woensdag 30 april 2008

April 30, 2008

I have been listening to various friends and children of friends about the growing home repossession crisis. It seems that many young, first time home buyers, were deliberately mislead by crooked mortgage brokers into buying their new home with very little down and small monthly payments. Most of these buyers were really unaware of the fact that after a period of time had elapsed, the mortgage holder could, and would, triple the monthly payments.

The banks who bought these crooked mortgages, crooked in that many of the buyers were known to the brokers as being unable to meet higher payments, quickly “bundled” them and sold them off at a good profit.

Now, we have some interesting facts. Most of the people being told to pay up or vacate do not know that it is virtually impossible to locate the actual mortgage holder and the law requires that said mortgage holder alone can repossess a home with delinquent payments.

Many judges ignore this but more than a few are requiring the actual holder of the mortgage to appear. This is impossible to do in most cases so young couples and poorer people should have their lawyers, assuming they can afford them, look into this.

Also, many infuriated home owners, upon being tossed out on the street, have taken to doing damage to their homes. I am going to discuss this aspect of the crisis here. I will, as an exercise in black humor, explain methods for teaching the banks a badly needed lesson.

Smashing up the house is stupid and futile. People who take tools and smash windows and rip out drywall could be prosecuted by the mortgage holder.

Better to consider some of these small advices instead.

Perhaps one could get a screwdriver, six or seven bottles of crazy glue, several bottles of Metamucil, a six pound hammer, a quantity of fresh or frozen crab meat and several dozens of large, cooked shrimp or prawns. That’s all you need to leave nothing behind. Oh yes, you can also get a large sack of rocksalt, available in any supermarket for use in water softeners, and fifty pounds of plaster of Paris. And a brace and bit too. That’s all you need. First, remove all the light switch and electric outlet plates in every room. Put some crab meat or a large prawn or two into the cavity and put the plates back on. When the shellfish goes off, the stench would kill a maggot. The meat will not only rot and give an unholy odor, it will eventually liquefy and vanish.

Having done that, pour a gallon of hot Ritz dye into the middle of the largest wall to wall carpet in the house. A puddle that looks like an accident. The carpet is ruined and it all has to be ripped out.

If there are wood floors or other horizontal wood surfaces, pour some acetone onto them and the finish is ruined and has to be redone. If the kitchen or entrance hall has ceramic tile, take a hammer and crack one or two of the tiles. If you have a tile kitchen sink cover, knock out one or two tiles or knock off one of the edge pieces.

You can pour the Metamucil down the drains in the kitchen. It will plug up the pipes for yards. You can also mix the big bag of plaster of Paris and pour it into all the toilets and down the bathtub and shower drains. After the toilets are firmly plugged, take nice dump on top of it. Then, when a disgusted bank representative comes to visit, and overcomes the vomit-inducing stench of rotting shellfish, they will lift the toilet lid, make a face and pull the handle. This will result in a flood of water and turds onto the floor.

You can take the brace and bit, climb up on a chair and drill a hole in the top of your hollow core room doors and drop shrimp or crab down into the cavity. The stench will be matched by the staining of the wood at the bottom, stains that will smell for decades.

Fishing leader let down into the garbage disposal will ruin it and if you keep the power on, you will burn out the bearings. If you can’t get the stove out, piss into a large, ovenproof bowl, turn on the heat and put the bowl inside the oven.

Also, if you plug up the shower or bathtub drains, you can always turn on the taps, very gently, before you leave. If this is on an upper floor, the water will eventually spill over, spread out all over the floor, ruining the carpets and the floors before it leaks through and causes the plasterboard ceiling below to cave in.

If you want to be really bad, rip the electric cord off of an old lamp and put alligator clamps on each wire. Then, remove the cable box back or the telephone line cover and hook the clamps to each terminal and plug it into the household current. Five minutes of this and all the phone and cable lines are permanently fried. Put the cover back on again so as not to alert the bank people.

When you have done all of the above, take the crazy glue in hand and seal up every door in the house. Close the door first. Then note that the doorknob has a part that is fixed to the door itself and another part, the knob, that turns. Pour crazy glue over this junction. It will quickly settle in, effectively sealing the door.

You can also take out all the window blinds and curtains. If they won’t fit in your new apartment, put them into a dumpster. And be sure to leave the front door lock untouched.

Outside, locate the gas meter and pour a large circle of the salt around it with a trail leading in a straight line to the street. Either turn on the sprinklers for a while, allowing the salt to penetrate into the ground and kill the grass, or wait for a rain to hopefully arrive before the bank. In either case, wait for about a week, then call the gas company and complain of a leak. When the service people come out, they will see the dead grass and just know that there must be a leak. What will they do? If it looks like the line into the house is somehow leaking, they will get a backhoe and make the yard look like the battle of the Marne was fought there.

And you can dump the rest of the salt into the flower gardens and scatter the bits of it all over the lawn.

All of this may take some time and cost a few dollars, but believe me, the results are worth it. Vomiting bank visitors and huge bills for refinishing the floors, replacing the carpets, and if you use crazy glue on the sliding windows, much trouble there.

All it all, not a sound to annoy the neighbors and you leave little bits of joy behind. Trust me, children, the bank will have to spend many dollars to put the place back in service for the market and when the new owners try to install a telephone or put in cable, there will be even more delightful surprises.

My motto? Don’t get mad, get even.

donderdag 24 april 2008

April 24, 2008

I had a very interesting conversation on Sunday with a friend of my wife’s. It was concerned with the huge and growing number of Americans who are falling deeper and deeper into debt and struggling to pay such vital bills as food and rent.

Today the New York Times ran a front page article on the outsourcing of telephone debt collections to India . Much of what my wife’s friend was borne out by this article but because the subject is of great, and growing, interest, I am putting all of this together for the interest of the public.

With millions of Americans falling behind on debt payments, the larger debt-collecting companies are outsourcing their collection methods to India . There, the trained operators call the American debtor on the phone. They remind them that they will probably be getting tax rebates and that perhaps they could pay “just a little” on their back bill. Even a few dollars would show their really good intentions.

Do not trust this approach because it is a snare and a delusion. In most cases, the debts involved have passed the statute of limitations and not only is it impossible to sue for the unpaid balances but the debt itself has vanished from the credit report system. By sending in even a dollar on the back balance, the debt is automatically renewed again and further harassments, phone calls, registered letters and debt-collection suits can, and will, follow.

The best advice here is not to send in a penny.

Here are some other valuable suggestions to save your capital and avoid harassment.

As almost all bill collecting now is done either by phone call or by mail, why not change your phone number? First, call your carrier and stop service, being very sure to pay the back bill, Then, after suffering a short period when you have no phone, start up again with a new carrier but under a different name. Why? Because the phone companies will supply to bill collectors, lists of their customers for a fee. So if you shut down the Bill Jones number and just start up under the same name but with a different carrier, be certain the bill collectors will very soon have the new number.

And when you get the new account (if they want other numbers you have recently used, tell the person at the new service that you have been out of the country, serving with the Armed Forces) To be even safer, you might want to have an unpublished number. If you have a new number under a new name and an unlisted service, you might also wish to add a caller ID to your service.

That, in and of itself, will shut off bothersome calls but if you really want to clean up your act, find a local mailbox service and rent a box. Give them an old address. That way, all your current bills, letters and magazines will go to that address and be reported to various agencies of interest. Then, with the new address, send in to the USPS a form indicating a change of address. Do not give them the drop address but another, more creative, one. One good new address is: 350 5th Ave. , New York , NY 10018 . This is the huge Empire State Building in New York with thousands of people working there.

The post office does not know which office number or which floor is involved so eventually the mail is returned. Or you could give the address of a local hotel or a huge office complex. In any case, you are giving a legitimate address and it will take weeks for the letter or bill to be returned to the sender as undeliverable.

Speaking of returned mail, go to a local firm that makes up rubber stamps and have one done that says ‘DECEASED’ on it. Then, if and when a new bill comes in to the drop address, you can stamp this in red ink on the surface and take it to any USPS station and drop it into a mail slot.

As almost all bill collecting is done by phone these days, these simple steps should materially ensure your continued privacy. This is a subject of increasing interest and we will have further informative and helpful suggestions at a later date.

zondag 20 april 2008

April 20, 2008

How did the Cold War actually start?

Stalin threatened to invade Europe ?

Russian military threats to world peace?

No, the truth is far more prosaic and highlights the present situation as viewed, and practiced, by the corrupt Bush administration.

The Second World War had proved to be a godsend to American business which had been slowly recovering from the economic collapses of 1929 and 1938. The guaranteed entry of the United States into the global conflict after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor mandated the creation of an enormous military machine and an immense parallel increase in American military equipment.

Both the generals and the industrialists feasted at this table and grew fat but like all good things (for the United States at least but not for the rest of the world) the boom times ended in 1945.

With no war to supply or fight, both the military and their business counterparts faced bleak prospects of reduction in forces and shrinking business contracts with the Pentagon.

Then, in 1948, the U.S. Army hit on a plan that would turn around their loss of rank, privilege and business contracts.

In 1946, a German intelligence officer, one Reinhard Gehlen, who had been in charge of the German Army’s Russian military intelligence desk until Hitler sacked him for his inaccurate reporting, went to work for the Pentagon as a Russian expert. By 1948, under U.S. Army control, Gehlen had built up an organization which was then composed mostly of former SS and Gestapo personnel and which issued periodic reports on Russia , tailored to fit the Army’s current needs.

In that year, at the Army’s specific instructions, Gehlen prepared an entirely fictional report that claimed, falsely, that Josef Stalin was preparing to launch a military offensive against Western Europe with 135 Russian armored divisions, then stationed in their occupation zone of Germany.

That all of these units existed solely on paper or that the Russians had torn up the German rail lines in their zone and shipped the rails themselves back to Russia (making the logistical Russian support of a massive invasion completely impossible) was well-known to both the Army and Gehlen but not ever mentioned. This sensational report was deliberately leaked by the Pentagon to Congress and President Truman, with entirely predictable results.

A panic ensued and the Cold War had begun.

The Russians had absolutely neither the capacity, or the desire, to engage the United States in any kind of a military conflict and, on the contrary, were terrified lest Truman and the American military were prepared to launch a full scale atomic war against them as they just recently had against Japan.

The Army expanded to meet this mythic threat, generals returned to their offices and all across America , shuttered defense plants began to reopen once again.

Now, while the vicious Bush keeps frightening the American public with non-existent terrorist threats to keep the Republican’s weakening hold on power, the Pentagon has been casting about, looking for another profitable enmity and are preparing us for another faked Gehlen report

donderdag 17 april 2008

April 17, 2008

The one subject never touched upon in the American media is the control of high level American political institutions by Israel and her American supporters. There is no question that Israel knew to the day when the 9/11 attacks were to happen and who, to the man, were involved in them. There is no question that Israeli businessmen, tipped off by their Mossad, rushed to stock markets all over the world to benefit from what they knew was coming. There is no question that one of the two reasons behind Bush’s useless and failed invasion of Iraq was to secure Israel ’s northern flank from an enemy, Saddam, who had dared to fire rocked into them during the First Gulf War. There is no question that Israel has been behind the threats made by Bush against Iran , an active Israeli enemy who might get atomic weapons and use them on Tel Aviv.

I ask the question: How many hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on programs solely designed to assist or support Israel and, worse, how many young Americans have died to support Israeli wishes.

I think it is entirely safe to say, that if the United States had been strictly neutral in the Arab/Israeli conflicts, achieved total neutrality and stopped its blind and now ruinously expensive military and economic support of that country that there never would have been an attack on the USS Cole and, more important, on the WTC and the Pentagon.

American needs to reevaluate its foreign policy goals and file for immediate divorce from Israel and all her friends and agents now infesting not only the Beltway but the banks and the U.S. military policy makers.

The sooner the better.

If the American public ever gets this into its collective heads, there will be sociological problems in this country that would make Julius Streicher and Josef Stalin laugh.

zaterdag 12 april 2008

April 12, 2008

Much ado in the papers about the major drug companies. We note that certain very popular drugs made and sold by major drug companies kill or disable too many people. Much shock and horror. Why, I do not know. These people are friends of George W. Bush and he has made it very plain to the Federal regulatory agencies that interfering with his friends is not to be done.

The drug companies can absolutely count on being supported by the Bush-appointed judges and left alone by the regulatory people. Any Federal employee who dares to contradict Bush is immediately fired, as have been a number of high-ranking military leaders who won’t put up with his puerile lies.

The Chinese, who have no problem bribing people, have whined that their lead-tainted toys are quite safe and that their medicines, heavily contaminated with dangerous chemical residues, are even more safe. And because Bush is known to take bribes, they get away with it.

Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat, a prig and an asshole but he never took bribes. U.S. Grant had a very corrupt administration but Grant never took a dime. Bush has been on the take since he used his family influence to get various oil industry jobs.

The whole family is as crooked as a Swiss mountain road and George is no exception. Also, Georgie is a vicious little rat who loves to torment people and if he can do this and get bribe money for it, so much the better.

George W. Bush is a drunk, a liar and a thief and the sooner he leaves office, the better off for every man, woman and child in the United States .

Boycott the Olympics? When he can stuff mattress covers full of hundred dollar bills safely on Air Force One? Not bloody likely. Well, for the trailer park trash and the Jesus freak idiots who voted for him, I hope you swallow the wrong pill and turn a delicate shade of blue.

donderdag 10 april 2008

April 10, 2008

The CIA has never done anything right and its blunders have been very costly in human life and destructive to anything or anyone who gets in the way of what their idiotic leaders believe is in their own, not the nation’s, interest.

As a case in point, here is an overview (if I printed this verbatim, they would turn this place upside down to find and prosecute me) of the CIA’s meddling in Chinese affairs, both actual and projected.

Know that no one controls the CIA. For many years, they controlled us in that they had strong connections with corporate media and the top levels of the government. They could do as they liked.

A friend of some deputy director was having his overseas properties grabbed by some local dictator so the CIA wrote a fake position paper that “proved” the evil Communists were taking over the government in that country and Something Had To Be Done! And it was.

The students rebelled, (the CIA is big on infiltrating and supporting the volatile student population of target countries) dissidents in exile were given money and guns and guess what, the evil dictator was replaced with someone the CIA hand-picked.

Here we have Guatemala but now they are aiming at total disruption of the PRC.

The Company is behind the uproar in Tibet and is fomenting rebellious thoughts in the China ’s muslim population. They feel that Taiwan is now a lost cause so the Station in Islamabad is leading the fight to cause so much internal trouble in China that it starts to fall apart from within.

Under discussion has been the possible introduction of a laboratory-concocted blight aimed at the Asian rice crop. Since all of Asia depends on rice as a staple diet item, the sudden (and unexplained) spread of a blight that ruins the crop would do terrible damage all over Asia but especially in China .

One of the Islamabad reports, a copy of which is circulating here, explains that China is ripe for internal collapse. She has a huge population which she is having problems feeding and she has no oil for her burgeoning industry and has to import all of it. China is also now a meat-eating country and they need American corn to feed their cattle.

The CIA has worked it so that American farmers are growing corn for Ethanol and not for export. Oh, there is enough corn for domestic consumption but interestingly enough, not enough for export except at a very high price.

They are taking a leaf from Vladimir Putin’s book. He took Russian oil away from the pro-US Jewish oligarchs and nationalized it. Now, he controls the oil and the U.S. is getting squeezed. The CIA is doing the same thing to the Chinese and they reason that if the food supplies start to dry up there and by some means their oil imports can be cut back, China will implode and cease to be a potential threat to the U.S. And if the potentially rebellious Chinese minorities can be roused up, like their past actions in arming the Taliban against Russia in Afghanistan , they have a winner.

With the CIA’s connections with corporate media, look for more sad horror stories about Tibet . Tibet resonates far better than Dafur does with the American people. They, and Bush, are very upset about the shift in political winds in Pakistan . It looks like assonating Bhutto did not work they way they wanted it to because all it did was to guarantee that the wrong people came into power and now our wings have been clipped there. It is not too difficult to off one woman but to take out all of the Pakistan judicial system and their legislators is too much even for the CIA. The Ukraine operation (taking the Ukraine out of Putin’s orbit) was typical of their style but they waited too long and mis-stepped in Islamabad

At any rate, look for more fireworks about the Olympics and know the whys and wherefores of that situation.

zaterdag 5 april 2008

April 5, 2008

All of the media have been speaking about the current economic problems and occasionally we will see an uplifting headline suggesting that the bottom has been reached and now all will be roses again.


The dot com bubble was nothing compared with the sub-prime mortgage con jobs and the immensity of the scam is something no one wants to talk about, especially in light of the coming elections. This sub-prime business, like the dot -com business, was a deliberate rip off from the beginning.

The crooked local mortgage brokers deliberately falsified and invented fake income information on their phony mortgages. They sold these to all the major banking houses who snapped them up eagerly, packaged them and quickly shoved them off on the sucker trade.

The gimmick?

Why on all sub-prime mortgages, while the initial monthly payments are low, the contracts always call for the “possibility” of a sharp increase after the lapse of a set period of time. The mortgage holders were always told by the con men that while there could be a little increase at some vague future time, it usually was very small or never happened.

Now, the poor suckers who bought into this con, are discovering that the sub-prime mortgages are always increased after the stipulated time. This is the huge selling point on such pieces of paper. It amounts to a huge income for the holder. For example, they buy in at say $240 per month knowing it will be raised to $1500 per month. Of course the initiators of the mortgages forgot to tell the banks that their customers had no money at all and could never make the larger payments and would have to default. They had a nice long time to collect their money and deposit it in Israeli banks from whence it could never be touched. And off they went to be near their money leaving tens or probably hundreds of thousands behind them who could never pay the increases. The number of banks and lending houses affected boggles the mind. We learn here that the huge Bank of America is about to fall into the quarry and have been frantically trying to get a Bear-Sterns type bail out. Of course if BoA gets this, then about thirty other major banks and lending emporiums will be lining up and the printing presses at the Bureau of Printing and Engraving will be cranking out bushels of money that will be as worthless as the wheelbarrow full of million mark notes the German hausfrau hauled in a wheelbarrow to the bakers to buy a loaf of bread after our economic collapse in 1929 wiped out the global economy. And now it is whispered that most of America ’s major airlines are in the same sinking boat as the BoA. The DHS and the sharply escalating cost of jet fuel will drive every one of them into bankruptcy, without any question, unless Uncle Sugar bails them out. Lousy service, long waits, overbooked flights, baggage lost and never found coupled with what would have to be immense fair increases will make Amtrak and Greyhound look even more inviting. Forget taking the car to the beach this summer. Rising gas prices and sea levels will put a stop to that practice and people can stay at home and hate each other while their children download excellent Russian porn and display their private parts on Internet chat rooms.

vrijdag 4 april 2008

April 4, 2008

George Bush is a petty, vindictive creep. If he can’t have his way, he immediately thinks of ways to annoy people. He knows his days are numbered in the Oval Office and that he has no legacy to contemplate and is aware people hate him. He knows that the Texas university that is planned to house his sacred library, where he wants to have an elegant office, has most of their faculty opposing his presence and he knows his approval rating is down almost to single figures.

And what does he do? He decided to let rancher kill wolves in spite of the stink that made, or probably because of it, He had dredged up a slate of appointees that the Mexican parliament would jib at and now the word around this Monkey Palace is that George, with the encouragement of Cheney, wants to put a huge crimp in social security payments, cut Medicare way back and most important, cut food stamp issuance back 60%! He is looking for some Yoo character to tell him it’s legal to do this and then he will.

Why cut these vital lifelines? Because it looks like Obama might make it and Bush does not like blacks. The old phrase;, ‘Welfare Queens’ can be heard now and then and if it can be done, Bush will do it, He is a mean man but I have a nice joke I have been telling around here which I will pass on to all of you:

When George was a little boy, he saw a program on ice fishing. He decided he wanted to ice fish. As his family were out of town, he got a folding stool, an axe, a fishing pole and tackle from his father and his usual bottle of Jim Beam and off he went. It was winter and George knew right where the ice was. He put the stool down and began to chop a hole in the ice. Suddenly, a voice boomed out, ‘There are no fish under that ice!” George then picked up his stool and gear and walked a few dozen yards away and put everything down again. And again, when he started chopping a hole in the ice, the same voice boomed out again, ‘There are no fish under that ice”! This time George got angry. ‘Is that you, God?’ he asked in a weak voice. ‘No!’ came the reply. ‘It’s the skating rink manager!’

Now that’s just a story but it is true that the Bush family wouldn’t let little George play in their outdoor sandbox because when he did, the neighbor’s cats tried to cover him up.