zaterdag 28 januari 2006

January 28, 2006

Today, I am going to discuss how the Pentagon is going to control the internet (after all, they claim they invented it and it is theirs and is being “used by pro-terrorist Americans” to “thwart and frustrate” the Bringing of Democracy to benighted Arabs and liberal Americans.) Yes, control the Internet to keep Bush’s growing legions of enemies from continuing their revelations of his insanities, thefts and slaughters.

But the other purpose is to stuff the gullible media and American public with DoD propaganda that is also being piped to foreign countries. Remember the fake letters manufactured in the Pentagon, sent to Iraq and then returned to hundreds of American newspapers purporting to come from local GIs thrilled with how the Iraqi people are now becoming a New Democratic Country? And many now realize that our DoD is concealing many more dead than are listed in public and have never talked about the over 5,000 deserters (mostly at Shannon in Ireland).

This is their blueprint and we hope you enjoy it. And when I have finished dealing with that subject, I will explain to my many readers, both here and abroad, just exactly how our Friendly Government uses your cable TV to listen to conversations in your house.

Let’s start with the Great Internet War:

It should be fairly obvious that the internet is the one barrier to the total propagandizing of the American people. Flawed as it is with all kinds of irrational material intermixed with the truth, the internet still is more than capable of exposing the ignorance, idleness and vice that are the hallmarks of the current administration. There are various methods devised and contemplated now that would clarify and rectify this problem.

The first part is the establishment of the so-called ‘Internet2’ which was ostensibly established by “academic interests, to speed up and better organize” the present loosely-knit internet. In reality, this concept was under the thumb of the FBI and was designed to permit them a much tighter observation, and eventual control, of the dangerous internet.

Not to be outdone, in 2003, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld put his signature to a document that is designed to permit his department to not only take physical control of the internet on the pretext of “National Security,” but to utilize it to pump fake official propaganda into everyone, including foreigners, American media sources and, most especially, the American people.

In reading through this, it might be instructive to note that the U.S. government is legally prohibited from conflating these operations by targeting PSYOP activities--intended for foreign audiences--at the American public. 22 U.S.C. § 1461 (Smith-Mundt Act), which created the United States Information Agency (USIA) in 1948, directs that information about the United States and its policies intended for foreign audiences "shall not be disseminated within the United States, its territories, or possessions." Of course, as we have seen and are now seeing, the law means nothing to the American far right wing, now in power, but obeyed or not, the laws are still in effect.

This order, “Information Operations Roadmap,” calls on the Department of Defense to enhance its capabilities in five key Information Operations (IO) areas: electronic warfare (EW), PSYOP, Operations Security (OPSEC), military deception and computer network operations (CNO). The plan was developed by an oversight panel led by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Resource and Plans) and representatives from the Joint Staff, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and Special Operations Command, among other organizations.

Copies of this 74-page document, “Information Operations Roadmap,” and about a dozen ancillary support documents, are now floating around official Washington, along with hilarious tapes of what Bush and his security people fondly believe are “completely secure” personal Presidential conversations that sound like copy for the supermarket tabloids.

Here, for the pro-Bush doubters and jealous bloggers, is a copy of the cover:

The Information Operations Roundup calls for a far-reaching overhaul of the military's ability to conduct information operations and electronic warfare. And, in some detail, it makes recommendations for how the US armed forces should think about this new, virtual warfare.

The document says that information is "critical to military success". Computer and telecommunications networks are of vital operational importance. The document states: "Effectively communicating U.S. Government (USG) capabilities and intentions is an important means of combating the plans of our adversaries. The ability to rapidly disseminate persuasive information to diverse audiences in order to directly influence their decision-making is an increasingly powerful means of deterring aggression. Additionally, it undermines both senior leadership and popular support for employing terrorists or using weapons of mass destruction."

The operations described in the document include a surprising range of military activities: public affairs officers who brief journalists, psychological operations troops who try to manipulate the thoughts and beliefs of an enemy, computer network attack specialists who seek to destroy enemy networks.

All these are engaged in information operations. Perhaps the most startling aspect of the roadmap is its acknowledgement that information put out as part of the military's <>psychological operations<>, or PSYOPS, is finding its way onto the computer and television screens of ordinary Americans.

"Information intended for foreign audiences, including public diplomacy and PSYOPS, is increasingly consumed by our domestic audience," it reads.

"PSYOPS messages will often be replayed by the news media for much larger audiences, including the American public," it goes on. “The increasing ability of people in most parts of the globe to access international information sources makes targeting particular audiences more difficult. Today the distinction between foreign and domestic audiences becomes more a question of USG (U.S. Government ed) intent rather than information dissemination practices.”

The document's authors acknowledge that American news media should not unwittingly broadcast military propaganda but the program is to legalize this so that “unwittingly” may become “willingly,” In this day and age it is impossible to prevent stories that are fed abroad as part of psychological operations propaganda from blowing back into the United States - even though they were directed abroad.

Public awareness of the US military's foreign (and domestic) propaganda information operations is growing because of official stupidity and arrogance. .In late 2005, it emerged that the Pentagon had paid a private company, the Lincoln Group, to plant hundreds of stories in Iraqi newspapers. The stories - all supportive of US policy - were written by military personnel and then placed in Iraqi publications.

And many “private” websites that appeared to be information sites on the politics of Africa and the Balkans were found to be totally run by the Pentagon. Also, it became obvious that some sectors of the American media, to include reporters, editors and management, were completely in the government’s pocket.

But the true extent of the Pentagon's enormous information operations, how they work, who they're aimed at, and at what point they turn from informing the public to influencing populations, is becoming much clearer.

When it describes plans for electronic warfare, or EW, the document takes on an extraordinary tone. It reveals that Pentagon PSYOPS personnel "support" the American government's international broadcasting. It recommends that a global website be established that supports America's strategic objectives. The website would use content from "third parties with greater credibility to foreign audiences than US officials".

It also recommends that PSYOPS personnel should consider a range of technologies to disseminate propaganda in enemy territory: unmanned aerial vehicles, "miniaturized, scatterable public address systems", wireless devices, cellular phones and the internet.

In short, this operation views the internet as being equivalent to an enemy weapons system.

"Strategy should be based on the premise that the Department [of Defense] will 'fight the net' as it would an enemy weapons system," it reads.

The slogan "fight the net" appears several times throughout the roadmap.

The authors warn that US networks are very vulnerable to attack by hackers, enemies seeking to disable them, or spies looking for intelligence.

"Networks are growing faster than we can defend them... Attack sophistication is increasing... Number of events is increasing."

The document stresses the importance of Psychological Operations (PSYOP), particularly in a wartime situation or, currently, a manufactured global “War on Terrorism”: The Department of Defense defines PSYOP generally as "planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals."

And adds that the United States should seek the ability to "provide maximum control of the entire electromagnetic spectrum".

US forces should be able to "disrupt or destroy the full spectrum of globally emerging communications systems, sensors, and weapons systems dependent on the electromagnetic spectrum".

In summation here, the US military seeks the capability to knock out every telephone, every networked computer, every radar system on the planet.

This is the first part of the program and deals with the dissemination of American propaganda throughout the world via the internet and developing the capacity to knock out any other internet programs that are deemed to be, “hostile to the ideals and goals of the American government.” Documents relating to this operation specifically speak of “hostile elements inside the United States who, in conjunction with external terrorists, seek, by the dissemination of false, denigrating and disruptive” information via the domestic internet system. One parallel DoD study explains, in detail, how the American internet systems works and how, in a declared “National Emergency” it can be co-opted into “full cooperation” with the DoD. By silencing “dissident” sites while promoting “pro-government” sites, either once now fully controlled by the government or set up by them as the occasion calls for.

Supporters of such programs will no doubt object that this is only a plan and that many such plans exist on paper. The response is that certainly, many plans exist. Plans are known for the attack on, and neutralization of, both Syria and Iran but the likelihood of these being implemented are somewhat remote.

This plan, however, is considered to be far more imminent because of the potential damage an unfettered American internet can wreak on a plotting administration. The American print and television media are very easy to control but the internet, on the other hand, is so diverse that a central program has to be, and has been, devised to bring it under control very quickly and effectively.

Now that we have addressed the Seizure of the Internet, let’s look at something less important but still of interest. That is the utilization of your cable television system to spy on you. No, this is not the sort of paranoid concoctions one often finds on the internet but an actual, working program, now in use across America.
Television sets contain both an AM and FM system. A government agent (now the DHS) merely goes to your cable head, located in your area, and easily can locate your outlet at the station. It is only a matter of moments to hook into it and reverse the AM and FM in your set to permit this set to act as a transmitter/receiver. An agent located at the main local office can then listen to, or tape record, any conversation held within the range of the set. Please note that this cannot be done at a distance but requires someone physically on the scene.

The best way to block this? Simply disconnect your cable from the set by unplugging it, if and when you plan to do, or say, anything near your television set. There exists a long, published technical paper from a professor at Tulane University explaining exactly how this process works and the Bell Laboratory in New Jersey is the firm that developed the equipment for this ten year old very successful domestic spy project.

vrijdag 27 januari 2006

January 27, 2006

I know from the private Republican polls (the ones you never see and never get into the media) that they are in serious danger of losing control of the government come November. The problem is that although the rank and file, and the leadership, know this, they cannot communicate to Bush that sea changes have to be made, at least cosmetic ones, or public anger will get to the point that impeachment is a probability.

Frankly, our President is a nut. He won’t listen to anyone and does what he wants. The stupid twit actually believes he is some kind of God and can do anything he likes whenever he likes it. Thank God Bush doesn’t get the urge to shoot a hunting rifle at passing tourists. His bizarre and distasteful sex life coupled with his binge drinking makes him a true menace. People thought a lecherous Clinton was bad but this one makes Clinton look like St. Vincent DePaul by comparison.

The leadership has more or less decided that since Bush will not change, he will simply have to go to save the rest of them or, if they are ideologues, for the common good. For themselves, not necessarily for the American people.

Although Bush stubbornly refuses to release any document which he feels might make him look bad, others are doing just that. Tens of thousands of pages of memos, reports, notes, tapes, and all kinds of priceless milestones on George W. Bush’s journey to the underworld are being assembled and studied for possible “leaks.”

I have seen some of these and am now going to do my frightened friends a huge favor by publishing some of the more awful ones.

For example: According to in-house memos now circulating, the DHS has issued orders to banks across America which announce to them that “under the Patriot Act” (whatever that crap means) the DHS has the absolute right to seize, without any warrant whatsoever, any and all customer bank accounts, to make “periodic and unannounced” visits to any bank to open and inspect the contents of “selected safe deposit boxes.” Further, these boxes, taken from a DHS list of people who are considered “hostile to the present government, citizens who have visited outside the United States before or after 9/11 to countries now considered to be hostile to this country…” “ :Russia, Peoples Republic of China, Mexico, Guatemala, Spain, Italy, Egypt, France, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Turkey or the Sudan…” or any citizen who has a bank account in any of those listed countries are considered to be of legitimate interest in the “ongoing investigations into foreign and domestic terrorism.”

Further, the DHA “shall, at the discretion of the agent supervising the search, remove, photograph or seize as evidence…” any of the following items…”bar gold, gold coins, firearms of any kind unless manufactured prior to 1878, documents such as passports or foreign bank account records, pornography or any material that, in the opinion of the agent, shall be deemed of to be of a contraband nature.”

DHS memos also state that banks are informed that any bank employee, on any level, that releases “improper” “classified DHS Security information” to any member of the public, to include the customers whose boxes have been clandestinely opened and inspected and “any other party, to include members of the media” and further “that the posting of any such information on the internet will be grounds for the immediate termination of the said employee or employees and their prosecution under the Patriot Act.”

Currently, the two major targets of these completely illegal and warrantless searches and seizures, are the California-based Bank of America and the Compass Bank. The former is one of the largest banks in the United States and Compass Bank ( Compass Bancshares, Inc). is a $30.1 billion Southwestern financial holding company which operates 385 full-service banking centers including 139 in Texas, 89 in Alabama, 73 in Arizona, 42 in Florida, 32 in Colorado and 10 in New Mexico.

Of extraordinary interest to the DHS are Bank of America records relating to their Bank Of America <>‘SafeSend Money to Mexico’<> program.

It should be noted that the DHS states that “in the event that the owners of these confiscated objects do not file an administrative complaint within three (3) months subsequent to said confiscation, the aforesaid items shall pass to the permanent custody of the DHS”

Isn’t that wonderful? You and your wife are visiting relatives in France, Uncle Einar’s $100,000 collection of gold coins is lifted out of your box and you don’t get back to the United States for two months and don’t check your looted box for another four months. My, some nice DHS person, or maybe two, has a nice new BMW to show off to his neighbors. Tough luck, Uncle Einar!

Oh, and you might like to know that the spate of “robberies” of bank credit card and personal data that took place in and around February of 2005, were not robberies at all. The DHS, using its muscle, simply went off with trucks full of data to mine at their leisure. The banks involved said nothing, and will say nothing. If they do, their people will be at a nice Federal country club, making shoes for the Army while the DHS bosses, to include the FEMA thieves, will be buying property on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills or Palm Desert. Or some nice marina like Marine del Ray to keep their nice new 150’ yacht.

To date, in California alone (the only report I have seen) over 1,500 banks have been “visited” and boxes rifled between January, 2005 and January, 2006.

Next time, something about DARPA to amuse and entertain you all.

zondag 22 januari 2006

January 22, 2006

You entitle some of your articles, “The Decline and Fall of George W. Bush.”

You are at a distance and I am not.

Before he screwed up royally, Bush used to occasionally wander around the White House (he doesn’t anymore) accompanied by sycophantic aides, and would give staffers here a twisted grin and fire off some grotesque malapropism.

No more.

His face has aged ten years, there is a haunted look in his eyes, his face is badly mottled and blotched (they use makeup on him for press conferences) and he is absolutely vicious with people, snarling at them and using language around women that even a DC pimp would hesitate mouthing.

Yes, he drinks himself into a mumbling stupor. One of the current SS White House Detail personnel told his sister, who told a communicant of mine, that Bush goes to Crawford as often as he can to get plastered. Actually, he never was on the wagon at all and neither is he a born-again Christian. His alleged victory over the bottle and his miraculous discovery of Jesus in the tool shed are Karl Rove fabrications, designed to enhance the image of a bitter, destructive, alcoholic and ageing closet queen with delusions of grandeur and reference.

One of my co-workers, a professional and not an ideologue, stopped by my office this morning, filled with portents of doom and gloom. There was a bright moment when he was discussing Bush’s growing fears that someone will shoot him or blow up his aircraft with a rocket.

My visitor said, entirely in jest, that he wondered what would happen if some sociopathic and suicidal reporter set off an M-80 firecracker at a Presidential televised press conference.

My God, the images that came to mind had both of us helpless with laughter.

First off, there would be a bright flash, followed by a deafening roar.

Then the President would shriek with fear, fall onto the stage and lose bladder and bowel control while panic reigned. The Secret Service detail would fall all over him, and regret it when their suits were stained, there would be a violent and immediate exit by terrified press people and the weaker would be trampled by the stronger.

The room would smell like a French public lavatory in July and the aisles and exits littered with broken glasses, smashed cameras and tape recorders with a few shoes and false teeth embedded in the mess.

While the President was being hosed off and given clean clothes, the news, badly garbled, would sweep the networks and, as usual, mindless confusion would reign supreme for days.

Champaign corks would be popping in presidential palaces and foreign ministries around the world and the muddle-headed mediocrities that make up our media would babble endlessly, filling the papers and the television with the most awful nonsense.

Bush would be having a nervous breakdown in his steel and concrete White House bunker while across town, the Vice President, in his bunker, under the impression that the Emperor was dead, would be running around, planning his coronation and his speeches to the American people establishing Martial Law everywhere, when God would intervene and he would turn a light blue, clutch at his fat chest and topple permanently to the ground.

This would leave Dennis Hastert, who is two sandwiches and a thermos of tea short of a picnic, pricing a new summer home on Lake Geneva and leaving wet spots on his office rug.

Tony Blair would go into permanent mourning while Vladimir Putin declared a national holiday in Russia.

Given the pisspoor record of our law enforcement agencies, it would take at least two months before someone figured out that it was a firecracker and not the late bin Laden firing a flintlock blunderbuss filled with mini-bagels and by then, we would be at war with China, Canada, Mexico and Gabon and New York City and Bad Seepage, Ohio would be radioactive.

The thrower of the firecracker would naturally have plenty of time to flee the White House and go into hiding in Venezuela where he would become an instant hero, marry Hugo Chavez’ niece and end up running the state oil industry.
All of this speculation caused great merriment between myself and my visitor but should we not look for the truth in the jest?

vrijdag 20 januari 2006

January 20, 2006

Yet again, our grossly incompetent CIA, in conjunction with the prevaricating manipulators in the White House, have produced another faked “bin Ladin tape” threatening to attack the United States but “offering a truce.” The CIA has produced at least ten “original terrorist” tapes in the past three years. A man named Morton Weil, working for the CIA out of Waco, Texas, puts these together using someone fluent in Arabic. The documents are produced in Langley, sent to the NSC for vetting and, if approved as written, sent by courier to Waco, Texas where they are translated (from the English) into Arabic and then recorded by a person, as yet unnamed, fluent in that language .

I lunch twice a week with an Arab diplomat who, obviously, is an educated man and fluent in his native tongue. He not only knew bin Laden but has heard him speak a number of times. His opinion? Fake.

His reasoning?

Bush is presently doing so badly in the domestic (and foreign) opinion polls, yet did so well as “The Great Protector of America” after 911, that he seeks to recapture his permanently lost glory by first posing a threat to the US and then stepping forward again, shield and sword in hand, to defend the American people against foreign (and non-Christian) terrorists.

He and Rove feel that his poll numbers will rise once again. The problem is that very few people believe these rigged and seemingly never-consummated terrorist “warnings” and so once again, the boy cried “Wolf” in vain.

I also know someone on the NSC and they told me this morning that they really wished the CIA would be a little more accomplished in their fakes.

His reasoning?

It has been known, officially, that bin Laden died of kidney failure in a Pakistani hospital in August of 2002 and obviously isn’t making any tapes now. A live bin Laden, however, is a good boogyman with which to terrify the American public into slavishly believing our government is trying to protect them. Secondly, there is no reference to the Koran in the message, something always found in original, period, bin Laden announcements. Thirdly, the fake bin Laden does not make any references, as original messages have, to past Western atrocities against Muslims and, finally, the tape is far too short.

What is this source’s reasoning? That the CIA’s blunder in killing 17-25 perfectly innocent Pakistani civilians in a badly botched rocket attack against a bin Laden supporter has caused an uproar in Pakistan, (and elsewhere) an ally, albeit a very dicey one. First, the CIA “revealed,” through paid Pakistani stooges, that “many top terrorists” were killed in the attack <>although the sole victims were women and children and two sets of grandparents<>. Their logic is that while the intended target was “mysteriously absent” at the time of the attack, the slaughter of the innocents was justified because “many top terrorists” were eradicated.

Typical high-level bald-faced lies.

This latest taped fake is designed both to give Bush increased stature to a disbelieving American public and to justify any future actions against more generally completely innocent civilians.

The Bush Administration is drawing an enormous bill that is going to have to be paid by the American people, hopefully for the criminals, long after they are out of office and living in tax-payer supported safe (<>and non-extraditable<>) retirement in the south of France or Tahiti.

Something needs to be done about all of this murderous corruption.

When Patrick Henry, addressing the Virginia House of Burgesses, made a negative reference to their King George, some stooge shouted “Treason!” at him.

His reply, and one we all ought to contemplate?

“If this be treason, Sir, why make the most of it!

zondag 15 januari 2006

January 15, 2006

Now that we have brought Bush out of his mothball haven, it might be instructive to discuss the means by which his shabby administration is attempting to influence public opinion into accepting both his brilliant leadership and the vital necessity for maintaining a senseless and viciously destructive war.

It should be pretty obvious to persons with the ability to read and reason that recent disclosures about official sponsoring of fake news articles brings any governmental press release or speech into serious question. We have, for example, the pathetic attempts on the part of Central Command to compel their soldiers to sign printed letters to their hometown newspapers alleging that all was well in Iraq, that the Americans were winning a great victory over the Powers of Darkness and that GIs were bringing happiness and joy to Iraqi children. David Brooks, writing in the New York Times, also produced such fabricated drivel. Willie Peter bombs, flamethrowers and the running over by tanks of Iraqi small children are never mentioned. Foreign reporters who have had the temerity to do so have been shot on the spot “by accident.”

Then we have various “columnists” in the American media who were revealed to have taken large amounts of money to advance the Republican’s agenda, the fake “Lincoln Group,” ( a government creation) that was planting other fictions in foreign (and domestic) media, the notice that the Department of Defense was looking for blogs and websites willing, for pay, to put the government’s agenda before the American people.

All of this has been reported in the past. What has not been reported is that a number of the irrational bloggers (“Weather Control,” “9/11 Secrets Finally Revealed, ” “Bush and Cheney Indicted by Federal Grand Jury) are also supported so that they may issue immense volumes of distracting nonsense to keep the American public so bemused that they wouldn’t recognize a truth if it hit them in the food bag.

And also note that CNN (and other major media outlets) keep on bleating about the Lacy Peterson matter, the fat man who fell off a cruise ship and of course, who is allowed to forget the Vanished Cheerleader of Aruba. The harping on this totally unimportant material is certainly far from either stupidity on the part of network executives or lack of knowledge of far more important issues.

When a major story can be found on practically any foreign news service, like Reuters, the BBC, AFP or the Herald Tribune, the assumption would be that our American press would also reflect all of this. That it rarely does is a certain sign that we are fed a diet of inconsequential or invented news to lull the viewers, and readers, into a sense of security.

God may be in His heaven but all is certainly not all right with the world.

At least not ours.

It’s no wonder that newspaper subscribers and television viewers are turning to the internet, nuts and all, for the real news.

vrijdag 13 januari 2006

January 13, 2006

In the past two days, I have received the following message from two sources that I consider to be very accurate. The sudden weeping exit by the wife of Supreme Court candidate Alito from his confirmation hearing was duly noted but no one in the media seems to understand it. No outrageous questions were being asked and the Congressional questioners of the Judge were balanced and reasonable.

The following story does not come as a surprise either to myself or to others who have specific knowledge of the persona involved. It is a subject that, while often talked about on the inside, has never seen the light of day. The reasons for this are quite obvious.

I have a cousin who is a psychiatrist and I made up a resume of the President’s persona, without any identifying information. My cousin read it over carefully and told me that it was his professional, but off the record, opinion that the subject was what is known as a repressed homosexual. Indications of a strong lack of self-worth coupled with obvious self-hatred, the lashing out at perceived establishment types who might be seen as condemning voices, being surrounded by known homosexuals, feelings of rejections and disapproval from his father (the male parent is far more critical of homosexuality in his son than the mother) excessive and petty vindictiveness and a number other less important points are all consistent with such a diagnosis. To this detached and professional opinion, I add the whispered and very snide remarks one hears on a daily basis both inside the disillusioned White House and in places where the elite gather to eat and drink, and I am not bothered by discussing it in public.

‘It seems that Judge Alito has a good-looking son, Philip, and when the family was at the White House recently to meet with Bush and his wife, the President somehow got the son alone and tried to kiss him!

The boy was outraged and told his father that Bush smelled like booze. The father said nothing, wanting the Supreme Court job, but the mother complained to Laura Bush.

Laura told her that ..."George is under so much stress these days, trying to protect America from terrorists that he 'slips' once in a while...."

I immediately passed this to a British newspaperman (Guardian) who shot back that a similar incident had transpired when Bush was visiting in England and it was a subject Not to be Discussed!

Almost ditto from another contact with AFP.

This explains an 8" Gannon sylphing around the White House at night, unescorted.

Could that be considered stretching things a bit?

We can't use this but we sure as hell can pass it around.

We could talk about Mehlman or McClelland but why torment these poor souls? Looking at their pictures, one can see that God has done that already

Right in the middle of the hearing on her husband's suitability for the Supreme Court, Ms Alito suddenly fled from the room, weeping. There was nothing going on at the moment that justified it. My source tells me she is furious because Bush is a pedophile and she is afraid that her son will get nailed by the sick creep. Her husband wants his new job and will do nothing to prevent him from getting into a position where he can destroy Roe v. Wade.

Also, some nation, very hostile to the US, has acquired a former Soviet submarine, the atomic AKULA or TYPHOON. This is a huge sub that carried atomic missiles and can sit, submerged, on the ocean floor for long periods of time, awaiting the signal to fire its payloads. My source is beyond reproach but they do not know about this inside the Beltway at the present time. It's truly amazing what one can get if one has the money. And a crew trained by the Russians into how to operate the sub, its nuclear reactors and its missiles (also purchased were 10....the payload for AKULA is 20. Isn't life fun?’

maandag 9 januari 2006

January 9, 2006

I could probably send you an article, complete with nice pictures, of the President having sexual encounters with fat, wheezing Dick Cheney, Congoleeza Rice in a leather jump suit or his dog, Barney, and no one would either look at it or care.

I look at the Internet (it’s part of my job) on a daily basis and there is enough concrete and believable material on it to cause a concerned Congress to immediately vote a Bill of Impeachment against the President.

They will not, unless and until they realize that the American public is growing increasingly and vocally restive about the perceived incompetence and utter corruption within the White House and the upper levels of the Republican administration, they will do nothing but make sure their Swiss bank accounts are safe and the bags and envelopes full of bribe money are still in their office safes.

This I can tell you, that Congress, specifically the Republicans, are becoming genuinely fearful lest they all be voted out of office come November. One Senator, a bug-eyed religious ninny, has even suggested, in my hearing, that Bush ought to fabricate a ”National Emergency”, call out the military because of fictional “terrorist attacks” and save Congress for the Jesus-Christ loving Republican Senators!

Of course such lunatic schemes will come to nothing and would, if promulgated, lead directly to civil war, like the big one now raging in Iraq (that our media is not going to talk about…they would rather shed crocodile tears about fat, nasty old Sharon’s joyful departure from the scene) so we can basically forget about a fascist putsch. The weird Zell Miller weeps in frustration, no doubt.

The other, and best, solution for Republicans, eager to keep their seats and the unlimited opportunities for escalating graft and corruption, is to find someone harmless, make a huge fuss about them and go after them with much shouting, finger-waving and faked outrage, thus deflecting the attention of the public (so easily and often done with the cooperation of a slavish media) and once the sacrificial ram has had his throat cut by a self-righteous Congress, reelection will be so much easier. Who knows? Perhaps they might fix on George W. Bush for this purpose. A consummation devoutly to be wished indeed!

donderdag 5 januari 2006

January 5, 2006

I have said for some time, and most sensible (non-Republican) readers agree, that the government keeps a number of academics and media people around to assist them in their schemings. Today, we saw on the editorial page of the New York Times, an op-ed piece by one James MacGregor Burns

Burns, loudly extolling the removal of the 22nd Constitutional Amendment mandating only two terms for an American president.

The current Republicans, now in growing disarray, introduced this fascistic idea in February of 2005 but it quietly died as had many other such attempts before it. With Bush and Cheney thwarted in their attempts to establish an Imperial Presidency wherein the occupant of the Oval Office can do no wrong and can easily bypass Congress and rule by decree, we are hearing manic rumblings from the far right about permitting Bush to run for re-election by removing the most inconvenient 22nd Amendment.

The article I refer to, which I am attaching, was written by one James MacGregor Burns, a fanatical follower of and supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt who would still be in office if he had not very conveniently died in 1945. Burns, who may be excused for his strange support for a right wing attempt to sieze the White House in perpetuity because of his extreme age and obvious loss of common sense, has suddenly swung away from his very liberal previous positions as a staunch Rooseveltian Democrat and now advocates what Congress determined was sufficient time in office to make or break.

Were George W. Bush a noteworthy President, Burns’ enthusiasm for his continued reign could be understood but in light of Bush’s dangerous incompetence, either Burns is so advanced in the debilitating effects of old age (he is in his late 80s) or has been made an offer he cannot refuse.

Two terms is entirely enough for anyone, especially for the incumbent.

Burns and his co-worker would be better off writing about Thomas Jefferson or perhaps preparing a touching memoir about his long days journey into night.

maandag 2 januari 2006

January 2, 2006

I see that Putin is getting even with both the Ukraine and the U.S. for the so-called ‘Orange Revolution’ last year. We know that the CIA bribed an anti-Moscow element in the Ukraine to rebel and declare themselves free of Russian influence. Like most CIA disruptions, it was a nasty business and while it appeared to have worked, in the end it will prove to be an utter disaster. For example, the rich (in oil and coal) Donetz basin in eastern Ukraine is almost entirely Russian in population and any attempt on the part of American business interests to get their hooks into this would immediately result in a demand from the locals for a referendum to separate from the Ukraine and, when that vote passed, to request a permanent union with the Russian Republic. Putin has already agreed to do this and the main motive for the CIA-fomented revolt will be completely nullified.

This whole business has been about oil. Since I was personally involved in some of this, let me enlighten you in a brief, and perhaps simplistic way.

Regan toppled the Communist regime by using the completely fake “Star Wars” program, that would never have worked but which drove the badly shaken Soviets into eventual bankruptcy trying to keep up with it. The Soviets, by the way, were far more afraid of the U.S. launching a strike against them than they were concerned with attacking America.

Once the corrupt and over-buraucraticized Soviet Union fell apart, the United States had an unparalleled opportunity of working politically and economically, with the new Russian government. Instead, and true to form, they installed the drunken Yeltsin (who was entirely in our pocket) and then tried to take over the enormous and potentially very lucrative Russian oil and gas fields.

A group of thugs, again sponsored by the U.S., took over the newly-privatized oil and gas industry, aided by their co-religionists in the World Bank and the IMF. Once they had their hands on everything, they immediately sold out a controlling interest in their extorted holdings to a consortium of American and British oil developers.

But they entirely underestimated the apparently colorless Vladimir Putin. A former Colonel in the KGB, Putin followed the old Italian dictum that he who goes softly goes safely and he who goes safely goes far.

Little by little, Putin regained state control over the oil and gas resources, hounding the Oligarchy out of control, either jailing them or forcing them into exile. He managed to get his hands on much of the bribe money, forcing Bush to beg for its return when he met with Putin at Bratislava last year.

Putin’s response to what must have been an embarrassing question on the part of the oil-industries front man, Bush, was that since the deals had been made with the now-departed Oligarchy, perhaps the oil people might wish to sue them in Russian civil courts. He, himself, could do nothing.

At the same time this was happening, the CIA, working with the same oil people, instigated political upheavals in some of the former Soviet Republics who controlled land over which vital oil and gas pipelines had to cross to bring these products to ports where they could be shipped to the West.

They were successful in the Ukraine and Georgia but Putin struck back and regained <>de facto<> control over sufficient territory to effectively block a pipeline. Putin also began to develop the Russian oil and natural gas fields with the idea of bringing large amounts of foreign currency into the states’s coffers. He has made deals with Venezuela, China, Japan and other countries and now, in retaliation for the rebellion in the Ukraine, shut off their natural gas shipments.

Since the Ukraine has no money to pay Putin’s greatly inflated gas prices (for the Ukraine only), that state has privately appealed to the United States for financial aid but just as privately been turned down. The solid Russian control over their gas production coupled with the probable defection of the vital Donetz area has made the Ukraine very unattractive to the United States. As we did in Afghanistan and will do in Iraq, we have quietly abandoned them.

When the gas stops and the savage Russian winter grows colder, there will no doubt be another change of government in the Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin is far from stupid and Bush is far from intelligent with the result that the former’s entirely legitimate economic warfare will do more permanent damage to U.S. economy than any military attack ever could.

Since utilizing economic warfare to disrupt and control is a long-time American specialty , it is clearly apparent that Putin believes that it is indeed lawful to be taught by your enemies.