There is a very serious aspect to the current economic collapse that no one wants to discuss, neither the economic pundits, the media or the scared politicians. This concerns an aspect of the subprime scams and, basically and stripped of euphemistic words and propaganda phrases, is that very large amounts of money from various banks and financial institutions and the owners and controllers thereof were, and are being, sent outside this country to a secure area. I am speaking most specifically of American business frantically sending, electronically, huge amounts of money to banks in Israel. The three banks that are getting most of the stolen money are: Hapoalim group, Bank Leumi group, Discount Bank group. It is not necessary to mention that the senders are all Jewish and it should be noted that Israeli banking concerns practice strict banking security (see their Protection of Privacy Law, 1981 [PPL]) Under the PPL, “an infringement of privacy is, inter alia, a violation of an obligation to maintain secrecy regarding a person’s private affairs, established by explicit or implicit agreement.” The bank’s obligation of secrecy extends not only to the details of the client’s account but also to all transactions related to the account In other words, if the US authorities want to know about this, they can bend over while the Israeli bankers drive them home. And if the sticky-fingered ones decide to make a quick flight to Israel ahead of FBI investigators, like their new accounts, they are entirely safe. Note here that Israel does not extradite its citizens. But it does allow prosecutions in its own courts for crimes committed abroad. None of this information is really secret but is well-known to investigative bodies such as the Department of State and the FBI. Currently,U.S. law-enforcement personnel and prosecutors, who fear that Israeli-oriented economic criminals will use the Jewish state as a refuge.
vrijdag 3 oktober 2008
maandag 29 september 2008
September 29, 2008
My God! If it weren’t for the obnoxious bloggers, the American people would never know one end from the other. The Internet is a wonderful source of information but it is also the playground for an enormous army of the loud of mouth and the tiny of brain.
What seems to be causing a feeding frenzy now is the appalling Sarah Palin and most especially her idiotic and devastating Couric interview. There is genuine panic in the upper ranks of Republicans over the choice of Sarah as McCain’s vice president.
I have never met her, nor would I want to, but I have been speaking with people who do know her and believe me, they are shocked and frightened lest the voters learn more of her distasteful persona and activities. In the first place, she may be clever but she is stupid beyond belief in areas in which a vice president must be knowledgeable. She knows absolutely nothing about economics, foreign policy, domestic and foreign diplomacy and her idiotic chatterings are beyond belief.
Sarah is being kept away, often by force, from any correspondent or television interviewer lest she utterly destroy McCain’s chances at the Oval Office. Sarah virtually pushed McCain away from the podium once and announced the ‘Palin/McCain ticket’ in her cheerleader squall. As more and more about Sarah Palin’s background comes out, the GOP leadership is now seriously considering the ways to boot her off the ticket and replace her with someone else that won’t do to McCain’s campaign what the iceberg did to the Titanic.
My annoyance with the bloggers is that they have wild methane moments over Sarah but the truth is even more devastating that their windbreaking.
Sarah is a fanatic evangelical Christian. Sarah believes in, and practices, ‘talking in tongues’. Sarah’s pastor believes in witches and screams about them from the stage of his church on a regular basis. Sarah is vindictive to a degree and certainly far from honest. Her children are so gross that, like their mother, they are shoved into figurative closets and locked in, lest the media discover them.
The thought that when, not if, an increasingly disordered McCain had to step down from the Presidency (on the somewhat remote chance he was elected to it in the first place) and turned Sarah loose on the United States and the world is enough to terrify anyone, Republican or Democrat, into wetting themselves.
And as if that isn’t bad enough, now we are beginning to learn that the Georgian attack on the Russians was known well in advance by Washington and quietly approved, (and in the case of Bush, instigated) by both the President and the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State and a busload of top general officers, both in the Pentagon and in EUCOM.
Far from Bush’s sandbox dream of one-upping Putin, it was Putin who one-upped Bush, humiliated him, ruined America’s reputation world wide and showed up the once feared NATO as a very fragile paper tige,r standing forlorn and sagging in a monsoon.
In the midst of life, children, we are crotch-deep in peanut butter. At least it looks like peanut butter but it doesn’t really smell like peanut butter.
What seems to be causing a feeding frenzy now is the appalling Sarah Palin and most especially her idiotic and devastating Couric interview. There is genuine panic in the upper ranks of Republicans over the choice of Sarah as McCain’s vice president.
I have never met her, nor would I want to, but I have been speaking with people who do know her and believe me, they are shocked and frightened lest the voters learn more of her distasteful persona and activities. In the first place, she may be clever but she is stupid beyond belief in areas in which a vice president must be knowledgeable. She knows absolutely nothing about economics, foreign policy, domestic and foreign diplomacy and her idiotic chatterings are beyond belief.
Sarah is being kept away, often by force, from any correspondent or television interviewer lest she utterly destroy McCain’s chances at the Oval Office. Sarah virtually pushed McCain away from the podium once and announced the ‘Palin/McCain ticket’ in her cheerleader squall. As more and more about Sarah Palin’s background comes out, the GOP leadership is now seriously considering the ways to boot her off the ticket and replace her with someone else that won’t do to McCain’s campaign what the iceberg did to the Titanic.
My annoyance with the bloggers is that they have wild methane moments over Sarah but the truth is even more devastating that their windbreaking.
Sarah is a fanatic evangelical Christian. Sarah believes in, and practices, ‘talking in tongues’. Sarah’s pastor believes in witches and screams about them from the stage of his church on a regular basis. Sarah is vindictive to a degree and certainly far from honest. Her children are so gross that, like their mother, they are shoved into figurative closets and locked in, lest the media discover them.
The thought that when, not if, an increasingly disordered McCain had to step down from the Presidency (on the somewhat remote chance he was elected to it in the first place) and turned Sarah loose on the United States and the world is enough to terrify anyone, Republican or Democrat, into wetting themselves.
And as if that isn’t bad enough, now we are beginning to learn that the Georgian attack on the Russians was known well in advance by Washington and quietly approved, (and in the case of Bush, instigated) by both the President and the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State and a busload of top general officers, both in the Pentagon and in EUCOM.
Far from Bush’s sandbox dream of one-upping Putin, it was Putin who one-upped Bush, humiliated him, ruined America’s reputation world wide and showed up the once feared NATO as a very fragile paper tige,r standing forlorn and sagging in a monsoon.
In the midst of life, children, we are crotch-deep in peanut butter. At least it looks like peanut butter but it doesn’t really smell like peanut butter.
vrijdag 26 september 2008
September 26, 2008
After 9/11, George Bush decided to put some hair on his sunken chest and fight a nice big war. The oil people and the Neocons whispered into his hairy ears that he could invade Iraq, save Precious Israel from an enemy and get all kinds of oil for the both of them. George is a nasty piece of work and as crooked as they come so he jammed an Imperial War Decree through a terrified Congress with ease. Now, with other friends of his, the crooked slimeball bankers, in danger of imminent meltdown due to their thievery, George has tried to jam another Imperial Decree through Congress. This one would give him huge amounts of money, unsupervised as to use, and make the docile American people eat the bill. This time a thoroughly discredited Bush has failed in his efforts on behalf of his friends and the American public has become aroused and infuriated to the point where another terrified Congress is refusing to heed the thoroughly discredited Bush. What will eventually happen, no one knows, but we now see that the Bush/Rove Might Republican Machine has run out of gas by the side of the highway and its crew of rodents are fleeing into the nearby woods for protection.
And may I give you several pieces of what I consider sound advice? First, if you have any extra money in one of the bigger banks, take it out and put it in a shoe box in your closet. If these banks start to collapse suddenly, which they are very likely to do, even the Government can’t supply them and their branches with enough paper to cover deposits. The second thought is to take some extra money, assuming you have any, and buy gold with it. Get this from a reputable coin dealer and buy older European gold coins like British Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns, French or Swiss francs. Keep away from weird gold from small countries…very hard to sell if you need to….and never, never buy gold and let some big company help you out by insisting they will store it in their “safe vaults.” Hah! And off to Aruba with them for sun and fun and their loot into Lichtenstein banks. Keep the money where you can get at it. Banks can no longer be trusted as we have found out the hard way.
zaterdag 20 september 2008
September 20, 2008
Putin’s total humiliation of his enemy, Georgian President Saakashvili, George Bush and the Israel government and military, .in the brief but deadly war in Georgia that was instigated by Saakashvili ,has caused a wave of fear in Kiev. The Ukraine, an American satellite, knows that Putin has his eye on their country and has proven that he can seize it at any time, un-hindered by a useless NATO. Their diplomatic representatives have been engaging in frantic and panic-stricken phone calls, emails and personal visits to key Americans such as Bush, Cheney, McCain (whose chief foreign affairs specialist is a neo-con and a paid agent for Georgia) and members of the U.S. military. The Ukraine is terrified that if Putin institutes some kind of an Anschluss , NATO can, and will, do nothing to counter it , and that Washington will quickly abandon them as they did Georgia last month and today, there was news that the Crimean parliament has asked Kiev to recognize Georgia’s breakaway provinces . The Crimea, which is peopled with ethnic Russians, is home to the Sebastopol naval base, used by Russia. Our people view this area as the most likely flash point for future problems.
The United States has very clearly abandoned one ally, Georgia, and is now attacking a second, Pakistan. Georgia was intended to serve as an American showcase for its brand of democracy, a democracy mirroring the wishes of Washington, as well as acting for a probable base to attack Iran, and Pakistan was to assist our military in attacking the Afgahnistani Taliban. Now that our man, General Musharrif, has fallen from power to be replaced with a weak and vacillating government that is terrified of the Taliban and also strongly anti-American, the Bush people, goaded by a frightened India, are considering immediate military strikes, with U.S. Special Forces, deep into the territory of their former ally in order to secure Pakistan’s nuclear weaponry.
And a comment about the “rescue of the collapsing credit market” by the Bush people: In essence, Secretary Paulson wants to set up a Federal agency which will scoop up billions of dollars of bad debt the greedy banks ‘suddenly’ found themselves stuck with. This financial fraud will be dumped onto the American taxpayer and is privately estimated to exceed 6 trillion dollars. The banks involved, who were criminally responsible for this situation, get off with a Pass Free card and can get their golden parachutes, or the golden shower if they want it.And when the banking community realized that this payoff might actually happen, they lined up in groups of fifty with outstretched hands for their friends to press money into. Also, Paulson and McCain are going to insure all investors in U.S. money-market funds which will cost our taxpayers many more hundreds of millions. And as to the ‘fiscal fix,’ recall the words of Patrick Henry. ‘Trust it not sir, it shall prove a snare and a delusion.’
Smile, children, and swallow.
woensdag 17 september 2008
September 17, 2008
The terrible pending financial collapse is being frantically addressed by terrified members of Congress and the President, mainly because most of them are deeply in the pockets of the Wall Street types and also because a serious recession at this time is unthinkable because of the pending presidential elections.
Their solemn statements at ad hoc press conferences ( seen on all the major networks) will certainly be reflected in the media with cries of joy and exaltation “Joy! The Crisis is over! Stocks soar on News Of Assistance!” will echo throughout the land.
This will result in a brief flurry of upwards activity on the market but in the end, the damage is so severe that the collapse will continue its inexorable slide downwards to mass destruction (The American media is not independent. For example, the once-respectable Chicago Tribune is now owned by a big real estate tycoon who is highly unlikely to publish devastating comments about the collapsing real estate market.)
The Dow rose more than 400 points. Gold was up $46 at the close of the day. The dollar is falling...oil is holding steady. Our Congressmen now are going to ban short selling of financial stocks. The SEC issued an emergency edict prohibiting “abusive” short selling.
The pre-election saviors have solemnly announced a program of coordinated intervention...with $250 billion to be made immediately available to the financial industry to cover its bad debts, and with a future direct cost to American taxpayers of half a trillion dollars!
Bush and his right wing Republicans are directly and personally responsible for the deliberate removal of stock market and financial institution safeguards, put in place decades ago by Congress specifically to prevent what is now happening.
None of this activity was by accident but it was, has been and is now in progress because it is the stated Republican policy to stop any government control over American capitalism. Capitalism, if left uncontrolled, has a distinct propensity to large surges and even large collapses as any student of American business can attest.
Finally, after the terrible 1929-1938 disaster, Congress installed regulations to prevent these surges and collapses but Wall Street, which connived at Bush’s fake election in 2000, wanted to benefit from the surges and so this corrupt administration has eagerly rushed to comply.
Now, we see the fruits of their labors.
The American housing market has collapsed and the collapse is still in progress.
We see that many Americans, who have good credit and pay their mortgage bills on time, are in a terrible situation. As long as they keep their homes, all is well and good but if and when they want to sell them, then there is trouble.
The collapse of the American housing market means that while a homeowner may have a mortgage on a house once worth $200,000, this house now only can be sold for $125,000.That means that if the house is sold, the bank, holder of the mortgage, is now owed $75,000.
The banks are not going to walk away from so much money, so either the homeowner stands pat and continues to pay his mortgage, he signs an interest-bearing note for the $75,000 for the bank or he walks away from the house, has his credit ruined and leaves the mortgage holder to eat the house and the mortgage.
I ought to advise those of you being forced into foreclosure of an interesting situation.
The person who owns the house can be forced into foreclosure but in court, they have the right to confront the mortgage holder.
Let me tell you all something: Given all the slicing and dicing and resales the criminally greedy banks and lending agencies indulged in, at this point, no one in any lending institution knows who holds the actual mortgage and, believe this, they can never find them.
Just a little gift from me to you.
Tell your lawyer this and watch the other side twist and squirm! And not bring the holder into court as they must.
Be sure to remember who is to blame for your hiked up credit card payments and other delightful things come November next.
Their solemn statements at ad hoc press conferences ( seen on all the major networks) will certainly be reflected in the media with cries of joy and exaltation “Joy! The Crisis is over! Stocks soar on News Of Assistance!” will echo throughout the land.
This will result in a brief flurry of upwards activity on the market but in the end, the damage is so severe that the collapse will continue its inexorable slide downwards to mass destruction (The American media is not independent. For example, the once-respectable Chicago Tribune is now owned by a big real estate tycoon who is highly unlikely to publish devastating comments about the collapsing real estate market.)
The Dow rose more than 400 points. Gold was up $46 at the close of the day. The dollar is falling...oil is holding steady. Our Congressmen now are going to ban short selling of financial stocks. The SEC issued an emergency edict prohibiting “abusive” short selling.
The pre-election saviors have solemnly announced a program of coordinated intervention...with $250 billion to be made immediately available to the financial industry to cover its bad debts, and with a future direct cost to American taxpayers of half a trillion dollars!
Bush and his right wing Republicans are directly and personally responsible for the deliberate removal of stock market and financial institution safeguards, put in place decades ago by Congress specifically to prevent what is now happening.
None of this activity was by accident but it was, has been and is now in progress because it is the stated Republican policy to stop any government control over American capitalism. Capitalism, if left uncontrolled, has a distinct propensity to large surges and even large collapses as any student of American business can attest.
Finally, after the terrible 1929-1938 disaster, Congress installed regulations to prevent these surges and collapses but Wall Street, which connived at Bush’s fake election in 2000, wanted to benefit from the surges and so this corrupt administration has eagerly rushed to comply.
Now, we see the fruits of their labors.
The American housing market has collapsed and the collapse is still in progress.
We see that many Americans, who have good credit and pay their mortgage bills on time, are in a terrible situation. As long as they keep their homes, all is well and good but if and when they want to sell them, then there is trouble.
The collapse of the American housing market means that while a homeowner may have a mortgage on a house once worth $200,000, this house now only can be sold for $125,000.That means that if the house is sold, the bank, holder of the mortgage, is now owed $75,000.
The banks are not going to walk away from so much money, so either the homeowner stands pat and continues to pay his mortgage, he signs an interest-bearing note for the $75,000 for the bank or he walks away from the house, has his credit ruined and leaves the mortgage holder to eat the house and the mortgage.
I ought to advise those of you being forced into foreclosure of an interesting situation.
The person who owns the house can be forced into foreclosure but in court, they have the right to confront the mortgage holder.
Let me tell you all something: Given all the slicing and dicing and resales the criminally greedy banks and lending agencies indulged in, at this point, no one in any lending institution knows who holds the actual mortgage and, believe this, they can never find them.
Just a little gift from me to you.
Tell your lawyer this and watch the other side twist and squirm! And not bring the holder into court as they must.
Be sure to remember who is to blame for your hiked up credit card payments and other delightful things come November next.
zondag 14 september 2008
September 14, 2008
While the American media is having a shit fit over the crazy Palin woman, serious trouble is slowly building down in Georgia. The Bush people are horrified at the way the Georgia invasion worked out finally. The incursion was surely known to senior U.S. military commanders, both in the field and at EUCOM command. There is no question about this. The generals knew that Bush detested Putin and was determined, at any cost, to “do something” to Tehran before he left office. The Israelis, who are yapping at him as often as they can, convinced Curious George that they could attack from Georgian airfields and the U.S. would be “off the hook” as it were. Bush loved the idea but the entire matter got completely out of hand. The nutty Georgian president launched an attack that brought down swift and terrible Russian response. That response totally wrecked the Bush Russia- encirclement plan, showed the U.S. up as an unreliable ally and more, it showed that both the U.S. and NATO were completely powerless against Putin. The once-terrifying lions are now old and toothless.On top of this, careless Americans and frightened Israelis decamped from Georgia as fast as they could, leaving everything behind, including trucks full of top secret documents for the Russians to enjoy at their leisure. No one wants to talk about this complete disaster, so the press has been ordered to spend its time directing the electorate towards the crazy Palin woman and now, the Gulf hurricane. We get to see clips of Sarah babbling whatever her handlers have her read and that intermixed with fat woman and poodles being airlifted off their Galveston rooftops.
As an aside, those stupid fucks were told, repeatedly, to get out, long before’ Ike’ hit. They stuck out their tongues and stayed. Now, they are up on the roofs, wailing and waving dirty underwear begging the Coast Guard to rescue them. The stupid assholes should be fined for wasting the Coast Guard’s valuable time. I recall during Katrina that the Coast Guard did wonderful and often under-reported work rescuing people while the corrupt and stupid FEMA clods held press conferences and ate very well.
So much for that aside.
The Georgia president has said, often and very loudly, that he wants to invade his former territory and is prepared to fight to the death. He will certainly get his wish but he also expects that Bush will resupply him with more weapons as well as sending in large numbers of U.S. troops. This will never happen but Saakashvili will do his best to start a major war. To be pragmatic, we should have the CIA kill him as it has killed so many inconvenient allies in the past. And if we read of the “tragic sudden death” of the Georgian leader, there is still the very real danger of a Russian move against the Ukraine to contemplate, at least for those not involved with the football season and the remnants of ‘Ike.’ Given Putin’s succeses in challenging both the U.S. and NATO over the Georgia issue, there is great concern here over what could be another Russian move, this time against the Ukraine. In point of fact, Russia has a much bigger and more legitimate beef over the Ukraine than Georgia. The Ukraine has a very large and well-developed industrial area in the Donets Basin, is a very rich agricultural country and has control over the Crimea and its large Russian naval base. The U.S. helped bribe Georgia out of the Russian sphere and into the NATO one but now that NATO is seen by everyone as a joke, one would think that the Ukraine would be very nervous. If they are, they are not showing it. An argument now being made in Kiev is that Russia would not dare to meddle with the Ukraine because that country has a huge network of oil and gas pipelines that take Russian products to the European market. This is a double-edged sword because Russia has a strong presence in the Ukraine and if that country has the pipelines in place, which it does, this is even more reason to gather the errant province back into the fold.
donderdag 11 september 2008
September 11, 2008
As a Republican, I find myself repelled by the shrill and very vicious campaign ads prepared by the staffs of Senator McCain and Governor Palin. I have never heard such desperate, hysterical lies in my entire political life. Both of them have been mindlessly attacking Senator Obama because they represent a political party that is disgrace with the American public.. Bush is loathed, the economy has tanked and will tank worse, the wars go on without end, the corruption in the present government is out of control and reminds me of some third world country. Both McCain and Palin are part and parcel of the mindsets of the Bush people. They have done everything but call Obama a nigger but if they did, it would not surprise me. Losers always play dirty.
The inclusion of Sarah Palin on the McCain ticket was a terrible mistake. McCain was bound and determined that Joe Lieberman be his vice president but the leadership of the GOP told him repeatedly and heatedly that if he did that, he automatically would lose the election. Lieberman is viewed as a turncoat and a loud supporter of Israel and in our current political climate, no one cares about a turncoat but they do not like Israel or her loud, demanding and backstabbing supporters. Then he chose Governor Palin, about whom little is known to the electorate.
Put forward as a maverick, she is in truth a catastrophe. She was not vetted by anyone because someone quickly had to be found to satisfy the enraged McCain. Sarah is indeed a walking political disaster.
If the GOP was afraid of Joe Lieberman, they will be terrified of the damage the Devine Sarah can cause. There is much in her background that will most certainly emerge, most especially since she has savagely attacked the American media. Yammering negativity to the media is like punching a state trooper in the nose when he stops you from driving at 90 on the median strip. Problemw will certainly follow.
All of the following material is taken from a confidential DoJ report sitting on my desk as I write.
The Republican’s unvetted choice was born Sarah Louise Heath on February 11, 1964 at Sandpoint, Idaho. Her father, Charles Heath was a science teacher and her mother, Sally Sheeran Heath was listed as a housewife. Sarah attended a number of schools and finally received a BA in journalism from the University of Idaho. Her current husband, Todd, is a Native American Yup'ik Eskimo and works for BP at one of their Alaskan oil fields and does part-time work as a fisherman.
They have five children. Their eldest son, Track, 19, is in the U.S. army and their three daughters, Bristol, 18, Willow, 14 and Piper, 7. In 2008 (April 18, 2008), a son, Trig was born. This child suffers from Mongoloidism. Their second unmarried daughter Willow, is now pregnant.
The Palin family lives in Wasilla, about 40 miles north of Anchorage.
Aside from a number of thoroughly unpleasant episodes concerning family members, overcharging the state, heavy involvement with corrupt local politicians, attempts to foster her personal religious beliefs (Palin is a very active and aggressive Evangelical) there is the question of family matters she has attempted to conceal to advance her political career. Governor Palin “proudly displays” an Israeli flag in her gubernatorial office and for a very good reason.
Her maternal grandfather, Schmuel Sheigam, was a Lithuanian Jew, born in 1912 in Vilkaviskis, Lithuania, 91.2 miles west of Vilnius. The Sheigam family immigrated to America, via Hamburg, Germany in 1915 because of WWI.
At Ellis Island Immigration Centre, the name was entered as Sheeran, a standard practice of the time when immigration officers were unable to understand the pronunciation of non-English speaking immigrants. Sheeran is a common Irish name but members of the Sheigam family are buried in the Jewish cemetery at Budezeriai near Vilkaviskis in Lithuania.
Further information on Governor Palin’s ancestors can easily be found in the vital records in the Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilnius. The Archives holds birth, marriage, divorce, and death records for the Lithuanian Jewish community from 1851 until 1915 when the Jews were required to leave the country because of World War I. They are in 18th Century Cyrillic script and Yiddish Many of these records include the mother's maiden name and town of registration.
vrijdag 5 september 2008
September 5, 2008
While the American media is entertaining the American public with the on-going political three ringer, very serious storms are building, and have been building, in the Middle East. Putin, three times more a national leader than George Bush, has bided his time and patiently awaited his enemy, the United States to attack Russia. Both Washington and Moscow were fully aware of the pending Georgian attack on South Ossetia and both did nothing but wait. Bush saw it as another nail in Putin’s political coffin and Putin saw it for an excellent opportunity of destroying America’s credibility as an ally. The terrified flight of the much-vaunted American equipped and trained Georgian army and the ease with which the Russians were able to occupy any part of Georgia they wanted did not go unnoticed in the NATO countries and aside from the erratic Poles, what we saw in Brussels was embarrassed silence when Bush screamed for action. Our lunatic VP, Cheney, is determined to force NATO to take in Georgia but it is known inside the Beltway that this will never happen. And while Americans listen to badly written speeches and platitudes booming out over the tube, the spectre of possible war goes completely ignored. And around the White House, growingly alarmed Republican and Neocons are wondering if they can pull off another Florida vote stealing gambit again. That’s the trouble with Republicans; they live in the past. Their motto is ‘Look Backward,’ and their watchword is: ‘That which has never been, cannot be.
vrijdag 29 augustus 2008
August 29, 2008
Much wailing and rending of garments over at the Israeli Embassy over the Georgian debacle recently. It was planned that their airforce people would attack Iran during the confusion caused by the artillery bombardment in South Ossetia but the swift and totally unanticipated Russian response took everyone by surprise. Putin’s people captured all kinds of highly sensitive documents and the Bush people are terrified about what might turn up. Israel is furious and at more than loss of equipment and documents. They had been pushing the feeble-minded McCain into putting the detestable Joe Lieberman onto the ticked at VP because it is obvious that McCain would never finish his first term and Israel would have one of her strongest supporters in the Oval Office. McCain had promised a US attack on Iran but this is not to be, given the disaster in Georgia so the garments are rent and the ashes cast while the Israelis look for someone else to pull their chestnuts out of a fire of their own making.
zondag 24 augustus 2008
August 24, 2008
What amounts to a terrible geo-political defeat for the United States as the direct result of the Russian/Georgian conflict, has caused much sturm und drang here. Cheney, who had no idea that Putin would react so quickly or that the Georgian army would totally collapse, is having a fit. Bush, who expected some kind of a blow to Tehran before he left office, is having one of his sulks and the propaganda organs are gearing up to try to smear Putin and disguise the fact that at the first sign of real trouble, our beloved CIA, the entire U.S. military machine in Georgia and almost all of our diplomats ran like Olympic track stars, leaving the crazy Georgian president to rage at his “betrayal.” It is known (because the Russians made it known through diplomatic and very private channels, that their troops had orders not to fire at the Americans but if the same Americans fired first at the Russian troops, fire would at once be returned. The same orders applied to units of the Russian Black Sea Fleet off the coast of Georgia. So far, everyone has been very correct. But it is becoming more and more evident that the very valuable Ukraine will be the next target of the emerging Russian empire. The Ukrainians initially tried to block the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s use of their rented base at Sebastopol but when informed that Russia would consider this an act of war and Kiev backed down with great speed. Although American military officials have loudly insisted they knew nothing of the fatal Georgian assault on South Ossetia, it is impossible to believe that with such a large American presence in Georgia and its close connections with the Georgian army, lack of American knowledge of the large-scale attacks is not possible to believe.
August 24, 2008
What amounts to a terrible geo-political defeat for the United States as the direct result of the Russian/Georgian conflict, has caused much sturm und drang here. Cheney, who had no idea that Putin would react so quickly or that the Georgian army would totally collapse, is having a fit. Bush, who expected some kind of a blow to Tehran before he left office, is having one of his sulks and the propaganda organs are gearing up to try to smear Putin and disguise the fact that at the first sign of real trouble, our beloved CIA, the entire U.S. military machine in Georgia and almost all of our diplomats ran like Olympic track stars, leaving the crazy Georgian president to rage at his “betrayal.” It is known (because the Russians made it known through diplomatic and very private channels, that their troops had orders not to fire at the Americans but if the same Americans fired first at the Russian troops, fire would at once be returned. The same orders applied to units of the Russian Black Sea Fleet off the coast of Georgia. So far, everyone has been very correct. But it is becoming more and more evident that the very valuable Ukraine will be the next target of the emerging Russian empire. The Ukrainians initially tried to block the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s use of their rented base at Sebastopol but when informed that Russia would consider this an act of war and Kiev backed down with great speed. Although American military officials have loudly insisted they knew nothing of the fatal Georgian assault on South Ossetia, it is impossible to believe that with such a large American presence in Georgia and its close connections with the Georgian army, lack of American knowledge of the large-scale attacks is not possible to believe.
donderdag 21 augustus 2008
August 21, 2008
Such heart-warming news! High level Republican associates here are talking about the latest ploy on the part of the State of Israel to gain complete control of the United States government. Their idea is to offer the diseased McCain unlimited support from their papers and television stations in return for his putting Joe Lieberman on the ticket as vice president. As McCain is known to be seriously ill and will soon be unable to function, the plan will be for him to retire “for reasons of health” and then Joe Lieberman, loud and persistent Israeli supporter, will step into the Oval Office and America will have her first (unelected) Jewish president. And a firmly dedicated Zionist at that! Many GOP people say putting Lieberman on the ticket will ruin any chance McCain has at the White House. Why? His obvious mental confusion? No, the American public is becoming seriously anti-Semitic and anti-Israel and if McCain attempts to support a universal draft (as he is dead set on doing) and has a rabid Zionist as a running mate, his fall will be great and he will drag the shattered remnants of the Republican Party with him. Thank God!
dinsdag 29 juli 2008
July 29, 2008
It is very apparent to everyone here in Washington, even to the floor-polishers and sewer inspectors of the District, that McCain is rapidly losing any chance of gaining the presidency of the United States. There is a strong and growing perception that the ageing McCain appears constantly confused, stumbles badly, mumbles and constantly contradicts himself in public. Many of my friends are beginning to express pity for him, the certain kiss of political death. They are, in essence, damning him with faint praise and leering with civil assent. The American media, who thought McCain was wonderful because he joked with them on his bus, are now trying to depict the very competent Obama as a rock star in comparison, I suppose, with a McCain who looks like he is running for the position of county commissioner in some small retirement community in Kansas . As a certain sign of his implosion, the internet is being flooded with reams of grotesque and very fake messages, mostly from non-existent “military” people, a la the vicious and thankfully-vanished Karl Rove. By the way, Rove did not retire from the halls of power to write his memoirs or raise orchids but left, very quickly, because of a really unwholesome incident in Rock Creek Park that was witnessed, and captured on video, by two horrified tourists from Canada . Here is a sample of the Rove-like trash put out by surrogates of the desperate McCain people. While this might possibly fool born-again ninnies in Iowa , sane people will only laugh.:
Hello everyone,
As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the=2 0 commander here at Bagram.
As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.
So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that areproviding the freedom that they are providing for you.
I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheer leaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States . I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country.
If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake.
In service,
CPT Jeffrey S. Porter (There is no such person on the roster of the USMC. Perhaps one might try the Salvation Army Ed.)
Battle Captain (What, pray tell is a ‘Battle Captain?’ There is no such title in the U.S. military. Ed)
TF Wasatch
American Soldier
Don Herpen (Herpes? Ed)
American by birth
MARINE by the grace of God
Semper Fi
Hello everyone,
As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the=2 0 commander here at Bagram.
As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.
So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that areproviding the freedom that they are providing for you.
I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheer leaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States . I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country.
If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake.
In service,
CPT Jeffrey S. Porter (There is no such person on the roster of the USMC. Perhaps one might try the Salvation Army Ed.)
Battle Captain (What, pray tell is a ‘Battle Captain?’ There is no such title in the U.S. military. Ed)
TF Wasatch
American Soldier
Don Herpen (Herpes? Ed)
American by birth
MARINE by the grace of God
Semper Fi
zondag 27 juli 2008
July 27, 2008
The ferocious costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have virtually drained the U.S. Treasury and I learn now that the IRS has been handed its marching papers by the Administration to find and deliver to the aforesaid Treasury, as much money as they can squeeze from delinquent taxpayers. A new bill allows the IRS unlimited access to all American credit card accounts (the government is especially interested in people buying gold) and many, many Americans who are self-employed will be investigated thoroughly. A report just issued says that that there is at least $60 billion in unpaid taxes due. The IRS is now also interested in the field of fine art because many people are “investing” in art in the hopes of protecting assets they do not want the IRS to discover (and tax). One Swiss bank loophole has been closed (but there are still many more ways in which citizens can hide their assets) and more are being worked on, even as I speak. Both gold and the art market are the twin areas of new, intense government interest now so don’t tell anyone about that Rembrandt in your living room and buy your gold in small lots from coin dealers (not the ‘Gold Investment’ firms who love big, splashy ads) and pay cash for it. Rare stamps are another good investment and have the advantage of being very portable and are easy to hide. Oh and insurance companies that insure art are being approached to open their files to the IRS investigators. Next, they will be slapping a tax on sex and you can expect drooling investigators to be hiding under your beds with cameras, tape recorders and rubber gloves!
donderdag 3 juli 2008
July 3, 2008
Independence Day is upon us. The only way the American people can really be independent is if we reinvent Congress by throwing out all of the corrupt legislators and replacing them with genuine representatives who reflect the wishes of their constituencies and not the interests of those with money enough to bribe them. Since it is obvious the oil monarchs are not going to lower the artificially inflated price of gasoline, an inflation that is slowly crippling our nation, the oil companies should be nationalized. Regulatory agencies that are, in theory at least, designed to protect the public but which the Bush people have deliberately and steadily been emasculated need to be rebuilt to serve the public, not private, needs. The public has no real idea how utterly corrupt and worthless most of our legislators have become. Every-growing greed is rampant but the Senate, for example, is considered to be an exclusive club, Larry Craig’s lavatory fumblings aside, so Senators do not discipline their own fellows even though their corruption is known to each and every one of them. The proliferation of male and female “escort services” in the District area is incredible. There are more whores now on the streets than inside the Capitol building and it is known that any kind of strange, perverted sexual services are readily available. After all, look at the Guckert/Gannon case wherein a known male homosexual prostitute with a website, was invited into the White House, in the evenings, on fourteen separate occasions and allowed to remain there for the entire night. Persistent rumors here is that he was boffing the President have never been disproved but the obedient press has maintained a dignified silence. The right wing media, such as the drug addict Limbaugh, loved to attack Clinton for his minor affairs with women but have maintained strict silence on the many homosexual and S&M activities of a significant number of top Republicans. Get rid of them all and start in all over again. Of course, the corruption will start to grow again but for a few years, decency and not debauchery will prevail in the halls of Congress and we will all be the better for it.
maandag 30 juni 2008
June 30, 2008
Israel has not destroyed Tehran with their deadly bagel bombs, Bush is swiftly fading into blessed obscurity like the Cheshire Cat, McCain is taking his medications and acting more and more like poor Uncle Rupert who walks outside buck naked and the oil barons are in states of ecstasy over their obscene profits. Now that the old driving seasons is arriving, they are going to jack up the price of gasoline to five dollars. Of course they will show restraint when summer is over and bring it down a few dollars. On the other hand, when winter arrives, the price of heating oil will break through the stratosphere into outer space. This will result in many people freezing to death if the winter, as expected, will be severe but this won’t bother the oil barons who will be enjoying the sun in their Monaco homes on the relatively warm Mediterranean. And let’s hope the Republicans don’t engineer a fake terrorist attack in late October. They would certainly love to do this but this time around, that sort of thing might backfire.
woensdag 25 juni 2008
June 25, 2008
Much ‘leaked’ disinformation about a ‘possible Israeli attack on Iran.’ Of course this silly business, which ranks with the constant fear crap peddled by desperate Republicans, is supposed to terrify Iran and, hopefully, energize Bush into doing the dirty deed himself. Unfortunately for the Israelis, a number of their new former Russian citizens were SVR (read 'KGB' here) sleeper agents and believe me, anything of a secret nature passing from the United States to Israel ends up in Moscow the same day. The Russians have more than one agent in place in Tel Aviv operating so if one gets caught, another is still active. Perhaps the Russians could find some loose-mouthed fool, 'hire' them as a 'special agent,' fill them with disinformation, send them to Israel and, if they get into their intelligence, tip off the Mossad that they are a Russian spy and let them pour our all the misleading and, hopefully, destructive, disinformation.. Mumbling McCain suggested we send a battleship to the Persian Gulf! My God, he should really take his medications! The Russians have surface-to-surface missiles well-emplaced (and hidden from satellites) in the Iranian mountains that would make short shrift of any large ship in such a confined area, and besides, there are no battleships in commission. If the U.S. Navy were used against Iran, they would have to stand off in the Indian Ocean to launch their aircraft. I often wonder why the resistance Muslims in Iraq don't put a limpet mine under one of the huge oil tankers that dock off of Basra. If it went off halfway down the Gulf towards the Straits of Hormuz, the result would be a huge oil spill that no one would care about but it would also frighten off the London-based insurance companies and they would stop insuring the huge and very expensive tankers. No insurance company would insure and no ship owner would dare risk his enormous investment. Ergo, no Iraqi oil. Besides, there is now a movement afoot in Congress to put aside the Bush-ordered no-bid contracts by major oil companies on Iraqi oil. The worm turns but very slowly.
zaterdag 21 juni 2008
June 21, 2008
The Beltway is always awash in rumor, speculation, lies and perversions. Plans to do this or that are sent around, none of which will ever be executed but indicate the mind-sets of the writers. We have Mr. Yoo, the lawyer for Justice who delighted in finding ways to legally torture people. He is now a professor at Berkeley and they deserve him, believe me.
The latest piece of psychotic garbage comes from the Cheney people who have been sending out trial queries to various agencies. There are no real secrets here but everyone thinks there are. And now what is the latest? Why nothing but a strong suggestion that the United States use their long-stored but certainly extant biological weaponry against the countries of Southeast Asia , to include: China , Indonesia , Vietnam , and others. Bombs, you ask? No, destruction of vital SEA food supplies by the introduction of deadly plant diseases.
The idea is to start this nastiness remote from our shores and to use agents that would not thrive in the colder United States so they cannot spread here. That they would certainly spread to Burma , India and other countries has never been considered. The Aussies had this project on their plate some years ago and the project has become a father in that piece of CIA-type nastiness.
Mass SEA starvation would benefit the United States , the proponents suggest, by cutting down the huge populations almost overnight and would also remove any direct threat to the United States for many years to come. If later there is a resurgence of population in China , it won’t be on their watch.
And, of course, destroying their crops and eventually causing the spread of famine and inevitable death, would have the added advantage of preserving the physical assets of the collapsed countries, assets like the great untapped Viethamese oil fields and the factories of China .
Rice is the primary target and we already have developed diseases that would not only wipe out a current rice crop but could so contaminate the growing areas that rice could not be a crop for several generations.
Will this happen? Probably not but the thinking, and the means exist and that is bad enough. When they talk about demolishing nuclear weapons (which is a huge joke) why not add biological weapons to the list?
That will never happen, either.
The latest piece of psychotic garbage comes from the Cheney people who have been sending out trial queries to various agencies. There are no real secrets here but everyone thinks there are. And now what is the latest? Why nothing but a strong suggestion that the United States use their long-stored but certainly extant biological weaponry against the countries of Southeast Asia , to include: China , Indonesia , Vietnam , and others. Bombs, you ask? No, destruction of vital SEA food supplies by the introduction of deadly plant diseases.
The idea is to start this nastiness remote from our shores and to use agents that would not thrive in the colder United States so they cannot spread here. That they would certainly spread to Burma , India and other countries has never been considered. The Aussies had this project on their plate some years ago and the project has become a father in that piece of CIA-type nastiness.
Mass SEA starvation would benefit the United States , the proponents suggest, by cutting down the huge populations almost overnight and would also remove any direct threat to the United States for many years to come. If later there is a resurgence of population in China , it won’t be on their watch.
And, of course, destroying their crops and eventually causing the spread of famine and inevitable death, would have the added advantage of preserving the physical assets of the collapsed countries, assets like the great untapped Viethamese oil fields and the factories of China .
Rice is the primary target and we already have developed diseases that would not only wipe out a current rice crop but could so contaminate the growing areas that rice could not be a crop for several generations.
Will this happen? Probably not but the thinking, and the means exist and that is bad enough. When they talk about demolishing nuclear weapons (which is a huge joke) why not add biological weapons to the list?
That will never happen, either.
vrijdag 20 juni 2008
June 20, 2008
I would say that at least 200 people working here in D.C. are fully aware, and have read the official and highly classified reports, that the oil people are grabbing everything they can here before the pliant and crooked Bush and Cheney have to leave. They want the ability to drill offshore when and where they please and now, with Bush’s help, they are sewing up all the Iraqi oil production with the usual Bush-approved no bid leases. Everything here is now ‘no bid.’ If Halliburton needed 300 billions in U.S. taxpayer’s money, Bush would demand it and the ass-kissing Congress would cheerfully give it to him, just like they have just given the crooked and conspiratorial U.S. telephone companies like AT&T and their parent company, SBC, a free pass on their connivance with Bush to snoop on all of us. In Washington , money not only talks, it screams. The high gas prices? The Arabs are to blame? Oh no, Bush and Cheney are directly responsible for this. Sweet crude light is now $45 a barrel in Saudi Arabia although the industry claims this is not so. It is and their profits are not only obscene and criminal but they are doing terrible damage to the American economy and driving more and more people here into bankruptcy. The only solution is to nationalize the oil industry, all of it, and then prosecute the thieves who have, entirely on their own, pushed gas to what is going to be $5 a gallon, just in time for the summer vacation driving times. This is not an accident. It will also not be an accident when the price of gas drops a dollar or so after the season is over but guess what? The price of heating oil will shoot up just in time for winter! Nationalize the oil and prosecute the corporate heads and see how fast the gas prices drop.
zaterdag 14 juni 2008
June 14, 2008
The American public, the voting public, has absolutely no idea of the degree and extent of rampant corruption at the highest levels of the current Administration and government. No idea. Many, if not most, of our Congressmen take bribes; governmental agencies steal with both hands and their feet and it gets worse every day. Cheney, who still has huge stock options in Halliburton, has pushed their stock up to the heavens with all kinds of governmental waste-money contracts as a good example and the Pentagon has stolen more money that the Oligarchs did in post-Yeltsin Russia . Obama threatens to shut of the K Street co-conspirator “lobbyists” and they are getting more afraid day by day that he might be serious. McCain is safe for them but Obama is not. Would they do a Kennedy on Obama? The have already mentioned this but more or less as a private joke. We don’t need their blatant bribery of our representatives and we don’t need representatives who greedily grab whatever they can. The brazen and enormous thefts at the Pentagon are redolent of the Grant Administration but in that case, Grant himself was blameless. In this case, Bush and Cheney are right in there stuffing their pockets. Congress is glad to be rid of Bush and there is no chance he will be impeached but the effort has been made to do so. What is needed is to clean out the nests of thieves, give the FBI a mandate to do so without any political considerations and a free hand. Probably a good third of all of Congress could easily end up disgraced, convicted and potential cell partners for Abramof (who is right where he belongs) and if, as I said before, the public ever really gets to know the astonishing extent of the arrogant thievery, there will be a great housecleaning.
woensdag 11 juni 2008
June 11, 2008
In this report, I would like to take some time to discuss certain, potentially deadly, medical problems of Senator John McCain,( R ), Arizona .
In some elevated circles here inside the Beltway, he is known as ‘Insane McCain.’ This is not meant as a real insult but a professional comment on his various rather obvious problems.
You should note that there are individuals in this country who wield great but anonymous power. They are what, in earlier times, would be called the King Makers. They are very pragmatic, very rich businessmen whom C. Wright Mills called the Power Elite. They have been happy with Bush and Cheney because these two were very, very friendly to businessmen. Tax breaks, stripping regulatory agencies of annoying investigators, huge governmental contracts for the fabricated war in Iraq .
Now, we have a new election. Obama is a mystery to them. He is very intelligent, very articulate and has run a magnificent campaign. Obama has become a great political force in America and the Power Elite have no real connection with him. There have been no previous briberies to hold over his head so controlling a relatively unknown person is not as clear-cut.
McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee is another matter. He is a man entirely in their pocket. McCain loves money and hides behind the false Jessica Lynch type fiction of a war hero. He was no such thing and has been strongly suspected of cooperating with Soviet CIA people who interrogated him while he was a POW in Hanoi during the Vietnam war.
His one real asset is his wife who has given him huge sums of money for his campaign but his faults are probably enough to keep him out of the Oval Office.
There exists, and has been circulated, a military medical examination report on McCain. I have a copy as do many others but I cannot have it put up on the internet because it is a personal medical record and as such, secure from exposure. However, it is not illegal to discuss the thrust of the report. There is a discussion of McCain’s earlier melanoma which appears to in remission but not gone. His mental state is also covered.
There are some interesting passages that speak of “a sharp drop in function….deficits in global cognitive ability, episodic memory…deficits in verbal ability….words do not come as quickly as they once did….and under executive function…his decision making has become more challenging….recent recall is diminished…recent events quickly forgotten (McCain will make a flat statement of policy on television and three days later, when asked about it by a media reporter, will flatly, and angrily, deny ever having said it) …..forgets common words while speaking or will substitute unusual words…has been forgetting recently learned information
There are few secrets these days and McCain’s problems are not unknown. The point is, will McCain have a chance of becoming President and, in effect, give America a third term for Bush’s policies?
This is all very interesting but I have something that might be of some interest to my readers and show several things I have been speaking of here. People suffering with pre-Alzheimer’s have motor problems. In McCain’s case, it has been observed that he has problems with learned habits. McCain is left-handed but was taught to shake hands with his right hand. Now, we see him approaching people and then when it comes time to shake a hand, he hesitates, his face twitches and his head jerks to one side and you can see him try to put out his left hand. Usually, an aide will whisper to him and he will stop, make a foolish grin and put out his right hand.
I am supplying a picture of John McCain that has a most interesting background. It shows him in West Virginia in May of 2008. Note the agitated and strained expression on his face…and the extended left hand.
What is really of interest. and reflects the concern of certain powerful people, is the identity of the photographer, a man assigned to cover McCain by the Associated Press.
His name is Jeff Chiu. It might be of some interest to note that Jeff Chiu, from San Francisco , is a well-educated man. In addition to his photographic skills, ( his reputation is as a well-known sports photographer) Mr. Chiu also has a degree in psychology from the University of California , a profession which is far more profitable than photography.
That candidate McCain is under close and on-going professional clinical observation is without question and who can blame the King Makers for wanting to make absolutely certain they are not backing the wrong horse. They now have a choice between a highly successful populist whose persona is a mystery or a man whose physical and mental problems could cause them terrible future problems.
Reagan was suffering from Alzehimer’s in the last years of his presidency but Reagan was very popular and relatively harmless. McCain, on the other hand, is known to have a violent temper and has recently insisted that Iran must be dealt with; that the useless Iraqi war must be continued and that the Bush tax programs need to be kept in place.
That is on the positive side for the Power Elite, but on the negative side, it is obvious, very obvious, that McCain has serious physical and mental problems that would in all probability make a McCain presidency far, far worse than the last eight years of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
In some elevated circles here inside the Beltway, he is known as ‘Insane McCain.’ This is not meant as a real insult but a professional comment on his various rather obvious problems.
You should note that there are individuals in this country who wield great but anonymous power. They are what, in earlier times, would be called the King Makers. They are very pragmatic, very rich businessmen whom C. Wright Mills called the Power Elite. They have been happy with Bush and Cheney because these two were very, very friendly to businessmen. Tax breaks, stripping regulatory agencies of annoying investigators, huge governmental contracts for the fabricated war in Iraq .
Now, we have a new election. Obama is a mystery to them. He is very intelligent, very articulate and has run a magnificent campaign. Obama has become a great political force in America and the Power Elite have no real connection with him. There have been no previous briberies to hold over his head so controlling a relatively unknown person is not as clear-cut.
McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee is another matter. He is a man entirely in their pocket. McCain loves money and hides behind the false Jessica Lynch type fiction of a war hero. He was no such thing and has been strongly suspected of cooperating with Soviet CIA people who interrogated him while he was a POW in Hanoi during the Vietnam war.
His one real asset is his wife who has given him huge sums of money for his campaign but his faults are probably enough to keep him out of the Oval Office.
There exists, and has been circulated, a military medical examination report on McCain. I have a copy as do many others but I cannot have it put up on the internet because it is a personal medical record and as such, secure from exposure. However, it is not illegal to discuss the thrust of the report. There is a discussion of McCain’s earlier melanoma which appears to in remission but not gone. His mental state is also covered.
There are some interesting passages that speak of “a sharp drop in function….deficits in global cognitive ability, episodic memory…deficits in verbal ability….words do not come as quickly as they once did….and under executive function…his decision making has become more challenging….recent recall is diminished…recent events quickly forgotten (McCain will make a flat statement of policy on television and three days later, when asked about it by a media reporter, will flatly, and angrily, deny ever having said it) …..forgets common words while speaking or will substitute unusual words…has been forgetting recently learned information
There are few secrets these days and McCain’s problems are not unknown. The point is, will McCain have a chance of becoming President and, in effect, give America a third term for Bush’s policies?
This is all very interesting but I have something that might be of some interest to my readers and show several things I have been speaking of here. People suffering with pre-Alzheimer’s have motor problems. In McCain’s case, it has been observed that he has problems with learned habits. McCain is left-handed but was taught to shake hands with his right hand. Now, we see him approaching people and then when it comes time to shake a hand, he hesitates, his face twitches and his head jerks to one side and you can see him try to put out his left hand. Usually, an aide will whisper to him and he will stop, make a foolish grin and put out his right hand.
I am supplying a picture of John McCain that has a most interesting background. It shows him in West Virginia in May of 2008. Note the agitated and strained expression on his face…and the extended left hand.
What is really of interest. and reflects the concern of certain powerful people, is the identity of the photographer, a man assigned to cover McCain by the Associated Press.
His name is Jeff Chiu. It might be of some interest to note that Jeff Chiu, from San Francisco , is a well-educated man. In addition to his photographic skills, ( his reputation is as a well-known sports photographer) Mr. Chiu also has a degree in psychology from the University of California , a profession which is far more profitable than photography.
That candidate McCain is under close and on-going professional clinical observation is without question and who can blame the King Makers for wanting to make absolutely certain they are not backing the wrong horse. They now have a choice between a highly successful populist whose persona is a mystery or a man whose physical and mental problems could cause them terrible future problems.
Reagan was suffering from Alzehimer’s in the last years of his presidency but Reagan was very popular and relatively harmless. McCain, on the other hand, is known to have a violent temper and has recently insisted that Iran must be dealt with; that the useless Iraqi war must be continued and that the Bush tax programs need to be kept in place.
That is on the positive side for the Power Elite, but on the negative side, it is obvious, very obvious, that McCain has serious physical and mental problems that would in all probability make a McCain presidency far, far worse than the last eight years of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

zaterdag 7 juni 2008
June 7, 2008
We seem to be involved with more bubbles than a burlesque house,. There was the so-called “dot-com” bubble of the 90’s that was the result of the manipulations of a number of American stock brokers who deliberately inflated the stock prices of electronics companies that had no real assets. Then we had the equally phony and rigged “housing” bubble which, we now can see, was the result of criminal connivance between small mortgage companies and huge international banking houses. The dot-com swindle injured very few personally but the housing collapse has injured, directly or indirectly, millions. No one cares about this and the national economic manipulators have now moved into the oil, water and food markets with a wild rush.
Of course, the next bubble which consists of creeps like the hedge funds managers (pure Ponzi-schemes from the ground up) bankers and investors rushing to get their hands on what they, and many others, see as the greatest bubble of them all, the control of food, water and fuel, both domestically and overseas.
We know that increasingly, the prices of these elements have been steadily and sharply rising throughout the world and this has caused, and is causing, terrible social and economic havoc in poorer countries such as Nicaragua and Guatemala in Central America, and Haiti in the Caribbean and in India and neighboring Balgladesh. And in Africa, there is near-disaster in both Ethiopia and Somalia with severe water and food shortages. African countries such as Liberia , Egypt, the Sudan, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Kenya and Eritrea . There have been food riots in Haiti and Egypt with threats of civil insurrections in India and throughout Southeast Asia. , to include the Philippines .
The upward-spiraling price of crude oil is not the result of a shortage of oil. It is estimated that the cost of a barrel of oil in the Middle East does not exceed 15 dollars. The costs of a barrel of oil extracted from the tar sands of Alberta , Canada , is of the order of $30
The price of crude oil is currently in excess of $130+ a barrel. This market price is largely the result of the speculative onslaught, completely controlled by the Anglo-American oil giants, including British Petroleum (BP), ExxonMobil, Chevron-Texaco, and Royal Dutch Shell
All of this horrifying and financially devastating escalation is, without question, a process of deliberate and simultaneous market manipulation by the major Wall Street banks and financial houses, in close cooperation and conjunction with the oil and natural gas dealers
The increasing cost of gasoline pump prices is leading to the collapse of local level economies, increased industrial concentration and a massive centralization of economic power in the hands of a small number of global corporations. In turn, the rigged surges in gasoline has a devastating effect on urban transit system, schools and hospitals, is crippling the American trucking industry, intercontinental shipping, airline transportation, tourism, recreation and most public services.
According to William Engdahl;
"... At least 60% of the 128 per barrel price of crude oil comes from unregulated futures speculation by hedge funds, banks and financial groups using the London ICE Futures and New York NYMEX futures exchanges and uncontrolled inter-bank or Over-The-Counter trading to avoid scrutiny. US margin rules of the government's Commodity Futures Trading Commission allow speculators to buy a crude oil futures contract on the Nymex, by having to pay only 6% of the value of the contract. At today's price of $128 per barrel, that means a futures trader only has to put up about $8 for every barrel. He borrows the other $120. This extreme 'leverage' of 16 to 1 helps drive prices to wildly unrealistic levels and offset bank losses in sub-prime and other disasters at the expense of the overall populationthe price of grain staples has increased by 88% since March 2007. The price of wheat has increased by 181% over a three year period. The price of rice has increased by 50% over the last three months….”
In addition, there is a large and growing movement in the United States to pull away from off-shoring American industry and services.
Although I tend to view allegations of conspiracies with great caution, I have been reading through reams of official reports, market evaluations and intelligence data for my position. I go through this material on a daily, and sometimes more, basis, make notes with references and pass the reports up the line to my superiors. I see a good deal of material which is either too sensitive or too complex for the media.
After ten years of this, I can state with great sincerity that there are indeed business and governmental plots and schemes. We invaded Iraq because Israel wanted us to both establish bases there to assist them in the event of Arab attacks on them and to punish Saddam for daring to lob rockets at them during the first Gulf War. So far, at a bare minimum, over four thousand Americans have died to make Israel more secure. In my opinion, that’s exactly four thousand too many. It is interesting to note that almost all of the hedge fund and private equity people are Jewish and many of them bank in Israel where their money is safer than in Switzerland and, if things get too hot here, they can always go and be absolutely secure from extradition. And then we have the very obvious, but never mentioned, pre-911 stock manipulations by Israeli speculators. At the time, this was well-reported in the reputable segments of the American media but was almost immediately silenced and all mention of it expunged from the media’s various on-line sites.
It can all still be found on the microfilm records of the media units involved but not ever on the internet.
Why is that? I ask the question rhetorically and you answer it in private.
And finally, our very own K street lobbyists are beginning to wonder if Obama will indeed block the huge sums of what is basically bribe money flowing from American business interests through the hands of the K Street lobbyists into the pockets of American legislative and government officials
The American public? That great cash cow? Keep milking it until it runs dry and then go and live in your nice vacation house you bought in Aruba with your stolen money.
Of course, the next bubble which consists of creeps like the hedge funds managers (pure Ponzi-schemes from the ground up) bankers and investors rushing to get their hands on what they, and many others, see as the greatest bubble of them all, the control of food, water and fuel, both domestically and overseas.
We know that increasingly, the prices of these elements have been steadily and sharply rising throughout the world and this has caused, and is causing, terrible social and economic havoc in poorer countries such as Nicaragua and Guatemala in Central America, and Haiti in the Caribbean and in India and neighboring Balgladesh. And in Africa, there is near-disaster in both Ethiopia and Somalia with severe water and food shortages. African countries such as Liberia , Egypt, the Sudan, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Kenya and Eritrea . There have been food riots in Haiti and Egypt with threats of civil insurrections in India and throughout Southeast Asia. , to include the Philippines .
The upward-spiraling price of crude oil is not the result of a shortage of oil. It is estimated that the cost of a barrel of oil in the Middle East does not exceed 15 dollars. The costs of a barrel of oil extracted from the tar sands of Alberta , Canada , is of the order of $30
The price of crude oil is currently in excess of $130+ a barrel. This market price is largely the result of the speculative onslaught, completely controlled by the Anglo-American oil giants, including British Petroleum (BP), ExxonMobil, Chevron-Texaco, and Royal Dutch Shell
All of this horrifying and financially devastating escalation is, without question, a process of deliberate and simultaneous market manipulation by the major Wall Street banks and financial houses, in close cooperation and conjunction with the oil and natural gas dealers
The increasing cost of gasoline pump prices is leading to the collapse of local level economies, increased industrial concentration and a massive centralization of economic power in the hands of a small number of global corporations. In turn, the rigged surges in gasoline has a devastating effect on urban transit system, schools and hospitals, is crippling the American trucking industry, intercontinental shipping, airline transportation, tourism, recreation and most public services.
According to William Engdahl;
"... At least 60% of the 128 per barrel price of crude oil comes from unregulated futures speculation by hedge funds, banks and financial groups using the London ICE Futures and New York NYMEX futures exchanges and uncontrolled inter-bank or Over-The-Counter trading to avoid scrutiny. US margin rules of the government's Commodity Futures Trading Commission allow speculators to buy a crude oil futures contract on the Nymex, by having to pay only 6% of the value of the contract. At today's price of $128 per barrel, that means a futures trader only has to put up about $8 for every barrel. He borrows the other $120. This extreme 'leverage' of 16 to 1 helps drive prices to wildly unrealistic levels and offset bank losses in sub-prime and other disasters at the expense of the overall populationthe price of grain staples has increased by 88% since March 2007. The price of wheat has increased by 181% over a three year period. The price of rice has increased by 50% over the last three months….”
In addition, there is a large and growing movement in the United States to pull away from off-shoring American industry and services.
Although I tend to view allegations of conspiracies with great caution, I have been reading through reams of official reports, market evaluations and intelligence data for my position. I go through this material on a daily, and sometimes more, basis, make notes with references and pass the reports up the line to my superiors. I see a good deal of material which is either too sensitive or too complex for the media.
After ten years of this, I can state with great sincerity that there are indeed business and governmental plots and schemes. We invaded Iraq because Israel wanted us to both establish bases there to assist them in the event of Arab attacks on them and to punish Saddam for daring to lob rockets at them during the first Gulf War. So far, at a bare minimum, over four thousand Americans have died to make Israel more secure. In my opinion, that’s exactly four thousand too many. It is interesting to note that almost all of the hedge fund and private equity people are Jewish and many of them bank in Israel where their money is safer than in Switzerland and, if things get too hot here, they can always go and be absolutely secure from extradition. And then we have the very obvious, but never mentioned, pre-911 stock manipulations by Israeli speculators. At the time, this was well-reported in the reputable segments of the American media but was almost immediately silenced and all mention of it expunged from the media’s various on-line sites.
It can all still be found on the microfilm records of the media units involved but not ever on the internet.
Why is that? I ask the question rhetorically and you answer it in private.
And finally, our very own K street lobbyists are beginning to wonder if Obama will indeed block the huge sums of what is basically bribe money flowing from American business interests through the hands of the K Street lobbyists into the pockets of American legislative and government officials
The American public? That great cash cow? Keep milking it until it runs dry and then go and live in your nice vacation house you bought in Aruba with your stolen money.
vrijdag 6 juni 2008
June 6, 2008
Not only is our beloved President sliding off the muddy cliff into the cesspit of public oblivion, he is dragging the far-right Republicans and the pro-Israeli neocons with him. Added to this mixed bag of fruits and nuts, we also have the evangelical Christians who are loud, vicious and entirely crazy.
McCain, who has the acumen of a jar of pond scum, chased the lunatic Christian nut, John Hagee, around, panting after his endorsement. McCain must be living back in the Coolidge administration because the so-called Christian Right has been repudiated by most Americans and their endless rantings about abortion and gays are falling on very deaf ears.
Now, we learn that the pathetic Hagee is claiming the fictional anti-Christ is going to be both Jewish and gay! It has always been a curiosity to me, and others, that born-again freakos loathe gays so much. Given the Haggard revelations, I strongly suspect that the loudest gay-bashers secretly lust after other men and are filled with self-hatred.
These pin heads are in love with the Book of Revelations which most historians know was written a hundred years after the early Christian era by the inmate of a Roman lunatic colony on the island of Patmos . They love this nonsense because you can read into it anything you want…and they do, regularly. Hagee has also said that Hitler was a Jew, which he wasn’t, and that God made Hitler go after the Jews to force them to repopulate the Holy Land !
Most of the Jews who fled to Palestine in 1946-1948 are not even ethnic Jews but are descended from Caspian Sea Turkish tribes and have about as much historical right there as Canadian geese.
If it isn’t the idiot Hagee bellowing about evil gays, it’s professional Jews screaming about 800 passenger gas vans and twenty millions barbecued. This is what comes of promulgating Political Correctness. No one dares to speak out against this sort of imbecilic propaganda just as one cannot poke fun at Mongoloids, dwarves or urine colored people. Don’t forget the old law of physics: Every action has a reaction. I’m waiting, eagerly, for it.
McCain, who has the acumen of a jar of pond scum, chased the lunatic Christian nut, John Hagee, around, panting after his endorsement. McCain must be living back in the Coolidge administration because the so-called Christian Right has been repudiated by most Americans and their endless rantings about abortion and gays are falling on very deaf ears.
Now, we learn that the pathetic Hagee is claiming the fictional anti-Christ is going to be both Jewish and gay! It has always been a curiosity to me, and others, that born-again freakos loathe gays so much. Given the Haggard revelations, I strongly suspect that the loudest gay-bashers secretly lust after other men and are filled with self-hatred.
These pin heads are in love with the Book of Revelations which most historians know was written a hundred years after the early Christian era by the inmate of a Roman lunatic colony on the island of Patmos . They love this nonsense because you can read into it anything you want…and they do, regularly. Hagee has also said that Hitler was a Jew, which he wasn’t, and that God made Hitler go after the Jews to force them to repopulate the Holy Land !
Most of the Jews who fled to Palestine in 1946-1948 are not even ethnic Jews but are descended from Caspian Sea Turkish tribes and have about as much historical right there as Canadian geese.
If it isn’t the idiot Hagee bellowing about evil gays, it’s professional Jews screaming about 800 passenger gas vans and twenty millions barbecued. This is what comes of promulgating Political Correctness. No one dares to speak out against this sort of imbecilic propaganda just as one cannot poke fun at Mongoloids, dwarves or urine colored people. Don’t forget the old law of physics: Every action has a reaction. I’m waiting, eagerly, for it.
zondag 1 juni 2008
June 1, 2008
My colleague here showed me an overview, official study concerning U.S. detainees. It is not generally knows to the public but the U.S government now has over 30,000 (31,082 as of May 19, 2008 ) people in secret custody, all over the world.
An official U.S. program of torture and ‘rendition’ has been going on since before 9/11 and has never stopped. A number, estimated to be approximately 3,500, have been killed during these interrogations or have died as the result of them.
At the present time, the government, acting under specific Presidential orders, has a virtual fleet of prison ships scattered all across the globe and masked by a curtain of strict secrecy.
The U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency are all heavily involved in this program.
A total of 22 U.S. Navy ships ( including ten ships leased by the U.S. Navy) house prisoners who are kept chained up in the vessels very much like the conditions of the black slavers in the days when slavery was legal in the United States .
Officially, George Bush has said these practices have been stopped but they are still in full swing and the President is fully aware of them, even as I speak.
Specifically, after Bush claimed in 2006 that the rendition programs had been halted, acting under his specific orders, there were 376 new cases of rendition.
The ongoing torture is conducted, in the main, by serving CIA personnel. Since an incident in 2003 when a U.S. Navy doctor refused to give lethal injections to five prisoners kidnapped from Quatar by British special forces, now, all CIA interrogation teams are supplied with a doctor working as a special CIA employee, and under a false name. In fact, all CIA operators are routinely issued completely false American passports by the Department of State’s Passport division
It is now known that the FBI, which had originally been a party to these abductions and tortures, strongly objected to the methodology of the CIA and a number of agents flatly refused to participate any further in a deliberate program of what one FBI agent said was ‘the same as those practiced by Josef Stalin’s’ dread secret police. As a result of this revolt, the FBI are no longer involved in this program but agents with first hand knowledge of it have been warned not to discuss the subject with anyone.
The Soviet gulags were in the Siberian wasteland, far, far from prying eyes and Bush’s death gulags are floating prisons that can quickly be moved to other locations if their presence becomes known.
The depths of the ocean are excellent places to dispose of the weighted bodies of the unwanted dead. It wouldn’t do for a broken, mutilated body of a dead torture victim to float to the surface after being lethally-injected. Unpleasant questions might be asked by uninitiated foreign governments and the floating torture palaces would. find it imperative to get up steam, hoist their anchors and just move to another position without let or hindrance
Names of ships used for this program are known, the USS Bataan, USS Peleiu, USS Ashland and a whole fleet of Navy ACS units. Areas of detention include, but are not limited to, Somalia, the Persian Gulf, Diego Garcia, (where the British intelligence and counter intelligence now use American ships for their own kidnapped suspects) the Gulf of Aden and several areas off the south coast of Cuba, in the area of Guantánamo Bay.
The commanding officers, and their staffs, of these ships are a matter of public record which can be accessed by anyone with a computer.
The legal justification for this mass torture and murder program? The office of the U.S. Attorney General has ruled that anti-torture prohibitions (deliberate murder is not a subject here) only apply within the United States and are not operational outside its geographical boundaries.
An official U.S. program of torture and ‘rendition’ has been going on since before 9/11 and has never stopped. A number, estimated to be approximately 3,500, have been killed during these interrogations or have died as the result of them.
At the present time, the government, acting under specific Presidential orders, has a virtual fleet of prison ships scattered all across the globe and masked by a curtain of strict secrecy.
The U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency are all heavily involved in this program.
A total of 22 U.S. Navy ships ( including ten ships leased by the U.S. Navy) house prisoners who are kept chained up in the vessels very much like the conditions of the black slavers in the days when slavery was legal in the United States .
Officially, George Bush has said these practices have been stopped but they are still in full swing and the President is fully aware of them, even as I speak.
Specifically, after Bush claimed in 2006 that the rendition programs had been halted, acting under his specific orders, there were 376 new cases of rendition.
The ongoing torture is conducted, in the main, by serving CIA personnel. Since an incident in 2003 when a U.S. Navy doctor refused to give lethal injections to five prisoners kidnapped from Quatar by British special forces, now, all CIA interrogation teams are supplied with a doctor working as a special CIA employee, and under a false name. In fact, all CIA operators are routinely issued completely false American passports by the Department of State’s Passport division
It is now known that the FBI, which had originally been a party to these abductions and tortures, strongly objected to the methodology of the CIA and a number of agents flatly refused to participate any further in a deliberate program of what one FBI agent said was ‘the same as those practiced by Josef Stalin’s’ dread secret police. As a result of this revolt, the FBI are no longer involved in this program but agents with first hand knowledge of it have been warned not to discuss the subject with anyone.
The Soviet gulags were in the Siberian wasteland, far, far from prying eyes and Bush’s death gulags are floating prisons that can quickly be moved to other locations if their presence becomes known.
The depths of the ocean are excellent places to dispose of the weighted bodies of the unwanted dead. It wouldn’t do for a broken, mutilated body of a dead torture victim to float to the surface after being lethally-injected. Unpleasant questions might be asked by uninitiated foreign governments and the floating torture palaces would. find it imperative to get up steam, hoist their anchors and just move to another position without let or hindrance
Names of ships used for this program are known, the USS Bataan, USS Peleiu, USS Ashland and a whole fleet of Navy ACS units. Areas of detention include, but are not limited to, Somalia, the Persian Gulf, Diego Garcia, (where the British intelligence and counter intelligence now use American ships for their own kidnapped suspects) the Gulf of Aden and several areas off the south coast of Cuba, in the area of Guantánamo Bay.
The commanding officers, and their staffs, of these ships are a matter of public record which can be accessed by anyone with a computer.
The legal justification for this mass torture and murder program? The office of the U.S. Attorney General has ruled that anti-torture prohibitions (deliberate murder is not a subject here) only apply within the United States and are not operational outside its geographical boundaries.
donderdag 29 mei 2008
May 29, 2008
The one really positive result of Scott McCellan’s exposé of Bush’s lying manipulations dragging us into a useless and very damaging war is to effectively block any attempt on the part of the Administration to fabricate similar reasons for a “preventive war” against Iran . Cheney certainly wants to do this and the Israelis are frantically pushing and shoving their co-religionists in the neocon movement to goad Bush into pulling their chestnuts out of the Middle East fire. With the administration moving towards its final days, the time slot for a new war is getting smaller and smaller and if the earlier, successful trickery has been exposed, another try won’t work. Bush is not going to leave the Oval Office without performing more mischief to annoy and antagonize the public whom he views, rightly, as having deserted him. An air strike on Tehran can be ordered by the president at any time but they are now weighing the positive and negative sides. The recent exposure of what practically everyone in the DC media recognizes was an outright lying fraud ought to keep the slavering warmongers in their cages until we have a new president. If it’s McCain, there will be war for certain. He’s a genuine nut case and rabid for more war, a draft and military enforcement of domestic law and order.
zaterdag 24 mei 2008
May 24, 2008
The son of a top CIA official has laid his hands on a thick file of transcribed conversations between a writer and a retired senior CIA man. I have read through them and find them to be very entertaining (if you like black humor) and very enlightening. What old men with fond memories will say to a good listener is absolutely amazing.
Now we can expect CIA officials, retired and active and a number of the Washington in-crowd to play the Joe Lieberman card and demand that these be removed from the internet. Joe, who is a congenital asshole, wanted some pro-Arab postings taken down because they offended him. Wait until McCain reads what this ex-CIA boss has to say about him! You will hear him in Georgetown with the windows shut.
The CIA are still torturing people but are being very careful about it. We now know that the FBI agents working with them, were horrified by their brutality and reported their illegal actions to their senior officials in Washington . None of the agents, to their credit, would dirty their hands with this perverted and sadistic behavior but I note that their seniors sat on this.
Having read over period reports on some of this, all of it highly classified, it is my feeling that some of these perverted shits should be arrested and put on trial so the rest of the world can see the genuine filth and evil that the worthless Bush has deliberately unleashed. We ought to try Bush and give him a fair trial before we find him guilty, but that will never happen.
Now we can expect CIA officials, retired and active and a number of the Washington in-crowd to play the Joe Lieberman card and demand that these be removed from the internet. Joe, who is a congenital asshole, wanted some pro-Arab postings taken down because they offended him. Wait until McCain reads what this ex-CIA boss has to say about him! You will hear him in Georgetown with the windows shut.
The CIA are still torturing people but are being very careful about it. We now know that the FBI agents working with them, were horrified by their brutality and reported their illegal actions to their senior officials in Washington . None of the agents, to their credit, would dirty their hands with this perverted and sadistic behavior but I note that their seniors sat on this.
Having read over period reports on some of this, all of it highly classified, it is my feeling that some of these perverted shits should be arrested and put on trial so the rest of the world can see the genuine filth and evil that the worthless Bush has deliberately unleashed. We ought to try Bush and give him a fair trial before we find him guilty, but that will never happen.
woensdag 21 mei 2008
May 21, 2008
There has been much speculation, fueled by obviously concocted “leaks” from Israeli official sources, that Bush is planning to attack Iran before the end of his term in January of 2009.
As I have said before, a unit attached to the DoD has been monitoring all the secret Israeli governmental communications between Tel Aviv and their Embassy in Washington since 2003.
Why are they doing this? Is Bush aware of this?
They are doing this because in a number of elevated military circles, Israel is viewed as treacherous and eager to involve the United States in a war against Iran solely to protect themselves from a possible attack by that country. And Bush is most certainly not aware of the military surveillance of Israel or he would order it stopped immediately and the perps punished.
While Bush is very, very sensitive, and highly responsive to, Israeli needs, he knows that an American attack on Iran would have to be via the Air Force and tactical nuclear in nature. A forewarned U.S. military leadership would certainly block this insanity and Bush knows it.
He does not want to end his disgraced presidency with a public rebuff from the JCS so his (and especially Cheney’s) wishes to show up Iran will have to find other outlets. Bush has a pathological detestation to being defied and anyone who gets in his way is fired at once.
On the other hand, a rebellion of sorts at the highest military levels would be a personal, and very humiliating, disaster that Bush wants desperately to avoid.
If not Bush, then the leadership of the Republicans know that there is sharply rising anti-Semitism in America, based entirely on the activities of the Neocons and some elements of the American media. They hope, frantically, that they will not suffer a crushing defeat at the hands of the American public at the November elections and are distancing themselves both from Bush and the rabidly pro-Israel factions of their own party.
Power means, among other things, money, and if there is a sweeping Democrat victory at the polls and the pliant carbon copy of Bush, Senator McCain, loses his last-chance for the presidency, all of them will be looking for jobs where they will have to work for a living, not working the public for its bounty.
Fully aware of this, Israel is frantically trying to shove the United States into a war against its enemies. Israel, according to military intercepts, does not want to be seen as the actual aggressor and does not want to spend any money on a war they might lose.
Besides, the logistical problems inherent in an Israeli attack are such as to preclude Tel Aviv from doing anything other than pushing and shoving their many allies in Washington to help them.
I have maintained that these intercepts ought to be published in full so that the American voters might know exactly what they have in store for them if McCain get into the White House. Given their incendiary nature, I doubt if any branch of the American media, with the possible exception of Keith Olbermann, would dare to make any of them public.
If they did get out, I, and others here, can easily see pogroms in America that would rival those of Imperial Russia or Nazi Germany.
As I have said before, a unit attached to the DoD has been monitoring all the secret Israeli governmental communications between Tel Aviv and their Embassy in Washington since 2003.
Why are they doing this? Is Bush aware of this?
They are doing this because in a number of elevated military circles, Israel is viewed as treacherous and eager to involve the United States in a war against Iran solely to protect themselves from a possible attack by that country. And Bush is most certainly not aware of the military surveillance of Israel or he would order it stopped immediately and the perps punished.
While Bush is very, very sensitive, and highly responsive to, Israeli needs, he knows that an American attack on Iran would have to be via the Air Force and tactical nuclear in nature. A forewarned U.S. military leadership would certainly block this insanity and Bush knows it.
He does not want to end his disgraced presidency with a public rebuff from the JCS so his (and especially Cheney’s) wishes to show up Iran will have to find other outlets. Bush has a pathological detestation to being defied and anyone who gets in his way is fired at once.
On the other hand, a rebellion of sorts at the highest military levels would be a personal, and very humiliating, disaster that Bush wants desperately to avoid.
If not Bush, then the leadership of the Republicans know that there is sharply rising anti-Semitism in America, based entirely on the activities of the Neocons and some elements of the American media. They hope, frantically, that they will not suffer a crushing defeat at the hands of the American public at the November elections and are distancing themselves both from Bush and the rabidly pro-Israel factions of their own party.
Power means, among other things, money, and if there is a sweeping Democrat victory at the polls and the pliant carbon copy of Bush, Senator McCain, loses his last-chance for the presidency, all of them will be looking for jobs where they will have to work for a living, not working the public for its bounty.
Fully aware of this, Israel is frantically trying to shove the United States into a war against its enemies. Israel, according to military intercepts, does not want to be seen as the actual aggressor and does not want to spend any money on a war they might lose.
Besides, the logistical problems inherent in an Israeli attack are such as to preclude Tel Aviv from doing anything other than pushing and shoving their many allies in Washington to help them.
I have maintained that these intercepts ought to be published in full so that the American voters might know exactly what they have in store for them if McCain get into the White House. Given their incendiary nature, I doubt if any branch of the American media, with the possible exception of Keith Olbermann, would dare to make any of them public.
If they did get out, I, and others here, can easily see pogroms in America that would rival those of Imperial Russia or Nazi Germany.
zondag 18 mei 2008
May 18, 2008
I have used the Google information service for some time now for background information for my reports.
Of course I stopped using Wikipedia when I learned their ‘close connection’ with various governmental agencies and noted how they always seemed to present positive official views while trashing anyone who would dare to hold negative views towards the Fourth Reich on the Potomac.
So much for that abortion. It’s Google I am going to discuss.
With the dying of the print media, the hucksters are flocking to the internet to shove their overpriced, lead-painted Chinese imports down the public’s collective throat. Google seems to be a magnet for all the marketplace trash and now, when you click on the name, for example, of a Civil War general, (Confederate Braxton Bragg,) I got, in rapid succession, incest porn, young gay porn, an ad for a thrill-packed weekend in sleazy and drying out Las Vegas (‘and every Super Luxury Mini-Suite has inside plumbing or a nice balcony…’)and pictures of the general offered for sale by some other sleazy company.
It’s probably a joint scam with that fat ex-con ‘Small Dick’ Gordon who runs a Bible rip off and fake pet shelter (‘Baghdad Pups’) series of ripoffs on the internet.
Having had to get off the internet (some of the garbage won’t delete) and then get back on to get rid of the obnoxious trash, I later tried Google again to look up a Civil War ship.
Did I get the article I clicked on? No, I did not.
What I did get was another advert for tickets to a concert by a group called the Squashed Fetus, followed by a new site advertising over-priced and run-down beach front condos in Georgia .
Now, I don’t use Google anymore and strongly suggest that you keep your kids away from it. Some of the unwanted porn I got was hair raising. I haven’t seen anything like that since the last Bush cabinet meeting, especially the one with the stellar command performance by 'Wide Stance' Larry Craig..
Of course I stopped using Wikipedia when I learned their ‘close connection’ with various governmental agencies and noted how they always seemed to present positive official views while trashing anyone who would dare to hold negative views towards the Fourth Reich on the Potomac.
So much for that abortion. It’s Google I am going to discuss.
With the dying of the print media, the hucksters are flocking to the internet to shove their overpriced, lead-painted Chinese imports down the public’s collective throat. Google seems to be a magnet for all the marketplace trash and now, when you click on the name, for example, of a Civil War general, (Confederate Braxton Bragg,) I got, in rapid succession, incest porn, young gay porn, an ad for a thrill-packed weekend in sleazy and drying out Las Vegas (‘and every Super Luxury Mini-Suite has inside plumbing or a nice balcony…’)and pictures of the general offered for sale by some other sleazy company.
It’s probably a joint scam with that fat ex-con ‘Small Dick’ Gordon who runs a Bible rip off and fake pet shelter (‘Baghdad Pups’) series of ripoffs on the internet.
Having had to get off the internet (some of the garbage won’t delete) and then get back on to get rid of the obnoxious trash, I later tried Google again to look up a Civil War ship.
Did I get the article I clicked on? No, I did not.
What I did get was another advert for tickets to a concert by a group called the Squashed Fetus, followed by a new site advertising over-priced and run-down beach front condos in Georgia .
Now, I don’t use Google anymore and strongly suggest that you keep your kids away from it. Some of the unwanted porn I got was hair raising. I haven’t seen anything like that since the last Bush cabinet meeting, especially the one with the stellar command performance by 'Wide Stance' Larry Craig..
donderdag 15 mei 2008
May 15, 2008
The only thing spectacular now is the spectacular stupidity being exhibited by a White House enraged and frightened that the Republicans will be utterly crushed in November. This is evident in their lashing out at Obama, accusing him of encouraging terrorism which is, of course, sheer nonsense. It is the vicious and brutal Bush administration that has harassed Muslims wherever and whenever they find them, to torture them and in the end, wipe out whole neighborhoods in Iraq , including women and children. These deliberate acts, coupled with the rank favoritism and reeking corruption (which is not to believe in its magnitude) we see hints of on a daily basis, have made enemies that this country does not need. Long after the Bush people have fled the jurisdiction or hanged themselves in the front hall closet with a jump rope, the rage that the vicious Bush has fathered; deliberately, will certainly haunt the rest of us for years to come. It is very funny to watch McCain doing his Bush imitation and then watch the far more intelligent and civilized Obama slice and dice them in public. I predict that if Obama becomes the Democrat candidate and gets into a debate with McCain, the latter will blow what little cool he still has as Alzheimer’s devours him and start shouting at Obama or, even better, to rush at him and try to punch him out. Given his increasing mental disorientation, McCain would probably forget half the way to the podium what he was doing and just stand there and wet himself.
zaterdag 3 mei 2008
May 3, 2008
Considering that there are billions of credit cards in the hands of Americans, it is easy to see what an important financial empire exists. The interest on these cards, collected by credit card companies and banks, is larger than the national debt of Italy and is a pillar of the American banking industry.
Many, many very foolish card holders either never read the fine print in their credit card agreements or simply did not care. After all, they reasoned with some then-current justification, my house keeps going up and up in value and all I have to do is to refinance and pay down or off the card balances.
As we know, this bubble, so profitable to crooked banks and hedge fund operators, has collapsed, leaving an immense field of wreckage in its path. When card holders with huge balances realized they simply could not pay off some of them, they waffled for a while, sending in a few dollars here and there but eventually, tired of dunning phone calls, a huge and growing number of them just walked away from their debts.
The card companies, and their banking partners, were horrified and their immediate, and predictable, response has been to leap on those who still pay and squeeze the hell out of them with the same kind of crooked tricks that the mortgage companies try to inflict on bankrupting home owners. They always manage to jack up what the bankruptee files. $5,000 for “extra special legal fees,” or “title searches” for an additional $6,000 and so on.
Not content screwing first time and inexperienced buyers with phony mortgages they know will fail when the rates automatically rise to 17%, these jackals and eaters of rotting roadkill have to get the last dime from really hurting victims.
Now, the card sharks are going to push the envelope and squeeze their own particular brand of predictable sucker. And how astonished they will be at the mass defections now on the horizon and how they will howl to Congressmen they have bribed to pass a law forbidding people to walk away from any credit card debt under penalty of spending weekends in the gas chamber.
This whole rotten nest of mangy rodents needs to be cleaned out with a flamethrower and a bulldozer. The outraged public is beginning to get very angry and if, as they are talking about inside the Beltway offices, food gets rationed, (rice, corn and wheat for certain) the guillotines will go up in public squares all across America and when they are done, we might have a government that will actually work for their constituents instead of sodomizing them.
Many, many very foolish card holders either never read the fine print in their credit card agreements or simply did not care. After all, they reasoned with some then-current justification, my house keeps going up and up in value and all I have to do is to refinance and pay down or off the card balances.
As we know, this bubble, so profitable to crooked banks and hedge fund operators, has collapsed, leaving an immense field of wreckage in its path. When card holders with huge balances realized they simply could not pay off some of them, they waffled for a while, sending in a few dollars here and there but eventually, tired of dunning phone calls, a huge and growing number of them just walked away from their debts.
The card companies, and their banking partners, were horrified and their immediate, and predictable, response has been to leap on those who still pay and squeeze the hell out of them with the same kind of crooked tricks that the mortgage companies try to inflict on bankrupting home owners. They always manage to jack up what the bankruptee files. $5,000 for “extra special legal fees,” or “title searches” for an additional $6,000 and so on.
Not content screwing first time and inexperienced buyers with phony mortgages they know will fail when the rates automatically rise to 17%, these jackals and eaters of rotting roadkill have to get the last dime from really hurting victims.
Now, the card sharks are going to push the envelope and squeeze their own particular brand of predictable sucker. And how astonished they will be at the mass defections now on the horizon and how they will howl to Congressmen they have bribed to pass a law forbidding people to walk away from any credit card debt under penalty of spending weekends in the gas chamber.
This whole rotten nest of mangy rodents needs to be cleaned out with a flamethrower and a bulldozer. The outraged public is beginning to get very angry and if, as they are talking about inside the Beltway offices, food gets rationed, (rice, corn and wheat for certain) the guillotines will go up in public squares all across America and when they are done, we might have a government that will actually work for their constituents instead of sodomizing them.
woensdag 30 april 2008
April 30, 2008
I have been listening to various friends and children of friends about the growing home repossession crisis. It seems that many young, first time home buyers, were deliberately mislead by crooked mortgage brokers into buying their new home with very little down and small monthly payments. Most of these buyers were really unaware of the fact that after a period of time had elapsed, the mortgage holder could, and would, triple the monthly payments.
The banks who bought these crooked mortgages, crooked in that many of the buyers were known to the brokers as being unable to meet higher payments, quickly “bundled” them and sold them off at a good profit.
Now, we have some interesting facts. Most of the people being told to pay up or vacate do not know that it is virtually impossible to locate the actual mortgage holder and the law requires that said mortgage holder alone can repossess a home with delinquent payments.
Many judges ignore this but more than a few are requiring the actual holder of the mortgage to appear. This is impossible to do in most cases so young couples and poorer people should have their lawyers, assuming they can afford them, look into this.
Also, many infuriated home owners, upon being tossed out on the street, have taken to doing damage to their homes. I am going to discuss this aspect of the crisis here. I will, as an exercise in black humor, explain methods for teaching the banks a badly needed lesson.
Smashing up the house is stupid and futile. People who take tools and smash windows and rip out drywall could be prosecuted by the mortgage holder.
Better to consider some of these small advices instead.
Perhaps one could get a screwdriver, six or seven bottles of crazy glue, several bottles of Metamucil, a six pound hammer, a quantity of fresh or frozen crab meat and several dozens of large, cooked shrimp or prawns. That’s all you need to leave nothing behind. Oh yes, you can also get a large sack of rocksalt, available in any supermarket for use in water softeners, and fifty pounds of plaster of Paris. And a brace and bit too. That’s all you need. First, remove all the light switch and electric outlet plates in every room. Put some crab meat or a large prawn or two into the cavity and put the plates back on. When the shellfish goes off, the stench would kill a maggot. The meat will not only rot and give an unholy odor, it will eventually liquefy and vanish.
Having done that, pour a gallon of hot Ritz dye into the middle of the largest wall to wall carpet in the house. A puddle that looks like an accident. The carpet is ruined and it all has to be ripped out.
If there are wood floors or other horizontal wood surfaces, pour some acetone onto them and the finish is ruined and has to be redone. If the kitchen or entrance hall has ceramic tile, take a hammer and crack one or two of the tiles. If you have a tile kitchen sink cover, knock out one or two tiles or knock off one of the edge pieces.
You can pour the Metamucil down the drains in the kitchen. It will plug up the pipes for yards. You can also mix the big bag of plaster of Paris and pour it into all the toilets and down the bathtub and shower drains. After the toilets are firmly plugged, take nice dump on top of it. Then, when a disgusted bank representative comes to visit, and overcomes the vomit-inducing stench of rotting shellfish, they will lift the toilet lid, make a face and pull the handle. This will result in a flood of water and turds onto the floor.
You can take the brace and bit, climb up on a chair and drill a hole in the top of your hollow core room doors and drop shrimp or crab down into the cavity. The stench will be matched by the staining of the wood at the bottom, stains that will smell for decades.
Fishing leader let down into the garbage disposal will ruin it and if you keep the power on, you will burn out the bearings. If you can’t get the stove out, piss into a large, ovenproof bowl, turn on the heat and put the bowl inside the oven.
Also, if you plug up the shower or bathtub drains, you can always turn on the taps, very gently, before you leave. If this is on an upper floor, the water will eventually spill over, spread out all over the floor, ruining the carpets and the floors before it leaks through and causes the plasterboard ceiling below to cave in.
If you want to be really bad, rip the electric cord off of an old lamp and put alligator clamps on each wire. Then, remove the cable box back or the telephone line cover and hook the clamps to each terminal and plug it into the household current. Five minutes of this and all the phone and cable lines are permanently fried. Put the cover back on again so as not to alert the bank people.
When you have done all of the above, take the crazy glue in hand and seal up every door in the house. Close the door first. Then note that the doorknob has a part that is fixed to the door itself and another part, the knob, that turns. Pour crazy glue over this junction. It will quickly settle in, effectively sealing the door.
You can also take out all the window blinds and curtains. If they won’t fit in your new apartment, put them into a dumpster. And be sure to leave the front door lock untouched.
Outside, locate the gas meter and pour a large circle of the salt around it with a trail leading in a straight line to the street. Either turn on the sprinklers for a while, allowing the salt to penetrate into the ground and kill the grass, or wait for a rain to hopefully arrive before the bank. In either case, wait for about a week, then call the gas company and complain of a leak. When the service people come out, they will see the dead grass and just know that there must be a leak. What will they do? If it looks like the line into the house is somehow leaking, they will get a backhoe and make the yard look like the battle of the Marne was fought there.
And you can dump the rest of the salt into the flower gardens and scatter the bits of it all over the lawn.
All of this may take some time and cost a few dollars, but believe me, the results are worth it. Vomiting bank visitors and huge bills for refinishing the floors, replacing the carpets, and if you use crazy glue on the sliding windows, much trouble there.
All it all, not a sound to annoy the neighbors and you leave little bits of joy behind. Trust me, children, the bank will have to spend many dollars to put the place back in service for the market and when the new owners try to install a telephone or put in cable, there will be even more delightful surprises.
My motto? Don’t get mad, get even.
The banks who bought these crooked mortgages, crooked in that many of the buyers were known to the brokers as being unable to meet higher payments, quickly “bundled” them and sold them off at a good profit.
Now, we have some interesting facts. Most of the people being told to pay up or vacate do not know that it is virtually impossible to locate the actual mortgage holder and the law requires that said mortgage holder alone can repossess a home with delinquent payments.
Many judges ignore this but more than a few are requiring the actual holder of the mortgage to appear. This is impossible to do in most cases so young couples and poorer people should have their lawyers, assuming they can afford them, look into this.
Also, many infuriated home owners, upon being tossed out on the street, have taken to doing damage to their homes. I am going to discuss this aspect of the crisis here. I will, as an exercise in black humor, explain methods for teaching the banks a badly needed lesson.
Smashing up the house is stupid and futile. People who take tools and smash windows and rip out drywall could be prosecuted by the mortgage holder.
Better to consider some of these small advices instead.
Perhaps one could get a screwdriver, six or seven bottles of crazy glue, several bottles of Metamucil, a six pound hammer, a quantity of fresh or frozen crab meat and several dozens of large, cooked shrimp or prawns. That’s all you need to leave nothing behind. Oh yes, you can also get a large sack of rocksalt, available in any supermarket for use in water softeners, and fifty pounds of plaster of Paris. And a brace and bit too. That’s all you need. First, remove all the light switch and electric outlet plates in every room. Put some crab meat or a large prawn or two into the cavity and put the plates back on. When the shellfish goes off, the stench would kill a maggot. The meat will not only rot and give an unholy odor, it will eventually liquefy and vanish.
Having done that, pour a gallon of hot Ritz dye into the middle of the largest wall to wall carpet in the house. A puddle that looks like an accident. The carpet is ruined and it all has to be ripped out.
If there are wood floors or other horizontal wood surfaces, pour some acetone onto them and the finish is ruined and has to be redone. If the kitchen or entrance hall has ceramic tile, take a hammer and crack one or two of the tiles. If you have a tile kitchen sink cover, knock out one or two tiles or knock off one of the edge pieces.
You can pour the Metamucil down the drains in the kitchen. It will plug up the pipes for yards. You can also mix the big bag of plaster of Paris and pour it into all the toilets and down the bathtub and shower drains. After the toilets are firmly plugged, take nice dump on top of it. Then, when a disgusted bank representative comes to visit, and overcomes the vomit-inducing stench of rotting shellfish, they will lift the toilet lid, make a face and pull the handle. This will result in a flood of water and turds onto the floor.
You can take the brace and bit, climb up on a chair and drill a hole in the top of your hollow core room doors and drop shrimp or crab down into the cavity. The stench will be matched by the staining of the wood at the bottom, stains that will smell for decades.
Fishing leader let down into the garbage disposal will ruin it and if you keep the power on, you will burn out the bearings. If you can’t get the stove out, piss into a large, ovenproof bowl, turn on the heat and put the bowl inside the oven.
Also, if you plug up the shower or bathtub drains, you can always turn on the taps, very gently, before you leave. If this is on an upper floor, the water will eventually spill over, spread out all over the floor, ruining the carpets and the floors before it leaks through and causes the plasterboard ceiling below to cave in.
If you want to be really bad, rip the electric cord off of an old lamp and put alligator clamps on each wire. Then, remove the cable box back or the telephone line cover and hook the clamps to each terminal and plug it into the household current. Five minutes of this and all the phone and cable lines are permanently fried. Put the cover back on again so as not to alert the bank people.
When you have done all of the above, take the crazy glue in hand and seal up every door in the house. Close the door first. Then note that the doorknob has a part that is fixed to the door itself and another part, the knob, that turns. Pour crazy glue over this junction. It will quickly settle in, effectively sealing the door.
You can also take out all the window blinds and curtains. If they won’t fit in your new apartment, put them into a dumpster. And be sure to leave the front door lock untouched.
Outside, locate the gas meter and pour a large circle of the salt around it with a trail leading in a straight line to the street. Either turn on the sprinklers for a while, allowing the salt to penetrate into the ground and kill the grass, or wait for a rain to hopefully arrive before the bank. In either case, wait for about a week, then call the gas company and complain of a leak. When the service people come out, they will see the dead grass and just know that there must be a leak. What will they do? If it looks like the line into the house is somehow leaking, they will get a backhoe and make the yard look like the battle of the Marne was fought there.
And you can dump the rest of the salt into the flower gardens and scatter the bits of it all over the lawn.
All of this may take some time and cost a few dollars, but believe me, the results are worth it. Vomiting bank visitors and huge bills for refinishing the floors, replacing the carpets, and if you use crazy glue on the sliding windows, much trouble there.
All it all, not a sound to annoy the neighbors and you leave little bits of joy behind. Trust me, children, the bank will have to spend many dollars to put the place back in service for the market and when the new owners try to install a telephone or put in cable, there will be even more delightful surprises.
My motto? Don’t get mad, get even.
donderdag 24 april 2008
April 24, 2008
I had a very interesting conversation on Sunday with a friend of my wife’s. It was concerned with the huge and growing number of Americans who are falling deeper and deeper into debt and struggling to pay such vital bills as food and rent.
Today the New York Times ran a front page article on the outsourcing of telephone debt collections to India . Much of what my wife’s friend was borne out by this article but because the subject is of great, and growing, interest, I am putting all of this together for the interest of the public.
With millions of Americans falling behind on debt payments, the larger debt-collecting companies are outsourcing their collection methods to India . There, the trained operators call the American debtor on the phone. They remind them that they will probably be getting tax rebates and that perhaps they could pay “just a little” on their back bill. Even a few dollars would show their really good intentions.
Do not trust this approach because it is a snare and a delusion. In most cases, the debts involved have passed the statute of limitations and not only is it impossible to sue for the unpaid balances but the debt itself has vanished from the credit report system. By sending in even a dollar on the back balance, the debt is automatically renewed again and further harassments, phone calls, registered letters and debt-collection suits can, and will, follow.
The best advice here is not to send in a penny.
Here are some other valuable suggestions to save your capital and avoid harassment.
As almost all bill collecting now is done either by phone call or by mail, why not change your phone number? First, call your carrier and stop service, being very sure to pay the back bill, Then, after suffering a short period when you have no phone, start up again with a new carrier but under a different name. Why? Because the phone companies will supply to bill collectors, lists of their customers for a fee. So if you shut down the Bill Jones number and just start up under the same name but with a different carrier, be certain the bill collectors will very soon have the new number.
And when you get the new account (if they want other numbers you have recently used, tell the person at the new service that you have been out of the country, serving with the Armed Forces) To be even safer, you might want to have an unpublished number. If you have a new number under a new name and an unlisted service, you might also wish to add a caller ID to your service.
That, in and of itself, will shut off bothersome calls but if you really want to clean up your act, find a local mailbox service and rent a box. Give them an old address. That way, all your current bills, letters and magazines will go to that address and be reported to various agencies of interest. Then, with the new address, send in to the USPS a form indicating a change of address. Do not give them the drop address but another, more creative, one. One good new address is: 350 5th Ave. , New York , NY 10018 . This is the huge Empire State Building in New York with thousands of people working there.
The post office does not know which office number or which floor is involved so eventually the mail is returned. Or you could give the address of a local hotel or a huge office complex. In any case, you are giving a legitimate address and it will take weeks for the letter or bill to be returned to the sender as undeliverable.
Speaking of returned mail, go to a local firm that makes up rubber stamps and have one done that says ‘DECEASED’ on it. Then, if and when a new bill comes in to the drop address, you can stamp this in red ink on the surface and take it to any USPS station and drop it into a mail slot.
As almost all bill collecting is done by phone these days, these simple steps should materially ensure your continued privacy. This is a subject of increasing interest and we will have further informative and helpful suggestions at a later date.
Today the New York Times ran a front page article on the outsourcing of telephone debt collections to India . Much of what my wife’s friend was borne out by this article but because the subject is of great, and growing, interest, I am putting all of this together for the interest of the public.
With millions of Americans falling behind on debt payments, the larger debt-collecting companies are outsourcing their collection methods to India . There, the trained operators call the American debtor on the phone. They remind them that they will probably be getting tax rebates and that perhaps they could pay “just a little” on their back bill. Even a few dollars would show their really good intentions.
Do not trust this approach because it is a snare and a delusion. In most cases, the debts involved have passed the statute of limitations and not only is it impossible to sue for the unpaid balances but the debt itself has vanished from the credit report system. By sending in even a dollar on the back balance, the debt is automatically renewed again and further harassments, phone calls, registered letters and debt-collection suits can, and will, follow.
The best advice here is not to send in a penny.
Here are some other valuable suggestions to save your capital and avoid harassment.
As almost all bill collecting now is done either by phone call or by mail, why not change your phone number? First, call your carrier and stop service, being very sure to pay the back bill, Then, after suffering a short period when you have no phone, start up again with a new carrier but under a different name. Why? Because the phone companies will supply to bill collectors, lists of their customers for a fee. So if you shut down the Bill Jones number and just start up under the same name but with a different carrier, be certain the bill collectors will very soon have the new number.
And when you get the new account (if they want other numbers you have recently used, tell the person at the new service that you have been out of the country, serving with the Armed Forces) To be even safer, you might want to have an unpublished number. If you have a new number under a new name and an unlisted service, you might also wish to add a caller ID to your service.
That, in and of itself, will shut off bothersome calls but if you really want to clean up your act, find a local mailbox service and rent a box. Give them an old address. That way, all your current bills, letters and magazines will go to that address and be reported to various agencies of interest. Then, with the new address, send in to the USPS a form indicating a change of address. Do not give them the drop address but another, more creative, one. One good new address is: 350 5th Ave. , New York , NY 10018 . This is the huge Empire State Building in New York with thousands of people working there.
The post office does not know which office number or which floor is involved so eventually the mail is returned. Or you could give the address of a local hotel or a huge office complex. In any case, you are giving a legitimate address and it will take weeks for the letter or bill to be returned to the sender as undeliverable.
Speaking of returned mail, go to a local firm that makes up rubber stamps and have one done that says ‘DECEASED’ on it. Then, if and when a new bill comes in to the drop address, you can stamp this in red ink on the surface and take it to any USPS station and drop it into a mail slot.
As almost all bill collecting is done by phone these days, these simple steps should materially ensure your continued privacy. This is a subject of increasing interest and we will have further informative and helpful suggestions at a later date.
zondag 20 april 2008
April 20, 2008
How did the Cold War actually start?
Stalin threatened to invade Europe ?
Russian military threats to world peace?
No, the truth is far more prosaic and highlights the present situation as viewed, and practiced, by the corrupt Bush administration.
The Second World War had proved to be a godsend to American business which had been slowly recovering from the economic collapses of 1929 and 1938. The guaranteed entry of the United States into the global conflict after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor mandated the creation of an enormous military machine and an immense parallel increase in American military equipment.
Both the generals and the industrialists feasted at this table and grew fat but like all good things (for the United States at least but not for the rest of the world) the boom times ended in 1945.
With no war to supply or fight, both the military and their business counterparts faced bleak prospects of reduction in forces and shrinking business contracts with the Pentagon.
Then, in 1948, the U.S. Army hit on a plan that would turn around their loss of rank, privilege and business contracts.
In 1946, a German intelligence officer, one Reinhard Gehlen, who had been in charge of the German Army’s Russian military intelligence desk until Hitler sacked him for his inaccurate reporting, went to work for the Pentagon as a Russian expert. By 1948, under U.S. Army control, Gehlen had built up an organization which was then composed mostly of former SS and Gestapo personnel and which issued periodic reports on Russia , tailored to fit the Army’s current needs.
In that year, at the Army’s specific instructions, Gehlen prepared an entirely fictional report that claimed, falsely, that Josef Stalin was preparing to launch a military offensive against Western Europe with 135 Russian armored divisions, then stationed in their occupation zone of Germany.
That all of these units existed solely on paper or that the Russians had torn up the German rail lines in their zone and shipped the rails themselves back to Russia (making the logistical Russian support of a massive invasion completely impossible) was well-known to both the Army and Gehlen but not ever mentioned. This sensational report was deliberately leaked by the Pentagon to Congress and President Truman, with entirely predictable results.
A panic ensued and the Cold War had begun.
The Russians had absolutely neither the capacity, or the desire, to engage the United States in any kind of a military conflict and, on the contrary, were terrified lest Truman and the American military were prepared to launch a full scale atomic war against them as they just recently had against Japan.
The Army expanded to meet this mythic threat, generals returned to their offices and all across America , shuttered defense plants began to reopen once again.
Now, while the vicious Bush keeps frightening the American public with non-existent terrorist threats to keep the Republican’s weakening hold on power, the Pentagon has been casting about, looking for another profitable enmity and are preparing us for another faked Gehlen report
Stalin threatened to invade Europe ?
Russian military threats to world peace?
No, the truth is far more prosaic and highlights the present situation as viewed, and practiced, by the corrupt Bush administration.
The Second World War had proved to be a godsend to American business which had been slowly recovering from the economic collapses of 1929 and 1938. The guaranteed entry of the United States into the global conflict after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor mandated the creation of an enormous military machine and an immense parallel increase in American military equipment.
Both the generals and the industrialists feasted at this table and grew fat but like all good things (for the United States at least but not for the rest of the world) the boom times ended in 1945.
With no war to supply or fight, both the military and their business counterparts faced bleak prospects of reduction in forces and shrinking business contracts with the Pentagon.
Then, in 1948, the U.S. Army hit on a plan that would turn around their loss of rank, privilege and business contracts.
In 1946, a German intelligence officer, one Reinhard Gehlen, who had been in charge of the German Army’s Russian military intelligence desk until Hitler sacked him for his inaccurate reporting, went to work for the Pentagon as a Russian expert. By 1948, under U.S. Army control, Gehlen had built up an organization which was then composed mostly of former SS and Gestapo personnel and which issued periodic reports on Russia , tailored to fit the Army’s current needs.
In that year, at the Army’s specific instructions, Gehlen prepared an entirely fictional report that claimed, falsely, that Josef Stalin was preparing to launch a military offensive against Western Europe with 135 Russian armored divisions, then stationed in their occupation zone of Germany.
That all of these units existed solely on paper or that the Russians had torn up the German rail lines in their zone and shipped the rails themselves back to Russia (making the logistical Russian support of a massive invasion completely impossible) was well-known to both the Army and Gehlen but not ever mentioned. This sensational report was deliberately leaked by the Pentagon to Congress and President Truman, with entirely predictable results.
A panic ensued and the Cold War had begun.
The Russians had absolutely neither the capacity, or the desire, to engage the United States in any kind of a military conflict and, on the contrary, were terrified lest Truman and the American military were prepared to launch a full scale atomic war against them as they just recently had against Japan.
The Army expanded to meet this mythic threat, generals returned to their offices and all across America , shuttered defense plants began to reopen once again.
Now, while the vicious Bush keeps frightening the American public with non-existent terrorist threats to keep the Republican’s weakening hold on power, the Pentagon has been casting about, looking for another profitable enmity and are preparing us for another faked Gehlen report
donderdag 17 april 2008
April 17, 2008
The one subject never touched upon in the American media is the control of high level American political institutions by Israel and her American supporters. There is no question that Israel knew to the day when the 9/11 attacks were to happen and who, to the man, were involved in them. There is no question that Israeli businessmen, tipped off by their Mossad, rushed to stock markets all over the world to benefit from what they knew was coming. There is no question that one of the two reasons behind Bush’s useless and failed invasion of Iraq was to secure Israel ’s northern flank from an enemy, Saddam, who had dared to fire rocked into them during the First Gulf War. There is no question that Israel has been behind the threats made by Bush against Iran , an active Israeli enemy who might get atomic weapons and use them on Tel Aviv.
I ask the question: How many hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on programs solely designed to assist or support Israel and, worse, how many young Americans have died to support Israeli wishes.
I think it is entirely safe to say, that if the United States had been strictly neutral in the Arab/Israeli conflicts, achieved total neutrality and stopped its blind and now ruinously expensive military and economic support of that country that there never would have been an attack on the USS Cole and, more important, on the WTC and the Pentagon.
American needs to reevaluate its foreign policy goals and file for immediate divorce from Israel and all her friends and agents now infesting not only the Beltway but the banks and the U.S. military policy makers.
The sooner the better.
If the American public ever gets this into its collective heads, there will be sociological problems in this country that would make Julius Streicher and Josef Stalin laugh.
I ask the question: How many hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on programs solely designed to assist or support Israel and, worse, how many young Americans have died to support Israeli wishes.
I think it is entirely safe to say, that if the United States had been strictly neutral in the Arab/Israeli conflicts, achieved total neutrality and stopped its blind and now ruinously expensive military and economic support of that country that there never would have been an attack on the USS Cole and, more important, on the WTC and the Pentagon.
American needs to reevaluate its foreign policy goals and file for immediate divorce from Israel and all her friends and agents now infesting not only the Beltway but the banks and the U.S. military policy makers.
The sooner the better.
If the American public ever gets this into its collective heads, there will be sociological problems in this country that would make Julius Streicher and Josef Stalin laugh.
zaterdag 12 april 2008
April 12, 2008
Much ado in the papers about the major drug companies. We note that certain very popular drugs made and sold by major drug companies kill or disable too many people. Much shock and horror. Why, I do not know. These people are friends of George W. Bush and he has made it very plain to the Federal regulatory agencies that interfering with his friends is not to be done.
The drug companies can absolutely count on being supported by the Bush-appointed judges and left alone by the regulatory people. Any Federal employee who dares to contradict Bush is immediately fired, as have been a number of high-ranking military leaders who won’t put up with his puerile lies.
The Chinese, who have no problem bribing people, have whined that their lead-tainted toys are quite safe and that their medicines, heavily contaminated with dangerous chemical residues, are even more safe. And because Bush is known to take bribes, they get away with it.
Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat, a prig and an asshole but he never took bribes. U.S. Grant had a very corrupt administration but Grant never took a dime. Bush has been on the take since he used his family influence to get various oil industry jobs.
The whole family is as crooked as a Swiss mountain road and George is no exception. Also, Georgie is a vicious little rat who loves to torment people and if he can do this and get bribe money for it, so much the better.
George W. Bush is a drunk, a liar and a thief and the sooner he leaves office, the better off for every man, woman and child in the United States .
Boycott the Olympics? When he can stuff mattress covers full of hundred dollar bills safely on Air Force One? Not bloody likely. Well, for the trailer park trash and the Jesus freak idiots who voted for him, I hope you swallow the wrong pill and turn a delicate shade of blue.
The drug companies can absolutely count on being supported by the Bush-appointed judges and left alone by the regulatory people. Any Federal employee who dares to contradict Bush is immediately fired, as have been a number of high-ranking military leaders who won’t put up with his puerile lies.
The Chinese, who have no problem bribing people, have whined that their lead-tainted toys are quite safe and that their medicines, heavily contaminated with dangerous chemical residues, are even more safe. And because Bush is known to take bribes, they get away with it.
Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat, a prig and an asshole but he never took bribes. U.S. Grant had a very corrupt administration but Grant never took a dime. Bush has been on the take since he used his family influence to get various oil industry jobs.
The whole family is as crooked as a Swiss mountain road and George is no exception. Also, Georgie is a vicious little rat who loves to torment people and if he can do this and get bribe money for it, so much the better.
George W. Bush is a drunk, a liar and a thief and the sooner he leaves office, the better off for every man, woman and child in the United States .
Boycott the Olympics? When he can stuff mattress covers full of hundred dollar bills safely on Air Force One? Not bloody likely. Well, for the trailer park trash and the Jesus freak idiots who voted for him, I hope you swallow the wrong pill and turn a delicate shade of blue.
donderdag 10 april 2008
April 10, 2008
The CIA has never done anything right and its blunders have been very costly in human life and destructive to anything or anyone who gets in the way of what their idiotic leaders believe is in their own, not the nation’s, interest.
As a case in point, here is an overview (if I printed this verbatim, they would turn this place upside down to find and prosecute me) of the CIA’s meddling in Chinese affairs, both actual and projected.
Know that no one controls the CIA. For many years, they controlled us in that they had strong connections with corporate media and the top levels of the government. They could do as they liked.
A friend of some deputy director was having his overseas properties grabbed by some local dictator so the CIA wrote a fake position paper that “proved” the evil Communists were taking over the government in that country and Something Had To Be Done! And it was.
The students rebelled, (the CIA is big on infiltrating and supporting the volatile student population of target countries) dissidents in exile were given money and guns and guess what, the evil dictator was replaced with someone the CIA hand-picked.
Here we have Guatemala but now they are aiming at total disruption of the PRC.
The Company is behind the uproar in Tibet and is fomenting rebellious thoughts in the China ’s muslim population. They feel that Taiwan is now a lost cause so the Station in Islamabad is leading the fight to cause so much internal trouble in China that it starts to fall apart from within.
Under discussion has been the possible introduction of a laboratory-concocted blight aimed at the Asian rice crop. Since all of Asia depends on rice as a staple diet item, the sudden (and unexplained) spread of a blight that ruins the crop would do terrible damage all over Asia but especially in China .
One of the Islamabad reports, a copy of which is circulating here, explains that China is ripe for internal collapse. She has a huge population which she is having problems feeding and she has no oil for her burgeoning industry and has to import all of it. China is also now a meat-eating country and they need American corn to feed their cattle.
The CIA has worked it so that American farmers are growing corn for Ethanol and not for export. Oh, there is enough corn for domestic consumption but interestingly enough, not enough for export except at a very high price.
They are taking a leaf from Vladimir Putin’s book. He took Russian oil away from the pro-US Jewish oligarchs and nationalized it. Now, he controls the oil and the U.S. is getting squeezed. The CIA is doing the same thing to the Chinese and they reason that if the food supplies start to dry up there and by some means their oil imports can be cut back, China will implode and cease to be a potential threat to the U.S. And if the potentially rebellious Chinese minorities can be roused up, like their past actions in arming the Taliban against Russia in Afghanistan , they have a winner.
With the CIA’s connections with corporate media, look for more sad horror stories about Tibet . Tibet resonates far better than Dafur does with the American people. They, and Bush, are very upset about the shift in political winds in Pakistan . It looks like assonating Bhutto did not work they way they wanted it to because all it did was to guarantee that the wrong people came into power and now our wings have been clipped there. It is not too difficult to off one woman but to take out all of the Pakistan judicial system and their legislators is too much even for the CIA. The Ukraine operation (taking the Ukraine out of Putin’s orbit) was typical of their style but they waited too long and mis-stepped in Islamabad
At any rate, look for more fireworks about the Olympics and know the whys and wherefores of that situation.
As a case in point, here is an overview (if I printed this verbatim, they would turn this place upside down to find and prosecute me) of the CIA’s meddling in Chinese affairs, both actual and projected.
Know that no one controls the CIA. For many years, they controlled us in that they had strong connections with corporate media and the top levels of the government. They could do as they liked.
A friend of some deputy director was having his overseas properties grabbed by some local dictator so the CIA wrote a fake position paper that “proved” the evil Communists were taking over the government in that country and Something Had To Be Done! And it was.
The students rebelled, (the CIA is big on infiltrating and supporting the volatile student population of target countries) dissidents in exile were given money and guns and guess what, the evil dictator was replaced with someone the CIA hand-picked.
Here we have Guatemala but now they are aiming at total disruption of the PRC.
The Company is behind the uproar in Tibet and is fomenting rebellious thoughts in the China ’s muslim population. They feel that Taiwan is now a lost cause so the Station in Islamabad is leading the fight to cause so much internal trouble in China that it starts to fall apart from within.
Under discussion has been the possible introduction of a laboratory-concocted blight aimed at the Asian rice crop. Since all of Asia depends on rice as a staple diet item, the sudden (and unexplained) spread of a blight that ruins the crop would do terrible damage all over Asia but especially in China .
One of the Islamabad reports, a copy of which is circulating here, explains that China is ripe for internal collapse. She has a huge population which she is having problems feeding and she has no oil for her burgeoning industry and has to import all of it. China is also now a meat-eating country and they need American corn to feed their cattle.
The CIA has worked it so that American farmers are growing corn for Ethanol and not for export. Oh, there is enough corn for domestic consumption but interestingly enough, not enough for export except at a very high price.
They are taking a leaf from Vladimir Putin’s book. He took Russian oil away from the pro-US Jewish oligarchs and nationalized it. Now, he controls the oil and the U.S. is getting squeezed. The CIA is doing the same thing to the Chinese and they reason that if the food supplies start to dry up there and by some means their oil imports can be cut back, China will implode and cease to be a potential threat to the U.S. And if the potentially rebellious Chinese minorities can be roused up, like their past actions in arming the Taliban against Russia in Afghanistan , they have a winner.
With the CIA’s connections with corporate media, look for more sad horror stories about Tibet . Tibet resonates far better than Dafur does with the American people. They, and Bush, are very upset about the shift in political winds in Pakistan . It looks like assonating Bhutto did not work they way they wanted it to because all it did was to guarantee that the wrong people came into power and now our wings have been clipped there. It is not too difficult to off one woman but to take out all of the Pakistan judicial system and their legislators is too much even for the CIA. The Ukraine operation (taking the Ukraine out of Putin’s orbit) was typical of their style but they waited too long and mis-stepped in Islamabad
At any rate, look for more fireworks about the Olympics and know the whys and wherefores of that situation.
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