zaterdag 29 juli 2006

July 29, 2006

The current bloodshed in poor Lebanon is causing all manner of stress here in the White House. A number of staffers, not the neocons or Israel supporters, demand that Bush allow the IDF to wipe out as many enemies, or perceived enemies (be they five years old children or members of Hezbollah) as they can before they run out of ammunition and Bush-supplied cluster bombs.

Others, less sanguine, opt for diplomacy and a cease fire but Bush and Cheney will have none of this. Poor Rice is stuck in the middle because she has to do what her lords and masters command and the command is to give all support to Israel, regardless of the consequences. Intercepted communications between Tel Aviv and Washington, now circulating, show very clearly that Israel believes it has Bush’s total support and is behaving accordingly.

That Bush has done nothing but have the odious Bolton block any UN cease fire attempts, is very clear here and this is making the less ferocious very queasy. It really does not matter to Bush what his staff thinks because he really doesn’t care. The President behaves like a very spoiled and very stubborn child who is going to do what he wants regardless of any objections from anyone.

If he signs a bill, he announces he will not enforce it and when the Supreme Court handed him a serious defeat in their Gitmo ruling, he simply tried to do an end run around the court.

You can tell Bush nothing and no one in the White House or at top levels in Washington dares to contradict him, no matter how legitimate the contradictions might be. Anyone, from Generals, Attorney Generals, State Department people or CIA analysists who dare to question Bush or, worse, dare to produce information contrary to what he thinks can bend over and kiss their ass goodbye. They will either be sacked, like Ashjcroft, or sent off to South Africa to inspect seal turds on the beach.

All Bush wants to hear, aside from approving laughter at his juvenile fratrat humor is the word ‘yes.’

donderdag 27 juli 2006

July 27, 2006

I have been involved with American political matters for many years now and have watched the ebb and flow of concepts, ideologies, policies and personnel with some interest. Having said that, I also have to say that the current Administration of George W. Bush is, without any question, the most incompetent, dishonest and divisive I have ever encountered in person. On the domestic scene, Bush has personally allied himself with the lunatic Christian Right to the point where he has alienated a good part of the American religious scene.

He has wilfully interfered with the funding of stem cell research that all sane medical people have said is vitally important in finding cures for such widespread diseases as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and many, many other major killers of people. Bush has also pursued an agenda that is transparently anti poor in general and anti black in specific. His bored reactions and lack of action in the Katrina New Orleans hurricane disaster is typical of the man. He did not care about the very obvious suffering of the poor, certainly because the poor are just that, poor.

The New Orleans poor are generally Democrats, black, on welfare or some kind of subsidy, can do nothing for the Republican party and, in the eyes of this party, are parasitic and unproductive. Bush’s idiotic tax breaks for his rich friends have clearly sown the seeds of a future major economic disaster, one that he will not be around to deal with. Bush has personally negated years of environmental advances because many of the restrictions mandated by these advances cost his business friends, and political contributors money.

Bush and his associates hold the laws of the land in contempt, feeling, without any legal basis, that they can rule the United States as they wish.

But it is the international arena that the bumbling, incompetent Bush policies have created immensely critical problems that will cost Americans a great deal of money on a personal level and put the United States in opposition to the rest of the world.

The most important case in point here relates directly to the growing violence being committed by the state of Israel against Lebanon and the Palestinian state. Humanitarian concerns aside, the economic consequences for Bush’s encouraging this naked aggression coupled with his flat refusal to make any official effort to stop it will certainly result, almost at once, in an immediate surge of the price of crude oil due to growing fears on all sides that this violence could very well lead to a major war and the total disruption of the world’s major oil supplies.

The Bush administration’s course of threatening Iran with military actions coupled with their equally obvious intent to permit Israel to continue its ruthless destruction of Lebanon and deliberate seizure of its territory will certainly result in a sharp surge in oil prices that will certainly prevent them any room for diplomatic actions and, in the end, cause titanic economic upheavals in the United States. At a time when the Republicans are suffering from monumental declines in the polls and with a major midterm Congressional election looming in November, the Bush people blindly push ahead with their senseless and very destructive policies.

The price of oil has surged up to nearly $80 a barrel and most professional non- government experts in the oil field are highly concerned that if the Lebanon attacks do not cease and the area is not brought under strong external control, such as a UN military mission, the unabated and savage actions of the IDF is expected to involve Syria and, even more seriously, Iran. If Iran becomes involved militarily (they are already supplying Hezbollah with very advanced weaponry) this could not only threaten the position of American military units now in Iraq but also interdict the movement of oil from both Iran and Iraq to world markets.

The leaders of Iran have before them the example of Russian President Putin’s brief but devastating shut-off of Russian oil and gas to eastern Europe last winter. This was calculated to make a point, which it did, but the Iranians can easily see that even a temporary cessation of their oil shipments to other oil-hungry nations would have a devastating effect.

This would, in essence, turn these nations against the United States for its clearly perceived role in instigating and maintaining the violence in the Middle East This explains why Russia, China and other countries have continued to resist Bush’s demands that they force Iran to abandon their nuclear program. That this position is basically that of Israel and as it is universally believed everywhere that Israel has a disproportionate amount of influence in Washington, anti-Semitism, always endemic, will erupt in many areas with terrible results to diverse Jewish communities worldwide.

If Bush and his people thought that their threats against Iran would have any effect on that country, they were sadly mistaken and Iran counter threats to cut off their oil has caused many countries whom Bush counted on to support his, and Israelis, to withhold substantive support for Bush’s threats. demands .

This has become clearly evident to the Iranians and the fact that they can defy Bush with growing impunity has not gone unnoticed by other countries who hitherto had been afraid of American actions against them in the event that they proved to be intransigent to any American demands.

The Bush Administration has made similar demands and issued stern threats against North Korea but when that country fired test rockets after Bush personally had threatened immediate military reprisal,s. When nothing happened, both North Korea and Iran have devastatingly called Bush, and Americas, bluff.

Iranian threats to cut off oil shipments have immediately caused an upward surge of oil prices from a high of $28 a barrel in 2002 to $78 a barrel in 2006. This increase in price pours huge amounts of money into the coffers of Iran, a strong military and political force in the Middle East and the accounts of Saudi Arabia whose leaders, once pro-American, have turned away from American because of the reactions of their people to the Israeli destruction of life and property in Lebanon.

It should be noted that in addition to supplying hostile Arab states with huge revenues, the rising prices will have, and are having, a strong, negative effect on the American public. Once a major oil and natural gas producer, America has now become a major oil and natural gas consumer but official Bush policies have so infuriated many oil producing countries that they would prefer to sell to China and India, both with burgeoning needs for oil.

Remember that the soaring price of gas at the pumps was the primary reason why the presidency of Jimmy Carter toppled. Bush might not worry about this as he cannot be reelected but the damage will be visited upon the Republicans who most probably will lose control of at least one of the branches of Congress in November. If they lose both houses, as is not impossible given the increasing disasters, loud and persistent Beltway rumors have it that Bush could very well be impeached and even more certain, massive investigations into rampant Republican corruption would follow as surely as night follows day

That not everyone in America is upset with the surging prices of gasoline, it is noted that

Exxon/Mobil will be announcing the highest second-quarter earnings of any corporation, American or foreign, in history. This will be a $9.9 billion profit raked in over the three month quarter.

The strongly pro-Israeli neocons have repeatedly called for Bush to launch an American air attack on Iran’s reported nuclear facilities, regardless of whether they are peaceful or militant in nature. The plan is to use tactical nuclear weapons and so-called ‘bunker buster’ bombs on any area in Iran believed to be involved, even remotely, in their nuclear power programs. This would include homes of personnel, schools, electrical power grids and any kind of Iranian infrastructure that could even remotely be connected with this program. Although this course is eagerly and often put forward by militant pro-Israel neocons, the economic results would be catastrophic and the price of oil would go so high that it would be sold by the cup, not the gallon.

Money, unfortunately, is power, and the increase of the price of oil has not only enriched various hostile Arab states, it has also done this for the Russian Republic.

Russia, once an economic basket case after the collapse of Communism, now is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, controller and developer of oil, natural gas and nuclear power in the world.

This is an extreme irritant to the Bush administration who have tried, in vain, to secure pipelines for oil and gas that would ship non-Russian resources to the West outside of Russian territory. To this end, the U.S. has attempted to gain control over countries over whose territories such pipelines would have to cross but in spite of early successes with the Ukraine and Georgia, Putin has effectively blocked an uninterrupted passage and has effectively blocked Central Asian countries from dealing with American oil interests and preventing the establishment, or continuation, of American military bases in these strategic areas.

In furtherance of this program, Russia has cooperated with China to use a group called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. (Øàíõàé Õýöçî Öçó÷æè (Øàíõý Öçó÷æè) This was initially formed on June 5, 2001 by China, Russia , Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The first joint military exercise between the China and Russia, called Peace Mission 2005 started on August 19, 2005. Following the successful completion of the Sino-Russian military exercises, Russian officials have begun speaking of the SCO taking on a military role and of India also joining these exercises in the future.

Other states, to include Mongolia , Pakistan, India and Iran have observer status and in Serbia, the Serbian Radical Party has called for Serbia to try to join. The Serbian Radical Party is doing this because they tend to view the European Union as being a negative force on Serbia and because they want to seek better relations with Russia. The Serbian Radical Party has also proposed that Serbia join the Union of Russia and Belarus to improve relations with Russia.

The U.S. Department of Defense has expressed growing concerns that this group could quickly develop into a military entitiy in opposition to NATO. The DoD feels strongly that pressure eminating from the United States is materialy assisting Putin’s plans for a counterbalance to NATO and, in addition, has expressed strong concerns that the admission of Russia into the EU would further a European bloc that would spread from France, through Germany to Russia, creating a unified and potentially very powerful entity stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Both the SCO and a Russian entry into the EU could form an economic and military bloc that could easily rival the U.S. in power and that would be a very strong rival to America’s foreign and economic policies.

Much, if not all, of this organizing is due, in the main, to the Bush inability to produce an effective diplomatic policy as well as his ongoing policy of threat and bluster towards anyone he perceives as opposed to American business (read oil and energy) interests.

The results of this ineptnness and total lack of foresight could easily do terrible damage to the interests of the American public.

zondag 23 juli 2006

July 23, 2006

I have been discussing the total penetration of Israeli top level coded communications, both diplomatic and intelligence. Now, let us turn our attention closer to home where rampant rumor has it, and has been having it for some time now, that even the most secure of secret government sites are being broken into. We know who is breaking into the Israeli sites but the identities of the domestic site-breakers is not known…but guessed at by many. Fifteen year old boys or crazed anti-Bush left-wingers do not figure in the very short list of suspects. Try an alphabet agency, why not?

For some time, B.A.E. Systems has been running a series of classified, intelligence system for various American agencies, such as the CIA. BAE is a British company based at Farnborough, UK, which has extensive worldwide interests, particularly in North America through its subsidiary BAE Systems Inc. BAE was formed on 30th November 1999 with the merger of British Aerospace (BAe) and Marconi Electronic Systems (MES), the defence arm of The General Electric Company (GEC). The run a so-called “Covert Communications” network that is a highly classified blog that acts as a forum for agencies and individual employees to communicate and share information. Since 2005, over a thousand of such blogs have been instituted.

B.A.E. Systems, which runs the CIA’s blog that is hosted on IntelLINK. This has an information technology contract with the C.I.A. The IntelLINK intelligence network links information in the various classified databases of the US intelligence agencies (e.g. FBI, CIA, DEA, NSA, USSS, NRO) to facilitate communication and the sharing of documents and other resources.

There is also the <><> system. The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) was established in Washington, D.C., as the Defense Communications Agency (DCA) with 450 employees on May 12, 1960, by Secretary of Defense Thomas B. Gates. Its mission was to manage the Defense Communications System (DCS), a consolidation of the independent long-haul communications functions of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

In the 1960s, DCA moved to Arlington, Va., and took on several major organizations. The Air Force Office of Commercial Communications Management (now the Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization), White House Signal Agency (now the White House Communications Agency), and the Department of Defense (DoD) Damage Assessment Center (now the Joint Staff Support Center) all became a part of DCA. DCA also established six regional communications control centers and two area centers for operational control of the DCS.

There are many other supposedly “secure and secret” internet systems that most certainly are not. There appear to be three main groups of hackers who have been having a field day rooting around in our Most Sacred and Secret utterances. One group are civilian experts, looking for something with which to entertain their fellow hackers and computer geeks. Most of them have no idea how much potential damage they are doing. The second group are foreign professional hackers working for their governments who certainly do know how much damage they are doing and the third group consists of our very own domestic intelligence agencies who are spying on their rivals to steal their information and find out as much as they can about said rival’s activities to steal a march on them and, in many cases, make them look like fools. The foreign intelligence people dearly love these people because their activities save them so much time and trouble. Soon enough, I will be forwarding to you material gained from the interdicting of Israeli intelligence and governmental intercepts but will keep the domestic gleanings general and not specific.

donderdag 20 juli 2006

July 20, 2006

The information I am about to discuss has been discreetly circulating in Certain Circles (certainly not the White House) inside the Beltway for at least a month now and since it is about to be revealed elsewhere, I am going to discuss it.

Hitherto, I have kept very quiet about it because I certainly wouldn’t want to reveal it so that more and more devastating information can emerge into the light of day.

Some months ago, we learned that the top Israeli military, intelligence and diplomatic codes had been very effectively broken by a group of cryptanalysis experts both here and in the Russian Republic.

(How strange that there is now cooperation, if unofficial, between the two former enemies!)

In the United States, all I can say is that the code-breakers are not the NSA or the CIA. The latter are far too pro-Israel because many of their top executives are Jewish and the former has other things to do.

At the same time that Israel’s political, diplomatic and military secrets are circulating around the Beltway, and for a certainty, into at least two of the Embassies on Massachusetts Avenue, other very clandestine programs have pinpointed very strategic areas <>inside<> Israel to include, but are certainly not limited to: Sigint centers, repositories of very sensitive weaponry to include nuclear items and CW/BW stockpiles, major military communications centers, hidden command bunkers and hardened security bunkers in Tel Aviv for high level Israeli officials, fuel stores for the military including gas and oil reserves, high-level military and governmental telephone exchanges and other vital infrastructure targets.

In Washington, the very highest level communications to and from the Israeli Embassy and certain important Israeli official commissions are being read and transcribed on a daily basis and excerpts of these have been, and are being, read by a number of people here and abroad ( and for a certainty also in various Arab Embassies here.)

It is known, here at least, that a number of Russian Jews, now employed in highly sensitive positions in Israel, have been transmitting certain information of a top level nature to Moscow and some, but <>not<>,. all, of this is coming to the United States (but certainly not officially !) The main reason? Family still inside Russia and the fact that the U.S. shares top level data with Israel and by tapping into this, the Russians can much more easily break certain codes and read satellite pictures.

Many messages contain directives to the Ambassador as to what is to be conveyed to a completely sympathetic President and Secretary of State, their very private responses, directives to intelligence operatives controlled from the Embassy, a significant number of references, often double coded, as to Isreal-sympathetic U.S. government officials, both appointed and elected. Not all of these are Jewish, by the way.

Classified information, much at the very highest level, is pouring into the Israeli Embassy, evaluated by them , coded and responses sent back to Tel Aviv…and being read as soon as it is received and sent out!

With the full cooperation and even encouragement of the President, Israel has been preparing a coup d’main against Arab commandos both in Lebanon and Gaza and has been planning, again with the full cooperation of the White House, to use these “terrorist attacks” (deliberately provoked) on them to move militarily into Syria and “completely crush” the government there which they view as working with Iran to infiltrate deadly, long range missiles into Lebanon to attack vital targets deep inside Israel.

There also has been the intention of Israel to involve the United States in a sneak attack on Tehran using tactical nuclear weapons. The President finds himself in a position wherein he completely sympathizes with Israel’s determination to crush any kind of Arab activism in the Middle East because he feels that these same activists are also Iran sponsored and are responsible for the casualties in Iraq.

The idea under discussion, according to the extracts, is for this to happen just before the U.S. midterm elections in November, to give Bush and the Republicans a desperately needed boost in public opinion.

Our military, which is behind these code-breaking schemes, is bitterly opposed to any extension of hostilities in the area because their troops would then be fully engaged with military, rather than irregular, units and we simply do not have enough equipment or personnel on the ground to deal with it.

The military feels that if significant numbers of our troops were to be overrun and killed or wounded by a massive Arab military campaign, the Army and Marines would be effectively neutralized for some time to come and utterly unable to cope with any national or global crisis that would undoubtedly be instigated by any one of our growing list of enemies. These perceive that America is pinned down in a no-win guerrilla war in Iraq and that it would be virtually impossible, for example, to send American troops into Mexico in the event of a left-wing coup there or into Venezuela to remove the obnoxious left-wing and Bush-hating Chavez.

Israeli leaders have been closeted with many of their American counterparts in the hopes of a joint action against both Syria and Iran but logistics are against them. (Mossad people regularly meet in Langley with their CIA counterparts to exchange information) The Israelis are shocked to discover the quantity and quality of the rocketry (and other weapons) being used against them and since Bush, at their foolish request, has agreed to give them a free hand in blasting Lebanon, there is a growing and very serious military belief that the war will suddenly escalate and Israel will not only attack Lebanon with ground troops but will use seized areas in that country to launch a military attack on Syria which they see as a surrogate for Iran. Nuclear war is a specific probability at this juncture.

An attack on Iran, problematical thought it might be, is not to be taken lightly because Israel is determined to “neutralize” (read “exterminate”) both states as major threats to their existence. There seems to be growing frustration on Israel’s leaders part about the possible inability of the U.S. to intervene on their side in such a blitzkrieg.

Iran is far better armed that most observers realize and the deliberate refusal of Bush to use his office to force a cease fire will, in all probability, lead to an unforeseen escalation of combat in Lebanon that will result in terrible damage and high death tolls but he has repeatedly demonstrated that such matters are of absolutely no consequence to him or his top advisors.

A compendium of information gleaned from this overview is being prepared for future publication.

maandag 17 juli 2006

July 17, 2006

Bush in St. Petersburg is pathetic. In spite of almost universal condemnation of Israel for her obviously deliberate savage attacks on her neighbors, Bush bleats about “poor Israel’s self-protection” and demands “complete support of Israel” in this nasty and very dangerous business. None of the other attendees at the conference support these views but Bush does as he is told and will continue to do so until they take him away.

We have allowed, and freely permitted, a vicious and ethnocentric state to drag our country into one bottomless military pit and now they are trying to widen the scope of the disaster by dragging us into another and this will, in the opinions of all, not some but all, experts I have spoken with or who have made reports on the current situation. Bush and Cheney will not listen to them because Israel demands obedience from those it supports. Should Bush chastise Israel or threaten to cut off aid as Reagan did, his Republicans would have their funds cut off and the entire Israeli-controlled U.S. media would rise up in anger against them, doing their best to defeat them at the mid-terms.

America should wake up and discover that baboons have taken over their house while they were sleeping and are destroying it, room by room.

For your Christian readers, here are thoroughly apt quotations from the Holy Bible.

‘They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosever killeth you will think that he does God service.’ John 16:2,

and further, ‘Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.’ Galatians 6:7

vrijdag 14 juli 2006

July 14, 2006

It is just now getting out that certain hackers broke into the Department of State’s most confidential computer files, downloaded much material and put cookies into the system so as to get more material. What did the hackers, as yet unidentified…15 year old kids or foreign intelligence operatives?….get? Well, DoS isn’t talking because it appears from what my friends here have been telling me, they got highly confidential reports sent to them from various embassies in Cairo, Damascus and other countries plus our people in Tel Aviv.

All of this points to a project, now in train, wherein Israel was determined to negate the elevation of Hamas in Palestine by goading the Palestinians into committing acts of violence against them so they could retaliate, retake Gaza, reinstall the settlers, get Hezbollah in Lebanon to do damage so they could nail them and then go after Syria.

What most people do not know is that Mossad and Israeli diplomats meet regularly at Langley with the CIA to exchange information and find ways to assist each other. Also, we share our satellite pictures with them thus saving them the money to put up their own satellites.

This business of provocation, attack and destruction is all very well and good but now they expect, nay, demand, that the Bush people support this. Of course, we cannot because the American public would lynch Bush if he embarked on another, much more serious, war over there but the Israelis will not believe his reluctance. So, they have forced his hand as well as those of the various enemy Arab states and are positive that America will back them.

Mind you, Bush and Cheney have no problems if Israel were to butcher every living Arab in Palestine, Lebanon and especially Syria but we cannot support the resulting war with ground troops.

Also, our military people have told Those in Power, that if the Jews stir up trouble over there to the point of a war, Iran will certainly join in and they do have at least one atomic weapon (obtained from outside the country.) None of this seems to penetrate the Bushites tiny brains and now, their attitude is to take a passive pose whilst mildly suggesting that Israel mind its manners but accusing the Arab states of “wanton provocations.”

Of course, the Israelis started this by deliberately shelling a Gaza beach and killing harmless people having a fun time there but Bush does not seem to realize that he is being used. The upshot of this is that if war comes, as it appears to be doing, we will be in a terrible position because if we rush to aid Israel, we will continue to be condemned by the rest of the world and the war may easily turn into a nuclear slug fest. Israel does have atomic weaponry, thanks to our unofficial assistance in obtaining the raw material from our facilities some years ago. They will use it, probably on their main enemy, Iran, and then the resulting war will cut off much of the world’s oil supply for which Bush and Tel Aviv will be correctly blamed.

And the U.S. military is in a sorry mess now. They have lost at least ten thousand dead and over twenty five thousand seriously enough wounded to preclude further participation in the anti-guerrilla campaign. They lust for a draft but that is not to be because the announcement of a general draft before the mid-term elections would be political suicide for the Republicans.

Instead of a draft, the Bush people have now so lowered the entrance standards for the military that a huge influx of juvenile delinquents, rabid racists, gang members, social misfits of every kind are swelling the ranks and we see the results in the sharp escalation of drug use, sexual violence, disobedience to authority and a serious morale problem with the relatively “normal” troops. American has no control anymore in Iraq which is engaged in a terrible civil war that the puppets in power there have no ability to deal with. This civil unrest has reached such a level that even a serious backer of American occupation in the Pentagon, a personal friend, now tells me, and others, that we have to get out asap.

If a regional war does break out, our troops will then have to fight Syrians and Iranians as well as thousands of very successful guerrillas and the losses would oust the Bush people without fail.

Well, at the risk of being called a cynic, many have said this would happen but until it does, no one listens or cares.

When your sons come back in rubber bags in increasing numbers and gas goes to $6 a gallon, what will you do then?

None of this pending horror is necessary and all of it, all of the suffering, deaths and economic disasters could easily have been avoided. The first thing America should do is to cut Israel completely loose and the second, is to get out of a totally untenable military/political quagmire.

maandag 10 juli 2006

July 10, 2006

Much has been made, by frantic Republicans, of “treason” by the New York Times in releasing material on U.S. surveillance of international banks. This had several days of excitement and then passed away, like so many of the recent “scare” reports. There is and has been concern about real leaks of genuinely sensitive material from various U.S. agencies such as the DoD, the CIA and the DHS. It is no secret that very unhappy professionals in these agencies are indeed leaking reams of material to the public, material that makes the Bush people look like the fascist thugs they are. Pete Hokstra, a fairly loyal Republican, comment acidly on the fact that the Bush people were deliberately hiding information from Congressional committees who had a legal right to know. Great was the fury in the White House and now the poor, browbeaten Hokstra is releasing information about a “plot” inside the CIA to ruin Bush. In that furious CIA staffers have indeed been outing the Bush people, the statement is true but believe me, there is no deep-seated plot on the part of Company senior leaders to thwart and damage Bush’s reputation: he no longer has one to damage. A recent, official but secret White House poll shows Bush with a 29% approval rating and the despised Cheney with only a 12% public approval rating. These figures will never be published in this country but they have been on the international news sites for two days now. Don’t look for them on MSNBC, CNN or most especially, FOX. There is a line from W.B. Yeats in his ‘Second Coming.’ ‘Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold…

donderdag 6 juli 2006

July 6, 2006

The monotonous cry from the Republicans is that Muslim terrorists hate America and only George W. Bush can protect this country. No one has yet discussed why these Muslim terrorists hate America, because of the problems such discussions will cause certain powerful interests.

The sole previous reasons why Muslims hate America and are making war on us, is because of our blind support of Israel. It is a matter of historical fact that Israel was founded on acts of terrorism as bad as the current Muslim ones and in the end, the victorious Eastern European Jews either murdered the Arab inhabitants of Jerusalem or, with the help of British troops, drove them out of their homes and then siezed them for their own use.

The oft-heard argument that “Israel was the homeland” for the Jewish people may well have been true, 2000 years ago, but the current inhabitants of Israel are not Jewish by heritage but by enforced conversion of nomad tribes in Russia in 800. 95% of the Israeli Jews are from this background, not the original Semitics who forced out of Judea by the Romans.

If the United States were to step away from its blind support of Israel, who is certainly not our friend (they are spying on us as a matter of course and have attacked us militarily before) and main a strict neutrality in the Middle East, terrorism against America and its people would cease at once.

But aside from bombs in airplanes or threats of smallpox infestations, there is a far greater threat facing us today than vengeful and patriotic Muslims.

This threat is far more serious and, like the fake Bush “War on Terrorism” completely impossible to neutralize

It is the radical change in the world’s weather.

A recent satellite study of the Greenland ice cap shows that it is melting far faster than scientists had feared - twice as much ice is going into the sea as it was five years ago. The implications for rising sea levels - and climate change - could be dramatic.

· The Greenland icecap contains 1/8th of the total global ice-mass. The total ice-mass on earth is 30 million. cubic km; Antarctica has 27 million.cubic km; Greenland 2.5 million. cubic km.

· The mean height of the Greenland icecap: 2135 meters; 65% of the area lies above 2000 meters;

It has become clearly evident to scientific researchers, that the glaciers of Greenland are melting twice as fast as they were five years ago, even as the ice sheets of Antarctica ” the world's largest reservoir of fresh water ” also are shrinking, researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of Kansas reported in February.

The Greenland ice cap has been measured, quantified and qualified, and determined to be slightly less than two miles in height and covering an area the approximate size of Mexico This great mass of ice is so heavy that it has pushed the underlying bedrock below the sea level and recent studies indicate that Greenland might well consist of a number of smaller islands. There is no question in scientific circles that should all of this enormous mass of ice should melt, the world’s sea level would be raised by a minimum of21 feet.. This rise, gradual or rapid, would innundate all of the world's coastal areas and their cities, home to a billion people. It would, obviously, cause higher tides, and generate more powerful storm surges and, by altering ocean currents, drastically disrupt the global climate.

In the United States, low-lying coastal areas in Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, the entire eastern seaboard section of New York, to include almost all of Long Island except for Montauk, parts of Connecticut, all the coastal areas of Massachusetts including Boston and Cape Cod will certainly be flooded by the rising sea levels An only 1.5 foot rise in sea level will cause the coastline to move 150 feet inland in low-lying areas, resulting in substantial economic, social, and environmental impact.. If, as is now projected by most studies, the Greenland icecap continues to melt at its present speed, the rise in the world’s sea level will rise at least 21 feet and that is not including any melting of the immense Antarctic ice cap which is showing clear signs of rapid meltdown.

The melting of so much ice, and the resulting addition of so much fresh water to the ocean, will without question, impact the circulation of currents and affect regional climate. And further, if all, or a significant portion, the ice in the Antarctic area continues to melt at its present, the sea levels will rise 150 feet overall.

The actual time span of the rising sea level is not known at the present time. Since the sea level varies from area to area, determining the rise of the water level is not a positive science. However, tentative input would indicate that the sea levels taken at the Azores, Britain, Norway and Georgia indicate a rise of at least six inches in the past twelve months. Also, the so-called ‘Atlantic Overturn’ or the Gulf Stream, has been forced over 170 miles further south from its previous position and has dropped 25 degrees of temperature. This will result in far more severe winters in Ireland, Britain, northern France, Holland, Denmark, Norway, the northern coast of Germany, the Baltic states and European Russia. At the same time, it is more than possible that warming conditions in other northern areas such as Greenland, Iceland, northern Canada, Alaska and parts of Siberia will continue unabated.

Studies initially stated that while the melting of the world’s glacial ice was in progress and accelerating, the time frame of a total meltdown had not been established. Now, with more intensive studies, this period has dropped from an initial estimate of a thousand years to a hundred and finally, the most recent calculations predict that if the accelerating melt rate continues, both in Greenland, Antarctia and elsewhere (Swiss and Chinese glaciers are rapidly vanishing and their waters are pouring into the world’s oceans) the time frame has been lowered from between three to ten years.

This subject has been of considerable concern to various governmental and business entities around the globe. This is a disaster that cannot be circumvented and the economic destruction wrought by it cannot be calculated. Because it is inevitable, the general official policies are that while this might happen at some very distant point in the future, at present there is no cause for worry. Any scientific body subject to government control via financial support, has been strictly warned that any hint of early flooding will be met with severe economic reprisals and that while it can be admitted that there is some melting due to undetermined global warming trends, absolutely no “fright predictions” are ever to be issued.

Major American insurance companies have taken notice of these coming predictions and, coupled with the increasingly violent tropical storms that have devastated and will continue to devastate, American low-lying coastal areas and have declined to insure residents and businesses in these areas.

If this subject receives greater public exposure, many residents and businesses will remove to higher, and safer, ground but their obvious problem would be in finding a buyer stupid enough to purchase their doomed homes and businesses. None of this takes into account further economic havoc wrought by rapidply rising sea levels. Seaports would be rendered useless, coastal roadways and railways would be put out of service, the coastal infrastructures would be flooded, power, water and sewage systems destroyed and in general, areas now home to millions of people with many billions of dollars worth of residences, businesses and long-established infrastructure will simply be under water.

Herein lies the real reason behind the official denials and muted threats of economic revenge against whom they are now calling “ doom criers.”

None of these analysis are secret and anyone who wishes to do so, can easily access any major information service, like the excellent Google, and see the great number of reports for themselves.

zondag 2 juli 2006

July 2, 2006

Several topics of some interest to your readers. The first deals with an old U.S. perceived enemy, Cuba’s Fidel Castro. Castro is getting old (80) and the Bush people are now determined, in light of Cuba’s alliance with anti-US Venezuela’s Chavez, that Cuba has to be knocked off the playing field. The means? The same as the CIA used in Georgia and the Ukraine with success and in Venezuela with failure: bribe the opposition into overturning the government from the inside. In the case of Cuba, the instrument is the so-called Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, created by Bush in 2003.

The standard method of régime change has been to locate known opponents of the target such as external exiles (no matter how undependable or unsavory…a convicted child molester if useful, would become “a great patriot who is seeking to bring freedom and democracy to ----- [fill in the blank here].) Internal dissidents, such as the Waahibists in Saudi Arabia or the Chechens, are funded to foment rebellion and public disturbances which are expected to lead to “referendum votes” and the removal of an objectionable (to U.S. policies) leadership. There is then a general election, heavily rigged (like the Rove American 2000 Presidential campaign) and our choices are lofted into power…and maintained there with U.S. money and promises of military support in the event it is needed or, in the event of their being ousted, and not dismembered by the public, asylum in great comfort in Virginia safe houses.

I wrote to you about certain odd happenings at Treasury, the stockpiling of large amounts of cash around the United States with the excuse being given of disruption caused by an expected outbreak of “Asian bird flu.” Well, I have been informed that this is half right and half wrong. There is a stockpiling of cash at various key points in America but this has nothing to do with an “Asian bird flu” epidemic. It has to do with smallpox being used against the U.S. as a bioterrorist weapon. When I have more on this, I will discourse on it.