The main topic of conversation hereabouts is the nailing of the odious Bush ramrod, DeLay, for money laundering. He will not go quietly into the good night of political oblivion and is rushing around the Beltway, pretending that he is still in charge and attacking the Texas authorities for nailing him on charges that everyone here knows are dead on. In spite of his bluster, many Repubicans are eying DeLay’s position with barely concealed interest and already, there are groups meeting here and there debating who is going to get his job and all the money that goes with it. DeLay is a nasty shit but he kept the Republicans in the House under his iron thumb with a nice mixture of bribery and threats. His loss will put paid to the Bush/Robe plan to cinch up a permanent Republican majority in Congress for decades to come. With the Mid Terms coming up and Bush’s popularity falling (29% by the latest private GOP poll) you will see more and more legislators moving away from Bush’s extreme right position and more towards more publicly accepted fiscal moderation. Moderate Repblicans will be the first to move towards the center and then the others will slowly follow. Three men now run the United States: VP Cheney, until he was caught, DeLay in Congress and Karl Rove, the Evil Puppet Master who was Bush’s pet character assassin and head schemer. It now looks like the Machinery is going to cut the balls off of Rove (if in fact he has any) and without these two men, Bush is, to be crude but accurate, up shit creek without a paddle. He is helpless and utterly useless without a powerful support system and he will pretty soon get so frightened and helpless that back comes the bottle. I can’t wait for him to slap his wife on camera or start mumbling incoherently at an ad hoc press event. The latter is more probable and his immediate staff, who love the power that comes from licking his bum, are looking all over the Oval Office for the Hidden Bottle.
vrijdag 30 september 2005
zondag 25 september 2005
September 25, 2005
It now appears that all of the carefully laid plans of Karl Rove to establish a voting bloc that would guarantee Republican control of this country for decades to come have come a cropper. Bush was to be put forward as the candidate of the Religious Right because that group is organized and fanatic but even they are having serious doubt about the persona of Bush. Business supported him because he supported them in return for huge infusions of cash. Now, like the Christians, big business is moving away from Bush because of the economic disaster that he has created and can no longer control. The idea of setting Bush up as Our Protector Against Terrorists played well for a while but grew thin what with all the noise about pink days and green days but the utter disaster and collapse of authority in the wake of the two hurricanes in the Gulf have put paid to his momentum and what goes up, must come down. Private polls taken by staffers here indicate that Bush is below 20% (!) on the national approval list and staff members, eager to enhance their careers, are deserting and passing this information to Congressmen who are, predictably, reacting strongly to the possible loss of their very lucrative jobs. The President’s staff is doing its best to keep this sort of rapid slippage from him because when Bush gets depressed, Bush gets drunk and staffers, and Cheney and Rove, are terrified lest Bush show up at a mandatory occasion, plastered enough to slur his already slurred speech or stagger into the garden or the hall and vomit. Bush is a binge drinker and no one knows if he has a bottle hidden in his desk or office safe and binge drinkers can certainly surprise their friends upon occasion. Coalitions, self-serving and survival oriented, are forming and this will be a reprise of the end of the Nixon administration, mark my words.
vrijdag 23 september 2005
September 23, 2005
’Don’t pay any attention to it,’ the Rove Spin Doctors say, ‘it’s just the usual blogger crap.’ They are speaking about the growing stories concerning Bush and his renewed drinking problem. The National Enquirer, Queen of the Supermarkets, has done a relatively accurate story about this and now it is spreading.
Living and working in DC subjects all of us to great tsunamis of rumor flooding back and forth across the town from restaurant to club to bar. This story of Bush getting back on the bottle again is not new and Google has over a million articles on the subject of Bush’s boozing and probable coke use.
I, personally, have never seen Bush drunk but having had a seriously alcoholic sister (she died from it eventually after long years in a hospital with a failing liver) I have some firsthand experience with chronic boozers. Everything I have heard here in DC and everything I have read, aside from hate blogs, indicates that Bush had a serious binge drinking problem and quit cold turkey. He has no AA support system and it is my opinion, and that of other reputable doctors, that such people are very likely to go back on the bottle again under conditions of unexpected stress. That, I am afraid, is what Bush is going through right now.
His immediate staff, which has to be very loyal to him, according to Bush’s demands, protects him from the press and the public to an even greater degree than the Secret Service detail protects him against the many death threats that pour into the White House.
I don’t like Bush but to be fair, this is a subject that has a Scots verdict of ‘Not Proven’ attached to it. Many savvy and very experienced pros here believe it, but no one dares to talk about it because of the savage vindictiveness of the present administration. My God, the White House is full of raging queens, all of whom worship Bush, and yet we have the most hypocritical religious nuts you ever saw here.
This one is developing legs but Bush’s poll numbers are rapidly approaching very low two digit figures so he might well end up in Bethesda drying out. Look for “taking a series of tests for potential skin problems” to be posted by the asssucks in the Rove office. If that happens, you don’t have to watch him puke during a press conference or try to punch out a questing reporter.
Bush is not a pleasant man sober but drunk, many who have seen him that way years ago tell me, he is a vicious, mean drunk of the type that hits his wife with a leather belt across the face or gets the crap beaten out of him by spitting on a construction worker in a bar.
Living and working in DC subjects all of us to great tsunamis of rumor flooding back and forth across the town from restaurant to club to bar. This story of Bush getting back on the bottle again is not new and Google has over a million articles on the subject of Bush’s boozing and probable coke use.
I, personally, have never seen Bush drunk but having had a seriously alcoholic sister (she died from it eventually after long years in a hospital with a failing liver) I have some firsthand experience with chronic boozers. Everything I have heard here in DC and everything I have read, aside from hate blogs, indicates that Bush had a serious binge drinking problem and quit cold turkey. He has no AA support system and it is my opinion, and that of other reputable doctors, that such people are very likely to go back on the bottle again under conditions of unexpected stress. That, I am afraid, is what Bush is going through right now.
His immediate staff, which has to be very loyal to him, according to Bush’s demands, protects him from the press and the public to an even greater degree than the Secret Service detail protects him against the many death threats that pour into the White House.
I don’t like Bush but to be fair, this is a subject that has a Scots verdict of ‘Not Proven’ attached to it. Many savvy and very experienced pros here believe it, but no one dares to talk about it because of the savage vindictiveness of the present administration. My God, the White House is full of raging queens, all of whom worship Bush, and yet we have the most hypocritical religious nuts you ever saw here.
This one is developing legs but Bush’s poll numbers are rapidly approaching very low two digit figures so he might well end up in Bethesda drying out. Look for “taking a series of tests for potential skin problems” to be posted by the asssucks in the Rove office. If that happens, you don’t have to watch him puke during a press conference or try to punch out a questing reporter.
Bush is not a pleasant man sober but drunk, many who have seen him that way years ago tell me, he is a vicious, mean drunk of the type that hits his wife with a leather belt across the face or gets the crap beaten out of him by spitting on a construction worker in a bar.
maandag 19 september 2005
September 19, 2005
The two talking points amongst the Bush loyalists on the staff here are FEMA and the race problem. FEMA is thoroughly corrupt and what went on in Florida last year and what is going on now in New Orleans could explode in their faces. Billions have been spent and millions have been funneled back in kickbacks to the high and mighty of the Republican party, both in Florida and in DC. The fury raised by the gross incompetence FEMA showed in a non-election year towards a city full of poor blacks cannot be overcome by Hollywood-type TV productions a la Karl Rove. Bush has his house nigger to stand beside him on the podium but it doesn’t fool anyone. Rove’s tricks are getting a bit old these days.
There are polls paid for by Republican loyalists that show a small drop in Bush’s popularity and then there are the real polls that show a disastrous tanking. The Bush people think that North Korea will cooperate on the atomic business but the intelligence agencies are dubious and Iran has in essence told us to piss up a rope. Bush is so shook up at the NO responses that he is running around like a small child who just got caught putting mama’s cat in the dryer. “The frog made me do it!” is the type of response or, more accurately, “Brown who?” Just like “Ken who? after Bush’s Enron cash source dried up as the result of criminal swindles. Wait until the FEMA Florida scandals break wide open! They’ll be passing out Expedia trips to Brazil and Pakistan like free chewing gum.
There are polls paid for by Republican loyalists that show a small drop in Bush’s popularity and then there are the real polls that show a disastrous tanking. The Bush people think that North Korea will cooperate on the atomic business but the intelligence agencies are dubious and Iran has in essence told us to piss up a rope. Bush is so shook up at the NO responses that he is running around like a small child who just got caught putting mama’s cat in the dryer. “The frog made me do it!” is the type of response or, more accurately, “Brown who?” Just like “Ken who? after Bush’s Enron cash source dried up as the result of criminal swindles. Wait until the FEMA Florida scandals break wide open! They’ll be passing out Expedia trips to Brazil and Pakistan like free chewing gum.
woensdag 14 september 2005
September 14, 2005
When he is not making useless and cosmetic trips to New Orleans for photo ops, the President is literally screaming with rage in the West Wing because the media has dared to criticize him, has forced him to fire the worthless head of FEMA (a political friend and supporter) and also because he is very obviously has lost any black voter support and, not unsurprisingly to say, is losing a great deal support from the Christian Right because of the media-fueled condemnations of the total lack of Government response to the Katrina disaster.
Forced to eat crow over Brown, and savagely attacked in what he thought (via Rove) was a docile and controlled media, Bush, who is not rational at best, has been demanding a “whole new ballgame” from his aides, one of whom gave me a memo containing so-called “talking points” for selected staff leaders.
· Since blacks will never support him, they want to find “any means necessary” to exclude them from voting rolls, mainly by passing a Federal law that no one can vote without possessing, and showing, an official photo ID card, be it a driver’s license or a State ID card (which will be made expensive and hard to get)
· Also ex-convicts, called by Rove as “a potential Democrat recruiting base” will be prohibited in voting in any Federal election, now and forever.
· Turn all Federal and state welfare programs over to the private sector.
· Establish a “Volunteer Corps” of professional paramilitary units such as Blackwater Security ( a ripe bunch of chubby, vicious, ex-military and sacked dim-wit and sadistic cops) that will act as “support groups” for State and local agencies in case of further national emergencies. They can rob, loot and pillage and the Army and civilian authorities will not be held esponsible, just like their Presidential-sponsored and protected role in Iraq, where they behaved like drunken SS men in a Jewish ghetto.
· Reinstitute a ‘limited draft’ to restock the badly shopworn and depleted current active military. Recruitment of volunteers for the Iraqi bloodbath has fallen to next to nothing.
· With a new army,launch preemptive strikes against putative “nuclear enemies” of the United States. Top of the list is Iran who dares to defy Bush and is selling huge amounts of their oil to the PRC, one of the Bush people’s most perceived enemies. (The Chinese have warned Bush that they will use nuclear weapons on us if we interfere in any Chinese military action against Taiwan. Bush takes this as a personal insult and threat and when this happens, he demands the denigration and destruction of the source, be it a television commentator, a newspaper or a public figure. Or, to our peril, an aggressive country with nuclear weaponry and the ability to deliver them to the continental U.S.)
Bush is, in my opinion (and the opinion of more than a few here inside the Beltway) a national disaster rivaling Katrina and, in his death throes, will take down as many of whom he perceives as his opponents as he can. At the present time, considering his plummeting polls, (which is causing him daily spastic colon attacks) this will certainly mean most of the United States (except for the Bible Belt freakos and proto-fascists), Chavez, Putin, North Korea and many others.
On a less serious note, someone sent a big box of free toilet paper to the White House recently. Of course the Secret Service X-rayed it to be certain that it was not just another explosive device…(17 this year alone) and guess what? The picture of our Glorious Leader was imprinted on every segment! Naturally, the order came to destroy this and find out who was printing it, for the purpose of punishment. So far, the bumblers can’t figure out who sent it or who had it made and about twenty rolls vanished before they could be officially burnt. No doubt they will be put to good use. The President may not meet his Maker but he certainly will find yesterday’s dinner.
Forced to eat crow over Brown, and savagely attacked in what he thought (via Rove) was a docile and controlled media, Bush, who is not rational at best, has been demanding a “whole new ballgame” from his aides, one of whom gave me a memo containing so-called “talking points” for selected staff leaders.
· Since blacks will never support him, they want to find “any means necessary” to exclude them from voting rolls, mainly by passing a Federal law that no one can vote without possessing, and showing, an official photo ID card, be it a driver’s license or a State ID card (which will be made expensive and hard to get)
· Also ex-convicts, called by Rove as “a potential Democrat recruiting base” will be prohibited in voting in any Federal election, now and forever.
· Turn all Federal and state welfare programs over to the private sector.
· Establish a “Volunteer Corps” of professional paramilitary units such as Blackwater Security ( a ripe bunch of chubby, vicious, ex-military and sacked dim-wit and sadistic cops) that will act as “support groups” for State and local agencies in case of further national emergencies. They can rob, loot and pillage and the Army and civilian authorities will not be held esponsible, just like their Presidential-sponsored and protected role in Iraq, where they behaved like drunken SS men in a Jewish ghetto.
· Reinstitute a ‘limited draft’ to restock the badly shopworn and depleted current active military. Recruitment of volunteers for the Iraqi bloodbath has fallen to next to nothing.
· With a new army,launch preemptive strikes against putative “nuclear enemies” of the United States. Top of the list is Iran who dares to defy Bush and is selling huge amounts of their oil to the PRC, one of the Bush people’s most perceived enemies. (The Chinese have warned Bush that they will use nuclear weapons on us if we interfere in any Chinese military action against Taiwan. Bush takes this as a personal insult and threat and when this happens, he demands the denigration and destruction of the source, be it a television commentator, a newspaper or a public figure. Or, to our peril, an aggressive country with nuclear weaponry and the ability to deliver them to the continental U.S.)
Bush is, in my opinion (and the opinion of more than a few here inside the Beltway) a national disaster rivaling Katrina and, in his death throes, will take down as many of whom he perceives as his opponents as he can. At the present time, considering his plummeting polls, (which is causing him daily spastic colon attacks) this will certainly mean most of the United States (except for the Bible Belt freakos and proto-fascists), Chavez, Putin, North Korea and many others.
On a less serious note, someone sent a big box of free toilet paper to the White House recently. Of course the Secret Service X-rayed it to be certain that it was not just another explosive device…(17 this year alone) and guess what? The picture of our Glorious Leader was imprinted on every segment! Naturally, the order came to destroy this and find out who was printing it, for the purpose of punishment. So far, the bumblers can’t figure out who sent it or who had it made and about twenty rolls vanished before they could be officially burnt. No doubt they will be put to good use. The President may not meet his Maker but he certainly will find yesterday’s dinner.
zondag 11 september 2005
September 11, 2005
One of the most hypocritical things I have been witness to here in the Monkey Palace is the way in which Rove and Mehlman have been going after the black vote. Neither of these two creatures like blacks and have both said so on many occasions, equating blacks with the evil rap music, drugs, ghettos, welfare moms and significantly lower IQs.
No one here has, to my knowledge, ever used the dread “nigger” word but there are all kinds of other nasty phrases like “economically and intellectually deprived” used as masking words when the subject of blacks is discussed.
Given the fact that the President does most certainly not like blacks and views them with contempt (although one of his “good friends” at Yale was a black drag queen), this chasing around trying to cinch up the black vote is hilarious.
Rove wants to have a massive, unbeatable Republican voting majority that will keep the GOP in power for decades. They deliberately pandered to the nutty Christian Right and certainly got their vote in the last two elections (although disillusioned defections from that sector are mounting daily) and Rove, looking at the demographics, decided to go after the black vote.
They initially had a very modest success but the recent events in New Orleans has scuttled that barge and sent it to the bottom of the Slough of Despond. To my mind, and from the mail coming into the White House and the GOP’s private polls, the American public, and certainly the black community, saw the total abandonment of the poor blacks of New Orleans in the wake of Katrina by the federal government as obvious, though unspoken, racism.
Also, as I have repeated before, rich developers are lusting after the land the black’s homes are located on. They reason that since blacks are poor, most of them are on the welfare rolls and their homes are little better than African-style sheds and the only thing of value here is the land they sit on. Ergo, get them out of NO, condemn the houses most of which are rental property anyway, and then rebuild NO again but without all the poor blacks.
“It ought to keep the crime rate down,” Rove said recently, and “Let Houston find out about that gang,” another staffer said at lunch on Friday.
There is no chance that the Big Easy will be abandoned. It is too important as a port through which vital oil and Midwest produce flows to turn it into wetlands. Get rid of the undesirables and rebuilt it much better and more efficiently than before and everyone, but the poor blacks, will be prosperous.
I might mention here that Anderson Cooper of CNN is one of the most currently hated persons in the White House. He dared to stir up trouble on the boob tube and they can’t shut him up because he has become very popular and his mother is cubically rich so they can’t threaten him with economic punishment as they do to everyone else that dares to block, or even question, the Rove Machine.
Mehlman has said terrible personal things about Cooper, which, coming from Mehlman, is the height of hypocrisy.
I think there must be something in the water here that brings out the worst in second class types. I know very few active politicians here that are worth a pinch of sour owl shit. Most of them are chronic liars and thieves and there are a large number of perverts among them.
Can this be the true manifestation of The Moral Majority?
GOP? How about ‘Gross Old Pervs?”
If the blacks are smart, and most of the ones I know are not stupid, they will organize political action groups and work for a candidate that does not secretly wear KKK robes to bed.
No one here has, to my knowledge, ever used the dread “nigger” word but there are all kinds of other nasty phrases like “economically and intellectually deprived” used as masking words when the subject of blacks is discussed.
Given the fact that the President does most certainly not like blacks and views them with contempt (although one of his “good friends” at Yale was a black drag queen), this chasing around trying to cinch up the black vote is hilarious.
Rove wants to have a massive, unbeatable Republican voting majority that will keep the GOP in power for decades. They deliberately pandered to the nutty Christian Right and certainly got their vote in the last two elections (although disillusioned defections from that sector are mounting daily) and Rove, looking at the demographics, decided to go after the black vote.
They initially had a very modest success but the recent events in New Orleans has scuttled that barge and sent it to the bottom of the Slough of Despond. To my mind, and from the mail coming into the White House and the GOP’s private polls, the American public, and certainly the black community, saw the total abandonment of the poor blacks of New Orleans in the wake of Katrina by the federal government as obvious, though unspoken, racism.
Also, as I have repeated before, rich developers are lusting after the land the black’s homes are located on. They reason that since blacks are poor, most of them are on the welfare rolls and their homes are little better than African-style sheds and the only thing of value here is the land they sit on. Ergo, get them out of NO, condemn the houses most of which are rental property anyway, and then rebuild NO again but without all the poor blacks.
“It ought to keep the crime rate down,” Rove said recently, and “Let Houston find out about that gang,” another staffer said at lunch on Friday.
There is no chance that the Big Easy will be abandoned. It is too important as a port through which vital oil and Midwest produce flows to turn it into wetlands. Get rid of the undesirables and rebuilt it much better and more efficiently than before and everyone, but the poor blacks, will be prosperous.
I might mention here that Anderson Cooper of CNN is one of the most currently hated persons in the White House. He dared to stir up trouble on the boob tube and they can’t shut him up because he has become very popular and his mother is cubically rich so they can’t threaten him with economic punishment as they do to everyone else that dares to block, or even question, the Rove Machine.
Mehlman has said terrible personal things about Cooper, which, coming from Mehlman, is the height of hypocrisy.
I think there must be something in the water here that brings out the worst in second class types. I know very few active politicians here that are worth a pinch of sour owl shit. Most of them are chronic liars and thieves and there are a large number of perverts among them.
Can this be the true manifestation of The Moral Majority?
GOP? How about ‘Gross Old Pervs?”
If the blacks are smart, and most of the ones I know are not stupid, they will organize political action groups and work for a candidate that does not secretly wear KKK robes to bed.
donderdag 8 september 2005
September 8, 2005
What the scrotum-heads in the power elite (a la C. Wright Mills) are doing now vis a vis New Orleans is this: First, all of the poor blacks (and other unproductive and non-spending individuals) will be forced out of their sodden homes because of ‘health reasons.’ Then, if fires don't level whole poor neighborhoods, FEMA will order these buildings raised to the ground as 'unhealthy" and 'uninhabitable.'
The owners, or residents, will have been dispersed throughout the country but will be duly notified by a proper advert placed in an obscure official New Orleans legal paper that the houses are being torn down and that the owners will be liable for the costs of destruction. Naturally, these people will not read the legal notices and their houses will be smashed flat and the remains put into trucks and used for landfill somewhere else.
Following this, liens will be placed on the property for the costs of tearing down the homes and again, the owners will not be aware of this and will not pay. The vacant lots will then be siezed by the authorities for non-payment and put up for sale. And a cartel, already formed, will purchase these vacant lots for five cents on the dollar and after this, the government will proudly announce that "new, affordable, housing will be built for the citizens of New Orleans."
Bids will be let, contests held for the designing of attractive buildings and much hype will follow with, no doubt, a smirking President telling the world, and potential voters, that he and his people are indeed showing rare compassion and concern for the dispossessed. Of course, 'affordable housing' does not mean cheap housing and the new homes, built out of government (read taxpayer) money will be sold, or leased, through another government agency, to affluent members of the middle class, businesses and others. In one stroke, undesirable welfare blacks will be chased off of valuable lands and the many friends of the current Administration will become further enriched.
As far as the helpless and exploited exportees are concerned, the President will thank, on behalf of the American people, all those wonderful communities who now house and clothe the dispossessed and newly-homeless of New Orleans and, most especially, pay for their food and living out of local, and not Federal, funds.
And of course, the levees will quickly be rebuilt, by Republican-friendly and well-paid contractors, and New Orleans, like the phoenix, will be reborn from the shit-filled mud, commerce will blossom and thanks to FEMA and the President, the Administration will be much richer on a personal basis.
Isn't capitalism wonderful?
And note how the glow of Celestial Approval will beam like rays of sunshine out of the President's raddled fundament.
The owners, or residents, will have been dispersed throughout the country but will be duly notified by a proper advert placed in an obscure official New Orleans legal paper that the houses are being torn down and that the owners will be liable for the costs of destruction. Naturally, these people will not read the legal notices and their houses will be smashed flat and the remains put into trucks and used for landfill somewhere else.
Following this, liens will be placed on the property for the costs of tearing down the homes and again, the owners will not be aware of this and will not pay. The vacant lots will then be siezed by the authorities for non-payment and put up for sale. And a cartel, already formed, will purchase these vacant lots for five cents on the dollar and after this, the government will proudly announce that "new, affordable, housing will be built for the citizens of New Orleans."
Bids will be let, contests held for the designing of attractive buildings and much hype will follow with, no doubt, a smirking President telling the world, and potential voters, that he and his people are indeed showing rare compassion and concern for the dispossessed. Of course, 'affordable housing' does not mean cheap housing and the new homes, built out of government (read taxpayer) money will be sold, or leased, through another government agency, to affluent members of the middle class, businesses and others. In one stroke, undesirable welfare blacks will be chased off of valuable lands and the many friends of the current Administration will become further enriched.
As far as the helpless and exploited exportees are concerned, the President will thank, on behalf of the American people, all those wonderful communities who now house and clothe the dispossessed and newly-homeless of New Orleans and, most especially, pay for their food and living out of local, and not Federal, funds.
And of course, the levees will quickly be rebuilt, by Republican-friendly and well-paid contractors, and New Orleans, like the phoenix, will be reborn from the shit-filled mud, commerce will blossom and thanks to FEMA and the President, the Administration will be much richer on a personal basis.
Isn't capitalism wonderful?
And note how the glow of Celestial Approval will beam like rays of sunshine out of the President's raddled fundament.
maandag 5 september 2005
September 5, 2005
Life inside the White House is like being in a zoo at feeding time only in this case, it is the public that is feeding on the animals. There is complete panic here as it is finally being realized that Bush has shot himself, and his friends, in the feet and they are all running around holding round the clock meetings to plan how to further con the American public. I said recently that Bush and his henchmen are racists. They are and now I can see this awful truth emerging in the mainline media. I have said before that this present administration is even more corrupt than the Grant and Harding ones. Neither Grant nor Harding were personally corrupt but in the present case, Bush is worse than his hirelings.
As a case in point, let’s discuss FEMA here. There is no point in giving a background to this organization other than to say: The organization is called FEMA, which stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Originally conceived in the Richard Nixon Administration, it was a product of a Presidential Executive Order, Executive Order Number 12148, and it was refined by President Jimmy Carter and given teeth in the Ronald Reagan and George Bush Administrations.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is under the newly-created Department of Homeland Security and interfaces with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic. Executive Order Number 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and grant the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry.
FEMA has worked on National Security programs since 1979, and its predecessor, the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency, has secretly spent millions of dollars before being merged into FEMA by President Carter in 1979.
FEMA has developed 300 sophisticated mobile units that are capable of sustaining themselves for a month. The vehicles are located in five areas of the United States. They have tremendous communication systems and each contains a generator that would provide power to 120 homes each, but have never been used for disaster relief.
Under emergency plans already in existence, the power exists to suspend the Constitution and turn over the reigns of government to FEMA and appointing military commanders to run state and local governments. FEMA then would have the right to order the detention of anyone whom there is reasonable ground to believe...will engage in, or probably conspire with others to engage in acts of espionage or sabotage. The plan also authorized the establishment of concentration camps for detaining the accused, but no trial.
Now that we have a background on FEMA, who is in full charge of the disaster in the Gulf, let’s look at the man who directs it, Michael Brown., or “Brownie” (no doubt referring to the color of his nose)as the President likes to call him.
From an official puff-piece we read: “Michael D. Brown was nominated by President George W. Bush as the first Under Secretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response in the newly created Department of Homeland Security in January 2003. As the head of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Under Secretary Brown leads federal disaster response and recovery operations and coordinates disaster activities with more than two dozen federal agencies and departments and the American Red Cross. He also oversees the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration, and initiates proactive mitigation activities.
Additionally, Under Secretary Brown helps the Secretary of Homeland Security ensure the effectiveness of emergency responders, and directs the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Integration Center, the National Disaster Medical System and the Nuclear Incident Response Team.
Under Secretary Brown has led Homeland Security’s response to more than 164 presidentially declared disasters and emergencies, including the 2003 Columbia Shuttle disaster and the California wildfires in 2003. In 2004, Mr. Brown led FEMA’s thousands of dedicated disaster workers during the most active hurricane season in over 100 years, as FEMA delivered aid more quickly and more efficiently than ever before.
Previously, Mr. Brown served as FEMA's Deputy Director and the agency's General Counsel. Shortly after the September 11th terrorist attacks, Mr. Brown served on the President's Consequence Management Principal's Committee, which acted as the White House's policy coordination group for the federal domestic response to the attacks. Later, the President asked him to head the Consequence Management Working Group to identify and resolve key issues regarding the federal response plan. In August 2002, President Bush appointed him to the Transition Planning Office for the new Department of Homeland Security, serving as the transition leader for the EP&R Division.
Prior to joining FEMA, Mr. Brown practiced law in Colorado and Oklahoma, where he served as a bar examiner on ethics and professional responsibility for the Oklahoma Supreme Court and as a hearing examiner for the Colorado Supreme Court. He had been appointed as a special prosecutor in police disciplinary matters. While attending law school he was appointed by the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee of the Oklahoma Legislature as the Finance Committee Staff Director, where he oversaw state fiscal issues. His background in state and local government also includes serving as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight and as a city councilman.
Mr. Brown was also an adjunct professor of law for the Oklahoma City University.
A native of Oklahoma, Mr. Brown holds a bachelor's degree in Public Administration/Political Science from Central State University, Oklahoma. He received his J.D. from Oklahoma City University’s School of Law. “
Brown, has never had any experience with crisis management, other than being removed as an executive of the International Arabian Horse Association for, as the numerous lawsuits filed against him state, “for intentional interference with prospective business advantage; 3) defamation; and 4) violation of the Colorado Consumer Products Act.” This ugly business can be found in public records, viz
David C. Boggs vs. IAHA, Michael Brown, Tom Connelly, and Mary Anne Grimmell
Civil Action No. 99-CV-3430, Division 3,District Court, Arapahoe County, State of Colorado October, 1999
When Brown was elevated to high political office by Bush’s order, the press release read:
“From 1991 to 2001, Brown was the Commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association, an international subsidiary of the national governing organization of the U.S. Olympic Committee.”
IAHA was never connected to the Olympic Committee, but then, the White House never tells the truth either.
Brown joined the Bush administration in February 2001 as General Counsel for FEMA. Shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, he was nominated by Bush to be the deputy director of FEMA and was confirmed in that position by the U.S. Senate on Aug. 1, 2002.
As deputy director, Brown functioned as FEMA's Chief Operating Officer, assisting Director Joe M. Allbaugh, Brown’s college roommate, with oversight of the agency's activities. In particular, Brown served on Bush's Consequence Management Principals Committee, which functioned as the policy coordination group within the White House for the federal government's domestic response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The President later asked him to head the Consequence Management Working Group to identify and resolve key issues regarding the federal response plan. Brown also played a key role in managing FEMA's recovery programs for the victims of the World Trade Center attacks. Brown assisted Allbaugh with the approval of $5.5 billion dollars in federal assistance for New York City and anticipates the total to reach nearly $9 billion.
Brown is a grossly incompetent recipient of naked political patronage, but he is a Bush loyalist, all that matters to the President. To highlight the FEMA director’s total inability to function, a number of incidents arising from the New Orleans disaster need to be highlighted. These are not from secret files but taken directly from mainline media coverage such as the New York Times September 5, 2005:
· The hospital ship, USS Bataan “equipped with six operating rooms, hundreds of hospital beds and the ability to produce 100,000 gallons of fresh water a day” was sitting in the Gulf of Mexico, unoccupied by a single person, by specific order of FEMA director Brown.
· Wal-Mart sent “three trailer trucks of water” to the stricken area but these were deliberately turned away by FEMA officials.
· FEMA workers prevented the U.S. Coast Guard, the only federal agency that effectively saved lives, from delivering 1,000 gallons of badly-needed diesel fuel to hospitals needing it to fuel their emergency generators,
· FEMA workers deliberately cut the emergency communications network in New Orleans, causing local police officials to reinstall it and post armed guards to prevent angry FEMA employees from further attempts to disconnect it.
· FEMA workers deliberately blocked badly-needed aid from other states, including offers from Chicago’s mayor Daley, and the Governor of New Mexico, Richardson.
The opportunities to take a profit from disaster lie in this: FEMA is given huge sums of money by Congress to deal with national emergencies. This money is to be spent at the pleasure of the Director of FEMA and is not to be accounted for. A good investigative reporter, wishing to make a name for himself and his paper, ought to dig, as I have done, into the payment of “Disaster Relief” funds in the aftermath of the Florida hurricanes. It would be interesting to note which companies, run by staunch Republicans and Bush supporters, took in enormous sums of money and, even more interesting, how much of this largess was funneled back into the hands of those who gave it out in the first place.
The results of this investigation would, <>without question<., make even more embarrassment for the Bush people than their flippant and unconcerned behavior during recent days. Great embarrassment indeed. Knowing what I do, New York Attorney General Spitzer would have half of FEMA under investigation but in the end, Bush would never replace Brown. To the President, blind loyalty and financial usefulness is far more important to him than peculations, thefts and moral leprosy.
During the Middle Ages, so-called alchemists labored for decades to transmute lead into gold but with no success. Now, we see the Bush administration completely successful in transmuting blood into gold…and lining their pockets with it.
As a case in point, let’s discuss FEMA here. There is no point in giving a background to this organization other than to say: The organization is called FEMA, which stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Originally conceived in the Richard Nixon Administration, it was a product of a Presidential Executive Order, Executive Order Number 12148, and it was refined by President Jimmy Carter and given teeth in the Ronald Reagan and George Bush Administrations.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is under the newly-created Department of Homeland Security and interfaces with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic. Executive Order Number 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and grant the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry.
FEMA has worked on National Security programs since 1979, and its predecessor, the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency, has secretly spent millions of dollars before being merged into FEMA by President Carter in 1979.
FEMA has developed 300 sophisticated mobile units that are capable of sustaining themselves for a month. The vehicles are located in five areas of the United States. They have tremendous communication systems and each contains a generator that would provide power to 120 homes each, but have never been used for disaster relief.
Under emergency plans already in existence, the power exists to suspend the Constitution and turn over the reigns of government to FEMA and appointing military commanders to run state and local governments. FEMA then would have the right to order the detention of anyone whom there is reasonable ground to believe...will engage in, or probably conspire with others to engage in acts of espionage or sabotage. The plan also authorized the establishment of concentration camps for detaining the accused, but no trial.
Now that we have a background on FEMA, who is in full charge of the disaster in the Gulf, let’s look at the man who directs it, Michael Brown., or “Brownie” (no doubt referring to the color of his nose)as the President likes to call him.
From an official puff-piece we read: “Michael D. Brown was nominated by President George W. Bush as the first Under Secretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response in the newly created Department of Homeland Security in January 2003. As the head of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Under Secretary Brown leads federal disaster response and recovery operations and coordinates disaster activities with more than two dozen federal agencies and departments and the American Red Cross. He also oversees the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration, and initiates proactive mitigation activities.
Additionally, Under Secretary Brown helps the Secretary of Homeland Security ensure the effectiveness of emergency responders, and directs the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Integration Center, the National Disaster Medical System and the Nuclear Incident Response Team.
Under Secretary Brown has led Homeland Security’s response to more than 164 presidentially declared disasters and emergencies, including the 2003 Columbia Shuttle disaster and the California wildfires in 2003. In 2004, Mr. Brown led FEMA’s thousands of dedicated disaster workers during the most active hurricane season in over 100 years, as FEMA delivered aid more quickly and more efficiently than ever before.
Previously, Mr. Brown served as FEMA's Deputy Director and the agency's General Counsel. Shortly after the September 11th terrorist attacks, Mr. Brown served on the President's Consequence Management Principal's Committee, which acted as the White House's policy coordination group for the federal domestic response to the attacks. Later, the President asked him to head the Consequence Management Working Group to identify and resolve key issues regarding the federal response plan. In August 2002, President Bush appointed him to the Transition Planning Office for the new Department of Homeland Security, serving as the transition leader for the EP&R Division.
Prior to joining FEMA, Mr. Brown practiced law in Colorado and Oklahoma, where he served as a bar examiner on ethics and professional responsibility for the Oklahoma Supreme Court and as a hearing examiner for the Colorado Supreme Court. He had been appointed as a special prosecutor in police disciplinary matters. While attending law school he was appointed by the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee of the Oklahoma Legislature as the Finance Committee Staff Director, where he oversaw state fiscal issues. His background in state and local government also includes serving as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight and as a city councilman.
Mr. Brown was also an adjunct professor of law for the Oklahoma City University.
A native of Oklahoma, Mr. Brown holds a bachelor's degree in Public Administration/Political Science from Central State University, Oklahoma. He received his J.D. from Oklahoma City University’s School of Law. “
Brown, has never had any experience with crisis management, other than being removed as an executive of the International Arabian Horse Association for, as the numerous lawsuits filed against him state, “for intentional interference with prospective business advantage; 3) defamation; and 4) violation of the Colorado Consumer Products Act.” This ugly business can be found in public records, viz
David C. Boggs vs. IAHA, Michael Brown, Tom Connelly, and Mary Anne Grimmell
Civil Action No. 99-CV-3430, Division 3,District Court, Arapahoe County, State of Colorado October, 1999
When Brown was elevated to high political office by Bush’s order, the press release read:
“From 1991 to 2001, Brown was the Commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association, an international subsidiary of the national governing organization of the U.S. Olympic Committee.”
IAHA was never connected to the Olympic Committee, but then, the White House never tells the truth either.
Brown joined the Bush administration in February 2001 as General Counsel for FEMA. Shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, he was nominated by Bush to be the deputy director of FEMA and was confirmed in that position by the U.S. Senate on Aug. 1, 2002.
As deputy director, Brown functioned as FEMA's Chief Operating Officer, assisting Director Joe M. Allbaugh, Brown’s college roommate, with oversight of the agency's activities. In particular, Brown served on Bush's Consequence Management Principals Committee, which functioned as the policy coordination group within the White House for the federal government's domestic response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The President later asked him to head the Consequence Management Working Group to identify and resolve key issues regarding the federal response plan. Brown also played a key role in managing FEMA's recovery programs for the victims of the World Trade Center attacks. Brown assisted Allbaugh with the approval of $5.5 billion dollars in federal assistance for New York City and anticipates the total to reach nearly $9 billion.
Brown is a grossly incompetent recipient of naked political patronage, but he is a Bush loyalist, all that matters to the President. To highlight the FEMA director’s total inability to function, a number of incidents arising from the New Orleans disaster need to be highlighted. These are not from secret files but taken directly from mainline media coverage such as the New York Times September 5, 2005:
· The hospital ship, USS Bataan “equipped with six operating rooms, hundreds of hospital beds and the ability to produce 100,000 gallons of fresh water a day” was sitting in the Gulf of Mexico, unoccupied by a single person, by specific order of FEMA director Brown.
· Wal-Mart sent “three trailer trucks of water” to the stricken area but these were deliberately turned away by FEMA officials.
· FEMA workers prevented the U.S. Coast Guard, the only federal agency that effectively saved lives, from delivering 1,000 gallons of badly-needed diesel fuel to hospitals needing it to fuel their emergency generators,
· FEMA workers deliberately cut the emergency communications network in New Orleans, causing local police officials to reinstall it and post armed guards to prevent angry FEMA employees from further attempts to disconnect it.
· FEMA workers deliberately blocked badly-needed aid from other states, including offers from Chicago’s mayor Daley, and the Governor of New Mexico, Richardson.
The opportunities to take a profit from disaster lie in this: FEMA is given huge sums of money by Congress to deal with national emergencies. This money is to be spent at the pleasure of the Director of FEMA and is not to be accounted for. A good investigative reporter, wishing to make a name for himself and his paper, ought to dig, as I have done, into the payment of “Disaster Relief” funds in the aftermath of the Florida hurricanes. It would be interesting to note which companies, run by staunch Republicans and Bush supporters, took in enormous sums of money and, even more interesting, how much of this largess was funneled back into the hands of those who gave it out in the first place.
The results of this investigation would, <>without question<., make even more embarrassment for the Bush people than their flippant and unconcerned behavior during recent days. Great embarrassment indeed. Knowing what I do, New York Attorney General Spitzer would have half of FEMA under investigation but in the end, Bush would never replace Brown. To the President, blind loyalty and financial usefulness is far more important to him than peculations, thefts and moral leprosy.
During the Middle Ages, so-called alchemists labored for decades to transmute lead into gold but with no success. Now, we see the Bush administration completely successful in transmuting blood into gold…and lining their pockets with it.
donderdag 1 september 2005
September 1, 2005
The terrible disaster in New Orleans was not unforeseen. In spite of his too-little too-late bleatings, Bush personally scrapped a multi-million dollar program to strengthen the dikes around that flooded mass of tragedy but took the money for his criminal war in Iraq.
We now see a genuine phenomenon with dozens of American television reporters, on the ground and on the scene in New Orleans and southern Mississippi, turning against both the Administration and the governments of both Louisiana and Mississippi for their utter failure to relieve the terrible suffering of hundreds of thousands of trapped, starving and sick citizens.
I would like to add something to the bubbling pot that might cast a light on the disgusting official breakdown of rescue and support. This afternoon, I was having lunch at the Cosmos Club out on Massachusetts Avenue. A good friend is a member of the posh club (that once was the elegant town home of Sumner Welles), and while at lunch, I was privy to a very vocal conversation at one of the big round center tables in the club dining room.
One man was giving an overview of the situation to a group of his friends. The speaker was an undersecretary of an important department, well-liked by Bush and often in the White House to consult. The others ranged from an academic economist whose writings can be seen in a right wing paper and a number of Washington-based businessmen, all of whom are active and heavy contributors to the Bush White House.
The loud one had obviously had a few drinks at the bar and this is probably why he was not more discreet. The gist of his comments was horrible to contemplate and it sounded like a top Nazi discussing Jews.
It is well known here that the Bush family and many of the top advisers at the White House are racists but instead of detesting Jews, in this case, they all detest blacks. Their rationale, aside from their view of racial superiority, is that blacks are all “welfare queens, unwed mothers and drug dealers.” It was the very firmly stated view of the host that it was better for everyone that New Orleans was under water for the time being.
In that way, we were told (and I was not the only person in the dining room who heard all this), this served to “chase out the niggers” and permit Bush-supporting businessmen from buying up the soon-to-be condemned sodden houses for five cents on the dollar from friendly insurance companies (which one of them was a CEO of) and put up an enlarged and very profitable combination of industrial park and office building section. The money for this would, naturally, come from government grants which a terrified Congress (Mid Term elections are coming) had just voted for and the contracts to demolish the wrecked low-income slums would go, as a no-bid contract, to another stellar Bush supporter.
As for the refugees, our table of proto-fascists all commented on the fact that most of them were on welfare and probably all voted Democratic so they could all be shipped to California or Chicago at the public expense and allowed to occupy less valuable public housing there.
This conversation went on in a similar vein for some time and it was difficult for both myself and my host to refrain from making nasty comments or, for that matter, to enjoy our meal. These people are greedy and purely evil and I am <>positive<> from the overall conversations that Bush is conversant with this attitude and has no intentions of interfering with it.
He had an unparalleled opportunity to revive his sagging opinion polls and make an appearance in New Orleans, naturally with an army of sycophants and eager media, and be seen (in a safe place…probably in Baton Rouge…because the desperate black citizens of New Orleans have taken to shooting at people and Bush is scared to death of violence) holding a small and photogenic black child whilst comforting its mother. Instead, Bush, typically, opted to sail overhead in his luxury Air Force One and having seen the inundated city below, retired to his small but elegant dining room for a nice lunch with some of his top aides.
I should also note here that Bush now has added the Mayor of New Orleans and a half a dozen irate and very articulate news reporters to his hate list because they have <>dared<> to criticize him to a very large audience.
Maybe this time, the Democrats will organize and nail him and his friends to a wall somewhere and then open the flood gates and watch them drown like the rats that they are.
We now see a genuine phenomenon with dozens of American television reporters, on the ground and on the scene in New Orleans and southern Mississippi, turning against both the Administration and the governments of both Louisiana and Mississippi for their utter failure to relieve the terrible suffering of hundreds of thousands of trapped, starving and sick citizens.
I would like to add something to the bubbling pot that might cast a light on the disgusting official breakdown of rescue and support. This afternoon, I was having lunch at the Cosmos Club out on Massachusetts Avenue. A good friend is a member of the posh club (that once was the elegant town home of Sumner Welles), and while at lunch, I was privy to a very vocal conversation at one of the big round center tables in the club dining room.
One man was giving an overview of the situation to a group of his friends. The speaker was an undersecretary of an important department, well-liked by Bush and often in the White House to consult. The others ranged from an academic economist whose writings can be seen in a right wing paper and a number of Washington-based businessmen, all of whom are active and heavy contributors to the Bush White House.
The loud one had obviously had a few drinks at the bar and this is probably why he was not more discreet. The gist of his comments was horrible to contemplate and it sounded like a top Nazi discussing Jews.
It is well known here that the Bush family and many of the top advisers at the White House are racists but instead of detesting Jews, in this case, they all detest blacks. Their rationale, aside from their view of racial superiority, is that blacks are all “welfare queens, unwed mothers and drug dealers.” It was the very firmly stated view of the host that it was better for everyone that New Orleans was under water for the time being.
In that way, we were told (and I was not the only person in the dining room who heard all this), this served to “chase out the niggers” and permit Bush-supporting businessmen from buying up the soon-to-be condemned sodden houses for five cents on the dollar from friendly insurance companies (which one of them was a CEO of) and put up an enlarged and very profitable combination of industrial park and office building section. The money for this would, naturally, come from government grants which a terrified Congress (Mid Term elections are coming) had just voted for and the contracts to demolish the wrecked low-income slums would go, as a no-bid contract, to another stellar Bush supporter.
As for the refugees, our table of proto-fascists all commented on the fact that most of them were on welfare and probably all voted Democratic so they could all be shipped to California or Chicago at the public expense and allowed to occupy less valuable public housing there.
This conversation went on in a similar vein for some time and it was difficult for both myself and my host to refrain from making nasty comments or, for that matter, to enjoy our meal. These people are greedy and purely evil and I am <>positive<> from the overall conversations that Bush is conversant with this attitude and has no intentions of interfering with it.
He had an unparalleled opportunity to revive his sagging opinion polls and make an appearance in New Orleans, naturally with an army of sycophants and eager media, and be seen (in a safe place…probably in Baton Rouge…because the desperate black citizens of New Orleans have taken to shooting at people and Bush is scared to death of violence) holding a small and photogenic black child whilst comforting its mother. Instead, Bush, typically, opted to sail overhead in his luxury Air Force One and having seen the inundated city below, retired to his small but elegant dining room for a nice lunch with some of his top aides.
I should also note here that Bush now has added the Mayor of New Orleans and a half a dozen irate and very articulate news reporters to his hate list because they have <>dared<> to criticize him to a very large audience.
Maybe this time, the Democrats will organize and nail him and his friends to a wall somewhere and then open the flood gates and watch them drown like the rats that they are.
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