Well, here goes at least one interesting story for you and your friends. One of my contacts inside the White House, a nice young lady (don’t laugh..they exist) who has been dating a man in one of the security agencies (CIA, FBI or Secret Service…take your choice here) went on a date with him last weekend (May 22-23). Both had a “few drinks” and went to his apartment. He was trying to impress her (among other things) and told her the following: This Berg kid was not killed and decapitated by Arabs. He was killed by CIA interrogators and decapitated after he was dead, for propaganda purposes. The FBI had their hands on him but could get nothing out of him so the Company boys took over, played too rough and killed him. Then they contacted headquarters and decided on a grisly charade. They put makeup on him (his face was all banged up) and faked a beheading. When you cut someone’s throat, there is a terrible amount of blood squirting out all over the place. Not so in the Berg video. And after they cut off his head, they buried it out in the desert because if anyone ever found it attached to his body, they would know how he died and no one wanted to autopsy the skull and remove the American-made slug from his brain. The headless body was tossed out in southern Iraq and left to bloat for a while and then “discovered” and sent home. This is typical CIA business…killing people that is. Anyway, the informant was crying because she thinks that because she has knowledge, she will be snuffed too. She probably would have the usual heart attack if she blabbed so I have to be careful about any identifying info. Do I believe this? Given all the scuttlebutt floating around the Beltway, I surely do.
Bush sees the ground slipping out from under his flat feet and he and his boys will do anything to stay in power, even to cutting off the head of a corpse and making a circus out of it on the media. Another bit I picked up from my conscience-stricken informant is that there is now more anti aircraft equipment on the roof of the White House, and two other nearby buildings, than there ever was on the battleship Iowa. The security people here are really frightened that someone, Arab or local, will do A Bad Thing, possibly crashing a truck full of nitro into the barriers or a plane into the West Wing. I think personally that since very few of these people really like Bush, they are afraid they might be in the way if and when. Note here: It is strictly forbidden under penalty to even hint at the large and apparently serious death threats coming in against not only the President but Cheney and Rumsfeld as well. And I mean a strict prohibition! Parenthetically, I discussed this with my editor and he told me to shut up on the subject. He doesn’t want a heart attack and neither would our CEO…
Bush sees the ground slipping out from under his flat feet and he and his boys will do anything to stay in power, even to cutting off the head of a corpse and making a circus out of it on the media. Another bit I picked up from my conscience-stricken informant is that there is now more anti aircraft equipment on the roof of the White House, and two other nearby buildings, than there ever was on the battleship Iowa. The security people here are really frightened that someone, Arab or local, will do A Bad Thing, possibly crashing a truck full of nitro into the barriers or a plane into the West Wing. I think personally that since very few of these people really like Bush, they are afraid they might be in the way if and when. Note here: It is strictly forbidden under penalty to even hint at the large and apparently serious death threats coming in against not only the President but Cheney and Rumsfeld as well. And I mean a strict prohibition! Parenthetically, I discussed this with my editor and he told me to shut up on the subject. He doesn’t want a heart attack and neither would our CEO…