woensdag 30 maart 2005

March 30, 2005

If you are going to publish my various contributions, I have a pile of interesting documents for you to include in the Appendix. Subjects are varied but can include: How Much Money George Bush and Dick Cheney have Made since 2000; Rampant Pedophilia in High Circles; War Plans aimed at Israel’s Enemies; Tentative Deals with Bush-Friendly brokers for Social Security Investments;

Tom DeLay…How to make Millions while Screwing Everybody; the White House Guest List or Come Often and Bring Money!

You will never get a main-line publisher to even look at the ms, let alone publish it. The second the White House heard about such a deal, Fat Karl the Eunuch would be on the phone hissing threats and you would be sol in twenty seconds. If you publish it outside the country, the trained, ever-obedient media will call the publisher a supporter of bin Laden who keeps tiny children in his cellar for evil purposes. That’s how things are done around here; the forceful and threatening telephone call.

One of these days, the unions will find out what Bush and Rove really think of them and they will all go out on strike. Look what happened when Hoffa crossed the government. Or the Reverend Moon. Or Lyndon La Rouche. Indictments for tax fraud and nice jail sentences. This kind of behavior is not a Republican specialty but has been practiced by the bureaucracy for years.

Poor Martha Stewart was gigged for nothing in order to take the heat off of Ken Lay. Martha just took her stock brokers advice to see some stock but Lay is a genuine swindler who ripped off billions, keeping some, giving lots more to George and his politicial ambitions and now is beyond prosecution. Put Kenny Boy on the stand and if he ever talked, George would be in cuffs come sundown and off to Atlanta for ten years rest.

Some reputable scholar finds unnerving documents misfiled in the National Archives and wants to publish them. If the American Oligarchy doesn’t want them to see the light of day, they harass the scholar for months until either he gives up or kills himself. Innuendo, false rumor and prosecution are the ultimate weapons of the current Administration and Fat Karl the Eunuch is a past master at the vicious and completely unprincipled attacks on anyone and any institution he does not like or whom he views as a threat to his Very Own Precious George.

The recent hoohaw over the Florida turnip was thoroughly repulsive, especially in light of the nasty and bad taste remarks made around here over the repulsive attempts to “save” the poor, brain-dead woman.

I am attaching here a Godawful joke being passed around the various offices here about her condition. These are the shallow-minded sadists that now run this country and my party. Both into the ground it seems.

maandag 28 maart 2005

March 28, 2005

Many and varied topics to discuss. One of my jobs is to keep an eye on various Internet sites that might prove of interest here. There are some really significant sites but most are utter garbage. The worst are the so-called Bloggers. These sites contain reams of endless, badly-written nonsense, most of which reflects the writer’s totally unimportant views, pictures of his really ugly wife, his uglier dog or cat, his favorite Country and Western music, his endless opinions about anything and everything imaginable from plots to blow up the WTC with bubble gum weapons to ancient stories about CIA mind control, CIA weather control, and various brilliantly written stories that have long fallen out of the current news such as the Real Truth About Watergate or, horrors, the Challenger disaster. The underlying motivation behind the Bloggers can be found in the therapy wards of various institutions where the loonies are given crayons (nothing with sharp points, please!) and paper so they can draw stick figures representing their Grandmother sitting on a hot stove. Well, the empty drums make the most noise. I consider it therapy for the dim of wit but I wish I didn’t have to put on rubber boots and wade through it every day. A cesspit would be more interesting. And in the final analysis, if you have nothing worthwhile to say, don’t waste your time or mine.

Also, I am putting together a very long list for your readers of prominent, pious and loud-mouthed leaders of the Charismatic, Evangelical and Pentecostal churches, and will publish right out in the open, all their documented criminal records; arrests for fraud and misappropriation of trusting parishioner’s money and various forms of ugly child abuse, wife-beating, check kiting, drunk driving, public flashing, contacts with neo-Nazi ideological groups and much, much more!. My readers will be thrilled to see how the spokespersons for the Moral Majority and Jesus, the Republican Avenger, love to wallow in their own filth.

We have to listen to them?

Most of them should be stripped naked, beaten into pulp, then covered with tar and burnt alive at public ceremonies.

And now to more interesting sexual deviancies for my readers to enjoy. It seems, from a secret CIA evaluation, now circulating here at the Monkey Palace, that Israeli Prime Minister Sharon, in addition to real estate swindles and the butchery of Arab civilians, is also a well-known pedophile with a penchant for sweet young Arab boys! His strongest defender, one Steven Plaut, connected with the University of Haifa in Israel, and safe from American law enforcement, once ran two pedophile websites, one located in Tel Aviv and the other in Washington, D.C. Plaut, who has previously had serious issues with child pornography, is a member of a “select group” of “enlightened” Israeli citizens, many of whom are very well-connected in the current Sharon Administration. Our very own American Administration perverts only like muscular servicemen but our Greatest Ally seems to like the smooth bottoms of young Arabs. There is an old Persian poem, which translates as "Across the river lives a boy, who has an ass like a peach, but, alas, I cannot swim." Perhaps this is Ariel Sharon's motto. When the IDF is not engaged in shooting teenagers to death or running over occupied strollers with their tanks, they seem to like other pleasures of the flesh.

One of Bush's Secret Service people who talks to me reports that one of the reasons Bush has invited Ariel Sharon to Crawford, Texas instead of the White House on April 11th, is the privacy of the ranch. He tells me Bush has engaged the services of a group of ex-Secret Service people in Texas who operate a very clandestine company for hire, mainly for the use of ex-Presidents, (apparently Gorilla Bush, the 41st President, put his son the Chimpanzee in touch with them,) to procure a couple of young, smooth and pretty Mexican boys from across the border for one night during Sharon's visit. My informant believes they will be for Sharon's fat and sweaty pleasure, although nobody has said so directly. The purchase order requires that the children will not speak a word of English, will be brought over the border in an unmarked closed vehicle with Mexican registration and Secret Service clearance, and afterwards will be returned the same way. They will never even be aware that they have been outside of Mexico, and a few thousand dollars paid to the parents will ensure their silence. (I suppose one can take some comfort that there is no plan to kidnap and dispose of the children "with extreme prejudice" afterwards - someone around here still has a trace of conscience. Or perhaps it is just that Sharon needs them willing and glad to service him.) Sadly, I am unable to find out - you can imagine how I would like to - whether the payment to the Texas procurers is to be made from American taxpayer funds or not.

As a Jew, albeit a Reformed Jew, I am furious about this kind of perverted behavior and also at the obvious joy the Sharon people and their IDF seem to take in brutally slaughtering Palestinians and obliterating their homes, on the slightest pretext. As Jews celebrated the joyful holiday of Purim last week (the 14th of Adar fell on Good Friday) we contemplated Queen Esther's happy salvation of the Jews in Persia, enjoyed our hamentaschen, and sent shalach manos round to our friends. The holiday sadly felt utterly polluted by Ariel Sharon and his demonic t'zelem. I feel, as do many of my American Jewish friends, that we here will have to pay the approaching and terrible bill for their perverted savagery. Sharon wants to found a Greater Israeli Reich, modeled on Hitler’s Greater German Reich, and to deport or kill off all the current Arab inhabitants of that bloody country. A clear case of the abused child becoming the abusing adult.

He does not need to worry about American pubic opinion because he and the AIPAC have George Bush, Karl Rove and Jerry Falwell right in their pockets. They own or control all of the American media from Time-Warner to the New York Times and Washington Post so we here see what they want us to see and nothing else. My more evil co-religionists have a death grip, not only on the White House and the media but on American foreign policy as well. Bush and his trained apes are ruining our economy; the dollar is in steady decline against almost all foreign currency, the balance of trade is a terrible disaster, our military policy, which exists solely to support Israeli Mideast goals, is killing both innocent Iraqi civilians by the tens of thousands and at the least over 6,000 GIs. Oil is not being sold, by nearly every producer, to the United States because they view Bush as another Hitler or Stalin and his soldiers as SS thugs and gas will eventually reach $5.00 a gallon at the pump, at least according to a Treasury Department confidential bulletin. When that happens, the pleasure-loving Americans might actually get fed up with Adolf Bush and throw him and his pseudo-intellectual thugs into the Potomac.

Africans are dying in incredible numbers now; AIDS and other diseases are raging unchecked throughout that continent and in the White House, no one cares. The blacks there, I have heard Fat Karl Rove say, can do nothing for us so why should we do anything for them? Bush and Rove do not like blacks and neither did John Ashcroft, former AG. It’s nice to live in a free democracy, isn’t it? One run by ideologues and perverts.

I hear there is an opening for the very busy job of public executioner in Texas (the last one died of exhaustion when George Bush was getting writers cramp signing death warrants) and I might take it in preference to hanging out with the worst bunch of thieving ideological creeps and thugs I have ever encountered outside of a Teamsters’ meeting. Well, I didn’t vote for the swine but I am beginning to regret ever working for him. He who touches pitch shall be defiled and I am feeling very dirty these days.

vrijdag 25 maart 2005

March 25, 2005

I have just finished looking through a huge file generated by the DoS about all the loot the Bush family have been accumulating since he took office. This man is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg and the rest of his family is not any better. This is only a brief sampling for your entertainment and later we discover sets of diamond two caret earrings for the wife and Imperial Daughters, a platinum diamond-studded Rolex for the Emperor, the first valued at $200,000 and the latter at only $80,000 and on and on. The cheap junk goes to a Christian charity and the rest ends up in the hands of the family. No wonder they tried so hard and spent so much money to get into the White House. Oil prices are going through the roof, the dollar is worth nothing, the country is falling apart as I speak but the Bush family is making out just fine, thank you very much. I recall the story of Marie Antoinette’s famous diamond necklace that started the French Revolution. When your jobs is outsourced to India, your pension stops paying out, your Social Security goes Dixie, feel proud that the Bush family will not have to suffer.”

· On January 30th, 2003, President Bush received a watch with a black leather band, white gold housing and perpetual calendar held in a black leather case from Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers. Valued at $12,000

· On February 3, 2003. President Bush received a clock, 11” gold-plated silver and enamel with date display, paintings of wildlife on three sides, and a pale blue domed top painted with gold stars, held in a blue leather presentation case. From Hamad hin Essa Al Kahalifa, King of Bahrain and valued at $4,000.

· On February 27, 2003, President Bush received an 80” by 118” red Afghan area rug from Hamid Karzai, Chairman of the Interim Authority of Afghanistan. Valued at $4.500.

· On May 8, 2003, President Bush received a sterling silver mantel clock with round face and set on half moon wooden base with five gnus around the edge; held in a red leather presentation case. From His Highness Shiekh Hamad bin Khalfia Al Thani, Amir of the State of Quatar. Valued at $3,000.

· On May 28, 2003, President Bush received a jade table clock with gold detailing and topped with pearl-studded crown . From Vladimir Putin, Russian Chief of State. Value at $7,500

· On June 3, 2003, President Bush received a gold-rimmed oyster shell box with gold outline of Baharain on inside of lie and filled with many pearls. From Shaykh Hamid bin Essa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain. Valued at $2,500.

· On June 3, 2003, President Bush received a mantel clock with malachite base and statue of horse on top detailed in silver and gold vermeil and held in a green leather case. From Abdannah bin Abd al-Aziz, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and Commander of the National Guard. Valued at $8,500.

· On June 5, 2003, President Bush received a silk rug depicting the crucifixion of Christ. From Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar. Valued at $5,200.

· On July 11, 2003, President Bush received an oil painting. From Yowen Kaguta Musevein, President of Uganda. Valued at $5,600.

· On July 15, 2003, President Bush received a set of Egerman Bohemian crystal sherry glasses with silver detailing and matching decanter. From Vladimir Spidla, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. Valued at $1,244.

· On July 20, 2003, President Bush received an alabaster sculpture, “The Flight from Carthage.” From Silvia Berlusconi, Presiodent of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic. Valued at $4,500.

· On September 26, 2003, President Bush received a book containing pictures of the forty three presidents and studded with precious stones. From Vladimir Putin, Russian Chief of State. Valued at $45, 000.

· On May 9, 2003, the First Lady received a pair of pearl earrings set in 18 k gold. From the President of the Phillipines. Valued at $2,500.

· On June 3, 2003, the First Lady received a matching set of diamond and sapphire jewelry, including earrings, bracelet, ring and necklace. From the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Valued at $95,000.

· On July 21, 2003, the First Lady received a silver choker necklace with 3.12 carets of diamonds in three tiers. From Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic. Valued at $7,500.

· On October 19, 2003, the First Lady received a gold and silver apple shaped box with a diamond inlay. From Her Majesty, Queen Sinkit of Thiland. Valued at $3,500.

· On June 3, 2003, the First Family received jewelry consisting of Bvlgari white gold necklace, ring and earring set of pearls and diamonds. From the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Valued at $8,500.

· On June 3, 2003, the First Family received jewelry consisting of a white gold hecklace, ring, and earring set of diamonds set in black onyz. From the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Valued at $8,000.

maandag 21 maart 2005

March 21, 2005

This is a really interesting period of my life. The public is discovering that our Republic is run by fags and Jesus freaks, the President is stealing the Treasury for his retirement fund, we are losing the war in Iraq, the PRC is threatening to dump our dollars and ruin us, gas will go to $5 a gallon, our Senate is wasting time trying to pose as saviors of a brain-dead turnip in Florida, we have no oil coming in and they are going to drill everywhere possible, including downtown Houston and Arlington Cemetery, it’s very clear that Bush and Rove have perverted and bought out the media wholesale so that no one believes what any of them say anymore, the religious wierdos are trying to force their fairy tale nonsense on everyone else, there is a growing frenzy in the White House to manufacture some “terrorist” incident so that doubting Americans can return to worship at Bush’s shrine, our “allies” are leaving our Coalition in droves, we bribed the Italian Prime Minister to stay with us, ( the Poles and Ukrainians can easily be bribed with the chump change in Bush’s living room couch), thousands of soldiers are deserting, shooting themselves in the feet or fleeing to Ireland or Canada, Jeff Gannon and Ken Lay are threatening to “tell all’ if Bush doesn’t do something nice for them. Like pardon them and rehire them. This list goes on and on and now you see why I call this the Monkey Palace.

If the Bush supporters in Iowa could spend one day in this place, they would reregister Communist and chase Bush, Fat Karl and others down Pennsylvania Avenue armed with farm implements. Fat Karl would be the first to collapse and the mob would be carrying bits and pieces of him around the Mall on pikes. FOX would go into mourning and the pathetic “Ann Coulter” would go back to the family pig farm in tears. Yesterday, I encountered a staffer, an older woman with sensible shoes and a cat at home named ‘Mr. Wumples’ who actually cried in my office because she discovered certain very ugly things about Her Sacred President. She may quit and take up work as a crematory operator. I always say you get what you pay for and when the Fiscal End Days come upon us and Bush is safe from extradition in his new tica in Costa Rica, that loud noise in the background is me laughing because all of my money is tied up in gold and euros.

woensdag 16 maart 2005

March 16, 2005

The clock is ticking on the Chinese ultimatum over the question of US support for Taiwan. Bush is inclined to “call the chink’s bluff” but others are not as confident. The counter-attack, viz: "We won’t do any more business with you and pull your economic rug right out from under you if you don’t back down,” is not going to work. Also, Bush’s plan to pour money into India (he ought to, because they are getting all of our technical jobs now) as a counter-balance to the PRC is not going to work either. India has the population but not the resources and the Chinese are homogeneous and very focused. Japan is too tied to the US to be of much use any more and China is pissed off over Japanese rumblings about increasing their military power in an arena that China now views as its very own. They both hate each other and are starting to renew their old quarrels albeit less violently. China sees that Japan, and possibly Korea, will support Taiwan and are now getting ready to flex their muscles. The government of Taiwan, hopefully believing in unquestioned US military support (as it has for decades) is probably due for a very nasty surprise. First off, if the PRC makes good on its threats to dump dollars, the US economy will tank almost at once because others will rush to dump their dollars and not be caught with the very dirty end of the stick. However, the joker in this deck is Bush who is liable to do almost anything except the rational thing. We are no longer a manufacturing country but a debtor country and China’s economy is booming. If they take over Taiwan, they can add their industrial development to their own and emerge from a short, nasty and fratricidal war , way ahead of everyone else. The PRC holds all the aces in this game and all Bush can do is to hope for a good bluff. I learned a long time ago not to play poker with the Chinese. They don’t move unless they are certain of their hand and they will play it. More later…

zaterdag 12 maart 2005

March 12, 2005

The hot topic here today, and probably for a week or so, isn’t the Gannon scandal which has more or less died away. Gannon has been quiet and no one here in the White House even remembers who he was. Officially.

The concern here is the PRC. They have been annoyed with Bush for his clumsy and arrogant behavior towards not only them but just about everyone else. Bush is pig-headed and totally devoid of any diplomatic skills. Rice in narrow-minded and clever but inflexible. The problem is that the PRC has always believed that Taiwan was a part of China and must eventually be reunited. This does not sit well with the people of Taiwan and there has been ongoing tension. To show how clever he was, Bush sent US naval units to the area last year and in essence stuck his tongue out at the mainland Chinese. Now, Beijing has retaliated. They have warned Bush, through the DoS that they would no longer tolerate any interference by the Bush Administration in their problems with Taiwan and they went on to <>demand<>, not request, that Bush back off.

He was told, again, not asked, that if he did not make a public statement to the effect that the United States believed that the problems between the two entities could be solved between them and wished to remain strictly neutral, they would retaliate against the US. In other worse, if Beijing decided to invade Taiwan, which they are now seriously planning, Bush would have to butt out and stay out. Their threat? Clever. If he keeps up his current nose-thumbing at Beijing, they will repeg their currency and dump all of their US treasury holdings on the market and never again buy any US paper.

This would be a devastating blow to our economy and the Chinese, and the world banking systems know it. If China did this, all the other countries holding American notes would very quickly follow suit so as not to be caught with increasingly worthless paper. I understand from a friend at the DoS that the note was civil but devoid of any of the usual diplomatic bs. In essence, Bush was ordered to butt out and stay out or the Chinese would at once carry out their threats.

Those in the know are horrified but many of wonder if Bush is even aware of this (he is told what his handlers want him to hear and nothing else…he never reads any newspapers or watches anything on TV but the sports programs…and no one at Foggy Bottom has any idea what to do.) It is well-known that the Chinese do what they say and if there is no Bush response very quickly, there will be hell to pay economically.

The standard threat from the Bush people is that we would cease doing business with them unless they followed our orders but now, the Chinese have been quickly opening up other markets to compensate for their anticipated loss of American trade and the DoS and CIA people feel that they have found more than enough support in Europe and elsewhere from countries that are outraged by the Bush drumfire of malicious threats. This man is going to destroy the United States economy all by his pin-headed self!

woensdag 9 maart 2005

March 9, 2005

There are two topics under discussion these days amongst senior staff here. The first one is the fall out from the Gannon revelations and the second concerns itself with the ongoing military projects against Syria and Iraq. The Gannon business has been officially shut off in the media by general agreement except for people like tbr news and they are all hoping, and praying, it will vanish like s snowball in hell. There are really no revelations to come out of this with the exception of the question about why Bush and his people would knowingly hire such an unsavory person and openly patronize them for so long.

Rumors and jokes continue to swirl here in the White House and in the Press Corps about the connections, physical and otherwise, between Karl Rove's favorite anal masseur Jeff Gannon/Jim Fuckert and the famous trans-sexual drag queen "Ann Coulter." (Who is really Arthur Coltrane of Pickens County, Georgia, sometime scion of a hog-farming family headed by "her" mother, heiress Darlene Coltrane.) In defense of Gannon/Guckert and his revolting escapades, "Ms." Coulter, normally totally vicious toward homosexuals, instead gave Gannon/Fuckert a free ride, (so to speak,) and turned her/his viper's tongue on a dear lady old enough to be his/her grandmother, and said: "Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the President."

If you think my letters to you are sometimes filthy, you should hear what some folks around here have to say about this trio's obvious sticking up for each other, (so to speak.) Everyone wants to know what is the business relationship between "Ms." Coulter/Coltrane, and "Ms." Gannon/Guckert, and "Ms." Karl Rove, also known down at the disgusting Glory Hole nightclub in Southwest DC by his after-hours private alias, Ivana Mann. Apparently Fat Karl uses a simple disguise to sneak in, then sheds it once he is inside. Some of the fruitbowls around here, (yes, this Administration is literally swarming with them, but we treat them respectfully as long as they do their job and don't harm anyone,) who have "encountered" Fat Karl down there in the Glorious Club's darkened private rooms, say he should use a couple of middle initials with that stage name, as in: Ivana B.A. Mann. They also say they would NEVER have sex with him -first, without his clothes on he looks like a scoop of grease from a tub of Crisco, and second, they are afraid of what diseases he might be carrying. For the record, a lot of the young, clean-cut, bible-toting pansies around here are quite good-looking. No doubt, just having them around keeps Fat Karl, and his sexually ambiguous boss the Antichrist, feeling young at heart.

The story that keeps getting repeated is that Bush only managed to conceive his two daughters under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and ever since he gave up illegal substances in pursuit of politics and the Christian vote, he regards Laura as merely the "lump in the bed next to him." (His very own words - on the record.) Poor Laura is not disliked around here - everyone feels sorry for her, because someday she is probably going to go down in flames along with her husband of the weak brain (and other organs too.) For the brainwashed and double-crossed Christians out there who feel a need to consult their Bible on this matter, they may read about the Bush White House: "A Whited Sepulcher, which indeed appears beautiful outward, but is within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." (Matthew 23:27) How about that for a prophecy?

Meanwhile the salacious Gannon/Guckert story is all the rage in Europe and the Arab world. (The Press Room is an international place.) But the pimps and shills from the US media won't touch it - they may exchange filthy jokes about "Ms." Arthur Coltrane and Jim Guckert and Fat Karl in all those idle hours waiting to be told the latest lie from the Antichrist via Scott McClellan, but everyone in the US media is hoping to be approached by McClellan with open checkbook in hand, to be offered a propaganda piece for publication as "news."

The military plans have been in train for some time now and Bush and Rove felt that if George smiled while on his last trip to old and evil Europe and didn’t piss on their carpets, as he has done in the White House back when he was a soggy, fall-down drunk, then old and evil Europe would willingly send their own troops to police the increasingly dangerous Iraq and release US troops to invade Syria and attack Iran. It is well known here that Israel has been whining and demanding that Bush do this and he would love to oblige but there are certain logistical problems involved. Like no troops and little chance of getting any more. No draft and recruiting has tanked badly here. The Neocons are running around, hissing into the Imperial ear but in truth, there is little Bush can do right now. Bush sees this as perpetual war for perpetual peace but with the Mid Terms looming, Congress is being careful. And the Bush budget and the trashing of Social Security are also having serious trouble. After all, a good Congressman doesn’t want to get egg on his face with his electorate, get kicked out and lose out on all the huge bags of case the lobbyists drag around here on a daily basis…

maandag 7 maart 2005

March 7, 2005

I have heard that Helen Thomas' colleagues in the White House Press Corps are not taking Ann Coulter's vicious and typically arrogant pro-Hebrew attack on the dear old lady's Lebanese ethnicity well - she called Ms. Thomas "that old Arab." The Press Corps do not look kindly on the Ice Queen's sneering contempt for their colleague, who is a 60-year veteran and who has been a mother figure to everyone since they were greenhorns in the Press Room.

There is a rumor going the rounds of the Press Corps that in real life Ann Coulter is a man. He/she was once Arthur Coltrane from Pickens County, Georgia, who went to Denmark when he/she was a teenager for a sex-change operation to become a woman, the operation being paid for by his/her wealthy and doting mother, Darlene Coltrane, heiress to a hog-farming fortune. The consensus about "Ms." Coulter/Coltrane in the Press Room is that ONLY a gay man could have such a vicious mouth on him/her. People are saying that his/her stunning blond locks are really a wig, which he/she got in a Copenhagen sex-toys and drag-queen supply shop, when his/her own hair fell out after the hormone shots took effect.

Having seen what makeup could do for drag queen Ru Paul, who in real life is a VERY plain-looking black man, everyone finds it not surprising that "Ms." Ann Coulter/Coltrane would have shunned his/her family hog-farming business for the brighter lights of the big city, since we have heard that without all that Danish foundation cream, he/she might easily have been mistaken for one of the livestock.

The killing of the Italian hostage expert and the attempted assassination of Giuliana Sgrena, is no surprise here. Bush himself loathes the foreign press whom he sees as “impeding” the very brutal actions of his troops in Iraq. More than a few of these journalists have been deliberately iced and more will follow unless and until they either toe the Bush party line or clear out of Iraq. AFP has especially drawn his wrath because he has an unswerving loathing of the French who dared to block his efforts over the illegal invasion of Iraq in the UN.

Bush is like the Bourbons: He learns nothing and forgets nothing. One of the top news people at CNN was sacked when he touched on this subject and this was because Bush and some of his top financial backers made it very clear that there would be an economic war with CNN over this exposure.

I have said many, many times that George W. Bush is a very petty, very vindictive and extremely vicious man towards any individual or organization that dares to oppose his wishes and if he had his way, the Internet would be shut down and his growing legion of critics jailed tomorrow morning. This man is not Hitler; he is the living incarnation of Ivan the Terrible or Caligula. If it were not for the controls over him by at least part of Congress and the bulk of the courts, (plus a very serious, and growing, disquietude at the highest levels of our armed forces) we would see prison camps, public whippings and the National Guard on every street corner.

I had dinner at the Hay-Adams the other night and a Senator (actually Republican!) told me the following funny story. He said that Air Force One with Bush and Rove on board, accidentally lost a wing over Kansas and crashed into a bean field. He asked me then, “Who was saved?” To my reply that I didn’t have the faintest idea, he responded, with a wide grin, “Why the American people!” And the Bush people consider this man to be a stalwart supporter!

The military establishment, the banking establishment, the East Coast establishment, a growing number of Congressmen and other members of the so-called power elite, are getting thoroughly annoyed and even frightened by the slavering fascists inside the Oval office. This Gannon incident is only a goad to their rising, and potentially very dangerous, anger. These people tolerate presidents as long as they do not interfere with occupations and profits but this nut is going too far. His global policies, dictated by a group of right wing crazies with total loyalty to the state of Israel, is ruining our foreign relations and, worse, trade. His fiscal policies which sound like something on an Internet nut site have done terrible and very probable long term damage to the US global and domestic economy. His frenzies to Christianize the American government is a raging psychosis that is enraging far more than the 49% who voted against him in the last election.

There are now ongoing discussions held in such places as the Metropolitan Club, the Cosmos Club and in private homes in the more exclusive places in the United States about removing George and his gang of faggots from power. Gays know, some of them tell me, that George “really doesn’t hate gays” for reasons I will not put down here but ought to be obvious, but is catering to the religious freaks from whom all political blessings flow.

Bush has been, and is being, the most divisive President in American history and probably the most personally corrupt. Rove’s brilliant control of the passive American media will stave off the coming deluge for a while but the longer it builds up, the worse the final results will be.

woensdag 2 maart 2005

March 2, 2005

I must confess that I haven’t had so much entertainment in all my career working for the Republicans, both in and out of the White House and for various papers. This “Gannon” story has one half of the staff, the senior members, in a state of gibbering terror lest they be “outed:,” and the rest in a state of growing outrage.

We have a lot of Nice Christian People here working in the offices and they previously have had a great devotion to Bush but now, with the revelations about “Gannon the Male Whore” growing, many of them are becoming very disillusioned. I know for a fact that wealthy contributors are calling here daily, screaming about “Gannon” and the Christian Right is knotting itself in agony over this. They, who loathe and despise all gays, are absolutely refusing to confront the obvious facts that a rampant and self-advertising gay whore and procurer was the poster boy of the Republican Right for at least three years.

No one with an IQ over ten believes that the Secret Service, in checking over “Gannon’s” press applications would have missed what an army of bloggers discovered in ten minutes on the internet. Certainly, in all fairness, the majority of the staff here at the White House had no idea that “Gannon” was a raging faggot nor that there were others of the same persuasion in control of both the President and the staff here.

Rove is feared but loathed by most of the people here because of his absolute viciousness but now because of his “close association” with “Gannon” of the fake “Talon” agency, his reputation is rapidly declining and those whom he has trashed are now sharpening their knives for him. Oh yes, there were a number of us who knew the truth but we kept it to ourselves.

By the way, if, as is strongly rumored, Guckert even thinks about selling certain very confidential tape recordings he made with rampant but secret gays both here and in top circles of the GOP to anyone, he will be a dead man before the sun goes down.

Still, this pathetic whore had delusions of grandeur while he was here. Very close to George Bush and Rove, he thought he owned this place and although my fifteen year old son can write a much better story, he thought he was a real power. “Gannon” was a tool, from the first to the last. He was known to be a practicing homosexual but was hired on and kept because of this and nothing else. “Gannon” was, in essence, a high-level pimp for all the Republican gays in Congress and the government. There is even a very strong rumor that he was involved with Tony Blair and other foreign visitors and was encouraged to tape these encounters so Rove could blackmail them.

All of this vicious mess is very slowly but surely coming close to the President himself and the plotters and schemers are starting to twitch and sweat. Bush was reelected by the Moral Majority people and now that they are beginning to discover that they newly-minted God has feet of rotting clay, there is great discomfiture among the electorate and, very importantly, the Congressional mid-term elections are coming up and the fury of the conned Religious Right has the very real prospect of doing bad things to Bush-supporting Republicans.

Rove is, to be blunt, the evil genius here and, speaking as a Republican, something ought to be done about kicking him out of the White House and making him take most of his inverted staff with him. He is not only bringing terrible discredit onto my party but, in the end, on the nation as well.

Here is another piece of thrilling news, leaving the fudge-packers alone for now. A press release, concocted right here in the Baboon Palace claims that Porter Goss is complaining how hard he must work preparing lengthy and intellectual daily intelligence briefs for George Bush, who is an “avid reader” of such. This is puffery at its worst. Goss is an idiot and Bush won’t read anything but occasional portions of the sports pages. Next, the flacks here are working on a sickening but hilarious story about Our Beloved President’s work on a deeply introspective book on the Future of America. I have seen some of Bush’s original notes and memos and he has the brains of an earwig. But by the time Fat Karl the Eunuch gets through “enhancing” them, at least the secretaries can read them.