The sole topic of conversation inside knowledgeable Washington circles this holiday season is the coming impeachment of Bush and the removal of Cheney from office. And this is not solely restricted to Democrats by any means but also includes a growing majority of Republican lawmakers, the military commands, the senior federal judiciary and those who comprise the so-called Power Elite of this country.
Bush is seen as completely out of control.
It is known that he was put into the White House by powerful Republican, conservative, religious and business entities who were tired of Clinton and the American liberals and wanted to run the country along their own lines.
That their rigged candidate was known to be a useless failure in business, a drunk, a coke-head and of limited intelligence made no difference.
They reasoned that Bush Senior could control him (which, it turned out, he could not) and that the cunning Karl Rove would keep him on track and be able to control public opinion. Another factor was the crazy Dick Cheney, who was determined to be a Vice president That Would Matter and he firmly believed, as did many others, that he could completely control the dimwitted Bush.
The reign started out well enough and the spin doctors were able to convince Americans that all was right in heaven. Evangelical Christians, numerically inferior but, like the Communists during the Roosevelt era, well organized, fanatic and able to deliver winning blocs of votes at the critical elections immediately came on line, panting for a New Jerusalem and led by the biggest bunch of money-grubbing, psalm-singing hypocrites since the late Elmer Gantry.
It looked like plain sailing in those days.
The Republican plan,
· to strengthen their party in Congress to the point where it was invulnerable to any Democratic challenges,
· to marginalized the Democratic party to the point of being nothing but comic relief and to promulgate social programs that would reduce welfare for the disliked blacks and jobless of all races to nothing,
· to give huge tax benefits to the wealthy Republican cash cows,
· to appease the religious right by allowing creationism to be taught in all public schools, bringing the Ten Commandments of Moses into public buildings,
· to cater to the right wing and pro-Israel Jewish groups by appointing many of their co-religionists to positions of power in the determining of foreign policy (read ‘ Israeli needs both economically and politically in the Middle East’,
· to do everything in their power to assist, by any means, both American and British oil interests in obtaining a secure supply of oil and gas in the same Middle East as well as to secure economic control over Russian oil and gas,
· to secure pipeline rights across central Asia to guarantee more uninterrupted flow of oil to American tanker bottoms for shipment to the oil-starved United States..
All of these things appeared to be well under way until it started to become apparent that Bush himself was not that easily controlled and began to believe the propaganda his staff fed him on a daily basis. As Bush is a very weak man, he constantly needs reinforcement by those around him to assure him of his manliness and ability. He lacks both but his staff has spent years filling him full of sycophantic and dangerous propaganda to the point that Bush now actually believes that he is divinely protected and a great leader in his own right.
Imagine how the religious right, the Republican legislators and American business interests must have felt with each successive faux pas on the part of the President. There was:
· the obviously homosexual Gannon being allowed to roam all over the White House at night (by permission of the President),
· the vicious Plame scandal,
· the growing awareness of the utter corruption of Cheney and others,
· the obvious lies used by Bush and Cheney to trick Congress into permitting a premeditated attack on Iraq to gain their oil fields,
· the uncomprehending stupidity with which this attack was launched and the resulting very successful Iraqi resistance movement,
· the subsequent low morale and rising death tolls among the well-equipped but very badly disciplined American military,
· the destruction of Iraqi oil production and its total loss to the White House schemers,,
· the rising and intense international fear and hatred of the Bush policies and worse,
· the growing number of international political and business cartels designed to keep foreign oil from America as a punishment and as a warning to cease and desist irrational and violent activities <>outside its own borders<>.
The CIA, under orders from Bush, toppled the pro-Russian governments in Georgia and the Ukraine and have tried, without success, to foment rebellions in many other former Soviet republics…all because of the oil-rich areas. Putin, who is twice the man Bush is and no fool, struck back and took control of the Russian oil and gas industries, costing American and British firms hundreds of millions of dollars they had spent on bribes to the now-powerless Russian Oligarchy that ran all the oil and gas fields.
That all of these oligarchy members were Jewish street thugs who banked their billions in Israeli banks is something not widely known and Putin’s sequestering of their ill-gotten bribes has enraged Israel, prompting them to launch attacks on Putin’s perceived ‘dictatorial ways’ in their many media outlets.
In addition to the Plame scandal, the public watched as the mask slipped during the Katrina disaster. They saw, very clearly and very often, how the current Administration held poor blacks in utter contempt and through a terrible mixture of racism and gross incompetence, permitted the suffering of poor, non-voting blacks to be proclaimed throughout the land (and the entire horrified world) and unto all the inhabitants thereof.
This outrageous callousness marked the turning point in the public, as opposed to the professional and political, opinion and Bush’s public ratings have been steadily dropping. And this in spite of clearly rigged positive polls by the administration’s spin-doctors and that shrinking portion of the American media that still do the White House’s biddings.
Now, the cherry on the sundae is the open admission by Bush that he personally ordered unlimited telephone tapping by the NSA, the FBI, DHS and the CIA of mail, email, fax communications and even first class mail of any American, or foreign, citizen that either Bush, Cheney or those having their ear wanted to spy on and, hopefully discredit.
That these actions are very clearly a violation of federal law means nothing to Bush or Cheney. They both feel, and have publicly stated, that <>they<> are the law and may do as they wish. They have used the willing services of the telephone networks, SBC and AT&T, the computer internet firm of AOL (and to his credit, Bill Gates refused to allow this on his Microsoft network for such illegal spying which will, no doubt, get him investigated by the DoJ as quickly as possible) all of whom needed no order to comply with a flagrant violation of specific American law.
It is all of these factors that have so frightened the American Congress and federal judiciary that the movement in these circles to impeach Bush and remove Cheney has rapidly accelerated in the days following Bush’s foolish and arrogant boast that he not only ordered unlimited surveillance on American and foreign individuals, firms and government entities but flatly refused to cease this completely illegal process.
As I said above, this is not a Democratic Party scheme but one that encompasses all levels and party affiliations. In the Christmas week, in private homes, in the Cosmos and Metropolitan Clubs, in the dining rooms of the Jockey Club and the Hay-Adams hotel, there have been small, private meetings on the subject of how to remove Bush. No one initially wanted a reprise of the Nixon removal but at this point, all of them realize that Bush has three more years of this insanity and that as the forthcoming mid terms would no doubt be a disaster to the Republicans, concrete action is at last being formulated.
As an interesting, if somewhat sinister, side note to this topic, according to a signed memo, Cheney has spoken with Rumsfeld about the attitude of senior military commanders about supporting a declaration by Bush of Martial Law in America.
Fortunately, the military leaders, with two exceptions, would have none of this and after a brief, quiet, internal and certainly very private, polling of their numbers, the subject was permanently shelved. When news of this leaked out, however (there are no secrets in Washington, believe me) it terrified many members of the legislative branch on both sides of the aisle and now the plans for an impeachment proceeding are taking on a new and well-supported life.
Most do not know of currently-discussed plans among certain foreign countries to force Bush and Cheney before the World Court on charges of war crimes to include planned massacres of unarmed civilians, theft of private property, making illegal warfare and lesser charges such as the deliberate killing of foreign journalists. None of this has come to pass…yet… but the very discussion of the idea in the chancelleries and foreign offices of Europe, and the Middle East is only adding fuel to the fires now lit under two of three branches of the American government.
The Executive is dangerously beyond control but the Legislative and Judicial are rising to the call.
These will be interesting times indeed!
Bush is seen as completely out of control.
It is known that he was put into the White House by powerful Republican, conservative, religious and business entities who were tired of Clinton and the American liberals and wanted to run the country along their own lines.
That their rigged candidate was known to be a useless failure in business, a drunk, a coke-head and of limited intelligence made no difference.
They reasoned that Bush Senior could control him (which, it turned out, he could not) and that the cunning Karl Rove would keep him on track and be able to control public opinion. Another factor was the crazy Dick Cheney, who was determined to be a Vice president That Would Matter and he firmly believed, as did many others, that he could completely control the dimwitted Bush.
The reign started out well enough and the spin doctors were able to convince Americans that all was right in heaven. Evangelical Christians, numerically inferior but, like the Communists during the Roosevelt era, well organized, fanatic and able to deliver winning blocs of votes at the critical elections immediately came on line, panting for a New Jerusalem and led by the biggest bunch of money-grubbing, psalm-singing hypocrites since the late Elmer Gantry.
It looked like plain sailing in those days.
The Republican plan,
· to strengthen their party in Congress to the point where it was invulnerable to any Democratic challenges,
· to marginalized the Democratic party to the point of being nothing but comic relief and to promulgate social programs that would reduce welfare for the disliked blacks and jobless of all races to nothing,
· to give huge tax benefits to the wealthy Republican cash cows,
· to appease the religious right by allowing creationism to be taught in all public schools, bringing the Ten Commandments of Moses into public buildings,
· to cater to the right wing and pro-Israel Jewish groups by appointing many of their co-religionists to positions of power in the determining of foreign policy (read ‘ Israeli needs both economically and politically in the Middle East’,
· to do everything in their power to assist, by any means, both American and British oil interests in obtaining a secure supply of oil and gas in the same Middle East as well as to secure economic control over Russian oil and gas,
· to secure pipeline rights across central Asia to guarantee more uninterrupted flow of oil to American tanker bottoms for shipment to the oil-starved United States..
All of these things appeared to be well under way until it started to become apparent that Bush himself was not that easily controlled and began to believe the propaganda his staff fed him on a daily basis. As Bush is a very weak man, he constantly needs reinforcement by those around him to assure him of his manliness and ability. He lacks both but his staff has spent years filling him full of sycophantic and dangerous propaganda to the point that Bush now actually believes that he is divinely protected and a great leader in his own right.
Imagine how the religious right, the Republican legislators and American business interests must have felt with each successive faux pas on the part of the President. There was:
· the obviously homosexual Gannon being allowed to roam all over the White House at night (by permission of the President),
· the vicious Plame scandal,
· the growing awareness of the utter corruption of Cheney and others,
· the obvious lies used by Bush and Cheney to trick Congress into permitting a premeditated attack on Iraq to gain their oil fields,
· the uncomprehending stupidity with which this attack was launched and the resulting very successful Iraqi resistance movement,
· the subsequent low morale and rising death tolls among the well-equipped but very badly disciplined American military,
· the destruction of Iraqi oil production and its total loss to the White House schemers,,
· the rising and intense international fear and hatred of the Bush policies and worse,
· the growing number of international political and business cartels designed to keep foreign oil from America as a punishment and as a warning to cease and desist irrational and violent activities <>outside its own borders<>.
The CIA, under orders from Bush, toppled the pro-Russian governments in Georgia and the Ukraine and have tried, without success, to foment rebellions in many other former Soviet republics…all because of the oil-rich areas. Putin, who is twice the man Bush is and no fool, struck back and took control of the Russian oil and gas industries, costing American and British firms hundreds of millions of dollars they had spent on bribes to the now-powerless Russian Oligarchy that ran all the oil and gas fields.
That all of these oligarchy members were Jewish street thugs who banked their billions in Israeli banks is something not widely known and Putin’s sequestering of their ill-gotten bribes has enraged Israel, prompting them to launch attacks on Putin’s perceived ‘dictatorial ways’ in their many media outlets.
In addition to the Plame scandal, the public watched as the mask slipped during the Katrina disaster. They saw, very clearly and very often, how the current Administration held poor blacks in utter contempt and through a terrible mixture of racism and gross incompetence, permitted the suffering of poor, non-voting blacks to be proclaimed throughout the land (and the entire horrified world) and unto all the inhabitants thereof.
This outrageous callousness marked the turning point in the public, as opposed to the professional and political, opinion and Bush’s public ratings have been steadily dropping. And this in spite of clearly rigged positive polls by the administration’s spin-doctors and that shrinking portion of the American media that still do the White House’s biddings.
Now, the cherry on the sundae is the open admission by Bush that he personally ordered unlimited telephone tapping by the NSA, the FBI, DHS and the CIA of mail, email, fax communications and even first class mail of any American, or foreign, citizen that either Bush, Cheney or those having their ear wanted to spy on and, hopefully discredit.
That these actions are very clearly a violation of federal law means nothing to Bush or Cheney. They both feel, and have publicly stated, that <>they<> are the law and may do as they wish. They have used the willing services of the telephone networks, SBC and AT&T, the computer internet firm of AOL (and to his credit, Bill Gates refused to allow this on his Microsoft network for such illegal spying which will, no doubt, get him investigated by the DoJ as quickly as possible) all of whom needed no order to comply with a flagrant violation of specific American law.
It is all of these factors that have so frightened the American Congress and federal judiciary that the movement in these circles to impeach Bush and remove Cheney has rapidly accelerated in the days following Bush’s foolish and arrogant boast that he not only ordered unlimited surveillance on American and foreign individuals, firms and government entities but flatly refused to cease this completely illegal process.
As I said above, this is not a Democratic Party scheme but one that encompasses all levels and party affiliations. In the Christmas week, in private homes, in the Cosmos and Metropolitan Clubs, in the dining rooms of the Jockey Club and the Hay-Adams hotel, there have been small, private meetings on the subject of how to remove Bush. No one initially wanted a reprise of the Nixon removal but at this point, all of them realize that Bush has three more years of this insanity and that as the forthcoming mid terms would no doubt be a disaster to the Republicans, concrete action is at last being formulated.
As an interesting, if somewhat sinister, side note to this topic, according to a signed memo, Cheney has spoken with Rumsfeld about the attitude of senior military commanders about supporting a declaration by Bush of Martial Law in America.
Fortunately, the military leaders, with two exceptions, would have none of this and after a brief, quiet, internal and certainly very private, polling of their numbers, the subject was permanently shelved. When news of this leaked out, however (there are no secrets in Washington, believe me) it terrified many members of the legislative branch on both sides of the aisle and now the plans for an impeachment proceeding are taking on a new and well-supported life.
Most do not know of currently-discussed plans among certain foreign countries to force Bush and Cheney before the World Court on charges of war crimes to include planned massacres of unarmed civilians, theft of private property, making illegal warfare and lesser charges such as the deliberate killing of foreign journalists. None of this has come to pass…yet… but the very discussion of the idea in the chancelleries and foreign offices of Europe, and the Middle East is only adding fuel to the fires now lit under two of three branches of the American government.
The Executive is dangerously beyond control but the Legislative and Judicial are rising to the call.
These will be interesting times indeed!