Once in awhile, I come across the odd report that is really far more important than it looks.
It is obvious that the government, all of its departments, abhor and fear the internet. They can control, easily, the print media and television but they cannot control the internet. True, there is much nuttiness on the internet but there is also something rarely found in either the print or television media: The truth.
I have an article I got which I am attaching to this for your information, that concerns this subject. Many do not know, but we do, that Internet II is a creature of government CI entirely and that many telecommunications companies cheerfully supply the government, voluntarily, information on their customers and that the so-called “information sites” immediately report, automatically, queries from the public that some government agency has determined might be of interest to them.
Now, according to a fairly brief, and very highly classified report, my lunch companion dug out for me, there is a sort of revenge in store for the snoopers….and many, many innocent people. A group of young (15-22) computer experts located in Philadelphia, Pa and Menlo Park, Ca, decided to see if they could devise a super deadly virus. They did but only after totally destroying one computer’s ability to function. They came up with a virus which can be planted, or passed, to any other computer or computer system (like the FBI or a bank). This virus, the report said, is disguised to look like something completely legitimate and harmless and is not detected by even the most sophisticated anti-virus program, even the super advanced ones used by the DoD, the NSA and the CIA (and some banks and financial records entities).
There it sits, waiting to be activated.
This is accomplished by what has been nicknamed the J-Feder 504 program. A pre-determined code that would be mathematically impossible to accidentally replicate, triggers this and after a specific period of time from activation, the virus ‘comes to life’ as it were and totally wipes out the infected computer, or computer system, hard drive. I mean totally obliterates it! Turn on the computer for a day’s work and it is exactly as if someone pulled out the hard drive and destroyed it. Further, once this virus has infected a system, if that system interfaces with any other computer or computer system, the virus is automatically passed on!
This report indicated that the mischief-makers launched this deadly bomb in 2001 and that to date, it has not been detected or activated. Our government technicians are well aware of this menace (at least those who prepared the report are) but cannot find the virus, the trigger system or the combination of letters/numbers/words that would activate it. If they tried too hard, they might have unexpected and disastrous results. How do the snoops know about this? Someone bragged and this got out into the rarefied world of computer code people and from there to the snoops.
The obvious question is whether the government investigators have identified the culprits and if so, what steps have they taken to punish them and, more important, to find and neutralize the virus. According to the report, one perp was specifically identified (due to gossip on the part of fellow hackers) but has, ‘since left the United States and has not been available for questioning…’ As to the second issue, nothing has been accomplished as of January 1, 2007.
Considering the length of time this virus has been circulating, the number of private, governmental and business systems it might have lodged in (and also contaminating backup files) its activation, in falling domino fashion, would wreak devastation on the world’s computer systems. Having read this Doomsday Report, I made notes and then asked a young relative who is a computer expert, about the technical aspects of this. Could this be only a government scam designed to frighten? To warn? Basically, the DoD is full of people who do both, plant propaganda all over the world, including the American press and so on. There are no checks or balances for this and it blossomed under Rumsfeld and Cambonne. The answer I got was that it was entirely possible and also, that if one did not have “proper coordinates” that such a concealed virus could not be identified. If the government could locate the concealment of the virus or somehow learn the trigger codes, they could prepare an antidote but they have not and the report was of January 1, 2007. What would happen? If someone with the code typed it into any computer, for example at a public library with free computers, and sent it, for example, to Chase Bank or the Social Security people or to a credit bureau, when the message was received, it would activate the trigger.
After a specific period of time (unknown at this writing) the virus would activate…and destroy the hard drive and all the functions of files and commands in the computer. If, during the period while the trigger was activated but before it functioned, any interfacing by the activated computer would immediately activate a trigger if it should be in the system contacted. Even the progenitors of this awful weapon could not say how widely their invention could have spread but in the past six years since its first introduction into cyberspace, it could have infected almost any system both in the United States and the rest of the world.
Considering the degree and extent of our present societies total reliance on the computer for business and information exchange, this so-called “domino collapse” could do really incredible and long-lasting damage to the economy, the social structure, to the military, the banking industry, travel systems, power grids, newspaper production, the entire credit information systems, flight control, defensive radar systems and even Aunt Sophie’s own little home computer. Backup files would probably be corrupted and my information is that to rebuild the system could take years, if not decades.
When I send out confidential material, I use a laptop that has and I send the discs out to someone who reads them on their laptop that could not be infected because, like mine, it has never interacted with someone else or the internet. These systems are safe but they are about all. Even the secret systems of the NSA and other spy agencies, to include transmission satellite systems, are not safe…in theory at least. Should someone with knowledge of the trigger ever decide to take out their anger against society and start this, we would quickly find out if the universality of the theory will actually become practice.
It is obvious that the government, all of its departments, abhor and fear the internet. They can control, easily, the print media and television but they cannot control the internet. True, there is much nuttiness on the internet but there is also something rarely found in either the print or television media: The truth.
I have an article I got which I am attaching to this for your information, that concerns this subject. Many do not know, but we do, that Internet II is a creature of government CI entirely and that many telecommunications companies cheerfully supply the government, voluntarily, information on their customers and that the so-called “information sites” immediately report, automatically, queries from the public that some government agency has determined might be of interest to them.
Now, according to a fairly brief, and very highly classified report, my lunch companion dug out for me, there is a sort of revenge in store for the snoopers….and many, many innocent people. A group of young (15-22) computer experts located in Philadelphia, Pa and Menlo Park, Ca, decided to see if they could devise a super deadly virus. They did but only after totally destroying one computer’s ability to function. They came up with a virus which can be planted, or passed, to any other computer or computer system (like the FBI or a bank). This virus, the report said, is disguised to look like something completely legitimate and harmless and is not detected by even the most sophisticated anti-virus program, even the super advanced ones used by the DoD, the NSA and the CIA (and some banks and financial records entities).
There it sits, waiting to be activated.
This is accomplished by what has been nicknamed the J-Feder 504 program. A pre-determined code that would be mathematically impossible to accidentally replicate, triggers this and after a specific period of time from activation, the virus ‘comes to life’ as it were and totally wipes out the infected computer, or computer system, hard drive. I mean totally obliterates it! Turn on the computer for a day’s work and it is exactly as if someone pulled out the hard drive and destroyed it. Further, once this virus has infected a system, if that system interfaces with any other computer or computer system, the virus is automatically passed on!
This report indicated that the mischief-makers launched this deadly bomb in 2001 and that to date, it has not been detected or activated. Our government technicians are well aware of this menace (at least those who prepared the report are) but cannot find the virus, the trigger system or the combination of letters/numbers/words that would activate it. If they tried too hard, they might have unexpected and disastrous results. How do the snoops know about this? Someone bragged and this got out into the rarefied world of computer code people and from there to the snoops.
The obvious question is whether the government investigators have identified the culprits and if so, what steps have they taken to punish them and, more important, to find and neutralize the virus. According to the report, one perp was specifically identified (due to gossip on the part of fellow hackers) but has, ‘since left the United States and has not been available for questioning…’ As to the second issue, nothing has been accomplished as of January 1, 2007.
Considering the length of time this virus has been circulating, the number of private, governmental and business systems it might have lodged in (and also contaminating backup files) its activation, in falling domino fashion, would wreak devastation on the world’s computer systems. Having read this Doomsday Report, I made notes and then asked a young relative who is a computer expert, about the technical aspects of this. Could this be only a government scam designed to frighten? To warn? Basically, the DoD is full of people who do both, plant propaganda all over the world, including the American press and so on. There are no checks or balances for this and it blossomed under Rumsfeld and Cambonne. The answer I got was that it was entirely possible and also, that if one did not have “proper coordinates” that such a concealed virus could not be identified. If the government could locate the concealment of the virus or somehow learn the trigger codes, they could prepare an antidote but they have not and the report was of January 1, 2007. What would happen? If someone with the code typed it into any computer, for example at a public library with free computers, and sent it, for example, to Chase Bank or the Social Security people or to a credit bureau, when the message was received, it would activate the trigger.
After a specific period of time (unknown at this writing) the virus would activate…and destroy the hard drive and all the functions of files and commands in the computer. If, during the period while the trigger was activated but before it functioned, any interfacing by the activated computer would immediately activate a trigger if it should be in the system contacted. Even the progenitors of this awful weapon could not say how widely their invention could have spread but in the past six years since its first introduction into cyberspace, it could have infected almost any system both in the United States and the rest of the world.
Considering the degree and extent of our present societies total reliance on the computer for business and information exchange, this so-called “domino collapse” could do really incredible and long-lasting damage to the economy, the social structure, to the military, the banking industry, travel systems, power grids, newspaper production, the entire credit information systems, flight control, defensive radar systems and even Aunt Sophie’s own little home computer. Backup files would probably be corrupted and my information is that to rebuild the system could take years, if not decades.
When I send out confidential material, I use a laptop that has and I send the discs out to someone who reads them on their laptop that could not be infected because, like mine, it has never interacted with someone else or the internet. These systems are safe but they are about all. Even the secret systems of the NSA and other spy agencies, to include transmission satellite systems, are not safe…in theory at least. Should someone with knowledge of the trigger ever decide to take out their anger against society and start this, we would quickly find out if the universality of the theory will actually become practice.