zaterdag 25 juni 2005

June 25, 2005

Never mind the bad economy, the guarantee of very high gas prices soon or the Chinese takeover of American oil businesses and IBM, the real bugbear for the Monkey Palace people is the growing public perception of an utter disaster in Iraq. The fact that the devastating death tolls are starting to come out and the statement by Rumsfeld that the US has to stay in Iraq for at least <>ten years<> more, is causing genuine public fury that is bewildering FatAss Karl and his team of trained weasels. They can conduct clever campaigns, manipulative a la ‘Wag the Dog’ but they cannot plan domestic policy. They can destroy enemies, lie like rugs and keep in a constant state of contemptuous warfare against what they see are the stupid public but they cannot govern. They are antagonizing many moderate Republicans in Congress, unifying the shaken Democrats, disillusioning many Republicans loyalists who voted for Bush and treating Congress with the same cold, dismissive contempt they show for the rest of the public. These are ideologues who listen to their own drummer and, I can assure all of my readers, are doing terrible damage to the United States and its reputation throughout the world.

The Chinese muscle-flexing has terrified members of Congress but Bush and his people can care less. They are obsessed with power and how to keep it and expand it. None of them have any business running the United States. Bush is a dunce but Rove is very, very clever and Rove runs Bush like a dysfunctional hand puppet. They have antagonized almost all of the U.S. senior military leadership (except for the loonie General ‘Jesus H. Christ’ Boykin…who by all rights belongs in St. Elizabeth’s Local Nut Emporium doing interesting things with crayons) who do not want a draft and who realize, almost to a man, that the war in Iraq will destroy their military establishment and essentially leave this country completely helpless if any kind of a serious military emergency should suddenly erupt, say at the Mexican border or in Venezuela. Bush himself is narrow-minded and fixated on false goals, incapable of dialog and personally is one of the most unpleasant and nasty men I have ever met. I have said it before: It isn’t God Bless America these days but God Save America.

vrijdag 24 juni 2005

June 24, 2005

Now I am about to excite the bloggers with the usual silly gossip that is beneath their dignity. As a matter of fact, let’s talk about the means by which Karl Rove attempts to delude and confound the American public, whom he loves to call the Sheepie Club. Bush calls Rove, “Turd Blossom” which is a wonderfully apt observation on the part of our witty and intellectual President. Karl and his top aides have managed to bribe a number of journalists to publish what they want, frighten others into silence and as an added insult, they have preempted a number of popular blog sites with money and other goods to attack their enemies and support their friends.

Right now, Bush is falling down badly and is probably beyond recovery. Note how nasty and hysterical they have become recently.

As long they worked in a vacuum, their clever little manipulative games worked very well but Rove’s machinations are like a delicate Swiss clock that can only work when covered by a glass dome to keep the dust out. The dome is now gone and we can watch them running around the Fag Palace here mad as hell that Rove’s Master Plan to have one political party and the destruction of any and all liberal institutions seems to have lost its drive and its wheels.

Well, the public is getting aroused, Karl, so be very careful about what you say and tell your Fuehrer to stop making shrill, hateful speeches or your removal from the Monkey Palace will come much sooner than 2006.

zondag 19 juni 2005

June 19, 2005

Looking at some of the negative comments about me on Google does my heart good. Consider the sources! Anyway, the objection has been made that I spend too much time on “trivia” such as the Gannon/Bush union or “gossip” about pending military actions against Iran. I went through files here in the Monkey Palace and culled out some interesting CIA material. This deals with how to snitch on your fellow government workers and I am sending a digest of this on for the public to look at. This has become a polarized country with the rabid right foaming at the chops like a rabid hog and the disorganized liberals struggling to regroup. You know, I wouldn’t recommend that your Brian Harring ever go to Washington. I have it on the best authority that Fat Karl Rove, the Eunuch, is planning to come up behind Harring and knock him down with his purse and then stomp on him with his stiletto-heels. Enjoy! More “silly gossip” next time.

The Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID) 6/4, Personnel Security Standards lists (Annex E, 6 [a] – [m]) several general categories of behavior that are reportable if observed in the workplace. These are similar to the adjudicative guidelines (in the DoD Directive 5200.2-R) except that they do not include the brief behavioral descriptions that appear in the adjudicative guidelines. The categories, which—like the adjudicative guidelines—mix CI, security and reliability issues, are listed below. Only two—(b) and (c)—are strictly related to CI issues.

(a) Involvement in activities or sympathetic association with persons which/who unlawfully practice or advocate the overthrow or alteration of the United States Government by unconstitutional means.

(b) Foreign influence concerns/close personal association with foreign nationals..3

(c) Foreign citizenship or foreign monetary interests.

(d) Sexual behavior that is criminal or reflects a lack of judgment or discretion.

(e) Unwillingness to comply with rules and regulations or to cooperate with security processing.

(f) Unexplained affluence or excessive indebtedness.

(g) Alcohol abuse.

(h) Illegal or improper drug use/involvement.

(i) Apparent mental or emotional disorder(s).

(j) Criminal conduct.

(k) Noncompliance with security requirements.

(l) Engagement in outside activities that could cause a conflict of interest.

(m) Misuse of information technology systems.

(a) Any attempt to expand access to classified information by volunteering for assignments or duties beyond the normal scope of responsibilities or attempting to obtain information for which the person has no authorized access or need to know.

(b) Unauthorized removed of classified materials from work area.

(c) Extensive use of copy, FAX or computer equipment to reproduce or transmit classified material that may exceed job requirements.

(d) Repeated or unrequired work outside normal duty hours, especially unaccompanied.

(e) Obtaining witness signatures on classified document destruction forms when witness did not observe the destruction.
(f) Bringing unauthorized cameras, recording devices, computers or modems into areas where classified data is stored, discussed, or processed.

(g) Unexplained or undue affluence, including sudden purchases of high-value items where no logical income source exists. Attempts to explain wealth by reference to inheritance, luck in gambling, or some successful business venture..

(h) Opening several bank accounts containing substantial sums of money where no logical income source exists.

(i) Free spending or lavish display of wealth, which appears beyond normal income.

(j) Sudden reversal of financial situation or sudden repayment of large debts or loans.

(k) Correspondence with persons in countries of special concern.

(l) Unreported contact with officials of countries of special concern.

(m) Frequent or unexplained trips of short duration to foreign countries.

(n) Attempts to offer extra income from an outside endeavor to personnel with sensitive jobs or to entice them into criminal situations that could lead to blackmail.

(o) Homesteading or repeatedly requesting extensions to tours of duty in one assignment or location, especially when the assignment offers significant access to sensitive information or the job is not desirable.

(p) Repeated involvement in security violations.

(q) Joking or bragging about working for a foreign intelligence service.

(r) Visits to a foreign embassy, consulate, trade, or press office.

(s) Business dealings with nationals or firms of countries of concern.

In summary, DoD Instruction 5240.6, flowing from higher-level policies such as a Presidential Decision Directive and an Executive Order, lays out the basic requirement for CI awareness and briefing programs in the DoD. Air Force and Navy wrote instructions that closely parallel the DoD instruction; the Army elaborated on the instruction, providing more details and specifics. Requirements vary somewhat from one entity to another. PERSEREC staff decided that a short, succinct list of reportable behaviors is needed rather than having supervisors, coworkers, and agencies deal with the plethora of different approaches and degrees of specificity found in the different policies..

DODI 5240.6, August 7, 2004

· E2.1.9. Espionage. Defined under Sections 792-799, Chapter 37, title 18, United States Code (reference ) and Article 106a, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

· E2.1.9.1. Espionage is the act of obtaining, delivering, transmitting, communicating, or receiving information about the national defense with an intent or reason to believe that the information may be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation. The offense of espionage applies during war or peace.

· E2.1.9.2. Reference makes it an offense to gather, with the requisite intent or belief, national defense information, by going on, entering, flying over, or obtaining access by any means to any installation or place used by the United States for national defense. The method of gathering that information is immaterial.

· E2.1.9.3. Anyone who lawfully or unlawfully is entrusted with or otherwise has possession of, access to, or control over information about national defense, which he or she has reason to believe could be used against the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, and willfully communicates or transmits, or attempts to communicate or transmit, such information to any person not entitled to receive it may be punished under reference .

· E2.1.9.4. Anyone entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of information about national defense, who through gross negligence permits the same to be lost, stolen, abstracted, destroyed, removed from its proper place of custody, or delivered to anyone in violation of that trust may be punished under reference .

· E2.1.9.5. If two or more persons conspire to commit and one of them commits an overt act in furtherance of such conspiracy, all members of the conspiracy may be punished for violation of reference .

· E2.1.15. Sabotage. An act or acts with the intent to injure or interfere with, or obstruct the national defense of a country by willfully injuring, destroying, or attempting to destroy any national defense or war materiel, premises or utilities to include human or natural resources, under reference .

· E2.1.16. Spying. During wartime, any person who is found lurking as a spy or acting as a spy in or about any place, vessel or aircraft, within the control or jurisdiction of any of the Armed Forces or in or about any shipyard, any manufacturing or industrial plant, or any other place or institution engaged in work in aid of the prosecution of the war by the United States, or elsewhere.

· E2.1.17. Subversion. An act or acts inciting military or civilian personnel of the Department of Defense to violate laws, disobey lawful orders or regulations, or disrupt military activities with the willful intent thereby to interfere with, or impair the loyalty, morale, of discipline, of the Military Forces of the United States.

· E2.1.18. Terrorism. The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.

· E2.1.19. Treason. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason (see Section 2831 of title 18, U.S. Code,

· E2.1.20. Unauthorized Disclosure. A communication or physical transfer of classified information to an unauthorized recipient..DODI 5240.6, August 7, 2004


· E3.1.1. Unauthorized contact with an individual who is known or suspected of being associated with a foreign intelligence, security, or terrorist organization.

· E3.1.2. Illegal activity, conduct or requests for participation in illegal activities or other conduct that might make someone susceptible to blackmail or result in a security violation.

· E3.1.3. Reading or discussing classified or controlled unclassified information in an unauthorized location, such as while using public transportation.

· E3.1.4. Attempts to obtain classified or other protected information in any format to which the requesting person does not have authorized access.

· E3.1.5. Requests for witness signatures certifying the destruction of classified information when the witness did not observe the destruction.

· E3.1.6. Unauthorized possession and/or operation of cameras, recording devices, computers, or modems in areas wherein classified information and data are stored, discussed, or processed.

· E3.1.7. The existence or use of any unauthorized listening or surveillance devices in sensitive or secure areas.

· E3.1.8. Keeping classified material at home or any other unauthorized place.

· E3.1.9. Acquiring access to classified or unclassified automated information systems without proper authorization.

· E3.1.10. Transmitting classified material over unclassified FAX or computer.

· E3.1.11. Seeking to obtain access to sensitive information inconsistent with present duty requirements.

· E3.1.12. Removing classified or controlled unclassified material from work areas without appropriate authorization by any means.

· E3.1.13. Improperly removing security classification markings from documents..DODI 5240.6, August 7, 2004

· E3.1.14. Discussing classified information on a non-secure, unencrypted telephone.

· E3.1.15. Attempts to expand access to classified information by repeatedly volunteering for assignments or duties beyond the normal scope of responsibilities.

· E3.1.16. Extensive use of copy, facsimile, or computer equipment to reproduce or transmit classified material that may exceed job requirements.

· E3.1.17. Repeated or un-required work outside of normal duty hours, especially unaccompanied.

· E3.1.18. Unexplained or undue affluence, including sudden purchases of high value items (i.e., real estate, stocks, vehicles, or vacations) where no logical income source exists. Attempts to explain wealth by reference to inheritance, luck in gambling, or some successful business venture.

· E3.1.19. Sudden reversal of a bad financial situation or repayment of large debts. E3.1.20. Attempts to entice DoD personnel into situations that could place them in acompromising position.

· E3.1.21. Attempts to place DoD personnel under obligation through special treatment, favors, gifts, money or other means.E3.1.22. Short trips to foreign countries or travel within the United States to cities with foreign diplomatic activities for reasons that appear unusual or inconsistent with a person's interests or financial means..A-18.B-1

Appendix B


Foreign intelligence entities are on the lookout for people who can be solicited to commit espionage against the U.S. At the same time, willing would-be spies often approach foreign intelligence operatives on their own initiative, thus volunteering for recruitment. It is a major task of counterintelligence to intercept these relationships. The recruitment cycle requires, first, that contact be established between the foreign intelligence agency and the potential spy, whether by direct recruitment or by volunteering. While the recruitment relationship almost always involves contacts with foreigners, an already-committed U.S. spy may approach you or a colleague on the job for recruitment into espionage.
Reportable Behaviors

· you become aware of a colleague having contact with an individual who is known to be, or is suspected of being, associated with a foreign intelligence, security, or terrorist organization.

· you discover that a colleague has not reported an offer of financial assistance by a foreign national other than close family.

· you find out that a colleague has failed to report a request for classified or unclassified information outside official channels to a foreign national or anyone without authorization or need to know.

· you become aware of a colleague engaging in illegal activity or if a colleague asks you to engage in any illegal activity.


If you become aware of any of the following behaviors or activities, you should report them to your security officer or supervisor. These behaviors are derived from the DoD Instruction 5240.6 Counterintelligence Awareness, Briefing, and Reporting Programs..B-7


Before classified or other kinds of sensitive materials can be passed to a foreign intelligence agency, they must be collected. They can simply be stolen (e.g., paper placed in a briefcase and taken out of the office), photographed, collected via computers, or obtained through eavesdropping or other surveillance devices. The computer age, with its e-mail and database capabilities, has offered new opportunities to potential spies for collecting data. While technical countermeasures can control some situations, it is up to coworkers to watch for and, if possible, identify breaches in the system that allow classified and sensitive information to be collected for espionage purposes.
Reportable Behaviors

· a colleague asks you to obtain classified or other protected information in any format to which the person does not have authorized access.

· a colleague asks you to witness signatures for destruction of classified information when you did not observe the destruction.

· you observe a colleague operating unauthorized cameras, recording devices, computers, or modems in areas where classified data are stored, discussed, or processed.

· you become aware of the existence of any listening or surveillance devices in sensitive or secure areas.

· you find out that a colleagues has been keeping classified material at home or any other unauthorized place.

· you discover a colleague acquiring access to classified or unclassified automated information systems without authorization.

· you observe a colleague seeking to obtain access to sensitive information inconsistent with present duty requirements..B-8


In former days the transmittal of classified or sensitive information took the form of stealing documents and physically handing them to the foreign intelligence agent. In addition, spies could photocopy paper materials, smuggle materials out in briefcases, even illicitly take photographs in the workplace. Nowadays, there are many more opportunities to transmit information. With the advent of e-mail, faxes, and other technological capabilities, it is possible to transmit large quantities of information without being immediately caught. Coworkers must be aware of this problem and, if an illicit transmission is detected, report it directly and immediately to the designated cognizant counterintelligence or security authorities. Once a relationship with a foreign intelligence agent is established and information begins to flow, illicit trips abroad by the recruited spy usually follow (meetings are easier to arrange abroad than in the U.S.). These journeys are often concealed by the person and the foreign contact is not reported. If you learn of such journeys or contacts, you should report.

Reportable Behaviors

· you see someone removing classified material from the work area without appropriate authorization, either by physically taking it home or on travel, or by e-mailing or faxing it out of the office. The same rule applies for other protected materials, such as export-controlled or proprietary items.

· you observe a colleague using unclassified FAX or computer to transmit classified material.

· you observe a person improperly removing the classification markings from documents.

· you hear a colleague discussing classified information on a nonsecure telephone.

· you become aware that people with TS/SCI or contractors with a reporting requirement have attempted to conceal any work-related foreign travel and any personal foreign travel..


The new DoD Instruction 5240.6, Counterintelligence (CI) Awareness, Briefing, and Reporting Programs (August 7, 2004) lists an additional series of eight items that, while not exactly clear-cut violations, have been traditionally considered behaviors that may well be connected to counterintelligence and security problems. These behaviors do require some degree of judgment before reporting. Often you might not know about them directly but only by hearsay. Often they may easily carry plausible alternative explanations. They are included here with the caveat that they do require a judgment call before reporting. If you are at all uncertain, it is better to report the behavior than to make no report at all.

· Attempts to expand access to classified information by repeatedly volunteering for assignments or duties beyond the normal scope of responsibilities.

· Extensive use of copy, facsimile, or computer equipment to reproduce or transmit classified material that may exceed job requirements.

· Repeated or un-required work outside of normal duty hours, especially unaccompanied.

· Unexplained or undue affluence, including sudden purchases of high value items (e.g., real estate, stocks, vehicles, or vacations) where no logical income source exists. Attempt to explain wealth by reference to inheritance, luck in gambling, or some successful business venture.

· Sudden reversal of financial situation or sudden repayment of large debts or loans.

· Attempts to entice DoD personnel into situations that could place them in a compromising position.

· Attempts to place DoD personnel under obligation through special treatment, favors, gifts, money, or other means.

· Short trips to foreign countries or travel within the United States to cities with foreign diplomatic activities for reasons that appear unusual or inconsistent with a person’s interests or financial means.

vrijdag 17 juni 2005

June 17, 2005

Your articles on the short-changed DoD death lists are not making you very many friends inside the Beltway. If this ever get out to the masses of Americans, there will be serious trouble. I have heard Bush say that there is no way anyone is going to dictate to him and his policy is to remain in Iraq as long as he feels it is necessary, come what may. This leaves his toadies to cover up the growing criticism over this ill-advised project . All the polls, and increasingly the media, are pointing out that the public is growing very unhappy with this Iraq business and Bush’s ratings are rapidly tanking. The media, timid as ever, is slowly beginning to realize the way the wind is blowing and are starting to trim their corporate sails.

In defiance of the Amnesty International severe criticism of Guantanamo Gulag, the people here refuse to consider doing away with it. Under increasing public scrutiny and criticism, Rumsfeld , Cheney and Bush absolutely refuse to budge an inch on any of this. This is typical of the inflexibility of the administration and without a doubt, given the upcoming Mid-Term elections, Congress is growing restive, fearful that an outraged voter base might chuck them out…pry them away from the money pot…and you are seeing more and more moderate Republicans moving away from the far right wing of their party and, like Clinton, towards the center. Pretty soon, all Bush and his bully boys will have left are a handful of nuts like Santorum, DeLay and a few others and this will not constitute any kind of a governing majority. I have seen this before and from comments I have heard from nervous Republican lawmakers, a consummation devoutly to be wished. Congress has passed stem cell legislation against Bush’s wishes and has now begun to pick away at the notorious Patriot Act, let along tampering with his budget demands. All beginnings are difficult but hopefully the tide will turn.

zondag 12 juni 2005

June 12, 2005

Here is an interesting attempt on the part of the Bush worshippers to dish the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution that limits a President to two terms:


February 17, 2005

Mr. HOYER (for himself, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. SENSENBRENNER,Mr. SABO, and Mr. PALLONE) introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary:



Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification:

`Article --

`The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is repealed.'

Isn’t this nice? Sieg Heil, Mein Führer!

The Bush people have now set up an entire system to permit instant military crackdowns inside the United States in the event that, to quote from an official order, now in my safe, “provides the vehicle for the reestablishment of domestic order in the event of civil insurrections…” I have sent this to TBR in the hopes that they will publish parts of it to entertain those interested in the neo-fascist rompings in the Chimpanzee Retirement Home.

And from a friend in the DoD (upper level bureaucrat who detests Bush and his band of trained snakes) this bit of neonazi fun. It seems that since recruiting has tanked totally, the next step is to recruit school dropouts, dimbulbs, those with “minor” criminal records or 18 year olds who might find themselves inside an institution for the delinquent. (!)

The second part of this program is scary, even for one who lives inside the Beltway.

A study has been concluded aimed at permitting the DoD to recruit men who are convicted of felonies and currently on parole for same or incarcerated in a Federal or State penitentiary! However, only those convicts or ex-convicts with prior military service will be considered! And certain categories of convictions such as arson, rape or murder will not be considered…’unless said individual possesses skills that can be considered essential to the War on Terrorism’ (!)

The question here is this: Will these dregs of society be used inside or outside of the United States? The study concludes that there are over 3,000,000 such individuals in prison and the states incarcerating them are begging Bush for relief. The right-wing crazies have wanted to lock up every pickpocket or newspaper thief for life but the states can no longer afford to feed them.

This plan has met with considerable approval in the Oval Office because it will relieve the military manpower problem and avoid a very unpopular and potentially fatal universal draft (wanted by Bush but not by the military) and take tens of thousands of mouths off of the public tit.

The suggestions have been made to those working this project up is that the convict brigades only be used outside of the United States. What these sweet and charming dregs of society would do if in uniform and armed is so terrible of contemplation that there is no point even thinking about it. But what if they decide they do not like Bush? Look what happened to the Roman Emperor Caligula.

donderdag 9 juni 2005

June 9, 2005

This will be in a slightly different format than before. News from the CIA: Just before the DNC resigned (under pressure) he issued an order to delete over 200 secret files from the data bases at the CIA. These consisted of CIA reports, the publication of which would cause serious damage to Bush. Tenent’s reward? The nice Medal of Freedom.

News from the White House: Recent revelations about Gannon are going to cause a great purge of gays from the White House staff. 35 are slated to be dumped. There was a similar, and like this one, strictly private, purge during the Clinton Administration and the Reagan one. These people get very bold and bring their lovers into the Monkey Palace for fun and games.

News from the FBI: Both the Bureau and the DHS are growing increasingly frustrated. Vague and phantom threats against US security are of such a nature as to make enforcement of all the nice new Nazi-style laws impossible to execute. The solution? Grab anyone with an Arab surname and accuse them of being a member of a terrorist cell. After they have spent a year in the slammer, courtesy of the Patriot Act, the poor shits will say anything to get out. Result? Another great “anti-terrorist” victory for the draggers of knuckles.

News from the DoS. Empress Rice is boiling mad because the OAS has summarily rejected her demands to permit the US to set up an “advisory board” to oversee and control political progress in Central and South America. Private comments among diplomats, monitored by the NSA, indicate that the opinion of Queen Condoleeza and Queen George are lower than whale droppings. General comments: The Bush people want a draft. They are also alarmed about the number of serious death threats pouring into the Chimpanzee Mansion and so are drawing up plans for an “exercise” in martial law. This will consist of sending loyal troops (there are some units that are certainly not loyal and Bush feels cannot be trusted in case of any kind of public “disobedience.”) as well as iron control over the internet. There will be a “practice” shutting down of the non-business sector of the internet for a brief time, just to show people that Uncle Asshole means business and also to test the shut down system. Also, there is juice boiling in Congressional tails over the growing interest in and concerns about the huge genuine death and injury tolls that our Pentagon is sweeping under the rug. Mid-terms elections are coming and the natives are becoming very restless. More and more evangelicals are writing to the Chimp Palace, protesting the war, the gay connections, the slipping economy and Bush’s dismal failure to stop stem cell research, promulgate the Ten Commandments as a replacement for our Constitution and the general growing perception that Curious George is a fraud and a sham.

Medical report: Two of my friends here tell me that in the middle of a small meeting last week, Bush suddenly stopped talking, his jaw dropped down and he began to stare at nothing. About the time his listeners were about to shout for a medic, he blinked, shook his head and began talking…about something not on the agenda. His dog was part of the mindless babble. We all pray that he does this live on CNN or better, FOX. George does not wear suits well being bowlegged and slightly humpbacked but he would look so wonderful in a straight jacket! On the 6 PM news at that!

zaterdag 4 juni 2005

June 4, 2005

I think, given all the publicity the Voice of the White House is getting and the increasingly large number of viewers, both domestic and foreign, who seem to like what the site has to say, that is would be in order to give everyone more information about what, and who, is behind all of this. I know a legion of self-important bloggers are jealous because someone is coming out with new information and that you have many interested and loyal readers who would like more concrete information.

Let’s give it to them, OK?

VOTWH is a joint venture, not mine alone. It started out that way when I came across some information about Bush’s medical problems. I tried contacting people I knew at the New York Times, the Washington Post (who will print almost anything, true or not) and several other papers. None expressed even the slightest interest so I searched Google and came across TBR News and its Controlling the News. I read some of these and decided you were not PC and would print important matters so I sent my first information off to you. You printed it, it was caught up everywhere and reprinted and the White House erupted in fury. As I recall, some wuss working here got into it with you and later ceased to work here because no one here dares to talk off the record to the media.

I have been around the Beltway on and off for years and know many people. Not the movers and shakers but the grunt men…the middle level people, the pr people for various other agencies and so on. On a Wednesday, sometime after my first exposure, I had a small poker party at my house after work, My wife is very tolerant of this because it keeps me home and she had learned to open the windows or turn on the air conditioner to disperse the cigarette and cigar smoke.

The subject of the posting came up from one of my player friends and one thing led to another. When I basicially admitted to being the source, one of my friends, with the DoJ said it was too bad he didn’t have such an outlet because of what he had learned during the course of his work down on Pennsylvania Ave. Another player, this time a charming woman, works for DoS and chimed in about certain matters outside the country.

Both of them loathe Bush and his neo Nazis and gave me a long list of interesting material. Of course I can’t quote directly but with a press background, I made notes and wrote them up. And you published them for me, albeit edited a little.

Gradually, our circle of players expanded, new members brought in by the older ones, myself excluded, until we had seven around the table. Soon, we got more interested in what we had to exchange and less and less on the chips and cards so now we have a pokerless poker party once a week with occasional meetings on a one to one basis in various public places.

We now have people from the DIA, the CIA, Treasury and DoHS on board., with some occasional input from someone at NSA and the NSG.

Poker is not played and we do not get together on Wednesday night. Generally, there is a discussion by various attendees about matters of interest and significance, I tape the meeting and later I transcribe my notes. Since the public seems to prefer gossip to heavier material, I write my studies for you more along that line but have decided to cover more substantive matters than the Gannon business or the gays in Washington

There are no secrets in this town but a lot of them never get outside of it. This is a pity because here is where policy is conceived and implemented so future postings will have more substance. If your readers complain too much about this, we can go back to the lavatory wall type of journalism.

The Monkey Palace nazis are waiting for Chief Justice Rehnquist to croak so they can elevate one of their far right fascist friends to the Court. This, of course, is obvious but some of the potential appointees are going to make real trouble when confirmation time comes. Congress is facing mid-term elections coming up and the cattle are becoming restless in their pens, shifting around and mooing as they sense an approaching storm.

donderdag 2 juni 2005

June 2, 2005

Just for the sake of accuracy, I am going to fill you in on how Gannon was discovered. It is absolutely not the self-lauding material now puffing up the internet but life is tough.

It seems that a junior grade member of the Secret Service’s President Detail noticed, by checking the logs, that Gannon was loose in the White House at various times, not during any press conferences. As there is strict protocol for such matters, he made notes and submitted them to a higher official in the same detail. This person made enquiries further up the ladder and eventually, it got to Andrew Card, the President’s Chief of Staff. Card, apparently, then asked questions of others with the result that the Detail people were informed that Gannon was, in essence, an FOG (“Friend of George) and his presence at odd hours inside the White House was “OK.”

At the same time, the brass wanted to know who initiated this request but the SS section head said that he had received an anonymous request and he was merely acting on it. I must tell you that very few people, myself not included, had any knowledge of this funny business at the time. The Monkey Palace is huge and full of people, night and day and I personally cannot remember ever seeing Gannon at any time and neither can most of the daytime people I know.

At any rate, simultaneously with this inquiry, it seems that a gay Beltway Democrat, who had seen the “Bulldog” male prostitution site, informed a friend on the District police force who, in turn, asked the White House people. This meant that the story was now out of official control and it was decided to, at the least, “retire” Gannon until the story blew over or did not get legs. This clearly explains that why, on his website, Gannon claims he is only “on leave” from the White House Press Room.

However, the gay Democrat, or perhaps a local cop, began to send copies of the “Bulldog” nude websites around to members of the mainline media (which predictably did not do a damned thing about it nor make any inquiries at the White House) as well as to a large number of internet people. A subsequent investigation by the Secret Service disclosed that a District official computer was used to spread the fertilizer all over the country but no one can be pinpointed as the sender.

Following this effort, Gannon was informed that he had to go, gracefully, at least for a time, and then the so-called “blogs” took credit for this. A very gay, but very much closeted, blogger knew all about Gannon from having often visited his several male porn sites, squealed with delight at the chance to beat his old drum, and we then saw a great outpouring of accusatory emails from every side.
While the “bloggers” have been taking full credit for “outing” Gannon, in truth they just ran with something someone else sent them and have been crowing about it ever since. Very much like Woodward getting some inside gossip from Felt and then heavily embroidering it with his own self-serving (and very profitable) creations out of whole cloth.

This has really become a dead issue. Gannon is gone, the mainline media is keeping their mouths tightly shut about this, as usual, and you should know that my own digging into Gannon/Guckert’s background, which you published at TBR, was the most complete yet done.

The silly “bloggers” are now running around like a hyper Pomeranian, yapping frantically over a very long-dead cat on the back porch that is now rotting in the sun. Whoever got this out initially, and it was not the bloggers , did terrible damage to the basic fabric of the self-righteous Bush people but now it is no longer of any interest, unless and until the outraged Gannon decides to publish his “confidential journals.” His funeral would not be very well attended. …… And now that the mythic ‘Deep Throat’ turns out to be a jealous and spiteful senior FBI executive, we can well imagine that within weeks, the busy bloggers will put forth as many manic theories about who ‘Deep Throat’ really was as they have hairs on their head. I can just see the “Bloggerblitz” headlines screaming that ‘Kidnapped Paperboy Johnny Gosch was actually Deep Throat!’ Or that the sinister Illuminati, whom we all know run the USPS can claim the honors. This ought to keep them busy until the next opportunity comes along to let everyone in the entire world know what they and their cousin Edna really think about the secret plots of the Bilderburgers and the Hidden Hand.

The solution to all this proliferating and obnoxious idiocy? Take a Midol, honey, and spend more time trying to have a dialog with Jesus than bothering the rest of the sane population.

Many readers think I am homophobic because I use strong language when talking about the lying perverts in the Bush Administration. This is not true – what offends me is not someone's sexual orientation, but their lying about it and then attacking innocent people who never did anything to anyone, just to cover their own sorry asses. I call those sorts of people fudgepackers because of the evil filth of their minds, not because of their activities. Bush is one small step from being the Antichrist, but shovels the shit like a pro, assuming a mantle of holiness and righteousness that has about half the American public fooled.

I have been told that correspondents to TBR News have expressed surprise at my "inside" knowledge of the gay scene in DC. One of the underlings here in the Fag Palace who happens to be gay is a confidant of mine. He knows I respect him, and we discuss the goings-on upstairs - he is my source for commentary and background on the gay community in DC, including the escapades of Fat Karl at the Mid-Atlantic Leather weekend, the secret love-life of Kenny Mehlman, Scotty M the loyal Irish Terrier, Bulldog Gannon, and of course, POTUS him/herself. I respect the accuracy of his Gaydar - he has a sixth sense about these things, and can spot another one like himself a mile away.

Here's the scoop: He tells me that The Hammer, Tom DeLay, sets all his alarm bells a-jingling. He told me, in his own words: "Just look at the way she walks, the angle she holds her head when she speaks, her hand gestures, the movement of her eyes - God, what a flaming queen!"

He went on, "Sister Tom DeLilah is a Friend of Dorothy, no doubt about it. She may not even know about it herself, but I swear, what his dick craves more than anything is a good shag with a real man.......

"You know, the dick has a brain of its own, you can pretend to yourself and others all you like, but you put a queer in the room with a hot man and his dick will do its own thing, no matter how many prayers he prays to Jesus. That's probably why Tom DeLay hates us faggots so much - we cause his dick to betray his righteous Christian bullshit, and he despises himself for it. He probably wears Spandex underpants to keep it down."

Well, well! There is an old African saying to do with the fact that many Africans have ample behinds: "It takes a big Hammer to drive a long Nail." Let us add to that one an even more apt Japanese saying: "The Nail that sticks up gets Hammered down," and we may have an inkling of a possibility which we never suspected: Tom DeLay, the man's man, is really Tammy DeLilah, the Closet Queen. Remember, folks, you heard it here first. When this all breaks in the MSM, on the day the business interests decide to dispose of Bush and replace him with someone else, please join with me in singing a hymn for Miss DeLilah: "Hey Sinner Man, where you gonna run to, all on that day?

And what other things can we hang on the Sinner come to Judgment? He has: Paid family members more than $500,000 out of campaign contributions, diverted funds from a children's charity for lavish celebrations at the Republican convention, used corporate money given to his PAC to finance Texas campaigns in violation of state law, stacked the House Ethics Committee with representatives who have contributed to his legal defense fund, accepted trips from the lobbyist for a foreign government in violation of House rules, and accepted trips from corporations and later helped kill legislation they opposed. All of this and I’ll bet he looks gorgeous in mesh stockings and a real-human-hair wig, just like the one our Beloved President’s beloved Senegambian cross-dresser loves to wear!