Israel has not destroyed Tehran with their deadly bagel bombs, Bush is swiftly fading into blessed obscurity like the Cheshire Cat, McCain is taking his medications and acting more and more like poor Uncle Rupert who walks outside buck naked and the oil barons are in states of ecstasy over their obscene profits. Now that the old driving seasons is arriving, they are going to jack up the price of gasoline to five dollars. Of course they will show restraint when summer is over and bring it down a few dollars. On the other hand, when winter arrives, the price of heating oil will break through the stratosphere into outer space. This will result in many people freezing to death if the winter, as expected, will be severe but this won’t bother the oil barons who will be enjoying the sun in their Monaco homes on the relatively warm Mediterranean. And let’s hope the Republicans don’t engineer a fake terrorist attack in late October. They would certainly love to do this but this time around, that sort of thing might backfire.
maandag 30 juni 2008
woensdag 25 juni 2008
June 25, 2008
Much ‘leaked’ disinformation about a ‘possible Israeli attack on Iran.’ Of course this silly business, which ranks with the constant fear crap peddled by desperate Republicans, is supposed to terrify Iran and, hopefully, energize Bush into doing the dirty deed himself. Unfortunately for the Israelis, a number of their new former Russian citizens were SVR (read 'KGB' here) sleeper agents and believe me, anything of a secret nature passing from the United States to Israel ends up in Moscow the same day. The Russians have more than one agent in place in Tel Aviv operating so if one gets caught, another is still active. Perhaps the Russians could find some loose-mouthed fool, 'hire' them as a 'special agent,' fill them with disinformation, send them to Israel and, if they get into their intelligence, tip off the Mossad that they are a Russian spy and let them pour our all the misleading and, hopefully, destructive, disinformation.. Mumbling McCain suggested we send a battleship to the Persian Gulf! My God, he should really take his medications! The Russians have surface-to-surface missiles well-emplaced (and hidden from satellites) in the Iranian mountains that would make short shrift of any large ship in such a confined area, and besides, there are no battleships in commission. If the U.S. Navy were used against Iran, they would have to stand off in the Indian Ocean to launch their aircraft. I often wonder why the resistance Muslims in Iraq don't put a limpet mine under one of the huge oil tankers that dock off of Basra. If it went off halfway down the Gulf towards the Straits of Hormuz, the result would be a huge oil spill that no one would care about but it would also frighten off the London-based insurance companies and they would stop insuring the huge and very expensive tankers. No insurance company would insure and no ship owner would dare risk his enormous investment. Ergo, no Iraqi oil. Besides, there is now a movement afoot in Congress to put aside the Bush-ordered no-bid contracts by major oil companies on Iraqi oil. The worm turns but very slowly.
zaterdag 21 juni 2008
June 21, 2008
The Beltway is always awash in rumor, speculation, lies and perversions. Plans to do this or that are sent around, none of which will ever be executed but indicate the mind-sets of the writers. We have Mr. Yoo, the lawyer for Justice who delighted in finding ways to legally torture people. He is now a professor at Berkeley and they deserve him, believe me.
The latest piece of psychotic garbage comes from the Cheney people who have been sending out trial queries to various agencies. There are no real secrets here but everyone thinks there are. And now what is the latest? Why nothing but a strong suggestion that the United States use their long-stored but certainly extant biological weaponry against the countries of Southeast Asia , to include: China , Indonesia , Vietnam , and others. Bombs, you ask? No, destruction of vital SEA food supplies by the introduction of deadly plant diseases.
The idea is to start this nastiness remote from our shores and to use agents that would not thrive in the colder United States so they cannot spread here. That they would certainly spread to Burma , India and other countries has never been considered. The Aussies had this project on their plate some years ago and the project has become a father in that piece of CIA-type nastiness.
Mass SEA starvation would benefit the United States , the proponents suggest, by cutting down the huge populations almost overnight and would also remove any direct threat to the United States for many years to come. If later there is a resurgence of population in China , it won’t be on their watch.
And, of course, destroying their crops and eventually causing the spread of famine and inevitable death, would have the added advantage of preserving the physical assets of the collapsed countries, assets like the great untapped Viethamese oil fields and the factories of China .
Rice is the primary target and we already have developed diseases that would not only wipe out a current rice crop but could so contaminate the growing areas that rice could not be a crop for several generations.
Will this happen? Probably not but the thinking, and the means exist and that is bad enough. When they talk about demolishing nuclear weapons (which is a huge joke) why not add biological weapons to the list?
That will never happen, either.
The latest piece of psychotic garbage comes from the Cheney people who have been sending out trial queries to various agencies. There are no real secrets here but everyone thinks there are. And now what is the latest? Why nothing but a strong suggestion that the United States use their long-stored but certainly extant biological weaponry against the countries of Southeast Asia , to include: China , Indonesia , Vietnam , and others. Bombs, you ask? No, destruction of vital SEA food supplies by the introduction of deadly plant diseases.
The idea is to start this nastiness remote from our shores and to use agents that would not thrive in the colder United States so they cannot spread here. That they would certainly spread to Burma , India and other countries has never been considered. The Aussies had this project on their plate some years ago and the project has become a father in that piece of CIA-type nastiness.
Mass SEA starvation would benefit the United States , the proponents suggest, by cutting down the huge populations almost overnight and would also remove any direct threat to the United States for many years to come. If later there is a resurgence of population in China , it won’t be on their watch.
And, of course, destroying their crops and eventually causing the spread of famine and inevitable death, would have the added advantage of preserving the physical assets of the collapsed countries, assets like the great untapped Viethamese oil fields and the factories of China .
Rice is the primary target and we already have developed diseases that would not only wipe out a current rice crop but could so contaminate the growing areas that rice could not be a crop for several generations.
Will this happen? Probably not but the thinking, and the means exist and that is bad enough. When they talk about demolishing nuclear weapons (which is a huge joke) why not add biological weapons to the list?
That will never happen, either.
vrijdag 20 juni 2008
June 20, 2008
I would say that at least 200 people working here in D.C. are fully aware, and have read the official and highly classified reports, that the oil people are grabbing everything they can here before the pliant and crooked Bush and Cheney have to leave. They want the ability to drill offshore when and where they please and now, with Bush’s help, they are sewing up all the Iraqi oil production with the usual Bush-approved no bid leases. Everything here is now ‘no bid.’ If Halliburton needed 300 billions in U.S. taxpayer’s money, Bush would demand it and the ass-kissing Congress would cheerfully give it to him, just like they have just given the crooked and conspiratorial U.S. telephone companies like AT&T and their parent company, SBC, a free pass on their connivance with Bush to snoop on all of us. In Washington , money not only talks, it screams. The high gas prices? The Arabs are to blame? Oh no, Bush and Cheney are directly responsible for this. Sweet crude light is now $45 a barrel in Saudi Arabia although the industry claims this is not so. It is and their profits are not only obscene and criminal but they are doing terrible damage to the American economy and driving more and more people here into bankruptcy. The only solution is to nationalize the oil industry, all of it, and then prosecute the thieves who have, entirely on their own, pushed gas to what is going to be $5 a gallon, just in time for the summer vacation driving times. This is not an accident. It will also not be an accident when the price of gas drops a dollar or so after the season is over but guess what? The price of heating oil will shoot up just in time for winter! Nationalize the oil and prosecute the corporate heads and see how fast the gas prices drop.
zaterdag 14 juni 2008
June 14, 2008
The American public, the voting public, has absolutely no idea of the degree and extent of rampant corruption at the highest levels of the current Administration and government. No idea. Many, if not most, of our Congressmen take bribes; governmental agencies steal with both hands and their feet and it gets worse every day. Cheney, who still has huge stock options in Halliburton, has pushed their stock up to the heavens with all kinds of governmental waste-money contracts as a good example and the Pentagon has stolen more money that the Oligarchs did in post-Yeltsin Russia . Obama threatens to shut of the K Street co-conspirator “lobbyists” and they are getting more afraid day by day that he might be serious. McCain is safe for them but Obama is not. Would they do a Kennedy on Obama? The have already mentioned this but more or less as a private joke. We don’t need their blatant bribery of our representatives and we don’t need representatives who greedily grab whatever they can. The brazen and enormous thefts at the Pentagon are redolent of the Grant Administration but in that case, Grant himself was blameless. In this case, Bush and Cheney are right in there stuffing their pockets. Congress is glad to be rid of Bush and there is no chance he will be impeached but the effort has been made to do so. What is needed is to clean out the nests of thieves, give the FBI a mandate to do so without any political considerations and a free hand. Probably a good third of all of Congress could easily end up disgraced, convicted and potential cell partners for Abramof (who is right where he belongs) and if, as I said before, the public ever really gets to know the astonishing extent of the arrogant thievery, there will be a great housecleaning.
woensdag 11 juni 2008
June 11, 2008
In this report, I would like to take some time to discuss certain, potentially deadly, medical problems of Senator John McCain,( R ), Arizona .
In some elevated circles here inside the Beltway, he is known as ‘Insane McCain.’ This is not meant as a real insult but a professional comment on his various rather obvious problems.
You should note that there are individuals in this country who wield great but anonymous power. They are what, in earlier times, would be called the King Makers. They are very pragmatic, very rich businessmen whom C. Wright Mills called the Power Elite. They have been happy with Bush and Cheney because these two were very, very friendly to businessmen. Tax breaks, stripping regulatory agencies of annoying investigators, huge governmental contracts for the fabricated war in Iraq .
Now, we have a new election. Obama is a mystery to them. He is very intelligent, very articulate and has run a magnificent campaign. Obama has become a great political force in America and the Power Elite have no real connection with him. There have been no previous briberies to hold over his head so controlling a relatively unknown person is not as clear-cut.
McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee is another matter. He is a man entirely in their pocket. McCain loves money and hides behind the false Jessica Lynch type fiction of a war hero. He was no such thing and has been strongly suspected of cooperating with Soviet CIA people who interrogated him while he was a POW in Hanoi during the Vietnam war.
His one real asset is his wife who has given him huge sums of money for his campaign but his faults are probably enough to keep him out of the Oval Office.
There exists, and has been circulated, a military medical examination report on McCain. I have a copy as do many others but I cannot have it put up on the internet because it is a personal medical record and as such, secure from exposure. However, it is not illegal to discuss the thrust of the report. There is a discussion of McCain’s earlier melanoma which appears to in remission but not gone. His mental state is also covered.
There are some interesting passages that speak of “a sharp drop in function….deficits in global cognitive ability, episodic memory…deficits in verbal ability….words do not come as quickly as they once did….and under executive function…his decision making has become more challenging….recent recall is diminished…recent events quickly forgotten (McCain will make a flat statement of policy on television and three days later, when asked about it by a media reporter, will flatly, and angrily, deny ever having said it) …..forgets common words while speaking or will substitute unusual words…has been forgetting recently learned information
There are few secrets these days and McCain’s problems are not unknown. The point is, will McCain have a chance of becoming President and, in effect, give America a third term for Bush’s policies?
This is all very interesting but I have something that might be of some interest to my readers and show several things I have been speaking of here. People suffering with pre-Alzheimer’s have motor problems. In McCain’s case, it has been observed that he has problems with learned habits. McCain is left-handed but was taught to shake hands with his right hand. Now, we see him approaching people and then when it comes time to shake a hand, he hesitates, his face twitches and his head jerks to one side and you can see him try to put out his left hand. Usually, an aide will whisper to him and he will stop, make a foolish grin and put out his right hand.
I am supplying a picture of John McCain that has a most interesting background. It shows him in West Virginia in May of 2008. Note the agitated and strained expression on his face…and the extended left hand.
What is really of interest. and reflects the concern of certain powerful people, is the identity of the photographer, a man assigned to cover McCain by the Associated Press.
His name is Jeff Chiu. It might be of some interest to note that Jeff Chiu, from San Francisco , is a well-educated man. In addition to his photographic skills, ( his reputation is as a well-known sports photographer) Mr. Chiu also has a degree in psychology from the University of California , a profession which is far more profitable than photography.
That candidate McCain is under close and on-going professional clinical observation is without question and who can blame the King Makers for wanting to make absolutely certain they are not backing the wrong horse. They now have a choice between a highly successful populist whose persona is a mystery or a man whose physical and mental problems could cause them terrible future problems.
Reagan was suffering from Alzehimer’s in the last years of his presidency but Reagan was very popular and relatively harmless. McCain, on the other hand, is known to have a violent temper and has recently insisted that Iran must be dealt with; that the useless Iraqi war must be continued and that the Bush tax programs need to be kept in place.
That is on the positive side for the Power Elite, but on the negative side, it is obvious, very obvious, that McCain has serious physical and mental problems that would in all probability make a McCain presidency far, far worse than the last eight years of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
In some elevated circles here inside the Beltway, he is known as ‘Insane McCain.’ This is not meant as a real insult but a professional comment on his various rather obvious problems.
You should note that there are individuals in this country who wield great but anonymous power. They are what, in earlier times, would be called the King Makers. They are very pragmatic, very rich businessmen whom C. Wright Mills called the Power Elite. They have been happy with Bush and Cheney because these two were very, very friendly to businessmen. Tax breaks, stripping regulatory agencies of annoying investigators, huge governmental contracts for the fabricated war in Iraq .
Now, we have a new election. Obama is a mystery to them. He is very intelligent, very articulate and has run a magnificent campaign. Obama has become a great political force in America and the Power Elite have no real connection with him. There have been no previous briberies to hold over his head so controlling a relatively unknown person is not as clear-cut.
McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee is another matter. He is a man entirely in their pocket. McCain loves money and hides behind the false Jessica Lynch type fiction of a war hero. He was no such thing and has been strongly suspected of cooperating with Soviet CIA people who interrogated him while he was a POW in Hanoi during the Vietnam war.
His one real asset is his wife who has given him huge sums of money for his campaign but his faults are probably enough to keep him out of the Oval Office.
There exists, and has been circulated, a military medical examination report on McCain. I have a copy as do many others but I cannot have it put up on the internet because it is a personal medical record and as such, secure from exposure. However, it is not illegal to discuss the thrust of the report. There is a discussion of McCain’s earlier melanoma which appears to in remission but not gone. His mental state is also covered.
There are some interesting passages that speak of “a sharp drop in function….deficits in global cognitive ability, episodic memory…deficits in verbal ability….words do not come as quickly as they once did….and under executive function…his decision making has become more challenging….recent recall is diminished…recent events quickly forgotten (McCain will make a flat statement of policy on television and three days later, when asked about it by a media reporter, will flatly, and angrily, deny ever having said it) …..forgets common words while speaking or will substitute unusual words…has been forgetting recently learned information
There are few secrets these days and McCain’s problems are not unknown. The point is, will McCain have a chance of becoming President and, in effect, give America a third term for Bush’s policies?
This is all very interesting but I have something that might be of some interest to my readers and show several things I have been speaking of here. People suffering with pre-Alzheimer’s have motor problems. In McCain’s case, it has been observed that he has problems with learned habits. McCain is left-handed but was taught to shake hands with his right hand. Now, we see him approaching people and then when it comes time to shake a hand, he hesitates, his face twitches and his head jerks to one side and you can see him try to put out his left hand. Usually, an aide will whisper to him and he will stop, make a foolish grin and put out his right hand.
I am supplying a picture of John McCain that has a most interesting background. It shows him in West Virginia in May of 2008. Note the agitated and strained expression on his face…and the extended left hand.
What is really of interest. and reflects the concern of certain powerful people, is the identity of the photographer, a man assigned to cover McCain by the Associated Press.
His name is Jeff Chiu. It might be of some interest to note that Jeff Chiu, from San Francisco , is a well-educated man. In addition to his photographic skills, ( his reputation is as a well-known sports photographer) Mr. Chiu also has a degree in psychology from the University of California , a profession which is far more profitable than photography.
That candidate McCain is under close and on-going professional clinical observation is without question and who can blame the King Makers for wanting to make absolutely certain they are not backing the wrong horse. They now have a choice between a highly successful populist whose persona is a mystery or a man whose physical and mental problems could cause them terrible future problems.
Reagan was suffering from Alzehimer’s in the last years of his presidency but Reagan was very popular and relatively harmless. McCain, on the other hand, is known to have a violent temper and has recently insisted that Iran must be dealt with; that the useless Iraqi war must be continued and that the Bush tax programs need to be kept in place.
That is on the positive side for the Power Elite, but on the negative side, it is obvious, very obvious, that McCain has serious physical and mental problems that would in all probability make a McCain presidency far, far worse than the last eight years of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

zaterdag 7 juni 2008
June 7, 2008
We seem to be involved with more bubbles than a burlesque house,. There was the so-called “dot-com” bubble of the 90’s that was the result of the manipulations of a number of American stock brokers who deliberately inflated the stock prices of electronics companies that had no real assets. Then we had the equally phony and rigged “housing” bubble which, we now can see, was the result of criminal connivance between small mortgage companies and huge international banking houses. The dot-com swindle injured very few personally but the housing collapse has injured, directly or indirectly, millions. No one cares about this and the national economic manipulators have now moved into the oil, water and food markets with a wild rush.
Of course, the next bubble which consists of creeps like the hedge funds managers (pure Ponzi-schemes from the ground up) bankers and investors rushing to get their hands on what they, and many others, see as the greatest bubble of them all, the control of food, water and fuel, both domestically and overseas.
We know that increasingly, the prices of these elements have been steadily and sharply rising throughout the world and this has caused, and is causing, terrible social and economic havoc in poorer countries such as Nicaragua and Guatemala in Central America, and Haiti in the Caribbean and in India and neighboring Balgladesh. And in Africa, there is near-disaster in both Ethiopia and Somalia with severe water and food shortages. African countries such as Liberia , Egypt, the Sudan, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Kenya and Eritrea . There have been food riots in Haiti and Egypt with threats of civil insurrections in India and throughout Southeast Asia. , to include the Philippines .
The upward-spiraling price of crude oil is not the result of a shortage of oil. It is estimated that the cost of a barrel of oil in the Middle East does not exceed 15 dollars. The costs of a barrel of oil extracted from the tar sands of Alberta , Canada , is of the order of $30
The price of crude oil is currently in excess of $130+ a barrel. This market price is largely the result of the speculative onslaught, completely controlled by the Anglo-American oil giants, including British Petroleum (BP), ExxonMobil, Chevron-Texaco, and Royal Dutch Shell
All of this horrifying and financially devastating escalation is, without question, a process of deliberate and simultaneous market manipulation by the major Wall Street banks and financial houses, in close cooperation and conjunction with the oil and natural gas dealers
The increasing cost of gasoline pump prices is leading to the collapse of local level economies, increased industrial concentration and a massive centralization of economic power in the hands of a small number of global corporations. In turn, the rigged surges in gasoline has a devastating effect on urban transit system, schools and hospitals, is crippling the American trucking industry, intercontinental shipping, airline transportation, tourism, recreation and most public services.
According to William Engdahl;
"... At least 60% of the 128 per barrel price of crude oil comes from unregulated futures speculation by hedge funds, banks and financial groups using the London ICE Futures and New York NYMEX futures exchanges and uncontrolled inter-bank or Over-The-Counter trading to avoid scrutiny. US margin rules of the government's Commodity Futures Trading Commission allow speculators to buy a crude oil futures contract on the Nymex, by having to pay only 6% of the value of the contract. At today's price of $128 per barrel, that means a futures trader only has to put up about $8 for every barrel. He borrows the other $120. This extreme 'leverage' of 16 to 1 helps drive prices to wildly unrealistic levels and offset bank losses in sub-prime and other disasters at the expense of the overall populationthe price of grain staples has increased by 88% since March 2007. The price of wheat has increased by 181% over a three year period. The price of rice has increased by 50% over the last three months….”
In addition, there is a large and growing movement in the United States to pull away from off-shoring American industry and services.
Although I tend to view allegations of conspiracies with great caution, I have been reading through reams of official reports, market evaluations and intelligence data for my position. I go through this material on a daily, and sometimes more, basis, make notes with references and pass the reports up the line to my superiors. I see a good deal of material which is either too sensitive or too complex for the media.
After ten years of this, I can state with great sincerity that there are indeed business and governmental plots and schemes. We invaded Iraq because Israel wanted us to both establish bases there to assist them in the event of Arab attacks on them and to punish Saddam for daring to lob rockets at them during the first Gulf War. So far, at a bare minimum, over four thousand Americans have died to make Israel more secure. In my opinion, that’s exactly four thousand too many. It is interesting to note that almost all of the hedge fund and private equity people are Jewish and many of them bank in Israel where their money is safer than in Switzerland and, if things get too hot here, they can always go and be absolutely secure from extradition. And then we have the very obvious, but never mentioned, pre-911 stock manipulations by Israeli speculators. At the time, this was well-reported in the reputable segments of the American media but was almost immediately silenced and all mention of it expunged from the media’s various on-line sites.
It can all still be found on the microfilm records of the media units involved but not ever on the internet.
Why is that? I ask the question rhetorically and you answer it in private.
And finally, our very own K street lobbyists are beginning to wonder if Obama will indeed block the huge sums of what is basically bribe money flowing from American business interests through the hands of the K Street lobbyists into the pockets of American legislative and government officials
The American public? That great cash cow? Keep milking it until it runs dry and then go and live in your nice vacation house you bought in Aruba with your stolen money.
Of course, the next bubble which consists of creeps like the hedge funds managers (pure Ponzi-schemes from the ground up) bankers and investors rushing to get their hands on what they, and many others, see as the greatest bubble of them all, the control of food, water and fuel, both domestically and overseas.
We know that increasingly, the prices of these elements have been steadily and sharply rising throughout the world and this has caused, and is causing, terrible social and economic havoc in poorer countries such as Nicaragua and Guatemala in Central America, and Haiti in the Caribbean and in India and neighboring Balgladesh. And in Africa, there is near-disaster in both Ethiopia and Somalia with severe water and food shortages. African countries such as Liberia , Egypt, the Sudan, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Kenya and Eritrea . There have been food riots in Haiti and Egypt with threats of civil insurrections in India and throughout Southeast Asia. , to include the Philippines .
The upward-spiraling price of crude oil is not the result of a shortage of oil. It is estimated that the cost of a barrel of oil in the Middle East does not exceed 15 dollars. The costs of a barrel of oil extracted from the tar sands of Alberta , Canada , is of the order of $30
The price of crude oil is currently in excess of $130+ a barrel. This market price is largely the result of the speculative onslaught, completely controlled by the Anglo-American oil giants, including British Petroleum (BP), ExxonMobil, Chevron-Texaco, and Royal Dutch Shell
All of this horrifying and financially devastating escalation is, without question, a process of deliberate and simultaneous market manipulation by the major Wall Street banks and financial houses, in close cooperation and conjunction with the oil and natural gas dealers
The increasing cost of gasoline pump prices is leading to the collapse of local level economies, increased industrial concentration and a massive centralization of economic power in the hands of a small number of global corporations. In turn, the rigged surges in gasoline has a devastating effect on urban transit system, schools and hospitals, is crippling the American trucking industry, intercontinental shipping, airline transportation, tourism, recreation and most public services.
According to William Engdahl;
"... At least 60% of the 128 per barrel price of crude oil comes from unregulated futures speculation by hedge funds, banks and financial groups using the London ICE Futures and New York NYMEX futures exchanges and uncontrolled inter-bank or Over-The-Counter trading to avoid scrutiny. US margin rules of the government's Commodity Futures Trading Commission allow speculators to buy a crude oil futures contract on the Nymex, by having to pay only 6% of the value of the contract. At today's price of $128 per barrel, that means a futures trader only has to put up about $8 for every barrel. He borrows the other $120. This extreme 'leverage' of 16 to 1 helps drive prices to wildly unrealistic levels and offset bank losses in sub-prime and other disasters at the expense of the overall populationthe price of grain staples has increased by 88% since March 2007. The price of wheat has increased by 181% over a three year period. The price of rice has increased by 50% over the last three months….”
In addition, there is a large and growing movement in the United States to pull away from off-shoring American industry and services.
Although I tend to view allegations of conspiracies with great caution, I have been reading through reams of official reports, market evaluations and intelligence data for my position. I go through this material on a daily, and sometimes more, basis, make notes with references and pass the reports up the line to my superiors. I see a good deal of material which is either too sensitive or too complex for the media.
After ten years of this, I can state with great sincerity that there are indeed business and governmental plots and schemes. We invaded Iraq because Israel wanted us to both establish bases there to assist them in the event of Arab attacks on them and to punish Saddam for daring to lob rockets at them during the first Gulf War. So far, at a bare minimum, over four thousand Americans have died to make Israel more secure. In my opinion, that’s exactly four thousand too many. It is interesting to note that almost all of the hedge fund and private equity people are Jewish and many of them bank in Israel where their money is safer than in Switzerland and, if things get too hot here, they can always go and be absolutely secure from extradition. And then we have the very obvious, but never mentioned, pre-911 stock manipulations by Israeli speculators. At the time, this was well-reported in the reputable segments of the American media but was almost immediately silenced and all mention of it expunged from the media’s various on-line sites.
It can all still be found on the microfilm records of the media units involved but not ever on the internet.
Why is that? I ask the question rhetorically and you answer it in private.
And finally, our very own K street lobbyists are beginning to wonder if Obama will indeed block the huge sums of what is basically bribe money flowing from American business interests through the hands of the K Street lobbyists into the pockets of American legislative and government officials
The American public? That great cash cow? Keep milking it until it runs dry and then go and live in your nice vacation house you bought in Aruba with your stolen money.
vrijdag 6 juni 2008
June 6, 2008
Not only is our beloved President sliding off the muddy cliff into the cesspit of public oblivion, he is dragging the far-right Republicans and the pro-Israeli neocons with him. Added to this mixed bag of fruits and nuts, we also have the evangelical Christians who are loud, vicious and entirely crazy.
McCain, who has the acumen of a jar of pond scum, chased the lunatic Christian nut, John Hagee, around, panting after his endorsement. McCain must be living back in the Coolidge administration because the so-called Christian Right has been repudiated by most Americans and their endless rantings about abortion and gays are falling on very deaf ears.
Now, we learn that the pathetic Hagee is claiming the fictional anti-Christ is going to be both Jewish and gay! It has always been a curiosity to me, and others, that born-again freakos loathe gays so much. Given the Haggard revelations, I strongly suspect that the loudest gay-bashers secretly lust after other men and are filled with self-hatred.
These pin heads are in love with the Book of Revelations which most historians know was written a hundred years after the early Christian era by the inmate of a Roman lunatic colony on the island of Patmos . They love this nonsense because you can read into it anything you want…and they do, regularly. Hagee has also said that Hitler was a Jew, which he wasn’t, and that God made Hitler go after the Jews to force them to repopulate the Holy Land !
Most of the Jews who fled to Palestine in 1946-1948 are not even ethnic Jews but are descended from Caspian Sea Turkish tribes and have about as much historical right there as Canadian geese.
If it isn’t the idiot Hagee bellowing about evil gays, it’s professional Jews screaming about 800 passenger gas vans and twenty millions barbecued. This is what comes of promulgating Political Correctness. No one dares to speak out against this sort of imbecilic propaganda just as one cannot poke fun at Mongoloids, dwarves or urine colored people. Don’t forget the old law of physics: Every action has a reaction. I’m waiting, eagerly, for it.
McCain, who has the acumen of a jar of pond scum, chased the lunatic Christian nut, John Hagee, around, panting after his endorsement. McCain must be living back in the Coolidge administration because the so-called Christian Right has been repudiated by most Americans and their endless rantings about abortion and gays are falling on very deaf ears.
Now, we learn that the pathetic Hagee is claiming the fictional anti-Christ is going to be both Jewish and gay! It has always been a curiosity to me, and others, that born-again freakos loathe gays so much. Given the Haggard revelations, I strongly suspect that the loudest gay-bashers secretly lust after other men and are filled with self-hatred.
These pin heads are in love with the Book of Revelations which most historians know was written a hundred years after the early Christian era by the inmate of a Roman lunatic colony on the island of Patmos . They love this nonsense because you can read into it anything you want…and they do, regularly. Hagee has also said that Hitler was a Jew, which he wasn’t, and that God made Hitler go after the Jews to force them to repopulate the Holy Land !
Most of the Jews who fled to Palestine in 1946-1948 are not even ethnic Jews but are descended from Caspian Sea Turkish tribes and have about as much historical right there as Canadian geese.
If it isn’t the idiot Hagee bellowing about evil gays, it’s professional Jews screaming about 800 passenger gas vans and twenty millions barbecued. This is what comes of promulgating Political Correctness. No one dares to speak out against this sort of imbecilic propaganda just as one cannot poke fun at Mongoloids, dwarves or urine colored people. Don’t forget the old law of physics: Every action has a reaction. I’m waiting, eagerly, for it.
zondag 1 juni 2008
June 1, 2008
My colleague here showed me an overview, official study concerning U.S. detainees. It is not generally knows to the public but the U.S government now has over 30,000 (31,082 as of May 19, 2008 ) people in secret custody, all over the world.
An official U.S. program of torture and ‘rendition’ has been going on since before 9/11 and has never stopped. A number, estimated to be approximately 3,500, have been killed during these interrogations or have died as the result of them.
At the present time, the government, acting under specific Presidential orders, has a virtual fleet of prison ships scattered all across the globe and masked by a curtain of strict secrecy.
The U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency are all heavily involved in this program.
A total of 22 U.S. Navy ships ( including ten ships leased by the U.S. Navy) house prisoners who are kept chained up in the vessels very much like the conditions of the black slavers in the days when slavery was legal in the United States .
Officially, George Bush has said these practices have been stopped but they are still in full swing and the President is fully aware of them, even as I speak.
Specifically, after Bush claimed in 2006 that the rendition programs had been halted, acting under his specific orders, there were 376 new cases of rendition.
The ongoing torture is conducted, in the main, by serving CIA personnel. Since an incident in 2003 when a U.S. Navy doctor refused to give lethal injections to five prisoners kidnapped from Quatar by British special forces, now, all CIA interrogation teams are supplied with a doctor working as a special CIA employee, and under a false name. In fact, all CIA operators are routinely issued completely false American passports by the Department of State’s Passport division
It is now known that the FBI, which had originally been a party to these abductions and tortures, strongly objected to the methodology of the CIA and a number of agents flatly refused to participate any further in a deliberate program of what one FBI agent said was ‘the same as those practiced by Josef Stalin’s’ dread secret police. As a result of this revolt, the FBI are no longer involved in this program but agents with first hand knowledge of it have been warned not to discuss the subject with anyone.
The Soviet gulags were in the Siberian wasteland, far, far from prying eyes and Bush’s death gulags are floating prisons that can quickly be moved to other locations if their presence becomes known.
The depths of the ocean are excellent places to dispose of the weighted bodies of the unwanted dead. It wouldn’t do for a broken, mutilated body of a dead torture victim to float to the surface after being lethally-injected. Unpleasant questions might be asked by uninitiated foreign governments and the floating torture palaces would. find it imperative to get up steam, hoist their anchors and just move to another position without let or hindrance
Names of ships used for this program are known, the USS Bataan, USS Peleiu, USS Ashland and a whole fleet of Navy ACS units. Areas of detention include, but are not limited to, Somalia, the Persian Gulf, Diego Garcia, (where the British intelligence and counter intelligence now use American ships for their own kidnapped suspects) the Gulf of Aden and several areas off the south coast of Cuba, in the area of Guantánamo Bay.
The commanding officers, and their staffs, of these ships are a matter of public record which can be accessed by anyone with a computer.
The legal justification for this mass torture and murder program? The office of the U.S. Attorney General has ruled that anti-torture prohibitions (deliberate murder is not a subject here) only apply within the United States and are not operational outside its geographical boundaries.
An official U.S. program of torture and ‘rendition’ has been going on since before 9/11 and has never stopped. A number, estimated to be approximately 3,500, have been killed during these interrogations or have died as the result of them.
At the present time, the government, acting under specific Presidential orders, has a virtual fleet of prison ships scattered all across the globe and masked by a curtain of strict secrecy.
The U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency are all heavily involved in this program.
A total of 22 U.S. Navy ships ( including ten ships leased by the U.S. Navy) house prisoners who are kept chained up in the vessels very much like the conditions of the black slavers in the days when slavery was legal in the United States .
Officially, George Bush has said these practices have been stopped but they are still in full swing and the President is fully aware of them, even as I speak.
Specifically, after Bush claimed in 2006 that the rendition programs had been halted, acting under his specific orders, there were 376 new cases of rendition.
The ongoing torture is conducted, in the main, by serving CIA personnel. Since an incident in 2003 when a U.S. Navy doctor refused to give lethal injections to five prisoners kidnapped from Quatar by British special forces, now, all CIA interrogation teams are supplied with a doctor working as a special CIA employee, and under a false name. In fact, all CIA operators are routinely issued completely false American passports by the Department of State’s Passport division
It is now known that the FBI, which had originally been a party to these abductions and tortures, strongly objected to the methodology of the CIA and a number of agents flatly refused to participate any further in a deliberate program of what one FBI agent said was ‘the same as those practiced by Josef Stalin’s’ dread secret police. As a result of this revolt, the FBI are no longer involved in this program but agents with first hand knowledge of it have been warned not to discuss the subject with anyone.
The Soviet gulags were in the Siberian wasteland, far, far from prying eyes and Bush’s death gulags are floating prisons that can quickly be moved to other locations if their presence becomes known.
The depths of the ocean are excellent places to dispose of the weighted bodies of the unwanted dead. It wouldn’t do for a broken, mutilated body of a dead torture victim to float to the surface after being lethally-injected. Unpleasant questions might be asked by uninitiated foreign governments and the floating torture palaces would. find it imperative to get up steam, hoist their anchors and just move to another position without let or hindrance
Names of ships used for this program are known, the USS Bataan, USS Peleiu, USS Ashland and a whole fleet of Navy ACS units. Areas of detention include, but are not limited to, Somalia, the Persian Gulf, Diego Garcia, (where the British intelligence and counter intelligence now use American ships for their own kidnapped suspects) the Gulf of Aden and several areas off the south coast of Cuba, in the area of Guantánamo Bay.
The commanding officers, and their staffs, of these ships are a matter of public record which can be accessed by anyone with a computer.
The legal justification for this mass torture and murder program? The office of the U.S. Attorney General has ruled that anti-torture prohibitions (deliberate murder is not a subject here) only apply within the United States and are not operational outside its geographical boundaries.
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