donderdag 29 december 2005

December 29, 2005

The sole topic of conversation inside knowledgeable Washington circles this holiday season is the coming impeachment of Bush and the removal of Cheney from office. And this is not solely restricted to Democrats by any means but also includes a growing majority of Republican lawmakers, the military commands, the senior federal judiciary and those who comprise the so-called Power Elite of this country.

Bush is seen as completely out of control.

It is known that he was put into the White House by powerful Republican, conservative, religious and business entities who were tired of Clinton and the American liberals and wanted to run the country along their own lines.

That their rigged candidate was known to be a useless failure in business, a drunk, a coke-head and of limited intelligence made no difference.

They reasoned that Bush Senior could control him (which, it turned out, he could not) and that the cunning Karl Rove would keep him on track and be able to control public opinion. Another factor was the crazy Dick Cheney, who was determined to be a Vice president That Would Matter and he firmly believed, as did many others, that he could completely control the dimwitted Bush.

The reign started out well enough and the spin doctors were able to convince Americans that all was right in heaven. Evangelical Christians, numerically inferior but, like the Communists during the Roosevelt era, well organized, fanatic and able to deliver winning blocs of votes at the critical elections immediately came on line, panting for a New Jerusalem and led by the biggest bunch of money-grubbing, psalm-singing hypocrites since the late Elmer Gantry.
It looked like plain sailing in those days.

The Republican plan,

· to strengthen their party in Congress to the point where it was invulnerable to any Democratic challenges,

· to marginalized the Democratic party to the point of being nothing but comic relief and to promulgate social programs that would reduce welfare for the disliked blacks and jobless of all races to nothing,

· to give huge tax benefits to the wealthy Republican cash cows,

· to appease the religious right by allowing creationism to be taught in all public schools, bringing the Ten Commandments of Moses into public buildings,

· to cater to the right wing and pro-Israel Jewish groups by appointing many of their co-religionists to positions of power in the determining of foreign policy (read ‘ Israeli needs both economically and politically in the Middle East’,

· to do everything in their power to assist, by any means, both American and British oil interests in obtaining a secure supply of oil and gas in the same Middle East as well as to secure economic control over Russian oil and gas,

· to secure pipeline rights across central Asia to guarantee more uninterrupted flow of oil to American tanker bottoms for shipment to the oil-starved United States..

All of these things appeared to be well under way until it started to become apparent that Bush himself was not that easily controlled and began to believe the propaganda his staff fed him on a daily basis. As Bush is a very weak man, he constantly needs reinforcement by those around him to assure him of his manliness and ability. He lacks both but his staff has spent years filling him full of sycophantic and dangerous propaganda to the point that Bush now actually believes that he is divinely protected and a great leader in his own right.

Imagine how the religious right, the Republican legislators and American business interests must have felt with each successive faux pas on the part of the President. There was:

· the obviously homosexual Gannon being allowed to roam all over the White House at night (by permission of the President),

· the vicious Plame scandal,

· the growing awareness of the utter corruption of Cheney and others,

· the obvious lies used by Bush and Cheney to trick Congress into permitting a premeditated attack on Iraq to gain their oil fields,

· the uncomprehending stupidity with which this attack was launched and the resulting very successful Iraqi resistance movement,

· the subsequent low morale and rising death tolls among the well-equipped but very badly disciplined American military,

· the destruction of Iraqi oil production and its total loss to the White House schemers,,

· the rising and intense international fear and hatred of the Bush policies and worse,

· the growing number of international political and business cartels designed to keep foreign oil from America as a punishment and as a warning to cease and desist irrational and violent activities <>outside its own borders<>.

The CIA, under orders from Bush, toppled the pro-Russian governments in Georgia and the Ukraine and have tried, without success, to foment rebellions in many other former Soviet republics…all because of the oil-rich areas. Putin, who is twice the man Bush is and no fool, struck back and took control of the Russian oil and gas industries, costing American and British firms hundreds of millions of dollars they had spent on bribes to the now-powerless Russian Oligarchy that ran all the oil and gas fields.

That all of these oligarchy members were Jewish street thugs who banked their billions in Israeli banks is something not widely known and Putin’s sequestering of their ill-gotten bribes has enraged Israel, prompting them to launch attacks on Putin’s perceived ‘dictatorial ways’ in their many media outlets.

In addition to the Plame scandal, the public watched as the mask slipped during the Katrina disaster. They saw, very clearly and very often, how the current Administration held poor blacks in utter contempt and through a terrible mixture of racism and gross incompetence, permitted the suffering of poor, non-voting blacks to be proclaimed throughout the land (and the entire horrified world) and unto all the inhabitants thereof.

This outrageous callousness marked the turning point in the public, as opposed to the professional and political, opinion and Bush’s public ratings have been steadily dropping. And this in spite of clearly rigged positive polls by the administration’s spin-doctors and that shrinking portion of the American media that still do the White House’s biddings.

Now, the cherry on the sundae is the open admission by Bush that he personally ordered unlimited telephone tapping by the NSA, the FBI, DHS and the CIA of mail, email, fax communications and even first class mail of any American, or foreign, citizen that either Bush, Cheney or those having their ear wanted to spy on and, hopefully discredit.

That these actions are very clearly a violation of federal law means nothing to Bush or Cheney. They both feel, and have publicly stated, that <>they<> are the law and may do as they wish. They have used the willing services of the telephone networks, SBC and AT&T, the computer internet firm of AOL (and to his credit, Bill Gates refused to allow this on his Microsoft network for such illegal spying which will, no doubt, get him investigated by the DoJ as quickly as possible) all of whom needed no order to comply with a flagrant violation of specific American law.

It is all of these factors that have so frightened the American Congress and federal judiciary that the movement in these circles to impeach Bush and remove Cheney has rapidly accelerated in the days following Bush’s foolish and arrogant boast that he not only ordered unlimited surveillance on American and foreign individuals, firms and government entities but flatly refused to cease this completely illegal process.

As I said above, this is not a Democratic Party scheme but one that encompasses all levels and party affiliations. In the Christmas week, in private homes, in the Cosmos and Metropolitan Clubs, in the dining rooms of the Jockey Club and the Hay-Adams hotel, there have been small, private meetings on the subject of how to remove Bush. No one initially wanted a reprise of the Nixon removal but at this point, all of them realize that Bush has three more years of this insanity and that as the forthcoming mid terms would no doubt be a disaster to the Republicans, concrete action is at last being formulated.

As an interesting, if somewhat sinister, side note to this topic, according to a signed memo, Cheney has spoken with Rumsfeld about the attitude of senior military commanders about supporting a declaration by Bush of Martial Law in America.

Fortunately, the military leaders, with two exceptions, would have none of this and after a brief, quiet, internal and certainly very private, polling of their numbers, the subject was permanently shelved. When news of this leaked out, however (there are no secrets in Washington, believe me) it terrified many members of the legislative branch on both sides of the aisle and now the plans for an impeachment proceeding are taking on a new and well-supported life.

Most do not know of currently-discussed plans among certain foreign countries to force Bush and Cheney before the World Court on charges of war crimes to include planned massacres of unarmed civilians, theft of private property, making illegal warfare and lesser charges such as the deliberate killing of foreign journalists. None of this has come to pass…yet… but the very discussion of the idea in the chancelleries and foreign offices of Europe, and the Middle East is only adding fuel to the fires now lit under two of three branches of the American government.

The Executive is dangerously beyond control but the Legislative and Judicial are rising to the call.

These will be interesting times indeed!

zaterdag 24 december 2005

December 24, 2005

Such an uproar over the Bush Spy-on-Americans program! One would think that this was just an isolated incident promulgated by our Fascist Leader.

To the contrary, telephone-tapping, both on overseas and domestic conversations, has been going on for over twenty years, unabated and unchecked. The NSA is only an instrument for the FBI, the DHS, the CIA, the Pentagon and a special group under the direct control of Cheney.

The new bunch of swine just inherited programs long in place. In the case of the Bush freaks, however, a new twist has been added. Instead of snooping on politicians uncooperative to the sitting President’s will, they now have added American business interests.

Let us use as an example a story about some wealthy and crooked American company (is there any other kind?) that has been stuffing money into Bush’s pocket (Yes, Virginia, Bush personally takes bribes) to allow them to dump poisonous chemicals into a nearby water supply. Now, if that company wants to know what its rivals are up to, a soft word in Bush or Cheney’s hairy ears and the spy network taps into any rival businesses and passes the stolen secrets along the line.

Also, the White House taps into phone calls of: Democratic leaders, uncooperative American politicians on the local scene, individuals that actively work against any Republican interest, foreign diplomatic conversations coming out of Washington or, better still, easily taken off space satellites that forward overseas telephonic or fax communications.

The current Administration has agreements in place with two major American telecommunications companies, (one of them is the biggest in the country…who volunteered their services without being asked as a “token of support for the President’s efforts to protect Americans from terrorists and their supporters…” from an original memo in my possession) both whom are known to me, (and soon will be to everyone else when I get more paper) to allow the Bush Gestapo to tap into any and all calls going over their systems.*.

Similar agreements are in place with several of the top internet servers, AOL in particular, who voluntarily allow “free and unfettered” access to any and all consumer accounts. While other Presidents in the past have often passively allowed this or even been unaware of the degree and extent of it, Bush has gleefully and knowingly expanded this beyond belief. And the sickening thing is that there isn’t a damned thing anyone can do about it.

Bush and his crime partners are now squealing that without their protective presence, America would glow like Hiroshima in 1945. The truth is, without the presence of the Bush cabal, we would have no terrorist problems. Even at this point, all the United States would have to do would be to stop its manic support of the state is Israel, get its intrusive and brutal troops out of Iraq and no one in the Muslim world would have any interest in attacking the United States.

The hysterically entertaining image of a stalwart Bush protecting America is redolent of a furious rabbit, throwing small balls of its own dung at an advancing coyote in the hopes that the coyote would bother his cousins one rabbit burrow over.

Welcome to the new Reich!

Heil Bush!

And like the Führer, Bush and Cheney love to hide in underground bunkers.

vrijdag 23 december 2005

December 23, 2005

Christmas or whatever they want to call it, is at hand. Retail sales are way down but not to expect to see this in the press. And our free press is now straining the gut to convince Americans that Bush’s popularity is rocketing upwards. It is not. Rigged polls are popping up all over; talking heads are babbling away on the boob tube and we are expected to believe what has become a tidal wave of sewage and lies. FEMA friends are stealing everything in sight, New Orleans is dead, the death tolls in Afghanistan and Iraq are certainly not dropping, we are pulling out of the former and desperately want to pull out of the latter but Bush’s insane pride and Cheney’s pop-eyed lunacy won’t hear of it. They have forced the oil companies to drop the oil prices for a time so as to bring Bush’s figures up but we have made so many enemies worldwide that we are now effectively out of the oil loop. No oil drilling in Alaskan parks thanks to a fearful Congress who is distancing themselves with great rapidity from the Bush fascism and if you want to have a good laugh, watch George Bush babble away at rigged meetings. One would almost think he was a leader rather than a dismal and growing failure. The Arabs are not, according to DHS and CIA summaries to which I have some entrée, going to set off a bomb in Atlanta because it would boost Bush’s image when he strutted around some safe stage ringed with armed guards and in an area packed with hired boosters, and would at once give Cheney (who is actually running the United States in Bush’s mental absence) a wonderful opportunity to nuke Tehran. I don’t know what it will take for the bulk of the American public to realize that they are being run (into the ground) by a group of narrow-minded ideologues who also happen to be major thieves and pilferers. Have a Happy Holiday! And remember, Jesus loves even you!

vrijdag 16 december 2005

December 16, 2005

Faced with a de facto revolt in Congress, Bush caved in the McCain plan to ban maltreatment of prisoners of war in American hands. Mark this, Bush was mad as hell and will do everything in his power to sabotage any such agreement. The President is a small minded, mean and vindictive man whose word means nothing and who has the character of a snapping turtle. The idea for torturing the Iraqi, and other, captives originated with Bush himself, not the obvious choice, Cheney the Sadist. Bush actually enjoys the suffering of others. Now, torture has been going on, especially in the CIA, for decades. What these assholes did in Vietnam is as bad as anything Stalin or Hitler did but, of course, no one will dare talk about it and frankly, the CIA has nothing but contempt for the American people and their leaders. We know here that the MI6 in England was fully aware that CIA flights carrying their prisoners to a safe place outside the US to torture them were using Britain as a transit point to Hell. The Brits are reasonably civilized, certainly far more so than the giggling perverts at Langley, and their public is becoming increasingly restive over the torture and other issues. It would not surprise anyone on Embassy Row here if Bush’s lap dog, Blair, got booted out, leaving Bush with only the butt sucking Poles who would let him open up Auschwitz for the torture of Arabs. There is a story, no doubt untrue, that when the Polish Ambassador was visiting the White House, he heard the foul-mouthed Bush shout, “shit!” at the top of his lungs. True to form, the Ambassador dropped his pants and fawningly said, “Where, Sir? In the corner?” Bush will promise anything to anyone…and then never produce. This is partially because his memory is totally shot for medical reasons but also because George W. Bush is a lying, treacherous creature who surrounds himself with similar low-lifes, dead-beats and moral lepers and thinks the world owes him a living. What he is owed by the rest of the normal world cannot be repeated in print.

zondag 11 december 2005

December 11, 2005

Two days ago, a fanatical Bush supporter from amongst the staff at the Monkey Palace, cornered me in the cafeteria with the fiercely joyful news that she was leaving the White House. I assumed that, like a growing number of disillusioned staff persons, she was getting better employment elsewhere, such as the Humane Society’s Kitten-Gassing commando or our very own District Sanitation Department, Minority Free Lunch Division, but no, she advised me that Rapture was coming soon and she and her entire family were “going to see Jesus” in person! There used to be quite a bit of that sort of blather around here but of late it is getting very muted. Since I had no historical background in the subject, I looked it up and have come to some very specific and clear cut views on the subject. I will share these with you now although there is always the possibility that I might be wrong and truly Be Left Behind.

‘The Rapture’ is a term most commonly used to describe an event in certain systems of Christian eschatology whereby “all true Christians are taken from Earth by God into Heaven.” Although almost all forms of Christianity believe that those who are "saved" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the term "rapture" is usually applied specifically to those theories saying that “Christians alive before the end of the world will be taken into heaven,” and there will be an intermediate time frame where non-Christians will be still left on earth before “Christ arrives to set up his earthly kingdom.”

The word "Rapture" is not found in the Bible. There is also no single word used by the biblical authors to describe the prophetic factors which comprise the doctrine. Roman Catholics and nearly all of the main-line Protestants do not accept the concept of a rapture in which some are "taken up into Heaven" before the end of the world; this idea did not exist in the teachings of any Christians whatsoever until the late18th, and early 19th centuries, so it cannot be said to belong to Apostolic tradition.

The legend of the Rapture is not mentioned in any Christian writings, until after the year 1830. Whether the early writers were Greek or Latin, Armenian or Coptic, Syrian or Ethiopian, English or German, orthodox or heretic, no one mentioned a syllable about it. Of course, those who feel the origin of the teaching is in the Bible would say that it only ceased being taught (for some unknown reason) at the close of the apostolic age only to reappear in 1830 But if the doctrine were so clearly stated in Scripture, it seems incredible that no one should have referred to it before the 19th and early 20th century. This does not, in and of itself prove conclusively that the story is wrong, but it does mean that thousands of eminent scholars and theologians who lived over a span of seventeen centuries (including some of the most astute of the religious scholars of the early Christian and, later of the Reformation and post-Reformation periods) must be considered as grossly incompetent for not having either knowledge or understanding of a teaching viewed by fringe religious groups as so central to their beliefs. This lapse of seventeen centuries, when no one mentioned anything about it, is certainly a serious obstacle to its reliability or its acceptance by the less credulous.

One of the strongest, and less appetizing, proponents of this theory was one Charles Fox Parham. Charles Parham was born in 1873, became a preacher by age 14/15, Charles Parham was a racist, becoming a full-fledged member of the KKK by 1910. Parham was also arrested for “repeated and carnal sexual indiscretions” with young boys. Parham was the first Pentecostal preacher to pray over handkerchiefs and mail them to those who desired his ministrations . Naturally, Parham charged money for these energized handkerchiefs.

In 1908 Parham raised funds from among his deluded parishioners to travel to the Holy Land on an “archaeological expedition to search for the lost ark of the covenant.” He claimed to the press that he had information about its location and that his finding the ark would fit into the end times biblical scheme. By December he announced that he had sufficient funds and he traveled to New York allegedly to begin his journey to Jerusalem. He never purchased a ticket to the Middle East and returned home dejectedly in January, claiming he was robbed after arriving in New York. His parishioners had been robbed somewhat earlier.

Naturally, I have no intention of communicating my findings on this hilarious subject to my fellow worker. Seeing the on-going ruination of the God-intoxicated George W. (‘Fuck-the-Constitution”) Bush before her very eyes is more than enough for such a dim-wit to have to deal with. We ought not to dishonor the dead.

maandag 5 december 2005

December 5, 2005

Being in the White House these days is akin to being on the RMS Titanic just after she ran over the iceberg. Bush in coming apart, almost literally, Cheney is behaving like a turpentined Chow and there is the distinct probability that Jack Abramoff will snitch on many Republicans for taking large bribes, not to mention the even greater probability that Fat Karl the Eunuch will be indicted for more lies. These evil portents have everyone here either working up a resume or whining that Bush is being unfairly attacked by evil left wing nasties, like the New York Times and other inconsequential papers.

Neil Bush, a crooked whacko is now running around with Dr. Moon (who declared himself Emperor of the World in the Capitol lobby with a number of Republican Congressmen in awestruck attendance) and the Bush people are wincing in anticipation of the fall out. Neil is a stupid crook who has lived off his rich family’s name for years and has about as much character as Brother George, the Beloved of God.

The spin doctors come and go here and some have suggested attacking Syria, others want us to threaten North Korea with bombing and yet others recently suggested that Bush go to Iraq for Christmas and personally rescue soldiers “injured” in a fake bomb attack. Just imagine, ketchup all over his military flak vest! I hope if they pull this one, they don’t use Heinz ketchup.

Three more years of this is not good for the country but Bush will never leave on his own and no sane Beltway person wants the sadistic and nutty Cheney in the Oval Office.

If Bill Clinton ran again, he would be a cinch to get in. Not so his wife who is as mean as a broke-backed snake.

Someone came into the office two days ago and threw a roll of toilet paper on my desk. I thought they were trying to tell me something about my hygiene but it turns out that the roll had Bush’s ugly face imprinted on each and every little square! How funny! If I could get into the Executive Potty, I would put it in there but just for fun, I had a secretary friend put it up in one of the women’s lavs. Much fuss. No doubt, the Secret Service is looking for prints even as we speak.

My best to all the ferocious flag-wavers out there who are certain I do not exist and tell them that if they send you their addresses, I can send each and every one of them a roll of Bush Potty Paper. I have half a carton in the back of my car. I gave one to a friend at the British Embassy and he gave it to the Ambassador! Bush is not liked in the Diplomatic Corps here. He is viewed as an idiot and a madman by one and all. Heil Bush!

Happy Holidays!

vrijdag 2 december 2005

December 2, 2005

There is an email circulating with a supportive message about American service personnel now engaged in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The purpose of this is to offer support to them for their fight against evil and their determination to see this awful manifestation of a charnel house through until all of them are destroyed, physically or emotionally.

I have read this but have chosen not to post it. Why? The behavior of American military personnel in Iraq is certainly less than honorable. Planned and deliberate torture of prisoners of war, slaughter of civilians, looting, rapes, the use of Willie Peter against civilians, the killing of inconvenient foreign news people, the mass desertions in Ireland and other unpleasantries have branded the United States with the same hot iron once used on the Germans, the Japanese and, to a lesser degree, the Soviet Army.

It is painfully obvious that this country has lost, completely lost, the conflict in Iraq. There are too many highly motivated and well-armed insurgents and too few increasingly demoralized military (general officers excluded) to permit any kind of an actual victory.

In partisan warfare, the irregulars almost always have the upper hand because they can choose the time and place of their attacks and he who attempts to defend everything, defends nothing.

Vietnam was a great military and political defeat and one would think that Washington would learn from its past errors but obviously, it has not.
Every soldier, sailor, Marine or airman who dies, is wounded for life or otherwise scarred by this useless exercise in political fascism, certainly evokes pity but for those vicious swine who plotted this war and who have kept it going without any plan to end it, should be taken out and shot in batches of ten and without the benefit of clergy.

Appeals for support had been best addressed to the President (who has never attended any kind of a memorial service for a dead soldier, or the Secretary of Defense whose machine-printed letters of condolence to the grieving families have rubber-stamped signatures. The deaths and dismemberments of each and every American in Iraq and Afghanistan can be laid right at the door of the senior Bush Administration and nowhere else.

I have no problem with receiving and reading other expressions. I may disagree with some of them but certainly all have the right to express them, as I have the right to express my disagreement.

To shut ones mind to all opinions other than ones own would make me little better than a frenzied God-intoxicated evangelical ranter or someone who blindly worships George W. Bush and his unholy claque of thieves and ideologues.

I am a Republican and have been for years but the current Republican party does not represent me nor any of my friends. It has been captured by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, not to mention the vicious babblers at FOX network and when the mid terms come around next November, I and many, many of my friends and acquaintances will vote accordingly.