zaterdag 18 december 2004

December 18, 2004

The axe is being sharpened for Rummy. Why? Arrogant at the wrong time and place. Bush’s hatchet man, your basic arrogant bully with power. Rummy is not stupid but like the others, wears blinders. Yes, he approved torture and other nasty business but he was acting on Bush’s orders. Bush keeps him in office because Bush can rely on him and if Rummy talked, Bush would be charged with war crimes. One hand washes the other. But, Rummy is antagonizing everyone and Congress is getting testy. Also, his cavalier attitude towards his troops is not doing anyone any good. Complaints to Congressmen, especially before the mid-terms, are always effective. Sooner or later, Congress, Republicans and Democrats (with the exception of fanatics like the weird Frist and DeLay) will find it more advantageous to take care of their own careers instead of building up black points being Bush’s Reichstag. If George keeps up his idiot games, look for a procedural revolt in Congress…just enough to let the Perez know that he does not own Congress. No, Rummy will go and some of us hope he will be so pissed off that he will leak out some very bad things about Bush. Rummy is a saint compared with the loonie Congoleesa Rice but she kisses the Bush ass often and passionately and, unless she tries to unilaterally invade Russia, her pet hate, she will have to get well into the term before she makes so many gaffes that she, too, has to be tossed out….

As far as Iraq is concerned, there is real trouble brewing insofar as morale is concerned. Desertions, faked mental problems, “accidental” gunshot wounds to feet, etc. are way up and rising. Falling, on the other hand, are recruitments. The peasants are screaming that very aggressive recruiters are doing everything but kidnapping their teenaged sons and we will hear more about this blatant business before much longer. The Likudists are panting for a draft but they are living in some dream world of the kind inhabited by people divorced from any kind of pragmatic reality. They want a draft to realize their dreams of an Imperial America (who will protect Mother Israel against all comers) who is intended to replace the now-defunct British and Roman Empires. These miserable creatures remind me of the dwarves in the Ring series of Wagner or the creatures in the Tolkien books. When you lift up the rock, they squirm in the light. No one elected them yet they are implementing a foreign policy that will cost many young Americans their lives and their health.

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