students and doing so by publicly humiliating them. Rove was termed “arrogant, untruthful and very destructive” in his interpersonal reactions while in school.

When Rove went on to college, he only increased his intense focus on almost any kind of politics but now manifested an intense attraction to ultra-conservative politics while studying at the University of Utah, where he described himself as a "diehard Nixonite" often expressing violent hatred for what he termed "all those Commies" in Vietnam. He also expressed fury and contempt for fellow students who did not support the war and began circulating forged newspaper articles claiming criminal arrests for sexual deviancy on the part of campus liberals. Rove was a "Young Republican" back when being a Young Republican wasn't cool (a historical era ranging from 1959 through the present). As a student at the prestigious University of Utah, Rove teamed up with a young Lee Atwater to seize control of the College Republicans political club in the early 1970s.

Lee Atwater was later to become notorious as the man who sealed Michael Dukakis's defeat in the 1988 presidential election with a blatantly racist television advert demonising the Democratic candidate for offering a weekend prison release to a violent black prisoner in Massachusetts. Atwater and Rove became lifelong friends as well as colleagues, sharing a very similar outlook including a passion for Machiavelli's The Prince, the ultimate political document about the ends justifying the means. In his campaign to seize the nationwide College Republicans by running for the chairmanship in 1973, Rove quickly reverted to type and left a mass of destruction behind him as he elbowed, kicked, bit and otherwise damaged any person standing in his way. His hallmark then, as now, was the launching of vicious and almost always invented, slander against his perceived enemies. Prime among these accusations were allegation of sexual aberrations, a subject that Rove has always been obsessed with. In the College Republican race, Rove challenged the legitimacy of every delegate who voted for his opponent, and came up with an entirely bogus alternate slate of delegates he claimed had greater standing. The matter was ultimately decided in Rove's favor by the then head of the Republican National Committee, George H. W. Bush. Both men have remained unwaveringly loyal to each other since although the senior Bush has been careful not to identify himself with Rove’s savage malice.

His highly aggressive and completely unprincipled ad homonym attacks on anyone in his way won the 22-year-old Rove a walk-on role in the Watergate saga that was consuming the nation. A report was published in the Washington Post on August 10, 1973, titled "[Republican party] Probes Official as Teacher of Tricks", gave an account, based on tape recordings, of how Rove and a colleague had been touring the country giving young Republicans political combat training, in which they recalled their feats of Republic partisanship , such as Rove's Chicago theft at the Dixon headquarters. In the autumn election season of 1970, a chubby, simpering and bespectacled teenager turned up at the Chicago campaign headquarters of Alan Dixon, a Democrat running for state treasurer in Illinois. No one paid the newcomer much attention when he arrived, or when he left soon afterwards. Nor did anyone in the office make the connection between the mystery volunteer and 1,000 invitations on campaign stationery that began circulating in Chicago's red-light district and soup kitchens, promising "free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing" for all-comers at Dixon's headquarters.

The incident marked the genesis of the Rove-Bush axis and it was in Washington that Rove met the younger Bush. He literally fell in love with the future President’s son. "Huge amounts of charisma, swagger, cowboy boots, flight jacket, wonderful smile, just charisma - you know, wow," Rove recalled years later. In 1977, Rove was sent to Texas, in theory to run a political action committee, but according to one Texan political consultant who knew him at the time, "It was really to baby-sit Bush back when Bush was drinking". The younger Bush, as is well known, was a heavy binge drinker and while intoxicated, was known to be completely self-destructive, cursing family friends, urinating in public, once, even in the White House during the Reagan administration. Bush’s college records, as well as law enforcement reports, indicate that Bush’s drinking caused several minor accidents and that when apprehended he cursed and threatened police officers, claiming that his father would “get them” if they didn’t let him go. There was also the question of sexual orientation. Bush was known to associate with openly gay students and is known to have developed an “especially intimate” relationship with one student while at the Harvard Business School.

While trying to keep George W. Bush out of trouble, Rove set up a direct mail political operation, calling it Rove & Company. Its purpose was to identify potential Republican voters and target them with pro-Republican campaign literature and voter registration forms.

Rove’s direct-mail political consulting business and worked on Republican campaigns in Texas. He tapped into oil money and other corporate interests and helped a succession of candidates to clean out the old Democratic order in the South. One campaign, for a spot on the Alabama state supreme court, was so nasty it led to a year-long court battle in which Rove accused his opponent - who had led in the initial vote tally - of systematic vote fraud and thereby prevented a batch of all-important absentee ballots from being counted at all. This same underhanded tactic was repeated again in Florida in the 200 presidential election, an election controlled with an iron hand by Karl Rove and run according to his dictum of always attacking the other side by every means available including slander, fraud , intimidation and outright blackmail

They talked about a run for Texas governor in 1990, but decided to wait until the senior Bush was no longer President. .In 1994, Rove persuaded Bush to run for Governor of Texas. They waited until George H./W. Bush was not longer in office because the senior Bush disliked and disapproved of Rove’s vicious personal attacks on his opponents. It was Rove who decided to oppose a very popular incumbent, Ann Richards, and Rove developed a political strategy based on appalling venom, often accusing Richards of being a practicing Lesbian, which she was not.

Every day for two years, the Bush campaign put out negative stories about Governor Richards, hinting she was soft on crime and overly fond of homosexuals, culminating in a devastating revelation that a prominent Richards appointee had lied about her college education. From the start, Rove kept Bush away from unscripted situations, offering him just three or four key talking points which the candidate repeated ad nauseam until the electorate not only memorized them but also started to believe them. Rove also became adept at handling the media, rigorously controlling their access and never shying away from calling a dissenting reporter at home and screaming.

Although Rove is conventionally religious, he does not share Bush's religiosity, but the two men have a similar antipathy to East Coast intellectual types and a preference for political discourse that is simple, forceful and appealing to the gut more than the head. One of Rove's favorite books is The Dream and the Nightmare, an excoriation of the progressive values of the 1960s by a neoconservative thinker called Myron Magnet. Magnet blames poverty on liberal permissiveness and suggests the problem is best left to Christian charities - an embryonic form of what Rove and Bush would come to call "compassionate conservatism". Rove is a master coiner of such political labels. "Compassionate conservatism" manages to appeal both to the religious right and also to some moderates.

In March 2001, Rove met with executives from Intel, successfully advocating a merger between a Dutch company and an Intel company supplier. Rove owned $100,000 in Intel Co. stock at the time. In June 2001, Rove met with two pharmaceutical industry lobbyists. At the time, Rove held almost $250,000 in drug industry stocks. On 30 June 2001, Rove divested his stocks in 23 companies, which included more than $100,000 in each Enron, Boeing, General Electric, and Pfizer. Rove was one of the biggest holders of Enron stock among White House staffers, with between $100,000 and $250,000 worth of shares when he was appointed. He was required to sell them when the Bush administration took office On 30 June 2001, the White House admitted that Rove was involved in administration energy policy meetings, while at the same time holding stock in energy companies including Enron. Rove also recommended the Republican strategist Ralph Reed (former executive director of the Christian Coalition) to Enron for a consulting contract as Bush was considering whether to run for president.

Although it has become a common belief that the U.S. attack on Iraq was instigated by the extreme right of the Republican party or the macninations of the very pro-Israeli neo-cons, the actual movitating force behind what has deveoped into a terrible debacle was Karl Rove. He believes, and has stated, that a wartime president is impossible to attack and that if Bush were seen as a wartime president, he would be guaranateed two full terms. In spite of many negative reports on the feasibility of such an attack by US intelligence agencies, to include the CIA and the Pentagon, Rove easily persuaded Bush to abandon his military activities in Afghanistan for a much more dramatic pounce on oil-rich Iraq.

A former U.S. Ambassador , Joseph Wilson was one of the biggest political liabilities the White House faced in 2003. Wilson had been dispatched to Niger early in 2002 to investigate whether Iraq was trying to buy uranium there. Turns out, they weren't. He reported this information to the White House, which promptly ignored it. Bush cited the uranium story in his 2003 State of the Union address, Cheney cited it repeatedly, and the State Department cited it in several of its endless justifications for why the U.S. just had to invade Iraq. When Wilson wrote an op-ed piece for the New York Times, he incurred the spiteful fury of Karl Rove and shortly after this article was publish, with attendant negativity for the President, a leak to a right wing White House friendly reporter disclosed that Wilson’s wife was a serving CIA agent. As this is a clear violation of federal law, a desultory investigation was launched but without result. Many individuals attached to the White House have put the blame for this squarely on Rove, who denies it. It is a hallmark of his destructive activities that he always hides behind others and piously claims to be the injured party.

Then, just a few short weeks after the fall of Baghdad, Rove had the President dress up in a flight suit and land on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln beneath the slogan "Mission Accomplished", in what appeared to be a brazen photo op for the presidential re-election campaign. Hindsight and the mounting body count have taught us that this was a rare Rove play gone wrong. But it also speaks volumes about the cynicism of an operation willing to create political sales pitches out of the very gravest issues of war and peace, life and death.

By his own account, Rove's sights are set even further into the future than Bush's re-election. He has spoken about strategic shifts of power that happen every so often in American history. The precedent he often refers to was set over a century ago by William McKinley, another Republican with brilliant advisers, who narrowly defeated a populist Democrat (William Jennings Bryan) in 1896 and established a Republican hegemony that lasted more than three decades.

Rove has stated in closed Republican circles that it is his aim to reduce the Democratic Party to a virtual cipher and that he intends to oversee a Republican lock on all three branches of government.

The Republicans now control the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. Rove's task now is to consolidate that dominance of the White House and Capitol Hill and then use it to recast the Washington's third source of power, the Supreme Court, from its current cautious conservatism to a more activist and strongly right wing Republicanism. As the Republican party has virtually been preempted by both the radical political and even more radical Christian, right, Rove caters heavily to these groups. Their ferocity appeals to his own and their tight organization make it far easier for Rove to control and direct.

donderdag 28 oktober 2004

October 28, 2004

Well, things are rapidly winding down to the election. Plans here are to fight fiercely for each and every vote and use any method imaginable if it gets Bush elected. Rove has come up with a long list of dirty tricks from stealing ballots, intimidating potential voters, messing with computer generated results, dragging everyone involved into various courts to tie things up for months, bribery, theft, character assassination are all part of Fat Karl’s trick box. Around the White House, Rove has awesome and absolute power and has no difficulty about using it to wreak havoc on anyone who gets in his crosshairs. Two weeks ago, give or take a day or so, I personally heard Rove say, concerning Pat Robertson’s remark about having warned Bush about the consequences of invading Iraa”. 'We will fuck him. Do you hear me? We will fuck him. We will ruin him. Like no one has ever fucked him!'" Rove used to work for Donald Segretti, Nixon’s hit man who went to prison after Watergate. We know that in 1970, Fat Karl broke into the campaign offices of an Illinois Democrat, Alan Dixon, and stole boxes of his letterheads and envelopes. On these Fat Karl forged up nasty letters which he then sent out to everyone in the district. And another typical bit of Rove filthiness for you: In 2000 when it looked like McCain might beat Bush in the primaries, Rove has laughingly admitted, in my presence and others, that he hired a front telemarketer to call all over South Carolina asking responders if they would vote for McCain if they knew that he had a bastard child by a black woman. I have a thick file of Fat Karl’s dirty businesses and of course, with such an evil, distorted and criminal background, why are we surprised that Fat Karl is a devout Pentecostal Christian? We are not. Goes with the territory, and birds of a feather flock together.

zaterdag 23 oktober 2004

October 23, 2004

The story now making the rounds in the White House is that your evil informant might not be a reporter after all. They have been conducting intensive investigations into every member of the media with regular access to the White House. They seem to be unable to locate anyone who has access to so many confidential sources. Terrified lesser staff members assure the questioners that they never, never talk to the press. They are forbidden to do so and this has been in place long before I cut loose. All staff members, from the highest to the lowest, have to sign terrifying promises to remain loyal to our beloved President and never, under threat of serious prosecution, discuss anything they may learn in the course of their employment. Well, if I am not a lowly reporter, who could I be? I looked at myself this morning after my shower and decided that I could not be George W. Bush. I have testicles and he does not. All good natured humor aside, who ever I am, believe that what I can lay my hands on is original. How long have I been sending articles to you? And how long have you been publishing? Believe me, if I was wrong, at least twenty “very reputable” media types (all in the White House pocket) would begin to attack you with a great fury. The fact that they have not would indicate either that they do not wish to bring undue attention to you or that I am simply a figment of someone’s fevered imagination.

Now on to other matters. The business of Cheney’s daughter is in bad taste. I have met her and she is an intelligent and decent young woman. Her sexual preferences, insofar as she does not drag children out of day care centers, is strictly her own business. On the other hand, I feel that if a very senior member of the White House was a secret gay with a long and sordid background in concealing it, this is something the voters ought know about. If you do not agree with me, you can delete this.

In my second-to-last communication I talked about a male ”escort service” [read gay brothel] operating in DC for the edification of the very senior Beltway people. I have, locked up in my office safe, copies of the credit card receipts with names, card numbers and signatures of: two Supreme Court and one Appellate Court judges {Have you heard about the two judges who tried each other?} eight Senators, five Congressmen, two former and one current White House aides, [the latter a very senior policy-maker] a number of very prominent DC lawyers, several senior members of the RNC, four general officers and one Admiral, three of whom are still on active duty [one in the Pentagon], five local newspapermen, eight ministers, high level employees of: State Department, Commerce Department, Justice Department, HEW Department, DC police department, NSA, DIA, and most especially, a number of pundits from Georgetown University and a nice collection of CIA people. The proprietor of this stud farm was one Todd Blodgett and there was a front-page story on one of his male whore establishments in the Washington Times. Blodgett was a Reagan White House aide, was fired from both the WH and later, the RNC, for aggressive homosexual behavior and then tossed out of the University Club in DC.

Information that has been kept very quiet at the highest levels would indicate that George W. Bush was heavily involved with gay groups while at Yale, had a significant affair with another man while at HBS, was a "very close friend" of a black drag queen and, according to three different inside sources, is no more a Pentecostal Christian than Saddam Hussein.

The sex material about our pure, God-intoxicated President, comes from one arrest report and several "counseling" reports now sequestered (by order of Karl Rove) at Yale (Bush's records there have been sealed) There is the temptation to run with this but there at least has to be something factual here. The Republicans are trying to plant obvious lies on everyone in the hopes that others like the nutty Rather will take them up and make Bush look like a wonderful but persecuted man. According to one report, made long before Bush was Governor of Texas, he could not have any kind of sex with women unless at least half drunk and was a practicing advocate of physical abuse. He likes to beat people, according to this. But not be beaten in return. Some of this is not only difficult to believe but downright repulsive. “Caligula’ is not that far off the mark when applied to our sainted leader. You can see small traces of these accusations if you talk with Bush for any length of time. He has succumbed entirely to the outrageous flattery his staff smears him with and he now really believes that he is always right and that anyone who dares to contradict him is guilty of treason! Or sedition! I have actually heard him say that and, of course, his nodding and sucking staff goes right along with him. “Oh yes, Mr. President! How wonderfully clear, Mr. President! You are always right, Mr. President! Certainly, Mr. President; your enemies are enemies of America!” Bush cannot, or will not, read any current news, not even well-crafted intelligence reports, and refuses to listen to any kind of criticism and the White House has assumed the oppressive, hothouse atmosphere of a Byzantine imperial court at its worst.

Bush was always odd man out as a child and youth. He was constantly being compared with his successful father [and now he subconsciously hates GHWB] and he took refuge in drink, kinky sex and, to a lesser degree, drugs. His younger brother, Jeb, was the successful [and much more normal] one and George was always told “Jeb doesn’t act that way, George. Can’t you at least try to act like a normal human being and stop humiliating your family?” [such as pissing on White House carpets during the Reagan years] Bitterness, frustration and a strong sense of personal worthlessness are the building blocks of our President’s formative years. I have seen him when he is letting his mask down and believe me, he is a very bitter, petty and vindictive man. Now, as President, he is sucked up to by everyone around him and he has become a classic victim of flattery of the weak by the manipulative.

I have seen enough of him, and heard more than enough of him, to believe that George is not a Pentecostal Christian at all. I firmly believe that this is an act to get votes from what he and his really Christian Karl Rove, see as a powerful economic and voting bloc. And from what I have heard, Pat Robertson has become aware of this phoniness and is trying to distance himself from Bush to protect his reputation…and income.

Part of me can feel sorry for him but I do not want to see him, or anyone even remotely like him, in the White House ever again.

After that nice bit of pleasantry, let’s consider something far more serious as far as world peace is concerned. This concerns the US activities in the Caucasus. The Chechen rebel organization, led by Shamil Basayev, (long supplied with money and explosives by the CIA), that slaughtered 170 children and 130 adults in Beslan is about to be obliterated by Russian special military units. The Russian government has been demanding that leading members of this CIA-controlled group, Akhmad Zakayew, now hiding out in London and Ilyas Akhmadov now safe in the US, be turned over to Russia for planning and conducting the Beslan massacre. This will never happen, believe me. However, that having been said, someone has told the Russians where these two men are living and it would not come as an unwelcome surprise if aggressive burglars killed both of these child-killers and anyone else in their homes. Not that they wouldn’t deserve it.

The Russians should realize that through the request of the CIA, Ilyas Akhmadov was quietly given political asylum in the US and receives a Reagan-Fascell monthly paycheck, full medical insurance and office space, paid for by the US government, from which he engages in political propaganda for the Chechen rebels ( The Fascell Foundation is funded by Congress through the US State Department) ed

In short, the US government is trying its best to force Russia out of the Chechen area and to seize control over current and past Russian territories.

This is only a small part of the US government’s design to chase Russia out of the oil-rich Caspian Sea and Caucasus area, set up puppet governments obedient to US and British oil interests and cut Putin, whom they both view as a dangerous enemy, from the world’s oil markets

The Neocons and raging Likudists, the ultra-rightists who hate all Russians as former Communists and the greedy world oil cartels are out to neuter Putin whom they see as an impediment to their plans but they are also afraid that Russia might implement the Eurobloc plan to only accept euros, not dollars, for their oil. If this current and growing movement gains widespread acceptance in Europe (excluding England) and especially in the Arab countries, the dollar is finished as a world reserve currency. Although senior elements of the CIA are now feuding with the Bush White House and releasing more and more accusatory documents, reports on the Russian oil problems still continue to flow into the White House where they are read by a number of staff members but never by the President whom I personally know has no knowledge of them…by choice on his part.

The US is, in effect, sponsoring terrorists who slaughter a school full of little children, solely to implement their policy of controlling Russian oil and discrediting and hopefully forcing Putin to resign to be replaced with one of the usual pathetic broken down CIA front men. We have one of these in Georgia now and another in Iraq.

In essence, what the crazy Bush people have done, are doing and will continue to do is to divide not only the United States but the rest of the civilized world into two camps: Them and Us. I have read numerous intelligence reports that indicate a rapidly escalating and very determined animosity against the new Bush American Empire and where once there was nationalism and disunity, now there is a growing sense of common cause and that cause is to topple the United States from its self-proclaimed position as the New Rome.

The CIA has almost no agents “on the ground” anywhere in the world and the Rumsfeld new Super Intelligence Agency with Dirty Doug Feith is as completely useless as the pathetic Homeland Security farce. Fools say: “Oh, George Bush has kept America safe! There have been no new attacks here because he has shown the world’s terrorists that he is at the helm of our ship of state.” This is complete nonsense, believe me. The Arabs, or more aptly, the militant Muslims, have chosen not to launch any domestic attacks because no one [Muslim fundamentalists, Swiss bankers or just about anyone else of note.] wants the lunatic Bush and his gang of religious fascists in power and such an attack, before the election might accomplish this. The only entity that avidly applauds a continued Bush reign is the state of Israel and that’s because they see the U.S. as the monkey that is pulling their chestnuts out of the hot fire.

Everything I have personally seen on this subject indicates that if Bush gets reelected, the fun will really begin and there is absolutely nothing that the useless Ridge people can do to stop it. The attacks on the United States are considered by everyone involved to be twofold: Militant [i.e. explosives or BW of various kinds to include small atomic weapons or smallpox now being considered by them] and Economic which consists of interdicting oil shipments to the United States by various means. There is also, as I have indicated earlier, a strong global movement to dish the dollar as a universal medium of exchange and replace it with the euro. This has met with some resistance with many banking systems but it is being pointed out that a large percentage of their own dollar holdings are in worthless counterfeits [courtesy of the very clever Iranians] so that if and when this becomes public knowledge [it is already well-known in international banking circles] confidence in the dollar will immediately collapse and even America will have to pay for whatever small amounts of oil it can get in euros!

If the public was aware of the sometimes-glacial but very deadly progress of this economic war, they would worry like hell and stop listening to the blatantly phoney “terrorist alerts” that have been waved in front of them to deliberately panic them into continued support of what is, in essence, a badly failed and very deadly Bush policy.

In all of this, the role of the American media is sickening. Our ‘heroic, free press’ is completely controlled, not by ‘evil Jews’ but by corporations who completely integrate their policies with those of any Administration in power, Republican or Democrat. Editors, reporters and even publishers are well aware of the seriousness of the disastrous problems Bush has instigated but they will say, or do, nothing to “rock the corporate boat” while media executives buy homes in Costa Rica or the Upper Yukon. Just to be on the safe side. It might be instructive to learn where Rupert Murdoch of FOX News has a new home.


This is probably the most corrupt Administration on record. Unlike the Grant tenure where the widespread corruption did not touch the President himself, in the present instance, Bush is grabbing off all the siphoned-off campaign donations he can. In Iraq, and even in the US, the corruption in the prosecution of the war boggles the imagination. Everyone has to be especially careful not to go after Halliburton because Dick Cheney has such a big hand in that pie and asking pointed questions is not considered either prudent or safe.

Money allotted by the Pentagon for armored vests for the soldiers in Iraq was swiped by an Administration-friendly contractor, over billing is the order of the day in Iraq and the private contractors are absolutely the worst. They all have made hundreds of millions of dollars off of the American public since the war began in Iraq and it is so bad and so blatant that senior US military officials are getting really outraged. Of course, it is known that for, let’s say, an Air Force General in the field to file a complaint against an Administration-friendly [read a kickback cooperator] contracting firm is a certain guarantee of career inhibition. In one case, <>very<> outdated military small-arms ammunition was bought as surplus-to-be-destroyed by an enterprising firm in New Jersey for pennies and then resold as new to the military. Half the time, the rounds don’t fire and men get killed. Complaints never get out of Iraq on this one and threats of reassignment to the North Pole rumble around like summer thunder.

The Pentagon itself is not involved in this filthy thievery but there is very little they can do about it. Feith and Pearle, two of the worst congenital liars I have ever met, are certainly not getting poor over this war. Richard Pearle was so bad he had to get out of the spotlight lest the Democrats made a campaign issue out of him. Doug Feith spends most of his time faking up intelligence reports at the request of Rumsfeld to flummox the President and his band of ideological ninnies.

Cheney claims that he has no stock in Halliburton and therefore has nothing to gain from their massive, and very successful, swindles. True he has no stock. Also true is that Dick has huge <>stock purchase options<> and if Halliburton’s income and stock go up, he can buy stock cheaply and make a huge killing. It’s very well-known here that if Cheney doesn’t have another serious heart attack that Bethesda doctors say will certainly kill him, he will leave the White House as a multi-millionaire many times over.

George W. has been tapping the “soft money” till ever since he has been in the Oval Office and he is not the only one. Sometimes some of us more informed ones here in the Monkey Palace think the Iraqi war was just a convenient excuse, and cover, for wholesale lootings…