If you are going to publish my various contributions, I have a pile of interesting documents for you to include in the Appendix. Subjects are varied but can include: How Much Money George Bush and Dick Cheney have Made since 2000; Rampant Pedophilia in High Circles; War Plans aimed at Israel’s Enemies; Tentative Deals with Bush-Friendly brokers for Social Security Investments;
Tom DeLay…How to make Millions while Screwing Everybody; the White House Guest List or Come Often and Bring Money!
You will never get a main-line publisher to even look at the ms, let alone publish it. The second the White House heard about such a deal, Fat Karl the Eunuch would be on the phone hissing threats and you would be sol in twenty seconds. If you publish it outside the country, the trained, ever-obedient media will call the publisher a supporter of bin Laden who keeps tiny children in his cellar for evil purposes. That’s how things are done around here; the forceful and threatening telephone call.
One of these days, the unions will find out what Bush and Rove really think of them and they will all go out on strike. Look what happened when Hoffa crossed the government. Or the Reverend Moon. Or Lyndon La Rouche. Indictments for tax fraud and nice jail sentences. This kind of behavior is not a Republican specialty but has been practiced by the bureaucracy for years.
Poor Martha Stewart was gigged for nothing in order to take the heat off of Ken Lay. Martha just took her stock brokers advice to see some stock but Lay is a genuine swindler who ripped off billions, keeping some, giving lots more to George and his politicial ambitions and now is beyond prosecution. Put Kenny Boy on the stand and if he ever talked, George would be in cuffs come sundown and off to Atlanta for ten years rest.
Some reputable scholar finds unnerving documents misfiled in the National Archives and wants to publish them. If the American Oligarchy doesn’t want them to see the light of day, they harass the scholar for months until either he gives up or kills himself. Innuendo, false rumor and prosecution are the ultimate weapons of the current Administration and Fat Karl the Eunuch is a past master at the vicious and completely unprincipled attacks on anyone and any institution he does not like or whom he views as a threat to his Very Own Precious George.
The recent hoohaw over the Florida turnip was thoroughly repulsive, especially in light of the nasty and bad taste remarks made around here over the repulsive attempts to “save” the poor, brain-dead woman.
I am attaching here a Godawful joke being passed around the various offices here about her condition. These are the shallow-minded sadists that now run this country and my party. Both into the ground it seems.
Tom DeLay…How to make Millions while Screwing Everybody; the White House Guest List or Come Often and Bring Money!
You will never get a main-line publisher to even look at the ms, let alone publish it. The second the White House heard about such a deal, Fat Karl the Eunuch would be on the phone hissing threats and you would be sol in twenty seconds. If you publish it outside the country, the trained, ever-obedient media will call the publisher a supporter of bin Laden who keeps tiny children in his cellar for evil purposes. That’s how things are done around here; the forceful and threatening telephone call.
One of these days, the unions will find out what Bush and Rove really think of them and they will all go out on strike. Look what happened when Hoffa crossed the government. Or the Reverend Moon. Or Lyndon La Rouche. Indictments for tax fraud and nice jail sentences. This kind of behavior is not a Republican specialty but has been practiced by the bureaucracy for years.
Poor Martha Stewart was gigged for nothing in order to take the heat off of Ken Lay. Martha just took her stock brokers advice to see some stock but Lay is a genuine swindler who ripped off billions, keeping some, giving lots more to George and his politicial ambitions and now is beyond prosecution. Put Kenny Boy on the stand and if he ever talked, George would be in cuffs come sundown and off to Atlanta for ten years rest.
Some reputable scholar finds unnerving documents misfiled in the National Archives and wants to publish them. If the American Oligarchy doesn’t want them to see the light of day, they harass the scholar for months until either he gives up or kills himself. Innuendo, false rumor and prosecution are the ultimate weapons of the current Administration and Fat Karl the Eunuch is a past master at the vicious and completely unprincipled attacks on anyone and any institution he does not like or whom he views as a threat to his Very Own Precious George.
The recent hoohaw over the Florida turnip was thoroughly repulsive, especially in light of the nasty and bad taste remarks made around here over the repulsive attempts to “save” the poor, brain-dead woman.
I am attaching here a Godawful joke being passed around the various offices here about her condition. These are the shallow-minded sadists that now run this country and my party. Both into the ground it seems.