donderdag 30 maart 2006

March 30, 2006

TBR News has received so many favorable comments on my illegal immigration article, comments mostly on the number of statistics instead of political rhetoric, that I am adding more material, much of it from law enforcement friends in Arizona: And to those who write complaining letters in foreign languages, why not try English? We speak English here, not some garbled Spanish patois. If that presents major problems, why not try migrating south like the birds? Our loss will be Mexico’s gain!

Here, from various sources is more cheering information for the suffering American taxpayer and his family:

In 2003, according to the Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles, 57,600 cars were stolen in Phoenix. It is now the car-jacking capital of the world. Most were SUV’s and pickup trucks. At a conservative average of $15,000.00 per vehicle, owner losses exceeded $864 million. Insurance companies in the state suffered incredible claims from policyholders.

Arizona is the temporary home of 500,000 illegal aliens. They cost Arizona taxpayers over $1 billion annually in services for schools, medical care, welfare anchor babies, loss of tax base and prisons. Illegals use those vehicles for smuggling more people and drugs from around the world into our country. When the vehicles are recovered, they are smashed-up wrecks in the desert. If not found, they have new owners south of the border as thieves drive the cars through the desert and into Mexico as easily as you drive your kids to soccer practice.

Illegal aliens displaced American workers at a cost in excess of $133 billion dollars last year according to Harvard Professor George Borjas. American citizens: College and high school kids cannot find a summer job in yard care, landscape, fast food or service jobs. Why? Illegal aliens work them at a third the wage and often, under the table.

Not only do young American not have jobs; their parents are paying taxes for illegal aliens who are not paying taxes.

Annually, 75 percent of drugs arrive from Mexico at a net cost of $120 billion hard currency that leaves our country for good. In addition, our tax dollars pay $80 billion for the War on Drugs each year. It is a war that hasn’t been won in the past 30 years and drugs are as available today to your teenager as they were in 1970.

When an alien criminal gets caught for rape, murder or drug distribution, you pay $1.6 billion annually in prison costs to house, feed and clothe those filling 30 percent of our federal and state prisons—not to mention TV, movies, weight rooms and other entertainment—they enjoy while being incarcerated.

Over 300,000 women annually arrive pregnant and drop them on U.S. soil. The American taxpayer pays for food, housing, medical and schooling for them to age 18 PLUS their mother. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, average annual cost per child K-12 is $7,161.00 and exceeds $109 billion annually per cycle of anchor babies.

The average head of household illegal alien costs you $2,700.00 in welfare money over and above any taxes he or she pays in their meager paying jobs. With 15 to 20 million illegal aliens in the USA, that figures exceeds $20 billion of your tax dollars. (Source: Center for Immigration Studies, August 2004)

How about the $56 billion in pure cash illegal migrants sent to their home countries last year and every year? That’s after their kids enjoyed free education, free lunches and free medical care paid for by you.

Mexico receives $15 billion annually from its worker drones. No wonder Vicente Fox sent us 9.2 million illegal alien Mexicans so far.

The lifetime net fiscal drain—taxes paid minus services used—for an adult immigrant is $55,200.00 according to Carrying Capacity Network.

With a minimum of 15 million illegal aliens in our country, these figures are the tip of the iceberg. Average bilingual education is $1,200.00 per illegal alien student. Get this! We educate 1.1 million illegal alien children each year. The American public has paid $27 billion to provide forms, ballots, interpreters and brochures for languages other than English in 2003.

An estimated one-third to one-half illegal aliens work off the books. It costs $200 million to provide for emergency health care for illegal aliens in the Border States annually. California with over three million illegals paid $79 million, and four of their major LA hospitals bankrupted and shut their doors in 2004. Texas with 1.5 million illegal aliens paid $74 million in hospital care. Georgia ran a $63 million deficit for 64,000 unpaid doctor visits to their Grady Health Care system in 2002. Georgia taxpayers paid $27 million for 11,188 anchor baby hospital births. Georgia taxpayers paid a whopping $242 million for educating illegal alien kids in 2003.

What are the consequences? One in two adult African-Americans in New York is unemployed. African-American children’s poverty grew by 50 percent since 1999. Why? Their dads can’t find work.

It costs the taxpayer, $68 billion a year to pay for the resettlement of legal immigrants.

Only 22 companies in 2003 were taken to court for hiring illegal aliens. None went to jail. However, it’s a $10,000.00 fine per illegal alien hired and up to five years in prison. You would think that would deter corporations. Not when they’ve bought off enforcement!

Who else figures in this grand scheme? Your governors and mayors who provide sanctuary laws for illegal aliens! Mayor Bloomberg of New York City, Governor Baldacci of Maine! Governor Bill Owens of Colorado! Mayor Hickenlooper of Denver! Mayor of Los Angeles! The Mayor of San Francisco! The Mayor of Chicago! The Mayor of Miami! How do we know? All those cities and dozens more give sanctuary to illegal aliens with Special Order 40.

Illegals remain in our country with exemption from arrest—yet, they are federal criminals!

A national consensus on immigration is clear from the wide range of polls on the issue over the past several years: By overwhelming margins, Americans want to cut back drastically on immigration—not bring in new immigrants or legalize those who are already here illegally.

Limiting immigration has the overwhelming support of most Americans, regardless of party affiliation or race.

• 65% of voters favor stopping all immigration into the U.S. during the war on terrorism.

• 92% of voters favor “imposing stricter immigration and border crossing polices.”

• 84% of Americans support tighter restrictions on immigration.

• 77% think the government is not doing enough “to control the border and to screen people allowed into the country.”

• 85% strongly/somewhat agree “that enforcement of immigration laws and the border has been too lax and has made it easier for the terrorists to enter.”

• 72% think that “a dramatic increase in resources devoted to border control and enforcement of immigration laws would help reduce the chances of future terrorist attacks.”

• Six in ten Americans support reducing legal immigration levels.

• 77% of respondents in a CNN poll opposed granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

• 53% of Americans said the number of legal immigrants allowed into the U.S. should be decreased. Only 6% wanted to see it increased.

• 41% of Republicans and 45% of Democrats support stopping legal immigration altogether.

• 72% of Americans think immigration should be reduced,

• A Roper poll in January found that 83% of Americans favor a lower immigration level. 70% favor restricting immigration to less than 300,000 new immigrants a year (including 70% of Republicans, 73% of African-Americans, and 52% of Hispanics). Most want even larger cuts: 54% favor an immigration level of below 100,000 a year. 20% support no immigration at all.

The same Roper poll found that a large majority (75%) supports strong laws to identify and deport illegal immigrants. Only 10% disagree with strict laws against the removal of illegal immigrants. The strongest supporters of tough measures against illegal immigrants are self-styled political moderates (78%), strongly religious (76%), whites (77%), Protestants (82%), and Midwesterners (85%). 76% of Democrats, 76% of Republicans, 78% of self-described middle-of-the-roaders, and 60% of Hispanics (English-speaking) also support tough laws against illegal immigrants.

• 52% of all Americans favor a five-year ban on all legal and illegal immigration to the U.S., including 54% of all Republicans and 48% of all Democrats.

• 50% favor a law that would stop all legal immigration into the U.S. for the next five years.

• 63% of Americans think immigration levels are too high, including 66% of Republicans and 60% of Democrats.

• 62% of Americans think immigration levels should be decreased, 27% think the present levels should remain, and 12% say they should be increased.

Some lawmakers are particularly concerned with the attitudes of Hispanics on the immigration issue. Polls show that Hispanic Americans, like all Americans, support cutbacks in immigration.

• 89% of Hispanic Americans strongly support an immediate moratorium on immigration. 74% feel fewer immigrants should be allowed and stronger restrictions should be enforced.

• Hispanics favor reducing immigration by a margin of 53% to 35% in Texas, 48% to 40% in New York, and 47% to 39% in Florida. Rudolfo de la Garza, a University of Texas at Austin professor and one of the directors of the study, said: “U.S born Mexican-Americans believe that they suffer a lower quality of services because of the excess demand on them generated by the immigrants.”
• 43% of Hispanics nationwide think the government is not doing enough to stop illegal immigration. The more established Hispanics are in the United States, the more likely they are to think the government is not doing enough to curb illegal immigration. 37% of foreign-born Hispanics believe not enough is being done; that belief increases to 45% of first-generation Hispanics and half of second-generation Hispanics.

A sampling of a number of states regarding illegal immigration.
With the mid-term elections on the horizon, Congress should become very attentive or they run the risk of being very unemployed.

• 82% of Californians believe that the projected population growth during the next 20 years will make the state a less desirable place to live. Over 80% of California’s growth is due to immigration.

• 50% of California voters oppose granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, versus 34% who favor it.

• 68% of Colorado voters say overpopulation is a major problem in Colorado. Only 2% of voters believe that the state needs to expand its population at all, yet the state is projected to increase its population by 67%, from 4.3 million today to 6.4 million in 25 years. 61% want the federal government to lower immigration levels to reduce the environmental impact and development pressures on communities across the nation.

• 58% of Florida voters favor making legal immigration more difficult. 71% favor the U.S. government spending more time and money to prevent illegal immigration into the U.S., including more than 40% of Hispanics.

• 59% of Florida voters believe current immigration levels are too high. Almost two thirds (63%) of voters agree that “immigration levels are out of control and we need to reduce the number of immigrants we allow into the country.” A majority of voters (52%) said they would be more likely to endorse a candidate who supported immigration reduction as part of his or her campaign. 76% feel that "Continued population growth is a threat to Florida’s resource base, environmental health, and quality of life.”

• 69% believe that the quality of life in the state will deteriorate if current growth and population trends continue. 74% are concerned about the level of immigration to the U.S. 79% are specifically concerned about the level of immigration to Georgia. 61% oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants.

• 62% of Iowans feel that the U.S. should lower its current level of immigration. 65% feel that a U.S. population of 400 million in 2050, as projected by the U.S. Census Bureau, is too large.

• 86% of Kansans say levels of immigration into the U.S. are a “serious” or “very serious” problem.

• 68% of Maryland voters are concerned about the current level of immigration to the state, and 58% want the federal government to lower immigration levels to reduce development pressures on the environment. 61% think overpopulation in Maryland is a major problem.

• Two-thirds of adults in rural southern Maryland say the place where they live is growing too fast. Frustration with crowded roads is mounting, and nearly two-thirds want strict new limits on development.

• 52% of Michigan voters say legal immigration levels should be decreased, 41% say they should remain at present levels, and 4% say they should increase.

• 82% of New Jersey residents say that illegal immigration is an important problem facing the country. 39% say it is one of the most important problems.

• 82% of Texans see illegal immigration as a serious problem (including 86% of Caucasians and 69% of Hispanics), and 61% say the federal government is not doing enough to stop it.

• 73% consider the pace of population growth to be an urgent problem, with 60% saying it threatens quality of life in the state.
70% say they are concerned about the level of immigration to Virginia, and 57% say they would be more likely to support a candidate for Congress who supported a reduction in national immigration levels.

maandag 27 maart 2006

March 27, 2006

There are two major and overriding crisis now facing the American people. The first one is the utterly disastrous and failed Iraqi campaign and the second is the monumental flood of illegal and totally uncontrolled immigration into the United States.

The information on Iraq is easily found and growing but the immigration scandal is not as public. As I have a number of relatives in Arizona, some of whom are state officials, I have decided to take this border state as a microcosm of the growing disaster.

Conservative (and politically correct) official estimates (census, INS reports, state and Federal crime reports) place the number of illegal aliens now in the United States at 11 million, a more realistic (and politically incorrect) analysis by the same agencies place the number of illegals at between 20 to 23 millions, (about 90% of whom are Hispanics.)

In Arizona, the number of Hispanic illegals , as of March 1, 2006, is approximately 350,000.

In Cochise county, on the Mexican border, alone, over 56,000 illegals were detained in the month of February, 2006!

The number of identified illegals in Arizona alone are costing the state taxpayers up to $1 billion a year in state and local services. Herewith is a breakdown of these costs of immigration:

-- $31 million annually in unpaid emergency hospital care for illegal immigrants, as estimated by the governor's office.

-- $72 million a year to imprison criminals without legal residency, as estimated by the governor's office.

--$250 million a year in welfare, as estimated by the governor's office

--$380 million a year in welfare to illegal immigrants, as estimated by the Center of Immigration Studies.

These are costs of the maintenance of this army of illegals but now let us use the Arizona city of Phoenix to consider the criminal activity.

Phoenix has become the biggest gathering point and distribution hub for people migrating to the United States from Mexico. But unlike other large cities of the Southwest, Phoenix has little history in assimilating large numbers of Hispanics. The result has been an anti-immigrant backlash.

The U.S. Border Patrol polices Phoenix's bus station and airport -- some 175 miles from Mexico -- because the city has become an unofficial port of entry. The Phoenix area basically is used as a major transportation hub for illegal immigration, because it's going to be the first major city they get to after crossing illegally,

But the city isn't just a way-station for immigrants: It has also become a place for them to settle. Census figures show the percentage of the city's Hispanic population nearly doubled between 1990 and 2000 -- from 13 percent to 25 percent. No one knows what percentage are here illegally or even from Mexico. But it is largely a population of families, helping make Arizona the fifth youngest state.

Not everyone in Phoenix is adapting so willingly to this demographic and cultural shift. Activists say the undocumented are holding down wages, costing taxpayers millions for health care and education, and contributing to crime.

80 percent of all violent crime in Phoenix can be attributed to illegal aliens. Local law enforcement and Federal crime reports indicate that illegal Mexican gangs are engaging in heavy drug sales, by importation from Mexico of heroin and marijuana. Their “turf wars” have resulted in 289 drug-related deaths in FY 2004-6. Parts of Phoenix are considered unsafe for non-Mexican residents.

Public discontent with the situation has boiled over into state policy, leading voters and lawmakers to pass some of the most hardline anti-illegal immigrant laws in the country.

The reactions to this actual invasion of American territory and the burgeoning drug-related violence?

After Federal border officials arrested nearly 500,000 people trying to enter the state between last October and July. In April, the “Minuteman Project,” a self-appointed militia, began patrolling the Arizona-Mexico border. And in mid-August, Gov. Janet Napolitano (D) took the unusual step of declaring a state of emergency. The move frees up government money to boost law enforcement along the border.

According to the Pew Hispanic Center, which like is funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, the number of illegal immigrants in Arizona has more than quadrupled since 1996 -- from 115,000 then to about 500,000 now. By comparison, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States roughly doubled, jumping from about 5 million in 1996 to about 11 million today. These figures are, naturally, extremely conservative and the actual figure hovers somewhere between 20-23 million.

Arizona’s turning point came last November when it became the first state since California in 1994 to adopt a ballot initiative, Proposition 200, that barred social services to illegal immigrants.

The measure, which passed with 55.6 percent of the vote despite opposition from both Democratic and Republican leaders, also makes it a crime for public employees to fail to report undocumented immigrants seeking benefits, and requires proof of citizenship to register to vote.

Unlike California’s initiative, Arizona's Prop 200 has held up in court. In early August, a federal appeals court rejected a lawsuit aimed at overturning it. Further legal action is expected.

Arizona law enforcement officers, as well as federal border patrol officers, now can arrest people suspected of smuggling illegal immigrants into the United States. They also cam seize vehicles driven by illegal immigrants that are involved in an accident.

State judges can lengthen a felony sentence if the person convicted has violated federal immigration law, and city and county officials are barred from spending on migrant work centers, which illegal immigrants often use to find employment.

Law enforcement officials and lawmakers also contend that crime follows illegal immigrants across the border. The state prison system spent $77 million last year detaining more than 4,000 illegal immigrants.

Mexican officials, outraged by these actions, have been blustering about “retaliation” against the “oppressive” U.S. state and federal authorities and uniformed Mexican military units, heavily armed, have actually convoyed large groups of Mexican illegals over the U.S. borders in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The Mexican government has also been supplying illegals with booklets describing methods to use to cross the border and how to use false identification and other deceptions to further hide from detection. The American-based ‘La Raza’ movement, a separatist group, has received money and other support from Mexico. It is the avowed aim of this group, and others, to “retake” what they consider legitimate Mexican territory (California, Arizona and New Mexico and parts of Texas), stolen from Mexico in the nineteenth century by Americans.

In light of a very restrictive immigration bill now being considered by Congress, these groups, with full support from Mexico (who uses illegal immigration as a means of getting rid of their unproductive, uneducated and certainly unskilled citizens) have launched a massive campaign to turn out hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants onto the streets in an attempt to intimidate Congress and force the defeat of a bill that they view as destructive to their aims.

The claims of these groups and their supporters, mostly members of the American clergy, is that the immigrants are taking only those jobs that Americans do not want. In truth, the illegals are willing to work for very low wages and have driven down these wages to the point where millions of young American job seekers simply cannot compete. The employers, who welcome such cheap labor, do not pay taxes on these illegals, do not enroll them on the unemployment or workers compensation rolls and in general save a great deal ofmoney. Naturally, they do not want the flow of cheap workers stopped and are strong in their demand that any restrictive immigration legislation be scrapped.

The bottom line is that mass immigration means more competition for the limited resources in the "resource pie," whether one is talking about good jobs, room on the freeway, potable water, open space, or cheap energy. It drives up costs of all these desirable and necessary goods. Paying for immigration takes an ever increasing proportion of the family budget, which means that the consumer has less disposable income. Immigration, which makes the average American poorer, is ultimately very BAD for the economy and businesses since — as we hear ad nauseum — economic health depends on continued consumer spending. Even as millions of people have lost their jobs in the U.S. in recent years, we continue to allow more than a million aliens permanent resident status each year in the U.S., forcing increased competition for jobs, health care, education, welfare benefits, and housing at a time when Americans desperately need these resources.

This is a problem that is easy of solution, and if it is not solved with diligence and dispatch, it will become yet another millstone around the necks of the controlling Republican party come the November mid-term elections.

The solution?

Remove all illegals, without exception, from the United States;

Fine, heavily, any American firm that knowingly hires illegals;

Build an impenetrable wall from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico.;

Man this area with military units who are ordered to return the fire of illegals or Mexican military units who, as they have recently been doing, shoot at them first.

The advise to these units?

Shoot straight. And no quarter given.

vrijdag 24 maart 2006

March 24, 2006

Working inside the White House reminds me of :”Alice in Wonderland.” Why? There is no question that Bush’s ratings are on a fatal and unrecoverable slide. The so-called :secret” polls being taken almost on a daily basis by staff members show this trend very clearly. First worried and then frightened Republican lawmakers have been bombarding Bush, insisting he change his act before the GOP loses both houses in November. They want him to “appear more compassionate” and insist he have a change of the guard at the top. He flatly refuses to do both so now the legislators, frightened they will lose their lucrative jobs, are deserting Bush in droves so as to appear “independent” (read: Not connected with our nut President) The senior Bush people, on the other hand, live in his very own fantasy land. Today, I heard a top, top man telling two of his aides that “Diebold will guarantee we keep both houses.” They are unaware, apparently, that a number of states have banned the obviously easily-tampered with systems Diebold, a very strong supporter of Bush, refuses to improve or make safer. Diebold stole two Presidential elections but I highly doubt they will get away with a faked “Republican sweep” in November. They remind me of a neighbor who was under the impression that Jesus was going to take her away soon and she would stand in her yard, dressed in a nightgown, while waving her arms Heavenward and praying at the top of her lungs. It wasn’t Jesus that came to get her but the local mental health people initially and pneumonia eventually.

maandag 20 maart 2006

March 20, 2006

When Congress heard the loud protests from the American public about the Dubai people taking over vital East Coast ports, they pressured Bush to drop the contract. Bush did this reluctantly because he does not like to be told what to do and besides, his Secretary of the Treasury had a financial interest in the deal. Dubai retaliated by dumping dollars, a serous matter that has been deliberately ignored by a controlled American press.

Now, it ought to be mentioned that the most vital West Coast port is under the complete control of a Chinese government-run company, China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) that has been involved in gun smuggling into the United States.

From various sources we learn that:

While the ’Empress Phoenix’ gun-running episode has largely been forgotten, as the debate raged over whether Dubai Ports World should be allowed to operate several dozen terminals at 21 U.S. ports.

In 2001, COSCO ships delivered weapons to Cuba, a move that triggered calls in the United States for sanctions against China, according to the Washington Times.

Still, Americans might come to regret giving COSCO the boot from U.S. port operations - a move currently favored by Sen. Hillary Clinton, who wants to ban all foreign ownership of U.S. ports.

In 2001, for instance, COSCO ships carried 434,000 containers to the United States, representing 12.1 percent of all the goods shipped between China and the United States.

Undoubtedly those numbers have increased in the last five years.

In 1998, when COSCO first tried to lease terminal space at the Port of Long Beach formerly used by the U.S. Navy, Congress blocked the deal over national security concerns.

Three years later, however, other tenants at the port vacated space and COSCO was able to build its own terminal.

Art Wong, public information officer for the Port of Long Beach, told the San Francisco Chronicle last week that COSCO now operates terminals in a joint venture with a U.S. company, Stevedoring Services of America, with the Chinese company acting as the majority lease holder with 51 percent control.

By the end of the decade, COSCO plans to expand its Long Beach facility into a giant five terminal operation covering 300 acres, according to the Long Beach Press Telegram.

And back to the Dubai deal, discover that the Bush people, enraged that they were thwarted, are now attempting to sneak through a deal on the ports so that Vice President Dick Cheney’s former company, Halliburton gets the no-bid contract! As is known, Cheney has a huge stock option in this company which means that he can buy the stock when he is safely out of the White House at a very low price. Since he has done everything he can during his tenure in office to get dozens of enormous no-bid government contracts for Halliburton, thus greatly increasing the value of the stock, he is no doubt licking his lips over this even larger opportunity to enrich himself.

It is interesting to note that the controversial company's involvement has already been endorsed by leading ports security critic, Sen. Charles Schumer. "I'd take Halliburton over U.A.E. at this point, if I had to take a choice right now," Schumer told the Fox News Channel on Feb. 20.

Schumer explained that Democats hate Halliburton not for any security reasons, but because "they made large amounts of profit" from what he said were no-bid contracts in the Iraq war.

But if the company "can do the best job and they get the [ports] contract on the merits," Schumer said, "I'd pat them on the back." And no doubt he can pat his newly-bulging wallet.

I have been saying for years now that the Bush administration is utterly corrupt in every aspect and in this, they are mirrored by an equally greedy and thoroughly corrupted Congress. We are not well served by what has proven to be the most corrupt government in American history.

Vote them all out in November. And we have just heard that a certain State Attorney General has been researching the possibility of slapping a state sales tax of 25% on all goods on all Chinese imports. Apparently, according to my source in the Dept of Commerce, his state can do this. They cannot institute a tariff but can put on a sales tax. The Bush administration is hysterical lest the Chinese find out about this and have been pressuring the state’s governor to veto this. However, it is very popular and the governor has indicated that in view of popular support, he will “let the will of the people” be done. Other neighboring states are also looking into the same thing. This ought to fry the tails of Beijing and the Wal-Mart octopus.

donderdag 16 maart 2006

March 16, 2006

Growing fear is becoming manifest, not only inside the White House but also in the upper ranks of the Republican Party. All of these professional politicians realize their dream of iron and permanent Republican control over Congress, the White House and the Courts, is rapidly melting away. This is caused by utterly stupid actions on the part of Bush and his cronies who were triumphant when their poll numbers were up but now that a constant drumfire of blunders, exposed frauds, chronic lying and sheer greed and vindictiveness is crumbling their defenses, most are looking for a way to first save the Party, second to try to keep control of Congress and third, to replace the useless and idiotic President with someone that the general public can vote for. All of their excellent but very private polls show that the Republicans will be beaten to death in November, in spite of the mindless lack of a candidate or program on the part of the Democrats. It won’t be a populist Huey P. Long that will rise up and activate the multitude but the day to day mumbling stupidity of Bush and his Likudist friends. Cheny, who ran things here with an iron hand, is now seen as a member of the Dyke Brigade and as mad as they come. Interesting to note how many perverts are involved with the GOP at very top levels. And it is funnier to observe that they scream the loudest about gay marriages. These people, and I see them every day, are hypocrites and bigots of the worst sort. Let’s all vote them out in November. Liberal fuzziness is far better than greedy and corrupt bigots trying to turn this country into a police state.

zondag 12 maart 2006

March 12, 2006

The White House reminds me of a back ward somewhere. True Bush loyalists are getting fewer and fewer and the remaining loyalists don’t know whether or not to shit or go blind. The talk now is that Bush will destroy the far right with his stubborn blunders, utter stupidity, total inability to take negative advice from anyone and flat refusal to change any of his crazy plans. For example, he is even now trolling to sell off U.S. port control to another company, this one also located outside the United States. Even though a thoroughly alarmed Congress had drawn a line in the sand (due to huge public uproar) Bush will be at it again as soon as he can. Why? In the last instance, Secretary Snow stood to make a lot of money if the Dubai deal with through. Note here that Cheney hold a vast number of Halliburton stock purchase options. Over the years, he has shamelessly been giving no-bid contracts to Halliburton, solely to increase the future price of the stock. When he retires, he can cash in his options at the low price and get very, very rich. Bush has no problem with his friends making money through crooked deals….After all, he and his brothers and other family members have been doing this for years and gotten clean away with it. Neither Bush or his people seem to be aware that all of the intelligence organs and members of Congress are leaking reams of classified material to the press, to bloggers and to foreign sources like crazy. These miserable creatures believe their own lies to a degree that only a shrink would understand. When the bills come due, kids, we will pay them because Bush will either die in his cell like the former Serbian president or will be living in Costa Rica (where he has a tica).

vrijdag 10 maart 2006

March 10, 2006

I was planning to write about the bloggers and mainline reporters who are paid by the government to lie for them but the crushing defeat Bush has just suffered at the hands of a rebellious Congress has preempted this. There is now an interesting mixture of joy and fury inside the White House, the CIA, the FBI but not, repeat, not, the DHS when Congress told Bush that the Dubai deal was as dead as Bush’s career and marley’s ghost. Congress, usually split along party lines, has finally realized that the American public has had it up to the Plimsoll with the manic greed on the part of the senior Bush people and have flooded their Congresspeople with their rage at this port deal. Add to this pressure in an election year, we have the vicious, arrogant and thoroughly stupid baiting of Congress by a mindless, hubris-ridden President who has come to believe the suckings of his disgusting and throughly sycophantic staff that he is indeed a new God, to be obeyed. Had Bush not told the UAE to drop the plan, (Bush claims it was all their idea to withdraw but we here know better), Congress would have soundly kicked Bush in his flabby ass and, should he have the nerve to veto their blocking his (and Treasury Chief Snow’s) money-making scheme it would have been promptly overridden in such a way as to mark the effective end of the Bush quasi-dictatorship. As is it, Bush has proven to be the most stupid and corrupt President in American history. Our currency says,, “In God We Trust.” One would hope this trust would not be misplaced and we all pray that God takes Curious George to His bosom with diligence and dispatch. One can safely include Cheney and his Dike Brigade in this Blessed Departure at the same time. When you stir a pot, the shit rises to the top.

vrijdag 3 maart 2006

March 3, 2006

There is growing concern inside both the White House and among senior Republicans in Washington , that if VP Cheney doesn’t resign of his own free will or is forced out of office, the Republicans will, in turn, be forced out of office in November. Even Diebold and Jeb Bush can’t corrupt nationwide elections, like they did in Florida in 2000, and the continuous imbecility and arrogance of the current Administration is becoming widely evident, even in the Bible Belt. The American media, whores to the end, have been cooperating with Bush by hiding important information. The New York Times knew a year before they finally published it about Bush’s determination to spy on everybody in the United States via the NSA and the entire media was aware of the FEMA Katrina tapes wherein Bush is clearly shown, contrary to his pathetic bleating denials later, that he was fully aware of the pending disaster…and did nothing, later trying to blame FEMA head Brown for his, and the grossly incompetent Chertoff’s, manifest inaction. Bush was, by growing rumor, drunk at Crawford and Chertoff is a moron and a sycophant of the worst order…a typical backside licking Bush toady and as useless as tits on a boar pig.

woensdag 1 maart 2006

March 1, 2006

Bush, Cheney and a number of their top security aides are enraged because of the leaking of very embarrassing and sensitive material to the media. I don’t think they are really aware of the degree and extent of the leakage.

The CIA has been the source of many leaks as the clumsy and high handed actions of Bush loyalist Porter Goss, DCI has destroyed the morale at that agency. Many very competent agents with years of experience were either fired because they “<>were<> not loyal to the President’s goals and views” or quit because of the crude activities of their top brass.

Most of these top leaders are Jewish and are too deeply and actively interested in the fate of blessed Israel to suit the rank and file. The name of Pollard is often used to describe their actions. And it is from these disgruntled agents, as well as from those who quit or were fired, that a veritable flood of fascinating material has been, and is being , leaked.

Friends of mine in the media and fellow workers speak about this and although I have never received any of these leaked papers, their contents are certainly not a secret.

A fanatic for secrecy, and terrified of assassination, Cheney would have a fatal heart attack if he knew that builder’s plans of his Maryland home, with new security additions, are out there. Also, a number of what the top White House personnel firmly believe is total security on their email and personal telephone conversations has been compromised, from the inside, and recorded messages are now circulating on tape all over Washington, to include the cocktail and Embassy Row circuits.

You have no idea how idiotic some of our wise leaders are when chatting with girl friends, businessmen, stock brokers and boy friends.

Also out there are reams of CIA reports on their intended subversion of various countries, to include Russia, Venezuela, Syria and Iran. There are even studies on what would happen if the CIA’s men in Chechen were to assassinate Putin or the CIA/Columbia intelligence groups now in the latter country were to ‘off’ Chavez.

Most of the senior Republicans inside the White House are racists and their use of the no-no “N” word is legion.

Also floating around are reputed to be lists of many thousands of Americans whom the NSA has spied on in the past and will no doubt continue to spy on in the future.

Your Mr. Harring would be delighted to see the actual death lists (by name) that are far in excess of the DoD published tallies.

One of my friends in a famous investigative agency says that two things are most prominent here; the incredible number of serious threats made against our President and the growing leaks of major, and extremely negative, information.

With Bush on the skids and his grasp on power shrinking day to day and Cheney slipping even worse, many who were afraid to open their mouths before are now singing like an opera star. The interesting aspect of this is that most of this awful and damning material is not being sent to the American media (which is seen as useless and pro-Bush) but to foreign agencies and press entities.

The degree of the damage to the reputation of the United States is appalling but he who sows the wind will certainly reap the whirlwind.