“The Monkey Palace” is taking on the aspects of a gay bar at frantic hour. The inclusion of Edwards on the Kerry ticket, the plummeting Bush poll numbers, the imminence of a raging civil war in Iraq, the growing defections of “Willing Coalition” members and on and on are turning this place into a muted mad house. Bush is, according to [redacted], gobbling tranquilizers and screaming at anything that moves. The latest bit of lunacy is this business about cancelling the election in November because of trumped up “terrorist” charges. They dragged out the dimbulb, Ridge, to propose that, because he “knew” there would be “terrorist” disruptions of the election, that it ought to be postponed for a “safer time.” If that ever happened, the mobs would be carrying Bush’s head on a pike up and down Pennsylvania Avenue to the cheers of thousands and finally, someone with some sense realized that this just would not work like the last Florida rip-off so they quickly pretended that it was all “a misunderstanding” and want the rest of us to forget about it.
This place is guarded like Fort Knox. There are more anti-antiaircraft rockets, machine guns, snipers and electronic snooping gear on the White House roof than at Aberdeen Proving Ground. In contrast to the Administration’s strange lethargy prior to 9/11, the standing orders are that the President must be notified immediately of any “potentially hostile” aircraft entering into Washington Defense Zone airspace at which time, Bush will rush frantically down to the air raid bunker and close the bank vault- thick steel door behind him. Cheney will probably have a fatal heart attack down in his own bunker [a farting mouse could also cause this, so bad off is our de facto President’s disintegrating pump these days] and the government will be run [into the ground] by the Likud boys. The RNC has teams out trying to find out if Edwards ever had sex with the mother of his own children or has overdue library books and Bush is looking at maps of North Korea in his Map Room! The general public would not believe how scary things are here, no matter how hard you try to alert them. I am planning to write a book about all of this, providing
I don’t get caught talking out of school and it will be very successful, believe me. Some of the help here are most cooperative because not all of them are rabid Jesus freaks and view the White House as a very weird and dangerous place to work. And oddly enough, a number are grossly offended [as am I] about enforced staff prayer meetings and the omnipresent pictures of Jesus, the Destroyer of all Muslims and Democrats, glaring at you from every office wall.
This place is guarded like Fort Knox. There are more anti-antiaircraft rockets, machine guns, snipers and electronic snooping gear on the White House roof than at Aberdeen Proving Ground. In contrast to the Administration’s strange lethargy prior to 9/11, the standing orders are that the President must be notified immediately of any “potentially hostile” aircraft entering into Washington Defense Zone airspace at which time, Bush will rush frantically down to the air raid bunker and close the bank vault- thick steel door behind him. Cheney will probably have a fatal heart attack down in his own bunker [a farting mouse could also cause this, so bad off is our de facto President’s disintegrating pump these days] and the government will be run [into the ground] by the Likud boys. The RNC has teams out trying to find out if Edwards ever had sex with the mother of his own children or has overdue library books and Bush is looking at maps of North Korea in his Map Room! The general public would not believe how scary things are here, no matter how hard you try to alert them. I am planning to write a book about all of this, providing
I don’t get caught talking out of school and it will be very successful, believe me. Some of the help here are most cooperative because not all of them are rabid Jesus freaks and view the White House as a very weird and dangerous place to work. And oddly enough, a number are grossly offended [as am I] about enforced staff prayer meetings and the omnipresent pictures of Jesus, the Destroyer of all Muslims and Democrats, glaring at you from every office wall.
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