vrijdag 27 mei 2005

May 27, 2005

This is going to be a heavy-duty series of articles this week. In the first place, I have been told that Fat Karl the Eunuch is trying to spread rumors that I am actually someone else; that I do not exist and that everything I write about is all fiction and left-wing garbage. Fat Karl is losing his grip and if he is not careful, he might soon lose his head.

From two sources, neither of whom know each other and both of whom are well-placed in the system, I have been receiving information that indicates that a coup d'etat against the Bush administration is apparently being seriously contemplated in certain circles.

The first of these is the higher commands of the U.S. military which is disgusted with Bush and his ruination, as they see it, of the discipline and legitimate tasks of the military and the other is a loose confederation of very high level American businessmen who see Bush as a complete and fatal disaster to American business, most especially in the areas of foreign trade.

Bush has harassed the high military command for not being sufficiently servile to him and for not going along with his outrageous and weird ideas. He has insulted, in public, a number of their top officers and now has decided to supply commercial mini-vans to transport the troops in Iraq. A mini-van is about as safe to ride around in as a go-cart but Bush’s friends in the collapsing auto industry have bribed him to demand this change. All that will happen is that more soldiers will die quicker. It is not possible to adequately armor plate a mini van and there is no intention of armor plating them. Bush has also enraged veteran members of the CIA , not because they did not give him adequate intelligence concerning Iraq but because they did. Bush does not want facts. He demands obedience to his whims and because the CIA reports did not favor his propaganda, he hated them and trashed their abilities in public. They retaliated by releasing material that made Bush look like the vicious fool that he is and he cracked down on them, appointing the awful Porter Goss to control them. Goss, acting like a drunk bull in a china shop, has fired very competent personnel and replaced them with obedient, and worse, Republican faggots who will do the Head Queen’s biddings.

The CIA has joined the ranks of the military in hoping for an end to the Bush Adiministration.

The United States is not run by the President or Congress. It has always been run by a power elite composed of major business interests, the military and a few other, often changing, groups. The present elite members are almost totally unknown to the public but they set up the scenarios and call the turns.

Bush was elected by a coup, not by the American people. He was seen to be crooked, rather stupid, vicious and frantic for some kind of recognition. He is grossly incompetent as a manager so this new American oligarchy jobbed him into the White House with the open connivance of his brother, Jeb, in Florida and the reluctant aid of the Supreme Court. Bush is totally under the influence, and control, of a group of fascistic Republicans, a gang of twittering gays and a coven of Likudists. They have made common cause to run the United States for Bush but the fascist movement is running into serious problems with more powerful elite groups. I am quoting here from a document with an interesting analysis of the modern fascist, not the old Mussolini-Hitler and Franco fascist.

"A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends. The supreme god of a fascist, to which his ends are directed, may be money or power; may be a race or a class; may be a military, clique or an economic group; or may be a culture, religion, or a political party."

As a result of the economic and military disasters the narrow-minded and ignorant President is creating, there is now a very powerful internal movement to get him out of the White House, either by turning Congress and the people against him (with the willing assistance of the media barons) or by more forceful means…a coup d’Etat.

I do not have any concrete knowledge of the specifics of this alleged putsch but my sources are certain that it is being very seriously pursued with at least one study group working on control of internal communications (my sources' specialty) and a banker friend of mine, another source, has said almost the identical thing to me. They do not know each other and, to the best of my knowledge, have no points of contact.

One of them said that Bush is afraid of such possible actions and has gathered a huge number of security people around his person to prevent his being siezed or assassinated. Cheney is also terrified of this and spends most of his time in a very heavily guarded underground bunker. A source has supplied me with the location of this but I am leaving that bit of information strictly private.

An unsuccessful grenade attack on Bush in Georgia was deliberately underreported and there was a plot uncovered by the German security people to blow Bush up when he came to Mainz, Germany, earlier this year.

The first incident was reported because the foreign media got their hands on it but the second has never surfaced. The putative assassins were not German, nor Arabs, but instead were reported to me by one source to be "most probably under American hire."

I have also learned from a source in the Chase Manhattan bank that his people are scared literally shitless over the news, gleaned from a very competent German intelligence service, that a group, totally off the screen, not Muslim and probably American-based, have managed to crack the entrance information into the electronic, international banking wire and transfer system. These are:

· SWIFT (Bruxelles)

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions

· CHAPS (London)

Clearing House Automated Payments System

· CHIPS (New York) - Private Sector

Clearing House Interbank Payments System

· FEDWIRE (New York) - US Government

Fedwire Funds Service

If, as the German reports have rumored, someone or some group successfully sabotages these systems, the world of international banking and the entire country would suffer a terrible blow that would take months, if not years, to recover from. Billions of dollars in bank transfers would vanish instantly and replicating the data, if the attackers know what they are doing, would take eons to try to replace. For instance, the BofA transfers $200.000,000 to a bank in Germany and in a nano second, the transfer vanishes. No money is sent and none received. I do not know if this operation is connected with other very disruptive activities that our Brave Defenders of Liberty are trying to track but the Germans seem to feel that the elements involved are not Arabs or Russians but Americans because of the idiomatic English in the messages they have decoded.

So much for the fun and games of the growing legion of Bush haters.

My secretary has taken the Secret Service “Gannon” logs and transcribed them for me. I am including a prĂ©cis of this and suggest that the curious look at Bush’s official activities which can be found on www.Whitehouse.gov unless they have been discreetly removed because of the obvious conclusions curious people will immediately arrive at…every time Gannon was loose in the Monkey Palace, the President was there. Many times, Karl Rove was not, giving the lie to the rumors that Fat Karl was having his ditch ploughed by the mighty Bulldog.

Mother Bulldog’s Amazing Adventures in the Monkey Palace:
2/25/03 11:46 - 1:25 (briefing 12:26-1:03)
2/26/03 9:56 - 2:17 (briefing 1:25-1:53)
2/27/03 11:49 - 1:34 (no briefing)
2/28/03 11:20 - 1:26 (briefing 12:35-1:10)
3/3/03 9:51 - 1:32 (briefing from 12:21-1:00)
3/4/03 11:48 - 1:45 (briefing 12:46-1:20)
3/5/03 11:56 - 1:57 (briefing 12:21-1:00)
3/6/03 11:58 - 12:42 (no briefing)
3/6/03 9:11 pm exit - no entry (Bush press conference, 8 pm)
3/7/03 3:22 pm exit -- no entry (briefing from 2:20-3:00)
3/10/03 12:47 - 3:11 (briefing 1:23-2:10)
3/11/03 12:25 - 1:47 (briefing at 12:38 - no end time given)
3/12/03 12:55 - 2:40 (briefing 1:20-1:59)
3/13/03 12:12 - 1:55 (briefing 12:40-1:19)
3/14/03 12:02 - 1:49 (briefing 12:35-1:06)
3/17/03 12:01 - 1:30 (no briefing)
3/18/03 12:09 - 1:31 (briefing 12:21-1:05)
3/19/03 9:38 - 3:27 (12:15-12:59) (Bush speech, 10 pm)
3/20/03 12:19 - 1:38 (briefing 12:32-1:15)
3/21/03 10:52 - 12:31 (briefing from 2:31-3:12)
3/24/03 1:02 - 2:43 (briefing from 1:00-1:44)
3/25/03 1:45 - 3:30 (briefing from 2:30-3:15)
3/28/03 12:34 - 3:51 (briefing from 12:35-1:15)
4/4/03 12:18 - 1:31 (briefing 12:20-12:59)
4/9/03 1:48 - 3:48 (briefing 2:32-3:20)
4/10/03 12:14 - 2:00 (briefing 12:20-1:03)
4/11/03 12:24 - 1:52 (briefing 12:15-12:45)
4/14/03 12:34 - 1:46 (briefing 12:30-1:15)
4/21/03 3:33 - 4:19 (no briefing)
4/22/03 11:36 - 1:37 (briefing 12:30-1:14)
4/23/03 12:16 - 2:26 (briefing 1:17-1:55)
4/25/03 11:21 - 1:25 (briefing 12:19-1:00)
4/28/03 3:01 - 4:40 (briefing from 11:08-11:23)
4/29/03 11:25 - 1:10 (briefing 12:23-12:58)
4/30/03 11:37 - 3:14 (briefing 12:32-1:19)
5/6/03 11:27 - 12:56 (briefing 11:50-12:30)
5/7/03 11:53 - 1:29 (briefing 12:30-1:10)
5/8/03 1:09 - 7:10 (briefing from 1:45-2:26)
5/9/03 9:49 - 11:38 (no briefing)
5/14/03 12:02 - 1:47 (briefing 12:35-1:15)
<>5/14/03 5:15 pm - 6:56 pm (second evening visit) (No briefing)<>
5/15/03 12:27 - 2:25 (briefing from1:08-1:47)
5/16/03 12:05 - 1:40 (briefing from12:35-1:19)
5/20/03 12:27 - 2:04 (briefing from12:55-1:34)
5/27/03 11:56 - 1:31 (briefing from 12:23-1:05)
5/28/03 11:50 - 12:53 (briefing from 12:05-12:44)
5/28/03 3:26 - 4:53 (second visit)
5/29/03 11:42 - 1:43 (briefing 12:20-1:00)
6/10/03 12:13 - 1:19 (briefing 12:33-1:12)
6/17/03 12:29 - 1:41 (briefing 12:32-1:11)
6/18/03 12:16 - 1:42 (briefing 12:50-1:34)
6/22/03 3:32 - 4:49 (no briefing)
6/23/03 1:41 - 2:21 (no briefing)
6/25/03 12:16 - 1:01 (briefing 12:30-12:55)
6/26/03 11:32 - 12:35 (briefing 11:45-12:24)
7/1/03 11:25 - 1:42 (briefing from 12:50-1:26)
7/2/03 11:50 - 1:20 (briefing from 12:35-1:12)
7/3/03 3:04 - 4:16 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 3:40-4:10)
7/14/03 11:33 - 1:32 (Ari Fleischer’s farewell party) (12:03-12:56)
7/15/03 12:15 (no exit) (briefing 12:38-1:23)
7/16/03 12:26 - 2:05 (briefing from 12:50-1:20)
7/17/03 4:43 - 6:13 ( briefing 12:36-1:17)
7/22/03 12:23 - 1:53 (briefing 12:58-1:35)
7/23/03 12:21 - 2:23 (briefing 1:17-2:07)
7/25/03 2:08 - 3:30 (briefing 2:39-3:15)
7/27/03 3:08 - 5:24 (no briefing)
7/28/03 12:53 - 2:04 (briefing 10:12-10:23 )
7/30/03 12:13 - 12:45 (no briefing)
8/1/03 12:18 (no exit) (briefing 12:24-12:54)
8/1/03 12:39 - 1:20
9/2/03 12:37 (A4 HC Entry Lane, no exit) (12:42-1:23)
9/3/03 12:10 - 1:18 (briefing 12:30-1:10)
9/10/03 12:17 - 1:32 (briefing 12:49-1:23)
9/16/03 12:23 - 1:59 (briefing 1:00-1:39)
9/17/03 12:12 - 1:55 (briefing 1:00-1:41)
9/22/03 1:54 - 3:06 (no briefing)
9/25/03 12:49 - 1:53 (briefing 12:48-1:35)
9/26/03 12:09 - 2:24 (briefing 12:36-1:15)
9/29/03 12:09 - 1:10 (briefing 12:18-1:03)
10/1/03 11:51 - 1:37 (briefing 12:44-1:30)
10/2/03 11:52 (no exit) (briefing 12:47-1:26)
10/6/03 12:58, 6:10 (no exit)
10/7/03 12:46 - 2:03 (briefing 12:58-1:46)
10/8/03 12:10 - 1:27 (briefing 12:16-12:42)
<>10/14/03 12:22 (no exit) (briefing 12:40-1:14)<>
10/27/03 12:32 - 1:33 (briefing 12:39-1:15)
10/28/03 10:54 - 12:22 (Bush press conference 11:15-12:03)
10/29/03 12:20 - 1:08 (12:20-12:57)
11/6/03 12:09 - 1:09 (briefing 12:35-1:04)
11/12/03 12:09 - 1:58 (briefing 1:10-1:47)
11/14/03 12:54 - 2:07 (briefing 1:36-2:00)
11/21/03 5:25 - 6:49 (no briefing)
11/24/03 8:49 - 9:43 (no briefing)
12/2/03 2:08 - 3:29 (no briefing)
12/3/03 12:03 - 1:11 (briefing 12:32-1:06)
<>12/7/03 3:25 (no exit - entry via A4 HC Entry Lane) (no briefing)<>
12/9/03 12:33 - 1:45 (briefing 12:55-1:21)
12/10/03 12:05 - 1:23 (briefing 12:35-1:15)
12/12/03 11:51 - 1:35 (briefing 12:15-12:52)
12/15/03 10:45 - 12:42 (Bush press conference 11:15-12:03)
12/18/03 12:44 - 2:28 (briefing 2:05-2:43)
12/19/03 12:21 - 12:56 (B4 Entry Lane 2) (12:30-12:50)
12/19/03 1:36 - 2:13 (second visit)
12/22/03 12:15 - 1:23 (briefing 12:28-1:01)
1/14/04 12:30 - 1:33 (briefing 12:41-1:15)
1/16/04 12:08 - 12:48 (briefing 12:11-12:44)
1/23/04 11:52 - 1:12 (briefing 12:33-1:06)
1/28/04 11:53 - 1:26 (briefing 12:50-1:20)
1/30/04 12:30 - 1:23 (briefing 12:37-1:09)
2/2/04 12:32 - 1:35 (briefing 12:48-1:28)
2/3/04 12:44 - 1:55 (briefing 12:54-1:20)
2/4/04 11:50 - 1:38 (12:56-1:36)
2/6/04 11:58 - 1:44 (Bush announcement 1:32-37)
2/10/04 11:50 - 1:55 (briefing 12:53-1:38)
2/11/04 11:57 - 1:09 (briefing 12:30-1:02)
2/13/04 12:07 - 1:08 (briefing 12:30-1:02)
2/18/04 12:04 - 1:29 (briefing 12:36-1:08)
2/19/04 12:05 - 1:30 (briefing 12:37-1:14)
2/20/04 12:32 - 1:29 (briefing 12:33-1:03)
2/23/04 12:55 - 1:17 (briefing 12:43-1:10)
2/24/04 12:06 - 1:52 (briefing 1:00-1:36)
2/27/04 1:55 - 3:39 (briefing 2:18-2:48)
3/1/04 12:50 - 2:04 (briefing 1:20-2:00)
3/2/04 12:29 - 1:23 (briefing 12:46-1:14)
3/9/04 12:40 - 1:49 (briefing 1:03-1:37)
3/12/04 12:54 - 1:00 (no briefing)
3/16/04 12:43 - 1:52 (briefing 1:10-1:46)
3/17/04 12:18 - 1:56 (briefing 1:26-1:50)
3/22/04 12:03 - 2:10 (briefing 1:24-2:04)
3/23/04 12:03 - 1:34 (briefing 12:47-1:10)
3/24/04 12:17 - 2:03 (briefing 1:10-2:02)
3/30/04 exit only, 12:04 (no briefing)
3/30/04 4:22 - 4:55 (no briefing)
4/1/04 12:42 - 1:57 (briefing 1:25-1:53)
4/13/04 9:42 - 10:29 (no briefing) (Bush speaks to reporters on the WH lawn)
4/13/04 6:59 pm - 9:49 pm (Bush press conference)
4/16/04 10:51 - 3:08 (briefing 2:41-3:09) (Bush/Blair press conference)
4/21/04 12:14 - 1:00 (briefing 12:31-1:00)
4/27/04 12:10 (no exit, entry via A4 HC Entry Lane instead of Entry Lane 2) (briefing 12:27- 12:59)
4/28/04 12:26 - 1:47 (briefing 1:20-1:47)
4/29/04 11:10 no exit
4/29/04 2:15 - 2:57 (briefing 2:23-2:56)
4/30/04 1:24 - 2:47 (briefing 2:22-2:45)
5/5/04 12:02 - 2:25 (briefing 1:38-2:16)
5/6/04 12:01 - 3:35 (briefing 12:20-12:54)
5/10/04 1:22 - 2:50 (briefing 2:02-2:33)
5/12/04 11:56 - 1:03 (briefing 12:34-12:55)
5/24/04 no entry, exit logged twice, 2:04:43 and 2:04:51 (briefing 1:14-1:46)
5/26/04 12:09 - 1:51 (briefing 1:15-1:51)
5/28/04 2:17 - no exit (briefing 3:02-3:34)
6/1/04 9:20 - 12:03 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 9:45)
6/3/04 9:02 - 10:32 (no briefing)
6/14/04 10:02 - 11:45 (no briefing)
6/15/04 11:03 - no exit (briefing 2:25-2:52)
6/15/04 5:19 - 6:38 (B4 Exit Lane instead of usual A4 Exit Reader) (after briefing)
(Bush and Karzai in Press Availability)
6/16/04 2:50 - 4:34 (no briefing)
6/17/04 11:57 - 1:25 (briefing 12:47-1:20)
6/21/04 9:27 - 10:03 (no briefing)
6/22/04 12:13 - 5:04 (Al Gonzales briefing, 3:12-4:55)
6/24/04 1:27 - 2:13 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 1:51-2:03)
6/30/04 12:21 - 1:55 (briefing 1:15-1:55)
7/1/04 12:22 - 1:36 (briefing 1:01-1:37)
7/2/04 9:43 - 11:53 (no briefing)
7/6/04 12:15 - 12:58 (briefing 12:33-12:48)
7/8/04 1:07 - 2:21 (briefing 1:53-2:22)
7/15/04 12:48 - 1:48 (briefing 12:54-1:23)
7/19/04 1:04 - 2:24 (briefing 1:52-2:22)
7/21/04 12:22 - 2:02 (briefing 1:10-1:40)
7/22/04 10:11 - 10:47 (no briefing)
7/29/04 6:03 - 6:21 (no briefing)
8/2/04 10:59 - 1:47 (briefing 1:02-1:39)
8/9/04 12:07 - 1:03 (briefing 12:31-12:59)
8/17/04 11:06 - 12:31 (no briefing)
8/27/04 9:10 - 9:37 (no briefing)
9/10/04 11:19 - 12:55 (no briefing)
9/15/04 12:17 - 1:56 (briefing 1:11-1:45)
9/22/04 11:57 - 12:34 (no briefing)
9/23/04 11:19 - 1:14 (Bush press conference with Allawi)
11/2/04 1:31 - 2:20 (no briefing) (Election Day)
11/4/04 9:16 - 12:11 (Bush press conference 11:17-11:57)
11/8/04 11:50 - 1:08 (briefing 12:20-12:52)
11/10/04 12:35 - 12:58 (briefing 12:26-12:45)
11/12/04 10:57 -- no exit (Bush press conference with Blair)
11/16/04 12:26 - 1:51 (briefing 12:20-1:32)
11/17/04 12:07 - 2:14 (briefing 12:38-1:10)
11/29/04 12:23 - 1:49 (briefing 12:56-1:32)
12/6/04 12:37 - 1:59 (briefing 1:03-1:36)
12/8/04 12:07 - 1:41 (briefing 1:05-1:39)
12/10/04 12:32 - 1:51 (briefing 1:06-1:32)
12/13/04 12:18 - 1:36 (briefing 12:50-1:18)
12/14/04 12:46 - 1:53 (briefing 12:48-1:23)
12/17/04 12:16 - 1:48 (briefing 12:47-1:14)
12/20/04 10:05 - 11:49 (Bush press conference, 10:32-11:25)
12/21/04 12:00 - 2:04 (briefing 12:35-1:10)
12/22/04 12:04 - 1:08 (no briefing)
12/23/04 12:31 - 1:26 (no briefing)
1/18/05 12:05 - 1:36 (briefing 12:28-12:57)
1/19/05 12:26 - 1:38 (briefing 12:48-1:19)
1/25/05 12:19 - 1:04 (briefing 12:23-12:53)
1/26/05 9:54 - 10:56 (Bush press conference, 10:00-10:47)
1/31/05 12:27 - 1:24 (briefing 12:45-1:16)
2/1/05 12:11 no exit (briefing12:18-12:47)
2/7/05 12:10 - 3:00 (briefing 12:45-1:06)
2/25/03 11:46 - 1:25 (briefing 12:26-1:03)
2/26/03 9:56 - 2:17 (briefing 1:25-1:53)
2/27/03 11:49 - 1:34 (no briefing)
2/28/03 11:20 - 1:26 (briefing 12:35-1:10)
3/3/03 9:51 - 1:32 <>(briefing from 12:21-1:00)<>
3/4/03 11:48 - 1:45 (briefing 12:46-1:20)
3/5/03 11:56 - 1:57 (briefing 12:21-1:00)
3/6/03 11:58 - 12:42 (no briefing)
3/6/03 9:11 pm exit - no entry (Bush press conference, 8 pm)
3/7/03 3:22 pm exit -- no entry (briefing from 2:20-3:00)
3/10/03 12:47 - 3:11 (briefing 1:23-2:10)
3/11/03 12:25 - 1:47 (briefing at 12:38 - no end time given)
3/12/03 12:55 - 2:40 (briefing 1:20-1:59)
3/13/03 12:12 - 1:55 (briefing 12:40-1:19)
3/14/03 12:02 - 1:49 (briefing 12:35-1:06)
3/17/03 12:01 - 1:30 (no briefing)
3/18/03 12:09 - 1:31 (briefing 12:21-1:05)
3/19/03 9:38 - 3:27 (12:15-12:59) (Bush speech, 10 pm)
3/20/03 12:19 - 1:38 (briefing 12:32-1:15)
3/21/03 10:52 - 12:31 (briefing from 2:31-3:12)
3/24/03 1:02 - 2:43 (briefing from 1:00-1:44)
3/25/03 1:45 - 3:30 (briefing from 2:30-3:15)
3/28/03 12:34 - 3:51 (briefing from 12:35-1:15)
4/4/03 12:18 - 1:31 (briefing 12:20-12:59)
4/9/03 1:48 - 3:48 (briefing 2:32-3:20)
4/10/03 12:14 - 2:00 (briefing 12:20-1:03)
4/11/03 12:24 - 1:52 (briefing 12:15-12:45)
4/14/03 12:34 - 1:46 (briefing 12:30-1:15)
4/21/03 3:33 - 4:19 (no briefing)
4/22/03 11:36 - 1:37 (briefing 12:30-1:14)
4/23/03 12:16 - 2:26 (briefing 1:17-1:55)
4/25/03 11:21 - 1:25 (briefing 12:19-1:00)
4/28/03 3:01 - 4:40<> (briefing from 11:08-11:23)<>
4/29/03 11:25 - 1:10 (briefing 12:23-12:58)
4/30/03 11:37 - 3:14 (briefing 12:32-1:19)
5/6/03 11:27 - 12:56 (briefing 11:50-12:30)
5/7/03 11:53 - 1:29 (briefing 12:30-1:10)
5/8/03 1:09 - 7:10 <>(briefing from 1:45-2:26)
5/9/03 9:49 - 11:38 (no briefing)<>
5/14/03 12:02 - 1:47 (briefing 12:35-1:15)
5/14/03 5:15 pm - 6:56 pm (second evening visit) (No briefing)
5/15/03 12:27 - 2:25 (briefing from1:08-1:47)
5/16/03 12:05 - 1:40 (briefing from12:35-1:19)
5/20/03 12:27 - 2:04 (briefing from12:55-1:34)
5/27/03 11:56 - 1:31 (briefing from 12:23-1:05)
5/28/03 11:50 - 12:53 (briefing from 12:05-12:44)
5/28/03 3:26 - 4:53 (second visit)
5/29/03 11:42 - 1:43 (briefing 12:20-1:00)
6/10/03 12:13 - 1:19 (briefing 12:33-1:12)
6/17/03 12:29 - 1:41 (briefing 12:32-1:11)
6/18/03 12:16 - 1:42 (briefing 12:50-1:34)
<>6/22/03 3:32 - 4:49 (no briefing)
6/23/03 1:41 - 2:21 (no briefing)<>
6/25/03 12:16 - 1:01 (briefing 12:30-12:55)
6/26/03 11:32 - 12:35 (briefing 11:45-12:24)
7/1/03 11:25 - 1:42 (briefing from 12:50-1:26)
7/2/03 11:50 - 1:20 (briefing from 12:35-1:12)
7/3/03 3:04 - 4:16 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 3:40-4:10)
7/14/03 11:33 - 1:32 (Ari Fleischer’s farewell party) (12:03-12:56)
7/15/03 12:15 (no exit) (briefing 12:38-1:23)
7/16/03 12:26 - 2:05 (briefing from 12:50-1:20)
7/17/03 4:43 - 6:13 ( briefing 12:36-1:17)
7/22/03 12:23 - 1:53 (briefing 12:58-1:35)
7/23/03 12:21 - 2:23 (briefing 1:17-2:07)
7/25/03 2:08 - 3:30 (briefing 2:39-3:15)
7/27/03 3:08 - 5:24 (no briefing)
7/28/03 12:53 - 2:04 (briefing 10:12-10:23 )
7/30/03 12:13 - 12:45 (no briefing)
8/1/03 12:18 (no exit) (briefing 12:24-12:54)
8/1/03 12:39 - 1:20
9/2/03 12:37 (A4 HC Entry Lane, no exit) (briefing 12:42-1:23)
9/3/03 12:10 - 1:18 (briefing 12:30-1:10)
9/10/03 12:17 - 1:32 (briefing 12:49-1:23)
9/16/03 12:23 - 1:59 (briefing 1:00-1:39)
9/17/03 12:12 - 1:55 (briefing 1:00-1:41)
9/22/03 1:54 - 3:06 (no briefing)
9/25/03 12:49 - 1:53 (briefing 12:48-1:35)
9/26/03 12:09 - 2:24 (briefing 12:36-1:15)
9/29/03 12:09 - 1:10 (briefing 12:18-1:03)
10/1/03 11:51 - 1:37 (briefing 12:44-1:30)
10/2/03 11:52 (no exit) (briefing 12:47-1:26)
10/6/03 12:58, 6:10 (no exit)
10/7/03 12:46 - 2:03 (briefing 12:58-1:46)
10/8/03 12:10 - 1:27 (briefing 12:16-12:42)
10/14/03 12:22 (no exit) (briefing 12:40-1:14)
10/27/03 12:32 - 1:33 (briefing 12:39-1:15)
10/28/03 10:54 - 12:22 (Bush press conference 11:15-12:03)
10/29/03 12:20 - 1:08 (12:20-12:57)
11/6/03 12:09 - 1:09 (briefing 12:35-1:04)
11/12/03 12:09 - 1:58 (briefing 1:10-1:47)
11/14/03 12:54 - 2:07 (briefing 1:36-2:00)
11/21/03 5:25 - 6:49 (no briefing)
11/24/03 8:49 - 9:43 (no briefing)
12/2/03 2:08 - 3:29 (no briefing)
12/3/03 12:03 - 1:11 (briefing 12:32-1:06)
12/7/03 3:25 (no exit - entry via A4 HC Entry Lane) (no briefing)
12/9/03 12:33 - 1:45 (briefing 12:55-1:21)
12/10/03 12:05 - 1:23 (briefing 12:35-1:15)
12/12/03 11:51 - 1:35 (briefing 12:15-12:52)
12/15/03 10:45 - 12:42 (Bush press conference 11:15-12:03)
12/18/03 12:44 - 2:28 (briefing 2:05-2:43)
12/19/03 12:21 - 12:56 (B4 Entry Lane 2) (12:30-12:50)
12/19/03 1:36 - 2:13 (second visit)
12/22/03 12:15 - 1:23 (briefing 12:28-1:01)
1/14/04 12:30 - 1:33 (briefing 12:41-1:15)
1/16/04 12:08 - 12:48 (briefing 12:11-12:44)
1/23/04 11:52 - 1:12 (briefing 12:33-1:06)
1/28/04 11:53 - 1:26 (briefing 12:50-1:20)
1/30/04 12:30 - 1:23 (briefing 12:37-1:09)
2/2/04 12:32 - 1:35 (briefing 12:48-1:28)
2/3/04 12:44 - 1:55 (briefing 12:54-1:20)
2/4/04 11:50 - 1:38 (12:56-1:36)
2/6/04 11:58 - 1:44 (Bush announcement 1:32-37)
2/10/04 11:50 - 1:55 (briefing 12:53-1:38)
2/11/04 11:57 - 1:09 (briefing 12:30-1:02)
2/13/04 12:07 - 1:08 (briefing 12:30-1:02)
2/18/04 12:04 - 1:29 (briefing 12:36-1:08)
2/19/04 12:05 - 1:30 (briefing 12:37-1:14)
2/20/04 12:32 - 1:29 (briefing 12:33-1:03)
2/23/04 12:55 - 1:17 (briefing 12:43-1:10)
2/24/04 12:06 - 1:52 (briefing 1:00-1:36)
2/27/04 1:55 - 3:39 (briefing 2:18-2:48)
3/1/04 12:50 - 2:04 (briefing 1:20-2:00)
3/2/04 12:29 - 1:23 (briefing 12:46-1:14)
3/9/04 12:40 - 1:49 (briefing 1:03-1:37)
3/12/04 12:54 - 1:00 (no briefing)
3/16/04 12:43 - 1:52 (briefing 1:10-1:46)
3/17/04 12:18 - 1:56 (briefing 1:26-1:50)
3/22/04 12:03 - 2:10 (briefing 1:24-2:04)
3/23/04 12:03 - 1:34 (briefing 12:47-1:10)
3/24/04 12:17 - 2:03 (briefing 1:10-2:02)
3/30/04 exit only, 12:04 (no briefing)
3/30/04 4:22 - 4:55 (no briefing)
4/1/04 12:42 - 1:57 (briefing 1:25-1:53)
4/13/04 9:42 - 10:29 (no briefing)(Bush speaks to reporters on the WH lawn)
4/13/04 6:59 pm - 9:49 pm (Bush press conference)
4/16/04 10:51 - 3:08 (briefing 2:41-3:09) (Bush/Blair press conference)
4/21/04 12:14 - 1:00 (briefing 12:31-1:00)
4/27/04 12:10 (no exit, entry via A4 HC Entry Lane instead of Entry Lane 2) (briefing 12:27- 12:59)
4/28/04 12:26 - 1:47 (briefing 1:20-1:47)
4/29/04 11:10 no exit
4/29/04 2:15 - 2:57 (briefing 2:23-2:56)
4/30/04 1:24 - 2:47 (briefing 2:22-2:45)
5/5/04 12:02 - 2:25 (briefing 1:38-2:16)
5/6/04 12:01 - 3:35 (briefing 12:20-12:54)
5/10/04 1:22 - 2:50 (briefing 2:02-2:33)
5/12/04 11:56 - 1:03 (briefing 12:34-12:55)
5/24/04 no entry, exit logged twice, 2:04:43 and 2:04:51 (briefing 1:14-1:46)
5/26/04 12:09 - 1:51 (briefing 1:15-1:51)
5/28/04 2:17 - no exit (briefing 3:02-3:34)
6/1/04 9:20 - 12:03 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 9:45)
6/3/04 9:02 - 10:32 (no briefing)
6/14/04 10:02 - 11:45 (no briefing)
6/15/04 11:03 - no exit (briefing 2:25-2:52)
6/15/04 5:19 - 6:38 (B4 Exit Lane instead of usual A4 Exit Reader) (after briefing)
(Bush and Karzai in Press Availability)
6/16/04 2:50 - 4:34 (no briefing)
6/17/04 11:57 - 1:25 (briefing 12:47-1:20)
6/21/04 9:27 - 10:03 (no briefing)
6/22/04 12:13 - 5:04 (Al Gonzales briefing, 3:12-4:55)
6/24/04 1:27 - 2:13 (Condoleeza Rice briefing, 1:51-2:03)
6/30/04 12:21 - 1:55 (briefing 1:15-1:55)
7/1/04 12:22 - 1:36 (briefing 1:01-1:37)
7/2/04 9:43 - 11:53 (no briefing)
7/6/04 12:15 - 12:58 (briefing 12:33-12:48)
7/8/04 1:07 - 2:21 (briefing 1:53-2:22)
7/15/04 12:48 - 1:48 (briefing 12:54-1:23)
7/19/04 1:04 - 2:24 (briefing 1:52-2:22)
7/21/04 12:22 - 2:02 (briefing 1:10-1:40)
7/22/04 10:11 - 10:47 (no briefing)
7/29/04 6:03 - 6:21 (no briefing)
8/2/04 10:59 - 1:47 (briefing 1:02-1:39)
8/9/04 12:07 - 1:03 (briefing 12:31-12:59)
8/17/04 11:06 - 12:31 (no briefing)
8/27/04 9:10 - 9:37 (no briefing)
9/10/04 11:19 - 12:55 (no briefing)
9/15/04 12:17 - 1:56 (briefing 1:11-1:45)
9/22/04 11:57 - 12:34 (no briefing)
9/23/04 11:19 - 1:14 (Bush press conference with Allawi)
11/2/04 1:31 - 2:20 (no briefing) (Election Day)
11/4/04 9:16 - 12:11 (Bush press conference 11:17-11:57)
11/8/04 11:50 - 1:08 (briefing 12:20-12:52)
11/10/04 12:35 - 12:58 (briefing 12:26-12:45)
11/12/04 10:57 -- no exit (Bush press conference with Blair)
11/16/04 12:26 - 1:51 (briefing 12:20-1:32)
11/17/04 12:07 - 2:14 (briefing 12:38-1:10)
11/29/04 12:23 - 1:49 (briefing 12:56-1:32)
12/6/04 12:37 - 1:59 (briefing 1:03-1:36)
12/8/04 12:07 - 1:41 (briefing 1:05-1:39)
12/10/04 12:32 - 1:51 (briefing 1:06-1:32)
12/13/04 12:18 - 1:36 (briefing 12:50-1:18)
12/14/04 12:46 - 1:53 (briefing 12:48-1:23)
12/17/04 12:16 - 1:48 (briefing 12:47-1:14)
12/20/04 10:05 - 11:49 (Bush press conference, 10:32-11:25)
12/21/04 12:00 - 2:04 (briefing 12:35-1:10)
12/22/04 12:04 - 1:08 (no briefing)
12/23/04 12:31 - 1:26 (no briefing)
1/18/05 12:05 - 1:36 (briefing 12:28-12:57)
1/19/05 12:26 - 1:38 (briefing 12:48-1:19)
1/25/05 12:19 - 1:04 (briefing 12:23-12:53)
1/26/05 9:54 - 10:56 (Bush press conference, 10:00-10:47)
1/31/05 12:27 - 1:24 (briefing 12:45-1:16)
2/1/05 12:11 no exit (briefing12:18-12:47)
2/7/05 12:10 - 3:00 (briefing 12:45-1:06)

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