The New York Times is now full of all kinds of idiot stories about the fictional Holocaust. This must be in advance of the new legislation being proposed to have Bush declare a National Day of Atonement wherein all Americans will have the chance to reflect on the Great Sufferings of the Jewish People. We now see references to Anne Frank Diaries which is pathetic since the German government proclaimed these famous tear jerkers as stone fakes some years ago and of course the new German comic book designed to “sensitize” German school children to the evil ways of their fathers. I wonder why no one ever talks about the Great Armenian Holocaust of 1916? Many, many more Christian Armenians were butchered by the Muslim Turks than Jews died during WW II but we never see any mention of this well-proven slaughter. Why? Because Israel is friendly with the Turks who do not want anyone daring to mention their nastiness and since the Jews own all the media in America today, we see nothing. Of course the newspapers are a dying institution; everyone gets their news from the internet and no one can control the internet, not even the evil CIA or the AIPAC, so the National Day of Atonement, coming up soon, may help fill the coffers of Our Best Ally.
If you study the psychology of mass actions, you will note that the public always seems to back the winner. Obama has a very good political action team, a good deal more money than anyone else and has established a very powerful forward momentum. The public does not like a loser and note that Hillary has been losing ground, and important delegates at an increasing rate.. If you are perceived as successful, you will be successful. They way the candidates for the Democratic nomination are being civilized with each other indicates that a ticket with both of them is not an impossibility. Obama's best asset, outside of himself, is his wife. Hillary's worst asset, outside of herself, is her husband. Neither one of the Clintons likes to lose and they show it. No grace under pressure.
Frantic right-wing commentators, used to eight years of Karl Rove-type malice, lies and innuendo, are getting very close to calling Obama a nigger and if and when they do, they will discover that the black community has not forgotten the ugliness of Katrina or many years of social repression. I have known many very many far right, rich Republicans and the words "kike" and "nigger" are often used in what we would like to think would be the best company.
When one of my rich east coast establishment friends said, "My God, you can't vote for that uppity coon!" my response was that I would vote for the white half. He was not amused, but I was.
There will be major elections in Russia coming up. It doesn’t take a Harvard graduate to detect great official anger in the United States , directred against Vladimir Putin. Is predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, was a drunk and in the pay of the U.S. Putin, a former colonel in the KGB, took over from Boris and began methodically to either stop the sale of Russia ’s immense oil and gas fields or, if contracts had been let to eager western oil companies, cancel them. The so-called ‘Oligarchs’ were a group of exclusively Jewish Russian gangsters who were conniving with the aforesaid oil companies. Putin not only stopped this looting of Russia but he persecuted the Oligarchs, driving most of them to safety in Israel (who never extradites any Jew, regardless of the alleged crime involved) Not only were the oil companies livid at their huge losses (they had shipped hundreds of millions of dollars worth of new equipment to the Russian fields, equipment which Putin simply took over and put to good use…for Russia, not western oil interests.) and the Jewish business community took a decidedly negative view of Putin and his actions. This led directly to official anger in the White House and the media. In fact, Vladimir Putin has done an excellent job in bringing order to a chaotic Russia and, on a more direct note, brought huge sums of money into his country, raising the standard of living to a high level. Now, Russia has staked out drilling areas in the Arctic, areas American oil interests are frantic to obtain. If the oil companies are frantic, Bush obediently upbraids Putin and tries to find some way to annoy him, such as missile sites being located in Poland . (Two are already in place as I write) The world in general, and the United States in particular, would be far better off if God in His wisdom called George W. Bush to His bosom.
If you study the psychology of mass actions, you will note that the public always seems to back the winner. Obama has a very good political action team, a good deal more money than anyone else and has established a very powerful forward momentum. The public does not like a loser and note that Hillary has been losing ground, and important delegates at an increasing rate.. If you are perceived as successful, you will be successful. They way the candidates for the Democratic nomination are being civilized with each other indicates that a ticket with both of them is not an impossibility. Obama's best asset, outside of himself, is his wife. Hillary's worst asset, outside of herself, is her husband. Neither one of the Clintons likes to lose and they show it. No grace under pressure.
Frantic right-wing commentators, used to eight years of Karl Rove-type malice, lies and innuendo, are getting very close to calling Obama a nigger and if and when they do, they will discover that the black community has not forgotten the ugliness of Katrina or many years of social repression. I have known many very many far right, rich Republicans and the words "kike" and "nigger" are often used in what we would like to think would be the best company.
When one of my rich east coast establishment friends said, "My God, you can't vote for that uppity coon!" my response was that I would vote for the white half. He was not amused, but I was.
There will be major elections in Russia coming up. It doesn’t take a Harvard graduate to detect great official anger in the United States , directred against Vladimir Putin. Is predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, was a drunk and in the pay of the U.S. Putin, a former colonel in the KGB, took over from Boris and began methodically to either stop the sale of Russia ’s immense oil and gas fields or, if contracts had been let to eager western oil companies, cancel them. The so-called ‘Oligarchs’ were a group of exclusively Jewish Russian gangsters who were conniving with the aforesaid oil companies. Putin not only stopped this looting of Russia but he persecuted the Oligarchs, driving most of them to safety in Israel (who never extradites any Jew, regardless of the alleged crime involved) Not only were the oil companies livid at their huge losses (they had shipped hundreds of millions of dollars worth of new equipment to the Russian fields, equipment which Putin simply took over and put to good use…for Russia, not western oil interests.) and the Jewish business community took a decidedly negative view of Putin and his actions. This led directly to official anger in the White House and the media. In fact, Vladimir Putin has done an excellent job in bringing order to a chaotic Russia and, on a more direct note, brought huge sums of money into his country, raising the standard of living to a high level. Now, Russia has staked out drilling areas in the Arctic, areas American oil interests are frantic to obtain. If the oil companies are frantic, Bush obediently upbraids Putin and tries to find some way to annoy him, such as missile sites being located in Poland . (Two are already in place as I write) The world in general, and the United States in particular, would be far better off if God in His wisdom called George W. Bush to His bosom.