maandag 9 augustus 2004

August 9, 2004

Here are some bits of candy for you and your readers. You will be hearing much about certain “important terrorist revelations” allegedly obtained from the laptop of a “top alQuaeda” operative that was “captured” in Pakistan. Don’t believe any of it, children. One of my sources in the Monkey Palace has shown me an evaluation that states that all of this has been faked from old intercepts by the Special Collections Service in Beltsville, Maryland, who have faked other “Osama bin Laden tapes” This concocted “intelligence” was then stuck into a Dell laptop put together in Austin, Texas and sold to a reliable Pakistani stool pigeon. This has faked “Osama bin Laden” material on it and the White House has built a great propaganda campaign around it. The gist of the faked messages is that there will be an attack in the US just before the elections. Remember, you heard it here first!

Bush is desperate to find an excuse to postpone the election because the Monkey Palace’s private (and very accurate) polls show Bush below a 20% approval rating! In this election, the younger voters are very probably going to vote en bloc and be instrumental in booting the creep out. Bush and his people detest blacks, gays and any kind of liberal plus all Catholics. Karl Rove told a secretary that “all Catholic priests are a pack of queers” and referred to the Catholics as “mackerel snappers.” Wonderful! I wonder what they have to say about us Jews? While on the subject of electronic matters, I suppose you know that the US, through NSA, electronically tracks all prominent heads of state from France, Germany, Russia, England, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Spain and Canada and monitors all of their personal and governmental conversations. Speaking of the NSA, they are supposed to maintain and monitor spy satellites that dot the skies. Fact is that due to carelessness and general inefficiency, most of these surveillance satellites are totally inoperative between 50 to 75% of the time and many countries know exactly when a spy satellite is due to pass overhead (because the Russians know the tracks and have passed this information out to certain putative Putin allies [pun intended]) so hide things until they are out of range. Another multi-billion boondoggle shoved off on the public. The fact that the satellites were not working is the reason that the Indian and Pakistani A bomb tests were not observed. Wonderful how They are Protecting us!

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