With rumors of war making the usual rounds in official Washington (mostly planted leaks) it is true that a lunatic Bush, pushed by Cheney, the Neocons and the Israeli Embassy, really wants to attack Iran. He has no troops and the senior officers are coming very close to open revolt, as are the troops in Iraq. But all of this to one side, I am planning to comment on something that most of us know as do the victims but which is not talked about in the media. To be blunt, the arch conservative Republicans detest black Americans, consider them inferior, welfare queens and would love for them to be exported to Africa, in theory if not in practice. The deliberate abandonment of the poor black population of New Orleans is typical of these proto-fascists but right now, there is sick horror in the far right circles that the dread Obama might actually become president! They could put up with Hillary but never Obama! “My God,” Bush said in a meeting three days ago, “that would be the end of this country if a Goddam nigger ever got into the White House!” Isn’t that a wonderful thing to hear about? And this is nothing new but it is coming more and more out into the open. I have a strong feeling that unless the Democrats wise up and do what they were elected to do, namely stop the war, there will be some amazing happenings come the next election. And one Senator said to me that it’s too bad a tidal wave doesn’t hit the marina here and drown the lavatory-loving Craig. Believe me, the GOP stalwarts hate the sight of him. He will probably lose his bid to withdraw his plea but he has made it very clear he will never quit. Maybe someone will cut his boat adrift while he’s sleeping on it and it will drift out into the Atlantic and be run down by a passing submarine.
vrijdag 28 september 2007
zondag 23 september 2007
September 23, 2007
It is a terrible thing to watch someone destroy not only themselves but their closest supporters.
Naturally, I am speaking of George W. Bush. With strong connections to the oil industry and the Jewish lobby, Bush deliberately lied this country into a war, citing a fake “war on terror.” Let us just look at this war for a few minutes. “They attacked us!” Bush shouts, “and I am all that stands between our people and other attacks.”
Yes, George, the Muslims did attack us and since you have done so much damage to fellow Muslims in Iraq and the United States, they may well attack again. Now, why do they hate us, massacres of civilians, destruction of their infrastructure to one side? Because we are the sole economic and military support of the state of Israel who hates all of them and wants them destroyed.
They can’t do it all by themselves so they use political pressure and bribery to get us to do it for them. The sole reason that the Muslim world is now a bitter enemy of the United States is only because of this short-sighted policy. Believe it that if this country were to follow the wonderful suggestions of George Washington and were to adopt a polity of strict neutrality, there would have not been two terribly destructive world wars and certainly not the pointless and completely destructive battles going on in the Middle East.
Bush is a man of narrow mind and small intellect and his sadly deficient moral development is so bad that for him to admit an error and try to correct it is absolutely impossible. As well as refusing to recognize reality, Bush has done so much damage to the political right that everyone is plunging off the sinking ship and in 2008, given the public outrage, totally ignored by the Congress and the White House, it would not surprise most objective observers if large numbers of weak Democrats were all thrown out, along with the vicious and obstructionist Republicans.
Anyone who studies history realizes that Bush is playing with real fire by his stubborn, mindless refusal to listen to the needs and wishes of the public that, barely, elected him. He has, in essence, destroyed the viability of the Republicans as a serious factor in American politics, had done terrible damage to the American economy (the results of which we are now just beginning to see) but he does not care just so long has he has his way.
And when his misbegotten reign is finally over, he can take all the loot he has gathered together (for he is not honest….in fact, the Bush administration is probably the most vicious and fiscally corrupt in the history of this republic) and flee to what he erroneously thinks will be a safe place.
I have news for George, he can’t ever find one.
Naturally, I am speaking of George W. Bush. With strong connections to the oil industry and the Jewish lobby, Bush deliberately lied this country into a war, citing a fake “war on terror.” Let us just look at this war for a few minutes. “They attacked us!” Bush shouts, “and I am all that stands between our people and other attacks.”
Yes, George, the Muslims did attack us and since you have done so much damage to fellow Muslims in Iraq and the United States, they may well attack again. Now, why do they hate us, massacres of civilians, destruction of their infrastructure to one side? Because we are the sole economic and military support of the state of Israel who hates all of them and wants them destroyed.
They can’t do it all by themselves so they use political pressure and bribery to get us to do it for them. The sole reason that the Muslim world is now a bitter enemy of the United States is only because of this short-sighted policy. Believe it that if this country were to follow the wonderful suggestions of George Washington and were to adopt a polity of strict neutrality, there would have not been two terribly destructive world wars and certainly not the pointless and completely destructive battles going on in the Middle East.
Bush is a man of narrow mind and small intellect and his sadly deficient moral development is so bad that for him to admit an error and try to correct it is absolutely impossible. As well as refusing to recognize reality, Bush has done so much damage to the political right that everyone is plunging off the sinking ship and in 2008, given the public outrage, totally ignored by the Congress and the White House, it would not surprise most objective observers if large numbers of weak Democrats were all thrown out, along with the vicious and obstructionist Republicans.
Anyone who studies history realizes that Bush is playing with real fire by his stubborn, mindless refusal to listen to the needs and wishes of the public that, barely, elected him. He has, in essence, destroyed the viability of the Republicans as a serious factor in American politics, had done terrible damage to the American economy (the results of which we are now just beginning to see) but he does not care just so long has he has his way.
And when his misbegotten reign is finally over, he can take all the loot he has gathered together (for he is not honest….in fact, the Bush administration is probably the most vicious and fiscally corrupt in the history of this republic) and flee to what he erroneously thinks will be a safe place.
I have news for George, he can’t ever find one.
vrijdag 21 september 2007
September 21, 2007
Well, what with a gutless Democratic Congress, a whining, lying President and the dollar tanking, we now have more news of the degeneracy that seems to be epidemic in the Republicans.
First we had Congressman Foley who was well-known to his co-workers in the Vineyard of the President as a raging faggot (all turned a blind eye) and the Reverend Haggard, a major Christian leader and devout supporter of the President polishing the knob of a male prostitute, Senator Craig trying to score in a public toilet, and today, we learn, to our glee, an aggressive Bush supporter in the AG’s office getting nailed for soliciting the private parts of a six year old little girl!
And there is a picture making the rounds here, and has been for about three years, of a besotted Bush dancing cheek-to-cheek with a really ugly black drag queen at a Yale frat house dance. As long as the Republicans blocked duty leave for the soldiers now in Iraq, why not pass a bill mandating large holes being installed, by law, in all male lavatories?
And Bush has ordered the Iraqis to keep the vicious and murderous Blackwater killers in their country and no doubt they will heed their master’s voice and do so. And Bush won’t tell people about the Israeli air raid on a Syrian target? I’ll tell you since that tongue-tied, lying asshole can’t.
There was a suspected area where some kind of atomic energy program was being developed and the Jews wanted to send a message to Iran that very soon, they would get Bush to bomb them, too. These creeps, both Israel and Bush, will start a major war very soon if both of them are not stopped cold.
First we had Congressman Foley who was well-known to his co-workers in the Vineyard of the President as a raging faggot (all turned a blind eye) and the Reverend Haggard, a major Christian leader and devout supporter of the President polishing the knob of a male prostitute, Senator Craig trying to score in a public toilet, and today, we learn, to our glee, an aggressive Bush supporter in the AG’s office getting nailed for soliciting the private parts of a six year old little girl!
And there is a picture making the rounds here, and has been for about three years, of a besotted Bush dancing cheek-to-cheek with a really ugly black drag queen at a Yale frat house dance. As long as the Republicans blocked duty leave for the soldiers now in Iraq, why not pass a bill mandating large holes being installed, by law, in all male lavatories?
And Bush has ordered the Iraqis to keep the vicious and murderous Blackwater killers in their country and no doubt they will heed their master’s voice and do so. And Bush won’t tell people about the Israeli air raid on a Syrian target? I’ll tell you since that tongue-tied, lying asshole can’t.
There was a suspected area where some kind of atomic energy program was being developed and the Jews wanted to send a message to Iran that very soon, they would get Bush to bomb them, too. These creeps, both Israel and Bush, will start a major war very soon if both of them are not stopped cold.
maandag 17 september 2007
September 17, 2007
I have heard it said that no one will dare to impeach Bush because they will get Dick Cheney in the Oval Office instead. This makes sense as Cheney is crazy as a loon and very, very dangerous. However, there is always hope. Our wonderful Vice President who even yesterday assured the staff here that ‘we are going to stay the course in Iraq, right to the end, is terminally ill and maybe, and prayerfully, God will take Cheney to His Bosom very quickly. Cheney is a Type A person and his cardio-vascular problems mount daily. Yesterday, one his aides had a get together with some friends and said Cheney’s lips keep getting blue, a sign of hopeful significance. Also, he has thrombosis in his varicose veins and hobbles around with a cane. Of course, if a cameraman is present, Cheney strides along, sans cane until he is out of camera range. His desk drawer, I am told, looks like a pharmacy and when he’s not trying to invade someone, he’s popping pills like a Soho artist. Another person here, with a medical background, tells me that one more ‘incident’ and it’s a state funeral under the Capitol dome. Let us pray, children!
donderdag 13 september 2007
September 13, 2007
On the weekend, I had a social get-together with friends of the family. One of the guests, who is with the U.S. military here in the D.C. area, got to talking with me about work his sigint unit was engaged in. Since he did not have any objections to my “discussing it” with others, provided his name and unit designation was not used, I am giving you a brief outline of a very fascinating subject.
It seems that the Army, the Navy, the CIA, the DHS and the FBI all are engaged in various counter-intelligence activities. None of them share information with each other and none of them ever forward information to Bush that he might object to reading because it might contradict his fantasies.
The Army discovered, quite by accident it seems, an international cell-phone circuit that has proven to be most interesting. The speakers, all Arabic, are apparently Saudis from their speech patterns. They are located in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Italy, Germany and Spain. From a constant 24/7 surveillance of their activities, my contact told me that the military intelligence people here are positive that some kind of a very major attack on Israel is now in progress.
They are certain that rockets or standard military units are not in the picture. It appears that a radical and very well funded Islamic group, probably based in Saudi Arabia (don’t forget, most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and we are certain that the Saudis are supplying their Sunni friends in Iraq with bombs and other equipment of death) and that they are preparing to launch some kind of a deadly attack on Israel. Army specialists have considered BW/CW and explosive scenarios but have tended to rule out the former because of the probability that fellow-Arabs would die in large numbers.
Rockets have been ruled out because it would be possible to track them, if not intercept them, and the Israelis would retaliate with aerial attacks at the very least or, more likely, get the U.S. to attack for them. When I asked if this was commonly known, my source replied that it was absolutely not.
Apparently, the senior leadership of our military loathes Bush and believes that Israel has too great an influence on him. They have said, and will say, nothing about their surveillance efforts because, to be frank, the Army brass hopes it will succeed and we will be finally rid of what my source said was ‘the Spanish Fly in Mid-Eastern politics.’ A neutralized Israel would relieve the United States military of fighting their regional wars for them and peace, they believe, would descend on the volatile region.
I asked him when they felt such a serious attack would happen and he said they did not know to a certainty but the increase in phone traffic and the growing urgency of the coded messages lent strong belief to imminent action on the part of the plotters.
I am not at all surprised by either the fury of the Muslims or the attitudes of the senior military people but there is a certain inevitability about the whole matter. Ten years ago, I would have thought this was fantasy and nonsense but not now.
I did ask if the sigint people or the higher brass felt that an attack would be directed against us (After all, my family lives in this area) but it seems that this does not appear to be any part of the projected and on-going action.
It seems that the Army, the Navy, the CIA, the DHS and the FBI all are engaged in various counter-intelligence activities. None of them share information with each other and none of them ever forward information to Bush that he might object to reading because it might contradict his fantasies.
The Army discovered, quite by accident it seems, an international cell-phone circuit that has proven to be most interesting. The speakers, all Arabic, are apparently Saudis from their speech patterns. They are located in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Italy, Germany and Spain. From a constant 24/7 surveillance of their activities, my contact told me that the military intelligence people here are positive that some kind of a very major attack on Israel is now in progress.
They are certain that rockets or standard military units are not in the picture. It appears that a radical and very well funded Islamic group, probably based in Saudi Arabia (don’t forget, most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and we are certain that the Saudis are supplying their Sunni friends in Iraq with bombs and other equipment of death) and that they are preparing to launch some kind of a deadly attack on Israel. Army specialists have considered BW/CW and explosive scenarios but have tended to rule out the former because of the probability that fellow-Arabs would die in large numbers.
Rockets have been ruled out because it would be possible to track them, if not intercept them, and the Israelis would retaliate with aerial attacks at the very least or, more likely, get the U.S. to attack for them. When I asked if this was commonly known, my source replied that it was absolutely not.
Apparently, the senior leadership of our military loathes Bush and believes that Israel has too great an influence on him. They have said, and will say, nothing about their surveillance efforts because, to be frank, the Army brass hopes it will succeed and we will be finally rid of what my source said was ‘the Spanish Fly in Mid-Eastern politics.’ A neutralized Israel would relieve the United States military of fighting their regional wars for them and peace, they believe, would descend on the volatile region.
I asked him when they felt such a serious attack would happen and he said they did not know to a certainty but the increase in phone traffic and the growing urgency of the coded messages lent strong belief to imminent action on the part of the plotters.
I am not at all surprised by either the fury of the Muslims or the attitudes of the senior military people but there is a certain inevitability about the whole matter. Ten years ago, I would have thought this was fantasy and nonsense but not now.
I did ask if the sigint people or the higher brass felt that an attack would be directed against us (After all, my family lives in this area) but it seems that this does not appear to be any part of the projected and on-going action.
maandag 10 september 2007
September 10, 2007
Please pardon me for laughing at a funeral, friends, but the latest childish propaganda efforts on the part of the bankrupt Bush people is hysterical.
First, we have the regular faked ‘bin Laden tape’ right on schedule for Bush to point at and warn us that evil terrorists are about to attack Wetumka, Georgia and that we had better all support his loony policies or we’ll all be dead.
It is very well and clearly known here in the White House, and in the Pentagon, and in Langley and up at Ft. George Meade, that Osama bin Laden is as dead as Marley’s ghost, having expired in a Pakistani military hospital in 2002 of kidney failure.
These grotesque and very convenient tapes are being produced by the CIA in Texas and have been since 2003. I guess the duct tape and the color-coded ‘terror alerts’ have worn too thin so now we have a return to the tapes and the cries of imminent doom from our prevaricating, brainless president. Even the obedient press is treating this latest propaganda ploy with some quiet disdain.
And the second, and also fully expected, propaganda game will be General Petraeus’ White House-scripted lecture to Congress. He will solemnly tell us what Bush has ordered him to say: That the famous Surge is really working and that America must support her really effective military in finally beating the evil Muslims. Which, of course, we are now doing, under the inspired leadership of President Bush and General Petraeus. In fact, Petreaus is another Bush lap dog, just like the unlamented British PM Blair.
Note that no senior military officer would dare to contradict Bush’s wishes unless he wanted to be sacked on the spot. This would be entertaining theater if so many young Americans were not being killed or savagely wounded. Of course Americans don’t care if we roast the entire civilian population of Baghdad in the process of helping Bush to create a false legacy of sternness and resolve.
This, children, is a terrible reprise of the Vietnam disaster down to babbling politicians and lying general officers who dithered around, doing nothing while tens of thousands of young Americans were killed or crippled.
All that remains is for the Arab resistance movement to have their own Tet offensive to put the cap on the rerun. If a large transport plane full of troops was shot down (as they tried to shoot down a plane full of Congressmen recently…all in all, a wonderful idea) with 200-300 dead, then the public would wake up and begin to bite the hands that they feed.
A Greek writer once said, and this is presently a very pregnant phrase, that boys kill frogs for sport but the frogs die in earnest. Young Americans are dying every day while Bush pours over plans for his presidential library and decided on the color of the drapery.
Impeach him and fire his worthless, lackey generals.
First, we have the regular faked ‘bin Laden tape’ right on schedule for Bush to point at and warn us that evil terrorists are about to attack Wetumka, Georgia and that we had better all support his loony policies or we’ll all be dead.
It is very well and clearly known here in the White House, and in the Pentagon, and in Langley and up at Ft. George Meade, that Osama bin Laden is as dead as Marley’s ghost, having expired in a Pakistani military hospital in 2002 of kidney failure.
These grotesque and very convenient tapes are being produced by the CIA in Texas and have been since 2003. I guess the duct tape and the color-coded ‘terror alerts’ have worn too thin so now we have a return to the tapes and the cries of imminent doom from our prevaricating, brainless president. Even the obedient press is treating this latest propaganda ploy with some quiet disdain.
And the second, and also fully expected, propaganda game will be General Petraeus’ White House-scripted lecture to Congress. He will solemnly tell us what Bush has ordered him to say: That the famous Surge is really working and that America must support her really effective military in finally beating the evil Muslims. Which, of course, we are now doing, under the inspired leadership of President Bush and General Petraeus. In fact, Petreaus is another Bush lap dog, just like the unlamented British PM Blair.
Note that no senior military officer would dare to contradict Bush’s wishes unless he wanted to be sacked on the spot. This would be entertaining theater if so many young Americans were not being killed or savagely wounded. Of course Americans don’t care if we roast the entire civilian population of Baghdad in the process of helping Bush to create a false legacy of sternness and resolve.
This, children, is a terrible reprise of the Vietnam disaster down to babbling politicians and lying general officers who dithered around, doing nothing while tens of thousands of young Americans were killed or crippled.
All that remains is for the Arab resistance movement to have their own Tet offensive to put the cap on the rerun. If a large transport plane full of troops was shot down (as they tried to shoot down a plane full of Congressmen recently…all in all, a wonderful idea) with 200-300 dead, then the public would wake up and begin to bite the hands that they feed.
A Greek writer once said, and this is presently a very pregnant phrase, that boys kill frogs for sport but the frogs die in earnest. Young Americans are dying every day while Bush pours over plans for his presidential library and decided on the color of the drapery.
Impeach him and fire his worthless, lackey generals.
donderdag 6 september 2007
September 6, 2007
Now, we have the unedifying spectacle of Senator Craig squealing that he wants to change his plea of guilty stemming from his public lavatory gropings. The high brass here is livid with rage with him but the general opinion is that Craig is a petty-minded man, vicious and very, very stubborn. The Party wants him out, now, and he won’t go. On the other hand, if he somehow gets the charge dropped, the Minneapolis people will charge him with the original, and more serious and graphic offense. Craig is a self-hating gay and everyone on the Hill is aware that this is not the first time he had sought gratification in public toilets but if this pathetic drama continues, it will do even more damage to the GOP that Bush is responsible for. They can do nothing about Bush who will never withdraw any units from Iraq until he leaves office….unless he is forced to, but they can go after Craig and take out their frustrations on him. Maybe he and Haggard can get together and open some kind of a business that we ought not to even think about. There are a large number of Craig’s types here and I understand a list has been put together from the records of a credit card male prostitution ring. My, my, if these names are accurate, the Craig business will pale into insignificance. I look for all this to come out very soon and in great detail (no photographs, however).
September 6, 2007
Now, we have the unedifying spectacle of Senator Craig squealing that he wants to change his plea of guilty stemming from his public lavatory gropings. The high brass here is livid with rage with him but the general opinion is that Craig is a petty-minded man, vicious and very, very stubborn. The Party wants him out, now, and he won’t go. On the other hand, if he somehow gets the charge dropped, the Minneapolis people will charge him with the original, and more serious and graphic offense. Craig is a self-hating gay and everyone on the Hill is aware that this is not the first time he had sought gratification in public toilets but if this pathetic drama continues, it will do even more damage to the GOP that Bush is responsible for. They can do nothing about Bush who will never withdraw any units from Iraq until he leaves office….unless he is forced to, but they can go after Craig and take out their frustrations on him. Maybe he and Haggard can get together and open some kind of a business that we ought not to even think about. There are a large number of Craig’s types here and I understand a list has been put together from the records of a credit card male prostitution ring. My, my, if these names are accurate, the Craig business will pale into insignificance. I look for all this to come out very soon and in great detail (no photographs, however).
zaterdag 1 september 2007
September 1, 2007
With a transparency that is awe-inspiring, the Administration is cranking out the scare stories about invading Iran. Paid bloggers and a very obedient press are flooding us with ‘confidential’ and endless ‘inside leaks’ that yes, children, we are going to invade Iran any day now. Stories about massing helicopters, serious secret ship movements, new shipments arriving every hour in Baghdad of bunker bombs and so on pour forth from the word processors in the Pentagon The problem is, these pathetic liars have been shrieking ‘wolf’ for so long that at this point, while the ‘red alert’ days and the ‘duct tape’ warnings have faded away into humorous myths, now they rattle a broken saber in a tin scabbard.
Israel sternly mentions her non-existent horde of atomic weapons, the U.S. Navy is sending eleventy thousand aircraft carriers to the Gulf , Cheney is tittering in his office, Bush is crying all the time in the Private Quarters because all the original worshippers of Bush, the new Son of God have gone away, never to return.
Tony Snow is leaving and we understand Barney the Dog is looking for a new home outside the Beltway.
If they weren’t so dangerous, these people would be pathetic. The Brits are leaving southern Iraq but very little in the captive press about this slap in the face and in the north, we caved in to Turkey and let their troops come into that area, without any publicity, to track down, and as the Turks like to do, butcher the local Kurdish population. And most important for Americans to note: The vaunted Bush ‘surge’ is a total failure in spite of media attempts to portray it otherwise. It is not a surprise that the print papers are rapidly crashing as tens of thousands of subscribers, tired of the canned pap, are turning to the internet for accurate news.
I understand the next phony Pentagon leak will concern a ‘deadly new bomb’ that we are giving to our Only Friend, Israel.
From intercepted foreign intelligence reports, the Bush people are viewed as dangerous lunatics who would be better off on an island in Antarctica or an asylum, eating cold beans off a tin plate while someone with a monocle watches them through a hole in the door.
I don’t know what is worse, a sniveling, hesitant and leaderless Congress or a lunatic, worthless President being led around with a ring in his hooked nose by a poison dwarf of a Cheney.
And when our National Kindergarten packs its tattered rucksacks and crawls off into the dawn, the Pentagon myth makers can always get jobs writing puff pieces for all the CEOs and hedge fund leaders who have fled to Israel or Brazil taking hundreds of millions of stolen money with them.
And that scenario is about to be reenacted any day now as all the ‘leverage buyouts, ‘ and ‘private equity’ people join the fleeing ‘sub-prime mortgage’ thieves who are now sunning themselves on the beaches in Aruba, lighting Cuban cigars with hundred dollar bills. Will Congress go after them? Of course not. If they did, they would have to surrender the mattress covers full of such bills they have hidden in their freezers at home.
Israel sternly mentions her non-existent horde of atomic weapons, the U.S. Navy is sending eleventy thousand aircraft carriers to the Gulf , Cheney is tittering in his office, Bush is crying all the time in the Private Quarters because all the original worshippers of Bush, the new Son of God have gone away, never to return.
Tony Snow is leaving and we understand Barney the Dog is looking for a new home outside the Beltway.
If they weren’t so dangerous, these people would be pathetic. The Brits are leaving southern Iraq but very little in the captive press about this slap in the face and in the north, we caved in to Turkey and let their troops come into that area, without any publicity, to track down, and as the Turks like to do, butcher the local Kurdish population. And most important for Americans to note: The vaunted Bush ‘surge’ is a total failure in spite of media attempts to portray it otherwise. It is not a surprise that the print papers are rapidly crashing as tens of thousands of subscribers, tired of the canned pap, are turning to the internet for accurate news.
I understand the next phony Pentagon leak will concern a ‘deadly new bomb’ that we are giving to our Only Friend, Israel.
From intercepted foreign intelligence reports, the Bush people are viewed as dangerous lunatics who would be better off on an island in Antarctica or an asylum, eating cold beans off a tin plate while someone with a monocle watches them through a hole in the door.
I don’t know what is worse, a sniveling, hesitant and leaderless Congress or a lunatic, worthless President being led around with a ring in his hooked nose by a poison dwarf of a Cheney.
And when our National Kindergarten packs its tattered rucksacks and crawls off into the dawn, the Pentagon myth makers can always get jobs writing puff pieces for all the CEOs and hedge fund leaders who have fled to Israel or Brazil taking hundreds of millions of stolen money with them.
And that scenario is about to be reenacted any day now as all the ‘leverage buyouts, ‘ and ‘private equity’ people join the fleeing ‘sub-prime mortgage’ thieves who are now sunning themselves on the beaches in Aruba, lighting Cuban cigars with hundred dollar bills. Will Congress go after them? Of course not. If they did, they would have to surrender the mattress covers full of such bills they have hidden in their freezers at home.
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