zondag 28 november 2004

November 28, 2004

Congratulations to you people on the net! Your comments and articles have had an impact on the powers that be whether you know it or not. Your existence didn’t stop vote fraud on a big scale but it did: postpone an attack on Iran, a pushing in public for a universal draft, a wholesale trashing of the Social Security system (in essence, Grandma’s check cut in half and no medical benefits under SSI), and other items. They hate all of you around here but can’t find a way to shut the cursed internet off. Too many businesses (all contributors to the Jesus-based Republicans) use it and they can’t send the FBI around to put mandated filters on every computer in the United States (which they would love to do. There have been discussions with computer builders about this but they never went anywhere.

Bush’s arrogance is something wonderful to behold. He was always a mean, vicious man before the election but now he is a triumphant mean and vicious man. This is a man who will not face any kind of reality. He works and lives inside this protective bubble and, amazingly enough, does not seem to realize how much he is feared and hated around the world. His staff protects him from everything and George is very happy with this.

It gives him the security to plan his vengeful attacks on anyone or everyone he hates and George hates anyone who criticizes him. He would like to “make an example of the French” whom he hates with a passion. His latest gambit vis a vis the French is to find ways to ban their products from coming into the United States and get US banks to deny them loans. Bush will be scheming against the French when he is in dignity pants in the nursing home, believe me.

He was not told that if he went to Canada and showed his sour mug in public, he was subject, at the very least, to being booed. You would be amazed what George is not told. He does know his life is constantly, and very seriously, under threat and is genuinely terrified of going out in public without the entire 101st Airborne to protect him. The roof of the Monkey Palace here has more AA guns and rockets emplaced than a battleship and as I have said before, Bush inhabits the bomb shelter as much as he does the personal quarters.

Crawford is similar. No one can get within standard rifle shot of the ranch (which is a pretty pathetic collection of shabby middle class buildings and is designed to impress the redneck/trailer park crowd with George’s country-boy image) and it is funny to watch Secret Service men lurking in the underbrush dressed in what someone thinks looks like country dress.

The staff here is breathing more comfortably now that the Mighty Mandate has been achieved. It means they don’t have to worry about Bush’s being told about the 9/11 attack in specific detail, for his arrest record for drugs and “strange” public conduct, his very sticky fingers as far as money is concerned (George will steal the pennies of dead people’s eyes if he can) and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Now we have talk about Bill Frist running for Bush’s job in ’09. A really wonderful man. Actually a weird creep who is much nastier than Bush and had some illustrative incidents in his medical past, one of which is his being charged with torturing cats to death in his basement. By all means, folks, a wonderful choice because unlike Bush, Frist has indeed Seen the Face of God! This place, the Beltway, reminds me of St. Elisabeth’s nut house at feeding time.

All of this flap about the Republicans dissing the intelligence bill is just a lot of nonsense. Runssfeld wants to keep, maintain and build his very own CIA inside the Pentagon and Bush is going along with it. In typical Bush style, he mouths off about being shocked at the death of the very important bill in pubic but in private, lets it be known that the bill had better stay dead.

Inside gen has it that the odious Tom Delay is headed for the last roundup. He will be indicted for money laundering just like Chicago Dan and eventually they will have to dump him.

If you want anything around here, you have to butter up that fat eunuch, Rove otherwise some aide with an axe to grind will beat you to it and get lots of taxpayer’s money for some JesusFreak project. Rove is n ot religious, despite his posing, but he is power-mad and very dangerous. Bush asks Karl when to use the toilet and if anything every happened to Rove, Bush would be like a fishing boat without a rudder in a major storm.

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