zondag 28 augustus 2005

August 28, 2005

I have spoken several times about the strong possibility of a joint US/Israeli attack on Iran. This has not happened but understand that it has been on the drawing board for some time now waiting for events to “clarify” as the President says. Also being planned is a January, 2006, attack on Syria. This is not because Syria threatens the United States (to the contrary, seeing the destruction and slaughter of civilians the US troops are wreaking daily in their neighbor, they want nothing to do with us. The idea is that Kurdish oil from northern Iraq is wanted to ship, via a pipeline across Syria, to a shipping port in Haifa, Israel. At one stroke, Israel will gain access to cash-rich oil and get rid of a military and political danger on its eastern flanks. They hope the U.S. will do al the dirty work…and especially to suffert he casualties. They are weighing this now at the highest levels. Question: Would the American people put up with another disastrous war? The answer is probably not but Israeli pressure in Washington is awesome.

I have seen, and copied, a list of the US units have been earmarked for the actions against Syria, in the event that they are needed. A significant number of these are:

Army National Guard's 1569th Transportation Company

Army’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne)

Army National Guard's 1st Battalion, 623rd Field Artillery Regiment

Army's 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division

Army National Guard's 2nd Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment

Army's 66th Military Intelligence Company, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

Army’s 3rd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

Army's 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment, 1st Infantry Division

Army's 1st Battalion, 13th Armor Regiment, 1st Armor Division,

Army National Guard's 229th Military Intelligence Company, 29th Separate Infantry Brigade

Army’s 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

Army’s 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division

Army’s 313th Medical Company, Army National Guard

Army’s 64th Military Police Company, 720th Military Police Battalion, 89th Military Police Brigade

Army’s 125th Forward Support Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division

Army National Guard's 2nd Battalion, 114th Field Artillery Regiment

Army Reserve's 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry

Army’s 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

Army National Guard's 148th Field Artillery

Army's 129th Corps Support Battalion

Army’s 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division

Army’s 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne)

Army’s 1st Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division

Army’s 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment

Army’s 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 42nd Infantry Division

Army’s Army Reserve's 983rd Engineer Battalion

USMC 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force

USMC Headquarters Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force

USMC 3rd Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force

USMC 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, Regimental Combat Team-2, 2nd Marine Division,

II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward)

USMC Marine Forces Reserve’s 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division

USMC 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force

USN SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team One


Also, on a final note, know that the recent “assassinate Chavez” crap from the loony Pat Robertson was a cooked-up deal between Rove and Robertson. Nothing would happen to Brother Pat but it would clearly serve (as it did) to kick the Sheehan woman off the front pages. I hope you notice that previous press comments about Karl Rove, the Fat Eunuch, being put in the spotlight on the Plame business have suddenly, and very quietly, vanished. Rove and his crew of poison dwarves must love the damage down in New Orleans because it was becoming increasingly difficult to use the Aruba business to entertain the general public. Is the media controlled in America? Yes, Virginia, it is and Karl Rove is the very skilful ringmaster.. Some day, if there is a God, the tables will be turned and it will be our turn to take a bullwhip to his flabby big butt.

vrijdag 26 augustus 2005

August 26, 2005

Bush was booed at a Vet’s meeting and there was genuine hostility evident…but of course the media “forgot” to report it. I was not there but a colleague was and he said Bush was livid with rage that anyone had dared to boo him and was heard to ask if somehow military pensions could be terminated! And at home, we have to put up with the manic mouthings of senile and vicious Pat Robertson. A fine soldier he would have made! I have a report that talks about how he ran weeping to his father, a Congressman, when he was on a troopship enroute to Korea and was promptly taken off and sent to a safer place. It’s amazing, looking at the sheep-faced anus, that one can pile shit so high and not have it fall over.

The problem is that Brother Pat does not represent the Christian Right. They are growing more and more disenchanted with Pat and Bush but can do nothing about him because Bush likes him and, in truth, agrees with the idea of offing Chavez.

I have to admit that some of the political planks in the Christian Right’s platform are not unattractive to me personally. They object to a steady diet of filth and sleaze in the flicks and on the boob tube. I personally find much of it disgusting and not even entertaining. Mel Gibson’s Jesus movie was nothing but a homosexual/sadism drama, badly done and in awful taste. I don’t personally approve of censorship but one of the reasons that Hollywood’s summer films are tanking badly at the box office is because a lot of the citizenry are getting fed up with slick, fake and lewd movies and won’t spent $10 a pop to go and take their kids. They won’t even go themselves. Not that I advocate the “Sound of Music” or “Mary Poppins” for one and all but most of the new films outdo each other in ripoffs of what has gone before, tarted up with nipples and foul language. Gas prices are causing spastic colon here.

No one can do anything about it and Bush doesn’t care. He isn’t running again and believe me, he has raked in the loot off the top during his eight years. Like all sleazoids, Bush leaves the mess he personally created for someone else to clear up. “Take the money and run,” is his motto. And remember that they are seriously planning to have a “military action” against Syria in January of 2006. Reason: The Israelis are working with us to secure Syria to permit an oil pipeline to run through conquered Syria from the Kurdish area of northern Iraq, pumping oil to Israel where a pumping station (for US oil tankers) will be set up near Haifa. In this way both of our forward-thinking, liberty-loving democracies will make lots of money, get more oil and get rid of the Syrians whom Sharon hates.

zondag 21 augustus 2005

August 21, 2005

Aside from the growing catastrophe in Iraq, we are now sinking deeply into a disastrous economic swamp as far as oil is concerned. The world-wide depletion of oil reserves, the failure of the U.S. to get effective control of the huge Iraqi reserves, the growing need for oil in the rest of the world, especially China, Bush’s bullying and threatening attitude towards once-friendly oil producers and worst of all, the dawning realization on the part of Muslim Fundamentalist terrorists that the U.S. is growing every more dependant on oil to prevent serious public eruptions makes refineries, tankers, pipelines etc very tempting and easily attacked targets. Here is some information about our current stocks of oil held by the Government and under the direct control of the President:

· The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is the world's largest supply of emergency crude oil. The federally-owned oil stocks are stored in huge underground salt caverns along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico.

· Decisions to withdraw crude oil from the SPR are made by the President under the authorities of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. In the event of an energy emergency, SPR oil would be distributed by competitive sale. Although the SPR has been used for emergency purposes only once (during Operation Desert Storm in 1991), its formidable size (more than 600 million barrels) makes it a significant deterrent to oil import cutoffs and a key tool of foreign policy.

· Today, the SPR has the capacity to hold 727 million barrels. It is the largest emergency oil stockpile in the world. Together, the facilities and crude oil represent a more than $21 billion investment in energy security ($4 billion for facilities and $17 billion for crude oil).

· On November 13, 2001, President George W. Bush ordered the SPR to be filled to approximately 700 million barrels by continuing to use the Royalty-in-Kind program carried out jointly between the Department of Energy and the Department of the Interior. The royalty-in-kind program applies to oil owed to the U.S. government by producers who operate leases on the federally-owned Outer Continental Shelf. These producers are required to provide from 12.5 percent to 16.7 percent of the oil they produce to the U.S. government. The government can either acquire the oil itself or receive the equivalent dollar value

· Strategic Petroleum Reserve Inventory for August 11, 2005
Current Inventory
Sweet 284.6 million bbls
Sour 414.9 million bbls
Total 699.5 million bbls
Royalty-in-Kind to be Delivered 1.3 million bbls

While none of this is secret, it is also not generally known to the public. The price of oil to the United States is sharply escalating, partially because of the natural trends of the marketplace but also because of the aura of fear and hatred that Bush has deliberately fostered. He does not understand that if we were not so tied up militarily in Iraq, we would have plenty of troops available to enforce our acquisition of desperately needed oil. Try as he and his supporters may, the resistance in Iraq is far too effective and far too strong to permit U.S. exploitation of the huge Iraqi reserves (one of the main reasons for the war) and we could not invade Venezuela, also a strong desire on Bush’s part, because, frankly we do not have the troops. Bush doesn’t care what the UN or the rest of the world would say about such naked and greedy aggression but the vital troops are not there.

In point of fact, governors of mainly Republican states are wailing that Bush has stripped their State National Guards of warm bodies so that in the anticipated civil disturbances (skyrocketing oil, diesel fuel and heating oil prices followed by problems with truckers delivering food and supplies throughout the country because of exorbitant fuel prices) appearing on the horizon, there won’t be any force to deal with them except local police and, maybe, a mobilized fascistic Republican storm troopers made up of right wing nuts. Bush cannot recall troops now, as necessity dictates, because we are literally on the ropes in Iraq and Bush’s weak personality precludes him from taking even one step backwards. He feels, his aides have said repeatedly, that this would make him look “weak” (which he is) and this he will never permit.

All reputable foreign oil industry sources state that oil will certainly go as high as $100 a barrel but even if it does and riots ensue here as outraged citizens can no longer drive to work, to school, to shop, Bush has said categorically that he will never, never release a drop of the oil in the reserves. The military have put a stop to this saying that any future military action plans against Iran or North Korea, now in the works, would be useless without oil reserves to draw upon.

vrijdag 19 augustus 2005

August 19, 2005

The oil situation is rapidly reaching critical mass. Bush’s arrogance and bullying tactics coupled with the disruption of Iraqi production added to the diminishing supply of oil is leading to a catastrophe here. Gas is shooting up at the pumps and although there are vast amounts of oil readily available in the Strategic Reserve, none of this will be released because the Bush people figure they can sell it for money which will help them out when they retire. Couple this with a growing resistance to the U.S. shouted demands to the rest of the world to obey it’s dictums or else, everyone now realizes that we are a paper tiger and cannot just assault Venezuela as we would love to do.

China and Russia are essentially rearming because they are afraid that an irrational Bush, losing power every day, might just launch some kind of an attack on them to divert the rest of the public from their growing, and serious, economic woes. Even the fanatic Republicans are getting nervous at what they elected and many, many members of Congress are beginning to hold private meetings, Republicans especially, to see how to distance themselves from Bush’s suicidal behavior without incurring his Imperial and spiteful wrath. That some kind of a revolt is looming in Congress is beyond a doubt but no one here has any idea of when or how.

maandag 15 augustus 2005

August 15, 2005

There is a great flap in the Rove quarter here inside the Monkey Palace. While the Imperial President is taking a long vacation from his serious duties in Texas, Rove and his evil dwarves are doing their very best to trash Cindy Sheehan , the mother who lost a son in Iraq and whom the thoroughly arrogant and stupid President will not talk to. The ongoing plan is to get Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Couilter and Drudge and his pin headed friends to trash her. Rove calls this the “Grass-Roots Response” task force and orders have been issued to the Friends in the Media to go ahead. Faked interviews with obscure White House staffers disguised as grieving parents of the recently killed in Iraq have been going on in the basement for a week now and I happened to blunder into one. If it wasn’t so sick, it would be funny. This is just like something out of ‘Wag the Dog’ but in the case of Rove, it would be ‘Grease the Pig.’ Then these faked sound bites are sent off to paid media employees at the various networks: CNN, FOX, NBC and others to be played on prime time as “growing public outrage” at the “lies and self-seeking” efforts on the part of Ms. Sheehan and a “gang of left-wing Bush haters” and “anti-military left-wingers.”

I have seen one of the scripts that O’Reilly is supposed to read, and will read, believe me, and it reads like something Dr. Goebbels would have trouble with it’s so fake. Rumor around here has it (Bush is not here but his any friends are) is that he was ranting around his very bad taste “ranch house” that he wanted “that goddam bitch” arrested but since the media is now involved, the sight of Secret Service goons dragging off a Gold Star mother in front of the cameras is too much for anyone else (but Bush and Rove) to take. The Rove people, via the FBI, have been dredging the files looking for something…anything…bad to use against her. The slobbering Drudge would be given reports of jay walking, overdue library books, bad school grades or whatever these perverts can dig up. Well, to those of you fools who voted for him, George W. Bush is your man, not ours and you are stuck with him. You can wear the little flags or the crosses in your lapel but you still stink and shine like a dead mackerel in the moonlight.

woensdag 10 augustus 2005

August 10, 2005

Since you seem to have drawn down the twittering wrath of the infestation of bloggers on the internet, I ought to put out a bit of information on some of these creatures. There is serious and growing criticism against Bush and his destructive war and this has now reached a level as to thoroughly alarm both the White House that instigated the war and the Pentagon who has to maintain troop levels to replace the slaughtered.

It is no secret here that the Rove people have been hiring bloggers to put out a number of wild stories in the hopes that the internet people (who read other news than the crap from the controlled press and media) will be so bemused by stories of Bush being indicted or running away or of military plots against him that the terrible stories about the very high death and injury tolls will be forced off the net or so trashed that no one will believe them.

For an example of rabid pro-Bush propaganda, read Matt Drudge or NewsMax or watch FOX news. In the end, the nonsense will drift away like the phony smokescreen it is and the truth will once more become evident. People do not like being lied to but Rove feels that if he can distract the public and sidetrack serious and escalating criticism of his beloved sweetie, he will have succeeded.

maandag 8 augustus 2005

August 8, 2005

Because of the growing importance of oil and the diminishing supply thereof, the Bush people, especially including Cheney, are growing more and more alarmed about the possibility that growing hostility towards Bush’s aggressive and imperialistic policies could further curtail the oil being sold to the US. Also, there is growing anger with both North Korea and Iran, both of whom (Pakistan, our bribed “friend” has dozens of atomic weapons and the capacity to deliver some of them to our enemies, is conveniently ignored these days) have the capacity to make, and probably have, atomic weapons.

In light of all this anxiety, the Neocons have concocted an interesting two pronged program to both secure unlimited amounts of guaranteed oil and neutralize both North Korea and Iran. These theses are expounded in a “secret” paper (there are no secrets in Washington) that has been circulating amongst the Bush people.

The idea will be for the CIA to cause “incidents” in Saudi Arabia that will terrify the Saud dynasty. The recent death of the invalid King is seen as an opportune moment to launch this operation. It is known that the Wahhbists (Saudi Muslim fundamentalists sponsored many years ago by King ibn Saud. Ed) are determined to oust the “hedonistic, pro-Westerners [Americans] and those who have turned from the True Faith.”

The Neocon plan is to so agitate the royal family with faked incidents, “proving” the dreaded Wahhbists are plotting a bloody overthrow, that the King will be offered a “sincere” plan on the part of the Americans.

If he is sufficiently alarmed, we would send in some “security specialists,” to include the FBI and military specialists, to “help the Saudi intelligence and local police” to regain and maintain strict control. Actually, these “professionals” would be the thin edge of the wedge. Once they are in, and the royal fears would have to overcome the bulk of Saudi Arabia’s detestation of both the U.S. and Israel to permit this, there would be more and more “professionals” coming in.

The plan is to downsize our troops in Iraq and move them to Saudi Arabia. Then, when we had enough troops to enforce matters, we would advise the royal family that the United States was taking Saudi Arabia “under its protection,” just like the Nazi Protectorate in former Czech lands, and we would not only be able to secure the oil but stop the Saudis from financing Muslim groups we did not approve of and, <>more important from the Israeli point of view<>, have the country as a rich, undisturbed forward base for the inevitable attack on Iran.

And that leads me to the second scenario. First, both Iran and North Korea will be heavily bribed by the Bush people to give up atomic research. Much will be promised and some things delivered and when these two “rebel states” are happy with an influx of new cars, money for the top leaders and Hollywood porn films and heroin for the masses, (the degeneration of Afghanistan in the past two years into the world's second worst narco-state, run by warlords friendly to the US, is not an accident - the Afghan heroin production is destined for Iran and is encouraged by the US) and lulled into a false sense of security, the US would strike suddenly and militarily to neutralize both countries.

Japan does not want to be the staging ground for such at attack on North Korea so we have chosen Okinawa. Now once we get our hands on North Korea, mass show trials and subsequent executions of the current militant Communist regime would follow. Bush himself insists on this.

As far as Iran is concerned, our beef is that they raided our Embassy years ago and humiliated us, have been supplying guns and money to groups of Muslims that fight against the US occupation troops, are daring to sell oil to the Chinese and not to us, and have establish an “unhealthy relationship” with the evil Putin’s Russia.

If there is any problem in Riyadh over our massive occupation forces, we will threaten the Saudis with destruction of the Muslim holy sites in Mecca, something the Israelis have been advocating for years now. That, as the Neocon paper says, “should force them into silence and continued cooperation.”

The only problem with this Hitlerian scheme is that someone inside one of the agencies has leaked the text of this paper, which is now circulating around here, to Tehran and very possibly, they will actually support a genuine fundamentalist rising in Saudi Arabia and then the US would be faced with another popular insurgency like they have basically lost in Iraq.

And like Iraq, we would then lose any claim to Saudi oil because if the fundamentalists get into power, we are automatically cut off, just like in Venezuela. We lost there because the clumsy CIA couldn’t get rid of Chavez and only made him more hostile.

Another factor in all of this oil business is the growing realization that the increasingly violent and more frequent hurricanes in the Gulf area are posing a real threat to our offshore oil drilling capacity. Two more Ivans in the same area could send domestic gas prices over $5.a gallon, hence the frenzy to guarantee (by force) the continued access to the Saudi oil resources.

donderdag 4 augustus 2005

August 4, 2005

The news from the front in Iraq is getting worse and worse but Bush pays no attention to it. It’s like water off of a duck’s back with him. Muslims could burn fifty GIs to death in front of a camera and while he’s lying around in Crawford (where he spends more time than the White House) he would go right on smiling at the cows. The high level military people are getting mad as hell but Bush pays no attention to them. Losses are getting out of hand and the news that there are hundreds of young GIs dumped into mass graves is going to come out and when it does, there will be real anger in the Pentagon…and nothing in the White House but yawns and little funny Texas stories from Bush. His sycophantic staff will all laugh and clap their backs at his stupid jokes, most of which have long beards and Bush will smirk and beam. I see that the Pentagon has reluctantly allowed to permit “a few” pictures of dead GI’s coffins at Dover but, as Bush says, “Goddam few!” In all truth, sarcasm aside, this has become an Imperial Elite House and Bush really thinks he is anointed by God to rule over the rest of us. He detests Congress and a “fucking talk shop” and no one dares to contradict him on any subject. He was bad enough in the beginning but I swear that he has slipped his leash and is a complete, certified megalomaniac. God save us all.

maandag 1 augustus 2005

August 1, 2005

I am about to discuss an interesting topic, fully aware that jealous bloggers and Republicans will wail and rend their garments, saying all is vanity and vexation of spirit. There are plans, drawn up,but certainly not finalized, to withdraw a significant number of combat troops from Iraq under the pretext that everything is now OK, send them for R&R and then go after Iran. Yes, I know how this sounds and I can just see the idiot bloggers babbling about this but it is true. Is Bush going to do this? Bush wants to do this and when he wants to do something, he does it, regardless of how moronic or dangerous it is. None of his staff, or those who supply the Monkey Palace with information dare to produce anything that runs counter to the Imperial Will. Will Bush invade Iran? No, he won’t but it will not be for trying.

Case in point,: John Bolton is a loud-mouthed, arrogant prick who antagonizes everyone he comes in contact and is a worthless boor and egomaniac who is loathed everywhere he goes. In spite of this, Bush, who hates the UN, just bypassed Congress and sent Bolton to the UN as the US Ambassador. I met him once and he is the sort of snotty dog’s fundament you want to kick in the crotch while putting a cigarette out in his nose. But, Bush likes him and hates the UN so now the hog is in the garden, ripping up the beets. This is pure Bush. Not bright but very stubborn, he will bring a nuclear war down on us as sure as God made small green peas. He hates the military because he was a drunk who was basically 86ed from the USAF and never forgot the humiliation. Will he invade Iran? Israel wants him to and they have been pressuring him and his weak ego structure is such that he may very well do this, in spite of all the opinions of the sane part of the Beltway. It’s easy to say that the idiot fringe elected him but the rest of us will die alongside the rabid nuts if the Muslims set of a bomb somewhere which everyone I have met in DHS and the Pentagon who is aware of such things firmly believe will happen. One can only hope that Bush is trying to get a good suntan on the comparative safety of the White House roof (he is terrified of assassination and only goes outside when he has a bodyguard of three hundred agents) when the balloon goes up, or comes down.