donderdag 29 december 2005

December 29, 2005

The sole topic of conversation inside knowledgeable Washington circles this holiday season is the coming impeachment of Bush and the removal of Cheney from office. And this is not solely restricted to Democrats by any means but also includes a growing majority of Republican lawmakers, the military commands, the senior federal judiciary and those who comprise the so-called Power Elite of this country.

Bush is seen as completely out of control.

It is known that he was put into the White House by powerful Republican, conservative, religious and business entities who were tired of Clinton and the American liberals and wanted to run the country along their own lines.

That their rigged candidate was known to be a useless failure in business, a drunk, a coke-head and of limited intelligence made no difference.

They reasoned that Bush Senior could control him (which, it turned out, he could not) and that the cunning Karl Rove would keep him on track and be able to control public opinion. Another factor was the crazy Dick Cheney, who was determined to be a Vice president That Would Matter and he firmly believed, as did many others, that he could completely control the dimwitted Bush.

The reign started out well enough and the spin doctors were able to convince Americans that all was right in heaven. Evangelical Christians, numerically inferior but, like the Communists during the Roosevelt era, well organized, fanatic and able to deliver winning blocs of votes at the critical elections immediately came on line, panting for a New Jerusalem and led by the biggest bunch of money-grubbing, psalm-singing hypocrites since the late Elmer Gantry.
It looked like plain sailing in those days.

The Republican plan,

· to strengthen their party in Congress to the point where it was invulnerable to any Democratic challenges,

· to marginalized the Democratic party to the point of being nothing but comic relief and to promulgate social programs that would reduce welfare for the disliked blacks and jobless of all races to nothing,

· to give huge tax benefits to the wealthy Republican cash cows,

· to appease the religious right by allowing creationism to be taught in all public schools, bringing the Ten Commandments of Moses into public buildings,

· to cater to the right wing and pro-Israel Jewish groups by appointing many of their co-religionists to positions of power in the determining of foreign policy (read ‘ Israeli needs both economically and politically in the Middle East’,

· to do everything in their power to assist, by any means, both American and British oil interests in obtaining a secure supply of oil and gas in the same Middle East as well as to secure economic control over Russian oil and gas,

· to secure pipeline rights across central Asia to guarantee more uninterrupted flow of oil to American tanker bottoms for shipment to the oil-starved United States..

All of these things appeared to be well under way until it started to become apparent that Bush himself was not that easily controlled and began to believe the propaganda his staff fed him on a daily basis. As Bush is a very weak man, he constantly needs reinforcement by those around him to assure him of his manliness and ability. He lacks both but his staff has spent years filling him full of sycophantic and dangerous propaganda to the point that Bush now actually believes that he is divinely protected and a great leader in his own right.

Imagine how the religious right, the Republican legislators and American business interests must have felt with each successive faux pas on the part of the President. There was:

· the obviously homosexual Gannon being allowed to roam all over the White House at night (by permission of the President),

· the vicious Plame scandal,

· the growing awareness of the utter corruption of Cheney and others,

· the obvious lies used by Bush and Cheney to trick Congress into permitting a premeditated attack on Iraq to gain their oil fields,

· the uncomprehending stupidity with which this attack was launched and the resulting very successful Iraqi resistance movement,

· the subsequent low morale and rising death tolls among the well-equipped but very badly disciplined American military,

· the destruction of Iraqi oil production and its total loss to the White House schemers,,

· the rising and intense international fear and hatred of the Bush policies and worse,

· the growing number of international political and business cartels designed to keep foreign oil from America as a punishment and as a warning to cease and desist irrational and violent activities <>outside its own borders<>.

The CIA, under orders from Bush, toppled the pro-Russian governments in Georgia and the Ukraine and have tried, without success, to foment rebellions in many other former Soviet republics…all because of the oil-rich areas. Putin, who is twice the man Bush is and no fool, struck back and took control of the Russian oil and gas industries, costing American and British firms hundreds of millions of dollars they had spent on bribes to the now-powerless Russian Oligarchy that ran all the oil and gas fields.

That all of these oligarchy members were Jewish street thugs who banked their billions in Israeli banks is something not widely known and Putin’s sequestering of their ill-gotten bribes has enraged Israel, prompting them to launch attacks on Putin’s perceived ‘dictatorial ways’ in their many media outlets.

In addition to the Plame scandal, the public watched as the mask slipped during the Katrina disaster. They saw, very clearly and very often, how the current Administration held poor blacks in utter contempt and through a terrible mixture of racism and gross incompetence, permitted the suffering of poor, non-voting blacks to be proclaimed throughout the land (and the entire horrified world) and unto all the inhabitants thereof.

This outrageous callousness marked the turning point in the public, as opposed to the professional and political, opinion and Bush’s public ratings have been steadily dropping. And this in spite of clearly rigged positive polls by the administration’s spin-doctors and that shrinking portion of the American media that still do the White House’s biddings.

Now, the cherry on the sundae is the open admission by Bush that he personally ordered unlimited telephone tapping by the NSA, the FBI, DHS and the CIA of mail, email, fax communications and even first class mail of any American, or foreign, citizen that either Bush, Cheney or those having their ear wanted to spy on and, hopefully discredit.

That these actions are very clearly a violation of federal law means nothing to Bush or Cheney. They both feel, and have publicly stated, that <>they<> are the law and may do as they wish. They have used the willing services of the telephone networks, SBC and AT&T, the computer internet firm of AOL (and to his credit, Bill Gates refused to allow this on his Microsoft network for such illegal spying which will, no doubt, get him investigated by the DoJ as quickly as possible) all of whom needed no order to comply with a flagrant violation of specific American law.

It is all of these factors that have so frightened the American Congress and federal judiciary that the movement in these circles to impeach Bush and remove Cheney has rapidly accelerated in the days following Bush’s foolish and arrogant boast that he not only ordered unlimited surveillance on American and foreign individuals, firms and government entities but flatly refused to cease this completely illegal process.

As I said above, this is not a Democratic Party scheme but one that encompasses all levels and party affiliations. In the Christmas week, in private homes, in the Cosmos and Metropolitan Clubs, in the dining rooms of the Jockey Club and the Hay-Adams hotel, there have been small, private meetings on the subject of how to remove Bush. No one initially wanted a reprise of the Nixon removal but at this point, all of them realize that Bush has three more years of this insanity and that as the forthcoming mid terms would no doubt be a disaster to the Republicans, concrete action is at last being formulated.

As an interesting, if somewhat sinister, side note to this topic, according to a signed memo, Cheney has spoken with Rumsfeld about the attitude of senior military commanders about supporting a declaration by Bush of Martial Law in America.

Fortunately, the military leaders, with two exceptions, would have none of this and after a brief, quiet, internal and certainly very private, polling of their numbers, the subject was permanently shelved. When news of this leaked out, however (there are no secrets in Washington, believe me) it terrified many members of the legislative branch on both sides of the aisle and now the plans for an impeachment proceeding are taking on a new and well-supported life.

Most do not know of currently-discussed plans among certain foreign countries to force Bush and Cheney before the World Court on charges of war crimes to include planned massacres of unarmed civilians, theft of private property, making illegal warfare and lesser charges such as the deliberate killing of foreign journalists. None of this has come to pass…yet… but the very discussion of the idea in the chancelleries and foreign offices of Europe, and the Middle East is only adding fuel to the fires now lit under two of three branches of the American government.

The Executive is dangerously beyond control but the Legislative and Judicial are rising to the call.

These will be interesting times indeed!

zaterdag 24 december 2005

December 24, 2005

Such an uproar over the Bush Spy-on-Americans program! One would think that this was just an isolated incident promulgated by our Fascist Leader.

To the contrary, telephone-tapping, both on overseas and domestic conversations, has been going on for over twenty years, unabated and unchecked. The NSA is only an instrument for the FBI, the DHS, the CIA, the Pentagon and a special group under the direct control of Cheney.

The new bunch of swine just inherited programs long in place. In the case of the Bush freaks, however, a new twist has been added. Instead of snooping on politicians uncooperative to the sitting President’s will, they now have added American business interests.

Let us use as an example a story about some wealthy and crooked American company (is there any other kind?) that has been stuffing money into Bush’s pocket (Yes, Virginia, Bush personally takes bribes) to allow them to dump poisonous chemicals into a nearby water supply. Now, if that company wants to know what its rivals are up to, a soft word in Bush or Cheney’s hairy ears and the spy network taps into any rival businesses and passes the stolen secrets along the line.

Also, the White House taps into phone calls of: Democratic leaders, uncooperative American politicians on the local scene, individuals that actively work against any Republican interest, foreign diplomatic conversations coming out of Washington or, better still, easily taken off space satellites that forward overseas telephonic or fax communications.

The current Administration has agreements in place with two major American telecommunications companies, (one of them is the biggest in the country…who volunteered their services without being asked as a “token of support for the President’s efforts to protect Americans from terrorists and their supporters…” from an original memo in my possession) both whom are known to me, (and soon will be to everyone else when I get more paper) to allow the Bush Gestapo to tap into any and all calls going over their systems.*.

Similar agreements are in place with several of the top internet servers, AOL in particular, who voluntarily allow “free and unfettered” access to any and all consumer accounts. While other Presidents in the past have often passively allowed this or even been unaware of the degree and extent of it, Bush has gleefully and knowingly expanded this beyond belief. And the sickening thing is that there isn’t a damned thing anyone can do about it.

Bush and his crime partners are now squealing that without their protective presence, America would glow like Hiroshima in 1945. The truth is, without the presence of the Bush cabal, we would have no terrorist problems. Even at this point, all the United States would have to do would be to stop its manic support of the state is Israel, get its intrusive and brutal troops out of Iraq and no one in the Muslim world would have any interest in attacking the United States.

The hysterically entertaining image of a stalwart Bush protecting America is redolent of a furious rabbit, throwing small balls of its own dung at an advancing coyote in the hopes that the coyote would bother his cousins one rabbit burrow over.

Welcome to the new Reich!

Heil Bush!

And like the Führer, Bush and Cheney love to hide in underground bunkers.

vrijdag 23 december 2005

December 23, 2005

Christmas or whatever they want to call it, is at hand. Retail sales are way down but not to expect to see this in the press. And our free press is now straining the gut to convince Americans that Bush’s popularity is rocketing upwards. It is not. Rigged polls are popping up all over; talking heads are babbling away on the boob tube and we are expected to believe what has become a tidal wave of sewage and lies. FEMA friends are stealing everything in sight, New Orleans is dead, the death tolls in Afghanistan and Iraq are certainly not dropping, we are pulling out of the former and desperately want to pull out of the latter but Bush’s insane pride and Cheney’s pop-eyed lunacy won’t hear of it. They have forced the oil companies to drop the oil prices for a time so as to bring Bush’s figures up but we have made so many enemies worldwide that we are now effectively out of the oil loop. No oil drilling in Alaskan parks thanks to a fearful Congress who is distancing themselves with great rapidity from the Bush fascism and if you want to have a good laugh, watch George Bush babble away at rigged meetings. One would almost think he was a leader rather than a dismal and growing failure. The Arabs are not, according to DHS and CIA summaries to which I have some entrée, going to set off a bomb in Atlanta because it would boost Bush’s image when he strutted around some safe stage ringed with armed guards and in an area packed with hired boosters, and would at once give Cheney (who is actually running the United States in Bush’s mental absence) a wonderful opportunity to nuke Tehran. I don’t know what it will take for the bulk of the American public to realize that they are being run (into the ground) by a group of narrow-minded ideologues who also happen to be major thieves and pilferers. Have a Happy Holiday! And remember, Jesus loves even you!

vrijdag 16 december 2005

December 16, 2005

Faced with a de facto revolt in Congress, Bush caved in the McCain plan to ban maltreatment of prisoners of war in American hands. Mark this, Bush was mad as hell and will do everything in his power to sabotage any such agreement. The President is a small minded, mean and vindictive man whose word means nothing and who has the character of a snapping turtle. The idea for torturing the Iraqi, and other, captives originated with Bush himself, not the obvious choice, Cheney the Sadist. Bush actually enjoys the suffering of others. Now, torture has been going on, especially in the CIA, for decades. What these assholes did in Vietnam is as bad as anything Stalin or Hitler did but, of course, no one will dare talk about it and frankly, the CIA has nothing but contempt for the American people and their leaders. We know here that the MI6 in England was fully aware that CIA flights carrying their prisoners to a safe place outside the US to torture them were using Britain as a transit point to Hell. The Brits are reasonably civilized, certainly far more so than the giggling perverts at Langley, and their public is becoming increasingly restive over the torture and other issues. It would not surprise anyone on Embassy Row here if Bush’s lap dog, Blair, got booted out, leaving Bush with only the butt sucking Poles who would let him open up Auschwitz for the torture of Arabs. There is a story, no doubt untrue, that when the Polish Ambassador was visiting the White House, he heard the foul-mouthed Bush shout, “shit!” at the top of his lungs. True to form, the Ambassador dropped his pants and fawningly said, “Where, Sir? In the corner?” Bush will promise anything to anyone…and then never produce. This is partially because his memory is totally shot for medical reasons but also because George W. Bush is a lying, treacherous creature who surrounds himself with similar low-lifes, dead-beats and moral lepers and thinks the world owes him a living. What he is owed by the rest of the normal world cannot be repeated in print.

zondag 11 december 2005

December 11, 2005

Two days ago, a fanatical Bush supporter from amongst the staff at the Monkey Palace, cornered me in the cafeteria with the fiercely joyful news that she was leaving the White House. I assumed that, like a growing number of disillusioned staff persons, she was getting better employment elsewhere, such as the Humane Society’s Kitten-Gassing commando or our very own District Sanitation Department, Minority Free Lunch Division, but no, she advised me that Rapture was coming soon and she and her entire family were “going to see Jesus” in person! There used to be quite a bit of that sort of blather around here but of late it is getting very muted. Since I had no historical background in the subject, I looked it up and have come to some very specific and clear cut views on the subject. I will share these with you now although there is always the possibility that I might be wrong and truly Be Left Behind.

‘The Rapture’ is a term most commonly used to describe an event in certain systems of Christian eschatology whereby “all true Christians are taken from Earth by God into Heaven.” Although almost all forms of Christianity believe that those who are "saved" will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the term "rapture" is usually applied specifically to those theories saying that “Christians alive before the end of the world will be taken into heaven,” and there will be an intermediate time frame where non-Christians will be still left on earth before “Christ arrives to set up his earthly kingdom.”

The word "Rapture" is not found in the Bible. There is also no single word used by the biblical authors to describe the prophetic factors which comprise the doctrine. Roman Catholics and nearly all of the main-line Protestants do not accept the concept of a rapture in which some are "taken up into Heaven" before the end of the world; this idea did not exist in the teachings of any Christians whatsoever until the late18th, and early 19th centuries, so it cannot be said to belong to Apostolic tradition.

The legend of the Rapture is not mentioned in any Christian writings, until after the year 1830. Whether the early writers were Greek or Latin, Armenian or Coptic, Syrian or Ethiopian, English or German, orthodox or heretic, no one mentioned a syllable about it. Of course, those who feel the origin of the teaching is in the Bible would say that it only ceased being taught (for some unknown reason) at the close of the apostolic age only to reappear in 1830 But if the doctrine were so clearly stated in Scripture, it seems incredible that no one should have referred to it before the 19th and early 20th century. This does not, in and of itself prove conclusively that the story is wrong, but it does mean that thousands of eminent scholars and theologians who lived over a span of seventeen centuries (including some of the most astute of the religious scholars of the early Christian and, later of the Reformation and post-Reformation periods) must be considered as grossly incompetent for not having either knowledge or understanding of a teaching viewed by fringe religious groups as so central to their beliefs. This lapse of seventeen centuries, when no one mentioned anything about it, is certainly a serious obstacle to its reliability or its acceptance by the less credulous.

One of the strongest, and less appetizing, proponents of this theory was one Charles Fox Parham. Charles Parham was born in 1873, became a preacher by age 14/15, Charles Parham was a racist, becoming a full-fledged member of the KKK by 1910. Parham was also arrested for “repeated and carnal sexual indiscretions” with young boys. Parham was the first Pentecostal preacher to pray over handkerchiefs and mail them to those who desired his ministrations . Naturally, Parham charged money for these energized handkerchiefs.

In 1908 Parham raised funds from among his deluded parishioners to travel to the Holy Land on an “archaeological expedition to search for the lost ark of the covenant.” He claimed to the press that he had information about its location and that his finding the ark would fit into the end times biblical scheme. By December he announced that he had sufficient funds and he traveled to New York allegedly to begin his journey to Jerusalem. He never purchased a ticket to the Middle East and returned home dejectedly in January, claiming he was robbed after arriving in New York. His parishioners had been robbed somewhat earlier.

Naturally, I have no intention of communicating my findings on this hilarious subject to my fellow worker. Seeing the on-going ruination of the God-intoxicated George W. (‘Fuck-the-Constitution”) Bush before her very eyes is more than enough for such a dim-wit to have to deal with. We ought not to dishonor the dead.

maandag 5 december 2005

December 5, 2005

Being in the White House these days is akin to being on the RMS Titanic just after she ran over the iceberg. Bush in coming apart, almost literally, Cheney is behaving like a turpentined Chow and there is the distinct probability that Jack Abramoff will snitch on many Republicans for taking large bribes, not to mention the even greater probability that Fat Karl the Eunuch will be indicted for more lies. These evil portents have everyone here either working up a resume or whining that Bush is being unfairly attacked by evil left wing nasties, like the New York Times and other inconsequential papers.

Neil Bush, a crooked whacko is now running around with Dr. Moon (who declared himself Emperor of the World in the Capitol lobby with a number of Republican Congressmen in awestruck attendance) and the Bush people are wincing in anticipation of the fall out. Neil is a stupid crook who has lived off his rich family’s name for years and has about as much character as Brother George, the Beloved of God.

The spin doctors come and go here and some have suggested attacking Syria, others want us to threaten North Korea with bombing and yet others recently suggested that Bush go to Iraq for Christmas and personally rescue soldiers “injured” in a fake bomb attack. Just imagine, ketchup all over his military flak vest! I hope if they pull this one, they don’t use Heinz ketchup.

Three more years of this is not good for the country but Bush will never leave on his own and no sane Beltway person wants the sadistic and nutty Cheney in the Oval Office.

If Bill Clinton ran again, he would be a cinch to get in. Not so his wife who is as mean as a broke-backed snake.

Someone came into the office two days ago and threw a roll of toilet paper on my desk. I thought they were trying to tell me something about my hygiene but it turns out that the roll had Bush’s ugly face imprinted on each and every little square! How funny! If I could get into the Executive Potty, I would put it in there but just for fun, I had a secretary friend put it up in one of the women’s lavs. Much fuss. No doubt, the Secret Service is looking for prints even as we speak.

My best to all the ferocious flag-wavers out there who are certain I do not exist and tell them that if they send you their addresses, I can send each and every one of them a roll of Bush Potty Paper. I have half a carton in the back of my car. I gave one to a friend at the British Embassy and he gave it to the Ambassador! Bush is not liked in the Diplomatic Corps here. He is viewed as an idiot and a madman by one and all. Heil Bush!

Happy Holidays!

vrijdag 2 december 2005

December 2, 2005

There is an email circulating with a supportive message about American service personnel now engaged in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The purpose of this is to offer support to them for their fight against evil and their determination to see this awful manifestation of a charnel house through until all of them are destroyed, physically or emotionally.

I have read this but have chosen not to post it. Why? The behavior of American military personnel in Iraq is certainly less than honorable. Planned and deliberate torture of prisoners of war, slaughter of civilians, looting, rapes, the use of Willie Peter against civilians, the killing of inconvenient foreign news people, the mass desertions in Ireland and other unpleasantries have branded the United States with the same hot iron once used on the Germans, the Japanese and, to a lesser degree, the Soviet Army.

It is painfully obvious that this country has lost, completely lost, the conflict in Iraq. There are too many highly motivated and well-armed insurgents and too few increasingly demoralized military (general officers excluded) to permit any kind of an actual victory.

In partisan warfare, the irregulars almost always have the upper hand because they can choose the time and place of their attacks and he who attempts to defend everything, defends nothing.

Vietnam was a great military and political defeat and one would think that Washington would learn from its past errors but obviously, it has not.
Every soldier, sailor, Marine or airman who dies, is wounded for life or otherwise scarred by this useless exercise in political fascism, certainly evokes pity but for those vicious swine who plotted this war and who have kept it going without any plan to end it, should be taken out and shot in batches of ten and without the benefit of clergy.

Appeals for support had been best addressed to the President (who has never attended any kind of a memorial service for a dead soldier, or the Secretary of Defense whose machine-printed letters of condolence to the grieving families have rubber-stamped signatures. The deaths and dismemberments of each and every American in Iraq and Afghanistan can be laid right at the door of the senior Bush Administration and nowhere else.

I have no problem with receiving and reading other expressions. I may disagree with some of them but certainly all have the right to express them, as I have the right to express my disagreement.

To shut ones mind to all opinions other than ones own would make me little better than a frenzied God-intoxicated evangelical ranter or someone who blindly worships George W. Bush and his unholy claque of thieves and ideologues.

I am a Republican and have been for years but the current Republican party does not represent me nor any of my friends. It has been captured by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, not to mention the vicious babblers at FOX network and when the mid terms come around next November, I and many, many of my friends and acquaintances will vote accordingly.

maandag 28 november 2005

November 28, 2005

Amidst all the gloom, terror and depression in the souls of the White House staffers, there is one ray of light shining down.

It has been spoken of here very heatedly, and for some time, that Bush, in a state of growing depression over his loss of face and falling poll numbers, has lashed out at Dick Cheney, his mentor and control.

This is a typical action of a weak man who relies entirely on other, much stronger, personalities, for advise and direction.

Bush cannot make up his own mind on anything, never reads and entertains no original ideas whatsoever.

He does what he is told by others, with their own agenda. Bush has allowed Cheney to institute completely illegal torture, instigate a useless, deadly war, encourage terrible corruption inside the highest level of government and run him like a radio-controlled racing car.

As long as the poll numbers were up and Bush could attend meetings that were rigged to show adoration and approval, he was pleased.

Now that the clouds have gathered overhead and his tinsel parade is being rained upon, like the moral piece of spaghetti he is, Bush is blaming everyone but himself.

Two weeks ago, three different people told me in confidence, there was a monumental screaming match in the White House, in private as Bush mistakenly believed, in which our Beloved Leader, the Annointed of God, tore into Cheney for “misleading” him and “ruining his presidency.” How funny!

Cheney, by their accounts, called him a useless little wino and threatened to punch him in the face! Given their personalities, (or, in Bush’s case, a lack thereof) this is not as far fetched nor improbable as it sounds.

Now, they ignore each other and Congoleeza has moved up as the disgustingly sycophantic and brittle Friend and Supporter of Our Beloved Leader. Harriet still applies suction to the raddled fundament but Rice is so outrageous that one co-worker said she is giving butt-sucking a really bad name!

Well, when thieves fall out, honest men prosper.

woensdag 23 november 2005

November 23, 2005

With a well-bribed Congress having passed a “revision” of the Federal Bankruptcy Act preventing debtors from going bankrupt from credit card debts, the grateful credit card agencies have now jacked up their minimum percentage rates and we can now expect to see them go much higher. Like the greedy gas industry, they won’t up the rates from 5% to 25% all at once. Like heating oil, gasoline and other controlled and vital substances, the interest rates will creep slowly but surely upwards. Naturally, with the diminution of driving due to the advent of winter and the lower use of gas, the prices of gasoline will quickly stabilize and even drop a few cents. Not so heating oil which will begin the planned creep-up, accompanied by screams of Congressmen who will be flooded with anguished complaints just before the mid-terms and an similar chorus of whining woe from the oil barons who will assure us that it’s all the fault of the evil Muslims but they just have to keep up with prices.

The oil industry, like other gougers, should be subject to a strict, governmental control agency, which will never happen with the greedy thieves now running Congress. Although many in ghettos will freeze to death this winter or die of pneumonia, the current administration is not overly concerned with the fate of poor blacks.

Note, while we are on economic stories, that all the loud bombast from the incompetent Brown of FEMA and the equally incompetent President, about “rebuilding” the Gulf Coast has quietly vanished into the night, just like the billions of taxpayers dollars stuffed into the pockets of Bush friends.

To those sorry creatures who voted for Bush, hoping for a New Christian Nation, much pity should be extended. The rest of us can stop paying bribe money to the government in the form of taxes.

maandag 21 november 2005

November 21, 2005

Murtha’s challenge to the Bush Administration to cut our extensive losses in the non-winnable Iraqi war has set fire to a huge pile of deadwood that represents growing hostility to, and utter disbelief in, the current Administration.

From a totally pragmatic point of view, the U.S. has lost the war in Iraq, just like we lost the war in Somalia and Vietnam. Politicians, and some generals, are reluctant to admit their errors, however, so we will see a circling of the wagons, led by the odious and obviously sadistic Vice President, to fight to the end the concept of giving up our senseless imperial dreams.

Bush and his crime partners have ruined the U.S. foreign trade balance, loaded up the American people and their children with an enormous debt, tried, thankfully in vain, to establish a theocracy in the United States, displayed a terrible contempt to the poor and most especially the black poor, gleefully stolen billions of taxpayer’s dollars and given it to their friends, fouled the atmosphere, ruined for decades the reputation of this country as the fountainhead of freedoms and personal liberty, slaughtered God alone knows how many perfectly innocent Arabs in Iraq and ruined many thousands of American military personnel and wounded, many crippled for life, totaling tens of thousands more.

Bush and Cheney and the entire Republican party are nothing but moral bankrupts whose collective masks have slipped to reveal the rapacious, immoral and vicious toads hiding behind them. Think now that we have three more years of meltdown in Washington and think, too, that the Bush people are liable to try to start a new war to stir up patriotism and raise their ruined reputations.

Syria is the logical choice and many here say that the thoroughly evil Mossad is more than likely to set off a bomb somewhere to kill Americans, (as insiders in the intelligence community claim they just did in Amman), blame it on the Muslims and rub their hands with glee while more American lives and money are spent in shoring up their own amoral state.

vrijdag 18 november 2005

November 18, 2005

There seems to be reasonable rumor that the wholesale and barefaced corruption now rampant inside the upper levels of the Republican Party is about to come to an end. Frightened by growing public anger at the huge FEMA ripoffs, bridges to nowhere, insane pork barrel games in Congress, obvious thievery by Bush-friendly contractors in Iraq, certain Congressional leaders, of both sides of the aisle, are holding private meetings concerning taking back the governance of the United States. Recently, several Bush measures were trashed by a new coalition of both parties and this appears to be the wave of the future. Bush and Cheney have so pissed off the legislative branch that they have decided that if they don’t act soon, they will all be in danger of being thrown out next year so watch for Bush to lose on that front too. He has lost in Iraq and there is a strong movement in Congress to cut out losses and run. Let’s hope so.

maandag 7 november 2005

November 7, 2005

The media has reported a week ago that 2,000 U.S. military personnel had been killed since 2003 in Iraq and Afghanistan. Actually, the persistent rumors are that the actual toll is much higher. Around the Monkey Palace, no one gives a flying f--- about this matter. They are too intent on saving their jobs or protecting Bush and Cheney for the same reason.

The dead and mangled are only a footnote to history and one the White House staff doesn’t give a damn about. The Iraqi resistance is well aware of the impact that the growing death tolls can and do have on the American public and like the Viet Cong, they are killing more and more men in more and more sophisticated ways (aided and abetted by outside sources) so as to pressure Bush to withdraw.

Bush, like Johnson, can never admit he was wrong so the deaths tolls will grow and grow, and be fudged, until finally the dam breaks and the resulting flood does terrible damage.

The entire claque that runs things here is ideologically and morally corrupt and this corruption is manifest in the wholesale thievery of FEMA (Brown the Wonderful is still on the FEMA payroll and there is as much chance of his being axed as there is of Ken Lay of Enron being tried…at least as long as George Bush is President.) They both know too much to pushed into a corner and the great fear here is that Libby will open up and tell what he knows about Cheney and, to a lesser degree, Bush himself.

Believe me, this is the most morally and fiscally corrupt American Presidency since U.S. Grant’s time. And in that case, the corruption did not touch the President but in this case, he is part and parcel of the lying and money-grubbing.

vrijdag 4 november 2005

November 4, 2005

The upper echelons of the Bush Administration are now in a state of numb terror over the arrest of I. Lewis Libby. This is not because he might implicate Karl Rove, the President’s indispensable political advisor but because of something much more dangerous to the entire Administration. Last weekend, I went sailing on the Chesapeake Bay with an old friend of mine, now a senior U.S. military officer who serves in Washington in an elevated position. Out on the water, away from possible snoopers, he told me something that is more incredible, yet believable, than anything the nutty bloggers can come up with.

It seems that the Bush Administration, at its highest levels, to include the following people in specific but not in general (aides, assistants, family members and so on):

Richard Cheney, U.S. VP
Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
John Ashcroft, U.S. AG
Lt.Gen Michael V. Hayden, USAF, Director of NSA
George Tenet, DCI

The fact is that since early 2001, U.S. Intelligence organs, and through them, the White House, were specifically put on notice that Arab/Muslim militants planned a reprise of the earlier attack on the WTC in New York. Some of this information was vague but some, most especially the Israeli Mossad material, was very specific. Attacks would be launched by hijacked aircraft, not only against the symbolic WTC but on specific Washington targets.

The Mossad’s information, based on their infiltration of the Arab groups involved, was most specific and, as the date for the attack firmed up, very, very specific. Also, similar information,, of lesser importance and specificity, came from the German BND, the French, Russian and even the Moroccan governments.

The National Security Agency in Maryland was reading the cell phone and other message forms of the perpetrators up until the last minute. It is a matter of fact that in spite of this flood of reliable input, the Bush Administration did absolutely nothing at all in the way of warning the FAA or the military units designated to protect certain important American targets. Ashcroft refused to fly on any commercial aircraft after April, 2001 and the Pentagon would not permit its senior officers and bureaucrats to do likewise.

On the day of the attack, Bush and his top staff flew to Florida to establish an alibi. The President and his party went to a black grammar school in Sarasota, Florida, accompanied by a number of television cameramen, to establish an airtight alibi and waited out the attack.

Far too many too officials, considered to be loyal to Bush, were, and are, aware of this ploy and the deadly fear is that Libby, who was in the know, or others, might blab to special prosecutor, Fitzgerald. Whoever appointed this man to investigate the leaks in the Plame case will no doubt be severely punished, if the others survive.

What Fitzgerald knows, is speculation. He has a tight control over his office and no information is ever leaked. This is why Bush is disintegrating daily and Cheney is now a prime candidate for what might well prove to be the last of a string of serious heart attacks.

These people believed their own lies and their arrogant hubris has kept them from realizing that the best way to keep a secret is to tell no one else and the second best way is to tell only a very few and very trusted people. Trusted people who tell aides, wives, lovers or others so weaken the line of control that exposure is inevitable.

Look at it this way: The Bush Administration has on its account, all the dead of 9/11, the thousands of dead military personnel, the tens of thousands of badly wounded Americans now recovering from their wounds plus the very large number of slaughtered Iraqi and Afghanistani civilians.

On a sarcastic note, the main diet of these people now is Valium and Capacitate.

maandag 31 oktober 2005

October 31, 2005

It is not business as usual in the Monkey Palace. After a series of devastating blows to the body politic, the well-oiled Bush/Cheney Miracle Machine, Karl Rove, Prop. is grinding to a halt.

It was the Imperia; Republican Plan to take complete control of the Congress, restructure the judiciary so that its members “more accurately reflect ultra Right Wing/Christian thought (‘No filthy gay marriages, no more welfare for the stupid blacks and most of all, a halting of any abortions whatsoever’’)” and in general turn America into the military, religious and international dominating force that would guarantee a strong Republican control for the foreseeable future.

They lied with glee, tried to cut off the rights of common citizens to right the New Right, exalt the Jesus Freakos and in general make 2005 America look like a 1933 Hitlerfied Germany. Suddenly, all is becoming a collapsing empire for them. Bush lost the Blessed Harriet, Beloved Friend, as a Supreme Court nominee, and promptly went out and got a well-known anti-abortion judge to replace her, and the filthy animals are now planning a military excursion against Syria. (Set for January after much gabbling and propaganda build up in the press)

This for two reasons: Bush wants more glory, as if he hasn’t had enough lately, as a Military President and Israel, who has iron control over America’s middle east foreign policy, wants Syria out of the way…at American hands, not theirs.

Bush is so blind and so stupid that the invisible, but deadly, Neocons are able to force him and Cheney to their will. Cheney, who is not going to live a great deal longer (terrible heart condition) is obsessed at making the United States the New Roman Empire and Bush only wants to cling to the phantom of power he thinks is his birthright and will never, under any circumstances, willingly give up.

There is one word, a Greek one, that covers all of this Decline and Fall.

Hubris. Blind pride.

Nixon developed it too in his own second term and the Bush people have it with a vengeance now. Instead of regrouping, turning the Huge Lie Machine loose on compliant media and dimbulb members of the public, they will squinch their tiny eyes, stamp their feet and go right on doing their escalating damage until an outraged Congress and, public, will rise up and squash them like nocturnal cockroaches scrabbling around your kitchen floor.

As the old insurance company ad said: ‘Eventually. Why not Now?’

woensdag 26 oktober 2005

October 26, 2005

We are all back with you again after a brief pause over the intense scrutiny over the Libby/Rove matter. Here is some information, reasonably detailed, that should be of interest. If you will remember, on Monday, February 14, 2005, “Rafiq Hariri, five times Lebanese prime minister, multibillionaire, builder of a country devastated by 15 years of civil war, was assassinated by a huge car bomb that ravaged the Lebanese capital’s seafront. Two ministers in his party and 6 of his bodyguards, including its chief Yahya Al Arb, were among the dead. Efforts to save his life at the American Hospital to which he was carried in critical condition were unavailing. The attack is described as the most brutal since the civil conflict ended in 1991.

Last year, Hariri stepped down in protest against the extension of pro-Syrian president Emile Lahoud’s presidency and was about to take the lead of the opposition. A towering figure in Lebanese politics, Hariri was expected to fight the election due to take place in April or May….” (From an Israeli report) The flap over the Plame business pales into insignificance alongside this assassination. Syria was quickly blamed by both the U.S. and Israel and now let us consider what this was. IN certain exalted circles in the Bush Administration, it is known who did this. The assassination of a very popular Lebanese leader was carried out so as to find a pretext to blame Syria, which has been, and is being done, so as to enable military action against that country. Also, we see in the American press, ongoing horror stories about huge guerrilla raids resulting in the deaths of sensitive young GIs being launched from Syria and so on. The propaganda orchestra is wearing a bit thin in light of continuing leaks. Hariri was assassinated by a small group of professional assassins, headed by a man who calls himself either Robert H. Lewis, Robert Alan Lewis or Robert Hall Lewis. In actuality, his real name is Robert Lipschitz, born on June 23, 1935. He has two American social security numbers: 451-76-4488 and 114-07-8811. Lipschitz/Lewis, who holds Israeli citizenship although born in the Untied States, has very strong, albeit secret, connections with the U.S. Pentagon, in specific, a secret Pentagon committee, set up by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in October 2001

The secret committee, which prepares false or misleading information for Rumsfeld to use in his reports encouraging military actions in places other than Iraq, is called the Office of Special Plans, and initially was headed by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith and other Pentagon hawks. Both this committee and its many and close friends in the Israeli Mossad determined that Syria should be the next target of Bush’s Imperial Expansionism in the Middle East and the removal of a very close and hostile neighbor, Syria, would be of great value to Israel.

Similarly, the 911 attacks also were of great political and strategic value to Israel, bringing as it did, the U.S. into active aggression against Israel’s enemies. Please do not forget that during the Gulf War, Hussein actually rocketed Israel and the overblown Patriot missiles did not intercept the incoming rocketry. Look for heightened public outrage expressed via Pentagon handouts, against Syria and then look for a long-suffering but truly democratic Bush to rubberstamp the decision to invade yet another country with the attendant escalated death tolls that are doing his reputation little good.

maandag 3 oktober 2005

October 3, 2005

This part of our weekly website originated from an article sent to us by an outraged low-level staffer inside the White House concerning the President’s seizures and other problems. It was met with great interest and loud denunciation. One White House employee wrote that while some of the reportage was true, the rest was not but others with an intimate knowledge of what we called the ‘Monkey Palace’ wrote to basically confirm the truth of various issues.

The original writer eventually decided that discretion was the better part of valor and retreated into silence but by the time he did, a number of other sources had come forward, all of them on a regular basis. One was with the Department of State, another with the CIA, a third with the Department of Justice, yet another with the Department of Homeland Security and the last two were a Washington-based newsman and a Beltway attorney. Their material would be put together on a regular basis and rewritten for publication.

This column has caused spastic colon amongst both the self-important bloggers and government officials combined but is has a large number of readers.

Now, it has been decided to change the title of the article and let one person, with access to the same sources, actually write the entire column. The name will be changed from ‘The Voice of the White House’ to the ‘Iconoclast.’

An iconoclast is a person who, according to the dictionary, is one “who attacks cherished beliefs , traditional institutions, etc. as being based on error or superstition.”

In 1895, a newspaper appeared in Waco, Texas, published by a certain William Cowper Brann. It was called the Iconoclast or breaker of idols. Brann took on just about everybody, including Pentecostals, Baptists (whom he said weren’t held under water long enough) the British royal family, assorted bigots, crooked politicians and other fools. It was Brann’s attacks on corruption at Baylor University that was his undoing. He was shot in the back by a director of that institution. Although returning the fire and killing his attacker, Brann died and the Iconoclast died with him. Herewith a quote from Brann that is as apt today as it was the United States of the 1890s.:

“Falsehood is an amorphous monster, conceived in the brain of knaves and brought forth by the breath of fools. It's a mortal pestilence, a miasmic vapor that passes, like a blast from hell, over the face of the world and is gone forever. It may leave death in its wake and disaster dire; it may place on the brow of purity the brand of the courtesan and cover the hero with the stigma of the coward; it may wreck hopes and ruin homes, cause blood to flow and hearts to break; it may pollute the altar and disgrace the throne, corrupt the courts and curse the land, but the lie cannot live forever, and when it's dead and damned there's none so poor as to do it reverence.” William Cowper Brann

vrijdag 30 september 2005

September 30, 2005

The main topic of conversation hereabouts is the nailing of the odious Bush ramrod, DeLay, for money laundering. He will not go quietly into the good night of political oblivion and is rushing around the Beltway, pretending that he is still in charge and attacking the Texas authorities for nailing him on charges that everyone here knows are dead on. In spite of his bluster, many Repubicans are eying DeLay’s position with barely concealed interest and already, there are groups meeting here and there debating who is going to get his job and all the money that goes with it. DeLay is a nasty shit but he kept the Republicans in the House under his iron thumb with a nice mixture of bribery and threats. His loss will put paid to the Bush/Robe plan to cinch up a permanent Republican majority in Congress for decades to come. With the Mid Terms coming up and Bush’s popularity falling (29% by the latest private GOP poll) you will see more and more legislators moving away from Bush’s extreme right position and more towards more publicly accepted fiscal moderation. Moderate Repblicans will be the first to move towards the center and then the others will slowly follow. Three men now run the United States: VP Cheney, until he was caught, DeLay in Congress and Karl Rove, the Evil Puppet Master who was Bush’s pet character assassin and head schemer. It now looks like the Machinery is going to cut the balls off of Rove (if in fact he has any) and without these two men, Bush is, to be crude but accurate, up shit creek without a paddle. He is helpless and utterly useless without a powerful support system and he will pretty soon get so frightened and helpless that back comes the bottle. I can’t wait for him to slap his wife on camera or start mumbling incoherently at an ad hoc press event. The latter is more probable and his immediate staff, who love the power that comes from licking his bum, are looking all over the Oval Office for the Hidden Bottle.

zondag 25 september 2005

September 25, 2005

It now appears that all of the carefully laid plans of Karl Rove to establish a voting bloc that would guarantee Republican control of this country for decades to come have come a cropper. Bush was to be put forward as the candidate of the Religious Right because that group is organized and fanatic but even they are having serious doubt about the persona of Bush. Business supported him because he supported them in return for huge infusions of cash. Now, like the Christians, big business is moving away from Bush because of the economic disaster that he has created and can no longer control. The idea of setting Bush up as Our Protector Against Terrorists played well for a while but grew thin what with all the noise about pink days and green days but the utter disaster and collapse of authority in the wake of the two hurricanes in the Gulf have put paid to his momentum and what goes up, must come down. Private polls taken by staffers here indicate that Bush is below 20% (!) on the national approval list and staff members, eager to enhance their careers, are deserting and passing this information to Congressmen who are, predictably, reacting strongly to the possible loss of their very lucrative jobs. The President’s staff is doing its best to keep this sort of rapid slippage from him because when Bush gets depressed, Bush gets drunk and staffers, and Cheney and Rove, are terrified lest Bush show up at a mandatory occasion, plastered enough to slur his already slurred speech or stagger into the garden or the hall and vomit. Bush is a binge drinker and no one knows if he has a bottle hidden in his desk or office safe and binge drinkers can certainly surprise their friends upon occasion. Coalitions, self-serving and survival oriented, are forming and this will be a reprise of the end of the Nixon administration, mark my words.

vrijdag 23 september 2005

September 23, 2005

’Don’t pay any attention to it,’ the Rove Spin Doctors say, ‘it’s just the usual blogger crap.’ They are speaking about the growing stories concerning Bush and his renewed drinking problem. The National Enquirer, Queen of the Supermarkets, has done a relatively accurate story about this and now it is spreading.

Living and working in DC subjects all of us to great tsunamis of rumor flooding back and forth across the town from restaurant to club to bar. This story of Bush getting back on the bottle again is not new and Google has over a million articles on the subject of Bush’s boozing and probable coke use.

I, personally, have never seen Bush drunk but having had a seriously alcoholic sister (she died from it eventually after long years in a hospital with a failing liver) I have some firsthand experience with chronic boozers. Everything I have heard here in DC and everything I have read, aside from hate blogs, indicates that Bush had a serious binge drinking problem and quit cold turkey. He has no AA support system and it is my opinion, and that of other reputable doctors, that such people are very likely to go back on the bottle again under conditions of unexpected stress. That, I am afraid, is what Bush is going through right now.

His immediate staff, which has to be very loyal to him, according to Bush’s demands, protects him from the press and the public to an even greater degree than the Secret Service detail protects him against the many death threats that pour into the White House.

I don’t like Bush but to be fair, this is a subject that has a Scots verdict of ‘Not Proven’ attached to it. Many savvy and very experienced pros here believe it, but no one dares to talk about it because of the savage vindictiveness of the present administration. My God, the White House is full of raging queens, all of whom worship Bush, and yet we have the most hypocritical religious nuts you ever saw here.

This one is developing legs but Bush’s poll numbers are rapidly approaching very low two digit figures so he might well end up in Bethesda drying out. Look for “taking a series of tests for potential skin problems” to be posted by the asssucks in the Rove office. If that happens, you don’t have to watch him puke during a press conference or try to punch out a questing reporter.

Bush is not a pleasant man sober but drunk, many who have seen him that way years ago tell me, he is a vicious, mean drunk of the type that hits his wife with a leather belt across the face or gets the crap beaten out of him by spitting on a construction worker in a bar.

maandag 19 september 2005

September 19, 2005

The two talking points amongst the Bush loyalists on the staff here are FEMA and the race problem. FEMA is thoroughly corrupt and what went on in Florida last year and what is going on now in New Orleans could explode in their faces. Billions have been spent and millions have been funneled back in kickbacks to the high and mighty of the Republican party, both in Florida and in DC. The fury raised by the gross incompetence FEMA showed in a non-election year towards a city full of poor blacks cannot be overcome by Hollywood-type TV productions a la Karl Rove. Bush has his house nigger to stand beside him on the podium but it doesn’t fool anyone. Rove’s tricks are getting a bit old these days.

There are polls paid for by Republican loyalists that show a small drop in Bush’s popularity and then there are the real polls that show a disastrous tanking. The Bush people think that North Korea will cooperate on the atomic business but the intelligence agencies are dubious and Iran has in essence told us to piss up a rope. Bush is so shook up at the NO responses that he is running around like a small child who just got caught putting mama’s cat in the dryer. “The frog made me do it!” is the type of response or, more accurately, “Brown who?” Just like “Ken who? after Bush’s Enron cash source dried up as the result of criminal swindles. Wait until the FEMA Florida scandals break wide open! They’ll be passing out Expedia trips to Brazil and Pakistan like free chewing gum.

woensdag 14 september 2005

September 14, 2005

When he is not making useless and cosmetic trips to New Orleans for photo ops, the President is literally screaming with rage in the West Wing because the media has dared to criticize him, has forced him to fire the worthless head of FEMA (a political friend and supporter) and also because he is very obviously has lost any black voter support and, not unsurprisingly to say, is losing a great deal support from the Christian Right because of the media-fueled condemnations of the total lack of Government response to the Katrina disaster.

Forced to eat crow over Brown, and savagely attacked in what he thought (via Rove) was a docile and controlled media, Bush, who is not rational at best, has been demanding a “whole new ballgame” from his aides, one of whom gave me a memo containing so-called “talking points” for selected staff leaders.

· Since blacks will never support him, they want to find “any means necessary” to exclude them from voting rolls, mainly by passing a Federal law that no one can vote without possessing, and showing, an official photo ID card, be it a driver’s license or a State ID card (which will be made expensive and hard to get)

· Also ex-convicts, called by Rove as “a potential Democrat recruiting base” will be prohibited in voting in any Federal election, now and forever.

· Turn all Federal and state welfare programs over to the private sector.

· Establish a “Volunteer Corps” of professional paramilitary units such as Blackwater Security ( a ripe bunch of chubby, vicious, ex-military and sacked dim-wit and sadistic cops) that will act as “support groups” for State and local agencies in case of further national emergencies. They can rob, loot and pillage and the Army and civilian authorities will not be held esponsible, just like their Presidential-sponsored and protected role in Iraq, where they behaved like drunken SS men in a Jewish ghetto.

· Reinstitute a ‘limited draft’ to restock the badly shopworn and depleted current active military. Recruitment of volunteers for the Iraqi bloodbath has fallen to next to nothing.

· With a new army,launch preemptive strikes against putative “nuclear enemies” of the United States. Top of the list is Iran who dares to defy Bush and is selling huge amounts of their oil to the PRC, one of the Bush people’s most perceived enemies. (The Chinese have warned Bush that they will use nuclear weapons on us if we interfere in any Chinese military action against Taiwan. Bush takes this as a personal insult and threat and when this happens, he demands the denigration and destruction of the source, be it a television commentator, a newspaper or a public figure. Or, to our peril, an aggressive country with nuclear weaponry and the ability to deliver them to the continental U.S.)

Bush is, in my opinion (and the opinion of more than a few here inside the Beltway) a national disaster rivaling Katrina and, in his death throes, will take down as many of whom he perceives as his opponents as he can. At the present time, considering his plummeting polls, (which is causing him daily spastic colon attacks) this will certainly mean most of the United States (except for the Bible Belt freakos and proto-fascists), Chavez, Putin, North Korea and many others.

On a less serious note, someone sent a big box of free toilet paper to the White House recently. Of course the Secret Service X-rayed it to be certain that it was not just another explosive device…(17 this year alone) and guess what? The picture of our Glorious Leader was imprinted on every segment! Naturally, the order came to destroy this and find out who was printing it, for the purpose of punishment. So far, the bumblers can’t figure out who sent it or who had it made and about twenty rolls vanished before they could be officially burnt. No doubt they will be put to good use. The President may not meet his Maker but he certainly will find yesterday’s dinner.

zondag 11 september 2005

September 11, 2005

One of the most hypocritical things I have been witness to here in the Monkey Palace is the way in which Rove and Mehlman have been going after the black vote. Neither of these two creatures like blacks and have both said so on many occasions, equating blacks with the evil rap music, drugs, ghettos, welfare moms and significantly lower IQs.

No one here has, to my knowledge, ever used the dread “nigger” word but there are all kinds of other nasty phrases like “economically and intellectually deprived” used as masking words when the subject of blacks is discussed.

Given the fact that the President does most certainly not like blacks and views them with contempt (although one of his “good friends” at Yale was a black drag queen), this chasing around trying to cinch up the black vote is hilarious.

Rove wants to have a massive, unbeatable Republican voting majority that will keep the GOP in power for decades. They deliberately pandered to the nutty Christian Right and certainly got their vote in the last two elections (although disillusioned defections from that sector are mounting daily) and Rove, looking at the demographics, decided to go after the black vote.

They initially had a very modest success but the recent events in New Orleans has scuttled that barge and sent it to the bottom of the Slough of Despond. To my mind, and from the mail coming into the White House and the GOP’s private polls, the American public, and certainly the black community, saw the total abandonment of the poor blacks of New Orleans in the wake of Katrina by the federal government as obvious, though unspoken, racism.

Also, as I have repeated before, rich developers are lusting after the land the black’s homes are located on. They reason that since blacks are poor, most of them are on the welfare rolls and their homes are little better than African-style sheds and the only thing of value here is the land they sit on. Ergo, get them out of NO, condemn the houses most of which are rental property anyway, and then rebuild NO again but without all the poor blacks.

“It ought to keep the crime rate down,” Rove said recently, and “Let Houston find out about that gang,” another staffer said at lunch on Friday.

There is no chance that the Big Easy will be abandoned. It is too important as a port through which vital oil and Midwest produce flows to turn it into wetlands. Get rid of the undesirables and rebuilt it much better and more efficiently than before and everyone, but the poor blacks, will be prosperous.

I might mention here that Anderson Cooper of CNN is one of the most currently hated persons in the White House. He dared to stir up trouble on the boob tube and they can’t shut him up because he has become very popular and his mother is cubically rich so they can’t threaten him with economic punishment as they do to everyone else that dares to block, or even question, the Rove Machine.

Mehlman has said terrible personal things about Cooper, which, coming from Mehlman, is the height of hypocrisy.

I think there must be something in the water here that brings out the worst in second class types. I know very few active politicians here that are worth a pinch of sour owl shit. Most of them are chronic liars and thieves and there are a large number of perverts among them.

Can this be the true manifestation of The Moral Majority?

GOP? How about ‘Gross Old Pervs?”

If the blacks are smart, and most of the ones I know are not stupid, they will organize political action groups and work for a candidate that does not secretly wear KKK robes to bed.

donderdag 8 september 2005

September 8, 2005

What the scrotum-heads in the power elite (a la C. Wright Mills) are doing now vis a vis New Orleans is this: First, all of the poor blacks (and other unproductive and non-spending individuals) will be forced out of their sodden homes because of ‘health reasons.’ Then, if fires don't level whole poor neighborhoods, FEMA will order these buildings raised to the ground as 'unhealthy" and 'uninhabitable.'

The owners, or residents, will have been dispersed throughout the country but will be duly notified by a proper advert placed in an obscure official New Orleans legal paper that the houses are being torn down and that the owners will be liable for the costs of destruction. Naturally, these people will not read the legal notices and their houses will be smashed flat and the remains put into trucks and used for landfill somewhere else.

Following this, liens will be placed on the property for the costs of tearing down the homes and again, the owners will not be aware of this and will not pay. The vacant lots will then be siezed by the authorities for non-payment and put up for sale. And a cartel, already formed, will purchase these vacant lots for five cents on the dollar and after this, the government will proudly announce that "new, affordable, housing will be built for the citizens of New Orleans."

Bids will be let, contests held for the designing of attractive buildings and much hype will follow with, no doubt, a smirking President telling the world, and potential voters, that he and his people are indeed showing rare compassion and concern for the dispossessed. Of course, 'affordable housing' does not mean cheap housing and the new homes, built out of government (read taxpayer) money will be sold, or leased, through another government agency, to affluent members of the middle class, businesses and others. In one stroke, undesirable welfare blacks will be chased off of valuable lands and the many friends of the current Administration will become further enriched.

As far as the helpless and exploited exportees are concerned, the President will thank, on behalf of the American people, all those wonderful communities who now house and clothe the dispossessed and newly-homeless of New Orleans and, most especially, pay for their food and living out of local, and not Federal, funds.

And of course, the levees will quickly be rebuilt, by Republican-friendly and well-paid contractors, and New Orleans, like the phoenix, will be reborn from the shit-filled mud, commerce will blossom and thanks to FEMA and the President, the Administration will be much richer on a personal basis.

Isn't capitalism wonderful?

And note how the glow of Celestial Approval will beam like rays of sunshine out of the President's raddled fundament.

maandag 5 september 2005

September 5, 2005

Life inside the White House is like being in a zoo at feeding time only in this case, it is the public that is feeding on the animals. There is complete panic here as it is finally being realized that Bush has shot himself, and his friends, in the feet and they are all running around holding round the clock meetings to plan how to further con the American public. I said recently that Bush and his henchmen are racists. They are and now I can see this awful truth emerging in the mainline media. I have said before that this present administration is even more corrupt than the Grant and Harding ones. Neither Grant nor Harding were personally corrupt but in the present case, Bush is worse than his hirelings.

As a case in point, let’s discuss FEMA here. There is no point in giving a background to this organization other than to say: The organization is called FEMA, which stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Originally conceived in the Richard Nixon Administration, it was a product of a Presidential Executive Order, Executive Order Number 12148, and it was refined by President Jimmy Carter and given teeth in the Ronald Reagan and George Bush Administrations.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is under the newly-created Department of Homeland Security and interfaces with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic. Executive Order Number 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and grant the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry.

FEMA has worked on National Security programs since 1979, and its predecessor, the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency, has secretly spent millions of dollars before being merged into FEMA by President Carter in 1979.

FEMA has developed 300 sophisticated mobile units that are capable of sustaining themselves for a month. The vehicles are located in five areas of the United States. They have tremendous communication systems and each contains a generator that would provide power to 120 homes each, but have never been used for disaster relief.

Under emergency plans already in existence, the power exists to suspend the Constitution and turn over the reigns of government to FEMA and appointing military commanders to run state and local governments. FEMA then would have the right to order the detention of anyone whom there is reasonable ground to believe...will engage in, or probably conspire with others to engage in acts of espionage or sabotage. The plan also authorized the establishment of concentration camps for detaining the accused, but no trial.

Now that we have a background on FEMA, who is in full charge of the disaster in the Gulf, let’s look at the man who directs it, Michael Brown., or “Brownie” (no doubt referring to the color of his nose)as the President likes to call him.

From an official puff-piece we read: “Michael D. Brown was nominated by President George W. Bush as the first Under Secretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response in the newly created Department of Homeland Security in January 2003. As the head of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Under Secretary Brown leads federal disaster response and recovery operations and coordinates disaster activities with more than two dozen federal agencies and departments and the American Red Cross. He also oversees the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration, and initiates proactive mitigation activities.

Additionally, Under Secretary Brown helps the Secretary of Homeland Security ensure the effectiveness of emergency responders, and directs the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Integration Center, the National Disaster Medical System and the Nuclear Incident Response Team.

Under Secretary Brown has led Homeland Security’s response to more than 164 presidentially declared disasters and emergencies, including the 2003 Columbia Shuttle disaster and the California wildfires in 2003. In 2004, Mr. Brown led FEMA’s thousands of dedicated disaster workers during the most active hurricane season in over 100 years, as FEMA delivered aid more quickly and more efficiently than ever before.

Previously, Mr. Brown served as FEMA's Deputy Director and the agency's General Counsel. Shortly after the September 11th terrorist attacks, Mr. Brown served on the President's Consequence Management Principal's Committee, which acted as the White House's policy coordination group for the federal domestic response to the attacks. Later, the President asked him to head the Consequence Management Working Group to identify and resolve key issues regarding the federal response plan. In August 2002, President Bush appointed him to the Transition Planning Office for the new Department of Homeland Security, serving as the transition leader for the EP&R Division.

Prior to joining FEMA, Mr. Brown practiced law in Colorado and Oklahoma, where he served as a bar examiner on ethics and professional responsibility for the Oklahoma Supreme Court and as a hearing examiner for the Colorado Supreme Court. He had been appointed as a special prosecutor in police disciplinary matters. While attending law school he was appointed by the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee of the Oklahoma Legislature as the Finance Committee Staff Director, where he oversaw state fiscal issues. His background in state and local government also includes serving as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight and as a city councilman.

Mr. Brown was also an adjunct professor of law for the Oklahoma City University.

A native of Oklahoma, Mr. Brown holds a bachelor's degree in Public Administration/Political Science from Central State University, Oklahoma. He received his J.D. from Oklahoma City University’s School of Law. “

Brown, has never had any experience with crisis management, other than being removed as an executive of the International Arabian Horse Association for, as the numerous lawsuits filed against him state, “for intentional interference with prospective business advantage; 3) defamation; and 4) violation of the Colorado Consumer Products Act.” This ugly business can be found in public records, viz

David C. Boggs vs. IAHA, Michael Brown, Tom Connelly, and Mary Anne Grimmell

Civil Action No. 99-CV-3430, Division 3,District Court, Arapahoe County, State of Colorado October, 1999

When Brown was elevated to high political office by Bush’s order, the press release read:

“From 1991 to 2001, Brown was the Commissioner of the International Arabian Horse Association, an international subsidiary of the national governing organization of the U.S. Olympic Committee.”

IAHA was never connected to the Olympic Committee, but then, the White House never tells the truth either.

Brown joined the Bush administration in February 2001 as General Counsel for FEMA. Shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, he was nominated by Bush to be the deputy director of FEMA and was confirmed in that position by the U.S. Senate on Aug. 1, 2002.

As deputy director, Brown functioned as FEMA's Chief Operating Officer, assisting Director Joe M. Allbaugh, Brown’s college roommate, with oversight of the agency's activities. In particular, Brown served on Bush's Consequence Management Principals Committee, which functioned as the policy coordination group within the White House for the federal government's domestic response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The President later asked him to head the Consequence Management Working Group to identify and resolve key issues regarding the federal response plan. Brown also played a key role in managing FEMA's recovery programs for the victims of the World Trade Center attacks. Brown assisted Allbaugh with the approval of $5.5 billion dollars in federal assistance for New York City and anticipates the total to reach nearly $9 billion.

Brown is a grossly incompetent recipient of naked political patronage, but he is a Bush loyalist, all that matters to the President. To highlight the FEMA director’s total inability to function, a number of incidents arising from the New Orleans disaster need to be highlighted. These are not from secret files but taken directly from mainline media coverage such as the New York Times September 5, 2005:

· The hospital ship, USS Bataan “equipped with six operating rooms, hundreds of hospital beds and the ability to produce 100,000 gallons of fresh water a day” was sitting in the Gulf of Mexico, unoccupied by a single person, by specific order of FEMA director Brown.

· Wal-Mart sent “three trailer trucks of water” to the stricken area but these were deliberately turned away by FEMA officials.

· FEMA workers prevented the U.S. Coast Guard, the only federal agency that effectively saved lives, from delivering 1,000 gallons of badly-needed diesel fuel to hospitals needing it to fuel their emergency generators,

· FEMA workers deliberately cut the emergency communications network in New Orleans, causing local police officials to reinstall it and post armed guards to prevent angry FEMA employees from further attempts to disconnect it.

· FEMA workers deliberately blocked badly-needed aid from other states, including offers from Chicago’s mayor Daley, and the Governor of New Mexico, Richardson.

The opportunities to take a profit from disaster lie in this: FEMA is given huge sums of money by Congress to deal with national emergencies. This money is to be spent at the pleasure of the Director of FEMA and is not to be accounted for. A good investigative reporter, wishing to make a name for himself and his paper, ought to dig, as I have done, into the payment of “Disaster Relief” funds in the aftermath of the Florida hurricanes. It would be interesting to note which companies, run by staunch Republicans and Bush supporters, took in enormous sums of money and, even more interesting, how much of this largess was funneled back into the hands of those who gave it out in the first place.

The results of this investigation would, <>without question<., make even more embarrassment for the Bush people than their flippant and unconcerned behavior during recent days. Great embarrassment indeed. Knowing what I do, New York Attorney General Spitzer would have half of FEMA under investigation but in the end, Bush would never replace Brown. To the President, blind loyalty and financial usefulness is far more important to him than peculations, thefts and moral leprosy.

During the Middle Ages, so-called alchemists labored for decades to transmute lead into gold but with no success. Now, we see the Bush administration completely successful in transmuting blood into gold…and lining their pockets with it.

donderdag 1 september 2005

September 1, 2005

The terrible disaster in New Orleans was not unforeseen. In spite of his too-little too-late bleatings, Bush personally scrapped a multi-million dollar program to strengthen the dikes around that flooded mass of tragedy but took the money for his criminal war in Iraq.

We now see a genuine phenomenon with dozens of American television reporters, on the ground and on the scene in New Orleans and southern Mississippi, turning against both the Administration and the governments of both Louisiana and Mississippi for their utter failure to relieve the terrible suffering of hundreds of thousands of trapped, starving and sick citizens.

I would like to add something to the bubbling pot that might cast a light on the disgusting official breakdown of rescue and support. This afternoon, I was having lunch at the Cosmos Club out on Massachusetts Avenue. A good friend is a member of the posh club (that once was the elegant town home of Sumner Welles), and while at lunch, I was privy to a very vocal conversation at one of the big round center tables in the club dining room.

One man was giving an overview of the situation to a group of his friends. The speaker was an undersecretary of an important department, well-liked by Bush and often in the White House to consult. The others ranged from an academic economist whose writings can be seen in a right wing paper and a number of Washington-based businessmen, all of whom are active and heavy contributors to the Bush White House.

The loud one had obviously had a few drinks at the bar and this is probably why he was not more discreet. The gist of his comments was horrible to contemplate and it sounded like a top Nazi discussing Jews.

It is well known here that the Bush family and many of the top advisers at the White House are racists but instead of detesting Jews, in this case, they all detest blacks. Their rationale, aside from their view of racial superiority, is that blacks are all “welfare queens, unwed mothers and drug dealers.” It was the very firmly stated view of the host that it was better for everyone that New Orleans was under water for the time being.

In that way, we were told (and I was not the only person in the dining room who heard all this), this served to “chase out the niggers” and permit Bush-supporting businessmen from buying up the soon-to-be condemned sodden houses for five cents on the dollar from friendly insurance companies (which one of them was a CEO of) and put up an enlarged and very profitable combination of industrial park and office building section. The money for this would, naturally, come from government grants which a terrified Congress (Mid Term elections are coming) had just voted for and the contracts to demolish the wrecked low-income slums would go, as a no-bid contract, to another stellar Bush supporter.

As for the refugees, our table of proto-fascists all commented on the fact that most of them were on welfare and probably all voted Democratic so they could all be shipped to California or Chicago at the public expense and allowed to occupy less valuable public housing there.

This conversation went on in a similar vein for some time and it was difficult for both myself and my host to refrain from making nasty comments or, for that matter, to enjoy our meal. These people are greedy and purely evil and I am <>positive<> from the overall conversations that Bush is conversant with this attitude and has no intentions of interfering with it.

He had an unparalleled opportunity to revive his sagging opinion polls and make an appearance in New Orleans, naturally with an army of sycophants and eager media, and be seen (in a safe place…probably in Baton Rouge…because the desperate black citizens of New Orleans have taken to shooting at people and Bush is scared to death of violence) holding a small and photogenic black child whilst comforting its mother. Instead, Bush, typically, opted to sail overhead in his luxury Air Force One and having seen the inundated city below, retired to his small but elegant dining room for a nice lunch with some of his top aides.

I should also note here that Bush now has added the Mayor of New Orleans and a half a dozen irate and very articulate news reporters to his hate list because they have <>dared<> to criticize him to a very large audience.

Maybe this time, the Democrats will organize and nail him and his friends to a wall somewhere and then open the flood gates and watch them drown like the rats that they are.

zondag 28 augustus 2005

August 28, 2005

I have spoken several times about the strong possibility of a joint US/Israeli attack on Iran. This has not happened but understand that it has been on the drawing board for some time now waiting for events to “clarify” as the President says. Also being planned is a January, 2006, attack on Syria. This is not because Syria threatens the United States (to the contrary, seeing the destruction and slaughter of civilians the US troops are wreaking daily in their neighbor, they want nothing to do with us. The idea is that Kurdish oil from northern Iraq is wanted to ship, via a pipeline across Syria, to a shipping port in Haifa, Israel. At one stroke, Israel will gain access to cash-rich oil and get rid of a military and political danger on its eastern flanks. They hope the U.S. will do al the dirty work…and especially to suffert he casualties. They are weighing this now at the highest levels. Question: Would the American people put up with another disastrous war? The answer is probably not but Israeli pressure in Washington is awesome.

I have seen, and copied, a list of the US units have been earmarked for the actions against Syria, in the event that they are needed. A significant number of these are:

Army National Guard's 1569th Transportation Company

Army’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne)

Army National Guard's 1st Battalion, 623rd Field Artillery Regiment

Army's 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division

Army National Guard's 2nd Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment

Army's 66th Military Intelligence Company, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

Army’s 3rd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

Army's 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment, 1st Infantry Division

Army's 1st Battalion, 13th Armor Regiment, 1st Armor Division,

Army National Guard's 229th Military Intelligence Company, 29th Separate Infantry Brigade

Army’s 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

Army’s 1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division

Army’s 313th Medical Company, Army National Guard

Army’s 64th Military Police Company, 720th Military Police Battalion, 89th Military Police Brigade

Army’s 125th Forward Support Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division

Army National Guard's 2nd Battalion, 114th Field Artillery Regiment

Army Reserve's 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry

Army’s 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment

Army National Guard's 148th Field Artillery

Army's 129th Corps Support Battalion

Army’s 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division

Army’s 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne)

Army’s 1st Battalion, 41st Field Artillery, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division

Army’s 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment

Army’s 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 42nd Infantry Division

Army’s Army Reserve's 983rd Engineer Battalion

USMC 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force

USMC Headquarters Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force

USMC 3rd Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force

USMC 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, Regimental Combat Team-2, 2nd Marine Division,

II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward)

USMC Marine Forces Reserve’s 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division

USMC 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force

USN SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team One


Also, on a final note, know that the recent “assassinate Chavez” crap from the loony Pat Robertson was a cooked-up deal between Rove and Robertson. Nothing would happen to Brother Pat but it would clearly serve (as it did) to kick the Sheehan woman off the front pages. I hope you notice that previous press comments about Karl Rove, the Fat Eunuch, being put in the spotlight on the Plame business have suddenly, and very quietly, vanished. Rove and his crew of poison dwarves must love the damage down in New Orleans because it was becoming increasingly difficult to use the Aruba business to entertain the general public. Is the media controlled in America? Yes, Virginia, it is and Karl Rove is the very skilful ringmaster.. Some day, if there is a God, the tables will be turned and it will be our turn to take a bullwhip to his flabby big butt.

vrijdag 26 augustus 2005

August 26, 2005

Bush was booed at a Vet’s meeting and there was genuine hostility evident…but of course the media “forgot” to report it. I was not there but a colleague was and he said Bush was livid with rage that anyone had dared to boo him and was heard to ask if somehow military pensions could be terminated! And at home, we have to put up with the manic mouthings of senile and vicious Pat Robertson. A fine soldier he would have made! I have a report that talks about how he ran weeping to his father, a Congressman, when he was on a troopship enroute to Korea and was promptly taken off and sent to a safer place. It’s amazing, looking at the sheep-faced anus, that one can pile shit so high and not have it fall over.

The problem is that Brother Pat does not represent the Christian Right. They are growing more and more disenchanted with Pat and Bush but can do nothing about him because Bush likes him and, in truth, agrees with the idea of offing Chavez.

I have to admit that some of the political planks in the Christian Right’s platform are not unattractive to me personally. They object to a steady diet of filth and sleaze in the flicks and on the boob tube. I personally find much of it disgusting and not even entertaining. Mel Gibson’s Jesus movie was nothing but a homosexual/sadism drama, badly done and in awful taste. I don’t personally approve of censorship but one of the reasons that Hollywood’s summer films are tanking badly at the box office is because a lot of the citizenry are getting fed up with slick, fake and lewd movies and won’t spent $10 a pop to go and take their kids. They won’t even go themselves. Not that I advocate the “Sound of Music” or “Mary Poppins” for one and all but most of the new films outdo each other in ripoffs of what has gone before, tarted up with nipples and foul language. Gas prices are causing spastic colon here.

No one can do anything about it and Bush doesn’t care. He isn’t running again and believe me, he has raked in the loot off the top during his eight years. Like all sleazoids, Bush leaves the mess he personally created for someone else to clear up. “Take the money and run,” is his motto. And remember that they are seriously planning to have a “military action” against Syria in January of 2006. Reason: The Israelis are working with us to secure Syria to permit an oil pipeline to run through conquered Syria from the Kurdish area of northern Iraq, pumping oil to Israel where a pumping station (for US oil tankers) will be set up near Haifa. In this way both of our forward-thinking, liberty-loving democracies will make lots of money, get more oil and get rid of the Syrians whom Sharon hates.

zondag 21 augustus 2005

August 21, 2005

Aside from the growing catastrophe in Iraq, we are now sinking deeply into a disastrous economic swamp as far as oil is concerned. The world-wide depletion of oil reserves, the failure of the U.S. to get effective control of the huge Iraqi reserves, the growing need for oil in the rest of the world, especially China, Bush’s bullying and threatening attitude towards once-friendly oil producers and worst of all, the dawning realization on the part of Muslim Fundamentalist terrorists that the U.S. is growing every more dependant on oil to prevent serious public eruptions makes refineries, tankers, pipelines etc very tempting and easily attacked targets. Here is some information about our current stocks of oil held by the Government and under the direct control of the President:

· The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is the world's largest supply of emergency crude oil. The federally-owned oil stocks are stored in huge underground salt caverns along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico.

· Decisions to withdraw crude oil from the SPR are made by the President under the authorities of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. In the event of an energy emergency, SPR oil would be distributed by competitive sale. Although the SPR has been used for emergency purposes only once (during Operation Desert Storm in 1991), its formidable size (more than 600 million barrels) makes it a significant deterrent to oil import cutoffs and a key tool of foreign policy.

· Today, the SPR has the capacity to hold 727 million barrels. It is the largest emergency oil stockpile in the world. Together, the facilities and crude oil represent a more than $21 billion investment in energy security ($4 billion for facilities and $17 billion for crude oil).

· On November 13, 2001, President George W. Bush ordered the SPR to be filled to approximately 700 million barrels by continuing to use the Royalty-in-Kind program carried out jointly between the Department of Energy and the Department of the Interior. The royalty-in-kind program applies to oil owed to the U.S. government by producers who operate leases on the federally-owned Outer Continental Shelf. These producers are required to provide from 12.5 percent to 16.7 percent of the oil they produce to the U.S. government. The government can either acquire the oil itself or receive the equivalent dollar value

· Strategic Petroleum Reserve Inventory for August 11, 2005
Current Inventory
Sweet 284.6 million bbls
Sour 414.9 million bbls
Total 699.5 million bbls
Royalty-in-Kind to be Delivered 1.3 million bbls

While none of this is secret, it is also not generally known to the public. The price of oil to the United States is sharply escalating, partially because of the natural trends of the marketplace but also because of the aura of fear and hatred that Bush has deliberately fostered. He does not understand that if we were not so tied up militarily in Iraq, we would have plenty of troops available to enforce our acquisition of desperately needed oil. Try as he and his supporters may, the resistance in Iraq is far too effective and far too strong to permit U.S. exploitation of the huge Iraqi reserves (one of the main reasons for the war) and we could not invade Venezuela, also a strong desire on Bush’s part, because, frankly we do not have the troops. Bush doesn’t care what the UN or the rest of the world would say about such naked and greedy aggression but the vital troops are not there.

In point of fact, governors of mainly Republican states are wailing that Bush has stripped their State National Guards of warm bodies so that in the anticipated civil disturbances (skyrocketing oil, diesel fuel and heating oil prices followed by problems with truckers delivering food and supplies throughout the country because of exorbitant fuel prices) appearing on the horizon, there won’t be any force to deal with them except local police and, maybe, a mobilized fascistic Republican storm troopers made up of right wing nuts. Bush cannot recall troops now, as necessity dictates, because we are literally on the ropes in Iraq and Bush’s weak personality precludes him from taking even one step backwards. He feels, his aides have said repeatedly, that this would make him look “weak” (which he is) and this he will never permit.

All reputable foreign oil industry sources state that oil will certainly go as high as $100 a barrel but even if it does and riots ensue here as outraged citizens can no longer drive to work, to school, to shop, Bush has said categorically that he will never, never release a drop of the oil in the reserves. The military have put a stop to this saying that any future military action plans against Iran or North Korea, now in the works, would be useless without oil reserves to draw upon.

vrijdag 19 augustus 2005

August 19, 2005

The oil situation is rapidly reaching critical mass. Bush’s arrogance and bullying tactics coupled with the disruption of Iraqi production added to the diminishing supply of oil is leading to a catastrophe here. Gas is shooting up at the pumps and although there are vast amounts of oil readily available in the Strategic Reserve, none of this will be released because the Bush people figure they can sell it for money which will help them out when they retire. Couple this with a growing resistance to the U.S. shouted demands to the rest of the world to obey it’s dictums or else, everyone now realizes that we are a paper tiger and cannot just assault Venezuela as we would love to do.

China and Russia are essentially rearming because they are afraid that an irrational Bush, losing power every day, might just launch some kind of an attack on them to divert the rest of the public from their growing, and serious, economic woes. Even the fanatic Republicans are getting nervous at what they elected and many, many members of Congress are beginning to hold private meetings, Republicans especially, to see how to distance themselves from Bush’s suicidal behavior without incurring his Imperial and spiteful wrath. That some kind of a revolt is looming in Congress is beyond a doubt but no one here has any idea of when or how.

maandag 15 augustus 2005

August 15, 2005

There is a great flap in the Rove quarter here inside the Monkey Palace. While the Imperial President is taking a long vacation from his serious duties in Texas, Rove and his evil dwarves are doing their very best to trash Cindy Sheehan , the mother who lost a son in Iraq and whom the thoroughly arrogant and stupid President will not talk to. The ongoing plan is to get Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Couilter and Drudge and his pin headed friends to trash her. Rove calls this the “Grass-Roots Response” task force and orders have been issued to the Friends in the Media to go ahead. Faked interviews with obscure White House staffers disguised as grieving parents of the recently killed in Iraq have been going on in the basement for a week now and I happened to blunder into one. If it wasn’t so sick, it would be funny. This is just like something out of ‘Wag the Dog’ but in the case of Rove, it would be ‘Grease the Pig.’ Then these faked sound bites are sent off to paid media employees at the various networks: CNN, FOX, NBC and others to be played on prime time as “growing public outrage” at the “lies and self-seeking” efforts on the part of Ms. Sheehan and a “gang of left-wing Bush haters” and “anti-military left-wingers.”

I have seen one of the scripts that O’Reilly is supposed to read, and will read, believe me, and it reads like something Dr. Goebbels would have trouble with it’s so fake. Rumor around here has it (Bush is not here but his any friends are) is that he was ranting around his very bad taste “ranch house” that he wanted “that goddam bitch” arrested but since the media is now involved, the sight of Secret Service goons dragging off a Gold Star mother in front of the cameras is too much for anyone else (but Bush and Rove) to take. The Rove people, via the FBI, have been dredging the files looking for something…anything…bad to use against her. The slobbering Drudge would be given reports of jay walking, overdue library books, bad school grades or whatever these perverts can dig up. Well, to those of you fools who voted for him, George W. Bush is your man, not ours and you are stuck with him. You can wear the little flags or the crosses in your lapel but you still stink and shine like a dead mackerel in the moonlight.