woensdag 27 juli 2005

July 27, 2005

Although it will never be published anywhere in the United States, I am sending you a foreign accounting, with ten pictures, of dead GIs that were simply dumped into shallow holes in the ground and left to rot. This Iraq business stinks, literally, beyond belief and if the American public ever discovers the truth about the endless deaths of their sons and lovers, the collapsing morale of the troops, and the increasing and unstoppable massacres and civil wars in Iraq, there will be terrible consequences come the mid-term elections.

This is Vietnam redux.

The Bush people think, hope and pray they can find something soon to distract the public and are certain that if they are successful, everyone will forget this disgusting business when they learn about a new and thrilling Michael Jackson-type scandal, real or invented, and they know for a certainty that the obedient press will make their usual mindless and distracting noises.

To call the American media a pack of whores would only serve to insult valuable members of the First Oldest Profession.

More comments on the “suicide bombers” in London.

A bunch of idealistic young Muslims, mostly Pakistani, were approached by someone currently unknown but most certainly not a terrorist, claiming to be “testing” the security on British public transportation. These idiots, who ought to have known better, were offered large (and of course unpaid) sums of money for these “security tests.” They were asked to get onto crowded commuter trains at peak hours carrying “dummy” backpacks, travel a specified distance and get off, bringing the packs with them. The poor schmucks were subsequently blown to bits when the “dummy” packs went off., which ensured their permanent silence, and the establishment in England now had a rallying cry for the discredited Tony Blair. Also, there is growing significant popular resentment in Britain against the huge influx of Arabs, blacks and others ‘coloured peoples” and this kind of provocation can be politically useful to someone, or some group, using immigration as a political issue. And is.

The U.S. is annoyed in the extreme with Britain because there are a large number of disaffected young Muslims who are allowed to travel to our dear ally, Pakistan, where they are recruited into Muslim jihadist schools and then allowed back in England to spread their deadly poison. There is a feeling here that the Brits ought to expel all such people to Pakistan or the West Indies and forbid them future entrance to England. There are strong suggestions here that all the disaffected Muslims should be stripped of U.S. citizenship (if they have it) and thrown out of the country. The President himself is a strong advocate of this draconian policy as is Cheney and a number of the Neocons.

Over fifty people dead but this is a typical sort of ploy for certain agencies to execute.

I remember an old British saying: ‘Treason doth never prosper/What’s the reason? Why if prospers, none dare call it treason!’ Apt. Or as a Greek writer once said, ‘Boys kill frogs for sport but the frogs die in earnest.’ Good morning, frogs, and be sure to die in earnest

Interesting financial news: There is muted consternation in certain Treasury Department circles over the news that Iranians have succeeded in counterfeiting perfect copies of U.S. $100 bills. They are engraved, not photo-copied, the paper is absolutely correct and the bills pass the fluorescence tests with flying colors. Soon, I will post a list of the blocs of numbers used on these fake bills. This is said to be making foreign banks very nervous.

zondag 24 juli 2005

July 24, 2005

It is reasonably obvious to those of us who have seen this sort of thing before, that the first set of London bombings were instituted and implemented by professionals. There is some confusion but it now appears that the actual “suicide bombers” may well have been dupes, fingered by MI5 and then approached and conned by our own people. All of the doers were blown to bits so they could never talk. The timing was too pat to be true and very convenient for Blair’s sagging popularity. And Bush could not afford it if Blair was booted out, or forced to resign, with any subsequent PM deciding to pull UK troops out of Iraq.

The second attempt is very obviously the work of rank amateur copy-cats but note that the London police quickly shot a suspect to death. That he turned out to be completely innocent is very bad PR for them but had he been the real thing, he could hardly talk with his brains all over the underground platform, could he? Even among cynical and experienced Beltway Boys, this one is too much to swallow and if the Brits ever start to believe this was another CIA manipulation, Blair will not only go but probably be executed for treason in the Tower of London. Mark me, Bush and his sick crew of fascists will use this as an excuse for clamping further controls down on the rest of us.

woensdag 20 juli 2005

July 20, 2005

With the Rove Scandal growing daily as the press starts a feeding frenzy, the obvious failures in Iraq are another source of panic here in the Monkey Palace. A new plan, concocted by two of the Neocon fascists, is to foment a revolution in Iran, cause maximum internal destruction there and probably, note the word “probably,” wreck or delay the dreaded atomic weapons programs obviously in train there. Unfortunately, the Russians, who are now clandestine but effective allies of Iran, have intercepted certain CIA/USIA codes messages from Saudi Arabia that clearly outline the plottings. Russian code breakers are much better than the US code makers and the result is that many of our so-called “unbreakable diplomatic and intelligence” codes are not. It is becoming obvious that utter stupidity reigns here and everyone is aware of it…except the leadership. Talk about the blind leading the blind! The CIA and other intelligence agencies are terrified of crossing the Bush people and wouldn’t dare submit a report that thwarts the Royal Will with the result that there are very unhappy people in Langley and the Pentagon. They see the blindness and fanaticism of the current empire builders as leading us right over a cliff into the abyss. When a bartender at the Cosmos Club is able to discuss all kinds of deep secrets with some of the patrons, as he did with me recently, we have no security left. The DHS is useless and the FBI is fighting everyone for turf, the CIA is quivering with terror and the NSA is doing its dirty work in private. No one is cooperating and the Bush people have created a Byzantine atmosphere that makes any kind of coordination impossible. The Russians and the Arab militants are laughing at us as are the North Koreans, the PRC people and now even the French and British. The latter are stuck, for the time being, with Suckass Blair but it is strongly rumored that his own party is going to dump him…and the UKs participation in the Iraqi Disaster. As far as Bush is concerned, the Imperial wagon train is starting to circle and the frightened Rove is making irrational noises because he knows he will have to be thrown to the wolves if he can’t find a major distraction soon. The Aruba nonsense has about run its course and there is no more Michael Jackson to occupy the trailer park people. They are getting frantic and frantic people, desperate to hang on to what once appeared to be inexorable Imperial power, will do very stupid things. When this happens, the mass of the public will eventually demand their removal and it will then be so.

maandag 18 juli 2005

July 18, 2005

Here I am, sticking a sharp pencil into the ear of our God-Given Protectors! I am referring to the little bit I sent out on the computer hacking in your last issue. Roars of fury from various sources, some of which penetrated into the Fag Palace here and which I have gleefully been listening to. Well, there will be official silence, for the time being, on this but I stumbled onto an interesting study, which I will have sent on to selected members of Congress and the sterling mainline media of the United States. In short, what I said last time about interdiction, invasion and clandestine looting of the websites of foreign governments and banks has been going on for some time. There is an ongoing struggle, at very high levels, between the newly cleansed DHS [National Cyber Security Division (NCSD)] and the ultra secret NSA over such break-ins. The DHS sub agency responsible for this is called the IIA or the Internal Intelligence Agency and is credited with completely illegal invasions of not only private computers in America but also very high level diplomatic systems located at the various embassies inside the Beltway…those people out on Massachusetts Avenue’s embassy row get all kinds of kind attentions from “telephone” repairmen and other pleasant types but most of the dirty work is done all the way across the continent.

Targeted inside the United States are anti-Bush websites and the personal emails of those running them, businesses that are not friendly to the President, financial institutions that might be involved with financing individuals or projects looked upon with disfavor by the Bush/Rove gang and anyone disliked by senior members of DHS to include relatives, personal enemies, ex-wives and so on. There is <>absolutely no oversight<> to this crew whatsoever and they have even been known to look into senior officers at the Pentagon that do not 100% support Our Sacred President’s Dreams of Empire. It is rumored, from otherwise reliable sources inside the Beltway, that these snoops have even gotten into the computer systems of Guckert/Gannon types to see if there might be future trouble for the Head Chimpanzee. In the course of their poking, they apparently came across Certain Very Sensitive Names and by all accounts, are planning to use this to increase both their power and budget. Exactly what the late Colonel John Edgar Hoover used to do.

vrijdag 15 juli 2005

July 15, 2005

Had lunch today with a good friend from Department of State. Fascinating conversation that your readers might be interested in. Seems the folks there are becoming highly agitated because a certain “front operation” for DHS has been breaking into the confidential computers of mid-east banking concerns, initially spying on certain Saudi bank accounts believed to be controlled by the bin Laden family. I made notes and these are the banks involved in the clandestine hacking:

National Commercial Bank, Riyad
Riyad Bank, Riyad
Saudi American Bank, Riyad
Al Rajhi Banking and Investment Corp., Riyad
Saudi British Bank, Riyad
Arab National Bank, Riyad (Arab Bank Subs.)
Al Bank Al Saudi Al Fransi, Abha
Saudi Hollandi Bank, Riyad
Al-Jazeera bank, Riyad
Al-Akami bank, Riyad
Al Bank Al Saudi Al Tejari Al Muttahed, Dammam
Faysal Islamic Bank of Bahrain, Jeddah
International bank, Riyad
Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah
Saudi Arabian Agricultural Bank, Riyadh
Saudi Cairo Bank, Riyadh
Saudi Development and Industrial Corp., Riyadh
Saudi French bank, Riyad
Saudi Investment Bank, Riyad
Saudi United commercial bank, Riyad
United Saudi Bank, Riyadh
Western union, Jeddah
World Bank, Riyadh

It looks like the clearing house SAMA uses is SWIFT, The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, Avenue Adèle 1, B-1310 La Hulpe, Belgium. Their “secure” electronic transfers have also, apparently, been breached by the snoopers. State is afraid that if the Royal family of Saudi Arabia ever finds out that we are snooping, if we are, into their own personal financial dealings, it could cause immense trouble over oil. The State people are livid with rage over this because of the collateral damage that could result but my friend told me that DHS is run by a bunch of rejects from the BATF and who have no oversight and less intelligence. I would wager that certain previous financial transactions between the Bush interests and the bin Laden family will never be mentioned. Toss this up in the air and see if anyone is interested. Perhaps Conyers might be and even the New York Times (who is growing increasingly disenchanted with the Bush machine) might find this of interest. There are some very skilled hackers out there and even worse are the so-called “crackers” who are contract specialists hired specifically to break high level security codes. Surely the right hand knoweth not what the left hand doeth! Selah

donderdag 7 juli 2005

July 7, 2005

The explosions and carnage in London were terrible, though not as serious as the Madrid ones, but not unexpected. The Mossad had wind of this and tipped off both the U.S. and British people. Either the Anglo-Saxons people are stupid (in the case of the Brits, not so) or this was viewed, like 911, as something that would be beneficial to the Coalition to stiffen flagging British, and American, growing resistance to the war. Cynical but typical of both Bush and Blair, his head puppet. Odd it should happen right when all the leaders are in Scotland, just in time for them all to vow to fight to the bitter end. No one knows how many died and there were many hundreds of wounded, many of whom will die. Qui bono!

zondag 3 juli 2005

July 3, 2005

A nasty fight over the Supreme Court is obviously brewing. The Christian Right wants an appointee who will dish any kind of abortion and the Republican Right wants one that will make Bush President-For-Life. They have already been trying to repeat the Amendment that mandates only two terms but that fell flat. There are muttered plans to revive a draft because the recruiting has tanked, Weekend Warriors are dying like flies and there are rumors of growing anger in both the troops on active duty in Iraq and their families. By releasing their documents and keeping their reporter out of jail, TIME has revealed what all of us here knew; that it was Fat Karl Rove who outed the Palme woman. This is a clear cut felony so we are all rubbing our hands together, picturing Fat Karl in the Showers at some Federal Penal country club being Gannoned by a black person of the type that Rove hates. Sweet revenge for all of us. If Bush keeps old Turdblossom on after all this, he will have committed a cardinal sin for which he and his administration will pay dearly. No, Bush will keep Rove as long as he can and no, Bush will never get out of Iraq.

vrijdag 1 juli 2005

July 1, 2005

The is growing and increasingly frantic concern here in the Monkey Palace about the loss of popular support for both Bush and his programs. Note that when Bush gave his “important” pep rally to the soldiers, none of them applauded. They sat on their hands. The Bush people were livid and now they have concocted the story that the soldiers were “ordered not to applaud” so as not to disturb the “vital message the President” was delivering. Bush is detested in professional military circles. He is seen as wrecking the Army for his weird political agenda and for such stupid acts as replacing the Humvee with thin-skinned mini-vans, huge numbers of which were ordered at the request of a failing GM. A BB gun would make a hole in these completely unarmored vehicles and the command structure is boiling at what is obviously a money-making ploy on the part of what is increasingly seen as a corrupt White House. No, they sat on their hands this time and probably Bush is never going to address a canned audience again.

Bush’s speech is typical of the man. He is not going to get out of Iraq. Bush never backs down and will not budge an inch, no matter how much logic, and public opinion, is against him. The rebels are getting stronger, in spite of the official babblings that they are “on their last legs,” and the death tolls, even the doctored ones, are continuing to rise. One of these find summer days, the lid will blow off of this sorry mess and we here will all be unemployed. On another note, the Gannon businesshave mercifully, for Bush, vanished but the Buklldog, stupid as a post, has put it around that he wants to come back and be a member of the White House Press Corps! Never happen. The Neocons are hissing into the President’s ears that we must have a draft if Dreams of Imperial Glory are to be realized but if an increasingly alienated Congress gets wind of this, they will nail Bush up in a box and toss it into the Potomac.