donderdag 31 augustus 2006

August 31, 2006

We have had a number of incompetent Presidents but beyond any doubt, George W. Bush is the worst. Aside from his compulsive, and easily exposed lies, let us consider Bush’s failures of his global war plans. Note: Portions of this material have previously been published on the Internet and in the foreign press but rarely addressed in the captive American media.

Five years after Bush ordered Afghanistan invaded and, true to form, smugly announced a complete U.S. military victory, US, and a very small number of ‘Allies” allied forces are struggling on a daily basis to defend their bases and supply lines against rising attacks from a growing number of Afghan resistance groups. The war in both Iraq and Afghanistan costs the American taxpayer $1.5 billion monthly. As an added bonus, US-ruled Afghan now produces over 80% of the world’s heroin. The US just quietly deployed thousands more troops to Afghanistan to hunt al-Qaida leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri in a desperate attempt to save Republicans from heavy losses in November mid-term elections.

Remember Fat Karl Rove’s grotesque "Mission accomplished!" in Iraq? President Bush’s war in Iraq is clearly lost, but few dare admit it. The US has spent over $300 billion in taxpayer’s money on Afghanistan and Iraq, with nothing to show in either theater but chaos, civil war, body bags, and growing Iranian influence in Iraq and western Afghanistan. The Bush/Cheney "liberation" of Iraq has now cost more than the Vietnam War. So much for the "cakewalk." Iraq is likely the biggest American foreign policy disaster in living memory – even worse, in many ways, than Vietnam.

Down in the strategic Horn of Africa, another dangerous fiasco is unfolding. The White House had CIA and Pentagon have spent tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer’s money bribing Somali warlords to fight Islamist reformers trying to bring law and order to their strife-ravaged nation. The Islamists whipped CIA-backed warlords and ran them out of Somalia. Following this defeat, the US has encouraged and financed ally Ethiopia – shades of Lebanon – to invade Somalia, thus raising the threat of a wider war between Somalia, Ethiopia, and its old foe, Eritrea. Meanwhile, growing numbers of US Special Forces and CIA teams are getting drawn into obscure tribal mêlées in the Horn of Africa and the Saharan regions.

Lebanon is, of course, the fourth major American military disaster. Bush and Cheney encouraged Israel to launch the hugely destructive but militarily fruitless war in Lebanon as the first part of their long-nurtured plan to militarily crush Hezbullah, Syria and Iran. The Bush Administration brazenly thwarted world efforts to halt the conflict while giving Israel the green light to tear apart Lebanon. Now, just over a month later, Bush announces he will send $230 million to "help rebuild" Lebanon – the same Lebanon blasted apart by US smart bombs rushed by air to Israel by a sycophantic Bush. That the UN has condemned the use of these bombs is, of course, of no interest to either Bush or his opposite numbers in Israel

To Washington and Tel Avis’s, horror, Iran, and Syria emerged the war’s victors. Hezbollah is now the Muslim World’s new hero after battling Israel’s mighty armed forces to a humiliating draw. Even Syria’s President Bashar Asad, who played dead during the Lebanon War in fear of an Israeli attack, is now thumping his chest and crowing that Syria played a major role in the unexpected Arab victory.

Hezbollah’s triumph thwarted, at least for the moment, Bush/Cheney plans to attack Lebanon, Syria and Iran. The US and Israel have become so used to smashing nearly helpless foes armed with obsolete weapons – like Iraq, Taliban, or Palestine – that they were stunned to meet a force that had modern arms and could actually fight.

No sooner had bombing stopped than Hezbullah bulldozers were busy clearing rubble, and Hezbullah social workers resettling refugees. Perhaps President Bush should ask Hezbullah to take over rebuilding New Orleans and resettling all its refugees.

Israelis have now turned from fighting Arabs to furious finger-pointing. Politicians and generals are blaming each other for the Lebanon debacle that killed over eleven hundred 118 Israeli soldiers and 41 civilians, cost at least $6 billion, ruined the summer tourist trade, and, after a burst of initial sympathy, brought worldwide condemnation. And no captured soldiers – this war’s supposed objective – have been yet returned.

By turning a routine border skirmish into a big war, Israel’s PM Ehud Olmert showed he had no more grasp of military affairs than those other amateur warlords, Bush, Cheney and Tony Blair. Lebanon also showed that the western leaders learned nothing from their debacle in Iraq.

Now, some Washington hawks are wondering if invading Iran may not be the "cakewalk" that pro-Israel neoconservatives blithely promised. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards helped train and arm Hezbullah’s victorious fighters. Suddenly, neither the Israelis nor the Americans look so invincible. As Napoleon said, in war, the moral is to the physical as three to one.

America was the big loser in the Lebanon war. From Morocco to Indonesia, each night 1.5 billion Muslims watched the carnage in Lebanon on TV and blamed America. Even the poorest shepherd in Uzbekistan heard the US was airlifting the precision bombs and deadly cluster munitions to Israel used against Lebanese civilians.

Any hope of damping down the Islamic World’s surging hatred of the US, Britain, Australia and Israel (now add Canada) was killed in Lebanon. Even the interestingly-timed airport hysteria in London over alleged bomb plots failed to divert attention from the latest US-British Mideast policy disaster.

Yet the White House still keeps listening to absurd military advice from the same fanatically pro-Israel neoconservatives thirsting for conquest, oil and Muslim blood. Undaunted even by the fiasco in Lebanon, the Bush/Cheney White House is now heading into a full-blown crisis with Iran over its nuclear enrichment program.

As far as the civilian, domestic disasters, one need only mention the hurricane Katrina that clearly showed a total lack of interest (except for pro-Bush businessmen who reaped rich rewards) in the fate of poor New Orleans blacks. And of course we have the constant hyping of the fear factor to keep the electorate in line and supportive of the Republican’s murderous and short-sighed policies.

zondag 27 augustus 2006

August 27, 2006

The posting of an intercepted conversation between an official of the Israeli Embassy and a party at AIPAC has drawn an enormous amount of attention. Nearly all of this is positive, I am told, but a number of parties have wondered how it could be authenticated. If they could advise me as to how they feel this conversation, and the many others I am now in the process of working up , can be authenticated, I will be happy to address the issue.

Perhaps a signed, notarized statement from the Israeli official involved might suffice but one has the distinct feeling that such a statement would never issue.

The initial conversation between an official of the Israeli Embassy in Washington and someone from the AIPAC, also in Washington, has had a tremendous reception, having been looked at over 100,000 times on our website alone, and has subsequently been reprinted on other websites around the world.

To date, we have had no comment from the Israeli Embassy proclaiming it to be false and there is a great deal of internal evidence that lends credence to its authenticity.

In the final analysis, it is the opinion of the reader that the reader.

This latest posting is important enough but the reader must know that neither of the parties are identified, although their telephone numbers are. One, the A party, is calling from a telephone located inside Washington’s plush Hay-Adams hotel while the second, the B party, is using the main telephone number of the United States Attorney’s office in New York City. It should be fairly obvious that one of the parties, the one in Washington, has some connection with the staff of the Vice President. The call was recorded on August 18, 2006 and I am only showing a portion of it. The rest of what was a 20 minute call is filled with trivia.

A @ 202 638-6600 (Washington, D.C.)

B @ 212 637-2200 (New York City, N.Y.)
A: Of course you never know what is serious, what can happen, what will happen and what is only wishful thinking. But there is enough there….

B: How much have you actually seen…or heard? I mean factually, not just latrine rumors.

A: Plenty. In a twisted way, it makes sense. I suppose it does. Anyway, I have nothing to do with it and just knowing about something in advance is not a crime, unless someone can find a paper or remember a conversation that is.

B: Before the fact.

A: Right. That’s why I say you and your family should leave your nice Big Apple place about the ninth of October and go visit your relatives in Arizona. Then you can watch it on CNN.

B: How long a vacation?

A: Why not a week either way?

B: And you? Any vacation for you? But you don’t have any kids or plants to take care of.

A: True but Georgetown is pretty safe. New York won’t be. God knows what kind of chemicals will be in the air and a good wind coming from Jersey could bring some nasty surprises. Isn’t it better to be safe than sorry?

B: Sure. But packing up means stories to everyone and I would have to be cool and collected about it. The kids would miss Halloween parties if I stay long enough and there is school to consider. I suppose I ought to call home and get them to invite me. I can’t just drop in on them.

A: No but try not to sound concerned. How long since you’ve seen them out there?

B: About a year, give or take. I’ll start on this right away. Will you be involved?

A: Shit no. I told you I want to know nothing about all of this and…

B: No, no, no….I mean will you have to go down there?

A: No. I’m not important enough. He might not even go. He will probably put Bush up to going to show the flag as he could say, while he does what he’s been doing for six years now and that’s running the country. No, he’ll stay right here and make sure he can keep his eyes and his hands on everything. I know he’s been writing speeches and policy statements on this because I’ve seen several when I have been filing.

B: Does he know you look at things?

A: Christ, I hope not. I just smile and look admiring and once in a while, I get a brief smile or a nod. He wants so much to be the real President but it will never happen. Too many people hate him. He’s not all that bad privately but officially, he’s a real Beria, if you know what I mean. Competent, very much so, and cold as ice. Jesus, he really does not like Bush at all. I have heard him say things about him…he thinks he’s a basket case. You know, it’s funny because when he put himself on the ticket, he had no idea Bush would be such an intransigent nut. But he’s been waiting for real power for years and now that he has it, he’s not going to blow it. I don’t know why he just doesn’t cash in his stock options when the term is over and retire and write books. He’s got a really bum ticker and he could go at any time.

B: Quadruple bypass, right?

A: Oh yes, and he takes more pills than a hippie.

B: Then why does he care?

A: His precious party might lose everything he has worked towards for so many years, that’s why. If they lose in November, don’t forget, there could be investigations and I can tell you what with the stock business and the hidden bank accounts, he’d spend his last years in a Federal jail somewhere.

B: They think they’ll never get caught…

A: Or die. Anyway, you know enough not to tell your wife or anyone else about this heads up, don’t you. Two ways to get secret information out. Telephone and tell a woman.

B: My wife isn’t that way at all but I take your drift. I say nothing. But won’t one of the perps get sloshed and tell some cunt about it? Or his priest?

A: Don’t worry about priests. They’re using Jews for this one, like the last time. I think it’s rabbis, not priests.

B: They were involved in 2001…

A: Yes and they passed it on, knowing nothing would be done. And no one is going to nail them on this one because they can snitch about the last one. Hell, they’ve been using that one for leverage for five years now. They’re smart assholes, I’ll give them that.

B: Why that target and not something like the Liberty Bell? Or they could blow up a plane with a lot of top Democrats on board, right?

A: If the refinery goes, you can see and hear it in your apartment. No damage to New York but plenty of dramatic fireworks. Keep the media busy for months. At least it will be better than the Aruba adventure. You have to keep the number of in-the-know people down to about three. The hebe guy running this operation is from DC originally and Interpol is after him for his operation down under. Linden is right on the water and it’s easy in and easy out…if they’re lucky. Oh, and here’s a nice touch. They want to leave a dead raghead behind, like some guard shot him. I mean someone they have in jail, over there, not here, with a long record of militant activity and I mean well-documented. And one of my man’s people will accidentally discover him nice and dead with all kinds of fake evidence in his pockets, for certain putting the blame on bin Laden. And that’s a joke because bin Laden has been dead since ’03.

B: Did we ice him somewhere?

A: No. Kidney failure in a paki hospital. He makes a good boogeyman. You know the drill: If you don’t vote for us, the rotten, weak faggot Democrats will take over and bin Laden will rejoice and kill all of you.

B: It has worked before as I remember. Red Alerts and duct tape.

A: And then we can have real Red Alert days, just before elections.

B: As usual. Not to change the subject but how do you think the immigration votes will go? My people live in Tucson and they are worried sick about all of the beaners shooting each other over drugs. What will happen?

A: What do you think? They supply our friendly agribusiness tycoons with slave labor so we make a lot of noise and do nothing.

B: McCain…

A: He’s a nut. I guess being locked up in a zipperhead jail in solitary for five years snapped him.

donderdag 24 augustus 2006

August 24, 2006

I will take a break from publishing intercepts (more of these later) to take a close, inside, look at the situation here in the White House, as of this date.

The Republicans are becoming more and more restive, unhappy and, in many cases, frightened, by their plummeting poll numbers. They have to look forward to the November elections, after all, and Bush is a lame duck. The point is that everyone in this building and nearly everyone in Congress realizes that the Iraqi war and occupation is a total failure.

Resistance people are mortaring our troops and officials inside the allegedly “safe” Green Zone, (the public will never hear about this disaster…more intercepts!) casualties are rising every day and several days ago, Bush signed the papers allowing the military (the Marines first) to recall almost all recently discharged soldiers back to active duty in Iraq. In the latter case, the only ones exempt will be those who were badly wounded or discharged for criminal or psychological reasons. And, of course, the many dead are safe from future turmoil and pain.

All of these young men will be yanked back into service solely because Bush is hysterically determined never to move an inch on withdrawing from Iraq (and thereby suffering an embarrassing and fatal humiliation.)

If any of you watched his press conference earlier this week, you will realize that we are not led by a sane man.

Bush, and I have personally observed this first hand, is up against the wall and is responding with hysterical, almost feminine, rage. He shouted to the reporters that he was never going to leave Iraq, hardly the words of a politician eager to support his party in forthcoming elections. I, and many others, have heard some of his increasing screaming fits in the White House and his once-loyal staff here are either taking Prozac or looking for other jobs.

Polls show that most Americans view the Iraq mess, with its continuing military casualties, its raging civil war and massive daily civilian killings as not worth it and while the numbers of those who want it immediately stopped are not as high as they might be, the overall view is that Iraq is a mess and something has to be done, and quickly, to solve the problem..

This is identical with the U.S. public’s attitudes during VietNam and eventually Johnson’s refusal to budge (‘Victory is right around the corner!”) forced him to leave office. Bush is now in the same position but given his severe psychological problems and juvenile attitudes, he will never budge an inch over any of this.

If anyone crosses our President or disagrees with him in any way, he is, at the least, subject to screaming diatribes full of foul language and at worst, to being sacked. In summation, Bush is a genuine mental case and if he continues his present course, there will be some kind of a rebellion here inside the Beltway. Either the military, which detests him, calling him a drunk and a deserter (I have heard such statement recently from people whose names most of you would recognize) will simply refuse to obey his increasingly manic orders or Congress (both sides of the aisle) will do the same. The results will equal the national traumas we all suffered over the Watergate business.

Nixon was far more intelligent and a much better politician than Bush but like the latter, Nixon had his psychological problems that would never allow him to admit he had made a mistake…and he fell from high office because of this flaw.

The tragedy is that long ago, Bush could easily have put a good face on all of this, have made placating speeches and performed some token acts of correction (never contrition however) but given his vicious and childish stubbornness coupled with pathological determination never to give in, he will have to be dragged, screaming, out of the Oval Office.

And he will, without a doubt, drag the Republican party down into the abyss with him.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Note: In coming commentary, I will cover, and quote from, an interesting medical report on the President that is a secret and a technical report on the farcical, invented ‘liquid bomb’ our people invented and gave to the Brits to bolster Bush’s ‘international terrorist threat’ bedtime stories.

zaterdag 19 augustus 2006

August 19, 2006

Ever since the extremist attacks on various American targets on September 11, 2001, an enormous body of literature, mostly theory and supposition, has erupted throughout the world. The real story about this tragedy is far more interesting, and provable, than the great forests of fiction that have grown up around it. There are two parts to this story. There is no point going over the known facts again because there are very few Americans who do not know them. The most reasonable accounting, stripped of fictional additions, is that a group of Arabs planned and executed it entirely on their own and that, for some unknown and very implausible reasons, the American authorities allege they were taken completely by surprise. None of this is true, by the way. The Arabs had highly proficient non-Arab assistance and the American authorities were fully appraised of the progress, timing and full details of the pending attack by those instrumental in directing the suicide pilots.

This documented version is far more simple than the fictions

It is that the Israeli Mossad (foreign intelligence,) had fully penetrated the Atta group in Florida while they were plotting 9/11. The Mossad not only penetrated the Atta group, long in advance of the attack, but gave it a great deal of technical advise and also supplied them with current intelligence information on possible U.S. surveillance and defensive measures. And further, after much soul –searching in Tel Aviv, Arial Sharon decided to notify the American government via the Israeli Ambassador in Washington, and also to copy the information to the American Central Intelligence Agency with whom they had, and still have, a very close working relationship .Not only was the American President, and especially the Vice President, fully aware of the pending attack, but a number of Israelis also knew about this in great detail and used the information to enrich themselves, to the amount of sixteen millions dollars, on the international stock market

First, I include a portion of a recent telephone intercept on the subject, followed by a point by point dissection of the issue as outlined above..

Transcription of telephone conversation on August 4, 2006

Israeli Embassy, Washington D.C. Telephone Number (202) 364-5581

unidentified individual at CIA, Washington D.C., Telephone Number (703) 482-1102

Commenced 0913 hrs, concluded 0931 hrs.

Speaker A Amir Maimon - - Minister-Counselor and Head of Political Department , Embassy of Israel, Washington, D.C.

Speaker B Unidentified individual located at CIA headquarters, Langley, VA

A: We need to discuss the last major episode…in 2001. There is not so much for us to lose if any of your people get this out…

B: Everything went into the burn bags.

A: We should hope so but there are always those who like to make copies…

B: Not in this case. Believe me, they cleaned everything out.

A: It wouldn’t look that bad for us because we did keep you courant, didn’t we? You know you had everything in advance of the date.

B: Yes, we did but it’s all gone now. That was part of the deal, after all. Everything went.

A: But we still have copies, you know. I have reviewed these and believe me, it doesn’t make us look bad. We kept you right up to the mark on what we were doing. And you certainly knew almost to the minute when, where and how it was happening. Our hands are clean but yours….

B: We passed everything along, everything. Who knows, someone on your side might have leaked something and then the media bastards would be all over us, not to mention the White House.

A: We’re interested to know why someone with you hasn’t gone to the press…

B: It was highly compartmented and on a need to know. And anyone with this knowledge would be terminated with the usual extreme prejudice if they even hinted at it. The recent business with the Brits is pure circus but the White House loves it…

A: It’s so blatantly stupid that it will fall apart of its own weight. The Atta attacks are believable because they carried them out. There was the proof, right on television but the story about the bombs? Who will believe that one? And we had no knowledge of this and if there had been a real ongoing probe, for sure we would have heard all about it. And you? Did you hear anything?

B: After the fact and we agree: no one really believes this. It will go away…

A: That’s usual. But on the earlier business, remember we kept you right up to the mark. And don’t believe that the Bush people wouldn’t throw all of you into the sea over this if it ever came out. You would say you warned them and they would deny it. And where is the proof? You burned it. And where are you then? They will toss a sop to public opinion and sack the lot of you.

B: The DCI kept his word and his silence and they have no reason to push this any further. God knows what it might turn up. There could have been other warnings…

A: There were. From the Germans, the French, Putin, Egypt, Morocco and God knows who else. They are bloody lucky it didn’t blow up in their face. But I can repeat that we are not on the stove this time. You know, anti-Israeli feelings are running high now and the public will be ready to believe anything bad. I don’t want to have to explain that of course we knew what they were up to. After all, we have the right to defend our citizens against terrorism, but you all knew what we were doing and we kept telling you what was coming. You know that, don’t deny it.

B: I’m certainly not and I assure you, there will be no trouble from there. The White House will not be able to deny we told them and we will not be able to deny you told us….

A: In plenty of time to stop it. We could never understand why they did nothing but on the other hand, it suited them to have excuses, didn’t it?

B: Excuses? For what?

A: Reasons, it should have been reasons. Now, they had an excuse for their stupid wars.

B: You did benefit from removing Iraq from the game, didn’t you?

A: Of course, but this thing was never thought out and look at where things are now. It’s going to be a disaster for all of us. Of course if we win in Lebanon and gain the buffer zone and frighten Syria into minding its business, all and good but if not, this is a huge cancer that can grow.


In January of 2000, a meeting of high-level al Qaeda personnel took place in Kuala Lumpur. According to the official CIA report, this is where the attacks on the USS Cole and World Trade Center were put forward.. The Kuala Lumpur meeting was monitored by Malaysian intelligence at the request of the CIA. The CIA was able to determine the identities of the participants, if not the entire agenda. Among those attending: were Ramzi Binalshibh, a student in Germany who then returned there and supposedly organized the Hamburg cell led by Atta, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi. They subsequently entered the United States and moved around the country freely for 18 months, before they successfully hijacked the American Airlines commercial aircraft that was flown into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001,

Alhmihdhar's story is especially incredible because he left and reentered the United States at least twice more, once traveling to Germany to meet Binalshibh, and once going to Yemen, where the CIA believes he helped prepare the bombing of the USS Cole. Although he was identified as a suspect in the Cole bombing soon after that attack, the CIA never told the FBI or the INS anything about either him or Alhazmi until late August, 2001 -- after he had reentered the United States yet again. This proved to be far too late to apprehend Alhazmi.

Further the CIA also did not inform the German authorities about its suspicions regarding Binalshibh., where they could have connected him to the other members of the "Hamburg cell" that included the WTC suicide pilots, Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi.

The CIA did monitor Binalshibh long enough to connect him to Atta, because CIA had Mohamed Atta under surveillance in Hamburg starting in January 2000. This surveillance continued until Atta applied for and received a U.S. entry visa from the U.S. embassy in Berlin (on May 18, 2000) and flew to the United States out of Prague in June.

In October of 2000, two Mossad cells of six Egyptian and Yemeni- born Jews, started training at a secret base in Israel's Negev Desert with the purpose of penetrating Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, both in Europe (where they were known to be functioning in Hamburg, Germany) and the United States where a known bin Laden cell had been identified as being organized. It is generally known that the Mossad has penetrated every Arab and Muslim organization and would have had little problem in finding any number of fanatics to carry out a suicide mission in the belief they were serving Allah. Indeed, recent news reports contended that not all of the hijackers knew their mission would end in death.

One team flew to Amsterdam and were under the control of Mossad's Europe Station. This is based at Schipol Airport within the El Al complex. They later made contact in Hamburg with Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker on September 11.

The second group flew directly to New York. From there they traveled south to Florida and infiltrated the Bin Laden organization. In the town of Hollywood, Florida, they identified the two former Hamburg students and later terror pilots, Mohammed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi. The Mossad team lived in the vicinity of the apartment of the two seemingly normal flight school students, observing them around the clock.

On August 17th, 2001, the Mossad team in Europe flew with some of the Hamburg terrorists into Boston, a month before the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.. Mossad agents had learned from the CIA that the leader of this group, Hanan Serfati, had rented several dwellings. "One of Serfati's apartments was located on the corner of 701st St. and 21st Ave. [sic] in Hollywood, right near the apartment of Atta and al-Shehi.", The chief Israeli agent was residing near the Hollywood post office where the terrorists had a mailbox. The Mossad also had its sights on Atta’s accomplice Khalid al-Midhar, with whom the CIA was also familiar, but allowed to run free. The Mossad team kept Atta under continuous surveillance while he was attending flight school in Florida in 2000 and early 2001. The initial penetration was followed by these agents, acting on specific orders from the Mossad, assisting the Atta people in developing their plans to attack “important American government and financial centers.” The Mossad agents were fully conversant with the plans of this group but, although asked to participate, declined to do so, claiming they were engaged in other, “more important” activities. The Mossad warned their American counterparts several times about the terrorists, especially about al-Midhar.

The Mossad team had established an attack on the U.S. was "imminent". It reported this to its Tel Aviv controller through the Israeli Embassy in Washington using a system of (at that time) secure communications. The Mossad groups secret communications with the Israeli Embassy in Washington and Mossad units in Holland had been breached by DoD experts working with the NSA. The Central Intelligence Agency also was involved in this interdiction One way for the CIA to request assistance from the Mossad to keep an eye on, or attempt to penetrate the Atta group without itself violating the ban on activities inside the United States. An allied spy agency could violate American law on the CIA's behalf, and watch the suspect without needing to involve the FBI or any other domestic American agency, because the CIA was extremely jealous of its perceived rivals and kept a great deal of otherwise very important information strictly private.

On August 24, 2001, the head of the Israeli Mossad reported the imminence of an Arab attack against American targets to the Israeli Embassy and the Mossad connections inside the CIA, and a similar report was made by the same agency on September 7, 2001 and provided the United States with a list of 19 potential terrorists, whom the Mossad believed were planning an imminent attack within the United States. At least four of the names on this list later turned up again as four of the 19 alleged Sept. 11 hijackers. On August. 23, 2001, the Israeli intelligence service Mossad presented to its American counterpart a list of names of 19 identified Muslim terrorists who were then living in the United States and were planning to carry out an attack by hijacked commercial aircraft against specific, listed targets in Washington, D.C. “in less than a month…probably the second week in September…” According to a highly-classified CIA report on this issue, Mossad agents in the United States, working with the knowledge of the FBI and the CIA, had followed four of the 19 hijackers, including Almihdhar., and in Hollywood, Florida, had penetrated the group using agents fluent in Arabic and born in Arab countries.

According to the CIA (and subsequent FBI internal, and highly classified, reports,) Arab terrorists and suspected terror cells lived in Phoenix, Arizona, as well as in Miami and Hollywood, Florida from December 2000 to April 2001 “in direct proximity to the Israeli spy cells which had penetrated said alleged terrorist groups with their own, Arab-speaking agents.

donderdag 17 augustus 2006

August 17, 2006

It seems that huge numbers of viewers, both domestic and foreign, have looked at the posting I made on intercepted official Israeli conversations and I can imagine the hysteria in Tel Aviv…and Washington over this.

And, I am so happy to tell you, there is more to come!

On Monday the 22nd, I will be devoting a good deal of space to the 9/11 tragedy. We know from intercepts, which foreign government helped organize and execute this and who in our government at that time was aware of it. I can assure my readers that this is not the usual lunatic fringe fictions about plasmoid clouds or Russian missiles.

The truth is always less exciting than some blogger’s wet dream.

A bit of current history here. Bush, ever obedient to the wishes of Israel, agreed to block any attempt to establish a cease fire in Lebanon until the mighty IDF crushed the Hezbollah and was able to occupy, on a permanent basis they decided, enough southern Lebanese territory to keep Hezbollah from lobbing rockets into Israel.

Bush was initially gloating around here that the all- powerful IDF would crush the” weak rag heads” in a “few days.” As it turned out, Hezbollah defeated the Israeli military on the ground in savage fighting and then a terrified Israel rushed to Bush, via their Ambassador here, to beg him, whining like hell, to force through an immediate cease fire before “everything here falls apart.” Bush and Congoleeza Rice, once Stanford’s notorious Date Rape Queen and latterly our beloved and useless Secretary of State, rushed in panic to the once denigrated UN and pushed through a frantic cease fire.

But given his nutty personality, Bush is now trumpeting around his “confidential inner circle conferences,” that Hezbollah was ‘soundly defeated’ by the IDF!

Those here, or informed others in D.C. know that both Bush and Israel have taken a terrible, terrible propaganda defeat over this. They were both once terrifying manifestations of raw force, keeping the world frightened of their anger, and retribution, but now Bush is seen as a paper tiger in a rainstorm.

The Israeli defeat will, without a doubt, prove to be a disaster in our occupation of an Iraq where American military units are being mortared in their green zone on a daily basis (not reported domestically, of course) and a terrible civil war is now in full swing.

Emboldened by the Hezbollah victory, the resistance people in Iraq are redoubling their murderous attacks on American soldiers and this is a trend that shows no sign of abating.

He threatened North Korea with “immediate military retaliation” if she launched any missiles. They launched sixteen and nothing happened.

He has continued to threaten Iran if she does not stop her atomic development program. Iran has not only laughed in his face but openly supported the Hezbollah with weapons and money.

We here all know that Bush has shown that America can do nothing but threaten and pretty soon, the rest of the world will treat all of us like a Punch and Judy show. Remember this in November, why not?

zondag 13 augustus 2006

August 13, 2006

I am pleased to learn that the transcribed conversation I forwarded last week has had such an enormous viewing! There is a very, very important one that deals with the true background of the 9/11 tragedy that will have an even greater audience. That comes in a week or so but this time, I am sending on a list of members of Congress who received money from AIPAC in the last Congressional election. Of course more and more money has been flowing from AIPAC into Congressional pockets in the mean time but I don’t have the current figures yet. When I get them and put them into order, I will send them on.

donderdag 10 augustus 2006

August 10, 2006

Here, as promised, is an interesting conversation that somehow accidentally got intercepted and transcribed. There are lots more where this came from!”

Transcription of telephone conversation on August 3, 2006

Israeli Embassy, Washington D.C. Telephone Number (202) 364-5582.


unidentified individual at AIPAC, Washington D.C., Telephone Number (202) 639-5201

Commenced 1821 hrs, concluded 1826 hrs.

Speaker A Reuven Azar - Counselor for Political Affairs, Embassy of Israel

Speaker B Unidentified individual located at AIPAC headquarters

A. Well, things are going as well as expected, better perhaps than expected. There is military progress there (Lebanon) and we have wonderful cooperation here.

B. For sure, but don’t forget the dangers in having too much cooperation. All right for this moment but in the long run, this can certainly backfire on us. You know, we are seen as being too much influential with the Bush people.

A. I wouldn’t worry too much about that. The media is certainly not to worry about and most Americans really do not care about things there (Lebanon) The main point is that by the time the U.S. makes itself felt at the UN, we will have accomplished our goals and established the buffer we need.

B. Absolutely but…there is still the future to think about.

A. Who cares? Once we establish the buffer, the rest is just shit. It will all be hidden soon in the coming press reports of Arab ‘attacks’ on the U.S. This is for the voting in November. You know, ‘many Arab groups will for sure attack American targets.’ They (the U.S. Government) will choose so-called target areas where they need the most support. We don’t need to worry about Miami, Skokie or Beverly Hills after all. (Laughter) and this is a little crude but the public here is terribly stupid and the warning color days worked before, didn’t they?

B. Yes, but there are second thoughts on all of that. If you go to the well too often, there are problems. People lose interest.

A. The British are being such swine about this, aren’t they? They are causing trouble about the bombs these days.

B. Just a few troublemakers. The press here does not cover that and who reads the foreign media? Most Americans can’t read anyway. But there is danger that the U.N. might be motivated to move a peace keeping force into Lebanon and this might negate our purposes. Hesbollah must be utterly wiped out and Syria must be made to realize…with force if necessary…that it cannot supply the terrorists with more Iranian rockets. Maybe an accidental airstrike on Syrian military units could say to them to mind their own business. We have done this before.

A. It is too bad that we cannot teach Tehran a lesson. The ultimate goal would be to have America attack Iran but I am afraid the American military is dead set against this…

B. They are all Jew-haters up there.

A. For sure but we know that Americans can bomb the shit out of Tehran and hopefully kill off a number of the militants, probably disrupt their atomic program and teach all of the area that the U.S. means business. We support them, they support us. But they cannot send in ground troops and if we did that, our losses would not be borne at home. As it is, there are the usual malcontents bleating about the Lebanon business.

B. They are just afraid they will get a rocket on their house and there are the same ones here. The Lieberman business is not that good, after all. Yes, of course he is a liberal Democrat but his support of us is too obvious. He could be a little critical too. We see the Bush people doing this, just to keep the people quiet. Yes, they say, see, we too are actually critical of Israel….

A. But not too critical, right?

B. No, never that. Too many pictures of dead jerks for example. We need to see more pictures of grieving Israelis, mourning lost sons and children. Can’t we get more of those? Fuck the Arabs.

A. I feel sorry for the American mediA. Their instincts are to defend dead Arab children…

B. But nits make lice, don’t they? Who mourns dead Israeli children?

A. I’m sure there would be more on this but not enough children are dead.

B. Not yet, anyway. But if they rocket Tel Aviv…

A. Well, then, for sure.

B. We should have pictures all ready if that happens. Do you think it will?

A. Tehran directs that part of the business. We don’t have as much inside gen on them there…

B. The fucking Russians are on their side.

A. We have always had trouble with those Slavic pricks. First weapons…

B. The Chinese assholes also do this, don’t forget.

A. No one around here will forget that, be assured. The time will come when we get them too. Say we cut off their oil from the Gulf? What then? They will dance to our tunes then, not Tehran’s.

B. If we had oil…

A. But we do not. The filthy Putin has the oil. They should get rid of him while they are at it. Our people almost had it but he forced them out.

B. They can always come back. The people here would really support this. We put our people back in after we get rid of Putin and then a guaranteed flow of oil to America.

A. And Russia is off the chessboard too.

B. They all want that badly here, too. Cheney is the strongest supporter of cutting the nuts off of RussiA. The military here are against fishing in troubled waters.

A. They can’t be replaced, Bush can’t sack them all.

B. Set an example. Sack a few more of the assholes and the rest will shut up. They always do. So, send me your latest list and I’ll see what I can do here.

A .Send someone to pick it up. The mail here is awful. It will take a week if some black doesn’t steal it, throw it away or wipe his ass with it.

B. Tomorrow for sure.

A. OK. And one other matter. We feel very strongly that if the current people get kicked out in November, as it looks like they might, we owe them to help them stay right where they are. It has taken a long time and much money to get all the ducks lined up and we don’t want to have to start in again. We can generally rely on sympathy from the Democrats but they will not support any more military ventures over there. That’s for sure.

B. Then what do you suggest?

A. The terrorism card works wonders. We were going to release a statement that Arabs were going to attack an El Al plane on takeoff, with rockets….

A. Probably leftovers from the CIA businesses in Afghanistan.

A. Let’s not get into that now. But this scare would only affect flights to Israel and we don’t think it would have any impact on the election.

B. Well then, why not have these attacks aimed at American aircraft? Where would they attack from?

A. Say at the perimeter fence lines at airports. Or better still, why not a plan cooked up to smuggle explosives on board transatlantic flights to or from America? Something clever that will catch the public imagination….

B. That stupid bomb in the shoe routine?

A. Don’t knock it. It worked, didn’t it? We can always find some suckers with a bent to this we can fill up with real enthusiasm and then turn them in, complete with plans. They actually believe they are going to paradise and fuck virgins and we have another propaganda coup. Let’s give this some effort. You know, a terrified public will not want to change horses in mid stream. So far, the Rove people have a good line: If you’re against the Republicans, you’re encouraging the evil terrorists sthick.

B. Well, they did that with the alert warnings and it worked…more or less.

A. Face it, they aren’t too bright here. They ran it into the ground, had to fire Ridge and Ashcroft, one of our very best friends ever, and put those things on ice. They need to discover a huge plot but in America

A. You know, as you said, infiltrate a group of crazies, plant things on them, call the FBI…

B. Oh, they do that themselves. That business in Florida was pathetic…

A. But it worked, didn’t it?

B. For about ten minutes at six o’clock for about three days.

A. Well, think about it and get back to me.

B. Right.

A. What’s the situation with your two people? Are they going to be tried or not?

B. Probably not, as far as the Bush people are concerned. But it is up to the courts and we are very careful not to fuck with them. They are expected to have the charges thrown out soon…

A. Well, I’ll pray for them. I have to go now so I’ll get back to you later. Don’t forget to send someone for the list

B. OK.

(Conversation terminated)

This is just the tip of a very large iceberg. Other inside information will be published in upcoming editions. On Monday, August 14, I will put up a complete listing of all members of Congress who have received money from AIPAC, state by state, amount by amount.

Dear old crazy, and defeated, Lieberman, shrieking with rage at seeing all his extra income flowing down the drain, has received over $227,758 so far from AIPAC. Tell me, children, what did he do for all that money? There are many more names and amounts to entertain you as well as to give you a concrete guide as to your voting in November next.

As far as the recent stories about “terrorist attacks” coming from England, don’t believe them. It is well known around the White House that this invented story is designed to offset the crushing defeat of the Administration’s darling liberal, Lieberman. This theme, by the way, according to position papers circulating here, is the main theme of the November elections. The thesis? Why the Iron Trio of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld have protected, and will continue to protect, innocent America from evil terrorist threats.

Of course, if you vote Democratic, all bets are off and armies of rabid Muslim (read non Christian) fascists will at once invade America, to rape, loot and pillage while setting off bombs in the Des Moines Public Library. Please note that in spite of all the shit the Bush people have spread around about “proctecting America” there has not been one proven incident of any real terrorist group caught or no attack thwarted. The WMD lies were the father and the “terrorist threats” and the illegitimate child of this corrupt and dangerous gang.

zondag 6 augustus 2006

August 6, 2006

The American public is being told one thing by the Administration and the DoD. and various staff members here are being told something quite different.

This, of course, deals with the current terrible events in Lebanon. While the public is told that Israel is going after terrorists, the death tolls are way underreported.

When Israeli bombing attacks kill two hundred Lebanese, Tel Aviv wants us to publish that ten died. When forty IDF soldiers are slaughtered by Hezbollah people, the death toll to be published is eight. A rain of rockets on Haifa, according to Israel sources, produced “moderate damage” and only six causalities whereas in fact, two square blocks of that port city were blasted into rubble and over sixty civilians were blown to bits or crushed to death inside collapsing apartment houses.

The Israeli Embassy is in constant contact with certain staff members here and what they want, and are getting, is full support by Bush of their continuing punishing attacks on civilians (to teach them a lesson for daring to be Muslims…however, many are also Christian. There’s one for weird Pat Robertson to suck on…) and to give them time to occupy the entire lower portion of Lebanon without interference from the hated UN. Bush agrees with this completely and our deliberately slow-motion diplomatic actions have a two-fold goal. The first goal is Israeli and allows them to occupy half of Lebanon and the second is the Bush/Neocon plan to get Israel to mix it up with Syria and engage in a proxy war for the U.S.

The Republican leadership knows that for us to get into a ground war with Syria, and probably then Iran, would be political suicide before the Midterm elections in November but if Israel does it, we can safely supply with bunker buster bombs, napalm rockets, a modified form of nerve gas and other American weapons of mass destruction.

The American media is under strict orders to depict all the Muslims as terrorists and the Israelis (who are even worse terrorists) as fighting for their freedom.

The loony Bush people have so enraged the Pentagon that a military putsch would not astonish me. Bush berates his senior military leaders to their faces and certainly to their backs but they, in turn, consider him and his Israeli friends to be destructive and dangerous to world peace in general and the fabric of the Army in specific.

The Army people know that if this horror is allowed to go on unchecked, it is more than likely that the entire Middle East will erupt in violence that can only wreak terrible havoc on our troops in Iraq.

Bush does not care about this because his brain is in neutral but Cheney and the Neocons are rubbing their hands together with undisguised glee while the growingly senile Rumsfeld drools contentedly onto his vest.

vrijdag 4 augustus 2006

August 4, 2006

A shipment of Zelzal missiles arrived in northern Lebanon yesterday via Turkey, who has no love for the U.S. because of their support of the Kurds. Of course the Russians have been hard at work in that area and have had some notable success in Ankara. I do not know when the projected saturation attacks on Tel Aviv are up because the satellite pictures show new Israeli troop concentration areas that might also be targets of importance. Apparently, disinformation has worked very well so far in the anti-Israel campaign and those here passing what they mistakenly think is vital satellite and SIGINT information to Israel have no idea they have been led down the path.

While Bush has been eagerly supplying bunker-buster and cluster bombs to Israel, albeit with many problems caused when the Brits refuse to allow his cargo planes with their deadly cargoes to land on their soil, Hezbollah has been wreaking havoc on the vaunted IDF people and are continuing to bombard Israel with rockets, of which they have a huge supply, the Zelzal missile came from Iran and can easily reach Tel Aviv from Lebanon and the SIGINT indicates that a massive attack has been in train for some time now. Sometimes, it is said, the biter gets bitten.