zaterdag 4 juni 2005

June 4, 2005

I think, given all the publicity the Voice of the White House is getting and the increasingly large number of viewers, both domestic and foreign, who seem to like what the site has to say, that is would be in order to give everyone more information about what, and who, is behind all of this. I know a legion of self-important bloggers are jealous because someone is coming out with new information and that you have many interested and loyal readers who would like more concrete information.

Let’s give it to them, OK?

VOTWH is a joint venture, not mine alone. It started out that way when I came across some information about Bush’s medical problems. I tried contacting people I knew at the New York Times, the Washington Post (who will print almost anything, true or not) and several other papers. None expressed even the slightest interest so I searched Google and came across TBR News and its Controlling the News. I read some of these and decided you were not PC and would print important matters so I sent my first information off to you. You printed it, it was caught up everywhere and reprinted and the White House erupted in fury. As I recall, some wuss working here got into it with you and later ceased to work here because no one here dares to talk off the record to the media.

I have been around the Beltway on and off for years and know many people. Not the movers and shakers but the grunt men…the middle level people, the pr people for various other agencies and so on. On a Wednesday, sometime after my first exposure, I had a small poker party at my house after work, My wife is very tolerant of this because it keeps me home and she had learned to open the windows or turn on the air conditioner to disperse the cigarette and cigar smoke.

The subject of the posting came up from one of my player friends and one thing led to another. When I basicially admitted to being the source, one of my friends, with the DoJ said it was too bad he didn’t have such an outlet because of what he had learned during the course of his work down on Pennsylvania Ave. Another player, this time a charming woman, works for DoS and chimed in about certain matters outside the country.

Both of them loathe Bush and his neo Nazis and gave me a long list of interesting material. Of course I can’t quote directly but with a press background, I made notes and wrote them up. And you published them for me, albeit edited a little.

Gradually, our circle of players expanded, new members brought in by the older ones, myself excluded, until we had seven around the table. Soon, we got more interested in what we had to exchange and less and less on the chips and cards so now we have a pokerless poker party once a week with occasional meetings on a one to one basis in various public places.

We now have people from the DIA, the CIA, Treasury and DoHS on board., with some occasional input from someone at NSA and the NSG.

Poker is not played and we do not get together on Wednesday night. Generally, there is a discussion by various attendees about matters of interest and significance, I tape the meeting and later I transcribe my notes. Since the public seems to prefer gossip to heavier material, I write my studies for you more along that line but have decided to cover more substantive matters than the Gannon business or the gays in Washington

There are no secrets in this town but a lot of them never get outside of it. This is a pity because here is where policy is conceived and implemented so future postings will have more substance. If your readers complain too much about this, we can go back to the lavatory wall type of journalism.

The Monkey Palace nazis are waiting for Chief Justice Rehnquist to croak so they can elevate one of their far right fascist friends to the Court. This, of course, is obvious but some of the potential appointees are going to make real trouble when confirmation time comes. Congress is facing mid-term elections coming up and the cattle are becoming restless in their pens, shifting around and mooing as they sense an approaching storm.

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