maandag 28 februari 2005

February 28, 2005

An absolute non-issue with the American print and TV media is the control by very powerful gays of the top policy levels of the White House. Growingly pointed comments inside the Beltway social clubs, homes and watering places about Karl Rove’s “good friend” ‘Jeff Gannon’ are being very thoroughly ignored by the mainline press.

There are two reasons for this crashing silence. One is the fact that a large number of powerful and wealthy Republicans are gay and do not want their wives and children to discover that they put on leather underwear and spend their spare time at the Eagle over on New York Avenue or getting rough trade action at the Crew Club. Fat Karl Rove was seen by one of my people entering a private homosexual orgy at a five-star Washington hotel over the Mid-Atlantic Leather (MAL) weekend last year. All the self-hating loyal Republican gays at the no-pants party, many of them Senatorial aides and military types, of course pretended they didn't recognize him, and who can blame them - imagine how repulsive Fat Karl must look without his clothes. The report that came back was that Fat Karl greatly enjoyed the supervision of a certain hairy 350-lb. Leather Dominator, who had won the Miss Virginia Daddy Bear title at the MAL festivities.

Karl used hang out at JR’s, which is on 17th between P&S, before he became so well-known. This is a “respectable” gay bar for discreet people who do not wear mesh panties, high-heeled pumps and wear terrible wigs. How many people know about these activities? In Washington, a hell of a lot of the prominent. But very few of them dare to open their mouths because of their own small problems.

Power seems to draw gays like moths to a flame.

Johnson’s top aide, Walter Jenkins, used to hang out in public lavatories, propositioning street bums but people like Rove, and others, are <>much<> more discreet.

This country is now completely and thoroughly run by a triad composed of Christian fanatics, sailor-chasing gays and rabid Likudists.

The Jesus Freaks are universally dimwitted and thoroughly obnoxious (except for the oh-so-sweet Ralph Reed…the eternally youthful Reed is in several camps)) but not numerous enough to be really dangerous (but one of their top creatures just loves to rub down muscular young servicemen, many of whom will never be transferred away from the fleshpots of the Beltway) and the gays are mean, self-hating elitists who have no problem bringing their sleazy lovers into the Imperial Presence. It is quite a coup to being a well-built Marine into the White House for a “private tour.” Most grunts are not sophisticated and seeing their host being treated with deference by security people and staff is a powerful aphrodisiac.

There is an expensive apartment, with mirrors on the bedroom and bathroom ceilings, over near DuPont Circle that certain powerful senators take turn visiting with their pickups. At least old Barney Frank is out in the open about his orientation but some of the others, many of whom we can see on CNN preaching and piously touting Family Values, twenty minutes after they have serviced a well-hung sailor in the security of the DuPont Love Nest, and pretend to love their wives while dreaming of the bulging and tattooed arms of a lumberjack from Montana. I could discuss other parts of the male anatomy but arms will suffice. For now.

The Likudists are the most dangerous of all because they are all deep-dyed and ultra fanatic supporters of Israel and they are in defacto control of American foreign policy. It is these creeps that are pushing Bush into a new war with Syria because they consider that country to be a threat to them. They manipulated Bush into the Iraqi Adventure for the same reason.

However, it must be said that Fat Karl the Eunuch was right there, hissing into the hairy Imperial Ear, that a wartime president traditionally could do no wrong and could establish all kinds of delicious controls over a possibly restive population. Rove supported the Likudists and engineered that very funny, and comically phony, ’Abraham Lincoln’ ‘Mission Accomplished’ farce.

Karl is very clever (see ‘Wag the Dog ‘ for more concrete examples) but a mean, spiteful and very vindictive creature whose self-loathing is equaled only by his total control over the weak-willed and easily led Bush.

When I get back a report I loaned to someone, I will be happy to discuss the background and current activities of Ken Mehlman, the head of the Republican Party and, like Fat Karl the Eunuch, a <>warm<> friend of the President…and others. Many others. And there are letters, too, and confidential reports. And more people to discuss with you and your readers.

‘Oh, what a tangled web we weave/ When first we practice to deceive.’

I know about these fag bars and cock emporiums because it is my job to make sure there are no scandals to disturb the Rabid Rove the Queen of the Republican’s goal of being the only political party in the U.S.. I personally have never been in a gay bar but people who work for me have and only because they are following certain interesting people. Eventually, all of this will end up in the print media and you can remember my discussions when that happens. Many of these unfortunates are eagerly in favor of a large army because it improves their choice of stud boyfriends .

Most of these creeps could be easily locked up but they say that punishing a homosexual by putting him in jail is like punishing a moth by locking him in a coat closet. And besides, who would run the country then?

Malice and disapproval aside, the real problem here is this: George W. Bush, supported closely by Karl Rove, was reelected as President of the United States on the so-called Moral Majority vote. In sum, Bush, via Rove, was projected as a moral man who would return a hedonistic America to the simpler virtues of a bygone era. This would be a moral crusade with strong religious overtones. Rove, who is brilliant if depraved, saw this and was successful. A large part of the American public, unhappy with what they saw as debilitating liberalism, abortion on demand, disgusting gay marriage and other forms of what they considered moral decay, put Bush back in office.

What will happen when these devout and angry people discover that their beloved symbolic President is just as bad as the evil, liberal Clinton? It was the Christian Right, financed by the weird Mellon heir, who harassed Clinton and got him impeached because of a seedy affair with the zaftig Monica Lewinski. Now they have to deal with rampant male whores prancing around the White House in consort with a small army of closet queens and all of whom very obviously have the ear, and the confidence, (and hopefully, that’s all they have) of their “moral” choice for President. Shakespeare said that hell had no fury like a woman scorned and from the letters and emails we are getting here, the duped and conned Moral Majority types are going to be a source of great trouble for Bush. How can this happen, you ask? After all, Bush has been elected for four more disastrous years.

The Congressional Mid-Term elections are coming up and betrayed and angry members of the Religious Right will not vote for Bush-type Congressmen and will either not vote or will vote out what they will see as co-conspirators and traitors to their cause. This is the very real danger and since the smelly and mangy cat is out of the bag now, all Bush and Rove can do is to try to find some kind of sensational disaster to cloud the issue as much as possible. (‘Al Quaeda-trained Eskimo terrorists have just blown up the Alaska pipeline!’)

In addition to exposing the freak show in the Monkey Palace, here is a bit more information for your mills to grind. I did not go to Europe with St. George but have access to the official, and unofficial, reports (I have connections with the tour) and you all might be interested to note that the so-called ‘New Beginning with Old Europe’ was a dismal failure. There were the obligatory press PR pictures of Bush smiling and shaking hands with various European heads of state but his goal, to have Europe send troops to Iraq so he could deal militarily with Iran and Syria, ended in complete disaster. The French treated George very coldly and he was told to stop threatening world peace and get out of Iraq.

Neither the French nor the Germans will send any troops to support Bush’s new ‘Drang Nach Osten’ and although the initial reports of the meeting with Putin are not all in, it appears that Bush got his tail caught in the door again. We know that the Oligarchy in Russia, made up of street punks, tried to sell the Russian oil and gas interests to a consortium of British and Americans but Putin put a stop to it. That’s why the American press rants about Vladimir not being democratic enough. In truth, the big oil people want back the money they paid to the now-defunct Oligarchy but Bush was, in essence, told by Putin to piss up a rope. Vladimir is a very dedicated and very capable head of state and his interests are, as he sees it, to advance Russia’s economy, not to cater to the whinings of George Bush and his oil barons.

The general feeling in Russian, French and German diplomatic, political and social circles is that Bush is a menace to world peace and ought to be removed from office before he starts a major war. There is already a major economic war raging with almost all of the world joined to shut down the dollar, spike the cannons of American dominant business interests and bring down, or neutralize, Bush and his cronies. This is all very well and good but all of this clandestine, and very effective, economic warfare will do terrible damage to the American people.

Bush frankly doesn’t give a damn as long as he gets his money in front. This has always been the way he has operated - borrowing money from family friends, gutting the business ventures they paid for and stuffing his obscene profits into his pockets… and overseas bank accounts.

More on all of this massive swindling later and in detail.

zaterdag 19 februari 2005

February 19, 2005

The internet anti-Bush people are completely right about the Karl Rove/Gannon love affair business. I have been repeatedly told by people on the inside that would know, that Rove, who is a closet queen, has had an affair with this creep (it's all over now thanks to the heat generated by the alternate media. )Karl likes to be dominated and Gannon, an ageing weight lifter, likes to be around the seat of power...if you will forgive a terrible pun. Also, Fat Karl is the one, informed sources have repeatedly advised me, that leaked the name of Frau Wilson to Novak.

Fat Karl will now abandon his boyfriend with speed and the entire Baboon Palace will try to start newsworthy trouble somewhere else to keep the boobery interested. The Scott Peterson business is behind us so the bet is that Michael Jackson’s new problems will be integrated with horror stories about the Iranians torturing kittens (a la Bill Frist) and threatening to nuke Mother Israel next Monday.

Rove is a very capable specialist at this sort of jiggery-pokery but if these stories keep building and irate staffers continue to leak out nasty truths, Karl might have to take a new job as U.S. Ambassador in Bangkok. Of course if that happened, Bush would curl up and die right under his desk in the oval office. The removal of Fat Karl the Eunuch would be the de facto conclusion of George W. Bush’s awful career as a political figure.

Remember, folks, we elected George but we did not elect Fat Karl.

Ever since the days of the Blodgett whorehouse, operating out of the Reagan White House, things just haven't been the same around the old Monkey Palace but Fat Karl is setting things right. Most of the professional staff there are entirely normal, if religious ninnies, but for the Elevated Few, things are different. They ought to wear green carnations on a daily basis.

Some malicious people have said that Bush is gay but I doubt it. George can't get an erection, let alone perform sexually with anyone, unless he is stoned and since he is now Pure for Jesus, we can leave him out of the Oscar Wilde Society meetings in the old Map Room.

This is not going to go away and I can see it as a lovely vehicle for outing all kinds of the Beltway prominenten starting with one Supreme Court Justice, several governors (all Republican) and at least one very prominent televangelist.

I personally do not care what lesser lights do for fun, torture of animals and child abuse excluded, (poor Bill Frist!) but a public official has to be held to much higher standards and, by God, ought to be!

This whole sordid and perverted business reeks like a forgotten and rotting crab in your car trunk in July. Such hypocrites! Here the White House people are, piously sucking up to the Moral Majority idiots and pretending to be Jesus’ Representative on Earth, while prancing around the People’s House in drag like a bunch of ageing queens during Frantic Hour at a Georgetown bar!

I worked in the White House during some of the Reagan years and I can tell you for a fact that there was more action in dark closets and back offices than in all of the gay bars in Greenwich Village. None of this ever came near to Reagan who would have thrown up if he knew about the sticky floors and used condoms tossed out of White House windows, to decorate the bushes, but it certainly existed then and it exists now.

If these sleazy hypocrites were not so pious about morality and purity, I might just shrug and give them a pass as I did once before, but as I said, they talk out of one side of their mouths and do quite the opposite in the same dark closets and little-used rooms.

Frankly, they all should be tossed out of the windows like the used condoms the poor gardeners had to shove into trash bags. But it would be better if, instead of tossing them out of the White House windows, (it’s only two stories after all) they would be better tossed off the Empire State building. From the 60th floor.

maandag 14 februari 2005

February 14, 2005

I can well imagine the squealing from readers of my recent comments about the basic stupidity of the American electorate. Kicked dogs yelp and I don’t envy you having to listen to their predictable wails of complaint.

I don’t know if this penetrated into the thick skulls of the complainants but for groups of people like the born-again ninnies, the dim-witted neo Fascist “Patriotic” types and other of their bands to actually believe that George W. Bush is going to actually address their needs is pathetic.

I well recall the visitors that thronged into the Monkey Palace before the elections. Marv Tweedle of the East Jesus, Texas, Eagle Shield Chapter of Patriotic Fascists for Bush would arrive with several other knuckle-draggers and, depending on how many votes old Marv could produce , would be met by a staffer. In a nice conference room, bugged, Marv and old Ernie McDingle would tell the staffer how they wanted every young American in uniform and fighting for their country; how anyone who neglected to take down the school flag when it was raining should be publicly whipped and so on.

The aide, who had a snitch sheet on Marv and Ern proving that they were two short steps removed from a street person, would nod sympathetically and eventually let them in on the information that President Bush was 100% on their side and when he got reelected, would pass this or that bill to further their cause. If Marv and Ern had enough voters behind them, they would actually be ushered into the Oval Office to meet with the Head Chimpanzee. Bush would enter, smile and give them his fake Texas Goodoldboy drawl. Nothing specific would be said because Marv and Ern were told not to mention a thing about what the staffer had promised because this was a secret not to be talked about. The Chimpster gave them about five minutes of his worthless time and out they would go, autographed (by machine) pictures clutched in their sweating palms to go back to East Jesus, Texas and their many voting friends with tales of wonder and joy. .

The identical scenario was repeated when the Reverend Bertil Willer of the Topeka chapter of the Church of the Aryan Redeemer arrived with his bowlegged wife and two Deacons. The Reverend wanted to know if Bush would stop any kind of abortion, promote Jesus in all the public schools and ban rock and roll. And the Harry Potter evil books. Curious George the Monkey would repeat the same performance he had with the Texas fascists, only the machine-signed pictures <>these<> Good and Godfearing boobies got had: “Yours in Christ” above the fake signature.

I have heard Fat Karl the Eunuch laugh about all of this tinhorn theater because Fat Karl knows that there is no way Bush could get Congress to pass a law banning the Constitution and replacing it with the Ten Commandments or to compel every American to have the flag tattooed on their immense and flabby buttocks.

Now, Bush was reelected by these star-struck morons and the chances of their cherished societal changes have gone a-glimmering into the gloaming. In other words, the boobs are shit out of luck. But of course Curious George and Fat Karl don’t give a tuppenny damn because they won and have four more years to loot the treasury, line their pockets and get even with society for laughing at them when they were nerdy, fat, pimply and drooling adolescents.

And those of the electorate who voted for George on these grounds get exactly what they deserve: nothing at all.

Now onto all this fuss about the Gays in the White House….If the Family Values idiots who elected Bush realized how morally corrupt this administration actually was, they would march on Washington with farm implements and torches. The President is a cocaine-snorting, impotent drunk who was made fun of as a spoiled child and hates everyone. His top aide, Fat Karl the Eunuch, was a pathetic, bloated nerd with inch-thick glasses and loathed by everyone in his high school. His own private life is so bad that if these Family Values people or the local Child Protective Services ever heard about it, Fat Karl would be toast. In fact, the inner circles of the White House contain some of the most corrupt people I have ever met and I would under no circumstances allow any of my grandchildren anywhere near them, ever. They are, most of them, polymorph and perverse and those, like Cheney, who are not, are greedy crooks out to loot the Treasury by any means short of physical armed robbery. As I said before, you get what you pay for and the boobs who voted this gang of thieves and perverts into power deserve exactly what they get.

The problem is, Bush and his fanatics have done terrible damage to the economy, have created divisions in the American social structure beyond belief, utterly ruined America’s world image and instead of practicing intelligent diplomacy to solve international problems, have threatened, bullied and harassed any individual or government abroad that has dared to object to codified torture, mass killing of civilians, hostile foreign reporters and enemies of Israel, practiced by this Administration on a daily basis.

Putting the despicable Gonzales into the Attorney General’s office is an obscene farce that attempts to legitimatize sycophancy and torture at the same time.

And when the deluded Right, both religious and political, discover that Curious George has played them for the trusting fools that they are, great will be the lamentations heard in the land. And George will go right on getting richer at out expense and we do not need to comment of Fat Karl’s pleasures.

zaterdag 12 februari 2005

February 12, 2005

The years of service in and around the White House and in various other official agencies, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that the American public are probably the most stupid tribe of hominids since the Neanderthals were forced into extinction by the Cro Magnons. I could send you, and you could publish, absolute proof that the Bush people knew to the day when 9/11 was coming (which they did) and no one would give a damn. As long as they could stuff food into their fat mouths, watch football or basketball games on the boob tube and have occasional sweaty and ill-executed sexual contacts, they wouldn’t give a fancy damn if George came out into the Rose Garden for an important rigged press conference in a tutu with lots of lip rouge. Not that that would surprise very many people around here and if Fat Karl the Eunuch joined him, waddling around dressed the same, staffers would just smile to each other and the public would express outrage and go right on babbling mindless mutterings into their cellphones while waiting for the tanning salon to open. This Administration is rotten to the core. It is venal, corrupt, vicious and holds the voters in utter contempt.

Bush is not a Christian and neither is Rove. When the Bible thumpers discover that many promises made to them cannot be kept, they will become very angry but then, Bush was elected and cannot be removed from office so he cares not about them. What happens when the obnoxious Brother Pat Robertson discovers Bush is not going to create a cabinet post just for him? The only promises Bush and his people will keep will be those made to the rich supporters in the business community. You can believe that. His special stockbroker friends are even now pricing homes in the Hamptons in anticipation of their astronomical windfalls when they are listed as the only designated firms that the “Social Security Investment Funds” are allowed to use. And how much of this windfall ends up in Karl and George’s pockets? About ten percent has been the norm to date.

They have bought the press in wholesale lots and committed other thoroughly dishonest acts because the hold the electorate in monumental contempt. The worst is Rove who constantly prowls, or waddles, around the corridors of power here making snide and vicious remarks about the “American boobery” and the “sucker brigades” until I have the strong desire to plant my large foot in his huge, flabby ass. As a humorous note, a group of rabid Jesus Freaks have asked Bush to compel the Academy Awards people to give a special Oscar to the awful Mel Gibson Jesus movie but, of course, Bush cannot do that because Hollywood is run by Jews and the movie spends most of its footage trashing them worse than something Goebbels could have created.. Maybe they can make Gibson the Gauleiter of Los Angeles.

zondag 6 februari 2005

February 6, 2005

As I recall, I gave you information on the pending US/Israeli attacks on Iran some time ago and you posted them. These were of course, plans. Now, Bush and Rove are pushing to execute them. There have been secret staff meetings with the British and most especially with the Israelis on this. It has been decided not to use a US carrier group stationed in the Gulf because we have suddenly discovered that the Iranians, with help from the evil Russians, are armed with missiles that could sink ten aircraft carriers.

The new plan is to use strategic bombing from bases in Italy. Turkey is out because we have been openly courting the anti-Turkish Kurds and they are very angry and we can’t use Saudi Arabia because the royal family is terrified of the consequences. Kuwait is being looked at and Israel doesn’t like this at all.

They will fight to the last American but have no problem egging us on and supplying various aircraft. They want us to flatten Iran and obliterate their atomic energy program. The problem with this is that the Iranians have so dispersed these centers that knocking them all out by a massive air strike would be impossible and it’s like three card monty. Which shell hides the rockets with the atomic warheads?

We do not have spies on the ground and the CIA’s local hires are useless. Bush has so enraged the Russians with his threats and attempts at destabilizing Putin’s government that they have poured all kinds of technical advise, advisors and certain weapons into Iran.

The Jews are using us to front for them and the Russians are using the Iranians to front for them. A nice proxy war.

The real war is an economic one which we are losing just as we are losing the ground war in Iraq. The Russians, French and Germans and probably the Swiss are working on replacing the dollar with the euro. The excuse will be the massive Iranian counterfeiting of US dollars. The second stage of this economic war will be to get the Chinese to ally with the eurobloc. China has been supporting the US Treasury by buying up their notes of which they hold billions. If they drop this and revalue their currency, not pegged to the dollar, it will be finis for Uncle Sam. Right now, deals are being made to supply even bigger markets to China than the US can offer and they are also playing the card that the US is supporting India’s economy as an Asian rival to China.

Bush and his fanatics are so dense that they are completely unaware of the long-term damage they are doing but we in the Monkey Palace get to see all the Real Reports as opposed to the faked ones Bush’s aides keep shoving under his nose.

Look for faked ‘domestic polls’ to come out soon (these have already been bought and paid for) that show Bush’s confidence level “soaring” with the American public and that the same believe that we have “won” in Iraq because of the “stunning results” of the useless election.

Civil war is about to break out in earnest there and we haven’t a clue. I told a Pentagon bigwig yesterday that when the whole thing caves in, Bush will put the blame onto the Army for lying to him and letting the American people down. He believed me and asked me for advise. I suggested that if Bush were no longer President, he could do no further damage to anyone. Point was well taken. These are certainly interesting times.

zaterdag 5 februari 2005

February 5, 2005

I see you are planning to use the CIA evaluation of the world political, military and economic future up until 2020. I have read this, which is available to the public through the GPO, and it is well written and thoughtful. However, it is widely optimistic in that it says all the pending disaster to global society will not occur for another ten years. This is very wishful thinking because many of the problems are now up and running and will happen long before 2020. The slump of the dollar and the elevation of the euro is actually upon us now, even as I write, and other problems are even more immediate. I have seen an NOAA report on the catastrophic melting of both polar icecaps that states, with great firmness, that the sea levels are now rising and in less than three years will have reached the point where high tides and storm-surges will to terrible damage to low-lying areas such as the American Gulf Coast, all of Florida, much of the East Coast, places like the Pacific islands, Bangladesh, Holland and other geographical areas.

If this is true, and it is, why do official books claim that there might be such a problem but that it is way off in the future? They do know better but consider that much very valuable American (and Dutch) real estate would be impacted. If this were commonly known, prices for Florida property, for example, would plummet and so the big real estate developers and local politicians have put huge pressure on Washington to keep a lid on this. They know about this disaster in the making and their aim is to keep it quiet until they can liquidate their extensive, and expensive, holdings and then put their rescued money into certain political pockets and other investments.

Also, the politicians in power who are sitting on all of this hope frantically that this collapse will happen after they are out of office and enjoying their ill-gotten gains up in the Rockies or other high points. I personally do not blame this; we call this business. But I would not buy a house anywhere along the coast of the United States where the mean elevation is less than ten feet. If this trend keeps up, and it shows no sign of slackening, a few more hurricanes will wipe out huge areas of Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, the Carolinas, the Tidewater of Virginia and onwards and upwards. If you live in an area that has been having serious beach erosion, such as Virginia Beach, and your house is only a few feet above the high tide line, my advise would be to sell it before this becomes well-known and you can’t give it away.

dinsdag 1 februari 2005

February 1, 2005

Two items of interest for you concern the legal attacks on Rumsfeld in Germany and the actual number of dead military in the Iraq campaign. First off, the President is livid with rage over the German court charges against Rummy and his band of trained assassins. An American group has filed war crimes charges against them in the German courts and both the White House and the DoS have actually threatened the German government with “serious economic reprisals” if they do not have the suit dismissed. The Germans have responded, saying that this is not a German government action and they are legally unable to shut down lawsuits in their court system anymore than Bush could stop a civil suit against Halliburton for wholesale fraud and deception in Federal court. The Bush people are so angry, they shout about this. Apparently, the Germans are being passively aggressive and are digging in their heels on this.

Let’s face it, kids. Because of Bush’s actions, we are hated all over the world. I suppose the flag wavers think this is great but it is not because there are serious financial risks to these nakedly aggressive and undiplomatic activities. It wouldn’t take much for the world market to discard the dollar as a medium of international exchange and if that happens we are all in for a depression that makes the 1929 one look like a tea party for florists. Rummy doesn’t dare go onto German territory lest he be snatched up and believe me, given the German anger at our threats, this is more than a possibility. How humiliating for Rummy! A nice picture of him wearing an orange jumpsuit with a number under his chin would be a delight. Notice that our press has shut up about this. You have to go to the foreign media to see anything about it. It’s wonderful to see how weak our press is. The reason their publishers can stand up without a spine is because their skin is so thick.

And as far as the death toll is concerned, I have seen the figures from the DoD and your estimate of 7,000 dead is a little high but not much. These slick shits rule that a soldier who dies either while en route to a foreign hospital or at such a hospital is NOT COUNTED on the daily lists. Also, a number of GIs have been captured and this is not listed and what especially is not listed and is strictly classified and forbidden to even hint at is that the rag heads have aced quite a few and cut not only their heads off but other body parts as well. The French AFP has pictures of some of the chopped up corpses, still in uniform, but believe me, we will never see any of these in the States. No paper would dare to publish them at the risk of losing all their advertising overnight. It’s so comforting to live in a free country. Which one? Certainly not this one.

Also, Bush hates Putin and all Russians (Congoleeza is behind a lot of this because she hates all Russians with a black passion) and is giving orders to Goss and others to stir up as much trouble inside Russia as they can. Dissident student groups and even the old Communists are being looked at as possible recipients of clandestine money to foment civil problems for old Putin. They don’t seem to realize here that the Cold War is over and we need oil and gas. Russia has it, so what do we do? We threaten them and try to clumsily interfere with their internal politics. Russians are not stupid and Bush is courting future disaster in this arena. Also, my friend from the next building showed me a long list compiled for the use of Karl Rove by Condoleeza Rice, our new Secretary of State, setting down the countries we wish to “democratize,” and the means by which we intend to accomplish this God-directed new Bush mission.

The drill is to locate dissident groups, students, outlawed political party members and so on, inside the target country, finance them through the CIA’s so-called Internal Corruption Program and then have a “peaceful and democratic” change of government. This is what was done in the Ukraine and here are the following target countries plus the sums of money set aside to stir up internal rebellion:







North Korea


There are also studies in this report that cover countries considered potential targets but not yet elevated to the active level. These include: the PRC, Mexico, Canada, France, Malaysia and Brunei. There is a fifty-page annex in which press coverage in support of these ventures in True Democracy is set down in detail. The plan is to have the major media put out “unfavorable” stories about target countries such as is being done now with Russia, and prepare for a media blitz just before the internal upheavals are scheduled to erupt. Wonderful people, Karl, Condoleeza and George. The political Three Stooges!