Although it will never be published anywhere in the United States, I am sending you a foreign accounting, with ten pictures, of dead GIs that were simply dumped into shallow holes in the ground and left to rot. This Iraq business stinks, literally, beyond belief and if the American public ever discovers the truth about the endless deaths of their sons and lovers, the collapsing morale of the troops, and the increasing and unstoppable massacres and civil wars in Iraq, there will be terrible consequences come the mid-term elections.
This is Vietnam redux.
The Bush people think, hope and pray they can find something soon to distract the public and are certain that if they are successful, everyone will forget this disgusting business when they learn about a new and thrilling Michael Jackson-type scandal, real or invented, and they know for a certainty that the obedient press will make their usual mindless and distracting noises.
To call the American media a pack of whores would only serve to insult valuable members of the First Oldest Profession.
More comments on the “suicide bombers” in London.
A bunch of idealistic young Muslims, mostly Pakistani, were approached by someone currently unknown but most certainly not a terrorist, claiming to be “testing” the security on British public transportation. These idiots, who ought to have known better, were offered large (and of course unpaid) sums of money for these “security tests.” They were asked to get onto crowded commuter trains at peak hours carrying “dummy” backpacks, travel a specified distance and get off, bringing the packs with them. The poor schmucks were subsequently blown to bits when the “dummy” packs went off., which ensured their permanent silence, and the establishment in England now had a rallying cry for the discredited Tony Blair. Also, there is growing significant popular resentment in Britain against the huge influx of Arabs, blacks and others ‘coloured peoples” and this kind of provocation can be politically useful to someone, or some group, using immigration as a political issue. And is.
The U.S. is annoyed in the extreme with Britain because there are a large number of disaffected young Muslims who are allowed to travel to our dear ally, Pakistan, where they are recruited into Muslim jihadist schools and then allowed back in England to spread their deadly poison. There is a feeling here that the Brits ought to expel all such people to Pakistan or the West Indies and forbid them future entrance to England. There are strong suggestions here that all the disaffected Muslims should be stripped of U.S. citizenship (if they have it) and thrown out of the country. The President himself is a strong advocate of this draconian policy as is Cheney and a number of the Neocons.
Over fifty people dead but this is a typical sort of ploy for certain agencies to execute.
I remember an old British saying: ‘Treason doth never prosper/What’s the reason? Why if prospers, none dare call it treason!’ Apt. Or as a Greek writer once said, ‘Boys kill frogs for sport but the frogs die in earnest.’ Good morning, frogs, and be sure to die in earnest
Interesting financial news: There is muted consternation in certain Treasury Department circles over the news that Iranians have succeeded in counterfeiting perfect copies of U.S. $100 bills. They are engraved, not photo-copied, the paper is absolutely correct and the bills pass the fluorescence tests with flying colors. Soon, I will post a list of the blocs of numbers used on these fake bills. This is said to be making foreign banks very nervous.
This is Vietnam redux.
The Bush people think, hope and pray they can find something soon to distract the public and are certain that if they are successful, everyone will forget this disgusting business when they learn about a new and thrilling Michael Jackson-type scandal, real or invented, and they know for a certainty that the obedient press will make their usual mindless and distracting noises.
To call the American media a pack of whores would only serve to insult valuable members of the First Oldest Profession.
More comments on the “suicide bombers” in London.
A bunch of idealistic young Muslims, mostly Pakistani, were approached by someone currently unknown but most certainly not a terrorist, claiming to be “testing” the security on British public transportation. These idiots, who ought to have known better, were offered large (and of course unpaid) sums of money for these “security tests.” They were asked to get onto crowded commuter trains at peak hours carrying “dummy” backpacks, travel a specified distance and get off, bringing the packs with them. The poor schmucks were subsequently blown to bits when the “dummy” packs went off., which ensured their permanent silence, and the establishment in England now had a rallying cry for the discredited Tony Blair. Also, there is growing significant popular resentment in Britain against the huge influx of Arabs, blacks and others ‘coloured peoples” and this kind of provocation can be politically useful to someone, or some group, using immigration as a political issue. And is.
The U.S. is annoyed in the extreme with Britain because there are a large number of disaffected young Muslims who are allowed to travel to our dear ally, Pakistan, where they are recruited into Muslim jihadist schools and then allowed back in England to spread their deadly poison. There is a feeling here that the Brits ought to expel all such people to Pakistan or the West Indies and forbid them future entrance to England. There are strong suggestions here that all the disaffected Muslims should be stripped of U.S. citizenship (if they have it) and thrown out of the country. The President himself is a strong advocate of this draconian policy as is Cheney and a number of the Neocons.
Over fifty people dead but this is a typical sort of ploy for certain agencies to execute.
I remember an old British saying: ‘Treason doth never prosper/What’s the reason? Why if prospers, none dare call it treason!’ Apt. Or as a Greek writer once said, ‘Boys kill frogs for sport but the frogs die in earnest.’ Good morning, frogs, and be sure to die in earnest
Interesting financial news: There is muted consternation in certain Treasury Department circles over the news that Iranians have succeeded in counterfeiting perfect copies of U.S. $100 bills. They are engraved, not photo-copied, the paper is absolutely correct and the bills pass the fluorescence tests with flying colors. Soon, I will post a list of the blocs of numbers used on these fake bills. This is said to be making foreign banks very nervous.