zaterdag 13 november 2004

November 13, 2004

True to form, Bush let the hog into the kitchen garden again. He put Porter Goss, a nasty, arrogant man, in as DCI with orders to “weed out” any and all CIA agents who have been leaking negative information about him. Goss, who has the intelligence and sensitivity of a pit bull, is doing what the Master told him to but with utterly disastrous results. The CIA has very few really competent agents these days and most of them are going to resign, either singly or en masse. What is really worse is that many of them have made off with the most secret of reports proving that the CIA warned the Bush ninnies in plenty of time about the Iraq situation but Bush/Rove chose to ignore them.

I have seen some of these papers and if the disaffected agents make good on their intentions of sending them off to the media, both domestic and foreign, Bush will be lynched by an enraged public and they will find some kind of a hoist to haul the bloated and thrashing body of Karl Rove up right beside him. Speaking of lynching, the Bush people here are absolutely terrified that someone will do something bad to George at his Imperial Inauguration. He is without a doubt, according to the Secret Service people I know, the most hated President in history and threats have come in at a rate that no one believes. They will be moving heavy military units into DC for the January elevation to the Throne of Jesus and there will be no public walking. When Bush appears, it will be well away from a sniper’s line of fire and no one will be allowed to approach the area where the Master is speaking without a special pass and without having a body search! What a wonderful comment on the State of the Union! Also, bomb-sniffing dogs, helicopter patrols, electronic surveillance, massive plain clothes infiltration of crowds, welded-shut street manhole covers, snipers on all roof tops along the parade route, and a bulletproof limo for the Fuehrer that would protect against grenades, bullets or other marks of public displeasure. Now that Bush has been reelected, there will few, if any, public appearances outside of the Rose Garden or inside well-guarded public buildings. No Dallas for George!

The Secret Service is now under orders to investigate anyone foolish enough to make physical threats on the Internet and to arrest them and confiscate their computers if they are caught. Apparently, the Internet is becoming a hotbed of intrigue against the President and to the point where the authorities are becoming very frightened. As a part of my job assignment, I review many websites on a daily basis and I can assure you all that there is now much up there that is truly alarming. Also frightened, besides George, who would probably fill up his pants if someone let off a firecracker near him, are the Jesus Freaks who have convinced themselves that they alone put him back in office and tremble with fear lest he be sent to Jesus without dissing Roe v. Wade, establishing creationism in all public schools, imprisoning all gays, removing all gun control laws, shutting down the Democratic Party as a hotbed of homosexual, Satanistic secular humanism and other Nazi-like insanities. I have to put up with these odious loonies on a daily basis and it’s getting rather thin, let me tell you. The White House is crowded with the drooling and twitching Jesus Freaks now, all of them panting to touch the hem of His garment. They are given nice color pictures of the Messiah to take home and burn candles in front of…..Bush and his friends want to change the governments of Syria, Iran, Russia, North Korea, China and, hopefully, France. I am not being funny. We have no troops left to frighten people with and the rest of the sane world is starting to unify against us, both politically and economically. Bush himself is not aware of this because his handlers won’t tell him but many of them are worried. We do know that there is a “plot” concocted by evil anti-American Satanists and secular humanists to replace the dollar with the euro and this is causing what amounts to terminal spastic colon in the more enlightened areas of the Beltway.

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