donderdag 28 juni 2007

June 28, 2007

It is painfully obvious to us here that the famous “Bush Victory Surge” is not working. Actually, neither is Bush. His defeat on the badly botched immigration bill is just another nail in his coffin and the subpoenas issued against him and Cheney are guaranteed to create a head-on collision with a newly-energized Congress. Bush’s own party loyalists are deserting him like a flood of rats leaping off a sinking ship. However, that having been said, the case of the Vice President is a study in rampant lunacy.

Because Cheney and Bush have huge amounts of criminal behavior to hide, they have gone into a bunker mode and refuse to allow anyone not a member of their inner circle to poke around in dangerous documents. Cheney claims that he is not in the executive branch but might be in the legislative branch; Bush is confused with this babbling madness but is smart enough to stonewall, just like Nixon did…and predictable with the same results. A Departure from the White House to Be With His Family.

Bush is a weak, stubborn and nasty man but Cheney is something else. Not to put too fine a point on it, Cheney is a nut. He is a rabid ideologue, filled with hubris, delusional in the extreme and the de facto President. Bush is psychologically terrified of Cheney, who uses this weakness to dictate his antiquated desires. I know members of his staff and Cheney is a truly terrifying person. He does not yell at people like Bush or use foul language but he hunches over, glaring fiercely over the top of his glasses at anyone who dares to contradict him. Bush is not overly bright but Cheney is very intelligent and having been in the wings for years, now that he is center stage, he has no intention of leaving. In spite of the rampant hostility Cheney has engendered, he doesn’t care a whit and goes on his manic way with all the assurance of a sleepwalker.

The White House is in a major crisis mode, caused entirely by the mental attitudes of both Bush and Cheney. They do not care what the American public, Congress or the courts have to say. They really believe that they are the God-appointed rulers of the United States and violate law and custom at will.

It would be an excellent idea for all concerned to impeach both of them as soon as possible.

maandag 25 juni 2007

June 25, 2007

Every day, the White House receives large amounts of mail from the public. After the growing death threats are winnowed out, the rest are sent around to various persons for evaluation and possible action. One of the most persistent themes of much of this mail is the public fixation with the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I have not only read thousands of such letters and even checked on the many “factual references” very often supplied for our information. They are mostly the product of overwrought imaginations, coupled with a desire to be an important person. The real "plot" behind 911 was as Brian Harring recently set forth here: What did the senior levels of the Bush administration know and when did they know it? Stories about masked men with explosives, thermite bombs, Russian drones, plasmoid clouds, French missiles, lakes of liquid steel in the basements of the WTC, mystery jets shooting down the plane in Pennsylvania and all the rest of the silly legends are either the product of people craving attention or, even more entertaining, are the result of paid government informants or employees who deliberately spread such manure so as to confuse a public which is certainly not very intelligent and who, collectively, have very short memories. PM magazine did a wonderful analysis of all these bedtime stories but, of course, the True Believers think Judge Chertoff's "nephew" wrote it! The government is playing the same game with the serious allegations about the deliberate underreporting of U.S. military dead. We see a number of allegedly "authoritative" websites, quoting government figures to prove the government must be right. Of course they are right. If you don't believe this, why just ask them! Arabs, some of whom were trained, unknowingly of course, by the Mossad which operates openly and freely in this country, took over the planes and crashed them into the WTC and the Pentagon. One crashed while passengers were fighting with the bandits. There were no plasmoid clouds, Russian missiles, trained bombers, thermite bombs, dozens of "gyuaranteed original pictures" of unknown aircraft in the sky (probably taken years after the fact), no death rays, no sinister plots by the Bilderburgers, Bush's grandmother, the CFR, the Hidden Hand, the Russian mafia, the CIA (who are far too stupid to carry through on such a plot) and no one but Arab terrorists bent on destruction and a desire to frolic with virgins in the Muslim paradise. I hope they get AIDS and between us, there are no virgins left anymore and haven't been since round doorknobs were invented.

vrijdag 22 juni 2007

June 22, 2007

Official Washington is leaking like a rotten garden hose. Hackers have broken into almost all the very secret email systems to include DISA and the CIA allegedly “totally secure” systems. We know someone broke into the DoD systems and downloaded all kinds of highly embarrassing data, such as the real casualty lists, the ruination of most equipment and its non-replacement, military desertions and suicides and so on. Of course the Bush people deliberately deleted all of their sinister emails at the order of Rove, some time ago, but some hacker, or hackers, broke into the RNC and other systems and downloaded tens of thousands of highly compromising emails. Will these ever surface? Will anyone care? There is a growing grassroots movement to oust Bush and Cheney from the White House but George is too busy listening to God talking to him to pay much attention. Cheney thinks he is God and no one dares to tell him different. Thank God for turkey basters for without them, he wouldn’t be a grandpa!

maandag 18 juni 2007

June 18, 2007

In the last four years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the unreported death toll of American military personnel is in excess of 20,000 (20, 871) and the wounded who had to be evacuated from the combat areas for out-of-theater hospitals are in excess of 56,000. This is from a highly classified report sent by the Pentagon to the White House and is of a severely restricted circulation.

This is entirely logical based on the number of troops engaged in both theaters and the duration and increasing deadliness of the bombings, snipings and clandestine mortar and rocket attacks. There is growing public disbelief in the 3,000 plus figures given out by the Pentagon and their paid bloggers but the press steadfastly refuses to even question this issue or even dare to hint at the truth.

Eventually, it will break and when it does, Bush will join Blair in Tanzania and raise elephants.
Families of the dead are always notified but the public is only shows the ca 3 per day when the actual total runs between 9 and 20. This is probably the best-kept secret of the war and God help any reporter in the national media who prints any of this or any member of the DoD who even hints at knowing about it.

They have hidden the huge number of deserters (mostly in Ireland and some in Germany) which is over 7,000. The obedient press here acknowledges these desertions, minimizes them and claims that most of those who ran off, ‘eventually come back’. I have news for idiots who report garbage like this; they do not come back.

On the other hand, the dead can never come back and the wounded are shoved aside, not discussed and will be left to rot, literally, in substandard military hospitals or nursing homes.

This will all come out but the Bush people are frantic to keep it locked in the woodshed until they have all left office and gotten lush jobs in the private sectors. Think tanks and major corporations are usually the final resting places for these vultures, when a deep hole in the ground would be far more fitting. Let’s give the maggots something to chew on. Even a hungry hyena would draw the line munching on such carrion.

donderdag 14 juni 2007

June 14, 2007

What will the epitaph of the United States be? Missed chances is a good choice. When Soviet Russia imploded, we had the chance to befriend our former enemies and help them develop their vast natural resources. Instead, we pushed a drunken Yeltsin, who was one of the CIAs trained monkeys, into office with the idea that he would let American and British oil people get control of Russian oil and gas, loot it and give the Russians nothing. It didn’t work, due largely to the clever Putin who is certainly not our man. China is a fast growing economic entity and we could also have formed working partnerships with them and on a business level, we did but on a political level, we have sniped at them for decades. In its foreign politics, the United States is woefully inadequate and the Bush attack on Iraq has proven what everyone acquainted with that country knew would be a disaster. Far too little and far too late. We got rid of Saddam, who at the least was keeping things in order, and now we have terrible sectarian violence that will set the entire country on fire and burn up our young soldiers in the process. The Neocons have pushed for more and more support of Israel, to our detriment, and so destabilized a potentially dangerous region, that our grand-chldrern will curse anything with the name of Bush. The Saudis are running out of oil but Russia is not so instead of trying to make nice with Putin, the crazy Cheney (who runs the show) puts missiles on Russia’s borders and further worsens the situation. We support the Iraqi Kurds because they control oil in northern Iraq but this enrages the Turks who threaten to invade the area because the Kurds are crossing their mutual border and murdering Turks. Bush can do nothing about this other than to order our media to shut up about it. Our dear friend, the head of Pakistan, a brutal military dictator, is about to be overthrown and, probably, replaced with another fanatic Muslim religious government who will certainly not be friendly to the United States. It should be pointed out that Pakistan has atomic bombs, probably far, far more than the mythic stockpiles of Israel and one of these days, some city in the west, be it New York, Washington or Chicago will experience the Moment of Light. Trying to establish friend relations with potential enemies is not the way the Neocons, or the Bush people, operate. These vicious people are drawing a bill on America’s future, one that is certain to be presented and paid.

maandag 11 juni 2007

June 11, 2007

I don’t know who is suffering the worst; Bush or Rove. Rove connived to put Bush in the White House with the rigged votes in Florida and an equally rigged Supreme Court and plotted to keep him there, and the Republicans in power forever, by relying on a powerful coalition of Zionists and Jesus Freaks.

It was Rove’s plan to increase Bush’s powers as president so he could do or order what he wanted. Karl was in for the long haul, believe me, and in the beginning it was just like the Reichs Chancellery when Hitler came to power in 1933. Get power and get even was their motto.

The rabid Likudists ,as personified by the Neo Cons, had Bush stuff his staff and all important posts with their co-religionists. Libby (or Liebowitz before they changed it at Ellis Island), Wolfowitz, Bolton, Pearle, Abrams and many other too numerous to name, were put into secure positions of power while Bush slavishly catered to Israel and the evangelical nuts like Dobson, Robertson and Falwell. Oh yes, and we mustn’t forget the Other Blessed Christian Leader who was giving blowjobs to male whores. Now what was his name? We forget so soon once they lose power, don’t we? Could it be Ted Haggard?

And another wonderful additive to the upper control groups were gays. Bush loves gays, probably in his bathroom, and in spite of ranting about duct tape and gay marriage, Bush managed to get fudgepacked by Gannon on at least fourteen occasions. The head of the GOP, another faggot, took off after the mid-terms and is probably teaching courses at Harvard or running a think tank about now.

But in spite of Rove’s plans, backed up with his wholesale blackmail of anyone who ever got in his way, they have lost.

Bush’s pet immigration bill was dumped, Putin has made a public fool out of him, and if Bush ever stops walking fast, Gonzales will be picking shit out of his nose for a week. Bush likes to surround himself with insignificant toadies like Congoleeza Rice who gives sycophancy a very bad name.

Yes, they have lost. Bush’s actual poll results are just at 20% (and inching downwards daily ) according to the private White House polls and Cheney is down to 9%! Even long-time staff members are quitting and about 30% of the staffers who were here in 2004 have long gone.

Kristol, posterboy for Likudists, once a great Bush supporter, now hates him because Divine Israel wants George to take out Iran and he can’t. Why can’t he? Because he has been told that if he does that, there will be mutiny in the military (and probably Congress) and it is not inconceivable that Bush’s head would be carried up and down Pennsylvania on a pike while thousands cheered. Karl Rove was mobbed by students at American U. and attacked in his car but aside from a ten second clip on MSNBC, the press did not dare to discuss this. Rove has plenty on paper publishers, too.

The White House today is like a cross between the Titanic at 2AM just before the final plunge and a nut house at a full moon .

I keep notes for a wonderful, uplifting book I am going to write.

Will Liebowitz get his Presidential Pardon? Good question.

vrijdag 8 juni 2007

June 8, 2007

I have two subjects of general interest to discuss today. The first concerns the flap over the Turkish threats to invade northern Iraq in the wake of Kurdish terrorists cross-border murderous activities inside Turkey and the second deals with a very serious problem with rising sea levels and genuine economic chaos for our east and gulf coasts. First, let’s look at what could very well become a major political disaster. To reduce the problem to basics, the Kurds occupy territory in northern Iraq. There is considerable oil in northern Iraq. The Kurds hate the Shiites and Sunnis who occupy the lower part of Iraq and Saddam attacked them, gassing large numbers of civilians using Sarin gas obtained from the U.S. CIA. After the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Bush administration approached Israel to see if they would be interested in a deal whereby Israel would oversee the Kurdish oil fields and investigate the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries in Haifa. The request was formalized in a secret telegram from the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld to the Israeli Forgien Ministry and a copy of which is in a file in my safe.

Sharon, then the Isreali Prime Minister felt that this projected pipeline to the Israeli port of Haifa was something the United States could strongly support in return for “unlimited support” by Israel for the American conquest of Iraq.

This projected pipeline would be designed to obtain oil from the Kirkuk area, representing 40 percent of all Iraqi oil production. The pipeline would got via Mosul, across Jordanian territory to Israel. The Rumsfeld secret cable did include a request for a cost estimate for repairing the present Mosul-Haifa pipeline that was in use prior to 1948. During the so-called War of Independence, the Iraqis stopped the flow of oil to Haifa and the pipeline fell into disrepair over the years.

The Isreali National Infrastructure Ministry conducted research indicating that construction of a 42-inch diameter pipeline between Kirkuk and Haifa would cost about $400,000 per kilometer. The old Mosul-Haifa pipeline was only 8 inches in diameter.

Iraqi oil initially had been transported via Turkey to a small Mediterranean port near the Syrian border. The transit fee collected by Turkey is an important source of revenue for the country. This line has been damaged by sabotage in the past, sabotage committed by Kurdish separatists.

This pipeline was not viewed well by the Turkish government and they informed Israel that they would view their interference in the oil situation as “a serious blow to Turkish-Isreali relations.

According to intercepted diplomatic messages from Israel to their Embassy in Washngton , Israel believed American statements about the pipeline was a means of pressuring Turkey to be “more cooperative” with American military forces and to forgo relaliation against Kurdish rebels. the American hints about the alternative pipeline were seen as part of an attempt to apply pressure on Turkey.

Emboldened by what the Kurdish saw as ‘unconditional” American assistance, their rebel groups, based inside northern Iraq, began to increase their incursions onto Turkish territory. This, of course, enraged the Turks, who promptly informed Washington that the United States must cease and desist supporting groups that were killing Turks. This put the Bush people in a quandry. The area was full of Israelis working on developing the oil fields and a Turkish incursion could endanger their lives and added to this, if the U.S. tried to rein in the Kurds, they could well counter by cutting off the oil.

When the Turks learned that the U.S. was planning to hand over the security of northern Iraq to the Kurds, Turkey went ballistic, moving two well-armed divisions and significant heavy artillery units to their joint border. The Turkish Foreign Ministry informed the Bush people that if the United States did not take steps to physically halt the Kurdish attacks, they, the Turks, would strike militarily into the area and destroy the capability of Kurdish separatists to launch any more attacks.

The United States is seen as being increasingly weak militarily in that area due to the carnage in Baghdad and the Turks are not happy with this country for a number of reasons.

The interesting aspect of this, again taken from Israeli diplomatic communications, is that Israel has been spying on the Kurds, has located rebel bases, safe houses, weapons dumps, key rebel personnel and so on and has made a deal with their friends, the Turks, to turn all of this over to them to assist in what is now seen as an almost certain Turkish military action. The quid pro quo? In return for their ‘assistance’ to the Turkish government, a deal has been tenatively agreed about the oil, a deal that leaves the United States out in the cold and the Kurds very dead.

It it interesting to note that a major highway from Bagadad, 250 km south from Kirkuk, was just recently destroyed, precluding any land reenforcements by the U.S. to the Kurds and, even more important, to prevent the escape of Kurds to the south.

The last report was that Israeli specialists blew the bridge to facilitate their assistance to the Turks.

The second subject of interest is the rapidly increasing melting of the Greenland icecap, a process that has speeded up way beyond any computer projection. Most scientists, outside of official U.S. ones, agree that the entire huge ice cap will melt (at the present accelerating rate) within five years, not five hundred. If this happens, and all the serious projections indicate that it will, there will be a disastrous rise in sea levels, a neutralizing of the Gulf Stream and massive and permanent flooding of most of the American east and gulf coasts and a massive destruction to the commercial infastructure that will have devastating financial consequences. For this reason, the matter is not to be discussed by any governmental agency and public discussion in any of the major media outlets has been kept very quiet. The Bush people pray it will not happen before they are out of office.

If you own property on the coast, at or slightly above the current sea level, my advise to you is to sell now while you can. When this becomes ohvious, you will be sol about selling anything and your neighbors will be moving to Chicago.

zaterdag 2 juni 2007

June 2, 2007

It is one thing to bluff the Iranians and spin our wheels issuing regular idle threats about sanctions, invasion, bombings and so on but quite another to mess with Putin or the Turks. Cheney, who runs Bush like a hand-puppet, loathes Vladimir Putin with a real passion. Why?

Firstly, Cheney is mired in the long-dead Cold War and is incapable of realizing that Russia is no longer a Communist empire.

He is also enraged that Putin stopped the oligarchs from privatizing the Russian oil and gas resources and turning control of them over to American and British interests. Cheney is an oil man (former president of Halliburton) and Putin’s forced return of these immense resources to Russian governmental control may have been of immense value to the Russian economy, it devastated western oil people.

Cheney has supported the rebels in Chechen, gotten the CIA to foment a revolt in the Ukraine and now has pushed Bush into deliberately threatening Russia with American missiles on her western borders.

Liberal elements in Russia may view Putin as a potential dictator but he has in fact done more good for Russia than any head of state there since Peter the Great. The income from their oil and gas has greatly improved the economy in Russia and it is really ironic to note that after Communism imploded, the United States has an unparalleled opportunity to establish meaningful business ties with Russia…and blew it because greedy oil people wanted to control the Russian oil and gas fields and to hell with the locals.

Now, there is much talk about a new cold war, to Cheney’s delight. He and his puppet are a danger to world peace and should be retired to raise penguins in Antarctica.

Oil again is causing a very serious problem with Turkey. The rebellious and vicious Kurds have been stirring up trouble in that country for years. Now, the U.S. wants to get their hands on oil fields located in Kurdish territory in northern Iraq. They have supported the Kurds there against the Sunni and Shiite groups and the stupid Kurds have taken this as a sign of U.S. unlimited support.

Now they are launching guerrilla raids over the border into Turkey, killing military personnel as they go. Not unnaturally, the Turks are furious. They very strongly warned us to curb the Kurds or they would send troops into that area and wreak havoc with the locals. By last official count, the Turkish army has moved two full division to the border with Kurdish Iraq and are waiting for the signal from Ankara to attack.

Anyone who was in Korea will remember the Turkish contingent there. They are ferocious and very capable fighters as the British and Australians found out at Gallipoli in the First World War and the Chinese were terrified of them in Korea.

Persons unknown, but suspected, just blew up the main highway from Baghdad to northern Iraq but in any case, we can’t send a single soldier on it to support the Kurds and if we did, the Turks would probably kill them as well.

In 1955, the stupid CIA (Frank G. Wisner) promised the Hungarians that if they revolted against Russian control, the U.S. would send troops. They did and we didn’t.


Are we going to mix it up with Turkey? No, we are not. The utter stupidity of the Gold Dust Twins in the Middle East is simply not to believe. We will be fortunate if Bush and Cheney don’t start a major war by their chronic and moronic meddling in matters they do not, and never will, understand.