maandag 31 december 2007

December 31, 2007

My, my, children, just think, another ‘Bin Laden tape’ has surfaced! Isn’t that astounding?

It would seem that the Bush people, who have these made up, must have a new policy of repression aimed at the American public. Isn’t it astounding? Every time the proto-fascistic Republicans want something, they try to terrorize the pubic with threats of World War III, a possibility of a nuclear attack from some fictive terrorist group but of all of these, the cherry on the sundae is the famous (and convenient) ‘Bin Laden Tape.’

I hate to jerk the covers off this charming game but Osama Bin Laden has been dead and buried since 2003. He died of kidney failure in a Pakistani hospital, with the full knowledge of General Musharraf and for certain, our government. A dead Bin Laden is of no use to us but a live one is a wonderful threat so the “tapes” just keep coming and always at just the right moment.

And as to who killed Benazir Bhutto, the PDB (President’s Daily Briefing) makes it very, very clear that Musharraf was the motivator. His army might not have supplied the bomb or the gun but he was the prime benefactor of her convenient death. Que bono always.

The General doesn’t give a royal fuck what Bush wants and under the guise of fighting the Taliban, he and his cronies have ripped off the American public for billions of dollars in cash and military aid. Some of the money goes into their Swiss bank accounts and a good deal of it is used to prepare for an attack on India , already long past the planning stage.

I recently read a CIA analysis of the activities of the Pakistani military in the imminent attack on India but no one else in the public gets to see these things. This report, unlike the fake ones Bush needs to back up some disastrous policy, is genuine which means Bush will never see it.

If it doesn’t support his weird and useless concepts of world politics, then it will not be shown to him. He would refuse to read it and immediately sack the writer.

Bush is incapable of having a rational and intelligent conversation with anyone and never has been able to do more than giggle, snicker, crack barbershop jokes and act like the retarded frat rat that he really is.

vrijdag 28 december 2007

December 28, 2007

Yesterday, I was looking through a stack of reports dealing with various subjects, wondering what I needed to deal with. One of the reports was so fascinating in its implications that I have become extremely interested in it.

The facts and the statistics we very clearly know but the causes we do not. Using accurate FBI records, we learn that over 800,000 Americans are reported as missing each year. From this number about 75% are resolved within 24 hours. These solutions consist of children running away or the object of parental kidnapping in custody cases make u the bulk of this enormous figure.

Considering all factors, such as adults opting out of a marriage, men leaving the prospect of a financially crushing divorce and child support payments, people with crushing mortgage or credit card payments, criminals vanishing under other names and so on. 650,000 are accounted for leaving a balance of 150,000 per annum unaccounted for. By its own public records, easily accessed on the Internet, the FBI has over 800,000 cases on its books, past and present. As of December, 2007, the FBI is currently working on 12, 657 active cases of vanished 18 to 20 year olds who completely disappeared in 2006.

None of this information is secret or suppressed but the person, such as myself, who digs into public records is left with the feeling of having discovered a great mystery that has no easy or comfortable answer. Every year, large numbers of Americans go missing. Over half of these can be accountetd for but that leaves a balance of between 200,000 and 150,000 completely unaccounted for, and that’s on a yearly basis! And those who cannot be accounted for never show up again, either under other names or as skeletal remains in some farmer’s distant pastures.

As these numbers of what can only be called the vanished increase year by year, the obvious question is what happened to these people? I have heard perfectly valid stories of people going to the mailbox in broad daylight and vanishing from the driveway without a trace.

Discounting the lunatic fringe and their wild theories, we are left with nothing. What has happened to this huge mass of people whose disappearances are well documented? Did they all flee to some convenient desert island? By now, that island would have the population of Los Angeles and New York City combined.

They must have gone somewhere and didn’t just lie down and die.

Now there I find an interesting concept. We know they left, (or were perhaps taken off,) but that is absolutely all. I have a friend in the FBI and we talked about this. He told me that he had personally investigated about 200 cases and many of the vanished had no reason to run away and their disappearance was very suspicious. Visions of vans full of predators snatching children from the sidewalks and parks is dramatic silliness but the children are still disappearing. My FBI friend told me that most of the unsolved cases were mysterious in the extreme but as he had no facts to work with, he was completely at a loss to explain these mass disappearances in a logical and, more important, believable, manner.

Unlike other subjects of public curiosity such as the collapse of the 9/11 buildings, this matter is very well, and openly, documented. We know the beginnings but never the end. Eventually, one begins to wonder if any of these vanished were deliberately siezed by persons, or most especially entities, unknown.

But that way can lie madness. I personaly feel that this is a subject that is very serious and should be throughly investigaged and the results of such an investaigation made public. There are those who will say that alien abduction is the most probable answer and they may well be correct but again, this does need to be throughly and publically examined.

And unlike other ’ through’ government investigations, we are getting tired of stonewalling and the usual faked reports like the grotesque Warren Report Anyone who thinks this subject is untrue need only check out the facts on the many internet sites. It’s all there, children, believe me..

zondag 23 december 2007

December 23, 2007

Christmas is upon us and a greatly reduced orgy of spending reigns. The bills come in January and since our houses have fallen in value this year, thanks to the criminal mortgage brokers, we can’t get a little loan to take care of the bills. In fact, we borrowed so much over the years on our home’s increasing value, on a deliberately inflated market, that there are now serious problems with high mortgage bills that are getting harder and harder to pay….in addition to the credit card rate increases (to cover the hundreds of thousands who are defaulting…the poor companies have to make a profit after all) What are we to do? The government won’t do anything but jabber so we muddle on and finally, after many discussions around the dinner table, we ditch the place, and the bills, and move somewhere else.

That actually isn’t me. I inherited my house and never borrowed a penny on it, in spite of floods of ads on the internet and reams of mail from crooked mortgage brokers (all of whom have fled to Aruba where they have been stashing their money for years now) so I have no mortgage and my only bills are the usual utility ones coupled with a rising property tax and insurance. Well, the middle class is starting to break up now, which is not a good sign, but the thieves have finished with their looting, thanks to an sympathetic administration, and the public has been raped again.

And more delightful news just before the Sacred Dollar Day. I know all of this from the inside so read on. I know people love conspiracy stories so I have a really nice one to chew on. When the Republicans bought and conned their way into the White House in 2000, Karl Rove, who got his fat ass out of town when he saw what would surely come, and a few decent fascist types, got together with both Bush and Cheney and decided to keep themselves in power in this country forever.

They would remove the 22nd Amendment that says a president can only serve two terms and rig the voting system in this country, as they did so well in Florida , and thus guarantee permanent Republican dominance. And, of course, once in power and being good fascists, they would prevent any public objections or, worse, any public rebellions against their supreme and permanent dictatorship, by establishing a pure police state that Hitler and Stalin would have easily identified with. Surveillance of all Americans was their theme and to date, they managed to put in all manner of systems under the completely phony pretext of protection against non-existent terrorists.

And to chinch all this up, they deliberately set out to fix the voting processes so they always won. Teams of technicians spread out across the land like a plague of mangy rats to mess with the new electronic voting systems. Of course Ohio-based Diebold was already firmly inside the circle but other systems were altered to rig any outcome in any political race so that, mystery of mysteries, Republicans always won. In a district where there were 2,500 registered voters, two thirds of them Democrats, Republicans were set to get 3,000 votes. Machines could easily be broken into, computer programs altered at will and so on.

The problem with this is that a huge stink arose when they tried this last time so the various states began to investigate the growing accusations of blatant fraud and now that Rove has fled and Bush has a popularity rating of 17% (according to a private but very accurate White House poll last week) the states are no longer afraid of threatened Republican retaliation and have begun to throw out the obviously rigged machines and set up safeguards to stop tampering and to install new systems that cannot be raped.

Top GOP people know this but they cannot threaten to retaliate as they could have two years ago so perhaps faked Republican “landslides” will be reduced to a few pebbles falling off the cliff.

In the next election, the American people need to oust the Larry Craigs and send them back to public lavatories for more furtive sex and ignore the religious freakies who chant about Jesus and want the Ten Commandments set up in every classroom and all science classes disbanded.

The public stables are filled with impacted Republican horseshit and someone needs to clean them out. Has anyone seen Hercules recently?

And have a really Merry Christmas, George and Laura, and may the Infant Jesus piss on your carpet just like George used to do on the White House rugs!

dinsdag 18 december 2007

December 18, 2007

The official story now being put out, that the CIA torture tapes never were in the United States is pure bullshit. I have seen three of them personally and a friend at least a dozen more. No, these were not the official Langley copies (which still exist) but pirated ones made by one of many rogue CIA personnel who disapprove of codified, and Bush-ordered and approved torture.

“If we do it to them, they can do it to us” said one CIA official to me personally while he was discussing top secret CIA nonsense with me over lunch at the Hay-Adams last week. I have strongly urged that these tapes, uncensored , should be put up on the internet and/or sent out to the anti war groups. They, at least, will put them out to the public.

Now, on to more depressing news. I have said that the coming Republican strategy will be to use illegal immigrants as the next “Arab terrorists” to terrify the American voters into supporting their fascistic goals. It has been decided by top-level Republican strategists, (according to the memos I see daily) that a new enemy must be found to focus on and that enemy will be the illegals. They are preparing scare stories, sure to run in all of the Rupert Murdoch trashy rags, and be seen on his equally trashy Fox tv network, about “rising crime rates” in areas where illegals are known to be living and working. This would include the San Diego - Los Angeles area, most of Arizona , the Denver and Chicago areas and a good part of the eastern seaboard north of Virginia .

The hate campaign will stress the huge amounts of welfare money going to indigent and jobless immigrant families, depriving native-born Americans of said funds. They will talk about the huge increase in dangerous street drugs being controlled by the illegals and the bizarre idea, fostered by Lew Dobbs, that all kinds of terrible diseases such as leprosy are being brought into the United States by illegals. They hope to offset the disastrous effects of the crooked and widespread mortgage and housing scandals that could implicate prominent Republican lawmakers and, horrors, even the White House itself! Not only were legions of the poor stiffed by these should-be- felons but their actions have caused terrible and possibly fatal damage to the American economy, especially the banking sector. Billions is fake mortgages were “bundled” and sold to thousands of domestic and foreign investors who are now realizing they have been yenched, or fucked, by the banks and lending institutions.

We here at the Monkey Palace know for a certainty that this business has not, and will not, go away and savage attacks on the harmless Mexicans will divert public attention from greater domestic felonies and their economic disasters.

Bush and his people really do not care about the fraudulent mortgages and the ongoing mass evictions. Since most of those being thrown out of their homes are minorities, especially black ones, and since Bush and his Republican friends hate blacks and latinos, this element of the disaster is of no concern to them. After all, most of us remember the aftermath of Katrina and the very, very obvious contempt with which Bush and his crime partners viewed New Orleans blacks. Their crimes? They were black, they were poor and if they voted, it was Democratic so let them drink piss in the dome.

I can imagine what would happen in Bush official circles if the dispossessed were upper class whites. My God, a flood of relief helicopters would descend on the refugees within minutes and we could see the Chief Simian personally greeting the WASPs when they landed on terra firma. Aside from the cruelty shown, so great was the contempt the Administration had for poor blacks that they never bothered to hide it and thereby enraged the television commentators and, eventually, a good segment of the American people.

“Don’t get your balls into an uproar,” one top White House person said to me when I expressed shock at all of this, “they’re just poor niggers and they never vote for us.” I should have taped him but Bush won’t allow tape recorders anywhere inside the White House. For obvious reasons I can assure you! The sooner he and his gang of neo-nazis, professional Zionists and outright nut cases are cleaned out of here, the better off the rest of the country will be.

maandag 17 december 2007

December 17, 2007

Two topics of interest this week. When the press speaks of the destruction by the CIA of torture tapes, in spite of court orders, they were wrong. All of these Godawful tapes were copied and last weekend, I saw some of them. Disgusting and perverted but what can you expect from those bunch of losers down at Langley ? We see the faces of the torturers very clearly. I told the person who has a set to make copies and send them around. No point of sending them to the New York Times or the Washington Post because they will get shut down. Someone in both papers will get on the horn to Langley and try to save the wrapping paper to give them. I said to send them out to various anti-war and anti-Bush sites like Rense and then watch the fun! The second part of this is the firm decision of the Republicans to conduct a typical fear campaign against illegal immigrants, mostly Mexican. I told the Rove toady this was very stupid and would backfire but you can tell these pea-brained fanatics nothing. They want to stir everyone up, demand mass arrests and forced deportations at the very least. Detention centers (read ‘concentration camps’ here) are to be set up and filled with deportees. These brutes say that if they have children born in the U.S. , the children can stay here. I asked with whom they could say and my informant just shrugged. I will post some of their savage memos that sound as if they were written by Stalin or Hitler and hope the National Sheep Herd doesn’t fall for the usual lies and scare tactics.

vrijdag 14 december 2007

December 14, 2007

An interesting, if somewhat bizarre story. It seems that Tom Cruise and United Artists undertook to make a movie about one Claus von Stauffenberg, the leader of a failed plot against Hitler in 1944. Now, it is coming out that Stauffenberg was as gay as a goose and liked to dress up in women’s underwear. Most of this comes from official German files someone got their hands on. Since Stauffenberg is considered a saint by the liberal German government, they have warned that slandering him is a punishable offence in Germany . It doesn’t seem to matter that Stauffenberg has been dead for over 60 years. The choice of Cruise to play Stauffenberg is highly ironic, given the growing rumors that the actor is gay. TV newsman Keith Olberman has something to say about the Cruise orientation but it is doubtful that the actor will sue him. The problem is that people are sending out reams of emails to right wing Christian groups about all of this and in the end, United Artists may be left holding a very big bag at the box office. Cruise, who is a very strange person (who can forget his Croatian love dance on Oprah’s couch?) who is a fanatic supporter of the Scientology cult. There are some very strange people in Hollywood.

maandag 10 december 2007

December 10, 2007

The Pakis could nuke India but our media would be far more interested in babbling about the political candidates to report it. I have never in all my life seen such a slate of useless pieces of shit but the media loves to keep the public’s eye on what this one is doing or what that one just said. Keeps us from seeing what the criminally stupid White House is doing, or not doing.

There is one story that I know is true that the media would never dare touch, along with never, never saying anything bad about Sainted Israel or Jesus, and that concerns Hillary. Lots of juicy stories around about her but stories you will never see anywhere in print. Some time ago, Hillary Rodham graduated from Yale Law School and went to California to work for the far-left law firm of Robert Treuhaft. He was a very left wing labor lawyer who was married to Jessica Mitford. Jessica’s sister, Unity, was Hitler’s mistress until the war broke out, she tried to shoot herself and was shipped home to die.

Anyway, Hillary was assigned to the very radical Black Panther groups who were, at that time, centered in Oakland, California. At one point, they all drove in a caravan to the state capitol in Sacramento and terrified the legislators with a large number of firearms.

After strutting their stuff, the Panthers holed up in various local cheap motels where the State Police duly routed them out. Hillary was, according to a California State Police report, found naked in bed with a black woman! Wonderful but not a surprise to those who know her.

This was written up, and published, by San Francisco ‘Chronicle’ columnist, Herb Caen. When Bill became President, he sent the FBI to seize the report but copies had been made and circulated.

And among other issues, it seems that the family name of ‘Rodham’ was once “Rodomski” and her father’s family came from the Jewish ghetto in Lodz, Poland and settled in England before emigrating to the Chicago area.

This is a subject that the domestic media will never talk about, mainly out of protection for their co-religionist but we hear that this will all come out in the wash before the convention. I personally knew about this ten years ago so it isn’t news to me or most of the people I know but our press knows who signs the paychecks so we hear nothing.

And if she’s elected, the Pentagon phone intercepts show that she plans to continue the’ Everything for Greater Israel’ program now in place in the Bush White House. An executive from AIPAC told one of his backers that ‘Hillary says she’ll bomb Tehran back to the stone age…’

donderdag 6 december 2007

December 6, 2007

Some things of interest, perhaps. Is there blame to assess over the failed war in Iraq? Is this futile and destructive struggle the fault of a mentally defective President, egged on by a vicious and unbalance Vice President?

The recent revelation by the U.S. intelligence community that Iran, often put forward by Bush and Cheney as planning to attack everyone with atomic bombs, has been revealed to be utterly false. In spite of these revelations, Bush continues to mumble and rant about his determination to attack Iran. There is an interesting, and frightening, background to all of this non-stop lying and it is not the weak character of George Bush or the manic viciousness of Dick Cheney.

The Pentagon has long been outraged at the piecemeal destruction of both the U.S. Army and the Marine Corps in the meat grinder that Iraq has become. They know who the real culprits are because they have identified them and been reading their top secret messages for two years now.

Are they listening to the White House? No, they are watching Israel like a hawk, reading their top secret diplomatic and military traffic, getting reports almost daily from U.S. intelligence personnel stationed in Israel and they have long ago extended their surveillance to the Israeli diplomatic messaging.

From this, they have built up a massive dossier that shows very clearly that the driving force behind the Iraq invasion and now, the frenzy to attack Iran is purely Israeli.

That country has so subverted our official institutions with money as the carrot and attacks by their almost complete control of the American print and television media as the stick. Israel has used the neo-cons to put forward Israel’s needs to Bush…who listens raptly and obeys without question.

They hated Saddam Hussein because he dared to fire rockets into Israel during the Gulf War and they suggested that if American forces destroyed their enemy, we could all share in the revenues from Iraqi oil. That this plan collapsed is certain but most Americans do not know that the so-called “Yellowcake uranium” story upon which Bush based his war was a pure Israeli invention.

Now, with even the possibility that Iran might be working on an atomic bomb, a bomb which would certainly be used against Israel, that country has doubled and redoubled its clandestine efforts to push America into pulling their chestnuts out of the Mideast fire.

Israel, according to intercepted conversations by the Pentagon (and now circulating in Washington) is prepared to fight to the last American life. And those who mourn the young American dead and mangled soldiers in Iraq do not need to look at the manic and deluded White House but to Tel Aviv who killed and maimed their sons, brothers, fathers and husbands.

In a very true sense, the leaking of the report on the halt in the Iranian atomic development program was a form of very high level mutiny on the part of Bush’s military high command. This was not any kind of an error but a deliberate and hopefully successful, plan to force the United States away from blind obedience to Israel’s murderous wishes.

Bush made no objections when the Israeli government told him they were going to flatten Beirut and they quickly resupplied the IDF with more cluster bombs whose sole purpose was to kill civilians. When Hezbollah struck back, rocketing sacred Israel and doing terrible damage to the IDF, Israel demanded that Bush send American troops to help them kill more Arabs. Bush could not because, thanks to Israeli demands, our troops were pinned down in a vicious guerrilla war in Iraq. Now, we see that Israel is livid with rage because of the revelations of the American intelligence community and are bending every effort to get their co-religionists in America to continue to demand American military action against Iran.

In the long view, it would be better if we threw out the neocons, most of whom are Israeli citizens, stopped all military aid to that instigator of death and destruction, disbanded the AIPAC organization, and warned the American media that this is the United States, not Israel, and that there are times when silence is golden.

All of this manipulation is becoming very obvious, even to the chronically disinterested American public and if you stop up the spout of a boiling tea kettle, the lid always blows off.

maandag 3 december 2007

December 3, 2007

A delayed action bomb is in the process of going off. It seems that in the ‘40s, our wonderful CIA hired a number of ex-Nazis of some high rank and bad reputation to work for them, mostly in Europe. Now, it turns out that they also hired the head of the Gestapo and brought him to the United States! They have tried to sit on this one, and other such types, for some years now but the real story is coming out. They also sponsored a Walter Rauff (who invented the notorious gas vans) and the really awful Dr. Mengele. The latter, who used to experiment with Jewish twins at Auschwitz, was part of one of the CIA’s nutty programs to genetically create people. Also, there is a file floating around that the CIA is frantic to sit on, that discusses using microwaves to exert mind control. They did this down at Warrenton and used “volunteer’ black county jail inmates. Putting people in a room and turning on massive microwaves only cooked two of them, very well-done. They dumped the bodies on a neighbor’s farm. Aren’t the CIA wonderful people? Here is an accurate account taken from Wikipedia and written by a former CIA operative. Spastic colon, here we come!

Heinrich Müller, born April 28, 1900, was allegedly killed in the street fighting in Berlin in 1945 when the Soviet Army seized the German capital. In a Berlin cemetery there is a grave with a headstone, claiming that Heinrich Müller was buried underneath it. The memorial stone did not indicate that Müller had been an SS-Gruppenführer and a Lieutenant General in the German Police and that since 1935, was the head of the German Gestapo or the Secret State Police. On September 25, 1963, the body was exhumed for identification.

The exhumation had been requested by the West German Ludwigsburg Center that dealt with ex-Nazis sought for prosecution. This Center had information that Müller was not dead and was, in fact, gainfully employed by a foreign government. One of the first steps in proving this was to ascertain whether the corpse in the grave was that of Heinrich Müller who had been issued a death certificate from the Death Bureau of Berlin-Center numbered 11 706/45. A subsequent pathological examination proved that there were the remains of three different men in the grave, none of whom were Heinrich Müller

The man being sought was the son of a minor official, had completed a primary school education, had taken technical training in aircraft engines, worked for the BMW factory, building aircraft engines and in June of 1917 had joined the German Army. Because of his background, after his preliminary training, Müller was assigned to Flieger Ausbildung Abteilung 287 in April of 1918. In the seven months remaining before the war ended, Müller was promoted to NCO in August of 1918 and won the Iron Crosses First and Second Class. He was also awarded the Bavarian pilot’s badge and after injuring his leg in an aircraft accident, the retired Bavarian pilot’s badge.

Müller served on the Western Front throughout the war. When the war was over, Müller joined the Munich Police in 1919 as a junior assistant. He passed his entrance examination and became a police officer. He was promoted to Police Secretary in 1929 and was in Section VI of the Bavarian State Police, a unit that dealt with Communist activity. In 1934, Müller and a number of his associates were transferred to the Gestapo in Berlin and joined the SS as a Sturmführer on April 20, 1934. In 1935, Müller was head of Department II (Gestapo). In 1936, he was head of the Gestapo division of the headquarters of the Security Police (Sicherheitspolizei). In 1937, he was promoted to senior police official (Kriminalrat) and in 1939, to the rank of Reichskriminaldirektor or Director of Police.

In May of 1945, Heinrich Müller was last seen in Hitler’s Berlin bunker. Shortly after the city fell lto the Russians, the body of a senior SS officer, his wife and three children at the Air Ministry complex. The body was identified as SS General Heinrich Müller of the Main Security Office, the RSHA. This, however was not the head of the Gestapo. He was Dr. Heinrich Müller of the RSHA legal department. Gestapo- Müller was born April 28, 1900, and his SS number was 107 043 while the Müller found in Berlin was born June 7, 1896 and his SS number was 290 396 (Source: ‘Dienstalteresliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP, Berlin 1944, pps 11-12)

Immediately following the war, in May of 1945, Gestapo- Müller was put on the American Intelligence CROWCASS (Central Registary of War Crimes and Security Suspects) list of war criminals sought for arrest and prosecution. In 1946, U.S. CIC reported that Gestapo-Müller had escaped to Switzerland using the name Schwartzer. (Source: U.S. Army Intelligence file on Heinrich Müller XE 23 55 39 WJ p. 126)

In 1948, the CIA had taken over the intelligence organization being formed by the former Wehrmacht General, Reinhard Gehlen who worked prior to this for the U.S. Army. The organization was led by Lt. Colonel James Critchfield and was stationed at Pullach, south east of Munich. At this time, Colonel Critchfield’s top recruiter was one Willi Krichbaum, then resident at Bad Reichenhall. Although Critchfield denied it later, Krichbaum was a Senior Colonel (Oberführer) in the Gestapo and Müller’s former deputy. He was born May 7, 1896 and his SS number was 107 039. During the war, Krichbaum was commander of the Geheime Feld Polizei of the Wehrmacht. (Source: Dienstalteresliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP, Berlin 1944, p. 29)

Müller had been working for Swiss intelligence under Paul Masson as an expert on Communist infiltration, was put in contact with Colonel Critchfield by Krichbaum and in August of 1948, interviewed at his home in Geneva, Switzerland by James Speyer Kronthal, the CIA’s station chief in Bern, Switzerland As the result of inquiries into the postwar survival of Heinrich Müller and his employment, in the United States, by the CIA and the U.S. Army, the German government’s main legal center wrote, in a report dated January 31, 2000, that although Müller was reported to have died in Berlin in 1945, their report (110 AR 1619/97), stated that Müller had escaped to Switzerland and had gone to work for the American CIA and was settled, under a false name, in Washington, was a member of the U.S. Army and died in 1973. (Source: Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltugen Report no. 110 AR 346/.2000)

Because the hiring of Heinrich Müller was considered to be a potential serious public relations disaster, some effort has been made to strongly distance the CIA from this employment by claiming that Müller may have survived the war but never was employed by the United States government in any capacity. Photographs of Müller in the uniform of the U.S. Army’s General Staff, taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, show him at a White House conference with President Truman in 1949

In 1967, a series of articles on Heinrich Müller appeared in the German media, claiming he was living in Panama but it was subsequently proven that the man, who bore slight resemblance to Müller, was an expatriate American.

vrijdag 30 november 2007

November 30, 2007

Two weeks ago, we got a long report on the fact that vital nuclear cores had been substituted in the Pakistani atomic arsenal. We left out names and official positions (of CIA personnel) for legal reasons but published the rest. We also sent copies to major Pakistani and Indian newspapers and to the press office of the Indian Embassy. We have had responses, in some cases from countries not directly involved and in many cases, have been able to have forwarded to the interested parties, information of a very specific nature we have been both unable and unwilling to make public on our site. Possession of the cores (which are not overly large or heavy) is the major step in constructing an atomic weapon.

Our sources stated that one bomb would be set off in Delhi in a densely populated (or occupied) area and/or the Indian government buildings area. We have had a considerable number of comments, not one of which said they disbelieved the information, and this particular one is being forwarded because it contains an article of additional interest.

It is interesting to note that our CIA and DoS put General Pervez Musharraf in power to replace the then Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif in a U.S. financed coup in 1999. We did this, according to three sources, because Sharif was promoting Pakistani nuclear programs and Musharraf promised to allow us to maintain at least nominal control over the weapons. Now, with the situation in Pakistan entirely out of the U.S. sphere in direct influence, it seems certain that our fears of nuclear weapons misuse in this theater are well on the way to realization.

What is truly interesting is that the American media has put a block on any reportage of even possible misuse of Pakistan atomic weapons and, in specific, has blocked any mention of the disappearance of these cores. A contact on a major Indian newspaper said that his government "entirely believed" these accusation, and ‘was deeply concerned to prevent any attack or attacks’ on their country. Of course Bush is concerned about this because so many American companies have moved their operations to India but in the end, there is not a thing he can do about it if a bomb goes off in a packed Indian city, killing far more than died at Hiroshima.

Given that the Taliban has been chasing the demoralized Pakistani army out of the Northwest Provinces, the political situation in our very dubious ally is reaching the critical point very quickly. Our State Department, led by the totally worthless Congoleeze Rice and the even more useless CIA are frantically trying to line up a new Paki general to take the country over to prevent a disaster.

Also note that the failure of Australian Prime Minister Howard to stay in office is putting a serious crimp in U.S. relations with India. In spite of contrary U.S. press reports, Howard was thrown out by the Australian electorate solely because of his butt-sucking attachment to George Bush. First Tony Blair, then the Polack and now the Aussie have gone. Bush is losing his international allies faster than his personal staff.

When the ship is filling with water, the rats swim away.

The new Prime Minister is cutting off the sale of Australian uranium to India. Now, they are selling it to China. Bush and Cheney are livid with rage, believe me. Bush pushed the sycophantic Howard into this but now, like all the rest of Bush’s shallow-minded plans, this too has crumbled like a soda cracker bridge in a strong rain.

He who sups with the Devil needs a long spoon.

maandag 26 november 2007

November 26, 2007

Cheney has developed serious heart problems today. The general feeling is that either he is planning a strategic retreat, is genuinely suffering from pump difficuilties or someone hereabout is trying to snuff him as a Albatross around the neck of the administration and the GOP. Since he has a long history of serious heart problems, it is probably for real. But the interesting thing is that the people I know, both inside and outside of the Monkey Palace, Curious George in the Oval Office with his bananas, is that aside from a few proto-Fascists on the staff (fewer and fewer now) most of us would like nothing better for Dirty Dick to peg out right now and leave his office in rubber bag. Bush would be without a daddy figure and perhaps, probably, the war would be over. Then, Bush would have lost everybody he trusted. The dog has run off and everyone else has scattered for the hills. George only has the useless Condi Rice to bleat to and she is useless, both as a person and as a Secretary of State. Oh, and more on Pakistan from my CIA friend. The General is on his way out and we are kissing ass with possible successors. There are serious stories about missing atomic cores and since no one can do anything about it, our Independent Press is avoiding the subject like the plague.

vrijdag 23 november 2007

November 23, 2007

Now we learn, from clandestine filchings from the PDB, that some evil person in Pakistan, probably some of their generals, have made off with cores for atomic weapons from their repositories. What does this mean? The probability of some kind of nuclear accident based on the militancy in the Muslim world. No one, not the useless CIA, the Pentagon or any other U.S. intelligence agency has the slightest idea what happened to the deadly nuclear cores. We know they were stolen and very recently and an attempt made to conceal this. We know that it would be impossible to steal these from the custody of the Pakistani military without top level assistance. What are we going abut it? Nothing but pray a lot. The political situation in Pakistan is at the critical mass point and our response is to pretend everything is wonderful, just like we’re pretending everything is just peachy in Baghdad and that no more bombs are going off in crowded mosques or markets. If you put your head in the sand once too often, you can get a vicious kick in the ass.

maandag 19 november 2007

November 19, 2007

What we have in Pakistan is a Keystone Cop drama being played out by the grossly incompetent CIA agents there (Hello Mr. Mason!) that would have you rolling around on the floor screaming with laughter if it weren’t so pathetic and, eventually, very dangerous. The Bush people are scared shitless that the Taliban will take over the government in Pakistan, after blowing the other side to bits, and then get their hands on Pakistan’s formidable nuclear arsenal. Bush knows he can’t do anything with the Pakis so the next step under discussion is to locate all the weapons caches, bring in U.S. troops (as new Embassy employees and aid groups), make lightening raids on the depositories and whisk them off to several targeted airfields where U.S. aircraft will be ready and waiting to fly up and away from the evil ragheads. Given the gross incompetence of the CIA, whose people have been blabbing to all and sundry about this, the bombs will no doubt be misdelivered to the Tamal Tigers or perhaps the Zapatistas in Mexico. Not only are our Blessed Leaders now making pant loads, the Israelis are also screeching with terror lest the Taliban drop something nasty on them (which it is now believed they are planning to do) Will Dudley Doright succeed? Will Justice be done? Bush picked the wrong horse over there like he always does but this time, if the steely-jawed Saviors of Democracy can take time out from waterboarding old men and cripples but are not successful in even one raid, there will be fallout all over the Gulf. Or the San Fernando valley. Of course the Taliban could nuke India as a second choice which would shut down the very many American businesses who have all moved there. That will teach them to throw Americans out of work, won’t it?

woensdag 14 november 2007

November 14, 2007

It has been a long-established custom for the President of the United States to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans’ Day.

This year, however, Bush did not lay the wreath but went to Texas on a vacation instead, leaving the ceremony to Vice President Cheney. Was this simple arrogance? Or stupidity? Neither. It is the story inside the White House that the Secret Service White House Detail kept him attending the ceremony because of what they called a “very credible plot to assassinate him.”

It seems, upon poking around, that George W. Bush has received more very serious death threats than any other sitting president. Last year, it was discovered that an unknown sniper had fired at the windows of the Oval Office. The rifle bullet did not penetrate the bullet-proof glass but a small crater in one of the window panes gave this away. No one on the White House roof (where there is permanent party stationed to thwart any aerial attacks on the building) heard a thing so it was suspected that a silenced weapon was used. An intense investigation failed to disclose the location of the shooter and they were not even certain when the sniping took place.

The Secret Service had learned that when Bush was visiting Mainz in Germany, that there was an equally credible report, this time from German counter intelligence, that there was a plan to blow up the President’s car while it was traveling through the German city. All of the manholes were promptly welded shut, sewer entrances heavily guarded, homes and businesses along the route evacuated and German security personnel put in all the windows.

This is a very sensitive subject here and strictly forbidden to even hint at but several workers here have refused their assignments to the White House mail room because it is strongly feared that some Chemical Warfare device or an explosive device could somehow get past the very strict security.

Please note that not one word of this ongoing problem has ever been in the American media and, by orders, never will. Arlington is large, relatively unguarded and filled with visitors, relatives of the dead, ongoing funerals and so on. Also, the area is heavily wooded and it was believed that a sniper concealed in a tree could easily escape detection. We live in such interesting times.

zondag 11 november 2007

November 11, 2007

The firm policy of the morally bankrupt Bush administration is to do their best to terrify everyone, including Congress, into believing that enormous armies of evil Arabs are poised to attack the United States, invade Topeka, Kanass, blowing up public toilets and day care centers.

Only if the people give Bush continued support will these dread events be halted. Red warning days, duct tape tender moments and a constant reminder that George Bush, all by himself, dressed up in mesh stockings, a leather bra and wearing a winged helmet stands between all of us and rape and pillage.

Bush mumbles about the huge number of aborted plots, aimed at our Heartland, that he and his fighters for liberty have thwarted. Bush lies like a cheap motel rug and is just as filthy. What plots? A bunch of ignorant teen-aged black boys in Florida whom the FBI tricked into mouthing vague threats against Chicago’s Sears Tower? Two cousins with Muslim last names telling a paid informer that Americans are killers of their relatives and should be killed? A few planted ideas and they are taped into making damaging threats, threats they are completely incapable of executing.

Give us the chronicle of the thwarted plots, George, if you can. Let us see how useful the DHS has been, for example, Katrina excepted.

And now Bush wants the Congress to hold SBC, AT&T, AOL and others blameless for volunteering to tap the phones and the computers of millions of Americans, without warrants of any kind and in direct violation of the law.

These scumbags weren’t threatened by anyone into this; they eagerly rushed forward to voluntarily spy on all of us. Now, they demand that Bush keep them from being sued. And Bush, as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, takes bags full of money and tells Congress his Imperial demands.

There are plenty of trees in Washington and a few officials dangling from the upper branches might annoy the squirrels but others would be in transports of delight. The rest of the living ones should be on transports to Tel Aviv where they can act as walking mine detectors for the IDF.

vrijdag 9 november 2007

November 9, 2007

Now that Congress has overridden a Bush veto for the first time, the dam is seriously leaking. Bush is a bitter, shallow person who believes that he is an important person who should be obeyed. The Republicans in Congress have not obeyed him by daring to join with the Democrats in overriding an Imperial veto. Next, Congress might pass a bill that restricts Bush’s unrestricted and deadly war in Iraq. He, of course, will veto it and if Congress dares to override this, they will pull out all the plugs to try to scare the rest of us to death with invented stories and threats of invasion by armies of armed Muslims. None of this idiotic garbage has been true and none of it will be. If you yell ‘Wolf!’ too many times, no one will come and finally, the Fenris wolf will eat Bush alive and the rest of us can open a can of lager or a bottle of champagne and celebrate. Mark my words that the dire warnings will start up again but this time I don’t think even Bush or Chertoff will drag out duct tape or other scare material. Remember, the louder they yell , the more they are hurting.

zondag 4 november 2007

November 4, 2007

Some helpful soul has dug up the financial holdings of the Bush family, to include stock and real estate assets, overseas and domestic accounts and other such information. Why, one wonders, does this patriotic American family have so many assets outside the United States?

And we have a new, very funny, story concerning the latest clown act concocted by the Bush people. A story, now being polished, will soon be released to the effect that the United States now has developed a New and Deadly Defense Weapon that will radically alter the balance of power in its favor! Yes, a real revelation! This will consist of a powerful laser weapon that can bring down enemy bombers or incoming missiles at any altitude.

This new and deadly weapon is to be mounted on the foredeck of a U.S. Naval vessel which will have as honored guests, a number of American media members from, say, the New York Times, the Washington Post and, naturally, the Bush-worshipping but otherwise useless Fox people. And of course a compliment of top military brass.

Off they will go from a Seattle navy base, up into the northern Pacific to observe a test of the New and Deadly Defense Weapon. Comfortable quarters and all the amenities of a first class hotel will be provide for the guests, as well as state-of-the-art communications for the media people to send accounts back to their outlets. They will heave to at a point south of the Aleutians and wait for the exercise to begin. Three, count them children, three aircraft, loaded with high explosives and radio controlled will take off from an Alaskan military airfield, headed south east.

On the ship, tensions will run high as the officers and their guests await the Great Moment. Suddenly, radar reports the approach of the radio-controlled flight; a large and impressive device is uncovered, screens are flashing the paths of the oncoming planes when a senior officer gives the signal to fire. A burst of red light shoots up from the New and Deadly Defense Weapon, high into the sky. A moment later, someone in a secluded part of the ship, off limits to the press, pushes a button and one of the planes, high up in the sky, suddenly erupts into a ball of fire with bits and pieces falling down towards the ocean below in a very dramatic and photogenic manner.

An admiral gives the order to fire again and again, the red light shoots upwards, another button is pressed and a second plane explodes. After the third explosion, champagne is passed out while jubilant senior officers are seen by the media expressing their joy at the success of the New and Deadly Defense Weapon. Members of the media are then escorted to the communications center where their TV footage and copy are sent back to their papers and television stations.

In Washington, our Beloved President steps up to the rostrum in the White House to reveal to the world that America has just successfully tested a New and Deadly Defense Weapon. There will be film clips shown on all the major television stations to accompany the President’s awe-inspiring speech.

One assumes that this dog and pony show will not be for the benefit of either North Korea or Iran who do not have long-range bombers, but to humble and awe none other than the dread Vladimir Putin. Will it work? As Putin is no fool, it won’t, but the reporters can savor their champagne and the networks have Pleased the President once again!

vrijdag 2 november 2007

November 2, 2007

Bush was put into office by a cabal who was tired of the Clinton-style liberalism. The 2000 election was clearly rigged as was the Supreme Court's actions following the voting trickery in Florida. Bush, it was felt, was a perfect figurehead. He was a chronic drunk with a limited intellect who relied heavily on father figures and demanded constant adulation from others. Cheney, who has become the new father, is a bitter fanatic, a relic from the Cold War. Cheney is greedy and thoroughly corrupt. He has been connected with the American oil industry for years and is reaping huge profits from Halliburton stock increases, increased solely due to his obtaining enormously lucrative no-bid government contracts.

He does indeed control Bush and behind him are the so-called pro-Israeli Neocons. Cheney has two main goals now. The first is to secure a strong American military presence in Iraq to get American hands on a secure source of oil and the second is to give powerful military support to Israel by acting as a deterrent against any perceived Arab aggression towards that state.

The second part of his goals is to somehow get rid of Russia's Putin and break Russian state hold on their immense (and growing) oil and gas industry.

The United States basically owned the drunken Yeltsin and convinced him to liquidate all state-owned resources, turning them over to the private sector. With the help of the CIA and the World Bank, the private sector consisted of what in essence were a mob of interconnected Russian Jewish street thugs, drug dealers, swindlers and thieves.

The drill was for this group of crooks to get their hands on all the major Russian resources and sell off controlling interests to American oil people. This was well underway and the oil people had poured billions of dollars into new equipment for the ageing oil and gas fields. Then Putin slowly but surely got back the resources, persecuted the oligarchs, broke their hold on Russian economy and drove out of the country the ones he could not put in jail and strip of their assets.

This situation has been driving Cheney wild with rage and it is his firm resolve, and through him, the resolve of Bush, to somehow physically remove Putin and, as they did in the Ukraine, replace him with a government like that of post-war Germany, totally subservient to American wishes.

For a time, everything went the way Cheney and Bush wanted but they suffered from too much hubris and made the terrible error of believing their own lies and their plans slowly crumbled into rubble. It simply boils down to the fact that Putin has beaten them and in their death throes, they are lashing out in all directions in a frantic, and in the end, futile, attempt to resurrect the dead.

All Bush and Cheney can do now is to attempt to frighten the bored American public with more tales of terror and certain destruction unless the Administration is given back the power it once thought it had. Their latest bit of nonsense consists of telling CIA and NSA personnel that they are planning to evacuate them to “secret locations” because of “serious pending problems.” Because the CIA has become as useless as tits on a boar pig, and is well-known all over Washington to be filled with petulant leakers, these people have been told, quietly, that they will soon receive a ten hour notice and to get their affairs in order!

Naturally, this childishness is deliberately intended to be leaked. This is supposed to terrify Iran and Putin and further, to terrify the American public into blind obedience. Of course moving all 36,821 CIA employees to a “secret site” does not even bear consideration by a sane person but then at this point in time, the Bush people are hardly sane.

donderdag 18 oktober 2007

October 18, 2007

There have been many deliberately leaked stories about an attack on Iran but this time, it looks like it will go ahead.

Why now?

Both Bush and Cheney see that they are losing control, both personally and ideologically. They see the feared Putin making friendly with Iran and warning us not to attack. They see China and Iran, both perceived by Bush and Cheney as our enemies, doing more and more business with Iraq. And yesterday, at a televised press conference, Bush was attacked by reporters on camera. The reporter for the once-supportive Washington Times said, right out in front of the cameras, that Bush was now viewed as trivial. Bush stammered, glared and then responded that he was not.

During this conference, he was very angry and spiteful towards the assembled press and tossed hints that if the Russians and Iranians didn’t knuckle under, World War III was certainly coming. Many have seen this PR fiasco so it is not a great revelation.

Back at the White House, the staff knows that Putin’s growing involvement in international politics, in addition to his control of huge amounts of badly needed oil and gas has Bush, Cheney and their NeoCon controllers in a real and very dangerous rage. Putin has, and is continuing, to bait Bush and the insecure Bush is now being treated with contempt, his approval ratings heading rapidly to single digits. And what will happen? From the pinnacle of earthly grandeur, Bush sees himself being relegated to oblivio , and worse, in public.

People like Bush are incapable of accepting error so they always must have someone to blame for their own failings. Putin is now the focus of this self-hating lust for revenge, not the relatively harmless president of Iran. When Bush speaks in public about World War III, it is becoming very well believed here that he meant just that and threw that line off as a warning.

What do they plan to do, Bush and crazy Cheney?

Right now, they are thinking about attacking Russia!

Another possibility would be to assassinate Putin and yet a third, is to join with a growingly terrified Israel and attack Iran.

Connections at the Pentagon have said the same thing recently. They went along with Bush’s bluffing and leaks of imminent attacks on Iran but now, they tell me, it looks as if Bush actually wants to attack Russia!

This is pure nut stuff, considering that Putin is far more of a man and far tougher than Bush and, not to forget, Russia has a formidable arsenal of atomic weaponry and the ability to deliver it when and where needed.

The revival of the Cold War, such a pet project of the crazy VP is not the fault of Putin or the Russians but solely the child of Cheney who has his emotional and historical roots in the long-gone Cold War. Given the contempt with which both of these miserable creatures are viewed by their own military planners, massive leaks are certainly going to be forthcoming and if it looks if this deadly duo is going ahead, the military leaders will simply either resign en masse or send troops to the White House and take both of them away in handcuffs to be put on trial.

Maybe Bush’s head will pop off when then hang him.

War is coming and a very nasty war it will be…unless these two are stopped once and for all.

zondag 14 oktober 2007

October 14, 2007

I spoke about the administration’s rage at the activities of Russian president Putin recently and here is more on the subject.

There was a discussion of Putin’s assumption of national control over the huge Russian natural resources, to include natural gas and oil.

It is obvious to most of us here that Bush, who is quite stupid, thoroughly misunderstood Putin and his methodology. Bush likes subservient people around him, like the former British PM, Tony Blair, and he cannot stand, will not tolerate and tries to punish anyone who dares to disagree with his narrow and parochial views.

Putin, once head of Russian intelligence, is a very clever and competent person. Unlike Bush who boasts, lies and blusters, Putin bides his time and then moves, very quietly but very effectively.

The basic problem here is that our man, Boris Yeltsin, was cooperating in converting Soviet Russia’s state-owned holdings to the private sector. A group of street merchants, called the Oligarchy, easily got control of most of the important Russian businesses and then tried to market some of these to western interests, for large amounts of money.

When Yeltsin was forced to resign, Putin was put in charge of Russian policy and he carefully began to dismantle the Oligarchy, bit by bit. American oil interests, who had poured billions of dollars into new equipment for what they assumed would soon be American-controlled oil fields, were horrified and enraged when Putin kicked out the Oligarchs and took over their holdings.

Karl Marx once attributed wars to economic rather than political reasons and in the present instance, Marx was right on. The United States is one of the largest users of oil on the planet.

Once a major producer, this country has now become the largest importer of both oil and natural gas. For a long time, the U.S. depended on Persian Gulf oil but that has either been disrupted by invasion and sabotage as in Iraq or by a growingly obvious depletion of the once-huge Saudi fields.

The output of the North Sea fields is mostly destined for the European market and Bush and the CIA have so angered Venezuela’s Chavez that oil from that source could dry up at any moment. Mexico’s Pemex production is also shrinking and terrorist attacks on their pipelines has put this source into jepordy.

The Bush people misread Putin and actually believed that he would voluntarily step down from the Presidency of Russia in 2008. They have already selected several people for high office in a new, U.S.-friendly régime. Our CIA had cultivated, and paid, the drunken Yeltsin and with the dangerous Putin gone, they hoped to do to Russia what they had done to the Ukraine.; get control of its government and make it an American asset.

Putin has many enemies, mostly among the Oligarchs whom he has stripped of their holdings and run out of the country. Naturally, these men, most of whom are Jewish, fled to Israel with as much money as they could carry, and from there, they plot to regain their power.

Chief of these is Boris Berezovsky – Putin has his enemy abroad in Boris Berezovsky, a key wheeler and dealer of the Yeltsin epoch. Berezovsky did not spare his political and financial resources to make Putin President. Once firmly installed, though, Putin made it clear that Berezovsky's resources were welcome, while Berezovsky himself was not. All the ills and failures of the post-Soviet society are now ascribed to Berezovsky and his fellow oligarchs, like Vladimir Gusinski, whose Media-Most holding company was destroyed by the Kremlin, and who settled in Spain, once Moscow's attempts to have him extradited failed. Berezovsky's associates are either in prison-like Nikolai Glushkov, once Deputy General Manager of Aeroflot _ or on the wanted list, like Badri Patarkatsishvili, Berezovsky's right hand man. The embittered population, fleeced during the reform decade, is receptive to the propaganda line of rallying around Putin against the miscreant who has sold out their country.

maandag 8 oktober 2007

October 8, 2007

The one person whom the Bush people fear and detest the most is Vladimir Putin. Why is this? White House sponsored propaganda has it that Vladimir is not nice on matters of civil rights. He is, they claim, through their fronts, trying to establish another dictatorship in Russia. The truth of the matter is simply that the U.S. is rapidly running out of oil. It is known in the oil trade that the Saudi fields are starting to run dry. We have so messed things up in Iraq, due entirely to Bush’s gross stupidity, that oil from that country is but a trickle and we picked fights with Chavez of Venezuela who is another source. Now we are just beginning to discover that Russia has huge oil reserves and since we have been working to overthrow him, and he is aware of it, there is a growing but very muted frenzy in the corporate headquarters of major oil companies here. This has communicated itself to the Oval Office, hence the attacks on Putin and the attempts, in conjunction with the thieving and ousted Oligarchs, to overthrow Putin or, at the least, to replace him with another tool like Yeltsin. Russia’s legitimate claim to huge oil deposits in their part of the Arctic is another nail in the coffin. They reason, and I have seen memos on this, that if we can oust Putin, we can get our hands on their oil. But Putin is not about to put his head on the block for Bush and the CIA so the White House is not sure how to proceed. Due to CIA activities, we thought we managed to pry the Ukraine loose from Putin’s grip but Putin retaliated by refusing to ship any oil or gas to Europe over Ukranian-controlled pipelines until they paid a huge increase in fees. The Ukranians refused, siphoned off oil and gas intended for other countries and then Putin simply cut everyone off. And this in the middle of a cold winter. So much pressure was put on Ukraine that she quickly caved in. Their cries for help to Washington were met with silence. After all, there is nothing we could do. Threatening a very well-armed Russia as we have been Iran would never work. If Bush went too far with Putin, there would be a very ugly war which we would lose and everyone here know it. So Bush keeps quiet in public but his CIA is busy as work trying to get rid of Putin. He was supposed to step down in 2008 and they already were pouring vast amounts of American taxpayer’s money into the hands of American-friendly Russian political figures. More money down the drain, just like the hundreds of billions gone down the Iraqi rathole. Realists, who are few and far between in Washington and who never, ever dare to open their mouths around the Bush people for fear of instant retaliation realize the truth of the matter but such things, obvious though they might be, never occur to our top leadership. The difference between Putin and Bush is that the former is intelligent, patient, clever and working for his country’s best interest. Bush is none of these and can never be. And in the end, we all will suffer. Not today, for sure, but tomorrow for certain.

donderdag 4 oktober 2007

October 4, 2007

Ever waxing and waning, we again are treated to the usual ‘inside information’ from ‘from the highest sources,’ that Bush is determined to attack Iran. In the latest edition of New Yorker magazine, Seymour Hersh has very clearly and convincingly exposed the purported on-going Bush plans to launch attacks against his, and Israel’s, perceived enemy, Iran. Bush’s propaganda machine has steered away from the allegations that the U.S. must strike Iran because she is about to get an atomic bomb. However, since a good deal of information has emerged, in public, that Iran is at least five years away from getting a bomb, the focus has now shifted to attacking Iran because she is supplying IEDs to Iraqi resistance groups and that Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are fighting alongside Iraqis in that country. In truth, the IEDs are being supplied by Saudi Arabia, a fact very well known to the Bush intelligence people and no identified Iranian military units have ever been identified inside Iraq. An aide-mémoire that ended up in Cheney’s office and was photocopied and circulated throughout Washington, lays out the general plan of attack. And of course there really is such a plan.

All of this breathless news is, as usual, pure propaganda crap. Yes, the Bush people would like to attack Iran. Bush and Cheney, egged on by Israel, have been talking about this for two years but they are not going to do it. Following their tired old pattern, ‘secret’ leaks were made to people like Hersh and the media was given reams of material to run that would support the attack theory. For example, the New York Times ran a story that ‘U.S. military casualties dropped in September.’ I have news for them, they did not. Anyone can check this out by looking at to see that this statement is not true. The administration and the media gamble that most Americans are unaware of this site and they can make all kinds of allegations in complete safety. Also, the Washington Post did a story on IEDs and the government now claims that these are being made in Iran and smuggled into Iraq to kill Americans. Most of us here know this is completely false.

What is true, and never talked about for obvious reasons, is that these deadly bombs are being made in Iraq from parts shipped in from Saudi Arabia. Why don’t we threaten them with bombing? We buy oil from them in spite of the fact that they have been sniping at us for years. Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis, for example. Of course it is known there that their oil is running out and in spite of their coming unimportance in the oil world, the CIA is plotting to replace the Saud royal family with a group considered more loyal to the U.S.

There is no doubt that while our Air Force can hit at Tehran and Iranian targets, the Iranians can easily cut off oil shipments, their own and others, from the Persian Gulf. It is known in the Pentagon that there are missiles in place in the Iranian mountains bordering the Gulf. It is also known that faked ‘hard’ positions have been, and are being, constructed to convince the American spy satellites where to target aerial attacks. It is believed here that there are other launching sites, very simple to set up and conceal, that are completely unknown to our intelligence people.

All it would take, a report I was reading this morning stated, would be for one or two supertankers to be severely damaged by a missile attack and the result would be that the insurers of said tankers would withdraw insurance from these immensely expensive vessels. With no insurance, the owners would not dare to venture into or out of the Persian Gulf, loaded with oil or empty.

As Bush went to war in Iraq for two reasons, and two reasons only, to accede to Israeli demands for the neutralization of her enemies and to get the Iraqi oil (Saudi oilfields are starting to run out), the interdiction of Gulf oil would be an economic disaster for the United States.

Que bono? The sole beneficiary of such a cessation of the flow of oil from the Gulf would be Russia.

Thanks to the actions of Putin, Russia has taken over control of her natural resources for exploitive foreign interests and at this point in time, Russia is frantically developing oil production. She is, in point of fact, keeping most of Europe supplied with oil and gas and the potentials of immense reserves in the Arctic areas bids fair to make Russia the world’s main source of oil and not the volatile Gulf area. If there is a serious interdiction of Gulf oil, the industrial countries such as China and Japan will be forced to buy their oil from Russia and, as he has shown repeatedly in the past, Putin knows exactly how to use Russia’s oil and gas as political as well as economic weapons.

America may threaten and even attack Israel’s enemy, Iran, but they would never dare to attack Russia who could quickly and effectively respond in kind. No, there is Vladimir Putin sitting quietly in his office, smiling at the irrational actions of George Bush, actions that could eventually replace the United States with Russia as the world’s strongest economic power. And he won’t have to anything more dangerous to do than to wait. Napoleon once said that one must never interrupt his enemy when he is making a mistake.

And if oil goes to two hundred dollars a barrel, whatever will happen to America’s winter’s supply of heating oil? Or the price of jet fuel for America’s airlines? Or gasoline for SUVs? Most of our heavy industry has atrophied in recent decades but that which is left inside the country will either close down or have to radically increase the prices of their goods.

All Putin has to do is to wait and then, like the old revivalist hymn, it will be ‘We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.’ Only in this case, it will not be wheat but oil money revenues pouring into his country. And the newly-rich Russian people will not be driving around in new Cadillac’s because they won’t be made any more. They will be driving new Mercedes instead.

vrijdag 28 september 2007

September 28, 2007

With rumors of war making the usual rounds in official Washington (mostly planted leaks) it is true that a lunatic Bush, pushed by Cheney, the Neocons and the Israeli Embassy, really wants to attack Iran. He has no troops and the senior officers are coming very close to open revolt, as are the troops in Iraq. But all of this to one side, I am planning to comment on something that most of us know as do the victims but which is not talked about in the media. To be blunt, the arch conservative Republicans detest black Americans, consider them inferior, welfare queens and would love for them to be exported to Africa, in theory if not in practice. The deliberate abandonment of the poor black population of New Orleans is typical of these proto-fascists but right now, there is sick horror in the far right circles that the dread Obama might actually become president! They could put up with Hillary but never Obama! “My God,” Bush said in a meeting three days ago, “that would be the end of this country if a Goddam nigger ever got into the White House!” Isn’t that a wonderful thing to hear about? And this is nothing new but it is coming more and more out into the open. I have a strong feeling that unless the Democrats wise up and do what they were elected to do, namely stop the war, there will be some amazing happenings come the next election. And one Senator said to me that it’s too bad a tidal wave doesn’t hit the marina here and drown the lavatory-loving Craig. Believe me, the GOP stalwarts hate the sight of him. He will probably lose his bid to withdraw his plea but he has made it very clear he will never quit. Maybe someone will cut his boat adrift while he’s sleeping on it and it will drift out into the Atlantic and be run down by a passing submarine.

zondag 23 september 2007

September 23, 2007

It is a terrible thing to watch someone destroy not only themselves but their closest supporters.

Naturally, I am speaking of George W. Bush. With strong connections to the oil industry and the Jewish lobby, Bush deliberately lied this country into a war, citing a fake “war on terror.” Let us just look at this war for a few minutes. “They attacked us!” Bush shouts, “and I am all that stands between our people and other attacks.”

Yes, George, the Muslims did attack us and since you have done so much damage to fellow Muslims in Iraq and the United States, they may well attack again. Now, why do they hate us, massacres of civilians, destruction of their infrastructure to one side? Because we are the sole economic and military support of the state of Israel who hates all of them and wants them destroyed.

They can’t do it all by themselves so they use political pressure and bribery to get us to do it for them. The sole reason that the Muslim world is now a bitter enemy of the United States is only because of this short-sighted policy. Believe it that if this country were to follow the wonderful suggestions of George Washington and were to adopt a polity of strict neutrality, there would have not been two terribly destructive world wars and certainly not the pointless and completely destructive battles going on in the Middle East.

Bush is a man of narrow mind and small intellect and his sadly deficient moral development is so bad that for him to admit an error and try to correct it is absolutely impossible. As well as refusing to recognize reality, Bush has done so much damage to the political right that everyone is plunging off the sinking ship and in 2008, given the public outrage, totally ignored by the Congress and the White House, it would not surprise most objective observers if large numbers of weak Democrats were all thrown out, along with the vicious and obstructionist Republicans.

Anyone who studies history realizes that Bush is playing with real fire by his stubborn, mindless refusal to listen to the needs and wishes of the public that, barely, elected him. He has, in essence, destroyed the viability of the Republicans as a serious factor in American politics, had done terrible damage to the American economy (the results of which we are now just beginning to see) but he does not care just so long has he has his way.

And when his misbegotten reign is finally over, he can take all the loot he has gathered together (for he is not honest….in fact, the Bush administration is probably the most vicious and fiscally corrupt in the history of this republic) and flee to what he erroneously thinks will be a safe place.

I have news for George, he can’t ever find one.

vrijdag 21 september 2007

September 21, 2007

Well, what with a gutless Democratic Congress, a whining, lying President and the dollar tanking, we now have more news of the degeneracy that seems to be epidemic in the Republicans.

First we had Congressman Foley who was well-known to his co-workers in the Vineyard of the President as a raging faggot (all turned a blind eye) and the Reverend Haggard, a major Christian leader and devout supporter of the President polishing the knob of a male prostitute, Senator Craig trying to score in a public toilet, and today, we learn, to our glee, an aggressive Bush supporter in the AG’s office getting nailed for soliciting the private parts of a six year old little girl!

And there is a picture making the rounds here, and has been for about three years, of a besotted Bush dancing cheek-to-cheek with a really ugly black drag queen at a Yale frat house dance. As long as the Republicans blocked duty leave for the soldiers now in Iraq, why not pass a bill mandating large holes being installed, by law, in all male lavatories?

And Bush has ordered the Iraqis to keep the vicious and murderous Blackwater killers in their country and no doubt they will heed their master’s voice and do so. And Bush won’t tell people about the Israeli air raid on a Syrian target? I’ll tell you since that tongue-tied, lying asshole can’t.

There was a suspected area where some kind of atomic energy program was being developed and the Jews wanted to send a message to Iran that very soon, they would get Bush to bomb them, too. These creeps, both Israel and Bush, will start a major war very soon if both of them are not stopped cold.

maandag 17 september 2007

September 17, 2007

I have heard it said that no one will dare to impeach Bush because they will get Dick Cheney in the Oval Office instead. This makes sense as Cheney is crazy as a loon and very, very dangerous. However, there is always hope. Our wonderful Vice President who even yesterday assured the staff here that ‘we are going to stay the course in Iraq, right to the end, is terminally ill and maybe, and prayerfully, God will take Cheney to His Bosom very quickly. Cheney is a Type A person and his cardio-vascular problems mount daily. Yesterday, one his aides had a get together with some friends and said Cheney’s lips keep getting blue, a sign of hopeful significance. Also, he has thrombosis in his varicose veins and hobbles around with a cane. Of course, if a cameraman is present, Cheney strides along, sans cane until he is out of camera range. His desk drawer, I am told, looks like a pharmacy and when he’s not trying to invade someone, he’s popping pills like a Soho artist. Another person here, with a medical background, tells me that one more ‘incident’ and it’s a state funeral under the Capitol dome. Let us pray, children!

donderdag 13 september 2007

September 13, 2007

On the weekend, I had a social get-together with friends of the family. One of the guests, who is with the U.S. military here in the D.C. area, got to talking with me about work his sigint unit was engaged in. Since he did not have any objections to my “discussing it” with others, provided his name and unit designation was not used, I am giving you a brief outline of a very fascinating subject.

It seems that the Army, the Navy, the CIA, the DHS and the FBI all are engaged in various counter-intelligence activities. None of them share information with each other and none of them ever forward information to Bush that he might object to reading because it might contradict his fantasies.

The Army discovered, quite by accident it seems, an international cell-phone circuit that has proven to be most interesting. The speakers, all Arabic, are apparently Saudis from their speech patterns. They are located in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Italy, Germany and Spain. From a constant 24/7 surveillance of their activities, my contact told me that the military intelligence people here are positive that some kind of a very major attack on Israel is now in progress.

They are certain that rockets or standard military units are not in the picture. It appears that a radical and very well funded Islamic group, probably based in Saudi Arabia (don’t forget, most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and we are certain that the Saudis are supplying their Sunni friends in Iraq with bombs and other equipment of death) and that they are preparing to launch some kind of a deadly attack on Israel. Army specialists have considered BW/CW and explosive scenarios but have tended to rule out the former because of the probability that fellow-Arabs would die in large numbers.

Rockets have been ruled out because it would be possible to track them, if not intercept them, and the Israelis would retaliate with aerial attacks at the very least or, more likely, get the U.S. to attack for them. When I asked if this was commonly known, my source replied that it was absolutely not.

Apparently, the senior leadership of our military loathes Bush and believes that Israel has too great an influence on him. They have said, and will say, nothing about their surveillance efforts because, to be frank, the Army brass hopes it will succeed and we will be finally rid of what my source said was ‘the Spanish Fly in Mid-Eastern politics.’ A neutralized Israel would relieve the United States military of fighting their regional wars for them and peace, they believe, would descend on the volatile region.

I asked him when they felt such a serious attack would happen and he said they did not know to a certainty but the increase in phone traffic and the growing urgency of the coded messages lent strong belief to imminent action on the part of the plotters.

I am not at all surprised by either the fury of the Muslims or the attitudes of the senior military people but there is a certain inevitability about the whole matter. Ten years ago, I would have thought this was fantasy and nonsense but not now.

I did ask if the sigint people or the higher brass felt that an attack would be directed against us (After all, my family lives in this area) but it seems that this does not appear to be any part of the projected and on-going action.

maandag 10 september 2007

September 10, 2007

Please pardon me for laughing at a funeral, friends, but the latest childish propaganda efforts on the part of the bankrupt Bush people is hysterical.

First, we have the regular faked ‘bin Laden tape’ right on schedule for Bush to point at and warn us that evil terrorists are about to attack Wetumka, Georgia and that we had better all support his loony policies or we’ll all be dead.

It is very well and clearly known here in the White House, and in the Pentagon, and in Langley and up at Ft. George Meade, that Osama bin Laden is as dead as Marley’s ghost, having expired in a Pakistani military hospital in 2002 of kidney failure.

These grotesque and very convenient tapes are being produced by the CIA in Texas and have been since 2003. I guess the duct tape and the color-coded ‘terror alerts’ have worn too thin so now we have a return to the tapes and the cries of imminent doom from our prevaricating, brainless president. Even the obedient press is treating this latest propaganda ploy with some quiet disdain.

And the second, and also fully expected, propaganda game will be General Petraeus’ White House-scripted lecture to Congress. He will solemnly tell us what Bush has ordered him to say: That the famous Surge is really working and that America must support her really effective military in finally beating the evil Muslims. Which, of course, we are now doing, under the inspired leadership of President Bush and General Petraeus. In fact, Petreaus is another Bush lap dog, just like the unlamented British PM Blair.

Note that no senior military officer would dare to contradict Bush’s wishes unless he wanted to be sacked on the spot. This would be entertaining theater if so many young Americans were not being killed or savagely wounded. Of course Americans don’t care if we roast the entire civilian population of Baghdad in the process of helping Bush to create a false legacy of sternness and resolve.

This, children, is a terrible reprise of the Vietnam disaster down to babbling politicians and lying general officers who dithered around, doing nothing while tens of thousands of young Americans were killed or crippled.

All that remains is for the Arab resistance movement to have their own Tet offensive to put the cap on the rerun. If a large transport plane full of troops was shot down (as they tried to shoot down a plane full of Congressmen recently…all in all, a wonderful idea) with 200-300 dead, then the public would wake up and begin to bite the hands that they feed.

A Greek writer once said, and this is presently a very pregnant phrase, that boys kill frogs for sport but the frogs die in earnest. Young Americans are dying every day while Bush pours over plans for his presidential library and decided on the color of the drapery.

Impeach him and fire his worthless, lackey generals.

donderdag 6 september 2007

September 6, 2007

Now, we have the unedifying spectacle of Senator Craig squealing that he wants to change his plea of guilty stemming from his public lavatory gropings. The high brass here is livid with rage with him but the general opinion is that Craig is a petty-minded man, vicious and very, very stubborn. The Party wants him out, now, and he won’t go. On the other hand, if he somehow gets the charge dropped, the Minneapolis people will charge him with the original, and more serious and graphic offense. Craig is a self-hating gay and everyone on the Hill is aware that this is not the first time he had sought gratification in public toilets but if this pathetic drama continues, it will do even more damage to the GOP that Bush is responsible for. They can do nothing about Bush who will never withdraw any units from Iraq until he leaves office….unless he is forced to, but they can go after Craig and take out their frustrations on him. Maybe he and Haggard can get together and open some kind of a business that we ought not to even think about. There are a large number of Craig’s types here and I understand a list has been put together from the records of a credit card male prostitution ring. My, my, if these names are accurate, the Craig business will pale into insignificance. I look for all this to come out very soon and in great detail (no photographs, however).

September 6, 2007

Now, we have the unedifying spectacle of Senator Craig squealing that he wants to change his plea of guilty stemming from his public lavatory gropings. The high brass here is livid with rage with him but the general opinion is that Craig is a petty-minded man, vicious and very, very stubborn. The Party wants him out, now, and he won’t go. On the other hand, if he somehow gets the charge dropped, the Minneapolis people will charge him with the original, and more serious and graphic offense. Craig is a self-hating gay and everyone on the Hill is aware that this is not the first time he had sought gratification in public toilets but if this pathetic drama continues, it will do even more damage to the GOP that Bush is responsible for. They can do nothing about Bush who will never withdraw any units from Iraq until he leaves office….unless he is forced to, but they can go after Craig and take out their frustrations on him. Maybe he and Haggard can get together and open some kind of a business that we ought not to even think about. There are a large number of Craig’s types here and I understand a list has been put together from the records of a credit card male prostitution ring. My, my, if these names are accurate, the Craig business will pale into insignificance. I look for all this to come out very soon and in great detail (no photographs, however).

zaterdag 1 september 2007

September 1, 2007

With a transparency that is awe-inspiring, the Administration is cranking out the scare stories about invading Iran. Paid bloggers and a very obedient press are flooding us with ‘confidential’ and endless ‘inside leaks’ that yes, children, we are going to invade Iran any day now. Stories about massing helicopters, serious secret ship movements, new shipments arriving every hour in Baghdad of bunker bombs and so on pour forth from the word processors in the Pentagon The problem is, these pathetic liars have been shrieking ‘wolf’ for so long that at this point, while the ‘red alert’ days and the ‘duct tape’ warnings have faded away into humorous myths, now they rattle a broken saber in a tin scabbard.

Israel sternly mentions her non-existent horde of atomic weapons, the U.S. Navy is sending eleventy thousand aircraft carriers to the Gulf , Cheney is tittering in his office, Bush is crying all the time in the Private Quarters because all the original worshippers of Bush, the new Son of God have gone away, never to return.

Tony Snow is leaving and we understand Barney the Dog is looking for a new home outside the Beltway.

If they weren’t so dangerous, these people would be pathetic. The Brits are leaving southern Iraq but very little in the captive press about this slap in the face and in the north, we caved in to Turkey and let their troops come into that area, without any publicity, to track down, and as the Turks like to do, butcher the local Kurdish population. And most important for Americans to note: The vaunted Bush ‘surge’ is a total failure in spite of media attempts to portray it otherwise. It is not a surprise that the print papers are rapidly crashing as tens of thousands of subscribers, tired of the canned pap, are turning to the internet for accurate news.

I understand the next phony Pentagon leak will concern a ‘deadly new bomb’ that we are giving to our Only Friend, Israel.

From intercepted foreign intelligence reports, the Bush people are viewed as dangerous lunatics who would be better off on an island in Antarctica or an asylum, eating cold beans off a tin plate while someone with a monocle watches them through a hole in the door.

I don’t know what is worse, a sniveling, hesitant and leaderless Congress or a lunatic, worthless President being led around with a ring in his hooked nose by a poison dwarf of a Cheney.

And when our National Kindergarten packs its tattered rucksacks and crawls off into the dawn, the Pentagon myth makers can always get jobs writing puff pieces for all the CEOs and hedge fund leaders who have fled to Israel or Brazil taking hundreds of millions of stolen money with them.

And that scenario is about to be reenacted any day now as all the ‘leverage buyouts, ‘ and ‘private equity’ people join the fleeing ‘sub-prime mortgage’ thieves who are now sunning themselves on the beaches in Aruba, lighting Cuban cigars with hundred dollar bills. Will Congress go after them? Of course not. If they did, they would have to surrender the mattress covers full of such bills they have hidden in their freezers at home.

donderdag 30 augustus 2007

August 30, 2007

There have been many deliberately leaked rumors about a projected attack on Iran. Believe that Israel desperately wants this and Cheney is firmly, and deeply, in their pocket over the issue of our attacking their enemies. Bush wants to go along, believing a great surge of patriotic support would be forthcoming from the adoring public and that he could end his tenure in the White House in a blaze of public adulation and military glory.

He does actually believe this stupidity and is entirely capable of ordering at attack. At this writing, the talk is that he is setting up plans for the Air Force to bomb Tehran back into the stone age. This way, Bush reasons (a word hardly fitting his ineptness) he doesn’t have to use ground troops (which he no longer has), Israel will leap with joy and Cheney and his Likudist friends will fawn over Bush.

Bush has no friends left anymore, other than his wife and his dog, so as a man who likes to be flattered and worshipped for his totally non-existent abilities, he would purr like a stroked cat.

Even if he announced this attack to a joint session of Congress, they could do nothing to stop him because he has the legal right to launch such an attack. Of course the Navy can’t take part because it would be attacked by the Iranian missiles and obliterated but a fleet of bombers could easily make it to Tehran. While it is known that Iran has a ring of anti-aircraft missiles around their capital, in Bush’s squinty eyes, what are a few dozen bombers blasted out of the air if he can do more damage and then give a fatuous speech about how he saved his precious country from a savage attack by the evil al Quaeda? Yes, children, Bad Seepage, Ohio is safe at last!

I notice that when Bush went to New Orleans, he was brought into that shattered city like a thief in the night with no fanfare, no parades and massive, really massive, security. He was rushed around for very well-guarded photo ops and at one school, the children were sternly ordered by the principal not to ask any questions of the President but only to applaud him and smile.

The small handful of New Orleans’ black citizens who still liked Bush (about seven or eight by count) were dragged out for more photo ops and then, surrounded by a phalanx of armed and vigilant guards, he was whisked out, rushed to the airfield in armored cars with sirens hooting and into the safety of AF1 and back to the White House bunker.

There is a rumor, probably more wishful thinking, among the staff here that Bush has bought a white horse for his victory parade up Pennsylvania Avenue after nuking Tehran but I wouldn’t believe it. I highly doubt if Bush would dare appear in such a public forum and there aren’t enough secret service men to line the streets, waving paper flags and cheering the New Caesar.

An old saying: ‘Whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad,’ certainly fits these present circumstances.

zondag 26 augustus 2007

August 26, 2007

White House staff members are informed that they are not to use any AT&T, SBC or AOL system to send any messages dealing with official issues. Why is this? Because these entities report directly to government agencies, giving them, on a strictly voluntary basis, reams of information on their subscribers to include taped conversations, records of incoming and outgoing calls and, most especially any incoming or outgoing calls from outside the United States. These firms volunteered to supply governmental agencies with all of this information and, in some cases, have permitted government agents to operate freely inside their facilities.

Also, it is well known here that the search engine, Google, regularly and again, voluntarily, supplies the government identifying material on persons seeking information on subjects the government has decreed are ‘of interest.’ This includes the obvious subjects such as al-Quaeda, smart bombs, or nerve gasses but also includes any subject that might be considered anti-administration in general and anti-Bush and Cheney in specific.

Although there has been some public discussion of this volunteer spying, it is continuing even as we speak and it is known in the trade that no federal prosecutions will ensue as a result of their illegal actions. Many American businesses, such as the huge California-based Bank of America, regularly cooperate with the DHS in conducting illegal searches of their depositor’s accounts and, especially, their safe deposit boxes.

It is a common joke inside the Beltway that many DHS> employees are sporting very nice gold watches as a result of these clandestine operations.

donderdag 23 augustus 2007

August 23, 2007

By now, most Americans have learned of the very serious economic problems caused by the utter collapse of the sub-prime home mortgage business. What is not discussed are certain underlying causes which I will rectify for you. The so-called ‘dotcom’ stock collapse was a rigged venture that almost wiped out an entire legitimate industry some years back. How it worked was this way” A number of crooked stock brokers promoted certain high tech stock. They knew there was really nothing behind their choices. Once the stock was set up and destined for the board, they called a number of their wealthy friends and said, in essence, ‘I want you to buy 30,000 shares of such-and-such stock at ten and I will sell you out at twenty.’ The client, who had been this before, agreed. The result was a surge in sales and we had a ‘rocket stock.’ Eventually, when the worthless stock shot up to $80.00 a share, gravity took over and down it went, overnight. So did other deals like and, unfortunately, a lot of legitimate stock. Now, we have the same game but with different players. This time, a group of thoroughly crooked small mortgage dealers conspired with each other to rip off the major banks. They gave no-deposit mortgages to home buyers whom they knew had no credit at all. They sold them flexible rate mortgages and forgot to tell the new home owners that in a few months, their $300 a month payments would suddenly soar to $3,000. Then they sold these deliberately faked mortgages to banks and lending institutions. These, in turn, believing that when they put the rates up within the stated limits, their incomes would soar. These mortages were then put into packages by the unsuspecting banks and sold to investors. Naturally, when the banks raised the rates (as they had an absolutely legal right to do,) the poor homeowner could not make the payments, defaulted and the bank had to take over the homes that had been abandoned. People high up in Washington became aware of this (but the press was asked initially to lay off the subject) Cheney suggested to the shocked banks that they quickly sell of the “bad” mortgages to the Chinese. For some reason, Cneney hates them and is doing his very best to ruin their economy. He was the moving force behind the plan to sell Blackstone stock to the Chinese just before Blackstone went public. Naturally, when the news of the huge Chinese purchase hit the cooperative press, the stock prices went up just long enough for Cheney and his friends to make a short-term killing before Blackstone tanked. The Chinese are, deliberately, stuck with billions of dollars of stock in a fly-by-night company who is in the process of total collapse. Also, there have been runs on a bank, Nationwide, which is allied with the mortgage people who are in the process of total burn out. The public should note that the FDIC program protects all investors in any bank up to $100,000 and bank runs are not necessary or helpful. Now, you have some background on this. Don’t blame the banks, kids. They were conned and we will all pay for the game. And by now, the sleazy mortgage brokers are sunning on the beach at Tel Aviv while thinking of all their money stashed in Israeli banks.

zondag 19 augustus 2007

August 19, 2007

Most of the White House staff who has any contact with the President knows that he claims that he is a very religious man. He believes that he has a compact with God Almighty who talks to him on a regular basis and tells him what to do. No, this is not blog nonsense because he has modestly informed a number of the press assigned to the White House press corps that this is the real skinny. He said that when he was at the late Pope’s funeral, he saw the pages of the Bible fluttering in the wind and in that moment, he knew God was talking to him. This is one of the reasons Bush is fanatically pro-Israel because Bush firmly believes that Jesus is coming back and he will be the celestial instrument in the totally fictional “Battle of Armageddon.’ Bush firmly believes that the Holy Land must all belong to Israel even if they have to kill off all the Muslims living there. Bush has had several of his portraits doctored digitally to show him with a halo over his head and he has an old Bible in his office that he drags out from time to time to “thoughtfully and prayerfully” read whenever he wants to impress a visitor. At first, I thought this was just another Bush con job to impress the Christian Right nit wits that used to visit here but little by little, I came to the inescapable conclusion that Bush actually believed this nonsense and is determined to pursue his lunatic and disruptive Mid East policy in the face of logic and disaster. Those who think he will “abandon Israel” and pull out are dead wrong. He will hint at possible future withdrawals but in truth, will stay in that country until the day he leaves office. Why? Because he says God had promised him all kinds of nice things if he just waits a little longer so Armageddon can take place. No one dares to tell Bush that the ‘Battle of Armageddon’ is not anywhere in the Bible. The only reference to this geographical location can be found in Revelations 16:16 and nowhere else. In fact, no one dares to tell Bush anything he does not want to hear or there is instant reprisal. As the result of his increasing eccentricities, many staffers have quietly left and now, with the departure of Rove, Bush has no one he can confide in. Cheney merely orders him around, Gonzales is a pathetic, creepy little butt kisser and there is no point on dwelling on the shallow and useless Rice. Well, I suppose we get what we pay for and we paid for a wacko who has the power to kill a great number of people. That is if God tells him to.